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GE GAP Guidelines: High-Hazard Chemical and Petrochemical Plants

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GE GAP Guidelines GAP.17.2.

June 1, 2001
A Publication of GE Global Asset Protection Services


This GE GAP Guideline presents guiding principles for loss prevention and control for high-hazard
chemical and petrochemical plants. They are intended as a tool for evaluating the widely diverging
protection levels provided at these facilities.


Management Programs
Management program administrators should report to top management through the minimum number
of steps. They should also institute adequate loss prevention inspection and audit programs to
communicate program effectiveness to top management. This management feedback is a key feature
of OVERVIEW1 (GAP.1.0.1). In developing a program, pay particular attention to the following
important areas:

Hazardous Materials

Develop a program to determine the pertinent physical and chemical properties of reactants,
intermediate products, by-products and end-products. Choose test conditions that best represent all
possible operating conditions.

Establish routine procedures for testing physical and chemical properties of all incoming raw
materials, intermediates and final products to confirm properties required for safe operating

Process Hazards Evaluation

Determine the safe operating and potential upset conditions of all new or existing chemical processes
used by the plant. Include scaling factors (bench, pilot, semi-works, full scale, etc.) in establishing the
safety parameters.

Operator Training

Educate all operators in the hazards involved and in functions of the safety control equipment. Forbid
operators to run the process when any of this equipment is out of order. Train operators in manual
emergency shut-down procedures. Forbid deviations from the written procedures. If PLCs are used in
safety instrumented systems, then access to the programming should be strictly controlled.

85 Woodland Street, Hartford, Connecticut 06102-5010 Copyright 2001, GE Global Asset Protection Services

GE Global Asset Protection Services and its affiliated organizations provide loss prevention surveys and other risk management, business continuity and facility asset
management services. Unless otherwise stated in writing, our personnel, publications, services, and surveys do not address life safety or third party liability issues. The
provision of any service is not meant to imply that every possible hazard has been identified at a facility or that no other hazards exist. GE Global Asset Protection Services
and its affiliated organizations do not assume, and shall have no liability for the control, correction, continuation or modification of any existing conditions or operations. We
specifically disclaim any warranty or representation that compliance with any advice or recommendation in any document or other communication will make a facility or
operation safe or healthful, or put it in compliance with any law, rule or regulation. If there are any questions concerning any recommendations, or if you have alternative
solutions, please contact us.
June 1, 2001

Schedule periodic re-education and training at least annually. Include testing to assure proper
performance of all assigned duties with particular emphasis on emergency shutdowns.

Pre-Emergency Planning

The pre-emergency plan from GAP.1.0.1 may be used to develop a customized plan. This
customized plan should include the following features:

• A fire and disaster alarm system.

• An emergency communications system, including radio where needed.
• An adequately trained, staffed and equipped organization of employees for fire fighting and other
emergency duties.
• A planned program of cooperation with neighboring plants and with public fire fighting and disaster
control organizations.
• A program to analyze the interruption of business that may result from potential incidents and to
develop plans for minimizing loss of production during rebuilding.

Preventive Maintenance and Inspection

Inspect and maintain process equipment, piping, instrumentation, electrical equipment and pressure
relief devices according to a schedule established with proper consideration of design and service
conditions. Include all appropriate types of modern nondestructive testing, IR. scanning and vibration
analysis in the inspection techniques. Establish a detailed record-keeping system which includes
equipment retirement forecasts.

Management of Change

Apply all management programs to any changes made to the facility’s physical arrangements or
procedures. Pay particular attention to the following areas:

• Conduct a process hazards evaluation for all new processes and when making any modification to
an existing process. Determine the need for new or different safety equipment or measures.
• Whenever equipment is changed from one service to another, or when process changes are
made, examine the inspection and maintenance program and modify as necessary. Monitor daily
operating changes.
• Verify that new construction materials and all maintenance parts and supplies conform to the
original (or modified) design specifications.
• Apply the program for handling new construction, including the control of outside contractors.
• Update operations procedure manuals after each process unit modification which results in a
change in operating procedure.
• Review and follow through expeditiously on all inspection recommendations from insurance, code
enforcement and regulatory agencies.

Other Management Programs

Incorporate these features into the comprehensive management program for loss prevention and

• Welding, cutting and other “hot work” permit programs.

GE GAP Guidelines
2 A Publication of GE Global Asset Protection Services
June 1, 2001

• A program of supervision of impairments of fire protection equipment using GE Global Asset

Protection Services (GE GAP Services) “RSVP” program.
• Smoking regulations.
• Plant security and surveillance.
• Pre-startup safety review program.

Duplication of Facilities
Duplicate with installed spares equipment that is highly susceptible to loss or very important for
continued operations. If this is not possible, keep readily available spare parts and maintain them
ready for use. Physically separate or compartmentalize duplicated equipment.

For smaller scale or batch type plants, install processes important to production in the form of multiple
small-scale units rather than a single unit. Design a single unit to facilitate prompt repair using readily
obtainable or pre-purchased parts. Where neither is feasible, store the product of the process in
question in sufficient quantity to permit normal sales until repair or replacement is complete.

For large-scale chemical and petrochemical plants, provide multiple process trains. Also maintain
spare parts for equipment known from industry experience to be critical. Develop and maintain a
critical spare parts database.

Plant Layout and Separation

Space separation is the most effective loss control method. Design separation into a plant during the
early planning stages of a project. Consider separation of main processing areas, separation of
sections within a processing area, and separation of equipment within the various sections. Separate
storage tank areas from process areas. Give special consideration to pressure storage vessels to
minimize exposure to all other plant areas.

Consider the following factors in determining the need for or the degree of separation:

• High hazard operations.

• High property or business interruption values.
• Exposure to possible explosion overpressures.
• Access for effective fire fighting and good maintenance.
• Adequate space for future expansion.

See GAP.2.5.2 for details.

Design Considerations
During the design process, keep the following in mind:

• In process design, minimize the flammable and combustible material hold-up per vessel. Improved
equipment may require less of these materials, and consequently the amount that may be spilled
by equipment failure or operator error will be less.
• Design all processes with inherent safety by the use of instrumentation and by enforcing
adherence to written operating procedures, and with ultimate safety by providing adequate
pressure relieving devices. Interlock processes to shut down automatically and safely in event of

GE GAP Guidelines
3 A Publication of GE Global Asset Protection Services
June 1, 2001

operator error or equipment failure. Provide intermediate alarms to allow operators time to take
corrective action.
• Design, install, and maintain all safety instrumented systems according to ISA 842 or IEC 61512.3
The preferred mechanism for the most critical systems is hardwired interlocks (non-PLC).
• Provide redundant instrumentation for all critical controls. In redundant loops, include both
separate signal transmitters and signal receivers. In most cases, install a comparator to notify
operators when control and redundant signals differ significantly.
• To limit the amount of materials released by equipment failure, include the following in shut-down
measures: block valves; venting to flare stacks or to incinerators; liquid dumping to blowdown
systems; and purging or flooding of equipment with a nonhazardous fluid. Actuate these shutdown
measures with combustible vapor detectors where appropriate.
• When designing safety features, assume a minimum of two consecutive errors, one of which may
be misinformation because of a faulty instrument or a misunderstanding of instructions.
• Design and specify equipment considering all possible operating conditions, both normal and
abnormal. Give particular attention to suitability of the equipment to handle the process materials
and to withstand external environmental influences.

Use only noncombustible materials when constructing equipment, buildings, or other structures. For
interior finish, ceilings, and insulation, use listed construction materials having a flame spread rating
less than 25 and fuel contributed and smoke developed rating less than 50, when tested in
accordance with ASTM E-84.4

Fireproof all major load-bearing structural steel supports for outdoor process structures, process
equipment, important exposed pipe racks and buildings with materials tested and listed by
Underwriters Laboratories utilizing UL 17095 test procedures. Provide 2!/2 h rated fireproofing for
equipment or structures handling or exposed by liquefied flammable gases, flammable or combustible
liquids, or by flammable gases. If these structural members are protected by properly designed
deluge sprinkler systems, or they are located in areas of less severe exposure (as defined in the
referenced published material), fireproofing with a 1!/2 h rating by UL 1709 is acceptable.

Provide fireproofing for important grouped power, control, and instrumentation cables, tubing, or
conduit, and fire-sensitive thermal insulation on important equipment. To allow sufficient time for
shutdown of the process unit, the fireproofing for this application requires only a 30-min protection
rating. See GAP.2.5.1 for details.

Where flammable gases or liquids are handled, select open-sided process structures rather than
closed buildings because of inherently good ventilation and explosion relief. Where closed buildings
must be used, provide ventilation. Supplement normal ventilation rates with emergency ventilation
actuated manually and by diffusion-head-type combustible gas detectors.

Where an explosion hazard exists and closed buildings must be used, provide explosion venting
facilities. Design the nonrelieving walls and roof (depending upon where relief is provided) for
explosion resistance. See NFPA 68-1998,6 Guide for Venting of Deflagrations, for details.

Where an explosion hazard exists, do not use load-bearing walls. Design control rooms and other
important facilities to withstand explosion overpressure, taking into consideration the possibility of
open-air vapor cloud or confined vapor-air explosion exposure. Carefully consider proper clearance
from possible fire exposures and proper classification of hazardous locations for electrical

GE GAP Guidelines
4 A Publication of GE Global Asset Protection Services
June 1, 2001

Provide drainage facilities to carry spilled flammables away from buildings, structures, storage tanks,
pipe racks and process equipment. Design drainage facilities to effectively and rapidly carry spills, fire
protection water and rain water simultaneously to a safe location without exposing adjacent plant
facilities. This may require hydrants, monitors, fixed foam or dry chemical protection, diversionary
curbs, trenches, collection sumps, skimmers, separators and holding ponds or basins. Design general
area grading with the anticipation that normal drainage facilities may overflow. See GAP.2.5.3 for

Water Supplies
Provide adequate water volumes and water distribution systems to supply the maximum
simultaneous demand for hose and monitor nozzle streams and water spray systems for a minimum
period of 4 h. Meet the foregoing criteria with the largest single water supply out of service. Include
the size and congestion of the plant in determining the maximum simultaneous demand. Keep fire
protection water storage independent of plant process water storage. Consider cooling tower basins
and process water pumps only as alternate emergency supplies.

Use only diesel engine driven fire pumps.

Use buried pipe in a looped distribution system, sized and equipped with sectional control valves so
that with one section of the distribution system out of service, the maximum simultaneous demand
can be provided in any of the high-valued areas. Place individual control valves as far from process
units as possible so they will be accessible for use if portions of the underground or aboveground
systems are damaged by explosions. If control and sectional valves must be placed in areas exposed
to explosions, protect them with barricades. See GAP. for details.

Fixed Water Based Systems

Install automatic deluge sprinkler systems per NFPA 157 and GAP. in process structures on
an area basis and, where warranted, water spray pumps (unless seal-less), reactors, run-down tanks,
columns, or other vessels and equipment where flammable materials are handled. Apply automatic
water spray to structural steel, turbines, compressors, grouped piping, instrumentation leads and
tubing, and electrical cables where exposed by process areas handling flammable materials.

Apply automatic water spray systems on pressure storage tanks (spheres, spheroids and horizontal
pressure storage tanks, etc.) containing flammable materials, and to atmospheric storage tanks
containing flammable materials where spacing between tanks or between tanks and other facilities
does not meet GAP.2.5.2.

Provide automatic closed-head sprinkler or automatic water spray protection in buildings containing
flammable materials in storage or those housing processes handling flammable materials. Refer to
NFPA 308 and GAP.8.1.0 for protection criteria.

Use foam, foam-water or aqueous film forming foam closed head or deluge sprinkler or water spray
systems where flammable or combustible liquids are handled. This is especially important where
drainage is inadequate.

Provide very large atmospheric storage vessels, tanks exposed by other tanks or process equipment
with water spray systems to protect the exposed segments of the tank shell. Arrange this protection
as a sectionalized water curtain per NFPA 13.

GE GAP Guidelines
5 A Publication of GE Global Asset Protection Services
June 1, 2001

Provide automatic sprinkler or water spray protection for large important combustible cooling towers.

Where exposed to potential damage by explosion, locate automatic water spray valves 50 ft – 75 ft
(15 m – 23 m) away and barricade them. Run feed mains underground wherever possible. Anchor
aboveground feed or bulk mains to fireproofed structural members and, where possible, locate behind
the structural members or walls to shield the piping from shrapnel from explosions. Construct all
aboveground automatic water spray system piping 2!/2 in. (65 mm) and larger with welded, flanged
piping. See NFPA 15.

Design automatic waterspray systems to be actuated by all of the following means:

• Temperature sensors or dry pilot.

• Diffusion-head-type combustible gas detectors where a flammable vapor or gas hazard may occur.
• Remote-manual-control stations.

See NFPA 13,9 GAP. and GAP. for details.

Monitors, Hydrants, and Hose Protection

Locate fixed monitor nozzles around the perimeter of process blocks. Locate nozzles with
consideration given to accessibility and desired coverage. All area of the process blocks should be
reached by at least two monitor nozzle streams, so, if necessary, install additional nozzles in the
interior of process blocks. Substitute foam induction type or elevated monitors where needed. See
GAP. for details.

Locate hydrants throughout the plant. Provide an adequate amount of hose, nozzles and other
equipment located on motorized apparatus or in hose houses throughout the plant.

Provide portable monitor nozzles.

Foam Protection
Provide fixed or semi-fixed foam equipment, including an adequate supply of foam concentrates to
protect all areas where flammable or combustible liquids are stored. Provide adequate application
equipment and foam concentrates to extinguish a fire involving the largest storage tank. For small
facilities, supply foam equipment and supplies from responding fire departments and/or mutual aid
organizations. Make back-up foam supplies available within a 1 h delivery time.

Provide foam injection connections to allow injection of foam concentrate into waterspray systems
protecting process areas that handle flammable liquids.

Motorized Apparatus
Use motorized foam/water pumper apparatus to provide foam production and storage capability in
facilities. Supplement fire trucks with dry chemical apparatus where needed. Provide sufficient trained
manpower to operate the apparatus. Supply additional manpower from responding fire departments
and/or mutual aid organizations. Test pumper apparatus in accordance with NFPA 1901,
NFPA 191110 and GAP.12.5.1.

GE GAP Guidelines
6 A Publication of GE Global Asset Protection Services
June 1, 2001

This section does not contain detailed protection design criteria. Guidance in developing specifics
may be found in the following publications:

• American Institute of Chemical Engineers: Center for Chemical Process Safety, Various
• American Institute of Chemical Engineers: “Loss Prevention,” Various volumes.12
• American Institute of Chemical Engineers: “Safety in Air and Ammonia Plants,” Various volumes.
• American National Standards Institute: Standards (such as ANSI B31.3-1987, “Chemical Plant and
Petroleum Refinery Piping”).13
• American Petroleum Institute: Various publications.14
• American Society of Mechanical Engineers: Standards (such as “Boiler and Pressure Vessels
• European Federation of Chemical Engineering: “Loss Prevention and Safety Promotion in the
Process Industries,” Various symposia.16
• GE GAP Services: “GE GAP Guidelines,” Various sections.
• National Fire Codes: Volumes 1-15.
• Vervalin, Charles H., “Fire Protection Manual for Hydrocarbon Processing Plants,” Volumes 1 and
2, Gulf Publishing Co.17
• ISA 84/IEC 61512.
• OSHA 1910.119 PSM.18

GE GAP Guidelines Referenced

GAP.2.5.1 Fireproofing For Oil And Chemical Properties.
GAP.2.5.2 Plant Layout And Spacing For Oil And Chemical Plants.
GAP.2.5.3 Fire Protection Water And Spill Control For Outdoor Oil And Chemical Plants.
GAP. Fixed Water Spray And Deluge Protection For Oil And Chemical Plants.
GAP.12.5.1 Testing of Fire Pump-Equipped Automotive Or Mobile Fire Apparatus.
GAP. Estimating Fire Protection Water Demands For Oil And Chemical Plants.
GAP. Private Fire Service Mains - NFPA 24 - 1995.

1. OVERVIEW, GE Global Asset Protection Services.

2. ISA 84, Application Of Safety Instrumented Systems For The Process Industries, Instrument Society of America, Durham,

03. IEC 61512, Safety Instrumented Systems For The Process Industry Sector, International Electrotechnical Commission,
Geneva, Switzerland.

04. ASTM E 84-1995, Fire Test Of Door Assemblies, Society for Testing and Materials, Philadelphia, PA.

05. UL 1709, Rapid Rise Fire Tests Of Protection Materials For Structural Steel, Underwriters Laboratories Inc., Northbrook,

06. NFPA 68-1998, Guide For Venting Of Deflagrations, National Fire Protection Association, Quincy, MA.

07. NFPA 15-1996, Standard For Water Spray Fixed Systems For Fire Protection, National Fire Protection Association,
Quincy, MA.

GE GAP Guidelines
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June 1, 2001

08. NFPA 30-2000, Flammable And Combustible Liquids Code, National Fire Protection Association, Quincy, MA.

09. NFPA 13 1999, Standard For The Installation Of Sprinkler Systems, National Fire Protection Association, Quincy, MA.

010. NFPA 1901-1999, Pumper Fire Apparatus, National Fire Protection Association, Quincy, MA.

NFPA 1911-1997, Standard For Service Tests Of Pumps On Fire Department Apparatus, National Fire Protection
Association, Quincy, MA.

11. American Institute of Chemical Engineers: Center for Chemical Process Safety, New York, NY.

12. American Institute of Chemical Engineers, New York, NY.

13. American National Standards Institute, New York, NY.

14. American Petroleum Institute, Washington, DC.

15. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, New York, NY.

16. European Federation of Chemical Engineering, Frankfurt, Germany.

17. Vervalin, Charles H., Fire Protection Manual For Hydrocarbon Processing Plants, Volumes 1 And 2, Gulf Publishing Co.,
Houston, TX.

18. OSHA 1910.119 PSM, Title 29 Code of Federal Regulations 1910.119, Process Safety Management of Highly Hazardous
Chemicals, Occupational Safety and Health Agency, Washington, DC.

GE GAP Guidelines
8 A Publication of GE Global Asset Protection Services

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