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Sec. 33, amending Sec. 108 of the Tax Code

“(8) Services rendered to:
(i) Registered enterprises within a separate customs territory as provided under special laws; and
(ii) Registered enterprises within tourism enterprise zones as declared by the TIEZA subject to the provisions under Republic Act No.
9593 or the Tourism Act of 2009.”

• Sec. 38, amending Sec. 116 of the Tax Code

“And beginning January 1, 2019, self-employed and professionals with total annual gross sales and/or gross sales not exceeding five
hundred thousand pesos (P500,000)”

• Sec. 43, amending Sec. 148 of the Tax Code

“Petroleum products, including naphtha, LPG, petroleum, coke, refinery fuel and other products of distillation, when used as input,
feedstock or as raw material in the manufacturing of petrochemical products, or in the refining of petroleum products, or as replacement
fuel for natural-gas-fired-combined cycle power plant [,] in lieu of locally-extracted natural gas during non-availability thereof, subject to
the rules and regulations to be promulgated by the Secretary of Finance, per liter of volume capacity, zero (Php0.00); furthermore, that the
by-product including fuel oil, diesel fuel, kerosene, pyrolysis gasoline, liquefied petroleum gases, and similar oils having more or less the
same generating power, which are produced in the processing of naphtha into petrochemical products shall be subject to the applicable excise
tax specified in the Section, except when such by-products are transferred to any of the local oil refineries through sale, barter, or exchange,
for the purpose of further processing or blending into finished products which are subject to excise taxes under this Section.”

• Sec. 82, amending Sec. 288 of the Tax Code

“Notwithstanding any provisions herein to the contrary, the incremental revenues from the tobacco taxes under this Act shall be subject to
Section 3 of Republic Act No. 7171, otherwise known as “An Act to Promote the Development of the farmer in the Virginia Tobacco Producing
provinces”, and Section 8 of Republic Act No. 8240, otherwise known as “An Act amending Sections 138, 140 & 142 of the National Internal
Revenue Code, as amended, and for other purposes.”

R.A. No. 10963 shall take effect on 1 January 2018, following its complete publication in the official gazette or in at least one newspaper
of general circulation. The law was published in the official gazette on 27 December 2017.

Isla Lipana & Co./PwC Philippines | Tax Alert No. 34 | Republic Act No. 10963 2
Tax Particulars National Internal Revenue Code of 1997 R. A. No. 10963
Adjustments in corporate income tax provisions
Government- Sec. 27 (C) The Government Service Insurance System, the Social Corporate income tax exemption of PCSO was removed
owned or controlled Security System, the Philippine Health Insurance Corporation, the
corporations, local water districts and the PCSO are exempt from corporate income
agencies or tax.
Passive income on Sec. 27 (D) (1) Interest income from a depository bank under the Interest income from a depository bank under the
interest from deposits expanded foreign currency deposit system is subject to a final tax of expanded foreign currency deposit system is subject to an
and yield or any other 7.5%. increased final tax of 15%.
monetary benefit from
deposit substitutes,
trust funds and
Capital gains from Sec. 27 (D) (2) Capital gains tax of 5% on the first PHP100,000 and Capital gains tax on sale, exchange or disposition of
sale of shares of stock 10% in excess thereof is imposed on sale, exchange or disposition of shares not traded in the local stock exchange is increased
not traded in the local shares not traded in the local stock exchange. to a flat rate of 15%.
stock exchange of
domestic corporations
Adjustments on provisions for exclusions and deductions
On exemption of 13th Sec. 32 (B) (7) (e) 13th month pay and other benefits amounting to Amount of exempt 13th month pay and other benefits is
month pay and other PHP82,000 is excluded from the computation of gross income. increased to PHP90,000.
benefits exemption
The President shall adjust the amount of income tax exemption to The provision of power of the President to make
its present value using the Consumer Price Index (“CPI”) for other adjustments on the said amount is removed.
benefits such as productivity incentives and Christmas bonus every
three years.
Fringe benefit tax Sec. 33 (A) Fringe benefits given to non-rank and file employees Effective 1 January 2018, fringe benefits given to non-rank
given to non-rank and are subject to 32% final tax rate. The grossed-up monetary value is and file employees are subject to 35% final tax rate. The
file employees determined by dividing the actual monetary value by 68%. grossed-up monetary value is determined by dividing the
actual monetary value by 65%.
Optional standard Sec. 34 (L) In lieu of the itemized allowable deductions, an individual In case of a general professional partnership, the
deduction (“OSD”) subject to tax, other than a nonresident alien, may elect an OSD of OSD may be availed only once by either the general
40% of gross sales or gross receipts. professional partnership or the partners comprising such
Deduction of premium Sec. 34 (M) Allowed deduction of PHP2,400 per year or PHP200 per Repealed
payments on health month worth of premium payments on health and/or hospitalization
and/or hospitalization insurance of an individual provided that the family has a gross income
insurance not exceeding PHP250,000 for the taxable year.

Isla Lipana & Co./PwC Philippines | Tax Alert No. 34 | Republic Act No. 10963 6
Tax Particulars National Internal Revenue Code of 1997 R. A. No. 10963
Estate tax returns Sec. 90 All transfers subject to estate tax, or regardless of the
(A) (1) All transfers subject to estate tax or those, though exempt from gross value of the estate where the said estate consists
tax, have gross values exceeding PHP200,000, or regardless of the of registered or registrable property shall file an estate tax
gross value of the estate where the said estate consists of registered return.
or registrable property shall file an estate tax return.

(A) (3) Estate tax returns showing a gross value exceeding Estate tax returns showing a gross value exceeding
PHP2,000,000 must be certified by a Certified Public Accountant PHP5m must be certified by a CPA.
Sec. 90 (B) The estate tax return must be filed within six months from The estate tax return must be filed within one year from
the decedent’s death. the decedent’s death.
Payment of estate Sec. 91 Payment of estate tax Additional provision:
taxes An estate with insufficient cash is allowed to pay the
estate tax due by installment within two years from the
statutory date for its payment without civil penalty and
Payment of tax Sec. 97 A bank shall not allow withdrawal from a decedent’s bank Banks, which has knowledge of the death of the person,
antecedent to the account without the Commissioner certifying that taxes imposed shall allow withdrawals from a decedent’s deposit account
transfer of shares, thereon have already been paid. subject to a 6% final withholding tax.
bonds, or rights
The administrator of the estate or any one of the heirs may, when
authorized by the Commissioner, withdraw an amount not exceeding
PHP20,000 even without the certification from the Commissioner that
the estate taxes have been paid.
Adjustments in donor’s taxation
Donor’s tax rate Sec. 99 (A) and (B) Donor’s tax rates are as follows: Donor’s tax rate fixed at 6% based on total gifts in excess
of PHP250,000 exempt gift made during the calendar year
a. Not stranger – based on total net gift whether the donee is a stranger or not.
Over But not over This tax shall be Plus Of the Excess
PHP100,000 Exempt
PHP100,000 200,000 0 2% PHP100,000
200,000 500,000 2,000 4% 200,000
500,000 1,000,000 14,000 6% 500,000
1,000,000 3,000,000 44,000 8% 1,000,000
3,000,000 5,000,000 204,000 10% 3,000,000
5,000,000 10,000,000 404,000 12% 5,000,000
10,000,000 1,004,000 15% 10,000,000

b. Stranger – 30% based on net gifts

Isla Lipana & Co./PwC Philippines | Tax Alert No. 34 | Republic Act No. 10963 10
Tax Particulars National Internal Revenue Code of 1997 R. A. No. 10963
Tax on Persons exempt from VAT
Percentage tax Sec. 116 Any person whose sales or receipts are exempt from VAT [ITEM VETOED] Effective 1 January 2019, self-
and who is not a VAT-registered person shall pay a tax equivalent to employed and professionals with total annual gross
3% of his gross quarterly sales or receipts. sales and/or gross receipts not exceeding PHP500,000
shall be exempt from 3% gross receipts tax.
Disposition of Shares Sec. 127 (A) There shall be levied, assessed, and collected on every The tax rate imposed is increased to 6/10 of 1%.
of Stock Listed and sale, barter, exchange or disposition of shares of stock listed and
Traded through Local traded through local stock exchange other than the sale by a dealer
Stock Exchange or in securities, a tax rate of ½ of 1% of the gross selling price or gross
through IPO value in money of the shares of stock.
Returns and Payment Sec. 128 The Commissioner may prescribe the time for filing the Repealed
of Percentage Taxes return as well as the manner and time of payment, including a scheme
of tax prepayment of other percentage taxes.
Excise taxes
Imposition of excise Sec. 129 Excise taxes apply to goods manufactured or produced in Excise taxes also apply to services performed in the
tax the Philippines for domestic sales or consumption or for any other Philippines.
disposition and to things imported.
On cigars and Sec. 145 (B) and (C) Excise tax on cigarettes packed by hand shall be Imposes excise tax on both cigarettes packed by hand
cigarettes based on the following schedule: and packed by machines at the following schedule:

Effective 1 Jan. 2013 PHP12/pack Effective 1 Jan. 2018 P32.50/pack

1 Jan. 2014 15/pack 1 Jul. 2018 35/pack
1 Jan. 2015 18/pack 1 Jan. 2020 37.50/pack
1 Jan. 2016 21/pack 1 Jan. 2022 40/pack
1 Jan. 2017 30/pack

Excise tax on cigarettes packed by machine shall be based on the The rate of tax imposed shall be increased by 4% every
following schedule: year effective on 1 January 2024, through revenue
regulations issued by the Secretary of Finance.
Net retail price

Effective PHP11.50 and below More than PHP12.00

1 Jan. 2013 PHP12.00/pack PHP25.00/pack
1 Jan. 2014 PHP17.00/pack PHP27.00/pack
1 Jan. 2015 PHP21.00/pack PHP28.00/pack
1 Jan. 2016 PHP25.00/pack PHP29.00/pack
1 Jan. 2017 PHP30.00/pack PHP30.00/pack

Isla Lipana & Co./PwC Philippines | Tax Alert No. 34 | Republic Act No. 10963 14
Tax Particulars National Internal Revenue Code of 1997 R. A. No. 10963
On manufactured oils Sec. 148 The following items have the corresponding excise tax rates:
and other fuels Manufactured Oils and
Manufactured Oils and Other Fuels Excise tax rates Other Fuels
Lubricating oils and greases P4.50 per liter/kg 01/01/18 01/01/19 01/01/20
Processed gas 0.05 per liter Lubricating oils (per liter) PHP8.00 PHP9.00 PHP10.00
Waxes and petrolatum 3.50 per kg and greases (per kg)
Denatured alcohol 0.05 per liter Processed gas (per liter) 8.00 9.00 10.00
Naphtha, regular gasoline and other similar 4.35 per liter Waxes and petrolatum 8.00 9.00 10.00
products of distillation (per kg)
Leaded premium gasoline 5.35 per liter Denatured alcohol (per 8.00 9.00 10.00
Aviation turbo jet fuel 3.67 per liter
Naphtha, regular 7.00 9.00 10.00
Kerosene 0.00 per liter gasoline, PYROLYSIS
Diesel fuel oil 0.00 per liter GASOLINE and other
Liquefied Petroleum Gas 0.00 per liter similar products of
distillation and (per liter)
Asphalt 0.56 per kg
UNLEADED premium 7.00 9.00 10.00
Bunker fuel oil 0.00 per liter gasoline (per liter)
Aviation turbo jet fuel, 4.00 4.00 4.00
AVIATION GAS (per liter)
Kerosene (per liter) 3.00 4.00 5.00
Diesel fuel oil (per liter) 2.50 4.50 6.00
Liquefied Petroleum Gas 1.00 2.00 3.00
(per kg)
Asphalt (per kg) 8.00 9.00 10.00
Bunker fuel oil (per liter) 2.50 4.50 6.00
Petroleum coke (per 2.50 4.50 6.00
metric ton)

The scheduled increase in the excise tax on fuel for period

covering 2018 to 2020 shall be suspended if the average
Dubai Crude Oil price based on Mean of Platts Singapore
(MOPS) for three months prior to the scheduled increase
reaches or exceeds USD80 per barrel.

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