Resource Rate Calculators II - Manual
Resource Rate Calculators II - Manual
Resource Rate Calculators II - Manual
Calculators II
User Manual
The Resource Rate Calculators II is designed to give the user the ability to calculate rates for resources in a
spreadsheet like format environment and then use these rates within a Candy estimate.
These calculated rates can be complex build up rates (e.g. Cost to Company for Job Occupation including
all allowances, overtimes and statutory requirements) or even existing rates from the resources list that
can be revised to calculate a new rate and then the revised rate can be exported back to the Candy
This process uses 6th Base documents and allows the user to do analysis that is not possible in a Candy
worksheet environment.
The Resource Rate Calculators II can be found under the tab > Advanced menu dropdown >
Resources rate calculators II.
When Resource Rate Calculators II has been selected, you will be directed to the Resource Rate Calculators
II Document Manager.
Previously created 5th base documents can be imported into 6th base.
This would be recommended to do as 5th base is a legacy system and will soon become obsolete.
Do this
Choose between:
➢ Import Job Calculator Document
➢ Import My Template Documents
➢ Import My Reference Documents
➢ Import Candy Template Documents
➢ Import Candy Reference Documents
These documents are sourced from resource rate calculator found under Estimating > Advanced >
Resource Rate Calculators.
Selecting any of the available existing Template documents as a starting point is another option.
These documents provide guidance and can be customized to your required specifications.
Do this
Choose between:
➢ Plant Lookup List – Reference Document
➢ Structural Steel Tables – Reference Document
➢ Plant Rate Calculator – Manual Document
➢ Plant Rate Calculator – Full Document
➢ Labour Rate Calculator – Manual Document
➢ Labour Rate Calculator – Full Document
➢ Materials OnSite Calculator – Manual Document
Choosing this option, you will create a new calculator document from scratch.
Do this
The Resource Rate Calculators II Document Manager is structured in accordance to the following:
Rate Calculator Reference Documents - holds documents which contain static or slow-changing
data. (E.g. Structural Steel Tables or Plant Purchase prices, life of equipment, etc.) This information
would be used frequently in calculations.
Rate Calculator Documents - holds documents which contains the final calculated rates which will be
used to export to the resource list for the use in the Candy estimate.
Addition headings and sub-headings can be included / removed based on your requirements.
Do this
Right-click on the document manager select New > New Heading or New Sub-Heading
When a new rate calculator document has been created, select the document by double-clicking on it
or highlighting and using the select function button in the bottom right-hand corner of the document
The change column layout box will appear. Within this box is where definitions, settings and styling of
the rate calculator document will be done based on your requirements and desired outcome.
1. Document header: Include a left justified, centered and/or right justified header. Header
descriptions are limited to 160 characters.
2. Sample column headers: Populated information will be displayed in this environment based
on what has been defined within the column headers section. Information displayed is column
number, description and width of column.
3. Column name: The column header name is created here, information can be structured in 3
lines (Top, middle and Bottom) and each line is limited to 50 characters.
4. Column width: The column width is set here. Column width length can be set to a maximum
of 255 characters.
5. Column type: Here we can define the type of information that will be contained within the
column. With the drop down functionality, you can choose the required type:
➢ Free Format: Columns can contain any information and is seen as text only
➢ Numeric Format: Displays numeric values with thousand separators and decimalization up
to 4. No text can be included in these columns.
➢ Date Format: Displays date format only. No text or numeric values are displayed in this
type column. Dates are entered 01 May 18 or 01 05 18
➢ Formula Format: This is a calculated column and displays numeric value up to 4 decimals.
This is also a non-editable field and can only be changed by changing either the format or
the formula contained for the column.
6. Decimals: Choose to display decimals up to 4. Only available in Numeric and Formula formats.
7. Column formula: Various formulae can be included in this field in order to calculate the
column requirements. All formula functions and operators are displayed below in section 6.
Formulae is limited to 248 characters after the = ‘equal’ sign.
8. Columns: These function buttons allows you to create a new column, delete a column, copy
an existing column and/or move column.
9. Lookup code: In this section, codes with a value can be created. Same as a local variable in a
worksheet. Codes are limited to 5 alpha numeric characters and 1000 codes can be added.
When recalling a code the [] square brackets are used with the lookup code in the formula
10. Column styles: In this section there are various tick options:
➢ Indent Column data: Data will be indented from left based on under what heading level
they are displayed.
➢ Lock Column data: Lock data to prevent changes in the calculator document.
➢ Hide Column: Select if the column should not be displayed in the calculator document.
➢ Column Lines: Choose to have a single, double or triple line to be displayed after or before
and after the column.
When importing resources information from the resource list, only the resource code is imported.
Making use of the standard 6th base formulae, any other field in the resource list corresponding to
that resource code can be imported.
Note!! When creating a new resource code in the resource rate calculator document, a corresponding
resource code must be created in the resource list in order to export information from the rate
calculator document to the resources list.
Once our rate calculator document has been setup in term of columns, we can now import information
from our resources list.
Do this
This will bring up a dialogue box where you need to select the Column number where you want to
insert the Resource codes. The Resource codes will be imported into Column 1 in the example below.
Once the destination Column has been selected, a further dialogue box is displayed (see below).
Resource Codes have now been imported from the resource list based on our selection.
We can now include the required 6th base formulae to import the resource information relating to the
resource codes imported.
Do this
Ensure to select column 2 and include the formulae to recover the resource description relating to
resource code in column 1.
Full list of formula functions and operators are displayed below in section 5.
Column 3: C3=CANDY(RES(C1,UNIT))
Column 4: C4=CANDY(RES(C1,RATE))
Column 5: C5=CANDY(RES(C1,UTIL))
Information as per your resources list have now been imported into the rate calculator document for
the selected resources.
Do this
By placing the cursor in any column in the first line, use shortcut key functionality Ctrl + Insert. This
will include a blank line above the first line item.
By right-clicking on the row selector for the applicable line, go to > set line(s) level
You can now choose the level heading u wish to assign. Up to level 9 headings can be created.
We will be adding additional columns to the document in order to establish a modified rate which we wish to return to
the resources list.
Do this
To send modified rates back to the Candy Resource list, select Tools > Import/Export > Export all rates. This will open
up a dialogue box where you select whether to copy to existing, base or final Resource rate. You will also have to
identify the Column numbers of the Resource code and Resource rate which are to be exported.
The new rates from the document are then written back to the resource list in Candy to the selected destination rate.
Rate Calculator Reference Documents - holds documents which contain static or slow-changing
data. (E.g. Structural Steel Tables or Plant Purchase prices, life of equipment, PPE requirements, etc.)
This information would be used frequently in calculations.
Any other document created can be used as a reference document. Only one reference document can be used
for a rate calculator document.
Do this
We will create a new document for our total PPE requirements per labour category. The total PPE inclusive rate will
then be used as a reference to our already built labour rate document. A unique code is required in both documents
as this will be the identifier for what value needs to be allocated against what resource.
The resource code will be used in the reference document as the unique code for identification purposes. With this
example we have created a total rate for PPE per hour.
C2 = REF ( C1 , 06 , C1 , C12 )
Current code is in to Corresponding Return
make Document
Column column Column
reference to Number
formula is Reference For code in that
in current to make
applied to reference contains
document reference to
document value
Formulae are used extensively in the Rate Calculators for manipulating the columns of a document and for
getting information from Candy and other documents. Formulae are entered on the column formula field on
the change column layout document.
Arguments are:
• Any number
• Column reference - C1
• Look-up - [C1]
• Function - SUM(1,2,C1)
• Expression - (1+C1/10+5%)
Group 3: Functions
Structure Remarks
IF arg THEN arg ELSE arg ENDIF IF SUM(C1..C9) > 1,000 THEN
100 ELSE 200 ENDIF
Group 7: Miscellaneous
Retrieves the Global Variable Value for a code used in the Global Variables
Parameter Meaning
GlobalCodeCol The column which contains the variable code as defined under Global Variables in
Retrieves the Value for a code used in the Resources List for chosen property to be returned
CANDY(RES(ResourceCodeCol, ResourceProperty)[,Job])
Parameter Meaning
ResourceCodeCol The column which contains the resource codes which will be matched with
Candy resource codes
ResourceProperty The required Candy item. This may be one of the following:
Job Job file extension code. If the document is from another job, the job file
extension must be specified. If the job name is omitted, the current job is
Note: If a job extension is used, and the source document is backed up and
recovered into another job, the job extension will be different, and the remote
document will not be found.
Retrieves the group description for a given group code used by a Candy resource
Example: C3 = CANDY(GROUPDESC(C1))
Retrieves the work description for a given work code used by a Candy Op Code
Example: C3 = CANDY(WORKDESC(C1))
Parameter Meaning
WorkCodeCol The column which contains the work code, as defined in the work code
definitions in Candy
Retrieves the task description for a given task code used by a Candy Op Code
Example: C3 = CANDY(YACDESC(C1))
Parameter Meaning
YacCodeCol The column which contains the YAC code, as defined in the Bid Scroller in Candy
Retrieves the exchange rate for a given currency code used by a Candy resource
Parameter Meaning
CurrencyCodeCol The column which contains the currency code, as defined in the currency
definitions in Candy
Retrieves the tax % for a given tax code used by a Candy resource
Example: C3 = CANDY(TAX%(C1))
Parameter Meaning
TaxCodeCol The column which contains the tax code, as defined in the tax definitions in
Connects numeric data in a "Rate calculator reference document", to the Rate Calculator document
containing this formula
Example: C3=REF( C1, AG, C1, C4 ) - Match column 1 in this document with column 1 in the
Reference document AG, and return the data in its 4th column to column 3 of this documents
Parameter Meaning
KeyColumn The column which contains the key which must be matched with the
Reference Document key column
RefDocCode The reference document code as it it appears on the Reference
Document selector
RefDocKeyCol The column in the Reference document, which must be matched with
records in the key column
RefDocDataCol The column in the Reference document, which contains the data
Operator Precedence
The following shows the order in which operations are performed in a formula. The precedence can be
overridden by grouping operations with brackets.
Operator Precedence
Exponentiation (^) First - Highest
Negation (-) Second
Multiplication and division (*, /) Third
Addition and subtraction (+, -) Fourth
String concatenation (&) Fifth
Comparison (=, <>, <, >, <=, >=) Sixth
AND Seventh
OR Eighth - Lowest