In Re Will of Jose Flores
In Re Will of Jose Flores
In Re Will of Jose Flores
On January 13, 1974, Dr. Mariano M. Lazatin diamond intestate in Pasay City, survived by his wife,
Margarita de Asis, and his adopted twin daughters, respondent Nora L. de Leon, married to respondent
Bernardo de Leon, and respondent Irma Lazatin, married to Francisco Veloso.
One month after Mariano's death, his widow, Margarita de Asis, commenced an intestate proceeding
before the Court of First Instance of Pasay, docketed as Sp. Proc. No. 2326-P. Mariano, Oscar, Virgilio
and Yvonne, claiming to be admitted illegitimate (not natural) children of Dr. Lazatin with one Helen
Munoz, intervened. Subsequently, one Lily Lazatin also intervened, claiming to be another admitted
illegitimate (not natural) child.
Two months after or on April 11, 1974, the widow, Margarita de Asis, also died, leaving a & holographic
will executed on May 29, 1970, providing, among others, for a legacy of cash, jewelry, and stocks to
respondent Arlene de Leon, a granddaughter; a legacy of support to Rodolfo Gallardo, a son of her late
sister; and a legacy of education to Ramon Sta. Clara, son of petitioner Renato Lazatin alias Renato
Sta. Clara.
On August 20, 1975, petitioner Renato to Lazatin alias Renato Sta. Clara filed a motion to intervene in
the estate of Margarita de Asis, Sp. Proc. No. 2341-P, as an adopted child, on the basis of an affidavit
executed by Benjamin Lazatin, brother of the deceased Dr. Mariano M. Lazatin, the petitioner was an
"illegitimate son" of Dr. Lazatin and was later adopted by him. This affidavit was later modified on August
19, 1975 to state that petitioner was adopted by both Mariano M. Lazatin and his wife Margarita de Asis.
Petitioner then filed on March 16, 1976, in both cases, a motion to declare as established the fact of
adoption in view of respondent Nora L. de Leon's refusal to comply with the orders of respondent court
to deposit the items she had removed from the safety deposit box of Margarita de Asis.
Adoption is a juridical act, a proceeding in rem 2 which creates between two persons a relationship
similar to that which results from legitimate paternity and filiation. 3 Only an adoption made through the
court, or in pursuance with the procedure laid down under Rule 99 of the Rules of Court is valid in this
jurisdiction. 4 It is not of natural law at all, but is wholly and entirely artificial. 5 To establish the relation,
the statutory requirements must be strictly carried out, otherwise, the adoption is an absolute
nullity. 6 The fact of adoption is never presumed, but must be affirmatively proved by the person claiming
its existence. The destruction by fire of a public building in which the adoption papers would have been
filed if existent does not give rise to a presumption of adoption nor is the destruction of the records of
an adoption proceeding to be presumed. On the contrary, the absence of a record of adoption has been
said to evolve a presumption of its non-existence. 7 Where, under the provisions of the statute, an
adoption is effected by a court order, the records of such court constitute the evidence by which such
adoption may be established. 8
The absence of proof of such order of adoption by the court, as provided by the statute, cannot be
substituted by parol evidence that a child has lived with a person, not his parent, and has been treated
as a child to establish such adoption. 9 Even evidence of declaration of the deceased, made in his
lifetime, that he intended to adopt a child as his heir, and that he had adopted him, and of the fact that
the child resided with the deceased, as a member of his family, from infancy until he attained his majority,
is not sufficient to establish the fact of adoption.10 Nor does the fact that the deceased spouses fed,
clothed, educated, recognized and referred to one like petitioner as an adopted child, recognized and
referred to one like petitioner as an adopted child, necessarily establish adoption of the child. 11 Withal,
the attempts of petitioner to prove his adoption by acts and declarations of the deceased do not
discharge the mandatory presentation of the judicial decree of adoption. The thrust of petitioner's
evidence is rather to establish his status as an admitted illegitimate child, not an adopted child which
status of an admitted illegitimate child was — the very basis of his petitioner for intervention in the estate
proceedings of the late Dr. Lazatin, as above stated. (Supra, at page 3 hereof)
The declaration of heirship and for probate of the alleged holographic the deceased Margarita de Asis
Vda. de Lazatin, pet who has failed to establish his status as an alleged ;m child of Margarita de Asis
(unless, as reserved to him by the court below, he can show some documentary proof),and whose
intervention in the estate of the deceased Dr. Mariano Lazatin is as an admitted illegitimate child.