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Featuring ... : Time To Turn Off Your TV For Good?
Featuring ... : Time To Turn Off Your TV For Good?
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The Newspaper Club is a service that
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MediaMe Name: David Gauntlett Occupation: Professor of Media and Communications Location: University of Westminster
Question 1a
Step by step guidance through the first part of the A2 exam
The first question in the A2 media * creativity as !personal expression" which while answering the question, you can see
exam is worth 25 marks out of the is the idea that it comes from within in front of you clearly what you did and
because you"ve already thought about how
overall 100. The question at hand * creativity as simply !making something", to answer the question, you won"t go off
isn’t complex but it’s easy to get whether it is good or bad topic. This is good practice and I
misled and shy away from what recommend it.
How much personal expression were you
you need to include to get those
able to bring to each task within the defined Example of an introduction to the
crucial marks. brief you were given? Although I had to question.
look closely at conventions of real music
Question 1A videos for my A2 project, I did feel that !Before the course I didn"t have access to
what I made came from my own ideas. But digital technology, apart from my digital
How did my production skills develop when I worked in groups on projects, I had camera and a very basic editing program
throughout the course? to compromise with others which might be called Windows Movie Maker on my PC. It
seen as less creative; but there were times was only when I joined the course that I
One or two of the following aspects will when working with others meant that what was able to further my skill in editing and
appear in the question: came out was perhaps more creative as camerawork by using Final Cut and HD
we fed off each others" ideas- such as cameras such as the Sony HDV 1080i.
* Creativity
when we made a microseries for the web. Before I started any of the projects, I had
* Digital technology some time to play around with the
Research and Planning is quite a technology available to me by doing
straightforward one if that comes up, but do preliminary tasks such as making lego
* Research and planning
remember to talk about all aspects of animations and non-assessed tasks like re-
* Post-production planning as well as research; what we creating a scene from a film.
learn from basic stuff going wrong, such as
* how you used conventions of real not planning locations, shotlists, props and To find out about Question 1b and more
media texts use of equipment is important in making useful information in regards to the exam,
our subsequent projects better. go on our website,
In order to be fully prepared for the exam, n www.slideshare.net/mediame
you need to be able to adapt to whichever
of these areas comes up. You need to be
!make sure you explain
clear on what they mean and you need to
be able to explain how they applied in your
what your skills were
work and how you developed across the like before the course Action Cards
two years of the course. For instance if If you are not too keen
you talk about digital technology, make and how you on practice questions,
sure you explain what your skills were like this is a good way to
before the course and how you progressed" help your understanding
progressed. of the question. It"s
Post production basically means everything basically Top Trumps in
For example, before I started my course, I after the shoot in video making and the form of revision.
had used editing software before but not everything after gathering material for print Create cards featuring a
screengrab from your
Final Cut. For my early practical work, I work, so you need to talk about how putting
projects alongside the 5
was just learning the basics of the program your material into the program- Photoshop,
areas that come up in
but then later on, after I felt more Publisher, Premiere, whatever you use- the exam. Then write a
comfortable using it, I began to experiment affects it and changes it and how you learnt little about how each
more and try new effects out. From the from that. applied in the project.
preliminary continuity task through the film You can award it a
opening and on to the music video, as I You can probably see that there is quite a number like top trumps
look back on my work I can see my lot of overlap between the five aspects, so does! It"s a great
confidence growing and my understanding you should be able to adapt your material exercise and helps give
of editing deepening. whatever comes up in the exam! you some great
examples ready for the
Creativity, because it is a more abstract Practice task: exam.
concept, is by far the most difficult to
explain. Perhaps the best way to approach Choose one of those areas from the
this question is by trying to remember what question and have a go at answering it
you thought creativity meant before you yourself. Before you do this however, I
started the course. Then think about what choose two big projects that you"ve done in Written by James
that means to you now. What changed? and be ready to additionally refer to the Walker
What made you think about creativity little projects (like the AS preliminary task)
differently? There are many versions of as well. List as many examples of what you
creativity which might be worth did in those projects that made you feel
consideration. Two of relevance here are: that you developed your skills. This way,
2 MediaMe ... revise with visuals and mindmaps, not just words on a page ...
MediaMe Power: Online videos about Web2.0 URL: http://www.youtube.com/user/davidgauntlett01 Twitter Feed: http://twitter.com/davidgauntlett MediaMe
... use the weblinks in this paper to help you prepare ... MediaMe 3
MediaMe Name: Michael Wesch Occupation: Professor of Cultural anthropology Location: Kansas State University
4 MediaMe ... bring more than one pen to the exam ...
MediaMe Power: Interesting videos about YouTube Url: http://www.youtube.com/user/mwesch Twitter Feed: http://www.twitter.com/mwesch MediaMe
Celebrating its 20th birthday this year, We have our own Youth Dance Company and Youth
The Junction was the first youth arts venue to Theatre Company and work in partnership with
Cambridgeshire County Council and Inspire Arts to
be built in the UK
provide an arts workshop group for disabled young
people called ʻTotal Artsʼ.
Over the years we have grown, expanded and knitted
ourselves into the cultural life of the Eastern Region.
For those aged 7 – 15 we have
With an exciting
a weekly theatre group called
programme of
ʻTotal Theatreʼ with our
music, comedy,
associate artists Gomito
theatre, dance
and club nights
The Junction is
We plan to give more
one of the most
workshops and, building on
diverse and
our successful youth band
busy venues in
event, ʻThe Fiverʼ, we intend to
the county for
include more of young people in our programming
young people aged 13 –
and development plans.
30. But we do not want to
stop there…
If you would like to find out how to get
involved in The Junction please
Over the coming year we want to work more closely
contact Simon Bates, Head of
with young people through our Young Ambassadors
Learning and Access by emailing
Scheme and will give young people a yearly ʻTakeoverʼ
event at The Junction
8 MediaMe ... spread your time wisely: 30 mins for each 25 mark question, 60 mins for the 50 mark question ...
MediaMe Power: Writes the questions for your exam! Twitter Feed: http://twitter.com/julianmcdougall MediaMe
2 http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/technology/4530930.stm
... back everything up with examples ... MediaMe 9
MediaMe Name: Bill Thompson Occupation: Online Journalist Location: Digital Planet MediaMe Power: Cutting edge commentary on new media
Uses of Twitter
Today s Zeitgeist
–noun German.
You may have heard of this term before, is Douster"s music video for his track The !Formula" of a zeitgeist:
mentioned around fashion- a term to !Triassic" the epitome of this afro/dinosaur
describe a trend in aesthetic or lifestyle imagery. Or the increasing popularity of Right now, our formula seems to have us
choices. These days, the zeitgeist is often Rainbow Arabia, an afro-beat/dub taking visual and/or lifestyle aspects from
a force created by a hive-mind styled form collective that are really reviving the spirit approximately 15 years ago. Meaning,
of communication from many forms of found in a lot of Leftfield songs (circa "95) around 2004, we were bringing back
media, often web 2.0 (like blogs and via a lot of African inspired vocals or aspects found in !84 to !89 – as we"ve
image-hosting sites where the content is instruments. They re-utilize beats and progressed 6 years (until the present day)
classed as !we-media"). breaks that have since become unpopular so had the retro styles we were going crazy
in the mainstream too, usually found in old for. But, along the line we"ve moved into
The current zeitgeist, or, !spirit of the acid-house and rave tracks, for example, the next decade – meaning exactly 15
times" we"re going through right now, is the often sampled James Brown breaks. years ago, we were in "95, the years of
a transition from revamped visual Tupac and his movie, Juice, acid-wash
revivals from the 1980"s, to the 1990"s. The blend is highly post-modern. All jeans and The Spice Girls" sportswear
appreciated aspects of previous times are gaudiness.
We can see this, as our recent craze for all simply recycled in an effort to create
things 80"s between 2004 and 2009 has something new and aesthetically pleasing -
begun to fade - Instead of a lot of it may not be pictured this way if you are
underground imagery such as album art talking about politics following a zeitgeist,
work, video and graphic design using but when you picture it as media following
imagery inspired by the likes of Miami Vice, a zeitgeist, you"ll see how elements have
Tron and Ferris Bueller!s Day Off, they"ve been copied and pasted from then to now,
started moving on to more 1990"s based sometimes customized on the way with the
aesthetics, focusing more on popular flare of something else. Screen-grab from, Juice - 1992 Island World
visuals from the time such as Terminator 2, Productions
Jurassic Park and Back to the Future 3. The transition in music is
definitely showing, most Remember this though, the pattern
A good example would be the !off-the-radar" clearly in fact. About 3 allows for movement between the 15
craze of remixing films for music videos, as years ago, within year window, so, you don"t have to
seen in Ratatat!s video for their song underground electronic precisely move on in time, instead, you
!Mirando", !mashing" up footage from music, the favored can take on a post-modern approach
Predator to a tribal beat. Video mashing is tempo was around 120 and blend aesthetic values together in
Rainbow Arabia"s,
an often illegal form of video art created by beats per minute, giving “Kabukimono” - whichever way you feel is affective.
hijacking copyright video on youtube and the sound a very 2009 Minimal Vinyl
editing it to different music. After this video, typically 1980"s Records Only the youth seems to have the tightest
a new scene was introduced, different to !whoompf" to the grasp on the zeitgeist - it appears to be that
the commercial craze of geometric visuals drumming that really their use of the internet is the most creative
and neon lit text like Daft Punk"s stage works well on the dance-floor. This was via the use of web 2.0 where they can
imagery and M.I.A."s music videos, that especially visible with the clubbers drug of share media among each other, thus
instead takes on far more organic forms, choice at the time which was speed and spreading the spirit faster than ever. The
such as African patterns and tropical ecstasy. In the past 2 years, the tempo has speed at which it spreads nowadays is so
wildlife. This seems like an ironic take on been put up to a choppier and punchier much faster than, say, 10 years ago as the
childhood Disney films such The Lion King speed reminiscent more of Prodigy"s early collective identity of young people is now
and Tarzan. It could however be more one of the most targeted things of the
accurately a depiction of hip hop imagery media - magazines like Vice, Pop and
from the time such as Afrika Bambaata"s or SuperSuper all persuade the readers to
A Tribe Called Quest!s. This transformation send in their own interesting material e.g.
in our present zeitgeist is a very strange photos, art, clothes and music, knowing
thing to try and bring across in a literary that the next issue"s readers will still be on
form, but one of the best examples around the same wavelength and won"t dismiss
what has been sent in.