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Linear Programming

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Linear Programming

Linear programming became important during World War II:

→ used to solve logistics problems for the military.

Linear Programming (LP) was the first widely used form of

optimization in the process industries and is still the dominant
form today.

Linear Programming has been used to:

→ schedule production,
→ choose feedstocks,
→ determine new product feasibility,
→ handle constraints for process controllers,

There is still a considerable amount of research taking place in

this area today.
Linear Programming

All Linear Programs can be written in the form:

min c1 x1 + c2 x2 + c3 x3 + K + cn x n
subject to:
a11 x1 + a12 x2 + a13 x3 + K + a1n x n ! b1
a21 x1 + a22 x2 + a23 x3 + K + a2 n x n ! b2
am1 x1 + am2 x2 + am3 x3 + K + amn x n ! bm

0 ! x i ! x l ,i
bi " 0

⇒ note that all of the functions in this optimization problem

are linear in the variables xi.
Linear Programming

In mathematical short-hand this problem can be re-written:

min cT x
subject to :
0 " x " xl

Note that:

1) the objective function is linear,

2) the constraints are linear,

3) the variables are defined as non-negative,

4) all elements of b are non-negative.

Linear Programming

A Simple Example:

A market gardener has a small plot of land she wishes to use

to plant cabbages and tomatoes. From past experience she
knows that her garden will yield about 1.5 tons of cabbage per
acre or 2 tons of tomatoes per acre. Her experience also tells
her that cabbages require 20 lbs of fertilizer per acre, whereas
tomatoes require 60 lbs of fertilizer per acre. She expects that
her efforts will produce $600/ton of cabbages and $750/ton of

Unfortunately, the truck she uses to take her produce to market

is getting old, so she doesn't think that it will transport
anymore than 3 tons of produce to market at harvest time. She
has also found that she only has 60 lbs of fertilizer.

What combination of cabbages and tomatoes should she plant

to maximize her profits?
Linear Programming

The optimization problem is:

In the general matrix LP form:

Linear Programming

We can solve this problem graphically:

3 profit

c (acres)

it c
2 on

1 trucking
1 2
t (acres)

We know that for well-posed LP problems, the solution lies at

a vertex of the feasible region. So all we have to do is try all of
the constraint intersection points.
Linear Programming

Check each vertex:

c t P(x)

0 0 0

2 0 1800

0 1 1500

6/5 3/5 1980

So our market gardener should plant 1.2 acres in cabbages and

0.6 acres in tomatoes. She will then make $1980 in profit.

This graphical procedure is adequate when the optimization

problem is simple. For optimization problems which include
more variables and constraints this approach becomes
Linear Programming

Our example was well-posed, which means there was an

unique optimum. It is possible to formulate LP problems
which are ill-posed or degenerate. There are three main types
of degeneracy which must be avoided in Linear Program-

1) unbounded solutions,

- not enough independent constraints.

2) no feasible region,

- too many or conflicting constraints.

3) non-unique solution,

- too many solutions,

- dependence between profit function and a
few of the constraints.
Linear Programming

1) Unbounded Solution:




As we move up either the x1-axis or the constraint the

objective function improves without limit.

In industrial-scale problems with many variables and

constraints, this situation can arise when:

→ there are too few constraints.

→ there is linear dependence among the constraints.
Linear Programming

2) No Feasible Region:



Any value of x violates some set of constraints.

This situation occurs most often in industrial-scale LP

problems when too many constraints are specified and
some of them conflict.
Linear Programming

3) Non-Unique Solution:


feasible optimum P(x) anywhere

region on this line segment.


Profit contour is parallel to constraint or:

! x P " ! x Ci
Linear Programming

Our market gardener example had the form:

min - [900 1500]x


subject to :

'1.5 2 $ '3$
% 20 60" x ( %60"
& # & #

where : x ! [acres cabbages acres tomatoes] .

We need a more systematic approach to solving these

problems, particularly when there are many variables and

→ SIMPLEX method (Dantzig).

→ always move to a vertex which improves the value of
the objective function.
Linear Programming

SIMPLEX Algorithm

1) Convert problem to standard form with:

• positive right-hand sides,
• lower bounds of zero.

2) Introduce slack / surplus variables:

• change all inequality constraints to equality

3) Define an initial feasible basis:

• choose a starting set of variable values which
satisfy all of the constraints.

4) Determine a new basis which improves objective function:

• select a new vertex with a better value of P(x).

5) Transform the equations:

• perform row reduction on the equation set.

6) Repeat Steps 4 & 5 until no more improvement in the

objective function is possible.
Linear Programming

Market Gardener Revisited

The problem was written:

max 900 c + 1500 t

subject to : trucking
1.5 c + 2 t ! 3
20 c + 60 t ! 60
1) in standard form, the problem is:

min - [900 1500]x


subject to :
(1.5 2 % (3%
& 20 60# x ) &60#
' $ ' $
x " 0

where x ! [c t ] .
Linear Programming

Market Gardener Revisited

2) Introduce slack variables ( or convert all inequality

constraints to equality constraints):
min - 900 c - 1500 t

subject to : trucking

1.5 c + 2 t + s1 = 3
20 c + 60 t + s 2 = 60
c, t, s1 , s 2 ! 0
or in matrix form:

min - [900 1500 0 0]x


subject to :
(1.5 2 1 0% (3%
& 20 60 0 1# x = &60#
' $ ' $
x " 0

where x ! [c t s1 s 2 ] .
Linear Programming

Market Gardener Revisited

3) Define an initial basis and set up tableau:

• choose the slacks as the initial basic variables,

• this is equivalent to starting at the origin.

the initial tableau is:

c t s1 s2 b

basis s1 1.5 2.0 1.0 0.0 3.0

variables s2 20.0 60.0 0.0 1.0 60.0

-900 -1500 0.0 0.0 0.0

objective function
objective function
Linear Programming

Market Gardener Revisited

4) Determine the new basis:

• examine the objective function coefficients and
choose a variable with a negative weight. (you
want to decrease the objective function because
you are minimizing. Usually we will choose the
most negative weight, but this is not necessary).
• this variable will be brought into the basis.
• divide each element of b by the corresponding
constraint coefficient of the new basic variable.
• the variable which will be removed from the basis
is in the pivot row (given by the smallest positive
ratio of bi/aij ).
new non-basic new basic
variable variable

c t s1 s2 b
s1 1.5 2.0 1.0 0.0 3.0 b1/a12 = 3/2
s2 20.0 60.0 0.0 1.0 60.0 b2/a22 = 1

-900 -1500 0.0 0.0 0.0

most negative coefficient,
bring "t" into the basis
Linear Programming

Market Gardener Revisited

5) Transform the constraint equations:

• perform row reduction on the constraint equations
to make the pivot element 1 and all other elements
of the pivot column 0.

c t s1 s2 b
s1 5/6 0.0 1.0 -1/30 1.0
t 1/3 1.0 0.0 1/60 1.0

-400 0.0 0.0 25.0 1500

i) new row #2 = row #2 / 60

ii) new row #1 = row #1 - 2*new row #2
iii) new row #3 = row #3 + 1500* new row #2
Linear Programming

Market Gardener Revisited

6) Repeat Steps 4 & 5 until no more improvement is possible:

c t s1 s2 b
s1 5/6 0.0 1.0 -1/30 1.0
t 1/3 1.0 0.0 1/60 1.0

-400 0.0 0.0 25.0 1500

the new tableau is:

c t s1 s2 b
c 1.0 0.0 6/5 -1/25 6/5
t 0.0 1.0 -1/3 3/100 3/5

0.0 0.0 480 9.0 1980

no further improvements are possible, since there are no

more negative coefficients in the bottom row of the tableau.
Linear Programming

Market Gardener Revisited

The final tableau is:

optimal acres of
cabbages & tomatoes

c t s1 s2 b
c 1.0 0.0 6/5 -1/25 6/5
t 0.0 1.0 -1/3 3/100 3/5

0.0 0.0 480 9.0 1980

optimal basis contains both

cabbages and tomatoes.

shadow prices
Reduced cost
Dual variables
Lagrange Multipliers
Kuhn-Tucker multipliers
Linear Programming

Market Gardener Revisited

Recall that we could graph the market garden problem:

3 profit

c (acres)

it c
2 on
x* to

1 trucking
start 1 2
t (acres)

We can track how the SIMPLEX algorithm moved through the

feasible region. The SIMPLEX algorithm started at the origin.
Then moved along the tomato axis (this was equivalent to
introducing tomatoes into the basis) to the fertilizer constraint.
The algorithm then moved up the fertilizer constraint until it
found the intersection with the trucking constraint, which is
the optimal solution.
SIMPLEX Algorithm (Matrix Form)

To develop the matrix form for the Linear Programming

min c Tx

subject to:
Ax ! b
x " 0
we introduce the slack variables and partition x, A and c as
" xB %
x = $! ! ! '
$ '
$# x N '&

A = [B M N ]

" cB %
c = $! ! ! '
$ '
$# c N '&

Then, the Linear Programming problem becomes:

min c TB x B + c TN x N

subject to:
Bx B + Nx N = b
xB, xN ! 0
SIMPLEX Algorithm (Matrix Form)

Feasible values of the basic variables (xB) can be defined in

terms of the values for non-basic variables (xN):
x B = B -1 [b - Nx N ]

The value of the objective function is given by:

P( x ) = c TB B -1 [b - Nx N ] + c TN x N


[ ]
P( x ) = c TB B -1b + c TN - c TB B -1 N x N

Then, the tableau we used to solve these problems can be

represented as:

xB T xN T b

xB I B-1 N B-1b

0 [
- c TN - c TB B -1 N ] c TB B -1b
SIMPLEX Algorithm (Matrix Form)

The Simplex Algorithm is:

1) form the B and N matrices. Calculate B-1.

2) calculate the shadow prices (reduced costs) of the non-

basic variables (xN):
- c TN - c TB B -1 N ]
3) calculate B-1 N and B-1 b.

4) find the pivot element by performing the ratio test using

the column corresponding to the most negative shadow

5) the pivot column corresponds to the new basic variable and

the pivot row corresponds to the new non-basic variable.
Modify the B and N matrices accordingly. Calculate B-1.

6) repeat steps 2 through 5 until there are no negative shadow

prices remaining.
SIMPLEX Algorithm (Matrix Form)

This method is computationally inefficient because you must

calculate a complete inverse of the matrix B at each iteration
of the SIMPLEX algorithm. There are several variations on
the Revised SIMPLEX algorithm which attempt to minimize
the computations and memory requirements of the method.
Examples of these can be found in:

Edgar & Himmelblau (references in §7.7)
Gill, Murray and Wright
Duality & Linear Programming

Many of the traditional advanced topics in LP analysis and

research are based on the so-called method of Lagrange. This
approach to constrained optimization:
. originated from the study of orbital motion.
. has proven extremely useful in the development of,
• optimality conditions for constrained problems,
• duality theory,
• optimization algorithms,
• sensitivity analysis.

Consider the general Linear programming problem:

min c Tx

subject to:
Ax ! b

This problem is often called the Primal problem to indicate

that it is defined in terms of the Primal variables (x).
Duality & Linear Programming

You form the Lagrangian of this optimization problem as

L( x, " ) = c T x - "T [Ax ! b]

objective function constraints

P(x) g(x)

Lagrange multipliers

Notice that the Lagrangian is a scalar function of two sets of

variables: the Primal variables x, and the Dual variables (or
Lagrange multipliers) λ. Up until now we have been calling
the Lagrange multipliers λ the shadow prices.

We can develop the Dual problem first be re-writing the

Lagrangian as:

[ ]
L( x , ! ) = x T c - x T A T " b T !
which can be re-arranged to yield:

L( " , x ) = b T " - x T A T " ! c ]
This Lagrangian looks very similar to the previous one except
that the Lagrange multipliers λ and problem variables x have
switched places.
Duality & Linear Programming

In fact this re-arranged form is the Lagrangian for the

maximization problem:
max bT#

subject to:
AT# " c
# ! 0

This formulation is often called the Dual problem to indicate

that it is defined in terms of the Dual variables λ.

It is worth noting that in our market gardener example, if we

calculate the optimum value of the objective function using
the Primal variables x*:

&6# &3#
P ( x* ) = c T x* = 900 $ ! + 1500$ ! = 1980
%5" %5"

and using the Dual variables λ*:

P(!* ) = b T !* = 3(480 )+ 60(9 )= 1980


we get the same result. There is a simple explanation for this

that we will examine later.
Duality & Linear Programming

Besides being of theoretical interest, the Dual problem

formulation can have practical advantages in terms of ease of
solution. Consider that the Primal problem was formulated as:

min c Tx

subject to:
Ax ! b
As we saw earlier, problems with inequality constraints of this
form often present some difficulty in determining an initial
feasible starting point. They usually require a Phase 1 starting
procedure such as the Big ‘M’ method.

The Dual problem had the form:

max bT#

subject to:
AT# " c
# ! 0
Problems such as these are usually easy to start since λ =0 is a
feasible point. Thus no Phase 1 starting procedure is required.

As a result you may want to consider solving the Dual

problem, when the origin is not a feasible starting point for the
Primal problem.
Optimality Conditions & Linear Programming

Consider the linear programming problem:

min cT x
subject to:
!M $ !b M $
# N & x ' #b &
" % " N%

• if equality constraints are present, they can be

used to eliminate some of the elements of x,
thereby reducing the dimensionality of the
optimization problem.
• rows of the coefficient matrix (M) are linearly

In our market gardener example, the problem looked like:

g4 g1
g1 - fertilizer
c (acres)

2 x* g2 - trucking
g2 g3 - non-negativity tomatoes
g4 - non-negativity cabbages
1 2
t (acres) g3
Optimality Conditions & Linear Programming

Form the Lagrangian:

L(x, ! ) = c T x - !TM [Mx - b M ] - !TN [Nx - b N ]

At the optimum, we know that the Lagrange multipliers
(shadow prices) for the inactive inequality constraints are zero
(i.e. λN=0). Also, since at the optimum the active inequality
constraints are exactly satisfied:

Mx * ! b M = 0
Then, notice that at the optimum:
L( x , ! ) = P ( x* ) = c T x*

At the optimum, we have seen that the shadow prices for the
active inequality constraints must all be non-negative (i.e. λM≥
0). These multiplier values told us how much the optimum
value of the objective function would increase if the associated
constraint was moved into the feasible region, for a
minimization problem.

Finally, the optimum (x*,λ*) must be a stationary point of the

* T * T
* *
( ) g (x ) = c - (! ) M = 0
" x L(x , ! ) = " x P( x ) - ! M M
* T

"l L(x , ! ) = (g (x ) ) = (Mx - b ) = 0
* *
* *
Optimality Conditions & Linear Programming

Thus, necessary and sufficient conditions for an optimum of a

Linear Programming problem are:

1) the rows of the active set matrix (M) must be

linearly independent,

2) the active set are exactly satisfied at the optimum

point x*:
Mx * = b M
3) the Lagrange multipliers for the inequality
constraints are:
"*N = 0
"*M ! 0
this is sometimes expressed as:

(" ) [Mx
* T
] ( ) [Nx
! b M + "*N
T *
! bN = 0

4) the optimum point (x*,λ*) is a stationary point of

the Lagrangian:

" x L(x* , !* ) = 0T
Optimality Conditions & Linear Programming

This 2 variable optimization problem has an optimum at the

intersection of the g1 and g2 constraints, and can be depicted


g1 ∇x P

∇x g1

x1 ∇x g2

Linear Programming & Sensitivity Analysis

Usually there is some uncertainty associated with the values

used in an optimization problem. After we have solved an
optimization problem, we are often interested in knowing how
the optimal solution will change as specific problem
parameters change. This is called by a variety of names,
• sensitivity analysis,
• post-optimality analysis,
• parametric programming.

In our Linear Programming problems we have made use of

pricing information, but we know such prices can fluctuate.
Similarly the demand / availability information we have used
is also subject to some fluctuation. Consider that in our
market gardener problem, we might be interested in
determining how the optimal solution changes when:

• the price of vegetables changes,

• the amount of available fertilizer changes,
• we buy a new truck.
Linear Programming & Sensitivity Analysis

In the market gardener example, we had:

3 profit
c (acres)

fit c
2 ont

1 trucking
1 2
t (acres)

Changes in the pricing information (cT) affects the slope of the

objective function contours.

Changes to the right-hand sides of the inequality constraints

(b), translates the constraints without affecting their slope.

Changes to the coefficient matrix of the constraints (A) affects

the slopes of the corresponding constraints.
Linear Programming & Sensitivity Analysis

For the general Linear Programming problem:

min c Tx

subject to:
Ax ! b

we had the Lagrangian:

L(x, " ) = P(x)-"T g (x) = c T x ! "T [Ax ! b ]

or in terms of the active and inactive inequality constraints:

L(x, " ) = c T x ! "TM [Mx ! b M ]! "TN [Nx ! b N ]

Recall that at the optimum:

" x L(x* , #* ) = c T - #TM M = 0T
" # L(x* , #* ) = [Mx - b M ]= 0T
#!N = 0
Notice that the first two sets of equations are linear in the
variables of interest (x*,λM*) and they can be solved to yield:

!*M = (M T ) -1 c
x* = M -1 b M
Linear Programming & Sensitivity Analysis

Then, as we discussed previously, it follows that:

P(x* ) = c T x* = c T M -1 b M = (!*M ) T b M = b TM !*M

We now have expressions for the complete solution of our
Linear Programming problem in terms of the problem

In this course we will only consider two types of variation in

our nominal optimization problem including:
1) changes in the right-hand side of constraints (b).
Such changes occur with variation in the supply /
demand of materials, product quality requirements
and so forth.
2) pricing (c) changes. The economics used in
optimization are rarely known exactly.
For the more difficult problem of determining the effects of
uncertainty in the coefficient matrix (A) on the optimization
results see:
Gal, T., Postoptimal Analysis, Parametric Programming and
Related Topics, McGraw-Hill, 1979.

Forbes, J.F., and T.E. Marlin, Model Accuracy for Economic

Optimizing Controllers: The Bias Update Case,
Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 33, pp. 1919-29, 1994.
Linear Programming & Sensitivity Analysis

For small (differential) changes in bM, which do not change

the active constraint set:
shadow prices
[ T
! b P( x * ) = ! b (l * ) b = (l * )

# M -1 &
% (
! b x * = ! b M -1b M ] = %" " " ( inverse of constraint
%$ 0 (' coefficient matrix

# M -1c &
% (
!b l *
= ! b %" " " ( = 0
%$ 0 ('

Note that the Lagrange multipliers are not a function of bM as

long as the active constraint set does not change.

For small (differential) changes in c, which do not change the

active constraint set:

[ ]
( c P(x* ) = ( c c T x* = (x* ) T
( c x* = ( [M b ]= 0

&(M T ) -1 c# &(M T ) -1 #
$ ! $ !
( c )* = ( c $ ' ' ' ! = $ ' ' ' !
$ 0 ! $ 0 !
% " % "
Linear Programming & Sensitivity Analysis

Note that x* is not an explicit function of the vector c and will

not change so long as the active set remains fixed. If a change
in c causes an element of λ to become negative, then x* will
jump to a new vertex.

Also it is worth noting that the optimal values P(x*), x* and λ*

are all affected by changes in the elements of the constraint
coefficient matrix (M). This is beyond the scope of the course
and the interested student can find some detail in the
references previously provided.

There is a simple geometrical interpretation for most of these

results. Consider the 2 variable Linear Programming problem:
min c1 x1 + c2 x 2
x1,x 2

subject to:
! g1 ( x ) $ ! a11 x1 + a12 x 2 $
# g ( x )& = #a x + a x & = Ax ' b
# 2 & # 21 1 22 2
#" M &% #" M &%

Note that the set of inequality constraints can be expressed:

" ( x g1 %
" M % $( g '
$ '
Ax = ! ! ! x = $
x 2
'x ) b
$ ' $! ! ! '
$# N '& $ M '
# &
Linear Programming


 Linear Programs (LP) have the form:

min cT x
subject to :
0 ! x ! x upper

 the solution of a well-posed LP is uniquely determined

by the intersection of the active constraints.

 most LPs are solved using the SIMPLEX method.

 commercial computer codes used the Revised

SIMPLEX algorithm (more efficient).

 optimization studies include:

• solution to the nominal optimization problem,
• a sensitivity study to determine how uncertainty
in the assumed problem parameter values affect
the optimum.
Interior Point Methods

Recall that the SIMPLEX method solved the LP problem by

“walking” around the boundary of the feasible region. The
algorithm moved from vertex to vertex on the boundary.

Interior Point methods move through the feasible region

toward the optimum. This is accomplished by:
1) Converting the LP problem into an unconstrained
problem using “Barrier Functions” for the constraints
at each new point (iterate),
2) Solving the optimality conditions for the resulting
unconstrained problem,
3) Repeating until converged.

This is a very active research area and some exciting

developments have occurred in the last two decades.
Interior Point Methods

3 profit
c (acres)

fit c
2 ont

1 trucking

1 2
t (acres)
Linear Programming Problems

1. Kirkman Brothers Ice Cream Parlours sell three different

flavours of Dairy Sweet ice milk: chocolate, vanilla, and
banana. Due to extremely hot weather and a high demand for
its products, Kirkman has run short of its supply of
ingredients: milk, sugar and cream. Hence, Kirkman will not
be able to fill all of the orders its has from its retail outlets (the
ice cream parlours). Due to these circumstances, Kirkman has
to make the best amounts of the three flavours given the
restricted supply of the basic ingredients. The company will
then ration the ice milk to its retail outlets.

Kirkman has collected the following data on profitability of

the various flavours and amounts of each ingredient required
for each flavour:

flavour milk Sugar cream Profit

(gal/gal) (lbs/gal) (gal/gal) ($/gal)

chocolate 0.45 0.50 0.10 $1.00

vanilla 0.50 0.40 0.15 $0.90
banana 0.40 0.40 0.20 $0.95

Kirkman has 180 gal. of milk, 150 lbs. of sugar and 60 gal. of
cream available.
Linear Programming Problems


a) What mix of ice cream flavours will maximize the

company’s profit. Report your complete solution.
b) Using your solution determine the effects of changes in
the availability of milk, sugar and cream on the profit.
c) What is the most effective way to increase your profit?
Workshop Problems - Linear Programming

2. A jeweler makes rings, earrings, pins, and necklaces. She wishes to

work no more than 40 hours per week. It takes her 2 hours to make a
ring, 2 hours to make a pair of earrings, 1 hour to make a pin and 4
hours to make a necklace. She estimates that she can sell no more
than 10 rings, 10 pairs of earrings, 15 pins and 3 necklaces in a
single week. The jeweler charges $50 for a ring, $80 for a pair of
earrings, $25 for a pin, and $200 for a necklace. She would like to
determine how many rings, pairs of earrings, pins and necklaces she
should make each week in order to produce the largest possible gross

a) What mix of jewelry will maximize the company’s profit.

Report your complete solution.
b) Using your solution determine the effects of changes in the
availability of number of work hours per week, number of
hours to required to produce each type of jewelry and the
demand for each type of jewelry on the profit.
c) What is the most effective way to increase your profit?
d) Comment on whether you think it was appropriate to solve
this problem with a conventional LP algorithm.
Then x* is an inflection point. Otherwise, if the first higher-order,
non-zero derivative is even:

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