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Curriculum-Planning-Tool hs-2

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   Name: __Zoe_________ C UR R IC UL UM PL A NNI NG TOOL

Unit Big Idea: Exploring Social Issues Through Contemporary, Public, and Conceptual Art Grade Level: 11-12th National Visual Art Goals:

VA:Cr2.3.IIIa – Investigate -Demonstrate in works of art or design how visual and material culture defines, shapes, enhances,
inhibits, and/or empowers people's lives.
VA:Cr1.1.IIIa – Investigate, Plan, Make - Visualize and hypothesize to generate plans for ideas and directions for creating art
and design that can affect social change.
VA:Cn11.1.IIIa – Connecting: Appraise the impact of an artist or a group of artists on the beliefs, values, and behaviors of a society.
VA:Re8.1.IIIa – Analyze - Analyze differing interpretations of an artwork or collection of works in order to select and defend a plausible critical
VA :Re9.1.IIIa - Construct evaluations of a work of art or collection of works based on differing sets of criteria.
VA:Pr6.1.IIIa – Share - Curate a collection of objects, artifacts, or artwork to impact the viewer’s understanding of social, cultural, and/or
political experiences.
VA:Pr4.1.IIIa – Select - Critique, justify, and present choices in the process of analyzing, selecting, curating, and presenting artwork for a
specific exhibit or event.
VA:Cr3.1.IIIa – Reflect, Refine, Continue - Reflect on, re- engage, revise, and refine works of art or design considering relevant traditional and
contemporary criteria as well as personal artistic vision.

“Art can transform people’s perceptions about value, and collective art forms can reframe predominant ideologies.” Mary Mattingly
Students will analyze and respond to contemporary and public artworks
Students will develop sophisticated critical thinking and research skills to inform their artmaking
Students will consider the role of the viewer and how they affect the making
Students will learn to use art as a tool for social change
Students will explore different methods to convey meaning
Students will organize and work collaboratively to execute an art show displaying their work
Students will learn to view contemporary society through a critical lens in order to formulate ideas and commentary
Students will be exposed to a wide range of mediums and artists

Historical/MC &
Title of Key Concepts Dialogue/Concept Contemporary Media/Process Reading, writing, Closure/
Lesson & Important s Art Exemplars [materials, techniques; and talking about Assessment
Expected concepts [Essential [artworks, step by step] art [how you will wrap it
Result[s] addressed on Questions you books, [list up and how you will
[& Length of big idea will ask; points of interviews, You need to write out instances/activitie grade the lesson’s
Time to discussion; what videos, visitors] 5 days for each week. s that are results]
Completion] they are learning] synthesized into *Make a rubric for
the lesson, not each final project.

Curriculum Planning Tool­ Page 1 of 8
Intro to How does the -How/Why can art Students will be

Week 1
(Everyday materials: Day 1: In their
course & work we be a tool for Day 2: Intro to graded on:
beginning of create affect social change? public art paper/sketchbook, brainstorming,
public art other people? Guerilla Girls pen, computer) students will Participation in:
project - What problems come up with a -class discussion of
How can we do artists face Day 1: Students will social issues
use art to when tackling brainstorm social list of social -class discussion of
make a tough issues? issues they public artists
Week 1 of 2 statement? issues they believe
believe exists in
-What are the exist in our society Submission of a
What issues motivating forces our society. We sketch/idea for their
50 min (alone or in partners)
arise in behind creating a will then discuss project – including
creating art piece of public these and artists the media they will
for social art? Banksy be working in
Barbara Kruger Day 2: After the
change? that use their art
project introduction, as activism
Important to
How is the address topics of students will begin (presentation
making of social change – researching ideas and
artwork we promote artists will be a
affected by the inclusion, and are inspiration. Pick a compilation of all
intended respectful of social issue to
viewer beliefs https://art21.org/watch/ex seen in examples
tended­play/barbara­ address by the end of
kruger­part­of­the­ for each project)
How can we In this project discourse­short/  class and turn it in. Should bring up at
create art that you will create least all of the
promotes the artwork(s) that
inclusion of all explores a social Day 3: students will following broader
human beings? issue meant to be issues:
displayed work on developing
somewhere their idea and  sexism
Art as within the public
propaganda choosing a medium to  classism
- You will learn work in (digital,  climate
how to make change/pollution
artwork that painting, drawing).
provokes a  War
reaction by the  Racism
public Day 4: (paint, drawing
 Homophobia
- you will learn mediums if needed)
what the public  Education
sphere is and Students will start  Terrorism
how it functions working on their final
- you will learn  Immigration
how art can be project. They will be  Homelessness
effective outside asked to consider
of museums  Police brutality
where it will be Talk about how
Should have a displayed. (Will there students should
graphic design be multiples? Who do talk about and
quality – they do
not need to be you want to view your address social
created on work?) issues – being
computer, but if
painted or drawn careful to not
they should have Day 5: (paint, drawing misinterpret the
sharp, clean lines
that have a mediums if needed) core of the issue
poster-like look Students will continue and represent it in
working on project. an honest way
Meet with each
Day 2: Students
student individually to
will sit through
discuss and make
presentation of
sure they are on the Curriculum Planning Tool­ Page 2 of 8
Public art What is the https://art21.org/watch/ex (Everyday materials: Students will be

Week 2
Day 1: watch and
project purpose of What happens paper/sketchbook, graded on:
your work? kruger­part­of­the­ pen, computer) discuss Barbara
when we put our discourse­short/ 
Week 2 of 2 How is it work on display? Kruger video – ask
meant to be Class participation
Guerilla girls – Day 1: (paint, drawing students why they – effort put into
read by the
50 min public? What How can we mediums if needed) think we watched it work time, staying
happens if it is make our Open class with and how it relates on task
misinterpreted message clear or Barbara Kruger video.
intentionally Discuss for roughly 5- to what they are
? Ability to
ambiguous? 8 minutes. Students making. – make
effectively address
What happens will work on project sure to go over her social issue within
when we put Will you leave for the remainder of specific inclusion of their final work
our work on room for class.
interpretation in the viewer
your work? Project reflection
Day 2: (paint, drawing
Using symbols mediums if needed) Day 2: Show
and visual Students will spend Guerilla Girls
cues to convey class time working on images at
idea project. Assist when
needed. beginning of class Project
and briefly talk requirements:
Day 3: (paint, drawing about their social
mediums if needed) impact Overall
Hold silent critique for design/aesthetic
portion of class.
Students may work in Day 3: Silent
Clever take on
remaining time. critique – students social issue
will rotate
Day 4: (paint, drawing (eventually visiting Thoughtful
mediums if needed) 3 works of art) and consideration of
Students will get the write down their the “public” as
whole class period to viewer
work on project. initial reaction,
Check in and ask areas of interest,
students where they -graphic design
and what they think quality
intend to display their
work. could be improved.
Collect to record
Day 5: (paint, drawing participation and
mediums if needed) pass back to
Final project due at students.
the end of class
period. Students
should spend class Day 5: students will
time working or be given a
reflecting on the reflection to
project. The project
reflection will be due complete
the next class. -how do you feel the
work you created
will affect its
-did your work turn
out the way you
intended? Why or
why not?
-what did you learn
about the social
issue you
Curriculum Planning Tool­ Page 3 of 8
Individual What are the Students will be Diego Rivera, (Everyday materials: Day 1: Students Students are graded

Week 3
murals purposes of able to choose an Destroyed by paper/sketchbook, will be on:
murals? area in the school pen, computer) encouraged to
Week 1 of 2 .5 to create a mural engage in Participation in
How can you – a classroom, Day 1: Go over mural discussion upon class
convey hallway, window presentation showing going through the discussion/critique
50 min meaning well, etc. (all variety of mural artists, presentation.
spaces concepts, and styles.
through visual Students will be asked One final sketch of
cues? Will your preapproved by Rockefellers Day 4: Class
teachers/school) Kerry James to pick a location in the their design
message be school where they want critique – each
more abstract Depending on Marshall – student presents
location, they will Chicago Cultural to complete a mural.
or obvious? They must decide their location, Completion of daily
address an issue design, and the checklists
– if it is in a location by end of class
period. Once they have elements they are
classroom decided, they should incorporating.
collaborate with Turning in progress
start sketching out Each student is pictures at the end
teacher on social potential designs either encouraged to
issue in field. of the week – 1 for
by hand or on the share at least one each day they have
Choose any issue computer. time during class
if in general worked
as part of their
school area. Center Mural participation
Day 2: Students will grade. Completion of
Elements of (not a mural, but continue working on weekly reflection –
mural: the concept is clearly given
their designs (meet with thought and
-narrative them individually to productive planning
-stylization ensure they are on right
-color blocking track).
-creative use of relevant) Day 3: Continue visiting
space with students regarding
-dynamic layout
-symbolism A Peoples their designs. Remind
Progression them of the elements of
How does your Toward murals they should be
mural design Equality
connect with the selectively
space it is in? incorporating. They will
then develop their plan –
Is it meant to what they want to
beautify a space,
tell a story, or accomplish when. (This
convey a will be turned into the
message? Gateway to checklists they will
complete after every
work day) – Due end of
Day 5

Day 4: Students will

engage in critique with
Pride and peers – present design
Progress and get feedback

Day 5: (paint supplies –

paints, brushes, buckets,
towels, tape, projector if
needed) Designs should
be completed by the end
of class. Students should
gather materials and
Curriculum Planning Tool­ Page 4 of 8
Individual Executing a Students will Day 1: Everyday -painting Day 1: watch Students will be

Week 4
murals mural learn to work https://www.yout supplies Philadelphia mural graded on:
through their ube.com/watch? Day 1: (chalk) Meet video to inspire
Week 2 of 2.5 Working on a detailed plan and v=qu7cen0VOAA with students at students before Their progress
schedule and adjust as the beginning of class. they start throughout the week
adapting to days go by. They Have the Explain process. painting. Go over -checklists
50 min situations will develop skills following Students will begin process of
for working large painting – -progress pictures
scale and
images/artists working in their students should
Large-scale available as individual locations. End of week
layering paint. references for map out design,
painting They should get their lay out reflection
students design mapped out on -thoughful, honest
Murals often have background color,
wall with chalk by the and work towards responses
a given time Os Gemeos end of the period. Try
frame to be the foreground
to visit each student until mapping out
completed – within class period.
students will details – to give
learn to work Students turn in them an idea of
quickly completed checklist how to approach
and take progress actually painting it
picture. Clean up.
How are murals
effective in public Checklists
spaces? What Day 2: Students everyday to mark
can they do for should start painting progress
communities? and block out
background colors in Day 5: End of week
How do you work time. Take reflection
imagine your progress picture. -is the execution
mural inspiring Clean up.Turn in of your mural
its viewers? Eduardo Korbas checklist. going as
Keith Haring expected? Why or
Does your work why not?
Day 3: Students -are there any
transform the should get majority of
space it’s in? areas you may
mural space covered change now that
in paint by end of you have started
class. Take progress painting?
picture and turn in -do you think you
checklist. Visit half of will finish on time?
students during Why or why not?
period if possible. -where are you
Clean up. struggling? Why?
-do you think your
message will be
Day 4: Meet with evident in the final
students at beginning piece?
for short discussion
on where everyone is
at – ask about
obstacles and
concerns. Students
should have
completed around 1/3
of their mural at the
end of class. Turn in
checklist and take
progress picture.
Clean up.

Day 5: Work time.

Clean up. Come back
for last ten minutes to
complete end of week

Curriculum Planning Tool­ Page 5 of 8
Individual Artist Purposely be Intro to Day 1: Students will Day 4: Discuss Students are graded

Week 5
murals statements ambiguous in installation and work towards different on:
presenting conceptual art finishing their murals. installation/interac
Reflecting on project – students They should have the tive and Final two checklists
work should feel a Kara Walker majority of it done by conceptual artists for mural work days
sense of freedom https://art21.org/ the end of class. and the reasons
Intro to to create watch/art-in-the- Complete checklist behind each
interactive/ Considering whatever they twenty-first- and take progress approach. Mural project
conceptual process/makin want (with few Students should expectations:
g as the century/s2/kara- picture. Clean up.
art – Students limitations) This answer questions
will create an meaning of an project will take when asked – -Thoughtful, complex
interactive/co artwork more advanced Day 2: Students will -How does this and dynamic design
nceptual art thought so more wrap up their murals – piece address -Execution of
piece that How do you mental put on finishing the viewer? original plan or
tackles/asks promote preparation/exerc touches. Clean up. -How does the successful
the viewer to viewer ises are needed. walker- Complete final viewer interact adaptation
consider a interaction? in-stories- checklist and take with this work? -Incorporation of
social issue How can we segment/ variety photographs -What kind of social issue –
to be prepare for to capture the work social ideas do message is clear or
exhibited at How can we you see behind interpreted
make the viewer Felix Gonzales
the art show. interaction? this work? -Design that fits the
viewer a part Torres Day 3: Last day in -How does the
of our work? space
class spent on interaction -Creative use of
These will be How does that What happens murals. Students will change the
installed change the space – not just a
when the present their final meaning of this flat, rectangular
somewhere meaning? meaning of our work?
within school outcome to the class painting
work is out of our (final picture on -watch El Anatsui -multiple grounds –
(will control? video and talk
recommend a projector). A project foreground, middle
Portrait of an about his art ground, background
hallway epidemic reflection is given for practice – how
exhibition) This piece can be homework (work on in
interactive, does he allow for
class if extra time) the audience to End of project
installation, El Anatsui reflection:
Week 3/week performance, an https://art21.org/ interact with his
1 of 3 experience, a watch/extended- Day 4: Presentation work? -How do you think
film/video – play/el-anatsui-
on ineractive and your mural fits in
conceptual art. Go the space?
50 min anything that studio-process- Day 5: Show Kara
confronts a over project. -What would you
Walker video change if you did it
viewer with a -how does the again?
message Day 5: Students will artist approach -Do you believe you
begin researching and creating successfully
sketching out ideas interactive and executed what you
for their project. experiential work? intended to?
Announce homework -what effects does -Write an artist
assignment. she use to statement for your
short/ enhance the mural - what were
viewer’s your intentions,
Marina experience? what do you want
viewers to know (or
Ask students to not know)?
free write for 5
minutes – write Class participation –
down anything and in project
everything you are presentation
thinking in the (provide at least one
Ambramovic moment. -any feedback to
Barbara Kruger thoughts/ideas classmate) and
that they are discussion of
having that may installation/concept
provoke a ual art
potential project
Project reflection –
should develop an
After this artist statement
exercise, students about mural, answer
will be asked to questions about
compose a list of outcome of project.
Curriculum Planning Tool­ Page 6 of 8
Conceptual/in How can art This piece can be Ann Hamilton Everyday Materials: Day 1: Have Students will be

Week 6
teractive be an interactive, https://art21.org/ found objects, students write for graded on:
project experience for installation, watch/extended- sketchbook, pencil, 5 minutes on their
the viewer? performance, an play/ann- computer intentions for the Participation in
Week 2 of 3 How do we go experience, a hamilton-the- Day 1: Students will project – what do class writing,
about creating film/video – event-of-a- begin creating their they hope is the discussion, etc.
that? anything that thread-short/ project – depending outcome?
50 min confronts a on what they are How do they think
viewer with its people will -collect all writings
How can you message doing they may be: interact with their and check for
get your constructing pieces of engagement/thought
viewer to material?
the whole, formulating Watch Ann fulness
contemplate Students will be image/text designs on
the ideas you allowed to use Hamilton video
computer, painting, -what role does
are addressing any materials sewing, editing,
in your piece? already in the the viewer play in
drawing, etc. her work? How
room or
reasonably order does that form the
supplies. If Day 2: Meet with each meaning?
ordering supplies student for at least 5-
they are expected 8 minutes to discuss Day 2: meetings
to have enough their plan. They will with students –
work to complete then proceed to work ask them where
in the days before individually. they need help,
they arrive. sift through ideas,
leave them feeling
Day 3: Have students assured they are
Students must pair up and discuss on the right track.
consider projects. Studio day in
durability of their
piece as people remaining time. Day 3: discussion
may be touching with peer. Ask
it, walking Day 4: Students will students to talk
through it, sitting continue working on through their
on it, etc. project. Ask them to project with
consider where they someone else.
How do the are installing and This will help
materials we materials they need to them get feedback
choose affect the do so – turn in and hopefully
making of inspire them to
specific place by end push further in
artwork? of class their idea.

Day 5: Studio day and Day 5: ask

quick end of the week students to reflect
writing. on week – what
are their fears in
executing this

Curriculum Planning Tool­ Page 7 of 8
Conceptual What role does Students will https://www.yout Everyday Materials: Day 1: watch Ai Students will be

Week 7
/interactive the viewer learn how to ube.com/watch? found objects, Weiwei video graded on:
project & play in your “curate” an art v=PueYywpkJW sketchbook, pencil, -what role do other
prep for art work? Are they show. They will 8 computer people play in his Participation and
show a part of the work together to work? preparation in class
final product? create an -How does the way -artist statement,
exhibition guide, Day 1: Students he installs the title card, and
Week 3 of 3 organize the should start wrapping work promote
Curating art up their projects. They overall effort put
show show, and play viewer into show and
50 min curator on night should have a clear interaction? project
of art show. idea of how it will
Creating work look upon display.
that requires Day 4: students -attending the art
Is your work They may test out the should discuss
installation installation to adjust show
complete on and collaborate in
display or is the when faced with their preparation
Developing work creating issues. of art show.
title card/artist upon interaction? -what information Project
statement should be included requirements:
Day 2: Students will in guide?
continue working on -creativity and clear
Collaboration their installation -How will people critical thinking in
with peers flow throughout idea and execution
piece if not completed the space? of idea
Day 3: Class time will -overall
be used to prepare all aesthetic/design of
materials for Day 5: students
will engage with work
exhibiting the next peers and public
day. Students should as they view their
spend time organizing -attention to the
art – they should viewer’s role in work
and putting finishing also visit their
touches on their work. classmates’ works
Day 4: Students will Reflection –
spend time exhibiting -Do you believe
their artwork, writing your artwork was -attention to social
title cards, and a success? Why or issue
develop exhibition why not?
guide for the art show -cleverness and
(collaborative). Did viewers bravery in material
respond to it in the choice and ambition
way you of project
Day 5: Students will expected? How or
engage in school-wide
art show where they how not? Turning in reflection
will interact with the
public viewing their What could you
work. Give students have done
reflection sheet to fill differently to alter
out and return next the viewer’s
class. experience?

Public art show at


Curriculum Planning Tool­ Page 8 of 8

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