KetoCycle Program
KetoCycle Program
KetoCycle Program
Congratulations on making
the decision to change your
life and improve your health.
The fact that you decided to start this program means you want
to reach your full potential and are willing to make the necessary
changes to become a better and stronger person.
Before you start your new journey, it is important to have a strong
‘WHY’. Take a moment to ask yourself why you decided to start
this journey? Why is this important to you? Having a strong WHY
will help you persevere in the face of adversity and help you conquer
obstacles along your journey.
You must practice positive visualization and set big goals. Instead
of thinking how painful it might be for you to reach your goal, focus
on the positive and how good you are going to feel once you
reach your goal. You are not helpless. You have everything it takes
to become great and reach your full potential. Visualize yourself
reaching your goal and prepare your mind for the inevitable
obstacles that you must conquer along your journey.
You must believe 100% that you deserve success. Your past does
not determine your future, and nothing can stop you from reaching
your goal if have persistence. You are a lot stronger than you think.
Have faith in yourself, be patient, and enjoy the journey!
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Furthermore, carbohydrates cause severe inflammation in your body
and are responsible for mood and energy swings throughout your day.
There are essential fats and proteins, but no such thing as essential
Understand: the most fattening foods are the ones that significantly raise
blood sugar and insulin levels. These foods include sugar, refined grains,
starches and sugary drinks.
Your body wants to burn fat, but it never gets a
chance because it’s constantly burning glucose from
the carbohydrates in your diet.
Ketogenic diets are now being used in the medical community to treat patients 50% of your brain is made of fat
who suffer from obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular and heart disease, high blood
pressure, high cholesterol, and metabolic syndrome. In fact, scientists and Fat helps regulate your immune system and body temperature
researchers are now using a ketogenic diet as an alternative treatment for cancer
patients (cancer survives off glucose). Additionally, studies show a ketogenic diet
Fat is necessary for building key hormones in your body that
is effective in curing and preventing Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease, as well help regulate metabolism, maintain healthy bones and muscle
as PCOS and infertility issues in women. development
Fat has taken the blame for almost every single health problem known to mankind,
The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, along with many others,
including obesity, heart attacks, high cholesterol, hypertension, stroke, and even have published studies showing NO correlation between saturated
cancer. Because of this, most people have a ‘fat phobia’ and consider eating fat as fat and heart disease
being unhealthy and potentially deadly. The government and food industries have
taught Americans to fear fat and started the ‘low fat’ diet craze that has lasted
over 30 years. In fact, obesity rates have doubled the past 30 years
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Blood Sugar & Insulin Levels
Kept Low
levels low. Carbs are replaced with dietary
fat which does not raise blood sugar and
spike insulin
Low insulin levels unlock your fat cells and
allow fat to escape in the form of fatty
acids. These fatty acids travel thru your
bloodstream and make their way to your liver
Once the fatty acids reach your liver they
A ketogenic diet switches your bodies are converted into ketone bodies. Newly
metabolism and puts you into ‘ketosis’. formed ketones exit the liver and travel to
your brain, muscles, organs and other tissues
in your body to be used as energy.
Ketosis is a physiological state where your
body starts burning fat and produces ketones Ketones Give You Energy
for energy, instead of using glucose from
You are now in a ‘state of ketosis’ and your
carbohydrates. body is burning ketones from the breakdown
of fat, instead of using glucose. Ketones are
the most efficient energy source in your
When you are in ketosis your body is in ‘fat
body, and studies show ketones produce
burning mode’ and uses stored body fat, and fat more energy per gram than any other fuel
from your diet as it’s primary energy supply. source
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For the past 8 years I have dedicated my life to helping people improve
their mental and physical health through the power of fitness.
I have helped hundreds of people change their life and done my best to
give hope and strength to people on a mission to reach their full potential
and live the life they deserve. I have worked with people from all walks of
life and helped people overcome all types of adversity.
From this experience, I also learned about the power of the ketogenic
diet and how it was being used to treat and cure people who suffer from
obesity, diabetes, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, and metabolic
syndrome. I began using the ketogenic diet myself as a way to stay in peak
physical shape year round and ensure optimal health. My results were
incredible and I quickly began using the ketogenic diet to help clients
successfully lose weight and improve their overall health.
Hello, I created the Keto Cycle as an easy-to-follow program that anyone can
use to successfully reach their fitness and health goals. The program was
designed using the latest ketogenic research, feedback from my clients,
I’m Jason Wittrock and my own personal experiences with the diet.
I’m excited to be part of your journey and hope this program gives you
what you need to finally get the results you deserve. We are in this
I’m a personal trainer, Spokesmodel, together!
EAS Myoplex Athlete, husband and a father to my
newborn son, Paxton.
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The Keto Cycle is a modified highfat and very
low carbohydrate ketogenic diet with periodic
and strategic carbohydrate refeedings.
allows you to burn your own body fat
as energy, instead of carbohydrates.
On Keto Days you are consuming
high fat, moderate protein, and
very low carbohydrates. Before starting any diet, you should first speak
with your doctor. Please do not start Keto Cycle
Then, on a single day over the weekend (Friday,
before speaking with your physician. You must not
Saturday or Sunday) you take a ‘Carb Day’ which
temporarily switches you out of ketosis to allow rely on the information within this program as an
your body to replenish muscle glycogen, reset alternative to medical advice from your doctor or
hormone levels, and take a quick psychological
and social break from dieting.
any other professional healthcare provider.
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Before you begin the Keto Cycle you must complete a two week Keto
Adaptation Phase. The Keto Adaptation Phase is the period of time
where your body adjusts and switches metabolisms to burning fat as fuel,
instead of carbs.
During this two week period you must follow the recommended calorie
and macro guidelines under the cycle you choose (see ‘Choose Your
SHORT Cycle’ below). On the final day of the Keto Adaptation Phase you must
Build lean muscle and take your first Carb Day. Then, the following day you begin the Keto
slowly reduce body fat
Cycle and follow the guidelines under the cycle you chose.
KETO DAY Calories & Macros
To build lean muscle and slowly CALORIES
75% 20%
(carbs minus fiber)
reduce body fat
Current Calories Calories Calories
Weight x 15 multiplied by multiplied by multiplied by
One week of Keto Days, followed by a example: .75 .20 .05
if your current Take that Take that Take that
single Carb Day on the weekend weight is 160lb number and number and number and
your calorie divide by 9 divide by 4 divide by 4
(Friday, Saturday or Sunday). intake would (2,400 x .75) / 9 (2,400 x .20) / 4 (2,400 x .05) / 4
= 2,400 = 200 grams = 120 grams = 30 grams
(carbs minus fiber)
KETO DAY Calories & Macros
To quickly burn fat, lose weight, and
75% 20% (carbs minus fiber)
maintain lean muscle.
Current Calories Calories Calories Two consecutive weeks of Keto Days,
Weight x 13 multiplied by multiplied by multiplied by
example: .75 .20 .05 followed by a single Carb Day on the weekend
if your current Take that Take that Take that
weight is 130lb number and number and number and (Friday, Saturday or Sunday).
your calorie divide by 9 divide by 4 divide by 4
intake would
= 1,690
(1,690 x .75) / 9
= 140 grams
(1,690 x .20) / 4
= 84 grams
(1,690 x .05) / 4
= 21 grams
(carbs minus fiber)
KETO DAY Calories & Macros
KETO DAY Calories & Macros
75% 20% CALORIES
(carbs minus fiber) 75% 20% (carbs minus fiber)
5% 5%
KETO DAY Calories & Macros
To lose a significant amount of weight (over 30lbs) and reduce NET
risk of health problems associated with obesity (BMI over 35) CALORIES FAT PROTEIN CARBS
such as diabetes, metabolic syndrome, heart disease and stroke. 75% 20% (carbs minus fiber)
DAY CARB DAY Calories & Macros
(carbs minus fiber)
‘extra virgin’ on the label. Coconut Oil can be used in cooking,
taken directly spoon to mouth, or even added to coffee or other
You can purchase MCT Oil from online and retail supplement
stores, as well as many specialty grocery stores. MCT Oil can be
taken directly spoon to mouth, or added to beverages. Warning:
KETO DAY Calories & Macros If you have never taken Coconut Oil or MCT Oil it’s best you take
a small amount and assess your tolerance. Some people have
negative reactions and consuming too much at once can lead to
stomach pain and diarrhea.
75% 20% Warning: If you have never taken Coconut Oil or MCT Oil it’s best
(carbs minus fiber)
you take a small amount and assess your tolerance. Some people
have negative reactions and consuming too much at once can lead
Current Calories Calories Calories
to stomach pain and diarrhea.
Weight x 7 multiplied by multiplied by multiplied by
example: .75 .20 .05
if your current Take that Take that Take that
weight is 200lb number and number and number and
your calorie divide by 9 divide by 4 divide by 4
intake would (1,400 x .75) / 9 (1,400 x .20) / 4 (1,400 x .05) / 4
= 1,400 = 116 grams = 70 grams = 17 grams
taken directly spoon to mouth, or even added to coffee or
other beverages.
You can purchase MCT Oil from online and retail supplement
stores, as well as many specialty grocery stores. MCT Oil can
Saturated Fats are primarily found in animal origins be taken directly spoon to mouth, or added to beverages.
such as eggs, meat, butter, cheese and dairy products.
The idea that saturated fats are bad for you and clog your WARNING:
arteries has been proved false by several scientific studies. If you have never taken Coconut Oil or MCT Oil it’s best you
In fact, The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition has shown take a small amount and assess your tolerance. Some people
absolutely no correlation between saturated fat and elevated have negative reactions and consuming too much at once can
risk of heart disease. Eating saturated fats only raises ‘large’ lead to stomach pain and diarrhea.
LDL cholesterol particles, which is not associated with heart
disease like small particles. Saturated fats also increase HDL
(good cholesterol) which lowers your risk of heart disease.
Additionally, saturated fats are preferred as they provide the
quickest source of energy for your body.
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Protein is essential for the development of
These types of fats are very ‘heart healthy’ and have been proven to
reduce risk of heart disease and improve lipid profiles. your body and brain.
Monounsaturated fats include foods such as: oils (i.e olive oil, sunflower,
sesame, avocado, flaxseed), nuts (especially macadamia and almonds), nut
However, going over your daily protein
butters (i.e peanut butter, almond butter), and avocados. requirement will keep you out of ketosis,
There are two main types of Polyunsaturated Fats: Omega-3’s and
simply because your body will convert
Omega-6’s. Good sources of Omega-3’s include fatty fish (i.e salmon), excess protein into glucose
fish oil, and seeds. (gluconeogenesis).
QUICK WAYS TO Ketones have a ‘protein sparing’ effect, so you don’t need a high
amount of protein from your diet.
ADD HEALTHY FAT Choose protein sources that are high in fat, instead of lean proteins.
For example, ground beef instead of ground turkey, beef or pork
Add butter, coconut Oil or MCT oil to instead of chicken breast or tuna.
1 your coffee (keto coffee)
Your primary protein sources include:
Select fattier cuts of meat (i.e 80/20
2 ground beef, ribeye or strip steak, bacon) Eggs, meat, ground beef, fish, cheese, nuts and seeds
brussel sprouts
You will most likely crave carbs in the first few days. Your
Fiber is a very important component to good health and body is fighting you to get it’s carbs back! You must remind
has been linked to the prevention of cancer and heart yourself that fat is your new energy source, not carbs!
Your carb cravings will go away if you feed your body enough
If you aren’t able to get enough fiber from fat and give it the energy it needs.
food then a fiber supplement is recommended.
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WHAT FOODS Additionally, you must avoid Hydrogenated
TO AVOID ON and Trans Fats as much as possible.
KETO DAYS Trans fats are not produced by nature, but instead are
chemically engineered and created by food companies to
increase the shelf lives of their products. Trans fats are used
The following types of foods digest very quickly and cause significant primarily in margarine and processed foods. Your body does
increases in blood sugar and insulin levels which will keep you out of not recognize these fats and they cause significant amounts
of harm. Look on the ingredient list for ‘hydrogenated oil’ and
‘partially hydrogenated oil’.
These types of foods should be avoided:
sodium is bad for you. That is true when you are running on
a high carbohydrate diet. However, this isn’t true when your
body is in ketosis. Insulin sends a signal your kidneys to store
sodium. Since you are suppressing insulin your kidneys no
longer receive the signal to store sodium and begin flushing
it. Therefore, you must continually replenish the lost sodium.
The simple solution is to eat foods high in sodium (i.e pork
rinds, salted nuts), add salt to your food, drink a cup of water
with 1 tbsp of salt, or drink 1-2 cups of chicken broth every day.
Chicken broth can be purchased at your local grocery store.
Any brand is fine, as long as it is not ‘low sodium’. Simply pour
the chicken broth in a coffee mug and heat in the microwave
Not getting enough electrolytes is the number one cause of failure for 1-2 minutes. It’s recommended you have two cups per day.
on this diet. If you do not keep your electrolytes high your body will If you experience tiredness or headaches drinking chicken
stop functioning properly and you will experience symptoms such as: broth is a quick remedy.
tiredness, blurred vision, constipation, muscle cramping, irritability,
lightheadedness, and lack of mental clarity.
Getting an adequate supply of electrolytes is especially important most generic salts sold in grocery stores contain dextrose
during the Keto Adaptation Phase. Additionally, electrolyte levels (sugar). Before purchasing your salt make sure to check the
are decreased with strength training and exercise, which further ingredient list.
increases the need to replenish electrolytes.
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WATER Drinking plain water is your best option. You can use a squeeze
Potassium is another important mineral involved in many of lemon or lime juice to enhance the flavor of your water. Note: sparkling
processes inside your body, including contractions in your water is good, however you must avoid distilled water
muscles and heart. Lack of potassion can cause side effects
UNSWEETENED TEA Tea has many health benefits and contains
such as brain fog, muscle cramps, and organ failure. Avocados antioxidants
are an excellent source of potassium and it’s recommended
you eat at least two per day to get your required daily amount COFFEE Do not add sugar, use heavy whipping cream or almond milk as
of potassium. You can also get potassium from foods such as: creamer. You can also make ‘keto coffee’ by adding butter and coconut oil
green leafy vegetables (i.e spinach or kale), mushrooms, salmon UNSWEETENED ALMOND & COCONUT MILK These are good
and nuts. You can also use Morton’s Lite Salt or Morton’s sources of healthy fat and do not contain sugar (lactose) found in regular
Salt Substitute found in your local grocery store as a way to milk
increase potassium intake.
COCONUT WATER Coconut Water has several health benefits and
contains a large amount of the electrolytes to help keep you hydrated and
Magnesium is essential for system regulation. If you are low on DIET SODA Diet soda contains many harmful chemicals that are bad
magnesium you may suffer from dizziness, fatigue or muscle for your health. It is highly recommended you stay away from all sodas.
However, some studies show little to no effect on blood sugar. Therefore,
cramps. You can ensure you meet your daily recommended you may have one diet soda beverage per day. If you stop making progress,
intake by taking a magnesium supplement. Magnesium or plateau, then immediately stop drinking diet soda.
supplements can be purchased online or at your local pharmacy.
CRYSTAL LIGHT Crystal Light is an artificial flavored water enhancer and
can be found at your local grocery store. It contains artificial sweeteners
It’s recommended you take between 400-500 mg per day. that can potentially raise your blood sugar and knock you out of ketosis.
Use as directed on the label. You can have 1-2 glasses of water with Crystal Light added per day.
However, if you stop making progress, or plateau, then immediately stop
drinking Crystal Light
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TOP 5 Keeping your carbohydrate intake within the daily recommended
limit is very important. Food companies have become professionals
at hiding carbs in foods. In fact, studies show up to 75% of packaged
foods on store shelves contain a form of added sweetener!
Additionally, sugars are used as a way to preserve packaged foods
such as bacon and sausages. The easiest way to avoid this problem is
to only consume whole foods that haven’t been processed.
Check for hidden sugars... such as agave, cane sugar, corn syrup,
dextrose, maltodextrin, fructose, fruit juice concentrate, high fructose
corn syrup, honey, invert sugar, starch, maltose, molasses, sucrose.
Finally, always check the food label to see how many grams of
carbohydrates are inside. You may think corn and peas are good
vegetables, but in fact they have almost 30 grams of carbs per
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Not enough sodium, potassium and magnesium is the leading cause
of negative side effects like tiredness, muscle aches, headaches and
foggy thinking.
Remember, your body is now being fueled by fat so you need to eat
more fat! Not consuming enough calories from fat will leave you
tired and groggy. Eat plenty of high fat foods like: ground beef, eggs,
steak, bacon, avocado, coconut oil, butter, etc.
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You may eat fast digesting carbs (bad carbs) as long as you stay under
your daily carbohydrate limit. These include foods like: sugary drinks,
cereal, pancakes, pasta, sushi, candy, fruit, bagels, bread, baked potato,
pretzels, sorbet, etc.
Eating too many fast digesting carbs may cause you to experience
excessive water retention, bloating or inflammation, and low energy. If this Carb Day will temporarily knock you out of ketosis. Your goal is to get back into
happens, you should switch to using slow-digesting carbs (good carbs). ketosis quickly as possible. If you you aren’t able to get back into ketosis within
3 to 4 days after Carb Day then you should switch to good carbs instead of bad
Slow digesting carbs are complex, so they take your digestive system carbs. After your Carb Day is over you must recommit yourself, stay disciplined,
longer to breakdown and have less of an impact on blood sugar and insulin and keep moving forward with determination.
levels. They also have more nutritional value than fast digesting carbs. If
your primary goal is to lose weight it is highly recommended you stick to
eating ‘good carbs’ on your Carb Day.
Slow-digesting carbs include foods such as: brown rice, sweet potato,
quinoa, oatmeal, berries, and whole grains.
Another option is to start your day off with fast digesting carbs and move
into consuming slow digesting carbs as the day progresses, or vice versa.
You may also decide to stick primarily with good carbs, but allow yourself
one ‘cheat meal’ with bad carbs like pizza, pancakes, candy or ice cream.
Your decision should be made depending on how you feel and what your
instincts are telling you.
Carbs add up very quickly! It’s very important you use MyFitnessPal to
keep track of your daily carb intake.
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1. GET AS CLOSE as possible to your macro ratio
75% 20% 5%
2. DO NOT go over your daily carb limit
3. DO NOT go over your daily protein limit
4. DO NOT go under your daily fat requirement.
MyFitnessPal is a FREE app for iPhone and Android devices. It is a very Being slightly over on your fat intake is better than being under
convenient and effective way to track your daily calories and macros.
There are other apps and methods, but MyFitnessPal seems to be the
most accurate and has the largest food database. You can easily enter
foods using the barcode scanner, or type the name of the food in the
search field.
To view your daily calorie and macro breakdown click the ‘Nutrition’
button at the bottom of the ‘Diary’ page.
Your goal is to come close as possible to your calorie and macro goals,
Set your personal calorie and macro goals inside the app by following
these steps: but it’s very difficult to match your requirements exactly on the dot. Your
first few days of tracking can be frustrating. Stay patient, practice makes
Step 1: Go to the ‘Diary’ perfect!
Step 2: Scroll down and press the ‘Nutrition’ button
Step 3: Under the ‘Calories’ tab press the ‘Goal’ field
Step 4: Press the ‘Calories’ field and enter your goal At the end of each day you have an opportunity to troubleshoot and make
(press the checkmark) corrections for the next day. For example, if you have too many carbs you
Step 5: Press any of the macro fields to change your macro ratios can find which foods you are eating that are highest in carbs, and replace
Note: the macro breakdown pie chart does not factor in net carbs. To them with something different. Keep playing around with different foods
calculate net carbs, simply go to the ‘Nutrients’ tab and subtract total until you find what works. It’s a process and you will get better as you go
carbs from total fiber. along.
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Your first trip to the grocery store is an interesting and shocking
Tracking your food is very important for the first few weeks, but it can experience. All the foods you were taught to avoid are now ending up
become cumbersome and hard to keep up with forever. After a few in your grocery cart. Stay on the outside perimeter of the grocery store
weeks you will discover what works for you and automatically know what since most processed and refined carbohydrates are located in the aisles.
When you are traveling through the grocery store focus on getting high
types of foods you should be eating, and what meals are best. At this point
fat foods, instead of focusing on avoiding carbs.
you can stop tracking your daily calories and macros.
You are used to buying leaner cuts of meat, avoiding dairy, and choosing
However, if you decide to stop tracking your food and experience a fatfree products. However, on the Keto Cycle it is important to select the
plateau or negative side effects then you need to immediately return to fattier cuts of meat and full fat dairy products. For example, steak, pork,
tracking your food so you can troubleshoot the problem. salmon and ground beef are much better than chicken and ground turkey.
Do not buy lowfat dairy products.
DOWNLOAD FOR FREE AT: Cheese and dairy are an excellent source of vitamins, protein and healthy
fat. Try new varieties of cheeses, and don’t be afraid of cottage cheese,
sour cream, butter and mayonnaise.
Foods labeled ‘lowfat or ‘reduced fat’ are actually worse for you. Food
companies remove the fat from the product and replace it with more
carbs! They have used ‘low fat’ marketing tactics for the past 30 years to
sell more products.
Finally, you may get ‘sticker shock’ as many healthy fats come at a high
price. This serves as evidence that the foods you are now eating are
indeed healthy. Carbs are cheap for a reason! One gram of fat has 9
calories and one gram of carbs has only 4 calories. So, technically you are
getting a better value in terms of overall energy. Also, many food items
like coconut oil last a long time.
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Additionally, urinalysis ketone strip tests tend to range from
high to low throughout the day and readings can be affected
by several things. For example, your ketone readings will be
lower immediately after workouts, after eating a meal, and
after drinking large amounts of water.
YOU As long as your stick turns any shade of red you are
considered to be in ‘fat burning mode’. If your stick reads
negative, then you can troubleshoot your diet to determine
what you are doing wrong (i.e hidden carbs, too much protein,
not enough fat). Be patient and don’t get discouraged if you
have a negative reading.
More accurate methods such as ketone breathalyzers
or ketone blood tests are available, but are much more
expensive compared to urinalysis tests.
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It is not necessary to During ketosis you will notice your appetite starting to go
be concerned with meal down, especially in the morning. Your body is now efficient
timing and portion control. at burning it’s own body fat as energy, and is no longer
You can simply eat when dependent on glucose for survival. When you were running
you are hungry, and portion on glucose your body sent you the signal to eat every time
your food according to your your blood sugar level went down. Now, your body can
appetite. Eating meals late at simply tap into your fat stores to produce the energy it
night is completely fine, as long needs.
as it fits into your calorie and
macro goals. Also, you can choose However, it is important not to go long periods of time
to eat small meals throughout the without eating. If you notice you haven’t eaten in a while,
day, or a few large meals. simply grab a snack or eat a small meal.
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Preparing your meals in advance is a great way to add convenience
and set yourself up for success. Meal prep is especially beneficial if
you work long hours, get short lunch breaks or travel for work. You
can designate a ‘meal prep day’ where you cook food in bulk and
package meals for the week.
Ground beef, vegetables, hard boiled eggs and snacks can all be
prepared in advance. Use tupperware and insulated bags to store
and carry meals. Also, you can use a crock pot to cook large meals
at once. The challenge of sticking to your diet largely
depends on the type of restaurant you visit.
CAN YOU HAVE Obviously, going to an italian restaurant is going to be more
challenging than a steak and seafood restaurant. If you visit a
ALCOHOL? restaurant simply focus on avoiding carbs and go for the protein
and vegetables. For example, you can order a hamburger without
the bun, chicken or cobb salad, steak or chicken with vegetables,
etc. Also, you can ask your server to give you extra vegetables as
Unfortunately, alcohol is not allowed on Keto Days. Alcohol a side dish, instead of fries or bread.
completely impairs the use of fat by your body. Most alcohol is
produced using carbohydrates such as rice, barley, grapes and If you are eating with other people who aren’t following a diet you
potato. may notice an element of insecurity on their part. Your decision to
eat healthy naturally makes them feel like they are making unhealthy
However, you may have alcoholic beverages on Carb Day in decisions. Try your hardest not to make a point to them or make
moderation. Your best options are liquors such as: vodka, tequila, them feel guilty for their foods choices. Just focus on yourself and
whisky, rum, gin, scotch, brandy, cognac. live your own journey.
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This premium combination of quick-digesting and slow-digesting proteins works Creatine Monohydrate is the most clinically
by providing muscle-building nutrition for up to a 6-hour time span. It is a unique studied form of creatine. Your body produces
combination of whey protein, egg protein, and casein. Having a positive muscle creatine, but when you add more to your diet,
protein balance at the end of the day allows you to build muscle. The 2 ways to you can increase your body’s ability to produce
achieve this are by increasing muscle protein synthesis and decreasing muscle energy rapidly. More energy means you can
protein breakdown. The Myoplex Protein Blend contains 3 unique ingredients train that much harder.
that do both. Each scoop contains 1.5g of HMB, which has scientifically been
proven to decrease muscle breakdown. 300mg of Phosphatidylserine (PS) is
added to decrease the catabolic effects of cortisol post-exercise. Additionally,
the Myoplex Protein Blend delivers 500mg of leucine, which is the most important
amino acid responsible for stimulating protein synthesis.
56 57
Myoplex Pre-Workout is scientifically formulated L-Glutamine is an amino acid produced in the
to improve nitric oxide (N.O) levels and vasodilation muscles and plays an important role in muscle
via 2 separate pathways. The first is the oxygen- repair and immune function throughout your body.
independent pathway in which nitric oxide is formed You can lose a significant amount of glutamine
from the chemical reduction of nitrate, which is why during intense workouts. If it’s not replaced quickly,
Myoplex Pre-Workout contains 5g of beet root extract muscles may be broken down more rapidly. This
per serving as a natural source of nitrate. The second supplement helps maintain your glutamine levels
pathway is the oxygen-dependent pathway in which so you can quickly recover and continue making
ATP is used to increase vasodilation by stimulating lean muscle gains.
the production of nitric oxide by nitric oxide synthase
in your blood vessels. Myoplex Pre-Workout contains
200mg of ‘Peak ATP’ to stimulate the oxygen-
dependent pathway.t
58 59
Omega 3 & Fish Oil
Omega 3 fats are essential for cardiovascular health and brain
function. You can take an Omega 3 supplement during your
Keto Adaptation Phase, as well as on Keto Days and Carb
Days. Use the directions on the label.
The importance of Magnesium has been discussed The scale lies. There are several factors that determine the number
previously, and should be taken during your Keto you see on the scale, such as the time of the day, whether you
Adaptation Phase, as well as on Keto Days and have eaten prior, and how much water you’ve had.
Carb Days. Use the directions on the label.
Dieters who dramatically cut calories lose a significant amount of
Multivitamin muscle, which factors into their significant weight loss. The Keto
You may use a multivitamin of your Cycle is designed to maximize fat loss, keep energy levels high, and
choice to ensure you are getting proper preserve muscle. Your weight might not plummet like you expect
micronutrients, vitamins and minerals. it to, but you will still be burning body fat. Even if the scale doesn’t
Use the directions on the label. move much, you are still getting leaner and losing body fat. Take
notice of the difference in how your clothes fit, how you look in the
Fiber Supplements mirror and pictures, and most importantly how you feel.
You may use fiber supplements
to improve gut health and The scale is responsible for killing motivation and making you
bowel movement regulation. question everything you are doing. If the scale doesn’t show the
Use the directions on the number you are looking for you automatically get disappointed
label. and get negative thoughts and feelings. The scale is not your friend,
and it doesn’t determine your progress.
These pictures are for you, and only you! You can share them if
you want as a way to document your progress and encourage
other people. Don’t be embarrassed to take the picture! One day
you are going to look back at that picture and smile.