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Hannibal Partitions

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Réf Livret : The Phantom of the Opera Matériel d'audition

Réf CD : 1-2; 02:08) CARLOTTA - Chanson 2

3. Act I / Scene 1 (Hannibal)


We have reached the great choral scene in which HANNIBAL and his army return to save Carthage from
the Roman invasion under Scipio. HANNIBAL is UBALDO PIANGI; ELISSA, Queen of Carthage (his
mistress) is CARLOTTA GIUDICELLI. The two leading SLAVE GIRLS are played by MEG GIRY and
CHRISTINE DAAE. MME. GIRY is the ballet Mistress. M. REYER, the repetiteur, is in charge.

We join the opera towards the end of ELISSA's (CARLOTTA's) great aria. She is alone, holding a
present from the approaching HANNIBAL; a bleeding severed head.

[ End of cadenza ]
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d © 1986, 1987 The Really Useful Group Ltd. International Copyright secured. All Rights Reserved.
3. Act I / Scene 1 (Hannibal)

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