Intro: - Spoke Very Well Today. - Actively Participated in Class and Did Well in The Lesson Today
Intro: - Spoke Very Well Today. - Actively Participated in Class and Did Well in The Lesson Today
Intro: - Spoke Very Well Today. - Actively Participated in Class and Did Well in The Lesson Today
- We had a bad connection. Although the line was not clear, you still answered my
questions with all your might. Once again, I am really sorry. We will have lesson _____
tomorrow. Have a nice day!
Student knew and used basic and simple words that are most commonly
The student answered mostly in mere words and phrases.
Student’s vocabulary and sentence construction was quite good.
Student was familiar with Basic English expressions and questions.
The words and expressions used were appropriate.
She/He managed to talk spontaneously and words flowed naturally.
Student monitored his/her speech, and was able to self-correct.
Student responds with individual words, Korean phrases, or silence.
Student can express his/her ideas without giving ambiguous statements.
Occasional pauses and delayed responses due to uncertainty are observed.
Student is equipped with Basic English skills that could be easily honed.
Many times, however, the student did not answer.
He/She sometimes had to ask for the spelling of some words.
The student’s choice/use of words showed good vocabulary.
Conversations flow was quite smooth with only a few significant pauses.
The student was spontaneous and was able to elaborate answers.
The student needed a bit of help in using some words in the right context.
She/He had no difficulty expressing his/her ideas and opinions.
The student could distinguish very simple vocabulary words and basic
She/He could only use and understand very few words. Sometimes he/she
respond yes/no if he/she didn’t understand the questions.
However, she/he didn't seem to be expressing herself/himself well, due to
vocabulary limitations.
The student was able to respond in complete sentences and was able to
exchange thoughts and ideas with the teacher.
The student needs to learn more vocabulary words so she/he could use the
appropriate words in her/his sentences.
Student had a broad vocabulary; can understand figurative expressions and
idioms used by a native speaker.
The student speaks carefully and rather slowly to better deliver his/her
thoughts and avoid mispronunciations.
Some terms were not familiar to the student but when explained, the
student easily got the meanings.
He/She had a slight difficulty expressing his/her ideas and opinions because
sometimes he/she couldn’t find the word that he/she was looking for.
The student carefully constructed sentences because she/he had a difficult
time finding the right words to say.
He/She had no difficulty expressing his/her ideas and opinions, though at
times he/she cannot find the word that he/she is looking for.
The student showed interest to improve his/her vocabulary as he/she asked
the teacher about the meaning of some words.
The student sometimes had to ask the teacher for assistance when looking
for the right word/s to say.
Words or phrases are always taken out of context or misconstrued by the
Student can communicate effectively and with ease, but may fumble under
She/He can express herself/himself well and had no trouble looking for the
right words to say.
His/Her vocabulary was fair and the teacher doesn’t need to explain the
questions about the article.
He/She was able to answer many of the questions correctly, and showed a
good vocabulary.
Student understood very simple expressions but had difficulty using them in
The student was observed to have very limited vocabulary, thus it was
difficult for the student to respond quickly in complete sentences.
Significant pauses were noted as the student struggled to look for the right
words to say.
She/He was only able to respond to yes/no questions and it was difficult for
him/her to answer in complete sentences without assistance.
The student possessed good vocabulary as she/he usually used the right
words in her/his sentences.
He/She had a hard time looking for words sometimes and had to pause for a
while to think of what he/she had to say.
Inconsistencies may be apparent at times but the student can sustain a flow
of thought.
Student recognized and was able to use very few words; may recognize basic
and simple words that are most commonly heard.
Student tends to resort to Korean often; expressions are difficult to
He/She also immediately realized his mistakes and tried to amend them by
himself/herself first.
He/She displayed a fair vocabulary as he/she sometimes had a difficult time
looking for the right words to say.
Though there were times when he/she was unsure of the words he/she was
to use, he/she still tried his/her best to express his/her ideas clearly.
She/He also used accurate words and expressions while she spoke. Most of
her/his sentences were comprehensible.
When the teacher gave corrections, he/she listened carefully and repeated
the corrections and took note of the words/expressions changed and added.
There is a lot of dead air and student makes insufficient responses during
the class.
He/She was able to answer many of the questions correctly, and showed a
good vocabulary.
The student spoke in a slow pace and sometimes paused before continuing
with sentences.
He/She was able to repeat words and sentences given by the teacher, after
the teacher translated the instructions in Korean.
For the free talk, she/he answered mostly in phrases or one word or
sentence fragments.
He/She took time to construct sentences as he/she looked for the right
words to say.
He/She sometimes asked for the meaning of the words. He/She was able to
understand the meaning after the teacher’s explanations/clarifications.
Sometimes he/she had to explain in a sentence or phrase what he/she
wants to say even though it can be summed up in one word.
He/She had some difficulty sharing his/her stories to the teacher because at
times he/she cannot find the word that he/she is looking for.
She/He can express himself well although she/he had to take some time to
think of words to say.
She/He expressed herself/himself well although she had to take some time
to think of words to say before she/he conveyed her/his message.
The student answered using complete sentences and tried to elaborate
He/She was able to come up with good sentences although sometimes
he/she had a hard time looking for the right word, but he/she was still able
to convey the message he/she wanted to say.
She/He had trouble pronouncing words with the /_/ and /_/ sound.
Student had great difficulty pronouncing words with /_/ and /_/ sound.
Most errors are committed with the /_/ sound when the student speaks
Pronunciation was usually good but corrections on the /_/ sound were
English words were pronounced with a local accent. Tail tones were
The student pronunciation was fair and some slips were noted.
Some mistakes were noticed when the student talked fast and lost control.
Local accent and tail tones were noticed.
However, he/she can speak the corrected words better after a few
There was also very minimal mispronunciation.
Pronunciation was better, but native tongue was still evident at times.
His/Her pronunciation was good but he/she has to stress on some sounds.
Native intonation was noted but acceptable.
Speech is choppy and meanings are sometimes unclear.
The student was able to pronounce simple words correctly.
His/Her pronunciation improved a lot and his/her tail tones were less
He/She had very good pronunciation and intonation!
He/She was able to pronounce the words correctly.
Pronunciation is improved quickly upon correction.
Pronunciation was also good and knew intonation and stresses of words.
Just a tinge of the native tongue is noticeable.
Native intonation was still apparent but arose only on some occasions.
Tail tones are very noticeable.
His tail tones and native accent were still noted, but his meanings were
Most of the time the student spoke clearly with no hint of the local
Student had good pronunciation and intonation, too.
Her/His pronunciation was good but should be consistent with the /_/
Student is now able to speak words well and enunciate clearly.
English words are pronounced with the correct accent and natural rhythm.
Slight difficulty in making the /_/ sound was also encountered.
Tail tones were also noted in some of his/her words.
He/She had good pronunciation throughout the class.
Student’s native tongue is still apparent, making some English words
Student’s pronunciation lacks proper blending and intonation.
Pronunciation is still heavily marked with the native accent.
Pronunciation is quickly corrected, after only one or two repetitions.
Student usually monitored his/her pronunciation and strived to self-correct.
His/Her pronunciation improved a lot and his/her tail tones were less
There were no mispronounced words noticed.
The student's pronunciation has improved but inconsistencies were noted.
Her native accents were still noted, but her meanings were clear.
Her pronunciation was good except for a few slips noted on some occasion.
The student had good pronunciation in class, and the teacher didn’t have
difficulty understanding the student's speech.
He/She was good in pronouncing a lot of words, but had some problems
with /_/ sound.
Her/His pronunciation improved greatly when she/he repeated the teacher’s
corrected words. Just watch out when saying the /_/ sound.
Intonations should also be practiced and tail tones should be avoided for
better pronunciation.
The student's pronunciation lapses were noted but were also spoken
properly upon the teacher’s corrections.
There were some grammar and pronunciation lapses but the student was
very easy to understand.
Local intonation was slightly evident but she/he pronounced most words
The student's pronunciation lapses include the difficulty in pronouncing
words with letter /_/ and /_/.
He/She was able to pronounce simple and short English words correctly
after occasional repetitions and practice.
He/She should just be careful in saying the /_/ sound, but overall
pronunciation was good.
The student expressed views and opinions well but had tendency to talk fast.
In a fast pace, speech was harder to understand because of the local accent.
He/She pronounced most of the words correctly but he/she should be
conscious of tail tones.
The student had minimal pronunciation lapses that were especially hard to
Tail tones were prevalent while talking but had improved when the student
repeated the words as teacher guides the student.
He/She mispronounced words with the /_/ and /_/ sound, but was very
receptive to corrections.
He/She did not display much pronunciation errors though a hint of local
accent was observed.
The student's native tongue influenced speech, but nearly all of the
student's words were comprehensible.
There were also a number of mispronounced words, especially ending
consonant sounds.
Lapses in pronunciation occurred but the student was able to imitate the
The student had minimal pronunciation lapses and once corrections were
given, the student was able to speak them fittingly.
The student’s intonation was good and so was the student’s pronunciation
except for a few slips noted.
Native accent was noticeable which made it a little hard to understand
Native tongue may arise when encountering complex, polysyllabic and
unfamiliar words.
He/She pronounced many words correctly, but had trouble saying others,
specifically those containing /_/ and /_/ sounds.
His/Her pronunciation was good as he/she said most of the words correctly,
except that he/she should work more on producing the /_/ sound.
Although he/she generally spoke audibly, he/she interchanged the /r/ and
/l/ sounds a number of times.
She/He was successful in imitating the teacher regarding the correct
Some words were misspoken however, most of the times the student spoke
clearly with little or no hint of the local intonation.
He/She had very good pronunciation and intonation. She/He should just be
careful in saying words with /_/ sound.
Teacher has to guide the student several times before the correct
pronunciation is attained.
At times, the /_/ sound was omitted when it is found at the middle of the
He/She had very good pronunciation, with some difficulty in pronouncing
the /_/ sound.
He/She was able to express himself/herself well but he/she spoke fast and
failed to enunciate the words properly.
Native tongue completely influences pronunciation and intonation, making
English words difficult to comprehend.
Simple words may be uttered correctly by pronouncing them very slowly or
repeating them once or twice.
Pronunciation is generally good; words are said clearly and with the right
Student had very good pronunciation, his/her only drawback being that
he/she tended to talk quite fast.
The student’s pronunciation was good except for a few slips noted on some
He/She had good pronunciation in general, but should be consistent with
words having an /_/ sound.
The student speaks carefully and rather slowly to better deliver his/her
thoughts and avoid mispronunciations.
His/Her native intonation was still apparent and she/he had problems with
/_/ and /_/ sound.
He/She monitored his/her pronunciation, usually corrected himself/herself
and was very receptive to corrections.
Tail tones on her/his pronunciation were apparent, native accent was also
noted but were easily corrected with practice.
He/She generally had good pronunciation but should be consistent in
putting stress on the right syllable.
His/Her pronunciation was good and he/she pronounced most of the words
correctly, except that he/she should work more on producing the /_/ sound.
Overall, he/she did a great job today. Keep it up!
Overall the student was a pleasure to speak with. Good job!
Overall, student was able to communicate well in English.
Nevertheless, the student was able to communicate.
He/She was able to follow the corrections though. Perfect job!
The student can easily converse with the teacher about any topic.
But the student showed a good amount of effort with tonight’s lesson.
He/She had fun while answering the lesson in the book.
He/She did very well in today’s lesson, keep up the good work!
She/He expressed himself/herself well today. She/He did a really good job!
She/He was already confident in expressing himself/herself in English. Great
Overall, the student's fluency showed a continuous improvement and
he/she was able to converse and understand the teacher better now.
She/He was very eager to learn and showed a positive attitude when
correcting her/his errors.
Overall, his/her fluency showed a continuous improvement especially that
he/she was very receptive to corrections.
She/He was also very receptive to instruction on correcting her/his grammar
and pronunciation, which indicates an excellent attitude toward learning.
He/She listened well to the teacher’s corrections and was able to improve
most of his/her errors with some repetition.
Student was very receptive to the teacher's corrections and had a very
positive learning attitude.
His/Her fluency improved as she/he became more at ease in conversing in
He/She was very smart and talked in complete sentences. The teacher was
very impressed!
He/She was also able to answer some of the teacher’s socializing questions
in Korean, and at times answered in English.
He/She was open to corrections from the teacher although sometimes
he/she can correct himself/herself.
He/She had a few clarifications with regard to today’s lesson but
nonetheless he/she was receptive to the explanations given by the teacher.
Overall, the student's fluency showed a continuous improvement and will
definitely improve more with practice.
He/She should practice more and build up his/her vocabulary so he/she can
converse better.
He/She received corrections very well and tried to practice most of the
words/phrases/sentences the teacher asked him/her to repeat.
She/He answered the exercises confidently and Basic Conversations were
done correctly with minimal corrections.
Student spoke audibly and correctly and learned quickly especially with
further encouragement.
Student showed the potentials of being very conversant and learning English
But overall, she/he could maintain a pleasant conversation without much
difficulty. Well done!
Overall, he/she analyzed the lesson carefully and was able to answer the
exercises correctly.
He/She was open to the teacher’s corrections and was able to repeat what
the teacher had to correct.
The student was very receptive to the teacher’s corrections and
practiced/used the new concepts eagerly.
The student was receptive and tried to apply suggestions made by the
teacher to help her/him enhance her/his speaking skills.
Overall, he/she maintained a smooth conversation and expressed
himself/herself very well.
But the student showed a good amount of effort in expressing views and
opinions. Keep it up!
He/She listened well to the teacher’s corrections and was able to improve
most of his/her errors with some repetition.
Overall, he/she maintained a smooth conversation with the teacher and
expressed himself/herself in a confident manner.
Lastly, the student could express her/him ideas without giving ambiguous
statements and was willing to learn.
Overall, the student's fluency showed a continuous improvement and will
definitely improve more if she/he continues to be diligent in attending
her/his classes. Good job!
Overall, he/she was able to communicate well in English, and make his/her
meaning clear, though some of his/her responses were constrained by a
limited grasp of vocabulary and grammar.
The student asked the teacher for assistance on how to say a particular
sentence/word better. This showed the student’s diligence and eagerness
to learn.
This is Teacher Frank! Well, I’m so glad and I’m so happy to be your teacher! I hope
that you will enjoy the class.
Well, since that I’m gonna be teaching you, I just want you to feel comfortable. If
you have any questions, don’t hesitate to ask me. Feel free to ask me anything,
anytime, ok? You don’t have to be scared; you don’t have to be shy. All you have to
do is, just be yourself. I’m here to help you, to guide you, to teach you, as your
friend and as your teacher, ok?
Well, just feel free & at home! Be my guest! If you have more concerns, you can
also write on your E-mail on your student page, right?
Welcome to my class! You could handle our first class very well. You were able to
express yourself too. However, we need to practice some words and sentences to
make your expressions clearer. I felt your eagerness improving your skills. We will
work together to make that happen. Thank you and God bless!
Hi there! I just dropped by to say that you're welcome to my class. I hope that we
could get along well together. I’m looking forward to have lively discussions with
you. If you have any questions, please let me know. Take care!^-^
Hi there! I just want to let you know that you are most welcomed to my class. I
hope everything would run smoothly as we go on with our discussion. If you have
anything in mind, please let it out. I’m here to listen. Take care! ^-^
It was a pleasure to meet you! It's really great meeting you and talking to you. I
had a great time knowing many details about you as well as your interests.
Anyway, I hope that we can continue talking again next time. Enjoy the rest of the
Hi there! Thank you for having phone class again. I’m glad to see your name on my
list. I hope we would have a great time together for the second time around. Take
care! ^^,
Welcome back to my class! It’s good to hear your voice again. I’m delighted to see
your name on my list for the second time around. I’m hoping for another
successful class with you. Anyway, I hope that we can continue talking again next
time. Enjoy the rest of the evening.^^,
Hi there! Thank you for having phone class again. I hope that we could get along
well together. I’m looking forward to have lively discussions with you again. If you
have any questions, please let me know. Take care! ^^,
Welcome to my class! It's really great meeting you and talking to you. I had a good
time knowing many details about you as well as your interests. Anyway, I hope that
we can continue talking again next time. Enjoy the rest of the evening.^-^
I would like to welcome you to my class. It is my pleasure and honor to have you as
my student. I really appreciate your time and effort in sharing your personal
experiences for the first day. I am looking forward to share opinions with you and I
hope that you’ll be participative in my class. Take care!^-^
Hello! Thank you so much for being cooperative in our 1st class. I really enjoyed
our conversation. I'm so happy to have you as my student. I'll promise to do my
best to help you improve more. God bless and Take care!
Hi there! I just drop by to say welcome to our class. You impressed me on the first
day of our discussion. I hope that we could have a great talk everyday. Please don't
hesitate to ask me if you have any concerns. Have a great day!^^,
Hi there! It was a great talk! I was really glad that to have a wonderful talk with
you. You impressed me a lot with your performance on the first day of our class.
You’ve been very talkative and expressive. If you have any concern please don’t be
uncertain to tell me. You’re most welcome!*^^*
Hi there! It was a great talk! I’m very happy to meet you. I noticed that you’re quite
shy today. I’m very glad to have you in class. If you have any concern please don’t
hesitate to tell me. You’re most welcome!*^^*
You have learned to share your thoughts and listen to the ideas of others. You are
gaining more self-confidence that helped you to bring out the best in you. You
work with full capability and make sure that you will bring out the best in you. You
are showing interest and enthusiasm for the lesson and a certain topic that we are
discussing. Keep up the good work!
It's clear that listening is a skill that we can all benefit from improving. By becoming
a better listener, you will improve your productivity, as well as your ability to
influence, persuade negotiate when you are having a conversation. You've got a
good listening skill, all you have to do is to have more practice when it comes to
listening. By understanding your personal style of communicating, you will go a
long way towards creating good and lasting impressions with others.
You have to learn to appreciate and love the language. If you appreciate and love
the language, you will find that you will be more motivated to learn it. It is better
to build a dictionary of words you come across as you read. You may also want to
write a sentence that shows how the word should be used. If you do this each time
you come across an unfamiliar word when you read, your vocabulary will become
massive. As you enhance your skills in vocabulary then you will be able to have
more confidence to speak up your mind without any uncertainty. But, of course
you shouldn't forget about other skills in English like speaking. Practice
Happy Tuesday! You participated enthusiastically in our class discussions and you
managed to express yourself and most of all you showed a great interest to learn
the language. You just need to enrich your vocabularies and English expressions;
and try to extend the usage of them by speaking practice. I think with a constant
practice you can really do better. Other than that, everything went well. ^-^
You are very nice and friendly. You interacted well during the discussion. We talked
about a lot of things, and you showed willingness to share some information about
them. You were able to express yourself in simple sentences and you are familiar
with easy vocabulary words. Moreover, you were able to give prompt and good
responses to every question asked. All in all, we had a nice class. Until tomorrow!!
You did well in our conversation today because you could capture the listener's
attention. You were also eager to share your personal experiences related to the
topic. And good thing, you were able to maintain a good interaction. I would
suggest you to stay your hunger learning new words and expressions. Those could
enrich your skills. Never lose your eagerness to lead any types of discussion.
Anyone will be fond of talking with you. Until Wednesday!
You actively participated in our class discussion today. I am glad that you really
exert effort to learn and improve your English skills. Keep on talking a lot and
sharing your thoughts. There is no limit for you to express your ideas in sentences.
In this way, you can definitely achieve satisfying improvement in your expression
ability. Have a wonderful weekend ahead!^^
We had a good discussion today because you were cooperative and you gave out
your best in answering my questions. Please study more expressions and try to
answer more questions to prepare you to handle any kind of question. There are
times when people tend to ask certain questions in a different way, so preparing
yourself for that would be an advantage.^^
You were cooperative in our class but you don’t talk a lot in the class and answer
the questions with very short phrases. I think it’s because you are not confident in
your English yet. If you try to speak a little bit more in the class everyday, your
English speaking skill will improve faster. I know it is not an easy task but I truly
believe in you. You can do it!
Your good mood reflected on your performance on today’s lesson. You could
communicate using simple but correct sentences most of the time. So I persuade
you to move to another level of communication by trying your best to construct
longer sentences. You could do this by elaborating your answers and explaining
some points further. I had never questioned your potentials because at the very
start of our class you had maintained your good skills so I hope that you will
persevere more. Way to go! ^^
Thank you for being polite earlier in answering all my questions. I know we still
have a long way to go but I do believe you have the pursuit of enhancing your
speaking skill. If you try to speak a little bit more in the class everyday, you are
English-speaking skill will improve faster. I know it is not an easy task but I truly
believe in you. You can do it! ^^
You can maintain the coherent conversation. Exchanging ideas with you is good
because you have the ability in expressing yourself quite well. Though sometimes
you commit mistakes in grammar but the contents of your sentences are complete
which makes your message come across. When it comes to pronunciation, you
could pronounce word well. Though you have keep on practicing to improve more.
Keep up the good work!^^
You spoke so well today. We really had an interesting conversation about your
lifestyle and your chosen topic pimple disease. You were able to catch the
listener’s attention by expressing your own opinions about those. Widening your
vocabulary will also help you express your thoughts better. Try to play with words
and use them appropriately to come up with more precise sentences. Keep up the
good work! Have a lovely day! ^^
We really had an interesting conversation about the topic. You were able to catch
the listener’s attention by expressing your own opinions about that. Widening your
vocabulary will also help you express your thoughts better. Try to play with words
and use them appropriately to come up with more precise sentences. Keep up the
good work! Have a lovely day! ^^
The talk was really impressive as well as your answers. Your humor was always
present. However, I wrote some sentences that you have mentioned during the
free talking. I did some corrections with that but it doesn’t mean that it ruined
your commendable job today. I noticed that some of your sentences were not
arranged properly.
You are improving everyday. You can follow instructions more quickly now. It's
okay if you're still having a hard time expressing yourself. I'm just glad that you're
trying always. Your pronunciation is good. You just need to be careful with your
consonant sounds. There are times that you tend to use inappropriate vocabulary;
you can improve this by learning new words. I'll call you again tomorrow!^-^
We really had an interesting conversation about today's topic. You were able to
catch the listener’s attention by giving examples and expressing your own opinions
about those. Widening your vocabulary will also help you express your thoughts
better. Try to play with words and use them appropriately to come up with more
precise sentences. Keep up the good work!^^
You were able to catch the listener’s attention by giving examples and expressing
your own opinions about those. Widening your vocabulary will also help you
express your thoughts better. Try to play with words and use them appropriately
to come up with more precise sentences. Keep up the good work!^^
You were indeed very good today. I was impressed with the way you carried
yourself all throughout the conversation. Your ability to construct sentences is
good though you sometimes there were some flaws. There was also familiarity
with the simple vocabulary words and certain good expressions. I sensed your
enthusiasm in learning the language, so do keep at it. Have a great time!
I'm glad talking to you again. You usually come to class prepared and you were able
to interact well in reading the situational conversations. Furthermore, you could
easily remember some useful expressions that you learned from the lesson. I want
you to know that I look forward to reading more dialogues with you. I hope that
you will continue showing interest in our class. Enjoy the rest of the evening!:)
Having conversation with you has been worthwhile because you were just one
person who just knew how to elaborate answers. You could share interesting
details about certain topics. This could yield your skills because you were never
afraid to do your best at all times. On the other hand, I hope that you could include
intonation when you express your thoughts. Keep striving hard!
It was a pleasure talking to you. I was impressed with your ability to freely express
yourself thru phrases, words and good sentences. Your grammar was good
although there were minimal errors with regards to the verb forms. Your fluency
was marked with occasional ahs and stammers but otherwise you sounded very
You were cooperative in our discussions today and you could follow our lesson
easily. You managed to share your opinion and express yourself. However, I still
suggest that you must enrich your vocabulary and widen its range to help you
comprehend and express your ideas more easily l. I think with a constant practice
you can really improve more.
You seem to be very much interested in improving your speaking skill and you are
progressing a lot because of your effort to speak as much as you can in the class.
Because of your active attitude, I am sure your speaking skill will improve a lot in a
few months. Keep it up^^
You were active and lively in our class today. As we started talking about the topic,
you showed much interest that resulted into a spontaneous talk. You eagerly
partook in every class activity. Furthermore, you also gave you own opinion
regarding the topic being talked about. All in all, you exhibited much eagerness to
maintain a good interaction in class. Keep it up!
Your comprehension skill is getting better. You could follow instructions with ease
and comprehend the lesson very well. Moreover, you could respond to questions
promptly and tried to express yourself though you still need to be guided with your
sentences. I think you just need to learn more expressions and vocabularies to
convey your thoughts and ideas more easily. Anyway you can really improve more
thru constant practice.
We had a fruitful conversation today! I had fun during our class! I hope you
enjoyed as well. You were able to construct fine sentences but you need to make it
better. I trust you and I know you could do better on our next class. Study well and
practice if you're free.
You always make our conversation light to handle because you were very
cooperative. You really listens with all the corrections that I want you to practice.
Don’t forget that correct practice makes perfect! Just a daily English conversation
with anyone who is good in speaking the language, will really help you to perfect
English. Keep up the good work! It shows that you were really interested to learn.
Good Job! Have a good day!
Thank you so much for doing great today. You were able to deliver your thoughts
in good sentences, except for some few grammatical errors. With regard to your
pronunciation, you could speak with clarity, yet you stammered in pronouncing
some words. You could still polish it. The way the sentences of the language
constructed were always improving every class. Keep it up! Have a great day!
I hope that you enjoyed our topic. Nevertheless, there are some pronunciation
slips and a couple of grammar errors. To contrast, you were able to rephrase your
sentence. You did well again and I want you to maintain that. You speak very
confidently. Have a good sleep tonight!^-^
You sounded very sweet today! I hope that you enjoyed our conversation. You
made me impressed because you prepared for the class. However, you had
grammar flaws. In addition, you have to improve more on your pronunciation
having the /v/ and /z/ sounds. Overall, you answered my questions quite well.
It was overwhelming feelings to notice how prepared are you in our class. You pour
good ideas that fit to our topic tonight. You can create simple to complex
sentences that gives life to our discussion. You let me feel your gladness in tackling
the lesson. But, consider some corrections I made for you. Study the You did very
well! You listened and understood our lesson for today. I am hoping that you
learned something from our class. However, you need to be prepared for every
class. I know that you are eager to learn more. Overall, you need to work on your
pronunciation having the /l/ and /r/.I’ll help you with that.
Your natural charm was reigning supreme on this day. You go by what your hearts
and mind tells you. Though, some expressions were not that perfect but at least
you knew how to handle it. You don’t waste time when you were explaining your
knowledge towards the topic. I have to encourage you to give more and show
more what you have. You can do it. Let’s try it next time… Good sleep!
You’re interest to approach your tasks in today’s topic was really impressive. You
practiced a good virtue when you do the given exercises in the lesson. I still longing
for some elaboration of ideas without your copy. I hope that you could give clear
and marvelous one when I ask things for you. Try to concentrate more to the
expressions and pattern that we have during the lesson. Preparing for more
complex and compound sentences are very much welcome in our class. Till then!
You have extended effort when it comes to expressions and pattern for the day. It
was enough to feel you doing your best in creating perfect sentences and
pronouncing words perfectly. Don’t worry you’ll get everything done. Practice
being more patient, time will come that you could explain things well. Study the
lesson in advance might great help for you to do so. Have time to take rest so that
you are ready to face all the challenges in life.
You have settled good communication skills during our very lively discussions. You
allowed me to help you re-constructing your sentences. I would like to insist you to
review some grammar rules. And try to figure out those words and only practice
that you can do to read them perfectly. Let me hear you speaking like one of the
native speaker. Do some drills for you to be able to win good fluency. You can do it,
I do believe in you! Talk to you again!
Wow! It was a nice discussion. You participated well and you didn't have a hard
time understanding our lesson. We need to make a few more polishing in terms of
pronunciation. In terms of grammar I just want you to be careful on the usage of
articles (a, an and the) and the prepositions.
You were able to convey your idea well, just believe in yourself. I can feel how you
were nervous when you first talked to me. Don't worry I am here to help you
improve your skills. Do not be afraid of making mistakes because you learned from
those mistakes. If you want to have a good pronunciation, you need to practice
speaking English often. Reading English books out loud and watching English
movies will help you as well. You'll learn new English words and expressions that
could help you to be a better speaker.
I had a fun time talking to you. You already had the confidence in using the
language. You only need a few more polishing in terms of grammar (articles and
prepositions.) In terms of pronunciation, you can speak clear enough to be
understood. I'll give you some tips in how you could improve your skills as we
continue with our lessons.
I can see how interested you are in learning the language. You were very
cooperative and receptive in our class. I commend you for that. Don't worry; we
are going to slow down in our discussion to make it easy for you. Do not hesitate to
ask me if you don’t understand. Take care and enjoy your weekend!
It's such a great conversation. Thank you for paying attention to every word that
I'm saying. I'm glad to hear that you're getting confident in using English language.
You can understand expressions and easier for you now to give concrete
sentences. You can speak spontaneously with a good pronunciation. You only need
to learn more vocabulary word to express yourself in an easier way.
I know that you find it hard to express yourself, don't give up. It will be hard for a
while but when you get use of it. You'll find it easy. Have patience. Don't worry we
will slow down more if needed. Tell me if you don't understand. I will be very
willing to explain it again to you. Take care!
You were very interactive in class. We had a nice conversation. You were eager to
expound your thoughts and ideas regarding the topic being talked about. Your
speaking skill is getting better, though you still tend to use inappropriate
expressions at times. You just need proper guidance in sentence construction. I
think with a constant practice you can really do better in our class. Keep studying
You know how to response to my questions cause your comprehension is above
average now. What I noticed is that you’re having a difficulty expressing your
answers in words. You should learn more adjectives so that it will be easier for you
to express yourself. Please continually work on your accent.
Enjoy your day!
You could follow the lesson well with ease and did not hesitate being corrected.
The flow of the class was good. You were very responsive in giving your thoughts
and experiences about the lesson but I notice that you're still having some
grammar slips but those are only minor. Because of this, the need to learn more
expressions and vocabularies would still be essential. Nevertheless, it has been a
wonderful class.
The flow of the class was good. You were very responsive in giving your thoughts
and experiences about the lesson. Despite of this, the need to learn more
expressions and vocabularies would still be essential. You should also learn how
make a more brief sentence. Nevertheless, it has been a wonderful class. Have a
wonderful day ahead!
I can see your passion to learn more, I acclaim you for that. There is no problem in
expressing your thoughts, you can use words appropriately and you can speak
spontaneously now. Your pronunciation is good but you have to be more precise in
the intonation of some words that you’re using. Try to learn more words so that it
will be easier for you to give your response.
Within the time I have spent with you, I can say that you have been consistently
doing great. You listen attentively when asked about the lesson and answered back
well. You contribute well to discussions, usually paying close attention to what is
being said. You have a wide range of vocabulary; I can hear a lot of words from
you. I want you to work more on your accent; you still have to work your
pronunciation mistakes in R/L words. Keep it up!
We had an interesting conversation because you talked with enthusiasm. You are
good at pronouncing words. However, there are some words that still need
polishing. You can better pronounce those words by focusing on vowel sounds.
Widening your vocabulary will also help you express your thoughts better. Try to
play with words and use them appropriately to come up with more precise
sentences. Keep up the good work!
I understand how hard to study everyday and learn new ideas because I was once
a student and still a student; I still study and continue learning. Continue studying
as long as you live because that’s the only wealth no one can get from you. You
just have to be careful when composing some of your sentences and continue
pronouncing each word clearly. You are outstanding especially if you’ll continue
polishing your flaws. Keep it up! Please study for the next meeting. Have a good
Learning is a treasure that will follow its owner everywhere. It means that if you’ll
continue studying English and learning to apply it in any setting, you’ll definitely
speak in English fluently and with great confidence. I would suggest that you keep
practicing speaking in English and reviewing your weaknesses. But don’t you worry
I’m here to help you. I just want you to be careful with your sentences and
continue polishing your intonation. Kindly read our next lesson!
You did quite well today. I just wanted you to be more familiar with more words
and expressions to enrich your skills. I think with a constant practice you can really
do better. Other than that, everything went well.
I really had a fun time talking to you. I am glad that you didn’t hesitate sharing a lot
of things with me. I love how you expressed your thoughts and ideas regarding
things in your life. Keep up the good work! I am really amazed that don't have any
hesitation to express you. I really appreciate your efforts to give meaningful
answers with all the questions that I gave you. Keep up the good work!
The discussion went well because of your good participation. You had been
responsive to given exercises and even questions with regards to the topic. You
could easily understand the flow of the lesson. Please practice the correct
pronunciation of some words above and so the sentence patterns. It would be
recommended to maintain the confidence while having a conversation and learn
more expressions. Stay happy learning English!
You could handle conversation with regards to daily lives. You were able to express
yourself well. However, we need to practice some words and sentences to make
your expressions clearer. I felt your eagerness improving your skills. We will work
together to make that happen. Thank you and God bless!
You're very perky!! That's very nice! As always, you never fail me in giving your
best in class. You already sound like a native speaker. You're very good at imitating
Americans. There were just some times when you slip on some complicated words.
The good thing about it is that you were able to distinguish those mistakes. You
even correct them right away. Keep that up!
You are always cooperative in our class. You have improved a lot with regards to
pronunciation. But your accent still needs some polishing. Your have confidence
when you're speaking. That's one of the important things that you need to be an
effective English speaker. But of course, you must perfect grammar and
pronunciation to be fluent. Have a great day!
It's nice to talk with you again. It's been a long time since we last talked. You still
were as good as the last time we had class. You were able to give your own
expressions. You even made your own sentences using the pattern we had for the
day. Your pronunciation is okay but you slipped on some sounds sometimes but it
were not noticeable. Have a great day!
I enjoyed talking to you. Your thoughts were unselfishly expressed and spoken. I
had so much fun listening to your views and opinions. It made our talk more
interesting. I could hear that you’re always ready to take your part in our
conversation. However, try your best to pronounce each word as clearly as you
can. Let’s continue tomorrow!^^,
I could hear that you were now decreasing your tail sounds with some words.
However, you have to be careful with your /s/ sounds today. I am thankful that you
were open in giving some of your personal details just to make a good and
harmonious talk.. I could see that you were still great in using our pattern just to
give the appropriate sentences everyday. On the other hand, I wrote some
corrections with your sentences and please try to practice them. Indeed, your
perform well today as you always did everyday^^ Let’s talk again tomorrow^^**
I’m happy that you’re now gaining confidence talking in English. You were doing
well in expressing your thoughts toward the topic. You tend to be humorous during
the class. I could now feel that you’re comfortable using the language. I could also
hear that your answers were most in complete sentences. That was great! Just
keep on going because I know that you’re good.*^^*
You were very smart in dealing with the questions. Your answers were totally
convincing. You never failed to become strong on what you believe in. Your
answers were all great. Moreover, your accent and pronunciation were still good. I
just wrote some words that you sometimes enunciated incorrectly. But it doesn't
mean that it ruined your great job today. Happy weekend!*^^*
Sharing something to make a great talk was one of your best qualities. You could
create a good and harmonious talk based on your own experience. Thank you for
sharing your stories. You did well in constructing your sentences. Though I made
some corrections, these were very few. Indeed, your tail sounds were decreasing.
Just keep going.*^^*
Sharing something to make a great talk was one of your best qualities. You could
create a good and harmonious talk based on your own experience. You did well in
constructing your sentences. Though I made some corrections, these were very
few. Indeed, you did a great job today. Just keep going.*^^*
You sound very smart in conveying your ideas and interests toward the topic. You
could make an ambiguous and interesting talk. I can hear that you were well
prepared with your answers. I could hear that you were doing well with your
pronunciation but I notice that were still some words that you have to polish.
Indeed, your listening skill was good and you were able to answer most of the
You took so long before you answered my call. I bet that you were busy. But I was
glad that you made a great job in sharing your experience today. Your sentences
were still good but you have to be very careful in constructing your sentences. I
like your humor and wit in answering follow up questions. Keep it up!^^,
I enjoyed talking to you. Your thoughts were unselfishly expressed and spoken. I
had so much fun listening to your views and opinions. It made our talk more
interesting. I could hear that you’re always ready to take your part in our
conversation. However, try your best to pronounce each word as clearly as you
can. Let’s continue tomorrow!^^,
You always make a funny and hilarious talk based on your experience. You keep
on giving an interesting talk and I like your honesty in conveying your ideas to a
topic. However, it seemed that you were carried away to give good sentences.
Indeed, I like your determination to fully express your self in English. That’s a good
job! Have a safe way home.*^^*
I like the way you handled the class as you were very vigorous and active in doing
our activities. I like your confidence in giving the correct sentences for our patterns
and key expressions. It made the talk exciting and dynamic. You were good in
dealing with the questions. I also applaud you for being humorous during the class.
I assure that everyone would like to talk to you for being smart.
It was a good thing that we ended our class with your clever performance today.
You cope up with the topic well and you could squeeze great answers toward my
questions. It seemed like you’re playing on the right track. You have the good
choice of words and you could pronounce them properly. Keep it up!^-^
I like the way you handled the class as you were very vigorous and active in doing
our activities. I like your confidence in giving the correct sentences for our patterns
and key expressions. It made the talk exciting and dynamic. You were good in
dealing with the questions. I also applaud you for being humorous during the class.
I assure that everyone would like to talk to you for being smart.^^,
Though we had a short conversation every time, it seemed to be very satisfying to
me. I like your commendable effort in making our talk productive and meaningful.
You could give me good and distinct answers. Just keep your self on the right path
of learning and you could make a better future with your knowledge. Keep it up!
I'm glad that you're well-prepared today. I know that you have a busy schedule
and I'm very happy that you still have time to study with me. I'm very happy that
you were very participative and talkative during the class time. You've been very
nice to accept corrections from me. Just keep up the good work as you will harvest
the fruitful success.^^, ~Biya~
I could see that you could handle the free talking today. You also did some correct
sentences in answering my questions. Apparently, I made some corrections in your
sentences. Please take note of the position of each word in the sentence. Just
continue your patience in learning.^^,
You have been a nice student and you always try your best in every class. I just
want you to learn more vocabularies and expressions. The more words you know
the greater will be your capacity to listen. You've got a quite good comprehension.
Nevertheless, you should develop a rich vocabulary. Keep moving forward!^^,
Thank you for your time today. You were very patient in studying the lesson and I
can say that you did well. I really think that your ideas are great and you express
them very well. You were very enthusiastic in our class that's why we were able to
end it successfully. Keep up the good work!
Good to hear your enthusiastic voice and I commend your lovely intonation today.
I applaud your diligence but how I wish you would develop more confidence.
Practicing the language and noting what your goals are, would spell the difference.
On the other hand, take note of the extended sounds you made and please try to
slowly eliminate them. Polish up on some words that you slightly mispronounced.
I commend you for doing well in class today. Your answers are great and you have
a good set of opinions. Just a reminder, never loose your focus because the
moment you loose it, you tend to commit mistakes. Stay on the right track! Have a
good day!
You were able to express yourself well in our discussion today. However, there
were some lapses with your sentences, but your thoughts are still well-organized
and comprehensible. The succeeding classes will endeavor to further improve the
process of developing and organizing your ideas. This will be achieved through
comprehension questions and the use of supportive and probing techniques. Keep
up the good work!
I don't have much problem communicating with you. In fact, our daily conversation
runs smoothly as you are very attentive and active in our discussion. Just
remember that regular study is a key to success in learning a language. It is easier
to study a little each day instead of trying to study several hours only one day a
week. Also, studying a little each day makes it easier to review what you've learned
and remember new things. Keep doing well in our class
You are very interactive in class. You can make use of proper expressions in
delivering your thoughts. You sometimes commit grammatical mistakes but you
can relay your sentences in complete thought. Just continue on improving your
sentence construction by incorporating right choice of words. Be very aware of
your diction and proper enunciation of words. Speaking English all the time as
much as possible will be a great help.
I am sure that you are really excited to go visit your family. It’s been a while since
you last visited them. I'm sure you'll have a great time spending holiday in your
hometown. I believed that “there is no place like home”. Enjoy great time with
your family!
By the way, I want you to be careful in using the tenses of verbs; it will give a
different meaning if you won't be careful. Pronunciation wise, there are some
words that you can pronounce well but still you need to continue practicing.
It is also possible that you can improve your English skills by watching films in your
language with English subtitles. You can look for local films with English subtitles
can also sometimes be a good sign of quality, as it means the producers of the film
are expecting it to be popular internationally as well.
I can recommend that if you are fun of listening to an English music, you can also
do so. While doing something else can help a little for things like getting used to
the natural rhythm and tone of English speech, although the more time and
attention you give to a song the more you will learn from listening to it again in the
future. You’re good at pointing out your opinions. You could go directly to the
point that’s why we had a good talk. It seemed that you were very sure and
knowledgeable of your answers. You could express what was on your mind. That
was great! Just continue your good deeds in learning the language. It could help
you to be familiar with new and broad English words. Have a great weekend!*^^*
We had another fruitful conversation today! I had fun during our class! I hope you
enjoyed as well. You were able to construct fine sentences but you need to make it
better. I trust you and I know you could do a lot better. Study well and practice if
you're free.
You have been a nice student and you always try your best in every class. I just
want you to learn more vocabularies and expressions. The more words you know
the greater will be your capacity to listen. You've got a quite good comprehension.
Nevertheless, you should develop a rich vocabulary. The bigger your vocabulary,
the greater will be your capacity to absorb and assimilate the complexity of
thoughts. You should also remember that listening is not only the most important.
You also have to speak up your mind and make your stand very clear and you have
made it. Practice more in making good quality sentences. Keep it up!
I could see that you could handle the free talking today. You also did some correct
sentences in answering my questions. Apparently, I made some corrections in your
sentences. Please take note of the position of each word in the sentence. Just
continue your patience in learning.^^,
What a great day to start the week! You were well prepared to start our
conversation today. I could see your enduring efforts to make our class lively and
funny. However, I heard that you have some difficulties with your /th/ sound
today. I wrote some words that you could practice. In the main point, you made a
great class to start our week. Good work^^
You have been a nice student and you always try your best in every class. I just
want you to learn more vocabularies and expressions. The more words you know
the greater will be your capacity to listen. You've got a quite good comprehension.
Nevertheless, you should develop a rich vocabulary. Keep it up!^^
Happy Monday! We had a nice discussion because you did your best to share
your thoughts and ideas. You were able to communicate well about the topic. It is
wonderful that you are capable of making basic to simple sentences. By paying
attention to some grammar rules, you could make better sentences next time. I
will just call you again tomorrow. Have a nice day!
Happy Monday! Thank you for a nice discussion. You did great in our class today. I
like the way you participate in our discussions because you really show much
eagerness to learn and improve your English skills. Please maintain that passion
and enthusiasm that you have now. I will just call you again tomorrow. Have a
great day!
Happy Monday! It was nice to hear that you had a nice weekend with your friends.
Thank you for attending our class today. I am really happy that you always do your
best to make our lesson productive and interesting. I really appreciate your
initiative whenever we needed to make our lesson more fruitful and interactive.
Keep it up! I will call you again tomorrow. Have a great day!
You participated well in the class. You tried to answer all my questions quickly but
you need to be more specific and keep them simple because it will help you to
learn and remember the basic grammar rules.
You did good in describing the picture and the information that you shared to me
about the two articles was really fun. Your pronunciation was good but you should
still be familiar with the proper pronunciation of most words especially for the long
"E" and short "I" sounds.
It's nice to hear your voice again. I am glad because you did very well in the class.
The situations and few exercises were all piece of cake but you need to work on
your pronunciation skill.
Thank you for attending the class today. You did well in our lesson. You really
prepared for it. You were confident and able to state all your ideas clearly.
However, you need to feel calm during the follow-up questions for not be
I understand if you won't continue studying again in our class. Anyway, I really have
wonderful time talking to you because your voice is good and your pronunciation
really sounds smooth, I really like listening to it.
We had a good discussion this morning because you were cooperative and you
gave out your best in answering my questions. Please study more expressions and
try to answer more questions to prepare yourself to handle any kind of question.
There are times when people tend to ask certain questions in a different way, so
preparing yourself for that would be an advantage. ^^
You were cooperative in our class but you don’t talk a lot in the class and answer
the questions with very short phrases. I think it’s because you are not confident in
your English yet. If you try to speak a little bit more in the class everyday, your
English speaking skill will improve faster. I know it is not an easy task but I truly
believe in you. You can do it!
Please study the key expressions that we have discussed today. I’m impressed
because you could give good sentences in our pattern drill. You could also make
good answers to my follow up questions. Though repetitions are needed you were
able to make a good talk. You could still make a way to express your thoughts well.
Just keep on practicing. ^^,
Your good mood reflected on your performance on today’s lesson. You could
communicate using simple but correct sentences most of the time. So I persuade
you to move to another level of communication by trying your best to construct
longer sentences. You could do this by elaborating your answers and explaining
some points further. I had never questioned your potentials because at the very
start of our class you had maintained your good skills so I hope that you will
persevere more. Way to go! ^^
Thank you for being polite earlier in answering all my questions. I know we still
have a long way to go but I do believe you have the pursuit of enhancing your
speaking skill. If you try to speak a little bit more in the class everyday, your English
speaking skill will improve faster. I know it is not an easy task but I truly believe in
you. You can do it!^-^
You can maintain the coherent conversation. Exchanging ideas with you is good
because you have the ability in expressing yourself quite well. Though sometimes
you commit mistakes in grammar but the contents of your sentences are complete
which makes your message come across. When it comes to pronunciation, you
could pronounce word well. Though you have keep on practicing to improve more.
Keep up the good work! ^^
You spoke so well today. We really had an interesting conversation about your
lifestyle and your chosen topic pimple disease. You were able to catch the
listener’s attention by expressing your own opinions about those. Widening your
vocabulary will also help you express your thoughts better. Try to play with words
and use them appropriately to come up with more precise sentences. Keep up the
good work! Have a lovely day^^
You impressed me with your attitude toward learning. I know studying is not fun
sometimes but full of struggles and hardship. I know that you were doing your best
to give correct answers in our patterns and key expressions. Moreover, I could also
see your effort in answering my question in a complete thought. That was a good
job. Just continue your good habit on studying and you could achieve what is really
meant for you^^,
I heard some hesitations today when you were answering my questions. There
were some repetitions needed. However, I could see your effort in doing our
activities today. You read the dialogues with proper diction and tone as you could.
Your sentence in our pattern was also good but it is better if you could give your
own example. Keep it up!*^^*
We really had an interesting conversation about fortunetellers. You were able to
catch the listener’s attention by expressing your own opinions about that.
Widening your vocabulary will also help you express your thoughts better. Try to
play with words and use them appropriately to come up with more precise
sentences. Keep up the good work! Have a lovely day^^
You are improving everyday. You can follow instructions more quickly now. It's
okay if you're still having a hard time expressing yourself. I'm just glad that you're
trying always. Your pronunciation is good. You just need to be careful with your
consonant sounds. There are times that you tend to use inappropriate vocabulary;
you can improve this by learning new words. I'll call you again tomorrow! ^^
We really had an interesting conversation about today's topic. You were able to
catch the listener’s attention by giving examples and expressing your own opinions
about those. Widening your vocabulary will also help you express your thoughts
better. Try to play with words and use them appropriately to come up with more
precise sentences. Keep up the good work! ^^
You were able to catch the listener’s attention by giving examples and expressing
your own opinions about those. Widening your vocabulary will also help you
express your thoughts better. Try to play with words and use them appropriately
to come up with more precise sentences. Keep up the good work ^^
I appreciate your effort in today's class in answering all my questions. You can read
very well and your speed is normal. I suggest that you read our lesson in advance
so that it will be easier for you to ask questions and to give your own expressions.
The answer in the pop quiz can be found in your book so you just have to study
your book. Don't feel bad that you are having a hard time, just continue to study
hard. I'm always here to help you. Have a great day! Teddy
Communication is one of the best assets that you have. You could make a good
conversation out of the topic everyday. Your points always make sense. You could
make a good and accurate interpretation for the new words and sentences not
only from the book but in the conversation. You have good memory in expressing
your thoughts and experience in the past. It was a good thing that we could relate
past ideas to the present ones.*^^*
You can follow our lesson well with ease. Your words are suitable for the topic in
our class though you need some guidance in constructing your sentences. You are
very willing to give better sentences during the talk. Hopefully, sooner you can be
perfect in your speaking skills. You've shown me that there's more in you. Keep
The discussion of the lesson was good because of your performance. You did
analyze and understand what we were talking in the class. You followed everything
and understood all the details. Well done!
The discussion that we had for today was great again because you did respond to
everything that I asked. When I asked you about our lesson, you can easily
understand and follow. You were really attentive and so almost everything went
good. Just stay on the right track of learning. Good luck!
You sounded lively and enthusiastic in class today. You showed willingness to
participate in our conversation. You were able to give immediate responses to
questions regarding the topic being talked about. Furthermore, you could follow
our lesson well with ease and you showed mark improvements. Keep it up!
You were lively in our class and you could follow the expressions that we had
learned. Moreover, you could give immediate responses to questions regarding
the topic being talked about and you were willing to share your own ideas as well. I
think you just need to keep on practicing to improve more. Have a nice day!
You have spoken the language clearly, concisely and you have also used simple
vocabulary. You are a good conversant because the class turns interesting
whenever I talk to you. Nevertheless, you still need to polish your skill when it
comes to the construction of sentences. Your effort in our class is much
appreciated. You've got a good comprehension that enables you to communicate
freely. Keep up the good work!
Your perception is good and you really have the capacity to interpret the lesson
easily. The way you have spoken the language is really good but I still want you to
develop more by pronouncing the right sound correctly and of course speaking
loudly would enhance your self-confidence. You also know how to organize your
ideas in mind. Comprehension will always be needed to enhance so that you will
be able to speak up your mind and you will be able to think fast and answer the
questions correctly. Continue to practice so that you will be able to enhance your
skills more. Keep moving forward!
You were able to carry on a conversation. You were always able to share and
discuss your wonderful ideas about our topic. Your sentences were almost good
but I still want you to practice continuously on your grammar skill. To build your
fluency, practice is one of the best ways to reach it. In general, you were still able
to convey your ideas that resulted in a very nice class.
You pay attention to what you hear. And try to think of an appropriate answer for
every question. You have a good vocabulary skill that's why you are able to express
your ideas well and you also have a good speaking skill too and that's the reason
why our class is going smoothly. Just never get tired learning new things. Keep
I'm glad to have another coherent conversation with you. Learn and be familiar
with how native speakers talk. Take note of word stress, intonation, accent and
pronunciation. You did well in exerting efforts in making good sentences. You have
acquired the ability to follow and understand speech in English. The more you train
yourself to think and speak in English, the more natural and relaxed your speech
will become..
Your answers to my questions were good. However, I wish you would elaborate
them to maximize your speaking abilities. Try to use each and every opportunity to
speak up to maintain or enhance the skills that you already have. I would love to
hear more from you as we go along with our classes. Have a good day!
It's clear that listening is a skill that we can all benefit from improving. By becoming
a better listener, you will improve your productivity, as well as your ability to
influence, persuade negotiate when you are having a conversation. You've got a
good listening skill, all you have to do is to have more practice when it comes to
listening. By understanding your personal style of communicating, you will go a
long way towards creating good and lasting impressions with others.
Any language skills can be improved by several means. First, speak as much as you
can - find someone to practice with, and speak only English with them. Also, read
as much as you can - find English books and newspapers, and use a dictionary
when you find a word you do not understand. Television and radio are also useful -
find an English channel and start paying attention. The internet can help you
practice your language skill as well. Keep on studying hard!
The calmness of your voice while answering the given questions was really
admirable. I knew the good comprehension of yours so I say hats off to you. You
always take part in the discussion interestingly. There were no problems
encountered when it comes to the communication. You just have to continue
practicing and learning new words and expressions. Anyway learning is a
continuous process. Take care!
You have learned to share your thoughts and listen to the ideas of others. You are
gaining more self-confidence that helped you to bring out the best in you. You
work with full capability and make sure that you will bring out the best in you. You
are showing interest and enthusiasm for the lesson and a certain topic that we are
discussing. Keep up the good work!
Hi there! You showed willingness to participate in our conversation. Thank you for
sharing your story with me. I really enjoyed our conversation. I just put some
corrections in your grammar box. May you have a nice day!
You could share interesting details about certain topics. You did well in making a
good and fine conversation in the telephone. You were able to choose great words
and I could hear that you were ready for an impromptu conversation. You could
answer the questions in a good and interesting way. Your comprehension were still
great that can help us a lot to achieve the successful and unbeatable talk.^-^
Hi there! You tend to be very to be very vocal in expressing your thoughts. Thank
you for a nice conversation. You have been such an enjoyable person to talk to. I
am really very happy because you are persevering hard .May you have a nice day!
You did well in making a good and fine conversation in the telephone. You were
able to choose great words and I could hear that you were ready for an impromptu
conversation. You could answer the questions in a good and interesting way. Your
comprehension were still great that can help us a lot to achieve the successful and
unbeatable talk.^^
You never failed in giving me the reason to laugh to be happy in each class. I am
glad that you could cope up well with our topic today. I could see that your
comprehension become broader and wider. You just need to practice your th and r
You made a clear answer to all of my questions. You made it short but very vivid. I
admire the way you answer those questions in a complete sentence. You tend to
be very to be very vocal in expressing your thoughts. You also made perfect
sentences out of our pattern drill as well as in giving the proper expressions. Try to
put into practice the words and expressions that you have learned so you’ll never
forget it along the way.^^*
Hi there! You were very confident in giving the details. I felt your eagerness
improving your skills. I really had a great time talking to you again. I just want you
to practice pronouncing your th sound. You were able to express your thoughts
and feelings properly. May you have a nice day!
It was nice having a conversation with you because you spoke with clarity in your
pronunciation except for some few pronunciation slip ups and some grammar
errors. So far, you spoke well with minimal mistakes and what can be suggested is
that you refine your accent for a bit more because your Korean accent mixes up
with English. Practicing American intonations like the Rising-falling and falling
intonations is a good way as well as pronouncing every consonant and vowel
sound accurately. May you have a nice day!
Hello there! I really had a great time with you again. You’re really active and full of
laughter. I really like to have a class on you. I’ve noticed that you can pronounced
your th sound well. Thank you for making it this far. You made it! Keep it up!
You were very confident in giving the details. It tends to be very informative and
vivid. You made an inclusive illustration. You made comprehensible sentences and
you’ve been very careful with the words. However, there were times that you used
the wrong words for the thought of the sentences.
Hey there! It's a great day today. I just want you to know that I am pleased with
our conversation today. You were good in the lesson and you answered my
questions well. However, I hope that you will take into consideration the words
and sentences that I wrote in your page for your additional practice. Take care!
Hi there! Happy New Year! Of course, it's our favorite day. I hope that you will have
a wonderful weekend. It has been nice talking to you. You have been such an
enjoyable person to talk to. So see you again next week for another set of lessons!
Thank you and take care!
Hi there! You tend to be very to be very vocal in expressing your thoughts. Thank
you for a nice conversation. You have been such an enjoyable person to talk to. I
am really very happy because you are persevering hard .May you have a nice day!
It was nice talking to you today. You were able to give me good expressions and
good sentences. You were also able to perform well in all our exercises. It is good
that you really work hard to learn as much as you can. We will have more activities
in the future but I am confident that you will do well in all of them.
Hi there! Thank you very much for always participating actively in class. I could see
your effort in studying the lessons and in giving correct sentences. I just want you
to know that I am really very happy because you are persevering hard. I know that
all your hardwork will be rewarded someday.
It's lovely talking to you. Your voice sounded really nice and I detected a hint of
confidence in your tone. You used a lot of sentences in our sentence patterns. You
were also very expressive with your thoughts. That is simply wonderful. May you
have a nice day!
Hello and good morning. I want to thank you for always participating actively in
every discussion. Despite your busy schedule, you still buy some time to read the
lesson first so that we can have a good class. Now I can see that you have
improved immensely especially when it comes to giving correct expressions and
thought-provoking ideas. Have a good day!
You were very careful in constructing your sentences today. I can see that you
could grasp the questions easily. However, there were some words that you have
to practice. Please mindful your /b/ and /v/ as well as your tail sounds today.
Indeed, I could hear that you could seize the sounds easily once you learned it. Just
put it into practice and you could get used to it.
I like your initiative in giving today’s topic since that we couldn’t make the lesson
today. I owe you for your lively and participative performance. I like the way you
answered my questions. Though there were some run-on sentences you made a
good deed in answering them directly. You could ask questions that were
necessary and related to our topic.
Happy Monday! Another day has come for us again. Let’s pray and thanks God for
this blessings. Thank you for a nice conversation. You did well today in our lesson.
You are very expressive and confident in everything that comes in your mouth.
May you have a nice day!^^
You are very nice and friendly. We talked about a lot of things, and you showed
willingness to share some information about them. However you were having a
hard time expressing yourself due to lack of vocabulary. On the other hand, I felt
your eagerness improving your skills. We need to practice some words and
sentences to make your expressions clearer. We will work together to make that
happen. Thank you and God bless!
You were able to express yourself well. However, we need to practice some words
and sentences to make your expressions clearer. I felt your eagerness improving
your skills. We will work together to make that happen. Thank you and God bless!
Thank you so much for the pleasure of having to meet you! I was pleased with the
way you conversed with me. You were very clear with your pronunciation. You can
make good and complex sentences as well.. I felt your eagerness improving your
skills. We will work together to make that happen. Thank you and God bless!
It was a great time talking with you! In that way, I was able to assess how prepared
you are to handle any type of conversations. Actually, you did great. You were able
to express your thoughts and feelings properly. Your words are comprehensible,
but you can make them easier to understand by practicing some words. I know
you'd do a great job on that if you just review what we have learned. Have a nice
You are very interactive in class. You can make use of proper expressions in
delivering your thoughts. You sometimes commit grammatical mistakes but you
can relay your sentences in complete thought. Just continue on improving your
sentence construction by incorporating right choice of words. Be very aware of
your diction and proper enunciation of words. Speaking English all the time as
much as possible will be a great help.
You speak well and do converse naturally. As your teacher I do appreciate the way
you share your thoughts and ideas. Though sometimes you commit mistakes but it
is because you forget some things when it comes to speaking English. Those
mistakes are easy to correct and you just need to be aware of those mistakes so
you can improve them. I suggest that you focus more on building correct
sentences more and a little more also on your pronunciation by remembering the
right pronunciation of the diphthongs and consonants. Your good and you can get
better by keeping my suggestion in mind.
There is spontaneity in your speech. You speak in a natural way and it is good. You
will just have to keep a constant practice so you can maintain and improve more to
moderately difficult sentences however; there were some flaws with your
sentences. You must pay attention on those simple things because they are
important so that your listener won't have to decipher the things you are speaking
about. The presence of Korean accent is strongly present in your speech which is
very understandable.
It was nice having a conversation with you because you spoke with clarity in your
pronunciation except for some few pronunciation slip ups and some grammar
errors. So far, you spoke well with minimal mistakes and what can be suggested is
that you refine your accent for a bit more because your Korean accent mixes up
with English. Practicing American intonations like the Rising-falling and falling
intonations is a good way as well as pronouncing every consonant and vowel
sound accurately. That is a good key in making your Korean accent neutralized
when you’re speaking English.
The class that we had today was great since you were participative and confident.
Everything just went well especially that you have provided necessary responses to
almost everything that I asked. Keep on practicing to improve more. Well done!
You were able to convey your opinions .I think you need to focus more with some
useful expressions so that you can express your thoughts well because sometimes
there were occasional pauses. I do believe that you will improve your speaking
skills as time goes by. You also make it a point to open up situational topics. I
would suggest to list the types of vocabulary building through reading more
English books. This could enhance your communication skills because it would help
you improve faster.
The conversation we had in the class was smooth. You always strive to enhance
you oral communication skill through the knowledge you gain from our lessons.
You always make good sentences in expressing yourself. You could try to
experiment on speaking new expressions to have more ways of expressing
yourself. Keep up the good performance.
The discussion of the lesson was indeed great since there was a full cooperation
and responses from you. The details of the lesson were easily understood and so
everything just fell into places. Just enjoy learning new things. Well done!
The conversation we had in the class was really nice. You exhibited the eagerness
to express your opinion and thoughts. You have good pronunciation of words, so
its not difficult to understand you. You answered the questions well though
sometimes you answered in phrases and clauses. I suggest that you focus more on
building correct sentences. I think with a constant practice, you can really improve
You have learned to listen intelligently. You've got a good comprehension that
enables you to communicate freely. Nevertheless, you should develop a rich
vocabulary. The more words you know the greater will be your capacity to listen.
The bigger your vocabulary, the greater will be your capacity to absorb and
assimilate the complexity of thoughts. You should also remember that listening is
not only the most important. You also have to speak up your mind and make your
stand very clear and you have made it. Practice more in making good quality
sentences. Keep it up!
You can communicate your thoughts and ideas. If you will be given enough time
and more encouragement you will be able to express your ideas well. You should
widen your vocabulary to be able for you to express your ideas well. The way you
speak the word is accepted or generally understood but you have to be careful in
pronouncing the words with correct sound. The construction of your sentences is
also important so you need to study more on how to organize your ideas in mind.
Keep up the good work!
You must be very clear in your mind what you want to convey so as to reach a very
nice conversation effectively. All efforts must be made to enhance the quality of
communication from time to time with innovative methods and approaches. So as
always, practice is essential, to improve your skills generally and make it your best
each time you speak. Let your skills in English shine!
I don't know how much opportunity you have to practice your English skill, but
practice as much as you can-the more the better. Learning a new language takes
time. Practice your speaking skill, ask more questions. Be patient with yourself. It is
certainly frustrating when you aren't learning something as fast as you think, but
you have certainly come a long way from the very start. So keep on studying hard
and, sooner you can be perfect in your speaking skills. You've shown me that
there's more in you.
I knew that you could comprehend the flow of our lesson and you exerted an
effort to express yourself even though you were having a hard time to express
yourself fully due to your limited vocabulary. It would be better to elaborate your
answer, so it is a good start learning how to manage discussions. Anyways, you had
been receptive with the corrections and that is a good attitude of yours. Keep
doing well in our class.
You participated well in our class. There were some flaws in your sentences. Good
thing, you are able to express yourself well. This is one of your strong points! I
suggest applying the expressions and words you have learned in your daily
conversation. This could enhance your communication skills. It was good that you
were active in our class because it would help you improve faster.
You did well today and you were cooperative in our discussion, however, there
were still slips with your sentences and you also tend to use inappropriate words.
Try to learn different and expressions and vocabularies and make it habit to look
for the right word in your sentences.
Having a large vocabulary is basic to learning any language, and it is especially true
in English. Reading English books or magazine and watching English movies are
very good way to learn new words. The more you expose yourself to English, the
more you get used to it and the more familiar it becomes to you. You will start to
recognize what sounds right and what sounds wrong. You will also start to
understand why certain words or phrases are used instead of others, and you will
start to use them in your own conversations and writing. English will start to
become a habit, and little by little you will find it easier to use English.
It was very impressive that you learned the summarization of the dialogue easily.
You made a good summarization. That was very detailed and informative. I highly
applaud you for this. You also made a good sentence out of the pattern today.
Moreover, you can give more expressions than the usual. However, please polish
your tail sounds today.
Having fun increases your ability to remember, so the more you enjoy yourself as
you learn English, the easier it will be to remember. Play games and puzzles. Even
simple ones, like ones written for children, provide good experience and practice
for English. Comic books and newspaper comic strips are also a good way to have
fun, and the pictures make it easier to understand than stories.
Finally, it is important to recognize that you will improve as you study English.
Sometimes when you set your goals, they seem very difficult. Progress comes little
by little, so it's hard to see if you have grown in your language skills. Think about
where you are at today, and where you were last week or last month. Maybe it
doesn't seem like you have come very far. But if you stop and think about where
you were six months ago, or even a year ago, then you see that you have made
progress. You have improved your English, and that is a reason to celebrate your
accomplishment. It gives you hope that as you continue to study and work hard at
improving your English, you will reach your goal sooner or later!
You have to learn to appreciate and love the language. If you appreciate and love
the language, you will find that you will be more motivated to learn it. It is better
to build a dictionary of words you come across as you read. You may also want to
write a sentence that shows how the word should be used. If you do this each time
you come across an unfamiliar word when you read, your vocabulary will become
massive. As you enhance your skills in vocabulary then you will be able to have
more confidence to speak up your mind without any uncertainty. But, of course
you shouldn't forget about other skills in English like speaking. Practice
You have good comprehension that’s why you were able to summarize each
paragraph in a good and interesting way. You also did well in answering my follow
up questions. You did well in giving out your opinions. However, I noticed that you
forgot some conjunctions to your sentences. Indeed, you never failed in speaking
with proper and good intonation.
Your ideas were good. I could hear that you have good thoughts toward the topic.
However, I heard some hesitations and fillers while you were expressing and
narrating your answers. It was alright but in the real test, you have to be more
confident. Clear your mind with worries and shame. You have a good potential and
just hold on the confidence that you have. Please be mindful with the words that
you would like to use in expressing your opinions.
The sentences that you’ve given were great. You did well in constructing the
sentences in a good and meaningful one. The key expressions were also great.
Moreover, I could hear that you could pronounce the words well. However, you
have to polish your tail today. Indeed, I could hear that you were doing well with
your /z/ sound nowadays. That’s good!
You did great in reading the problem/article well. Your tone becomes even better.
You have good diction in most of the words. That was a great job! You did well in
your pauses. You speak naturally. I like your confidence too by sharing stories
everyday. Moreover, the description was still great though I wrote some
corrections in some of your sentences.
You were able to express your answer correctly in our conversation. It seems like
you're getting comfortable in this kind of conversation. You can exchange ideas
and opinion easily in the class. Just always stay positive at all times. Don’t hesitate
to express your thoughts and ideas in the class. The more you speak in the class
the better because you’ll be able to express your sentences freely in the class.
Keep up the good work!
You have to pay special attention to your weak areas when you are having a
conversation. You will be able to handle conversations with confidence if you will
be able to enhance your skills in English. In order to enhance your skills you have
to use appropriate vocabulary and communicate with others. There are lots of
ways to practice English so you should never give up. You can do it!^^
It was a marvelous morning chatting with you today. You are always bubbly in the
class. You were able to have a natural rhythm when you speak in English. You can
answer simple questions appropriately. However, sometimes you tend to stammer
every time you think of an appropriate word. You just need to gain more
knowledge regarding your vocabularies. You have to catch the golden opportunity
that would help you to improve more. Keep up the good performance!
A fantastic morning to you! It was indeed a fun time having a conversation with
you. You were able to express your thoughts and feelings during our discussion.
You have picked the important details in the topic that we have tackled. You were
doing really well in answering question. However, stuttering was still there. I think
you should eliminate that. You should widen your vocabulary because it would
help you gain more improvement. Try to relax when you speak in English. Good
You should maintain a proper intonation so that you can stress certain ideas you
want to draw attention to. You can use simple words if you are having hard time to
express what you want to say. You will have the ability to speak English
independently; you just need to practice hard. Please continue to enhance your
knowledge with regards to vocabulary skill so that you will be able to express your
thoughts without hesitation. Keep up the good work!
It's really amazing how I can talk with you about anything. We had a good
discussion related to the topic. I started with some questions not found in the
book, and you answered them without difficulty. At that point, you were able to
exercise your ability to become spontaneous. Your fluency is admirable. Remain
confident for you are good conversations. Enjoy the rest of the week!^^
You just made my day brighter! I'm really glad we talked this morning. You were
very cooperative and enthusiastic the whole time. Thanks to you, we had a really
productive and fun class. You did not have any difficulty in speaking because you
were confident. You were prepared for the class and you gave perfect expressions
for the the Key Expressions and also perfect sentences in the Pattern Drill. Thank
you for a wonderful time. Let's do it again tomorrow. Keep on smiling!^-^
We had a very nice class but I would suggest that you focus more on making your
spoken grammar improved. The good thing about your speaking is you speak with
sentences that have complete thoughts. Just keep on learn more vocabulary and
expressions and practice them constantly so you wont forget and lose your skills in
speaking and listening.
I love laughing with you! It makes things lighter. You can express your ideas clearly.
You can give the correct answer without a good probing. You can easily get the
message of the given topic. However, you need to polish you’re accent more. You
are very receptive with your corrections. Generally, you are impressive in the class.
Great day ahead!
It was a breeze having the chat with you today. You were able to express yourself
so well! I was impressed with your familiarity with the English vocabulary words
and idiomatic expressions. You were also very receptive to corrections and
followed the instruction diligently. I would just remind you to speak loudly next
time. You really showed good potential. Have a wonderful day!
You were very receptive to corrections and followed the instruction diligently. Your
fluency was marked with little stammers and fillers but these can be enhanced
thru constant practice. You really showed good potential. You were so conversant
with the English language. I was impressed with your voice and your very clear
pronunciation of the basic to simple words. I admired your ability to respond to the
questions given by the teacher.
Studying English is fun and worthwhile. I appreciated your knowledge of the basic
vocabulary words and how you used them into well-thought of sentences. You
slowly could comprehend new expressions and words based from the teachers
examples. You were talkative though there were some grammar lapses. We
sometimes had to repeat the questions but ultimately you managed to answer
them correctly. Good job!
I am really proud of you because there was never a day that you didn’t make me
feel that you are prepared with the topics. Keep in mind that you must always be
confident in speaking English. Don’t be shy in expressing your thoughts and
opinions in English because you are actually very good. A little trust in yourself that
you can speak English properly will give you the drive to keep using the language
and getting good at it all the time. Always keep in mind that practice makes
perfect. Good Job!
A joyful Christmas to you and your family! Your performance today was superb.
You stated your thoughts and opinions with clarity. You are good at pronouncing
words. You just need to be extra careful with the vowel sounds of some words. In
grammar, please always observe Subject-Verb Agreement rule. Your fluency is
commendable. You have lessened your speech hiccups and you are able to speak
continuously. Let's talk again on Monday!^-^
You spoke so well today. We really had an interesting conversation. You were able
to catch the listener’s attention by giving examples and expressing your own
opinions about those. Widening your vocabulary will also help you express your
thoughts better. Try to play with words and use them appropriately to come up
with more precise sentences. Keep up the good work! ^^
I really do enjoy having class with you as you have the real potential. I could say
that you make a genuine effort in class and participates well in our discussion. I
admire you for having managed to balance your responsibility to your self and to
others. As I can see you are always prepared for every lesson we have. Cheers!
You are actually good in grammar part. I normally understand what you are saying.
That’s a good sign. Though, there were times that you jumbled words which will
definitely change the thought of the sentence. You were also very receptive to
corrections and followed the instruction diligently. Your fluency was marked with
little stammers and fillers but these can be enhanced thru constant practice. You
really showed good potential.
Try to find a positive aspect to studying. Why not watch your favorite film in
English and write down some useful words or phrases that you want to remember.
You could also read the lyrics of Top 10 songs and try to understand what they are
about. Or check out celebrity sites and learn more about famous actors, bands and
other stars. This sure is good for your vocabulary and on top of that – it’s lots of
fun. Have a blessed day ahead of you!^-^
Good to hear your enthusiastic voice and I commend your lovely intonation today.
I applaud your diligence but how I wish you would develop more confidence.
Practicing the language and noting what your goals are, would spell the difference.
On the other hand, take note of the extended sounds you made and please try to
slowly eliminate them. Polish up on some words that you slightly mispronounced. I
know you could do it for you have been studying hard everyday.
The imparting and interchange of opinions were always at its clear state. The
exchange of thoughts, messages and information were getting better everyday. I
am glad that amidst your excellence in speaking English, you still took your way to
study speaking the language. Always bear in mind that constant practice makes
It pays to have a good communication skill. It allows you to understand any given
situation and speak out your mind as well. On the other hand, doing it in English
definitely tips the scale. I enjoyed discussing the topic with you today. Your sense
of humor was ever present as usual. You were so lively and any teacher would love
to discuss anything and everything with you. Good luck on your career!
You indeed should practice every day. Like what I've said this phone English serves
as one of your greatest exercise. Thus, I advise you to do your best to comply with
the task and activities of our lesson.
I think your English overall is quite good. You obviously have a good grasp of it
already. You can answer my questions in a good way and your sentences were
fairly good. I know that learning new language takes time so you don’t have to be
in a rush. Everything was set according to its time and place. I know that you were
in the right track of learning so just keep it up!*^^*
I like your tone in reading the dialogue. Your intonation was good. You could
handle your /r/ and /l/ sounds today. However, I wrote some words that you have
to polish more. I could hear that you could answer the question well but please it
would be better if you will try to answer in complete sentences. Please study our
next lesson.
The modulation of your voice is good enough for a normal conversation. Your voice
is very energetic and you could make a good talk out of the topic. You were very
bright in giving the summary of the dialogue as well as in answering my questions.
You could make good sentence out of the pattern. Please study the words that I
wrote for you to practice.
You were good in dealing with the questions by answering them quickly. You did
well in expressing your thoughts but you have to be careful with some lapses. I can
hear that you could pronounce the words correctly but I still wrote the words that
you have to practice. Indeed, you could make a good talk whatever topic that we
Thank you for your time today. Practice those words that you had mispronounced.
You were able to compose your own expressions using your own words though
keep enriching your knowledge in words and expressions so that it would be much
easier for you to express your own ideas in connection to the topic given. Always
spare time to review the past lessons to fully grasp and retain what you’ve learned
before. So long!
Learning English requires a hard work. I am happy that you were doing your part to
learn English well. Maybe it would be a help if you will try to read English books or
magazines to improve and widen your vocabulary. Try to remember some words
from the dictionary everyday. This will be a great help for you.*^^*
I admire the way you answer those questions in a complete sentence. You tend to
be very to be very vocal in expressing your thoughts. You also made perfect
sentences out of our pattern drill as well as in giving the proper expressions. Try to
put into practice the words and expressions that you have learned.
You were very cooperative in class. You were attentive and eager to take part in
every part of the class. Your comprehension skill was generally good. You could
easily follow instructions and comprehend the lesson well. Furthermore, you could
compose good sentences using the pattern in the lesson.
We had a lively conversation because of you. You were doing well in expressing
your ideas. You convey your thoughts and opinions well. You can use innovative
words that can capture attention. Your tone was good and clear. You can
pronounce the words perfectly if you will always put it into practice. Indeed, I am
very pleased with our today’s discussion. Keep it up^^*
What a great start of another week having fruitful conversations with you. I was
delighted to hear you talk this morning. You proved how well you prepared for
today's questions. You were amazing because you enumerated your answers and
you delivered them the best way you could. You're good at grammar, but you
could do better by being more careful with tenses. You are a good speaker.
Hello there! It sounds like your sad today. I hope your feeling good today. You did
well in our class. I just want you to do the things that I taught you. Try to practice
answering our questions and then time yourself. In that way you can practice your
alertness and time management. May you have a nice day. So long!^^,
You're good at grammar, but you could do better by being more careful with
tenses. You are a good speaker. You made a clear answer to all of my questions.
You made it short but very vivid. I admire the way you answer those questions in a
complete sentence. You tend to be very to be very vocal in expressing your
thoughts. You were very confident in giving the details. I felt your eagerness
improving your skills ^^*,
You participated well in our class. It was good that you were active in our class
because it would help you improve faster. You can follow our lesson well with
ease. I just want you to practice to use modals. It can help you to express your self
well. I really had a great time talking to you. May you have a nice day^^
I really had a great time talking to you because of your happy thoughts. You did
well today. I just want you to avoid using excessive sounds in pronouncing some
words. Please practice the listed words in your pronunciation box. May you have a
nice day! So long!
I feel great today because I had a good conversation with you. Today, you were
able to use your skills well. You know well how to pronounce words correctly.
Enhance your skills by practicing pronunciation of individual sounds as well as
stress and intonation. You did well in exerting efforts in making good sentences.
There were a few errors, but I am confident that by reviewing you will do just fine.
You can enhance your skills further if you acquaint yourself with more words.
Expose more of yourself to English. Familiarization of words and expressions would
really be a great help. Have a happy weekend!^^
We've hurdled another week! As usual, you were very receptive to corrections and
followed the instruction diligently. Your fluency was marked with little stammers
and fillers but these can be enhanced thru constant practice. You really showed
good potential. Just always hit the right notes for your betterment.
Thank you very much for studying with me today. I noticed that you were more
eager to learn than ever. You always come to class prepared and you answer the
questions really well. It is good that your speaking skill is enhancing. You just need
to work on decreasing your tail sound. Try to speak like in a normal conversation.
Other than that, I think you are good. Have a blessed weekend with your family!^-^
Hi there! Happy Friday of course, it's our favorite day. I hope that you will have a
wonderful weekend. It has been nice talking to you all week round. You have been
such an enjoyable person to talk to. You were very nice and flexible during the
conversation. The talks become livelier because of your good deeds. So see you
again next week for another set of lessons! Thank you and take care!
I was happy that we successfully ended the class this week. You did great in giving
the correct sentences for our key expressions. However, please be careful in
putting the correct verbs for the sentences. Indeed, your thoughts and opinions
were properly expressed. Generally, your performance was still great. Keep it up!
Enjoy your weekend!^-^
I’m happy that we successfully ended this week. Please study the key expressions
that we have discussed today. I’m impressed because you could give good
sentences in our pattern drill. You could also make good answers to my follow up
questions. Though repetitions are needed you were able to make a good talk. You
could still make a way to express your thoughts well. Just keep on practicing. Take
care and happy weekend!^^
Your natural charm was reigning supreme this week. You go by what your hearts
and mind tells you. Though, some expressions were not that perfect but at least
you knew how to handle it. You don’t waste time when you were explaining your
knowledge towards the topic. I have to encourage you to give more and show
more what you have. You can do it. Let’s try it next week. Have a wonderful
The week has been filled with good discussion except from the line problem that
we had. I’m very happy to hear your amiable and enthusiastic tone. You never
failed in giving me the good reasons to applause you a lot. You could make a good
talk out of the topic. You could talk continuously without hesitations. It seemed
that you were very sure in all the words and sentences that you’ll tend to give. You
have good thoughts and views in every topic that we had. I just wrote some words
that were not clear during the conversation.
Have a relaxed weekend^^*
I’m very pleased that we successfully ended the lessons this week. I’m glad that
you were always doing your part to make a good and harmonious talk. You never
failed in giving me the reason to applaud your efforts in making a great
performance every study time. You were very amenable in accepting the
corrections and in following the instructions politely. You have a lot of potentials to
improve your English ability. Just maintain your good study habit.*^^*
We've hurdled another week! As usual, you were very receptive to corrections and
followed the instruction diligently. Your fluency was marked with little stammers
and fillers but these can be enhanced thru constant practice. You really showed
good potential. Just always hit the right notes for your betterment.
We have once again successfully ended another week. Our class was good because
of your active responses. You convey your thoughts properly. You studied the
lesson well and you worked hard to give good expressions. Moreover you did well
in giving good sentences for our patterns. Well, I hope that you will have a
wonderful week ahead of you. Stay in good health and I'll see you again on
You have been such an enjoyable person to talk to. You were ready for all the
lessons that we had. I can hear that you could grasp all the instructions well and
you were very receptive in accepting the corrections. I can also hear that you're
always prepared for the pattern drills and for the key expressions. See you again
next week for another set of lessons! Thank you and take care!
It's our favorite day. I hope that you will have a wonderful weekend. It has been
nice talking to you all week round. You have been such an enjoyable person to talk
to. You were very conversant and versatile in using the language. You could give
sentences that are grammatically correct. Though there were some lapses, you did
well in accepting all the corrections that I made. I owe you for your good and lively
performance everyday. So see you again next week for another set of lessons!
Thank you and take care!
It’s been a busy week for you. Though you’re busy, you still made a way to talk to
me at the last day of the week. You lead the conversation well as you always do. I
know that you’re not comfortable because you’re tired but I’m very happy that you
created a good talk. I can hear that you could still converse well. I know that you’ll
have a busy schedule on the succeeding days. I hope that everything will be fine
and go after according to your plans.
This is my favorite day. I’m very happy that you’ve been a good student these days.
You were good in answering and following the activities and the instructions. You
were very receptive in accepting the correction. I can also see that you could
convey your ideas well but try to be more elaborative. Try to memorize more
expressions and put that on practice so you can get used to it. A little practice will
help you a lot. I hope you enjoy our class as I did. So see you next week for another
week of learning and fun.*^^*
It’s a good day to end the week with a good talk with you. You’ve been very
generous in giving the correct sentences for our pattern and for the key
expressions. Moreover, you did great in answering my follow up questions. You
were able to use some of the expressions to answer them. It was so surprising! I
like your initiative in giving your opinions and sharing your own stories to make the
lesson fruitful. It made our talk more interesting. Let’s meet again next week for
another interesting talk.^^*
The day is simply good to end this week’s discussion. I’m very happy that you did
well in dealing with the topic that we had. You’ve been very openhanded in
narrating your own experiences. You were very receptive too for the corrections. I
can see that you have a good attitude in learning and in communicating with other
people. You were very versatile and chatty when it comes to your personal
experiences. This made our talk more fascinating and remarkable.^^*
I know that you’re happy and excited to end this week. I’m glad that you perform
and show how smart you are these days. You’ve been very flexible in giving out
your judgments and beliefs toward the topic that we had. I’m glad that you’re
coping up well with every topic. I like your eagerness to learn. You were very
careful with your answers. I like your wit in dealing with each problem. This will
help you a lot to make a fruitful and prolific class. Enjoy your weekend!*^^*
It’s the start of an exciting week! You did well in giving your best shot to make a
good and successful work during the class. You were very supple in giving your
answers toward my questions. However, there were some lapses in your sentences
that you have to improve. I’m confident that you can get through over it because
you’re studious. You were very approachable when it comes to corrections and
adjustments. That was a good attitude toward learning. I hope that you’ll enjoy
your day and I’m hoping that you’ll have a great weekend ahead.*^^*
Time really flies. I can’t believe that we finish the week so quickly. I’m glad that
your progress was also fast. I could hear that you could make a good reading. Your
tone and diction were improving. Just more practice and you would almost did the
perfect one. I can hear that you could read most of the words correctly but please
be mindful of some lapses. Reading more articles and handouts will help you more.
Enjoy your weekend!
I’m happy that you’re doing your best shot just to answer my questions. You were
very studious and good in giving sentences. However, I think you should make
some times to practice and review the patterns and the sentences more. I noticed
that you were good in giving the expressions. That was good! Moreover, I like your
struggles in good answers toward my questions.
It was a tiring day for you but I'm glad that you made it to end our discussion this
week. I'm very happy that you were a good and nice student. You were very
studious. You participated well in our discussion. You could make a good talk in
each topic that we had. Though there were some struggles and hardship in
conveying your ideas, you're still brave and confident in expression your thoughts.
I hope that this will not be our last discussion. I'm still looking forward to hear you
It was a good thing that we ended the week with your clever performance
everyday. You cope up with the topic well and you could squeeze great answers
toward my questions. It seemed like you’re playing on the right track everyday. You
could bounce back from the questions that you couldn’t answer easily. You have
the good choice of words and you could pronounce them perfectly. Moreover,
your thoughts were perfectly arranged. Let’s talk on Monday. Enjoy your
I was really happy that we ended the week with a great talk everyday. I like your
confidence in answering difficult questions. You comprehend well so we could
make a thought provoking statements and opinions. You could make a reasonable
and meaningful talk out of the examples that you have given. I really enjoy our talk
especially when you are showing your bright and clever side of your self. Enjoy
your weekend!^-^
I like your attitude in studying. Learning new words and correcting yourself
whenever you committed some mistakes. Your statements were also good and
express in correct ways. Your views and opinions were totally acceptable but you
tend to be confused sometimes. But I know that you could use new words
appropriately. However, I wrote some words for your vocabulary. Just keep on
checking new words from the dictionary and it will help you a lot to be familiar
with deeper and harder words. Enjoy the weekend!*^^*
It's a great day today and I'm glad to talk to you again. Today's lesson was good.
You were able to give correct expressions and you gave good sentences for the
pattern drills today. However, you have to be more careful and confident when
answering questions during the free talking. You tend to use inappropriate words
and you sometimes answer in fragments. Well, I hope that you'll continue to
improve your skills.
I'm happy to have class with you again. As usual, you didn't disappoint me during
the class. However, you sometimes forgot putting articles on your sentences.
Moreover, you have to practice pronouncing words with short vowel sounds and
your /s/ sounds for today. Have a nice day!
You listened well to the teacher’s corrections and was able to improve most of
your errors with some repetition. Overall, you maintained a smooth conversation
and expressed yourself very well. Keep it up!
I really appreciate your effort constructing your own sentence using the pattern
that we had learned. You were very active and I could sense your eagerness to
learn the language. However, the need of learning vocabularies and expressions
are really essential for further improvement. You could still improve more if you
would continue your persistence and sheer determination to learn
I want to congratulate you for a great job today. I highly commend you for good
attitude toward learning. You were very participative and attentive during the
discussion. I know that you have a good potential to learn English well so try to
gain confidence while speaking. Don't be shy. It is okay to make mistakes
sometimes. I am here to help you so don't be shy in doing what is necessary.^^
You are very nice and friendly. You interacted well during the discussion. We talked
about a lot of things, and you showed willingness to share some information about
them. You were able to express yourself in simple sentences and you are familiar
with easy vocabulary words. Moreover, you were able to give prompt and good
responses to every question asked. All in all, we had a nice class
You have a positive attitude towards learning. You always follow my instructions.
Your courage and participation in class usually defines it. You're familiar with
common words and expressions. Also, you can answer the usual questions thrown
to you. On the other hand, you need to enhance your vocabulary words as well.
Your confidence and patience will lead you through success in learning this
language. Have a great time!
We had an interesting conversation because you talked with enthusiasm. You are
good at pronouncing words. However, there are some words that still need
polishing. You can better pronounce those words by focusing on vowel sounds.
Widening your vocabulary will also help you express your thoughts better. Try to
play with words and use them appropriately to come up with more precise
sentences. Keep up the good work!
.I knew that you could comprehend the flow of our lesson and you exerted an
effort to express yourself even though you were having a hard time to express
yourself fully due to your limited vocabulary. It would be better to elaborate your
answer, so it is a good start learning how to manage discussions. Anyways, you had
been receptive with the corrections and that is a good attitude of yours. Keep
doing well in our class.
You are very nice and friendly. You interacted well during the discussion. We talked
about a lot of things, and you showed willingness to share some information about
the topic. You were able to express yourself in simple sentences and you are
familiar with easy vocabulary words. You just need to polish your pronunciation
and intonation.
You have a positive attitude towards learning. You followed my instructions well.
Your courage and participation in class usually defines it. You're familiar with
common words and expressions. Also, you can answer the usual questions thrown
to you. On the other hand, you need to enhance your vocabulary words as well.
You could handle conversation with regards to daily lives. You were able to express
yourself well. However, we need to practice some words and sentences to make
your expressions clearer. I felt your eagerness improving your skills. We will work
together to make that happen
Thank you so much for doing great today. You were able to deliver your thoughts
in good sentences, except for some few grammatical errors. With regard to your
pronunciation, you could speak with clarity, yet you stammered in pronouncing
some words. You could still polish it.
You could comprehend the flow of our lesson and you exerted effort to express
yourself even though you were having a hard time to express yourself fully due to
limited vocabulary. It would be better to elaborate your answer, so it is a good
start learning how to manage discussions. Anyway, you had been receptive with
the corrections and that is a good attitude of yours. Keep doing well in our class.
Thank you for a nice discussion. You did great in our class today. I like the way you
participate in our discussions because you really show much eagerness to learn
and improve your English skills. Always maintain that passion and enthusiasm that
you have now.
You did very well! You listened and understood our lesson for today. I am hoping
that you have learned something from our class. However, you need to be prepare
for every class. I know that you are eager to learn more. Overall, you need to work
on your pronunciation having the /L / and /R/.I’ll help you with that.
You were good in dealing with the questions by answering them quickly. You did
well in expressing your thoughts but you have to be careful with some lapses,
Indeed you could make a good talk whatever topic that we had.
You were able to express your answer correctly in our conversation. It seems like
you're getting comfortable in this kind of conversation. You can exchange ideas
and opinion easily in the class. Just always stay positive at all times. Don’t hesitate
to express your thoughts and ideas in the class. The more you speak in the class
the better because you’ll be able to express your sentences freely in the class.
Keep up the good work!
You did well today and you were cooperative in our discussion, however, there
were still slips with your sentences and you also tend to use inappropriate words.
Try to learn different and expressions and vocabularies and make it habit to look
for the right word in your sentences.
I knew that you could comprehend the flow of our lesson and you exerted an
effort to express yourself even though you were having a hard time to express
yourself fully due to your limited vocabulary. It would be better to elaborate your
answer, so it is a good start learning how to manage discussions. Anyways, you had
been receptive with the corrections and that is a good attitude of yours. Keep
doing well in our class.
Thank you for a nice discussion. You did great in our class today. I like the way you
participate in our discussions because you really show much eagerness to learn
and improve your English skills. Please maintain that passion and enthusiasm that
you have now. Have a good evening ^^
I really do enjoy having class with you as you have the real potential. I could say
that you make a genuine effort in class and participates well in our discussion. You
just need to practice answering in a complete sentence, also you need to polish
your pronunciation and intonation. Keep it up ^^
-You were indeed very good today. I was impressed with the way you carried
yourself all throughout the conversation. Your ability to construct sentences is
good though you sometimes there were some flaws. There was also familiarity
with the simple vocabulary words and certain good expressions.
You can express your ideas clearly. You can give the correct answer without a good
probing. You can easily get the message of the given topic. However, you need to
polish you’re accent more. You are very receptive with your corrections. Generally,
you are impressive in the class. Great day ahead!
You were very careful in constructing your sentences today. I can see that you
could grasp the questions easily. However, there were some words that you have
to practice. Please mindful your /b/ and /v/ as well as your tail sounds today.
Indeed, I could hear that you could seize the sounds easily once you learned it. Just
put it into practice and you could get used to it.
Thank you so much for being a good student. You did great! Your comprehension
was good, you were able to understand the questions easily. You also tried to
answer and express yourself in complete sentences however, grammatical errors
were still observed. You should work on your pronunciation because your native
accent was still obvious.
You showed how comfortable you are with the simple vocabulary words. Just focus
on the sounds which you sometimes fail to pronounce well and never forget to
deliver the lines in their right intonation. As days passed you had always been
consistent with your pronunciation. You were always clear, although with a little of
the Korean accent.
We really had an interesting conversation about the topic. You were able to catch
the listener’s attention by expressing your own opinions about that. Widening your
vocabulary will also help you express your thoughts better. Try to play with words
and use them appropriately to come up with more precise sentences. Keep up the
good work
You usually come to class prepared and you were able to interact well in reading
the situational conversations. Furthermore, you could easily remember some
useful expressions that you learned from the lesson. I want you to know that I look
forward to reading more dialogues with you. I hope that you will continue showing
interest in our class. Keep it up ^^
You could communicate using simple but correct sentences most of the time. So I
persuade you to move to another level of communication by trying your best to
construct longer sentences. You could do this by elaborating your answers and
explaining some points further. Way to go! ^^
You can maintain the coherent conversation. Exchanging ideas with you is good
because you have the ability in expressing yourself quite well. Though sometimes
you commit mistakes in grammar but the contents of your sentences are complete
which makes your message come across. When it comes to pronunciation, you
could pronounce word well. Though you have keep on practicing to improve more.
Keep up the good work!^^
The student needs to improve his Listening and Speaking skills, in order for him to
achieve this, he must find time to study the language and practice speaking. He
must be introduced to various words and expressions so he'll be able to converse
The student must develop his English speaking skills, he should try to apply his
learning from the class so he could attain his purpose of studying the language. He
must continue working on his weak skills. Reading books and watching English
movies may help him as the course progresses.
For this month, The student should further his studies so he'll be able to improve
his speaking skills. He must try to engage himself with the class topic and be more
conversant until he gets use to it. Again, familiarization is very important when
learning the language, so he should continue practicing.
The student must learn the context of the lesson. He should try to be more careful
when listening so he would understanding what was being discussed. His speaking
skill needs a lot of improvement.
You are always in a good mood and always participates actively in our discussion.
He understands the flow of our discussion and he is able to answer the questions
related to the topic. He also speaks in a nice way though his pronunciation still has
to be improved. He needs to practice more speaking in complete sentences to
avoid fragmented ones and broken English structure and be able engage himself in
a simple conversation.
You could hold a simple conversation in an arranged normal setting and was able
to throw back simple to medium questions to teacher when a situation occurs. You
just need to practice more on your grammar and speaking skills. You need to
enrich your vocabulary for you to express yourself in English well.
You seem to be very much interested in improving your speaking skill and you are
progressing a lot because of your effort to speak as much as you can in the class.
Because of your active attitude, I am sure your speaking skill will improve a lot in a
few months. Keep up the good work!
You participated well in our class and tried your best to cope up with our
discussions. You just need to enrich your vocabularies for you to express your ideas
well. You could pronounce some words correctly but it would be better you spend
more time on pronunciation drills/ exercise. You can now construct simple
grammatically correct sentences, but you to improve your verb tenses. Keep it up
You can handle our conversations in the class. You still commit some grammar and
pronunciation slips, but you remain comprehensible. Constant practice on some
areas in English will give better results in the future. Make it a habit to listen to
some radio news programs and watch TV news programs to have more exposure
to the proper pronunciation and enunciation of words from native speakers. It is
also one way to practice your listening skills and gain more knowledge in
vocabulary and grammar. Make time to check your homepage for the corrections
during the class. Keep up the good job!
You can express your ideas clearly. You can give the correct answer without a good
probing. You can easily get the message of the given topic. However, you need to
polish you are accent more. You are very receptive with your corrections.
Generally, you are impressive in the class.
It's great working with you. You speak with a moderate level of accuracy and now
needs to work on communicating with greater fluency. You should also pay close
attention with pronunciation with tail sounds. Try to use a variety of techniques to
improve your pronunciation. You could also use different types of resources like
books on tape, watching videos and movies. I suggest you read the transcript of
our class on the web site so you can review the sentences and new words you
learn, this will help you improve your vocabulary.
Keep on doing your best.
You participated well in our class. There were some flaws in your sentences. Good
thing, you are able to express yourself well. This is one of your strong points! I
suggest applying the expressions and words you have learned in your daily
conversation. This could enhance your communication skills. It was good that you
were active in our class because it would help you improve faster
I had a great time talking to you. You were very cheerful and easy to get along
with. Your speaking skill is quite good and I could sense your determination to
improve. You just need to learn more vocabularies and expressions to convey your
ideas more easily. I think with a constant practice you can really improve more.
Keep up the good work^^
You did well in our class. Your speaking skill is quite good and I could sense your
determination to improve. You just need to learn more vocabularies and
expressions to convey your ideas more easily. I think with a constant practice you
can really improve more.
You are improving every day. You can follow instructions easily.-
You showed how comfortable you are with the simple vocabulary words. Just focus
on the sounds which you sometimes fail to pronounce well and never forget to
deliver the lines in their right intonation.