A Sri Lanka: Lowvalue
A Sri Lanka: Lowvalue
A Sri Lanka: Lowvalue
Ceramic Research and Development Centre, Lanka Cermic Limited Piliyandcla.
Department of Chemistry, Sri Jayawardenepum University, Nugegoda.
Abstrack An attempt has been made to classify low value corundum including geuda
stones that occur in Sri Lanka. !:is a field classification and most of the terms used are
familiar in the gem trade throughout Sri Lanka. The entire lowvalue coiun&umraage
present in the country nas been included in this classification. It is hoped that this may
form the basis for further studies to arrive at a scientific f o m of class;fication for low
value corundum.
Sri Lanka has long been renowned for ~ e r n s . ' Since the 1970s, Sri Lanka has aIso
given considerable attention to heat treatrent of the corundum family of gems.
Although some progress has been made there is no evidence that the local trade is
producing any significa~t volume of treated material. Buyers from Thailana export
very large volumes of rough geudas every year through the official geuda trading floor
in Ratrlapura and dominate buying in the Batugedara area, which is the main geuda
centre in Ratnapura.
This article is an attempt to classify low value corundum. Local persons involved
in the gem trade use a number of terms when rsferring to uncut or rough stones.
These terms have now been examined in great detail and the present study is the first
systematic classification of low value corundum so far attempted. It is presumed that
the classification would be of some value to all those interested in the Geuda t-ade,
both local and foreign.
Background Information
There are a number of gemstones of the corundum variety occurring in Sri Lanka.
These include the Blue Sapphire, Star Sapphire, Ruby, Star Ruby, Yelow Sapphire,
Pink Sapphire, Golden Sapphire, Sreen Sapphire (rzre) ard White Sapphire. The
local gem trade normally values a stone on the colour, intensity and brightness of the
star in the case of star rubies and star sapphires. If the star effect is weak it is termed
locally as 'Malukkan'. The presence of rutile crystalline bands: clouds or opaque
52 E.S. K Soysa and W.S. Fernando
white forms in the stone is termed 'Kowanguwa'. When the star effect could be seen it
is termed 'Arunool Kowanguwa'. When the stone is devoid of this effect it is termed
'Geuda Kowanguwa'. In other words, cowndum with an Arunool Kowanguwa is the
star sapphire and star ruby, and one with a weak Arunool Kowanguwa is termed
'Malukkan'. Also stones containing 'Geuda Kowanguwa' are designated 'Geuda
Stone'. U p to recent years the geuda stone was discarded as having no economi~
value. Other defects in corundum stones familiar to local gem trade include :
i. Multi coloured corundum - when there is a combination of the blue and red colours,
a local term 'Deguna' is used.
iii. Dark Blue colour - this variety is a blue coloured stone. It is devoid of
The local gem trade classifies low value corundum into six categmies. These are listed
Low value Ruby
Yellow Corundum (Pushparaga)
iii. Multi coloured Corundum
iv. White Corundum
v. Blue Geuda
,vi. Blue'Ottu (Inky Blue)
Figure 1
M ? ~
T ick
variety variety variety
Ruby Malukkan is a star ruby with a weak star effect. The ruby silky geuda is
classified into 3 categories, the Red Kahata Silky stone is dark browpish in colour, the
thick variety is composed of a number of rutile crystals and is fairly cloudy a d the
young variety contains less rutile crystals and is also cloudy; this stone is however,
fairly clear. The ruby milky geuda stones show milky clouds altholgh the surface has
no silky effect. The thick variety shows thick milky clouds whilst the t h variety
exhibits less clouds, and is fairly transparent. The Pinkish geuda or Ratulunu variety
(red onion) also contains crystalline bands of rutile and is cloudy. This variety is
further classified with the silky thick and young variety and milky thick and young
A variety. The ~ u b yor^ Ratu Ottu is a variety which is stained with blue patches. The
Kahata Ratu is a stone with dark brown stains.
Figure 2
Yellow Corundum
Kowangu Pushparaga Pushparaga
Silky Pushparaga milky geuda Dun quality Ottu
The low value yellow corundum is divided into 5 groups : The yellow silky variety
is composed of rutile crystal layers and is further divided into a thick and young
variety. In the Kowangu pushparaga, crystals of rutile are in patches cr lines without a
cloudy effect. The yellow milky geuda is composed of a milky cloudiness sometimes in
patches which is again classified ;nto thick milky or young milky stones. The Dun
quality stone is composed of a bluish white smoky material inside the stone. The other
variety contains blue colour patches within the stone.
Figure 3
Blue Blue
, -
- .
dots patches lines (violet dots patches lines
A Field Classification of Low Value Corundum in Sri Lanka 35
The multi coloured varieties are mainly the Slue/Red and Blue/Yellow stones. The
BlueP.ed stones are classified into 4 categories depending on the nature of the blue
stain, they include blue dots, blue patches and blue Snes, also in this group are the
Deguna stones which are violet in colour. The Slue/YelIow varieties are similarly
cl2,ssified into 3 types - dots, patches and lines.
v White Corundum
The colourless varieties of corundum are classified as white sapphires (Figure 4))).
White Corindum
Ural Dun
I Geuda Dot
Ottu Quality Quality
The Ural Ottu is characterized by the presence of a slight blue colouration on one
surface. The g u n quality has a pale blue smoky appearance inside the stone. The
geuda v~rietycontains a white or pale blue cloudy or a banded effect inside the stone.
These inclusions or the effect is termed geuda Kowanguwa. The dot quality contains
very small or tiny blue dots inside the stone. The geuda variety is further divided into
3 groups - silky, milky and diesel qualities. The silky variety due to the presence of
crystalline rutile bands exhibits a silky effect. The clear stones are called young silky
geuda and the not too clear variety is termed thic!: silky. Tf the sillcy varieties show a
dark brownish tint, it is called Kahata silky geuda. The milky geuda stones show a
cloudy effect inside the stone. As for the s i b varieties, if the stone is fakly clear it is
termed young milky and less clear varieties are named thick milky geudas. The milky
gecdas may or. occasions exhibit a bluish tint inside the milky cloudy effect. This
56 E.S.K Soysa and W.S. Fernando
variety of geuda gives the sheen or radiance or the colour'effect exhibited by diesel. In
fact it gives the colour of diesel.
v. Blue Genda
Figure 5
Blue Geuda
silky geuda geuda geuda
Young Y h i c k
silky silky miUq- milky
The term blue geuda is applied to mean a blue sapphire containing crystalline
rutile as clouds, bands or patches inside the stone. In other words a blue sapphire
showing a Kowanguwa effect (patches) is termed blue geuda. When the blue silky
variety of geuda contains a dark brown colour it is termed Kahata blue silky geuda;
when a silky effect is shown it is termed blue silky geuda and the tern; blue milky
geuda is used when a milky effect is shown. Both these varieties are again divided into
the young and thick varieties. When the blue geuda stone shows a very weak star
effect it is termed Malukkan.
Corundum stones with a blue colour stain not uniformly distributed is termed Blue
Ottu. (Figure 6)
Figure 6
Blue Ottu
A Field Classification of Low Value Corundum in Sn Lanka 57
The Blue Ottu is classified into 2 varieties as inner ottu and outer ottu. The inner
ottu stone exhibits a blue stain which is concentrated inside the stone. The outer ottu
is a stone with a blue stain on the outer surface of the stone giving the appearance that
it is painted (inky painted appearance).
The classification presented in this article is a field-based one. The terms
described are those commonly used by local gem miners involved in the low value
corundum trade. It is a classification which has evolved over a long period of time.
They have now become common terms that are understood by all in this area of
activity. It is hoped that the present work will form the basis for a more scientific,
f u t u ~ eclassification of low value corundum occurring in Sri Lanka.
The authors are indebted to Dr M.M.J.W. Werath for reading the manuscript and
making valuable suggestions. The authors also thank many young gem collectors
without whom this work would not have been possible. This investigation was carried
olnt under the supervision of Dr W.S. Fernando of the Sri Jayewardenepura
1. Herath J.W. (1984). Geology and Occnrrence of Gems in Sri Lanka, Journal of the
National Science Council of Sri Lanka 12(2) : 257-271.