Practical File: Bharati Vidyapeeth'S Institute of Computer Applications & Management
Practical File: Bharati Vidyapeeth'S Institute of Computer Applications & Management
Practical File: Bharati Vidyapeeth'S Institute of Computer Applications & Management
Twitter is on online news and social networking site where people communicate in short
messages called tweets. Tweeting is sending short messages to anyone who follows
you on Twitter, with the hope that your messages are useful and interesting to someone
in your audience. Another description of Twitter and tweeting might be microblogging.
Twitter is known as a micro-blogging site. Blogging has been around for some time.
Usually blogging consists of people setting up basic websites where they write about
whatever they want, whether it be politics, sport, cooking, fashion etc. Posting a
message is known as a tweet. People make connections by following other people’s
twitter feeds. Once you click follow, anything that person or organization says will
appear on your timeline. You can tweet a person by putting the @ symbol before
their username.
Some people also use Twitter to discover interesting people and companies online and
to follow their tweets for as long as they are interesting.
Problem Statement:
This project gives detail about how a customer interacts with an e commerce site.A customer
needs to create an account to shop online. A customer can place items in the shopping cart and
wish-list and can avail the facility of ordering the items. User can view/search products by
category. User can add/remove items in cart. User can view his orders. Every order has one or
more products. Each order has a generated invoice which is paid by some payment method. Each
order has its specific shipment details.