Phys0030 Lab4
Phys0030 Lab4
Phys0030 Lab4
The object of this experiment is to investigate the conservation of linear momentum and
the conservation of kinetic energy in elastic collisions. We will study collisions between
two air track gliders.
Velocity measurements are used to study a complicated mechanical event: the collision of
two bodies and its effect on their motion. Motions are restricted to a single straight line,
and forces other than those of mutual interaction are minimized by the use of the air
track. The object is to observe transformations of momentum and energy under various
conditions of collision.
Young and Freedman, University Physics, 11th Ed. with Modern Physics, Chapter 8;
(1) If no forces act on the system other than the ones that the parts of the system exert on
each other, the system's total momentum remains constant and the total energy of the
system remains constant (conservation of total momentum and energy for isolated
system); this is true for both conservative and non-conservative forces.
(2) If the forces acting between parts of the system are entirely conservative, both the
mechanical energy (kinetic plus potential) and the internal energy (heat and chemical
forms) of the system remain constant. Principle (1) implies that if the internal forces
are non-conservative, the changes in mechanical and internal energy will be equal in
magnitude and opposite in sign (i.e. the increase in internal energy will equal the
decrease in the mechanical energy). Momentum and total energy are conserved for
both conservative and non-conservative forces.
The different possibilities to which the principles apply are designated by names given to
different types of collisions:
An elastic collision is one in which the internal forces are conservative, so that both
mechanical and internal energy separately stay constant throughout the collision;
m1v1 + m2 v2 = m1v1′ + m2 v2′
1 1 1 1
m1 v12 + m 2 v 22 = m1 (v1′ ) 2 + m 2 (v 2′ ) 2
2 2 2 2
In these equations, the left side refers to any time before the collision of bodies 1 and 2,
and the right side refers to any time after the collision. Once the system is defined for 1-
dimensional motion, all velocities in one designated direction are positive numbers in the
equations, and all in the reverse direction are negative numbers. The signs of the
velocities are essential in Eq.(1), a vector equation. In Eq.(2), where only the squares of
the velocities occur, the vector direction no longer enters -- the energy is a scalar, not a
vector quantity.
The low friction air track is the same as has previously been used. In order to observe
collisions between unequal as well as equal masses, three gliders are needed - two of
about the same mass, and one of a different mass. You are to measure glider masses at
the start, and use the same gliders throughout the experiment without changing their
Elastic collision of the gliders is achieved by setting them on the track with elastic
bumpers facing one another.
Inelastic collisions are arranged by modifying the facing ends of the gliders with a pin
and putty attachments.
The photoelectric timer as used here is operated in gate mode; it reads in milliseconds
(thousandths of a second) the time during which the light beam is interrupted, from which
the glider's speed in passing the beam can be directly calculated. For this experiment,
each glider has been fitted with a precise 10 cm aluminum mask, painted black, and it is
this mask, rather than the body of the glider, that interrupts the light beam. Thus the
velocity of any of the gliders is l = 10 cm divided by the reading of the traversal time.
(No correction for acceleration is needed; gliders move with constant velocity both before
and after the collision. The Procedure provides for checking and ensuring this.)
Two photocell bridges, one on each side of the collision area, are used (Fig. 1). Each is
connected to its own timer. Thus each timer, operating in the gate mode, starts when the
light of its own photocell is interrupted and stops when the light is resumed. If the timer
is not reset between two interruptions, the time interval of the second interruption (after
collision) is added on to that of the previous interruption (before collision). The
photobridges should be placed so that you can note the first reading before the number is
changed by a second passage. You should not reset during the collision -- you could miss
counts by trying to reset. Practice a bit to be sure you can do the readings as required.
Alternatively the Pasco ME-9215A timers have a memory feature that can be used to
store a second glider transit time. To use this memory feature set the toggle switch to
MEMORY ON, a red light should go on. Press RESET. Make the two measurements.
The timer will display the first measurement. Record this. Press switch to READ to get
the TOTAL of the first and second measurement. Subtract the first measurement from the
total to get the second measurement. Note a nice summary of the Pasco ME-9215A
photogate timer operating instructions appears on the bottom of each unit.
First weigh the two gliders and record the weights. Weights should be measured on
gliders complete with masks and whatever trimming weights have been added -
no changing of masses is called for here.
Since we want the collisions to happen in the absence of all external forces, it is
important that the track be perfectly horizontal and as frictionless as practical. To check
the condition of your track send one glider to your right and note the time it takes to cross
each of two photocells placed one meter apart (and operated in gate mode). The
difference between the two times divided by the time it took to cross the first photocell
will give you the fraction of the momentum lost due to friction and gained (or lost)
because of gravity.
Repeat, the above procedure, this time sending the glider to your left. Check for
consistency by again sending it to the right and then left. Before making any adjustments
in the air track level, see the Supplementary Procedure Section below.
There is always a small amount of friction, which will lead to some time increase in the
“downstream'' counter. The important points are that the increases should be small, and
especially that the percentage increase in a downstream counter be the same, for all
practical purposes, whether you are looking at left-to-right, or right-to-left motion.
To eliminate the effect of gravity, you may need to adjust the track level in small (e.g.
quarter-turn) increments using the single large screw at one end of the track. Do not
touch any other adjustment screws. Note that there may be washers to fix the position of
the track on the table. Stay at that position, since the air track, observed over a long
period, has been adjusted to be much more level than the table itself. You should be able
to adjust the track so that the loss in velocity is no greater than two-percent, and the same
(essentially) in either direction. Readjust as necessary during the course of the
The Various possible collisions, such as a heavy and a light weight glider meeting head
on, a heavy hitting a light at rest, a light hitting a light at rest, all with “springy'' bumpers
(elastic), and a heavy hitting a light at rest with pin and putty bumpers (inelastic) are
detailed in the Data section. More details about the Procedure, especially about achieving
elastic and inelastic interactions, are given below:
Special leveling methods have been used to correct an assembly error made on several air
tracks. Because of the error, the base of the track is no longer necessarily horizontal in the
transverse direction when the triangular air tube (the traveling surface for gliders) is
The tubes have been leveled transversely; do not pay attention to obvious skewness in the
crossbeam and I-beam of the tracks. Do make adjustments (as you find it necessary as
described above) to the single leveling screw that levels the track along the direction of
the glider motion.
B. Special Collision Hardware on the Gliders
Each glider in this experiment has been fitted with light plastic hardware in such a way
that the glider mass remains balanced and constant whether it is used in elastic or
inelastic collisions.
Inelastic bumpers (sticky bumpers) have pin and putty attachments mounted on them;
when two gliders collide with these bumpers mounted, they stick together, making a
perfectly inelastic collision.
Remove a glider completely from the track in order to fit or remove the inelastic
It is highly recommended that all the elastic collisions called for be done in series,
followed by inelastic collisions. This minimizes the time spent in refitting bumpers at the
ends of the gliders.
D. Glider Masses
Weigh each glider with bumpers on, and the ten-centimeter mask mounted.
1. Check that track is level in the direction parallel to the direction of motion as
described in Procedure section, by comparing traversal times through photogates for a
glider moving in each direction. When the level adjustment is complete, record the
Glider Moving to Right t1 = … , t 2 = … , Glider Moving to Left t1 = … , t 2 = …
, to show that the track is level within acceptable limits as described above.
Repeat this to check the level, between collisions, and adjust the level if necessary.
2. Mass Data
3. Collision Data
The kinds of collisions to be studied are listed below, with the necessary data indicated.
The arrows in column 2 show the initial direction of motion. Be sure to include the
arrows in your data for the motion both before each collision and after it.
Three are elastic collisions, one is inelastic. You are welcome to try other combinations if
you like – think Mercedes vs. Volkswagen!
No. Initial Sticky Bumpers Initial (Before After Collision After Collision
Direction1 Collision) Timer Traversal Times
Traversal Times Readings2
t1 t2 T1 T2 t1′ t 2′
1 H →← L Off (Elastic)
2 H → ⋅L Off
3 L → ⋅L Off
4 H → ⋅L On (Inelastic)
“.” means body initially at rest.
Do not attempt to reset timer immediately after collision; record T1 and T2 , the
sums of the two traversals and calculate the after-collision traversal times t1′ = T1 − t1 and
t1′ = T2 −t 2 .
For each collision, calculate the vector momentum of each body before and after the
collision, and the total initial momentum and final momentum of the two-body system.
Do this for each of the three sets of data you have taken for each type of collision and for
each set calculate the percent difference between initial and final momentum.
Do the same for the kinetic energy, except that you need to do this only for the data in
each type of collision which shows the smallest difference between initial and final
There may be large experimental uncertainties, especially where the initial vector
momentum is close to zero. Rather than carry out a detailed uncertainty calculation, you
can get an approximate idea of the uncertainties from the variation in difference in
momentum among the three values you have obtained for each type of collision.
Discuss your results for momentum and kinetic energy. Keep in mind that we expect
momentum to be conserved in every collision, while kinetic energy is conserved for
elastic and not for inelastic collisions. Your discussion should include estimates of
uncertainties, as indicated by the spread in your repeated (3) measurements of each type
of collision, and the effects of residual friction and gravity as determined in DATA Pt.I.