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Experiment No. 1: Aim: Study of The CNC Lathe Trainer Kit & Cut Viewer Turn Software

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The mechanical machine has the following parts;
1. Bed,
2. Saddle, table and vertical slide,
3. Spindle head,
4. Tool rack,
5. Axes drive system,
6. Spindle drive system.
 Operating software for CNC lathe:

CNC cut viewer software

Hytech has built its own CNC controller for CNC Lathe. All the software and hardware for
CNC Lathe is indigenously developed and tested according to industry norms. Software for
controlling the CNC machine is written in ,, VC” & ,,VB” languages.
Software is WINDOWS based as real time control of hardware is developed in Windows
based system. The master controller in this system is the PC itself. Software is user friendly
and allows the user to use Pointing device for selection of menus and parameters. It is
developed as a full GUI package.
In CNC lathe Machine, the control of each operation is controlled by the computer.

 Features of Windows based CNC-MILL software:

1) Powerful Graphic user interface.
2) All the programming codes are compatible to the Fanuc – 0T Model.
3) On-line 2-D & 3-D simulation.
4) On-line program Editing facility.
5) Software based Spindle speed over-ride & Feed over-ride.
6) Program execution in Auto, Single Block & Selected Block mode.
7) Print option with 2-D simulation & program.
8) Automatic calculation for G02 & G03 codes.
9) On line programming help facility.
10) Programmable Hardware addresses.
11) Comments in the program can be added by,,( ,, bracket.).
12) Manual Data Input facility. Automatic Job diameter & length setting by “[BILLET”

 Hardware Requirement ;
Cut Viewer is a 32 bit application. It runs in Windows 95/98/ME/NT/2000/XP. The
hardware minimums include a Pentium processor, 32 MB of RAM, 20 MB of hard disk
space, and a video graphics card with at least 2 MB of video RAM.

Display Settings,
Before running Cut Viewer, set the Windows Color Palette to 16-bit mode (65535 colors) or
higher. The raw stock can be defined as either a simple cylinder or a free shape stock. Stock
and tool data can be included in your NC program, or defined separately prior to running the

This version supports the following types of tools:

a. Standard tools
b. Button tools
c. Grooving tools
d. Threading tools
e. Centre drilling tools


 CutViewer Turn

Cut Viewer Turn V3.1 is an easy to use program that graphically displays the material
removal process for turning operations in 2 axes. Based on the stock statements and tool
definitions, Cut Viewer will show you exactly what material will be removed from a raw

 Hardware Requirement for CutViewer

Cut Viewer is a 32 bit application. It runs in Windows 95/98/ME/NT/2000/XP. The

hardware minimums include a Pentium processor, 32 MB of RAM, 20 MB of hard disk
space, and a video graphics card with at least 2 MB of video RAM.

 CutViewer Features

Cut Viewer can open and display Standard ISO G-code files. We can also provide upon
request, a special .dll file that enables it to read any control. Cut Viewer provides easy real-
time manual editing and verification of the program file, viewing the process from different
viewpoints of the part, measuring the finished part, collision detection, and many other
features. The post reader can be user customized for your specific CNC hardware. The raw
stock can be defined as either a simple cylinder or a free shape stock. Stock and tool data can
be included in your NC program, or defined separately prior to running the program.
This version supports the following types of tools:

 Standard tools
 Button tools
 Grooving tools
 Threading tools
 Center drilling tools


When you first open Cut Viewer it appears as a reduced size window. You can maximize the
main window but take into account that window size affects the run speed.

Screen layout contains 2D View window, 3D View window and the Edit window.

All windows are empty when they appear. You can close or add 3D View window through
the View menu item. Edit window is located at the bottom of the screen by default but you may
change the Edit window location (Top, Bottom, Left, Right) via Setup mode. You may also
change the orientation of 2D/3D View windows (Vertical or Horizontal).

After starting Cut Viewer only the File-New, File-Open, and Setup items are available. To
load a file, select the Open File button and navigate to the desired directory. Select the
appropriate filter in the “Files of type” combo-box to tell Cut Viewer which configuration to
use to interpret the g-code.
If stock and tool information has not been added to the NC post file before hand, a series of
dialogs will prompt you to define them when the NC file is loaded. Cut Viewer maintains
tool database files in the Cut Viewer directory for each type of tool you choose to save there.
These tool database files have a*.db2 extension. You can store and retrieve these tools for use
in all of your simulations.

When finished, the Editor window will display the NC file and a shaded Stock will be shown
in 2D/3D View windows. The stock can be shown either as unsectioned model or as a
quarter section or as a half section. 2D View is set to Half Section and 3D View to “No
Section” mode but you can change this through the window popup menu (in order to open the
menu the user should click with the mouse right button somewhere on the window area).

Pay attention that Tool Path and Tool image will be shown only in 2D View window. Before
starting simulation you can select desired scale, position and Section mode for each view
through popup menu items (Zooming, Panning, Rotation, Sectioning), but take into account
that Cut Viewer automatically switches 2D View to Half Section mode after pressing the
"Run" button. You may switch 2D View back to "No Section" or "Quarter Section" mode
after the simulation is completed or paused or stopped.

Press the "Run" button and 2D View will be automatically switched to the Half Section and the
animated cuts will appear on 2D view. You can also switch 3D view to animated mode but this
reduces the run speed.

To make the on screen cutter speed slower you can define 'Dwell' value (milliseconds) in 'Setup' mode
and the process will be suspended for the specified dwell time at every screen point of the tool motion.
To make the cutter move faster during processing simply press '+' key and press the '-' key to slow it down.
Press 'PgUp' key for the fastest cutter speed.
 There are two modes of simulation accessible through Setup;

1. Animated: Graphically simulates the material removal process by updating the stock solid
shape as the tool moves (by default).

2. Turbo: Graphically updates only the toolpath with the tool image. The machined part

appears only after reaching the end of NC file or when the user presses 'Step Forward', 'Pause'
or 'Stop' button.

If you want to create new NC program directly in the Cut Viewer select the “File-New” menu
item, then select the desired CNC type and an empty Noname.nc file will be loaded to the
Edit window. Now you can type the program. To save new program to the disk select the
“File-Save as” menu item. To simulate new program select the “Run-Rebuild” menu
item or simply press Ctrl-F9. If Tool or Stock info are commited then Cut Viewer will
initiate the appropriate dialog prompting for missing info.

Main Toolbar contains the following buttons:

Open File

This is for opening NC file from a folder or across network. But make sure you select
the appropriate filter in the «Files of type» combo-box to tell Cut Viewer which configuration
to use to interpret the g-code.

Resets the simulation showing the initial Stock at the start position.

Press this button to start the simulation.

Step forward/backward
Switches to step-by-step mode, as this button is pressed repeatedly, the tool
moves incrementally forward or backward. When in Step mode, the line being executed will
be highlighted in the Edit window and a separate dialog will display the current coordinates
and cutting parameters. This helps in identifying the lines to edit. To cancel the incremental
trace mode press the ‘Run’ button.

Suspends execution. While processing is paused, you may apply zooming, measure
the part as well change the Setup parameters and EDIT the code. The ‘Run’ button will
restart simulation from the paused position with provision for new parameters. You can also
edit the file, but you have to select the “Run”-“Rebuild” menu item or press Ctrl-F9 in order
to implement the changes.

Stops execution of the simulation. Unlike ‘Pause’, you cannot restart from the current
position after pressing ‘Stop’. Pressing ‘Run’ following ‘Stop’ will start the simulation from
the beginning of the file. Also press ‘Run’ following ‘Stop’ if you want to restart process
after finish of the simulation.

Displays a tool for making measurements of the part. All measurements are available
in 2D View only.

Launches a dialog where you can configure how Cut Viewer works. If you press the
save button to exit rather than the OK button your settings will be the default the next time
you launch Cut Viewer.



 Fanuc 0T
 Fanuc 10T-11T
 Siemens 840D
 ISO- Codes


 Rapid Collision Detection

 Online 3D Facility
 Dynamic Zoom/ Pan/ Rotation
 Measurement Facility
 Trace Forward/ Backward
 Cross Section Display
 Display Toolpath and Printout Facility
 Machine Time measurement
 Volumetric Measurement
 Display of feed rate, spindle speed in execution and simulation mode valid.



G Code is a special programming language that is interpreted by Computer Numerical

Control (CNC) machines to create motion and other tasks. It is a language that can be quite
complex at times and can vary from machine to machine. The basics, however, are much
simpler than it first appears and for the most part follows an industry adopted standard.
Mach4 has made a large leap closer to this standard.

An important point to remember when reading this manual: In describing motion of a

machine it will always be described as tool movement relative to the work piece. In many
machines the work piece will move in more axes than the tool; however the program will
always define tool movement around the work piece. Axes directions follow the right hand
rule, see figure 1.


1.1 Glossary

Block A single line of G Code

Canned Cycle Complex cycle defined by a single block of code
Dwell Program pause with a duration defined by “P” in seconds
EOB End of block. Required at the end of every block of G Code. In
Mach4 this is a carriage return
Feed rate Velocity, set by F, at which an axis will move
Group Collection of G codes that control the same function or mode, i.e.
G90 and G91 positioning modes
Modal Active until a code from the same group is called
Normal A line perpendicular to a plane, pointing in the positive direction.
Origin Point in a coordinate system where X, Y and Z are zero
RPM Revolutions per minute
UPM Units per minute (inches, millimeters, degrees, etc)
Word A single word of G Code is a letter followed by a number. G01, X1.0,
etc. are words
G Preparatory function, G followed by a numerical code, specifies
machining modes and functions
M Miscellaneous function, M followed by a numerical code, defines
program flow and can control auxiliary functions such as coolant.
Can also perform machine specific functions and macros user or
X, Y, Z, A, B, Movement commands followed by a numerical value, define the end
C point of a motion command
S Spindle speed, followed by numerical value of desired rpm or
surface speed
T Tool call, followed by next tool number to beused
H Tool height offset to be used, generally matches the tool number
D Tool diameter offset to be used, generally matches the tool number
F Followed by a numerical value to define the feed rate. The
magnitude and value of which will be determined by the feed mode
P Followed by a numerical value, specifies dwell time in seconds. (also
used in other functions)
N Sequence numbers. Used for program organization and go to

Code Description
G00 Rapid Move
G01 Linear Feed Move
G02 Clockwise Arc Feed Move
G03 Counter Clockwise Arc Feed Move
G04 Dwell
G09 Exact stop
G10 Fixture and Tool Offset Setting
G12 Clockwise Circle
G13 Counter Clockwise Circle
G15 Polar Coordinate Cancel
G16 Polar Coordinate
G17 XY Plane Select
G18 ZX Plane Select
G19 YZ Plane Select
G20 Inch
G21 Millimeter
G28 Zero Return
G30 2nd, 3rd, 4thZero Return
G31 Probe function
G32 Threading*
G40 Cutter Compensation Cancel
G41 Cutter Compensation Left
G42 Cutter Compensation Right
G43 Tool Length Offset + Enable
G44 Tool Length Offset - Enable
G49 Tool Length Offset Cancel
G50 Cancel Scaling
G51 Scale Axes
G52 Local Coordinate System Shift
G53 Machine Coordinate System
G54 Fixture Offset 1
G54.1 Additional Fixture Offsets
G55 Fixture Offset 2
G56 Fixture Offset 3
G57 Fixture Offset 4
G58 Fixture Offset 5
G59 Fixture Offset 6
G60 Unidirectional Approach
G61 Exact Stop Mode
G64 Cutting Mode (Constant Velocity)
G65 Macro Call
G66 Macro Modal Call
G67 Macro Modal Call Cancel
G68 Coordinate System Rotation
G69 Coordinate System Rotation Cancel
G73 High Speed Peck Drilling
G74 LH Tapping*
G76 Fine Boring*
G80 Canned Cycle Cancel
G81 Hole Drilling
G82 Spot Face
G83 Deep Hole Peck Drilling
G84 RH Tapping*
G84.2 RH Rigid Tapping*
G84.3 LH Rigid Tapping*
G85 Boring, Retract at Feed, Spindle On
G86 Boring, Retract at Rapid, Spindle Off
G87 Back Boring*
G88 Boring, Manual Retract
G89 Boring, Dwell, Retract at Feed, Spindle On
G90 Absolute Position Mode
G90.1 Arc Center Absolute Mode
G91 Incremental Position Mode
G91.1 Arc Center Incremental Mode
G92 Local Coordinate System Setting
G92.1 Local Coordinate System Cancel
G93 Inverse Time Feed
G94 Feed per Minute
G95 Feed per Revolution*
G96 Constant Surface Speed*
G97 Constant Speed
G98 Initial Point Return
G99 R Point Return

NOTE - *Implementation based on machine and control configuration


Code Description
M00 Mandatory Program Stop
M01 Optional Program Stop
M02 Program End
M03 Spindle Forward/Clockwise
M04 Spindle Reverse/Counterclockwise
M05 Spindle Stop
M06 Tool Change
M07 Mist Coolant On
M08 Flood Coolant On
M09 All Coolant Off
M19 Spindle Orient
M30 Program End and Rewind
M40-M45 Gear Change
M47 Repeat Program from First Line
M48 Enable Feed/Speed Overrides
M49 Disable Feed/Speed Overrides
M98 Subprogram Call
M99 Return From Subprogram / Rewind
M??? Custom Macro M Codes
M200 Output 20 on
M201 Output 20 off
M202 Output 21 on
M203 Output 21 off
M204 Output 22 on
M205 Output 22 off
M206 Output 23 on
M207 Output 23 off
M208 Output 24 on
M209 Output 24 off
M210 Output 25 on
M211 Output 25 off
M212 Output 26 on
M213 Output 26 off
1. To Study of the CNC Lathe Trainer Kit &
Cut viewer Turn Software.

M214 Output 27 on
M215 Output 27 off
M216 Output 28 on
M217 Output 28 off
M218 Output 29 on
M219 Output 29 off
M220 Output 30 on
M221 Output 30 off
M228 Go To Position
2. CNC Programming G & M Codes (Fanuc

3. Programme of Facing and Simple Turning

in Cut viewer Turn Software.

4. Programme of Step Turning in Cut Viewer

Turn Software.

5. Programme of Taper Turning in Cut Viewer

Turn Software.

6. Programme of Clockwise Cutting (G02) in

Cut Viewer Turn Software.

7. Programme of Anticlockwise Cutting (G03)

in Cut Viewer Turn Software.

8. Programme of Drilling in Cut Viewer Turn.

9. Study the CNC Milling Trainer Kit & Cut

viewer Mill Software.

10. Programme of Drilling in Cut Viewer Mill.

11. Programme of Side Milling in Cut Viewer


12. Programme of Facing in Cut Viewer Mill.

13. Study the Robot (SCORBASE for


14. To study the EDM (Electro Discharge

Machining ).

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