Curriculam Vitae Designation:SAP ABAP Developer Mobile No: 7095000112
Curriculam Vitae Designation:SAP ABAP Developer Mobile No: 7095000112
Curriculam Vitae Designation:SAP ABAP Developer Mobile No: 7095000112
Experience Summary :
Technical Skills:
Professional Experience:
Educational Qualification:
Worked on Data Dictionary (Tables, Structures, and Search helps, Table types, Data
Elemclassesmain, Views, Lock objects & TMG etc...)
Extensively Worked on Classical and Classical Interactive Reports.
Developed ALV and OOALV Reports with interactive & added additional functionalities.
Worked on Smart Forms.
Worked on Sap Scripts.
Developed BDC Programs to transfer data from legacy system into SAP R/3 System
Using Call transaction and Session methods.
Data Migration using Standard BAPI s.
Worked on Customer exits, User exits (implicit enhancement) and BADIs &BTEs.
Worked on RFCs to distribute the data between SAP-R/3 & SAP-CRM system.
Worked on Global classes, methods, events, interfaces, abstract classes.
Checking programs with Extended Program Check (or) Code Inspector, Run Time
Analysis & SQL Tracer .
Conceptual knowledge in (Standard Idoc, Custom Idoc & Extended Idoc).
Conceptual knowledge in WEBDYNPRO ABAP.
Good Conceptual knowledge in OOABAP.
Conceptual knowledge in BOPF(Business Object Processing Framework).
Conceptual knowledge in Module Pool programming, custom BAPI and LSMW.
Project: 2
Client Description:
Mazagon Dock Shipbuilders Limited, aptly called “Ship Builder to the Nation”, is one of India’s
leading Defence public sector undertaking shipyard under the Ministry of Defence. Main
activities are construction of warships and submarines with facilities situated at Mumbai and
Nhava (under development). We have the capability to build warships, submarines, merchant
ships upto 40,000 DWT since 1979.
For outfitting work, the company has a large number of workshops with sophisticated equipment
and machines specific to hull fabrication and ship construction work. The Company has qualified
manpower to implement CAD/CAM/CIM using the latest ship design software’s, operating from
a number of work stations having the latest computer hardware to provide, up to date design
and production support, commensurate with for the yard’s capabilities.
Objects Developed:
Develop a OOPS ALV Employee joining Report to display the person no , name of the
person, designation , DOJ , DOP, DOR , department , department text, cost center , cost
center text in the output.
Developed a function module with list of active employees during the specific period of
Developed a OOPS ALV Report to display the list of employees using alv object model .
Developed a conversion program to upload vendor master data from flat file to sap
system By using BDC Call Transaction Method
Developed an Interface program to migrate material master from legacy system to sap
system Using BAPI.
Implemented a CLASSIC BADI to through an error message whenever the vendor
belongs to German And region is not specified .
Developed an OOPS ALV Material master report with custom button (Download) on
application toolbar and whenever the user clicks on download , the selected records
should be downloaded into flat file.
Developed an OOPS ALV Interactive Report to display customer details in basic list
whenever user double-click on customer no display correspondent sale order Details in
secondary list using Double_click event.
Modify the standard script MEDRUCK to print PO Document type in the layout.
Design a Smart form to print the invoice Details , with logo, title , page number ,address,
Invoice details , and terms and conditions.
Developed an OOPS ALV Interactive Report to print sales order smart form whenever
click on sales order document using BUTTON_CLICK event.
Developed an OOPS-ALV Tool Bar buttons (adding, enabling, disabling) identifying
selected row on ALV GRID.
Developed a conversion program to upload the customer bank details from flat file to sap
system using call transaction method.
Implemented a CUSTOMER EXIT to preset the customer no base done sales area
while creating the sales order(VA01).
Developed a Interface Report to create and change sales order master details using with
Project: 1
Client Description: CK Birla Group is an Indian conglomerate headquartered in the Birla Tower
in Barakhmba road New Delhi, India.
The Group Includes leading brands such as Orient Cement, Orient Electric, NBC
Bearings..Etc24 manufacturing facilities and operational across five continents with a total
revenue of approximately US $1.6 billion.
Objects Developed: