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s Service 

A W I P S  II  
S I T E  
M I G R A T I O N   
G U I D E  
S I T E  P R E P A R A T I O N  & 
S Y S T E M  I N S T A L L A T I O N 

Version 17 

Prepared by Raytheon for 
NOAA National Weather Service 
AWIPS II Site Migration Guide
Version 17

31 July 2013

Prepared By

Raytheon Technical Services Company LLC

8401 Colesville Road, Suite 800
Silver Spring, MD 20910

Under Contract DG133W-05-CQ-1067

Advanced Weather Interactive Processing System (AWIPS) Operations and Maintenance

Prepared For
U.S. Department of Commerce
NOAA NWS Office of Science and Technology
Programs and Plans Division, Program Management Branch
SSMC2, OST11, Room 15130
1325 East-West Highway
Silver Spring, MD 20910

Version History:
Version 11.9 (Draft) 6 December 2011 AWP.GDE.A2.SM.11.9-01.00(DFT)
Version 12.1.1 (v. 1) 23 January 2012  AWP.GDE.A2.SM.12.1.1-01.00 
Version 2  1 March 2012  AWP.GDE.A2.SM-02.00 
Version 3  29 March 2012  AWP.GDE.A2.SM-03.00 
Version 4  26 April 2012  AWP.GDE.A2.SM-04.00 
Version 5  31 May 2012  AWP.GDE.A2.SM-05.00 
Version 6  21 June 2012  AWP.GDE.A2.SM-06.00 
Version 7  19 July 2012  AWP.GDE.A2.SM-07.00 
Version 8  16 August 2012  AWP.GDE.A2.SM-08.00 
Version 9  14 September 2012  AWP.GDE.A2.SM-09.00 
Version 10  16 October 2012  AWP.GDE.A2.SM-10.00 
Version 11  14 November 2012  AWP.GDE.A2.SM-11.00 
Version 12  12 December 2012  AWP.GDE.A2.SM-12.00 
Version 13  23 January 2013  AWP.GDE.A2.SM-13.00 
Version 14  20 February 2013  AWP.GDE.A2.SM-14.00 
Version 15  27 March 2013  AWP.GDE.A2.SM-15.00 
Version 16  12 June 2013  AWP.GDE.A2.SM-16.00 
Version 17  31 July 2013  AWP.GDE.A2.SM-17.00 

Site Migration Guide


1.  INTRODUCTION .............................................................................................................. 1 

A.  Additional Resources .......................................................................................................... 1 
B.  Type Conventions Applied in This Guide .......................................................................... 1 


A.  ADAM Testing Limitations and Mitigations ...................................................................... 3 
B.  Pre-Installation Checklists .................................................................................................. 4 

3.  SITE PREPARATION ....................................................................................................... 6 

A.  Run AWIPS II SDC Automation Tool on the ADAM Platform ........................................ 6 
B.  Test Base Localization ...................................................................................................... 13 
C.  Set Up SVN (Subversion) on ADAM (Recommended) ................................................... 16 
1.  Subversion How To .................................................................................................... 16 
D.  WarnGen Template Customization................................................................................... 17 
E.  D2D Procedure Conversion .............................................................................................. 18 
F.  GFE SmartInits, SmartTools, Text Formatters ................................................................. 20 
1.  GFE SmartTools References....................................................................................... 21 
2.  Inventory SmartInits, SmartTools, and Procedures .................................................... 21 
3.  Tools to Run First ....................................................................................................... 22 
4.  Review Differences Between AWIPS I and AWIPS II Python .................................. 24 
5.  Review Smart Script Methods Changes ..................................................................... 24 
6.  Review Local Model Ingest Used in GFE .................................................................. 24 
7.  Convert AWIPS I SmartInits, SmartTools, Procedures Formatters ........................... 24 
8.  SmartInits .................................................................................................................... 25 
9.  Formatters ................................................................................................................... 27 
10.  Review and Migrate (if necessary) ifpImage Changes ............................................... 27 
11.  Inventory, Review and Verify Migrated GFE Items .................................................. 27 
12.  Upload GFE Configuration For Service Backup ........................................................ 27 
G.  Local Apps ........................................................................................................................ 27 
1.  Local App Migration HowTo Guide........................................................................... 27 
2.  Triggers ....................................................................................................................... 29 
3.  Crons ........................................................................................................................... 30 
4.  rsyncGridsToCWF ...................................................................................................... 30 

Site Migration Guide

H.  Shapefiles .......................................................................................................................... 30 

1.  Shapefile Testing ........................................................................................................ 31 
2.  Fixing Shapefiles ........................................................................................................ 31 
I.  LDAD ............................................................................................................................... 32 
1.  Identify All Data Incoming Into LDAD ..................................................................... 32 
2.  Test a Sample of Grid Data Ingest on ADAM ............................................................ 32 
3.  Test Mesonet LDAD Ingest on ADAM ...................................................................... 32 

4.  SYSTEM INSTALLATION .............................................................................................. 34 

A.  Architectural Overview..................................................................................................... 34 
1.  Preliminary Architecture ............................................................................................. 34 
2.  LX Workstations and XT Workstations ..................................................................... 35 
3.  High-Availability Packages ........................................................................................ 36 
4.  FXA Ingest Packages .................................................................................................. 36 
B.  Pre-Installation Checkout.................................................................................................. 37 
C.  System Enhancements and Changes ................................................................................. 37 
1.  Stage the Software ...................................................................................................... 38 
2.  System Enhancement/Changes ................................................................................... 38 
D.  IPVS Installation and Configuration ................................................................................. 43 
E.  LDM Installation ............................................................................................................... 44 
3.  Downstream LDM Client Pre-Installation .................................................................. 49 
F.  AWIPS II Software Installation ........................................................................................ 50 
1.  Pre-Install .................................................................................................................... 50 
2.  Install........................................................................................................................... 52 
3.  Post-Install .................................................................................................................. 64 
G.  Security Patches ................................................................................................................ 64 
H.  Setup ................................................................................................................................. 65 
1.  Set Up the AWIPS1 Rehosted Applications ............................................................... 65 
2.  Set Up BOIVerify ....................................................................................................... 65 
3.  Install NMAP (OPTIONAL) ...................................................................................... 65 

5.  AUTOMATION TOOL (CONFIG_AWIPS2) ................................................................... 66 

A.  Assumptions...................................................................................................................... 66 
B.  Running the Tool .............................................................................................................. 67 
C.  Identified Maintenance Tasks ........................................................................................... 72 
1.  Creating the Active pqact.conf LDM Ingest File........................................................ 72 
2.  Triggers ....................................................................................................................... 73 
3.  National Data Management (NDM) Files................................................................... 74 

Site Migration Guide

4.  Shapefiles .................................................................................................................... 75 

5.  Collect Files Script...................................................................................................... 79 

APPENDIX A. ADDITIONAL RESOURCES.......................................................................... 1 

Table 2-1. Overall Migration Checklist .......................................................................................... 4 
Table 2-2. WarnGen Template Checklist ....................................................................................... 5 
Table 3-1. Necessary localConfig.py Changes ............................................................................. 11 
Table 4-1. AWIPS II Preliminary Architecture ............................................................................ 35 
Table 4-2. Verification of EDEX_HOME .................................................................................... 39 
Table 4-3. Verification of the DAS Mounts ................................................................................. 42 
Table 4-4. Verification of NAS Shares ......................................................................................... 43 
Table 5-1. Site Data Configuration Automation Tool: Assumptions and Requirements ............. 66 
Table 5-2. Automation Tool Environmental Variables ................................................................ 67 
Table 5-3. Automation Tool Function and Execution Server ....................................................... 67 
Table 5-4. Optional Arguments for config_awips2.sh.................................................................. 72 
Table 5-5. Input Files to Active pqact.conf Creation.................................................................... 72 
Table 5-6. Input Files to Trigger Loading in AWIPS II ............................................................... 73 
Table 5-7. NDM Files Supported by AWIPS II ndm Endpoint .................................................... 74 

Site Migration Guide

Welcome to AWIPS II. This Site Migration Guide is a compilation of the work of
several people in the National Weather Service and Raytheon. It is intended to be a
comprehensive single source for migrating a site to AWIPS II, and it provides
approaches, step-by-step procedures, tools, automation, and notes. It contains
information from the NWS Migration Wiki, NWS documents, and Raytheon
documentation. The ADAM SDC (AWIPS II Data & Applications Migration Site
Data Configuration) Automation Tool has been extended by automating previous
manual steps and including other automation tools from the NWS. The goal has been
to minimize the effort needed to complete a site’s migration by automating as much
as possible; providing manual procedures that work; and providing a single source for
related information.

There are many ways to accomplish similar tasks, but the time required to research,
select, and test the various procedures and tools that are current for the release that
you receive can be significant. This document provides a single good way to do it, but
not the only way.

The Site Migration Guide is revised as needed with each new software version
release. This version was issued with the release of Operational Build 13.4.1.

A. Additional Resources
Provided with this Migration Guide is a package of additional resources that may
become useful resources as your site cuts over to AWIPS II. Appendix A provides a
complete list of these resources.

B. Type Conventions Applied in This Guide

user input information to be entered (Courier New

/awips2/httpd_pypies/ Example (Courier New, shaded)

/awips2/edex/data/utility/edex_ File name (Time New Roman Bold)


Introduction 1
 Hard copies uncontrolled. Verify effective date before use. 
Site Migration Guide


The most effective approach for migrating to AWIPS II is to perform the following
steps in the order shown.

1. Install the version of ADAM delivered with the release to be cut over to
operations. There is a field mod note for this action.

2. Set up all appropriate users on ADAM so that migration of AvnFPS transmit

configuration succeeds.

3. Use the ADAM SDC Automation Tool to establish the base configuration.

4. Test the localization just created with the SDC Automation Tool. Find and fix any
localization errors before moving on. At this stage you can assume there are no
AWIPS II software problems. If you do encounter a problem that you cannot fix,
call the Network Control Facility (NCF) (301.713.9344).

5. Set up Subversion (SVN) on ADAM to facilitate converting local apps and Smart
Tools. It is much easier to retrieve and install these items using SVN than without
it, as you will see later on.

6. Complete the steps in this document. Test as you go to limit the source of errors
as much as possible; this will help you avoid losing time troubleshooting a
problem. Correct the errors before moving on unless the problem requires a lot of
time to resolve (e.g., a smart tool, or a local app). For a time-consuming problem,
record where you are and the ticket number provided by the NCF (see step 3).

7. When the localization, configuration, and customizations are completed, test the
AWIPS II applications on ADAM. Some testing will already have been done in
checking the localizations. At this point, specific site product generation can be
tested (e.g., GFE, WarnGen). Test other job functions. Let forecasters test drive it.
Learn the variances, etc. Do as much as you can on ADAM (see “ADAM Testing
Limitations and Mitigations), including local application testing and migration.
Try to keep local app testing and AWIPS II testing separate in order to control the
source of error (i.e., is it an AWIPS II problem or a smart tool problem?).

The more you complete with ADAM, the quicker and smoother the task of
going live will be.

General Guidelines 2
 Hard copies uncontrolled. Verify effective date before use. 
Site Migration Guide

8. Coordinate with your Raytheon installation point of contact a week prior to your
installation date regarding pre-installation steps.

9. Follow the steps in Section 4, “System Installation” unless Raytheon will be

installing the software.

A. ADAM Testing Limitations and Mitigations

1. Rehosted Applications
Rehosted applications are the same apps used in AWIPS I. They include Climate,
HWR, FSI, AsyncScheduler, MHS, NWRWAVES, Archive GUI, internal LDAD
processes, etc. The apps are same across the sites and run with little or no
adjustments to their environment variables. They have been tested in Raytheon
labs and in FITs with no issues.

Test during pre-cutover testing, after AWIPS II has been installed.

2. Service Backup
Tested with other sites, no issues currently.

However, upload and download to central service can be tested after AWIPS II is
installed, before exiting Service Backup.

3. ISC
Testing to date has shown no issues.

Test after AWIPS II has been installed, before exiting Service Backup if desired.

ORPG (Open Radar Products Generator) cannot be connected to ADAM; thus
dedicated radar operations cannot be tested where the following are concerned:
 RPS list creation and send from CAVE
 Data ingest from RPG
 AlertViz notifications of RPG events (i.e., need maintenance or system errors)
 Automatic RPS list send on VCP mode change
 One-Time Request functionality (OTR) and radar multiple request
functionality (RMR)
 Sending bias and environmental data to the RPG
 National reporting of radar files to the NWS Telecommunications Gateway
(NWSTG) (of course, this also requires Message Handling Service (MHS),
which is not on ADAM).

General Guidelines 3
 Hard copies uncontrolled. Verify effective date before use. 
Site Migration Guide

This should be tested prior to exiting Service Backup at cutover.

B. Pre-Installation Checklists
The checklists provided here as Tables 2-1 and 2-2 may be useful aids in your efforts
to ensure that maximum migration has been completed and tested prior to installing
AWIPS II on the AWIPS system. Table 2-1 relates to overall migration; Table 2-2 is
specific to the testing of various WarnGen templates. [Note: These checklists can be
expanded to meet the needs of each forecast office. To allow for easy expansion,
copies of both checklists are included in Excel format in the package of additional
resources identified in Appendix A (see “Organization Aids” folder).]
Table 2-1. Overall Migration Checklist
Test Loc OPR Comments
User Distance learning can do after start
Application Focal Points Distance learning can do after start
ITO / ESA 12 Working Days residence course, do
before start
Local Systems Prep Site
ADAM Installed
ADAM SDC Auto Tool
WarnGen Templates
D2D Procedures
GFE SmartTools, etc.
GFE Formatters
Local Apps
AWIPS II on ADAM Testing Site
AWIPS II Installation RTN RTN considers it ready for cutover
Pre-Cutover User Test Site Some testing can be done concurrently
D2D, radar, GFE, etc.
Enter Service MIC Exit Service Backup

General Guidelines 4
 Hard copies uncontrolled. Verify effective date before use. 
Site Migration Guide

Table 2-2. WarnGen Template Checklist

Template WHO Date Shift P/F Comments
Tornado Warning
Severe Thunderstorm
Severe Weather
Statement, follow-up to
Extreme Wind Warning
Severe Weather
Statement, follow-up to
Special Marine Warning
Marine Weather Statement,
follow-up to SMW
Standalone Marine
Weather Statement
Standalone Marine
Weather Statement for
Flash Flood Warning,
Flash Flood Statement
(follow-up to convective
Dam Break (nonconvective
flash flood warning)
Dam Break follow-up
Areal Flood Warning
Areal Flood Statement
(follow-up to FLW)
Areal Flood Advisory
(events below severe
Areal Flood Advisory
Statement (follow-up to
areal flood advisory)
Significant Weather
Short Term Forecast
Special Weather Statement
ER Special Weather

General Guidelines 5
 Hard copies uncontrolled. Verify effective date before use. 
Site Migration Guide

A. Run AWIPS II SDC Automation Tool on the ADAM Platform
System root access is required on ADAM and AWIPS to perform some of the steps in
this section. Prior to performing these steps, ensure that ADAM and the SDC
Automation Tool are at the current release level.

1. Log into DX1 as user root.

2. Download the latest baseline shapefiles to /data/fxa/nationalData. See AWIPS1
SMM Chapter 15 and section 5.C.4.b in this document for details. Copy the files
you want to use to adam1:/data/fxa/nationalData using the following as an
# scp /data/fxa/nationalData/c11-zone*

Repeat for each shapefile that was downloaded.

3. Change directories into the ADAM installation directory and untar the
collect_files.sh script.
# cd /data/fxa/INSTALL/ADAM
collect_files.sh vmgfe/GFE_unmangler.py
4. Run the collect_files.sh script.
# ./collect_files.sh LLL

Where LLL is the AWIPS ID of the site to be localized by the script.

5. Copy the file created by collect_files.sh and the automation tool bundle to the
ADAM platform, and then secure shell into the adam1 platform.
# scp /data/fxa/TEMP/awipsIloc_lll.tar.gz
# scp
# ssh adam1

Where lll is the lower-case AWIPS ID of the site to be localized by running the

Site Preparation 6
 Hard copies uncontrolled. Verify effective date before use. 
Site Migration Guide

6. Unpack the tar bundle created with collect_files.sh, and install the automation tool
into the proper locations.
# mkdir –p /var/tmp/sdc
# tar –C / -xzf /var/tmp/awipsIloc_lll.tar.gz
# tar –C /var/tmp/sdc –xzf

Where lll is the lower-case AWIPS ID of the site to be localized by running the

7. Stop the EDEX JVMs, and ensure that the database, qpidd, and http-pypies are
still running.
# service edex_camel stop
# ps –fu awips

EXAMPLE. This is an example of what you might see after the previous
command. It is important to make sure postgres, qpidd, and httpd-pypies are
/awips2/httpd_pypies/usr/sbin/httpd –f
/awips2/httpd_pypies/usr/sbin/httpd –f
/awips2/httpd_pypies/usr/sbin/httpd –f
/awips2/httpd_pypies/usr/sbin/httpd –f
/awips2/httpd_pypies/usr/sbin/httpd –f
/awips2/httpd_pypies/usr/sbin/httpd –f
/awips2/httpd_pypies/usr/sbin/httpd –f
/awips2/httpd_pypies/usr/sbin/httpd –f

/awips2/python/bin/python /awips2/python/lib/python2.7/site-

/awips2/qpid/usr/sbin/qpidd --daemon --auth=no --worker-threads 20 --pid-

dir /awips2/qpid/var/run/qpidd

/awips2/postgresql/bin/postmaster –D /awips2/data –p 5432

postgres: logger process
postgres: writer process
postgres: wal writer process
postgres: autovacuum launcher process
postgres: stats collector process

Site Preparation 7
 Hard copies uncontrolled. Verify effective date before use. 
Site Migration Guide

If the above commands are not running, issue the following. Then retry the ps
# service adam_servers start
# service edex_camel stop

8. To migrate local shape files, stage them to the directory

The shapefiles should be added in a manner similar to the following:


It is important to note a few things about this structure.

 First, the name of the shape file is determined by its parent directory and NOT
by the name of the shapefile. Also, all underscore characters “_” will be
translated into spaces in the CAVE menu.

 Second, the directory name of SUBMENU is optional, but if desired this will
create a submenu on your Maps menu in CAVE. This means that you can
have a shapefile staged in this manner:


And it will create a menu entry in CAVE under Maps named shape_desc.

Any shapefiles staged within more than one directory will be listed under a
submenu in the Maps pulldown in CAVE that is named the same as the directory
itself. To clarify, whatever text you put in for submenu above will be the text
shown as the submenu on CAVE.

For example, the following staging:



will create the following structure in the menu of CAVE:

Maps  local roads  dirt roads

 grass roads

Site Preparation 8
 Hard copies uncontrolled. Verify effective date before use. 
Site Migration Guide

Finally, it is important to note that only ONE shp, dbf, and shx file can reside in
the final directory for staging shapefiles. This is NOT valid staging:



because there are two .shp files under local_roads, which would be used to create
the “city parks” menu. In this case you probably want to create two subdirectories
under city_parks – one named playgrounds/ and another bigfields/.

The last important thing to note is that the directory name of shape_desc will
determine the table name into which the shapefiles will be imported. It also
determines the name of the map bundle created. The name of the map bundle is
case sensitive, while the table name will always be all lower case. All underscore
characters (‘_’) in shape_desc will be converted to spaces when creating the Maps
menu name.

For example, the following shapefiles will create mapdata.oax_county schema

in the maps database and create a new entry OAX County on the main Maps
menu in CAVE :

In this example, the shapefiles will create mapdata.grr_cwa_roads schema in

the maps database, and will create a Roads submenu in the Maps pulldown within
CAVE. Under the Roads submenu will be a selection GRR CWA Roads.

Do this for each local shapefile you wish to migrate into the AWIPS II database.

Site Preparation 9
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Site Migration Guide

Note: If you change the structure of edex_static/site/LLL/shapefiles, you may

have to remove old map bundles manually. You can do this through the
localization perspective.

9. Migrate the patterns that are in your acqPatternsAddOns.txt file to this file:


Where lll in the file name is your AWIPS site identifier.

Two files – LDM Ingest Checklist.docx and Ingest Filter Configuration.docx –

have been included with the additional resources listed in Appendix A to help
with this stage of migration. [See the “LDM Ingest” folder.]

Note for RFCs: To archive shef data to the AX, you will need to migrate entries
that will continue to write raw data to /data/fxa/ispan/hydro_adbs. However, you
want to omit the –edex flag in those ldm entries to prevent that data from being
ingested again by EDEX.

10. Run the automation tool:

# cd /var/tmp/sdc

Note: The initial site data configuration should be run with the following syntax,
and you should answer Y to all prompts:

./config_awips2.sh db LLL
./config_awips2.sh shp LLL
./config_awips2.sh ldm LLL
./config_awips2.sh edex LLL
./config_awips2.sh cave LLL

Note: If you already have a localization that you are trying to override, pass the -f
force option to the script as shown below:

./config_awips2.sh -f db LLL
./config_awips2.sh shp LLL
./config_awips2.sh –f ldm LLL
./config_awips2.sh –f edex LLL
./config_awips2.sh –f cave LLL

Where LLL is the AWIPS ID of the site to be localized by the script.

Site Preparation 10
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Site Migration Guide

11. Modify the site-level shef distribution file. Without this, ldm will capture the data
and send it to EDEX, but EDEX will not recognize it as shef data and will drop it.
Edit /awips2/edex/data/utility/edex_static/site/LLL/distribution/shef.xml,
adding regex rows for each site-specific shef data added to your pqact.conf.lll file
in step 8. For example, if you want to ingest SXUS44 KWOH data, then add a
line below the last regex line:

<regex>^SXUS44 KWOH</regex>

12. Once the script is complete, make the changes to the localConfig.py as shown in
Table 3-1, and then copy the file into place.

Table 3-1. Necessary localConfig.py Changes

AWIPS I Token AWIPS II Equivalent Description
serverConfig. serverConfig. Change all instances of D2DDIRS to D2DMODELS and
D2DDIRS D2DMODELS change the arguments passed from the AWIPS I netCDF
directory to the AWIPS II dataURI model name. Example:

12', 'SREF'));

You can retrieve the model name from the grib_models

table in the metadata database with the following SQL
select distinct(modelname) from

or from the AWIPS II files with:

Any local Model name may If any local model is sent into GFE in AWIPS I, this model
model coming change based on will first have to be added into AWIPS II in order to utilize
into AWIPS I addition of product into GFE’s localConfig.py. Immediately after copying this file,
AWIPS II comment out any entries pertaining to local model data
until these data sets are added into the system.
See the table identified as Table 5.3-1 in the Additional
Resources provided with this Guide for baseline model
name reference (see Appendix A).

Site Preparation 11
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Site Migration Guide

IMPORTANT NOTE: Do not add declarations to localConfig.py that override system

variables. Now that GFE processing has been incorporated into EDEX, these
declarations could negatively affect the behavior of multiple systems. For example,
do not set TZ inside localConfig.py, as it will have an adverse effect of the behavior
of WarnGen.

# cp /awips/GFESuite/primary/etc/SITE/localConfig.py
# vi /tmp/localConfig.py
Make the necessary changes here. When complete, exit the vi editor:
# :wq!
# cd
Where LLL is the AWIPS ID of the site to be localized by the script.
# cp /tmp/localConfig.py .
# chown awips:fxalpha localConfig.py
# chmod 775 localConfig.py


The following is an example of converting a line from AWIPS I to AWIPS II syntax.

1. AWIPS I Entry:

### Add RUC40 database ###

serverConfig.INITMODULES["myRUC40"] = ["RUC40"]

RUC40 = ('RUC40', GRID, '', NO, NO, 2, 0)

RUC40_Parms = [([QPF, SnowAmt], LT6NG),

([Haines], LT3NG),
([Temp, Td, Wind, MixHgt, TransWind, FzLevel, RH, Sky], TC1),
([MaxT], MaxTTC), ([MinT], MinTTC),

2. Information Gathering For AWIPS-II:

# grep -B1 RUC236 $EDEX_CONFIG/common_static/base/grid/models/*.xml


Site Preparation 12
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Site Migration Guide

3. AWIPS II Entry:

### Add RUC40 database ###

serverConfig.INITMODULES["myRUC40"] = ["RUC40"]

RUC40 = ('RUC40', GRID, '', NO, NO, 2, 0)

RUC40_Parms = [([QPF, SnowAmt], LT6NG),

([Haines], LT3NG),
([Temp, Td, Wind, MixHgt, TransWind, FzLevel, RH, Sky], TC1),
([MaxT], MaxTTC), ([MinT], MinTTC),

13. Start EDEX.

# service edex_camel start

14. Tail the log file to make sure that EDEX starts successfully:
# tail –f /awips2/edex/logs/edex-ingest-$(date

Note: Site-specific map scale bundles (e.g., PR Mercator scale) that are not standard
(e.g., Regional, State, WFO for CONUS) need to added manually to AWIPS II. See
Appendix C of the AWIPS II Site Data Configuration & Localization Step-by-Step
Guide for information on how to create and add these map bundles. For a copy of the
Step-by-Step Guide, see Appendix A of this document (“Localization Doc
References” folder).

B. Test Base Localization

If you are following this document step by step, then you are ready to test the base

The following items should be configured during the base localization run:
 Plugin filters, which filter which products are sent to the shef decoder, the obs
decoder, and the metar decoder respectively based on geographic
latitude/longitude location.
 GOES and POES spi files, which should be copied into place for decoding
and displaying of GOES and POES sounding and sounding availability.
 Hydrology site-level Apps_Defaults file.
 Hydrology site-level ascii and binary geo_data.
When starting ADAM to test localizations, the EDEX server needs to be running in order to start AlertViz or Cave
(click on the EDEX desktop icons to stop and start EDEX). AlertViz needs to be started prior to starting CAVE
(click on the AlertViz desktop icons to stop and start EDEX). The first time you do this, you will have to add your
SITE ID, e.g., BOU. When done, click Validate. All red should disappear.

Site Preparation 13
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Site Migration Guide

 MPE msbin, prism, and utiltriangles files.

 XDAT parameter groups (RFC Only).
 Hydro timeseries group definitions files.
 Shef decoder metar.cfg file.
 GFE siteConfig.py file.
 FFMP runtime configuration file.
 All national data files, which should be copied into place.
 Distribution XML files (these files configure which products are addressed
by which decoding plugins within EDEX).
 Grid geospatial information files for MPE and DHR-MOSAIC grids, which
allow display through Volume Browser in CAVE.
 Radar RMR definition file migration.
 Spotters.dat migration into spotters.xml.
 WarnGen (backup site pulldown, basic site location text for generated
 Dedicated radar menus, which should appear as they do in AWIPS I D2D.
 Dial radar menus, which should appear as they do in AWIPS I D2D.
 Mosaic radar menus, which should appear as they do in AWIPS I D2D.
 Upper Air menus.
 AvnFPS.
 Default scales shown when D2D perspective launches.
 Scale selector pulldown in D2D perspective.
 Local warnings display in D2D perspective.
 Satellite display for OCONUS localizations.
 Products menu in Text Workstation application.
 cities.lpi, ldad15.spi, ldad15prcp.spi files, which should be copied into place.
 Text alarm/alert configurations per workstation migrated.
 Volume Browser fields menu.
 PostgreSQL configuration and database import.
 FFMP shapefiles import.
 Local shapefiles import.
 Triggers import.

Before you begin, check to be sure the EDEX server is running. The EDEX server
needs to be running in order to start AlertViz or CAVE.

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With EDEX running, start CAVE and test the localization. Then use the following
checklist to verify migration.

Perspective Migration Area To Verify Verified? ( )
D2D Perspective Default Maps Loaded on launch
D2D Perspective Scale selector pull-down correct.
D2D Perspective Dedicated radar menus correct
D2D Perspective Dial radar, Mosaic, SCAN and FFMP menus correct
D2D Perspective Upper Air menus correct
D2D Perspective Families menu correct
D2D Perspective Volume Browser fields menu correct
D2D Perspective WarnGen launches
D2D Perspective WarnGen templates verified.
D2D Perspective Verify that Spotters map is correct
Hydro Perspective Perspective launches with proper gauges
Hydro Perspective Point Data Control launches
MPE Perspective Perspective launches
GFE Perspective Perspective launches with active site.
AvnFPS AvnFPS launches with correct configuration
AvnFPS Transmit button active for appropriate users.

Note: The config_awips2.sh automation tool will attempt to look at the AWIPS I
forecasters list for AvnFPS and match each of the forecaster names in that file to a
forecaster’s Linux system login name in the /etc/passwd file. Because AvnFPS in
AWIPS II is tied into this user name, in order for the Send button to be activated an
entry must be in the file with the correct user name.

During the run of the config_awips2.sh script, the individual running the tool will be
notified if the tool could not migrate one of the users in the AWIPS I AvnFPS
forecasters list to the AWIPS II AvnFPS forecasters list. These forecasters can be
added manually through the AvnFPS program itself or through the localization
perspective in CAVE.

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Site Migration Guide

Note About Dual Polarization Radar: If your site has done the dual pole migration
on your dedicated radar, an additional step is necessary to see the proper menu files.
If you have completed the dual pole modifications to the radar, then issue these steps
on your ADAM:

su - awips
cd /awips2/edex/data/utility/common_static/base/radar
./dualPolTurnKey.sh new

Next, test to determine whether the AWIPS I afos2awips.txt file has been
successfully integrated into the AWIPS II database with the following commands:
su – awips
psql –d fxatext –c “select * from afos_to_awips;”
This looks for site-specific products that would normally be issued from your office.
Ensure that all products are present.

C. Set Up SVN (Subversion) on ADAM (Recommended)

1. Subversion How To2
The first place to go for help should be the “svn-book”3 in this package (see
Appendix A, “Subversion” folder). By far, the most important single step you can
take to learn subversion is to set aside some time to read
https://collaborate.werh.noaa.gov/wiki/index.php/SubversionHelp.4 It provides an
exceptional introduction. Nothing that follows in this section is a substitute for
reading and performing the tutorials on that page. HowToSubversion (also in the
“Subversion” folder) and includes the following sections:
1. The Repository
2. First Contact
3. Setting up Subversion Environment
4. Where Should I Put My Files?
5. Initial Import of an Application
6. Updating an AWIPS II Local Application
7. Downloading an Application for Operational Use

Copied from the NCLADT Wiki.
There is an HTML version and a PDF version for SVN 1.7.
Included in Subversion folder of additional resources cited in Appendix A as three files: SubversionTutorialPart1 -
Erh-itproject.pdf; SubversionTutorialPart2 - Erh-itproject.pdf; and SubversionTutorialPart3 - Erh-itproject.pdf.

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NOTE: From this point on, there is no particular order. The steps in the remaining sections can be
completed in any order.

D. WarnGen Template Customization

Start by testing the AWIPS II Baseline templates and use the localization perspective
to adjust as needed. The localization perspective makes this easy to do. The site AFP
for WarnGen should get the current status and training on updating these templates.

Use the checklists in this document, and those found among the resources identified
in Appendix A, to help track the testing of all templates.

You are strongly encouraged to migrate your site’s Mile Markers and Site Specific
Dam Break information prior to installing AWIPS II. These files can be created on
the ADAM machine and ported over to AWIPS II after the install. Instructions for
completing these tasks can be found in the Additional Resources attached to this
Guide (see Appendix A).

Sites with marine warning responsibilities can combine their marine zones using the
documentation identified in Appendix A and the WarnGen wiki page. Combining
marine zones prior to installing AWIPS II is not as critical as migrating Mile Markers
and Site Specific Dam Break information. This step can be completed on the ADAM
machine prior to installation and then ported over to AWIPS II, or it can be done after
the install on the AWIPS II system.

WFOs that issue Zone-based WarnGen products can use the templates that use Zone
instead of County-based warnings, denoted by the baseline templates with _Zones at
the end of the file name.

For more information on how to customize WarnGen, see the following files, all of
which are included in the resources identified in Appendix A.

1. AWIPS 2 WarnGen Documentation 1.3.1.doc (see “WarnGen” folder)

2. AWIPS 2 WarnGen Localization Tutorial.docx (see “WarnGen” folder)
3. A2 WarnGen Localization_Combine Marine Zones.docx (see “WarnGen” folder)
 https://collaborate.nws.noaa.gov/trac/siteconfig/wiki/CombiningMarineZones
4. A2WarnGen Localization_Create Site Specific Dams.docx (see “WarnGen”
 https://collaborate.nws.noaa.gov/trac/siteconfig/wiki/SiteSpecificDams

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5. Adding Mile Markers in AWIPS 2.docx (see “WarnGen” folder)

 https://collaborate.nws.noaa.gov/trac/siteconfig/wiki/AddingMileMarkers
6. AWIPS 2 Site Mig Org Aids V8.xlsm (see “Organization Aids” folder).

Note: These instructions and documents can also be found on the AWIPS II
WarnGen wiki page, located at


Bookmark this link! Documentation on this wiki page will be updated regularly with
additional information and resources not included in this Site Migration Guide.

E. D2D Procedure Conversion

In order to run Jim Ramer’s D2D procedure conversion tool successfully, the
following environmental variables need to be true:

 The fxa user must exist as it exists on an AWIPS system.

 The fxa environment must have the following variables properly set (this will
be set by running setup_fxa_user below):

 AWIPS I D2D procedures should reside in their normal directory structure

under /data/fxa/userPrefs/
 AWIPS I subset of localization files are present. See the following for details
on installing on an ADAM platform.

On an ADAM platform, these should be set up properly. If they are not, please
contact the NCF (301.713.9344) with the exception of $FXA_LOCAL_SITE, which
is set when running config_awips2.sh with the procs option. If you are running the
convertBundle executable manually, you will have to set this before executing.

To set up the fxa user on ADAM, complete the following:

On DX1 as user root:

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# cd /data/fxa/INSTALL/ADAM
# scp setup_fxa_user.sh adam1:~

On ADAM as user root:

# cd ~root
# ./setup_fxa_user.sh

The actual conversion executable is delivered into a subdirectory of the SDC Tool
install directory, which is named bundleConverter. On AWIPS platforms, the install
directory is normally /data/fxa/sdc, so the executables are under
/data/fxa/sdc/bundleConverter. On an ADAM platform, it is /var/tmp/sdc so the
executables are under /var/tmp/sdc/bundleConverter.

The SDC Tool has made it easy to convert all users’ procedures, or to convert
procedures one user at a time. To run the D2D procedure conversion tool through the
SDC Tool, issue the following command as user root:

./config_awips2.sh procs LLL

Where LLL is the AWIPS Site ID for the system’s localization. This is important
because it sets the $FXA_LOCAL_SITE variable to this ID.

a. Running Procedure Conversion on an ADAM Platform

To run the procedure conversion on an ADAM platform, the following must be
done ahead of time:
1. Log into DX1 via ssh and untar the grabFromD-2D.csh script from the
# cd /data/fxa/INSTALL/ADAM

2. Log into an LX workstation using ssh and run the script

# ssh lx1 (you may choose any lx)

# su - fxa
# cd /data/fxa/INSTALL/ADAM/bundleConverter
# ./grabFromD-2D.csh
# exit (this exit’s from the fxa shell)

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3. Copy the resulting file into the /data/fxa/INSTALL/ADAM/ directory.

# scp /awips/fxa/convBundStage.tgz

4. Exit from your ssh session into the LX workstation (see above) and copy the
file onto the ADAM platform.
# exit (this exit’s from the ssh session into the LX
# scp /data/fxa/INSTALL/ADAM/convBundStage.tgz

5. Log into the ADAM platform using ssh and untar the file.

# ssh adam1
# cd /awips/fxa
# tar –xzvf convBundStage.tgz
# chown –R fxa:fxalpha /awips/fxa/

After following the above steps, the environment should be set up to run
./config_awips2.sh procs LLL as described above.

It is recommended that you convert one user’s procedures at a time. After

migration, take an inventory of the procedures and have the user test each one
for usefulness and accuracy compared to AWIPS I. Check the following:

 Is it a procedure that is still useful, or is it outdated and unused? If the

latter, consider deleting the procedure.
 Does it display accurately? If not, contact Jim Ramer for conversion help.

SITE ACTION: Create a list of all procedures, organized by user, and have the
users verify that each procedure is still necessary and valid after conversion.

F. GFE SmartInits, SmartTools, Text Formatters

Keep in mind as you read this section that your knowledge of what is necessary for
your backup site to perform service backup once it has migrated to AWIPS II is key
in determining when to upload your AWIPS II configuration using Step 11 of this
section. Once you are comfortable, perform Step 11 to send your GFE configuration
from ADAM to the central server to allow your backup site, running AWIPS II, to
perform service backup.

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Site Migration Guide

1. GFE SmartTools References

These references were copied from the NCLADT Wiki Site and are current with this
software release. They are included among the additional resources cited in Appendix
A (see “GFE Migration” folder). The first one, HowTo GFE Porting Notes, provides
global comments that are useful to read before starting. Note that the Wiki link name
does not always match the actual file name. In this document, we always attempt to
use the actual file name.

1. HowtoGFEPorting Notes.docx
2. AppGFEafpsProxy.doc
3. GfeModuleInstaller.sh.docx, GfeModuleInstaller doc.docx
4. AppCheckForPointTools.docx, checkForPointTools doc.docx
5. gfePorter.docx
6. GFErename modules.docx
7. NCLADT Repository.docx
8. NumericToNumpy.docx
9. AppConvertEditAreas.docx.

2. Inventory SmartInits, SmartTools, and Procedures

1. Inventory your GFE SmartInits, SmartTools, and procedures.
2. Determine what to move to AWIPS II. [A spreadsheet titled “Site Mig Org
Aids V8.xlsm” has been included with the additional resources to this guide;
you may find it useful in completing this step.]
3. Determine which have already been converted and which have not. Look in
the repository on the wiki.

Note: This information is not included in the additional resources provided

with this guide because it changes frequently. Here is the repository URL:

Note: The SDC ADAM Automation Tool collected the AWIPS SmartInits,
SmartTools, Procedures, and Formatters and placed them in the identical
directory as on an AWIPS I system when it was executed.

4. Replace the AWIPS I Tools, etc. with the converted AWIPS II Tools, etc.

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3. Tools to Run First

The following utilities should be run before porting tools. Check to ensure you have
the latest version of each tool installed before running them. Ensure that you have
updated the ADAM version of the AWIPSII_AUTOMATION_TOOL, and that you
have checked the SVN repository and downloaded the most current scripts for the
other tools.

1. Import the AWIPS I GFE Fcst database into ADAM. This will help with
testing of all converted procedures. Start on DX1 as user root. Run the
export_gfe_fcst.sh script:
cd /data/fxa/INSTALL/ADAM

Once that is finished, SSH into ADAM and import the GFE Fcst database.
Note that the EDEX Servers must be running for this to succeed.
ssh root@adam1

Run this sequence of scripts as often as necessary to test all tools properly.

2. Run Virgil’s GFE Migration scripts:

./config_awips2.sh gfem LLL

Where LLL is your AWIPS Site ID. This function will run the following
migration scripts:

 GFE EditArea Conversion  

 GFE Color Table Conversion 
 GFE Weather Element Group Conversion 
 GFE Config Conversion 
 GFE Samples Migration 
 GFE Timerange Migration 
 GFE Combination Files 

You may need to run this module multiple times to do all user’s and site-level

After running this tool, check to see that any necessary manual changes to the
GFE Config files have been made. Reference the files
gfeConfigFileChanges.docx and GfeConfigMaps.docx (see Appendix A,
“GFE Migration” folder) for additional information.

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3. GFE_module_installer. This is a wrapper script for ifpServerText that

simplifies installing GFE modules.

4. checkForPointTools. All sites must convert, delete, or replace all point-based

SmartTools before beginning AWIPS II migration. Run this script to list
SmartTools that are affected.

5. findAdamGfeFile.sh. This is a simple utility script used to search for GFE

files on ADAM. It searches for BASE files in the CAVE install directory, for
SITE/user files in the EDEX utility directory, and for the working copy of the
ladroot/gfe repository directory. This is mainly an example, so edit as needed
to work on your system.

6. GFE_rename_modules. This is a utility used to export GFE modules such as

GFE SmartTool and Procedure from AWIPS I to files suitable for use in
AWIPS II. The AWIPS 1 ifpServer program maintains files in the
/awips/GFESuite/primary/data/database with mangled names. .Tool,
Procedure, etc. – names as seen in the GFE GUI – actually represent Python
modules, but the GUI allows the names to contain non-alphanumeric
characters. The ifpServer translates certain characters to code strings in the
filename used to store the Python code on disk. For instance, an underscore in
the GFE name gets translated to "_FP" in the actual filename. These mangled
filenames must be converted for use with AWIPS II. The AWIPS I modules
also have non-standard Python extensions such as .Procedure, .Tool, etc.
GFE_rename_modules converts all modules to have the standard Python
extension of .py. This program is intended to be run on AWIPS I as a
precursor GFE migration step prior to actually porting code.

7. gfe_porter. This program does simple translation for some of the known
items that have changed in AWIPS II, like Numeric to numpy. What the
program converts is based on changes found when doing diffs of AWIPS I
and II Python files (based on R1G1-3).

The program does not do a full porting of the code; it only automates some of
the simpler string substitutions. It also provides a detailed log file that will
indicate if other possible changes are needed.

The program should not be considered to be either complete or static. As more

users port GFE modules, it is likely that more items that could have been
changed by this program will be discovered. Please update the program or
contact the maintainer if you discover any additional items. It will greatly help

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Site Migration Guide

all that need to port modules if you take notes during the porting and post your
information on the Wiki page “HowToGfePortingNotes.”

4. Review Differences Between AWIPS I and AWIPS II Python

CommonSmartToolChanges (see Appendix A, “GFE Migration” folder) lists
common changes that focal points should reference when converting smart tools and
procedures from AWIPS I to AWIPS II. This list is based on information from Tom

Note: This list likely does not include all potential changes to smart tools or
procedures needed at your site!

HowToGFEPortingNotes highlights python codes changes that you will need to be

aware of when migrating from AWIPS I to AWIPS II.

5. Review Smart Script Methods Changes

Review these documents (see Appendix A, “GFE Migration” folder) to determine
impact on your tools.
 SmartScriptDifferences.docx. A summary of differences.
 SmartScriptIssues.docx. Provides a detailed status of the methods contained
in SmartScriptDifferences.docx.
 SmartScriptUsageAnalysis.docx. Provides interesting statistics on methods,
and is provided “FYI.”

6. Review Local Model Ingest Used in GFE

Review this document (see Appendix A, “GFE Migration” folder) to determine
impact on your tools.
 D2DinGFE.docx. A summary of the changes to GFE parameter files
required to allow D2d GriB model datasets to be utilized in the GFE
perspective for either display in WxElementBrowser or for subsequent
smartInit processing. 

7. Convert AWIPS I SmartInits, SmartTools, Procedures Formatters

Using the inventory built earlier (see section 3.F.2, “Inventory SmartInits,
SmartTools, and Procedures”), test the current tools one by one. Those that need
additional work should be manually migrated now.

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a. Using the Localization Perspective

From the localization perspective, you will be able to add, edit, copy, and delete
various configurations.

b. How To Install a New Tool Manually Using the Localization Perspective

1. Launch CAVE and open the localization perspective.
2. Expand GFE, then expand SmartTools using the left click menu.
3. To edit a tool, left click to expand the tool name, then right click on BASE
and copy to SITE level. Then double click the site level.
4. To create a new tool, right click on either Smarttool or procedure and select
5. Enter the name of the tool. (Use the same spelling as AWIPS I.)
a. If the tool has been ported to AWIPS II, simply replace the contents in the
template with the contents of the ported tool. In the new window that
appears, delete the current contents.
b. If the tool has NOT been ported, then you will have to copy and paste
code from your AWIPS I tool. Then save and test.
6. To save, click the Save Icon in the upper left corner.
7. If any yellow banner messages appear, you most likely have incorrect syntax
(i.e., bad indentation or spelling).
a. Make the adjustments and then click Save again.
8. Switch to the GFE (Cave Perspective) and test your work.

Continue this process. Note that the current process is not perfect. Additional
adjustments may need to be made. Please be patient.

8. SmartInits
a. Porting Smart Inits
 Most AWIPS I SmartInits are compatible. The biggest issue is
Numpy/Numeric differences. See: NumericToNumpy.docx (see Appendix,
“GFE Migration” folder).
 Before starting, check with your Regional Focal Point to see whether
smartInits may be baselined for your region. If possible, begin with regionally
baselined versions for easier migration to a site-specific script.

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 The method of using multiple models in a single smart init has changed. See:
MultiModelSmartInits.docx (see Appendix, “GFE Migration” folder).
 SITE SmartInits go into directory:
Where XXX is the site identifier.

Note: You will likely have to create this directory yourself.

 The class defined in your SmartInit code must be named the same as the
SmartInit filename + Forecaster.
For example: If your filename is MyGFS40.py, then the class MUST be
named MyGFS40Forecaster in the code.
 To override a baseline SmartInit, use the same entries in localConfig as used
del serverConfig.INITMODULES["GFS40"]


The del command tells it NOT to do the default GFS40.py SmartInit, and the
new INITMODULES statement tells it to run the MyGFS40.py SmartInit
when the GFS40 model arrives.
 In AWIPS I, you could have a "dummy" SmartInit that would not have any
calcXXXX routines, and when it was run, it would at least create a "blank"
GFE database. That does not appear to be true in AWIPS II. You must return
at least one grid from a calcXXXX routine in your SmartInit for a database to
be created. In addition, it appears that it must be a "real" grid (meaning
returning "None" does not work).

b. Loading Smart Init Changes

 After updating SmartInit code in localConfig.py, you must restart GFE server
processes via the GFE Site Activation GUI, which can be accessed from the
GFE Perspective.
 Changes to smart init files are automatically loaded into EDEX the next time
the smart init is called. There is no need to restart GFE processes.

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9. Formatters
Most Formatters should run without problems; the method for migrating is to try
them and fix those that do not work using the Python differences referenced in this

10. Review and Migrate (if necessary) ifpImage Changes

Certain changes need to be made for migration of ifpImage functionality. Reference
gfeConfigFileChanges.docx (see Appendix A, “GFE Migration” folder) for
additional information.

11. Inventory, Review and Verify Migrated GFE Items

At this point, all GFE portions should be migrated. Create an itemized inventory of all
migrated pieces. Run through each piece and verify proper functionality of all items.
Address any problems before AWIPS II is installed on the AWIPS system.

12. Upload GFE Configuration For Service Backup

If one of your backup sites has already migrated to AWIPS II, the configuration
created on ADAM must be uploaded to the central server so that the site can perform
service backup. Begin by contacting the NCF to have the export_adam_gfe.sh script
pushed to /data/fxa/INSTALL/ADAM/. Then, as root on dx1 run the script:

# cd /data/fxa/INSTALL/ADAM
# ./export_adam_gfe.sh

G. Local Apps
1. Local App Migration HowTo Guide
This section reproduces the HowToLocalAppMigration page from the NCLADT

Local Applications Repository

The software for migrated local applications and GFE tools and formatters will be
maintained in a centralized Subversion repository. The url to use with the Subversion
svn command is:
 https://collaborate.nws.noaa.gov/svn/ncladt/ladroot/apps for applications
 https://collaborate.nws.noaa.gov/svn/ncladt/ladroot/gfe for GFE specific files.

These locations are effectively the replacements for the LAD and STR websites
respectively. The repository layout is defined on the RepoLayout page. How to

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access/use the NCLADT repository with Subversion is described at

HowToSubversion. Even if you are familiar with Subversion, please review the
HowToSubversion page for specifics on how local applications should be organized
and maintained in the repository.

Migration Process
You need to remember four points about the local applications migration process.

First, local applications migration should be done on the ADAM platform.

Second, you need to set up a local app development environment.

1. See the Local Applications Guide for the directory structure that will need to
be created and the environment variables that will need to be defined. In short,
/localapps is now the home on AWIPS II for all local applications and files.
Do development in /localapps/dev; programs that are run operationally go in
/localapps/runtime. The directory structure and environment variable should
have been set up as part of your ADAM installation. If they are not present,
please contact the NCF.
2. Copy your application’s files to somewhere in /localapps/dev (recommend
/localapps/dev/a1/<appname> for the initial transfer from AWIPS I to AWIPS
3. Put all local applications including GFE tools/procedures, etc., into the
national Subversion repository.
 See HowToSubversion for instructions for initial contact with the
repository, setting up your Subversion environment settings and initial
import of application files into the repository.  
 See RepoLayout for guidance on where to put the files in the repository.  

Third, know your app. What parts of the infrastructure does it use? Look for Wiki
pages that will help.

 textdb - a drop-in replacement for the awips1 version of textdb.

 Triggers in awips1 must be re-implemented as subscriptions in awips2.
 gfe
 how to query EDEX
 uEngine scripting  
 grib data access routines
 thrift
 intro

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Site Migration Guide

 LDAD - Information on migrating LDAD applications

 Hydro - Information on migrating applications using the Hydro database
 Crons - Information on where to run cron jobs.

For topics that are not listed, see the Finding stuff section of the HowToWiki to see if
a page exists within the Wiki. If not, ask on awips2dev for help. Add what you learn
to the Wiki so others can benefit.

Fourth, after completing migration for an application, perform the following steps:

1. Commit application changes to NCLADT repository.

2. Tag the application in the repository (Instructions TBD) .
3. Update tickets for the application on the AWIPS Migration OT&E site.
4. If the application is used at other sites, consider creating a Wiki page for the
application. Start the page name with "App" (see HowToWiki).

Rehosted Functions
The following AWIPS I functions have been Rehosted, which means that no
significant code changes were made when moving to AWIPS II:

 Message handling. This includes distributeProduct and handleOUP.pl.

 LDAD external - no changes on the external LDAD side (ls2/3).

Additional Information
 “Local Apps working session - migration.docx”
 “Local Applications Guide.docx”

2. Triggers
1. Take an inventory of all triggers in your siteTrigger.template file, which is in
/data/fxa/siteConfig/textApps on AWIPS I.
2. Make an AWIPS II-specific copy of the siteTrigger.template so your changes
are not overwritten in a future collect_files.sh run:
cp –a /data/fxa/siteConfig/textApps/siteTrigger.template
3. Move the appropriate scripts to the correct place in /localapps and change the
entries in the AWIPS2-siteTrigger.template on ADAM to reflect this change.

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Site Migration Guide

4. Identify and manually migrate any portions of the script so they will work
with the AWIPS II environment. Some things to consider:
 Product output is now put into /awips2/edex/data/fxa/trigger instead of
 Scripts are kicked off by an EDEX process, which runs as user awips
instead of user fxa.
 Scripts are run from either DX3 or DX4.
 Environment variables for PGUSER and PGHOST will still be set by the
4. Reload the triggers into the database with the AWIPS II SDC Automation
Tool with the following command:
scp /data/fxa/siteConfig/textApps/AWIPS2-
./config_awips2.sh –f triggers LLL

5. Ensure the scripts are launching and performing their correct operation.

3. Crons
1. Identify SITE level crons on DX1/DX2/DX3/DX4/PX1/PX2.
2. Adjust crons for AWIPS II.
3. Make adjustments for directory changes (e.g., /localapps/runtime).
4. Plan to move off DX3/DX4, as heartbeat no longer runs so SITEdx3cron and
SITEdx4cron will no longer be loaded. Move these crons to PX1/PX2. This
will be done following the AWIPS II software installation.

4. rsyncGridsToCWF
NWS offices use rsyncGridsToCWF to export the GFE database to a netcdf file,
which is then uploaded to the regional web farm via LDAD for use by NWS point-
and-click websites.

This application is now baselined in AWIPS II under /awips2/GFESuite/bin.

H. Shapefiles
Shapefiles should have been set up before running the initial migration using the
AWIPS II Site Data Configuration automation tool (config_awips2.sh). If they need
to be updated, staging should take place as described in this chapter (see 3.A, step 7).

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Site Migration Guide

Once staging is complete, the following function of the config_awips2.sh script can
be used:
./config_awips2.sh shp LLL
If there are errors reported while importing FFMP shapefiles or local shapefiles, or if
FFMP fails to start and there are FFMP errors in the ingestDat logs, the shapefiles
should be tested for errors.

1. Shapefile Testing
The OpenJump program can be found at http://www.openjump.org/.

After installation, start the program.

Go to File>>Open File and navigate to where the shapefile exists and add it.

Make sure the layer/shapefile to be tested is highlighted and then go to

Tools>>QA>>Validate Selected Layers. Using the values below, fill in the form
and click OK
 Check basic Topology.
 Disallow repeated consecutive points.
 Check Polygon orientation.
 Check minimum segment length (Use 0.000001).
 Check minimum polygon area (Use 0.00000001).
 Check that LineStrings are simple.

After processing, if there are errors, a number of orange circles will appear on the
map. Press the blinking output window to see what kinds of errors were found or to
confirm no errors found.

2. Fixing Shapefiles
Any GIS capable of editing shapefiles can be used. However, every WFO has access
to the commercial GIS called ArcGIS via a shared license pool; therefore, it
recommended that this software be used to edit the shapefiles if required. A small
number of errors can be edited by hand. Nodes/vertices can be deleted for short line
segments. Small polygons can be deleted or merged with a neighboring large

Site Preparation 31
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Site Migration Guide

polygon. Single-point intersections can be changed to two polygons. Large numbers

of node type errors are best fixed using advanced ArcInfo techniques.

Here are three tests you can perform for LDAD with the ADAM platform.

IMPORTANT NOTE: When setting up Local Model Ingest in AWIPS II, be sure not to use
an underscore (“_”) in your model name or in any parameter names if you are setting up
parameter info for that model for GFE.

1. Identify All Data Incoming Into LDAD

Note the following:

 Most point data works the same as AWIPS I.

 Grid data may need to be defined in AWIPS II in order to ingest properly.
 Grid preprocessors will need to be changed. They should put raw grib files
into /awips2/edex/data/manual/. You might also consider prepending all grid
files with a string so only one change will need to be made to the grib
distribution xml in AWIPS II.

2. Test a Sample of Grid Data Ingest on ADAM

 Copy raw grid file from LDAD to DX1, and then over to ADAM.
 Ensure that grid distribution xml has been copied to the site-level directory
and that a change has been made for this file name.
 Suggestion: Mimic what will be used by the AWIPS II preprocessor after
 Copy the file into /awips2/edex/data/manual with a file name that matches
the entry in the grid distribution xml.
 Follow the steps in “AddLocalGrid.pdf” (see Appendix A, “Local
Applications” folder) to see if the product has been identified and create
configurations as necessary. Repeat for all grids.

3. Test Mesonet LDAD Ingest on ADAM

The LDADinfo.txt file defines mesonet data that is transferred from LDAD into
AWIPS (see the AWIPS System Manager’s Manual, Chapter 9, for more

Site Preparation 32
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Site Migration Guide

To perform the steps in this section you should be familiar with your site’s LDAD
preprocessing scripts and aware of where the data files will reside once they are
copied over to the AWIPS side.

The AWIPS II rehosted process routerStoreEDEX sends mesonet data directly to

EDEX for processing. Because this rehosted process cannot be run on ADAM, data
files need to be manually copied to ADAM for testing.

To run this process in standalone mode, you must be user LDAD on the px2f server
(the host running the px2apps package), and ensure that there is an ldadmesonet.xml
distribution xml created in the
/awips2/edex/data/utility/edex_static/site/LLL/distribution directory on ADAM.
You should have an entry that allows file names starting with “ldad” inside. The entry
should look like this:

Now create an XML file to copy over to ADAM by running the routerStoreEDEX in
standalone mode, and redirect the output to a new file
su – ldad
source /etc/profile.d/awips2Notification.csh*
routerStoreEDEX -s -p /data/fxa/LDAD/decoded/<FILE_NAME>
> /tmp/ldadIngestFile

Copy this file to the manual endpoint in ADAM – this is done as user root
scp /tmp/ldadIngestFile adam1:/awips2/edex/data/manual

The mesonet data should now be ready for ingest into the AWIPS II on ADAM.

If changes to LDADinfo.txt for AWIPS II are necessary, create an AWIPS II version

of the file and make your modifications in the AWIPS2-LDADinfo.txt file:
cp –a /data/fxa/LDAD/data/LDADinfo.txt

On install day, the LDADinfo.txt file will be preserved as AWIPS1-LDADinfo.txt,

and a link from LDADinfo.txt to AWIPS2-LDADinfo.txt will be created. This will
preserve your AWIPS I configuration, and facilitate swapping modes.

NOTE: Until further notice, Raytheon will perform the steps in Section 4, “System Installation.”

Site Preparation 33
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Site Migration Guide

This section details the procedures for installation of the AWIPS II software build on
a pre-existing AWIPS I platform. These procedures are tailored to an AWIPS I
system that has an OB9.2 or upstream (“newer”) software build. The assumption is
that the system has a “baseline” hardware and software configuration; the procedures
do not account for non-baseline hardware or software. If the system being installed
has non-baseline hardware or software (i.e., anything considered outside the national
AWIPS baseline, including anything specific to a region), you must ensure that steps
are taken to preserve the functionality of this hardware or software prior to executing
the installation. Otherwise, these procedures could affect changes that cause non-
baseline hardware or software to become non-functional or to malfunction.

This section details the system-level configuration and changes required to install the
AWIPS II software. These steps will need to be completed and verified before any
AWIPS II software is installed on the system. You will have a Raytheon point of
contact who will be responsible for the installation of the AWIPS II software, and for
coordination of the following system-level changes. The information contained in
these steps may be useful in building your knowledge of what changes occur for
AWIPS II architecturally. In addition, the Raytheon point of contact who is
responsible for collaborating with you on most of the system-level changes will need
on-site assistance to complete the setup, so a review of the steps is suggested prior to

Note: Verification tables are provided to ensure key points are not missed.

A. Architectural Overview
1. Preliminary Architecture
The preliminary architecture is described in Table 4-1.

Until further notice, Raytheon will perform the steps in Section 4, “System Installation.”

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Site Migration Guide

Table 4-1. AWIPS II Preliminary Architecture

Server DX1 DX2 DX3 DX4
AWIPS II edex_postgres httpd-pypies edex_camel edex_camel
Software edex_rcm
Rehost NTP
Local Volumes /awips2 /awips2 /awips2 /awips2
das1:/aiidb nas1:/GFESuite2 nas1:/aiidata nas1:/aiidata
das1:/aiihdf5 nas1:/localapps nas1:/GFESuite2 nas1:/GFESuite2
nas1:/aiidata/utility nas1:/data_store nas1:/localapps nas1:/localapps
nas1:/GFESuite2 nas1:/data_store nas1:/data_store
Software LDM edex_camel
Component qpidd (registry)
Rehost a2Ingest.px1 a2Ingest.px2
xyplex startLDAD.csh
CUPS px2f
Async MUX
Local Volumes /awips2 /awips2 /awips2 /awips2
Mounts nas1:/qpid
nas1:/aiidata nas1:/aiidata
nas1:/verify nas1:/verify
nas1:/GFESuite2 nas1:/GFESuite2
nas1:/localapps nas1:/localapps
nas1:/data_store dx2f:/data_store

2. LX Workstations and XT Workstations

nas1:/data_store mount

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Site Migration Guide

3. High-Availability Packages
The High-Availability packages contain the following functions in AWIPS II and are
located in /etc/ha.d/resource.d along with the AWIPS I packages:
 FXA Ingest
 MHS (rehosted)
 notificationServer (rehosted)
 postgresSQL database engine (postmaster)
 RCM (Radar server)
 pypies
 Xyplex Interface (csportd)
 FXA Ingest
 Async MUX ports
 httpd (web server)
 SBN Monitor
 FXA Ingest
 LDAD Ingest
 qpidd
 IPVS (pulse)
 CPSBN Comms (dvb reset, retrains rehost)
 Future: edex_camel (registry)

4. FXA Ingest Packages

The FXA Ingest packages, which are controlled manually via
[start|stop]A2ingest.${node} or via the HA cluster packages above, are located in
/awips/fxa/bin and contain the following functions:

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Site Migration Guide

 MhsServer
 MhsRequestServer
 NwwsProduct
 asyncScheduler
 hmMonitorServer
 NwwsSchedule
 LDAD Servers
 FSIprocessorEDEX

B. Pre-Installation Checkout
Prior to installation of the AWIPS II software, it is recommended that a complete
system checkout be performed. Ensure that LAN connections are correct, and if
necessary, reboot the switches. Coordinate with the Network Control Facility (NCF)
if any reboot is being performed or desired.

It is also recommended (if not already done) that the LX and XT workstations be
moved from the 100Mb switch to the GB switch for performance reasons.
Communication between the CAVE client and EDEX occurs via HTTP, and maps
within CAVE are dynamically queried from a GIS database; if running on the 100Mb
LAN such functionality as map initialization and rendering will be slow.

Ensure that the NAS connections are correct and properly seated before

C. System Enhancements and Changes

Perform the following prior to stopping any AWIPS I software or installing any
AWIPS II software. During the system enhancements and changes, the AWIPS I
system will remain operational. It is recommended that these steps be performed a
few days prior to the installation of the AWIPS II software.

Note: All devices should be booted and available on the network before proceeding.
If you have a question as to whether a device is available, or should be available,
coordinate with your Raytheon point of contact.

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Site Migration Guide

1. Stage the Software

Insert the AWIPS II Software DVD1 into dx1, and then do the following to mount
and copy the data in:
mount /dev/cdrom /media/cdrecorder
cd /media/cdrecorder
cd; eject

Remove DVD1 and insert the AWIPS II Software DVD2 into dx1, and then do the
following to mount and copy the data in:
mount /dev/cdrom /media/cdrecorder
cd /media/cdrecorder
cd; eject

2. System Enhancement/Changes

Create New Users

Run from dx1 as user root
cd /data/fxa/INSTALL/a2install
./prepare_awips2.sh users


Create a logical volume on all DX and PX server within /dev/vg00 volume group.
The AWIPSII software will be installed locally on each server within the file system
created from a new logical volume.
cd /data/fxa/INSTALL/a2install
./prepare_awips2.sh edex_home

See Table 4-2, Verification of EDEX_HOME.

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Site Migration Guide

Table 4-2. Verification of EDEX_HOME

Task Device:Filepath Completed?
Create new logical volume DX1
Make the linux filesystem on the new logical DX1
volume DX2
Mount the filesystem DX1
Persist the mounting across reboots DX1:/etc/fstab

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Site Migration Guide

Create LDM, Database, and HDF5 Volumes

All of the following steps are executed as user root unless otherwise noted.
1. Log into DX1 and then connect to the DAS:
# telnet ats1 7041
2. Press ENTER until you see dx2-das> prompt. Shrink vol0:
dx2-das> vol size vol0 -120G
Press ctrl-] to exit the telnet session, and then enter “quit” to get back to
the dx1 prompt

3. Log into DX1 and then connect to the DAS:

# telnet ats1 7040
4. Press ENTER until you see dx1-das> prompt. Create a volume for the
database, ldm and hdf5:
dx1-das> vol size vol0 -120G
dx1-das> vol create /vol/awipsiidb aggr0 250g
dx1-das> vol options /vol/awipsiidb nosnap on
dx1-das> vol options /vol/awipsiidb nosnapdir on
dx1-das> vol options /vol/awipsiidb fractional_reserve 0
dx1-das> snap reserve awipsiidb 0
dx1-das> vol create /vol/awipsiihdf5 aggr0 600g
dx1-das> vol options /vol/awipsiihdf5 nosnap on
dx1-das> vol options /vol/awipsiihdf5 nosnapdir on
dx1-das> vol options /vol/awipsiihdf5 fractional_reserve 0
dx1-das> snap reserve awipsiihdf5 0
dx1-das> snap autodelete awipsiihdf5 target_free_space 5
dx1-das> snap autodelete awipsiihdf5 defer_delete none
dx1-das> snap autodelete awipsiihdf5 state on
dx1-das> snap sched –V awipsiihdf5 0 0 4@1,5,9,13,17,22
dx1-das> vol options awipsiihdf5 nosnap off
dx1-das> vol create /vol/awipsiildm aggr0 170g
dx1-das> vol options /vol/awipsiildm nosnap on
dx1-das> vol options /vol/awipsiildm nosnapdir on
dx1-das> vol options /vol/awipsiildm fractional_reserve 0
dx1-das> snap reserve awipsiildm 0

5. Create the LUNs for direct attachment to DX1/2:

dx1-das> lun setup
Press ENTER to create a LUN.
Press ENTER to select the linux protocol.

System Installation 40
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Site Migration Guide

Enter LUN path: /vol/awipsiidb/base-lun

Press ENTER to reserve space in the LUN.
Enter LUN size: 249g
Enter comment string: awipsii database flat files
Press ENTER for the default initiator group.
Press ENTER for default LUN id of 1.
Press ENTER to accept the configuration.
Press y to create a second LUN.
Press ENTER to select the linux protocol.
Enter LUN path: /vol/awipsiihdf5/base-lun
Press ENTER to reserve space in the LUN.
Enter LUN size: 399g
Enter comment string: awipsii hdf5 files
Press ENTER for the default initiator group.
Press ENTER for default LUN id of 2.
Press ENTER to accept the configuration.
Press y to create another LUN.
Press ENTER to select the linux protocol.
Enter LUN path: /vol/awipsiildm/base-lun
Press ENTER to reserve space in the LUN.
Enter LUN size: 169g
Enter comment string: awipsii ldm files
Press ENTER for the default initiator group.
Press ENTER for default LUN id of 3.
Press ENTER to accept the configuration.
Press ENTER to end creation of LUNs.
Press ctrl-] to exit the telnet session, and then enter “quit” to get back
to the dx1 prompt.

On DX1 as root:
cd /data/fxa/INSTALL/a2install
./prepare_awips2.sh das_volumes

See Table 4-3, Verification of the DAS Mounts.

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Site Migration Guide

Table 4-3. Verification of the DAS Mounts

Task Device:Filepath Completed?
Create DAS awipsiildm, awipsiidb and DX1-DAS
awipsiihdf5 volumes
Create DAS LUNs for direct attachment DX1-DAS
Create gv_aiildm, vg_aiidb, vg_aiihdf5 and DX1
logical volumes awipsiildm, awipsiidb and
Create ext2 filesystem on awipsiidb and xt3 DX1
filesystems on awipsiildm and awipsiihdf5
Create mount points and mount awipsiidb and DX1
Create /awips2/data and DX2
/awips2/edex/data/hdf5 mount points;
NFSD started and persisted across reboots DX2
with chkconfig

Create New NAS Shares for AWIPSII

Note: If there is a localapps partition on the NAS from the old SCAT project, it will
be removed at this point. Coordinate with the Raytheon installation point of contact
if you wish to save anything on this partition.

As root on DX1:
cd /data/fxa/INSTALL/a2install
./prepare_awips2.sh nas_shares (takes about 20 minutes)

Note: To verify the changes have taken effect login to the NAS and at the prompt
(nas1-xxx>) enter menu and hit [ENTER]. This will take you into the TUI of the
ST5320. Enter option 'L. Volume Access' by entering the character letter 'L'. The
[SPACEBAR] is used to scroll the screen, search for the newly created /aiidata,
/verify, /GFESuite2 and /qpid volumes and ensure the General Access is listed as
Read/Write. It is normal for the *.chkpnt volume to have No Access. If the newly
created volumes are not Read/Write, contact your install support personnel.

Mount and Persist the Newly Created LUNs on the AWIPSII Servers
As root on DX1:
cd /data/fxa/INSTALL/a2install

System Installation 42
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Site Migration Guide

./prepare_awips2.sh mount_luns

See Table 4-4, Verification of NAS Shares.

Table 4-4. Verification of NAS Shares
Task Device:Filepath Completed?
Create new volumes nas1:/GFESuite2
Edit nas1 approve list DX1:/mnt/nas
Persist the mounting across reboots DX_SERVERS:/etc/fstab
Mount the filesystems DX_SERVERS

D. IPVS Installation and Configuration

IPVS will be used to manage the edex (DX3/4) clusters. To install and configure:

Verify that /data/fxa is mounted on the CPSBN servers. On CPSBN1 and CPSBN2
as user root:
# mount -l | grep /data/fxa

As user root on DX1:

# cd /data/fxa/INSTALL/<A2_REL_ID>/REHOST_CODE/ipvs
# ./install_ipvs.sh

System Installation 43
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Site Migration Guide

E. LDM Installation
Note: Legacy AWIPS SBN procs and the AWIPSII-LDM cannot run concurrently
with a feed from a single DVB-S receiver. Only a single process can read from the
receiver threads at a single time.

Note: Most of the LDM installation procedures are now included in the awips2-ldm
rpm that will be installed when the AWIPS II software is installed.

a. Upstream LDM Host Installation

1. Edit required system configuration files. Complete the following steps on both
cpsbn1 and cpsbn2, one at a time:
2. Add the following lines:
local0.debug -/data/ldm/logs/ldmd.log
local3.debug -/data/ldm/logs/nwstg.log
local4.debug -/data/ldm/logs/goes.log
local5.debug -/data/ldm/logs/nwstg2.log
local6.debug -/data/ldm/logs/oconus.log
local7.debug -/data/ldm/logs/polarsat.log

3. Also add the following after “cron.none” in the line that ends with

Other Changes
Ramdisk creation for ldm pq (all one command):
# sed -i -e “/vmlinuz-2.6.18-
194.17.1.el5PAE/s/rhgb/ramdisk_size=1500000 rhgb/1”

Verify the sed command worked (rerun if output it not correct):

# grep rhgb /boot/grub/grub.conf

b. CP Disk Settings
Fail over channels to cpsbn1 and setup init scripts.

On CPSBN1 as user root:

# config_dvb -a -c GOES -c NOAAPORT_OPT –c NMC3

Fix the CP BIOS settings and perform disk optimization.

First, prepare for disk optimization. You will need a Red Hat 5.5 bootable CD. If you
do not have one, create one using the archive server (AX):

System Installation 44
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Site Migration Guide

1. Put a blank CD-R (not DVD) into the Archive Server (AX) CD-R Drive.
2. Secure shell login to the ax box as user root from any machine:
Enter: ssh root@ax
3. Ensure the /data/fxa mount is available, and mount it if it isn't.
Enter: mount -l | grep dataFXA
If nothing returns, then mount the volume:
Enter: mount nas1:dataFXA /data/fxa
4. Burn the CD. The following command is all on one line:
Enter: cdrecord

5. Eject and remove the CD. Label it “RHEL5u5 32bit Rescue CD.”
6. Enter: eject /dev/cdrom

Next, create kick-start files:

1. Change into the /data/fxa/CP_PARTITION directory and run the
create_cp_ks.sh script:
Enter: ssh root@dx1
Enter: cd /data/fxa/CP_PARTITION
Enter: ./create_cp_ks.sh cpsbn1
Note: There should be no output to this script.
Enter: ./create_cp_ks.sh cpsbn2
Note: There should be no output to this script.
2. Insert a USB thumb drive into the dx1 server, and copy the files over to the
After inserting the drive, issue the following:
Enter: dmesg|tail -20
You will see output similar to the following:
[24151.364387] sd 8:0:0:0: Attached scsi generic sg2
type 0
[24151.368796] sd 8:0:0:0: [sdb] 7831552 512-byte
logical blocks: (4.00 GB/3.73 GiB)
[24151.369664] sd 8:0:0:0: [sdb] Write Protect is off

System Installation 45
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Site Migration Guide

[24151.369668] sd 8:0:0:0: [sdb] Mode Sense: 43 00 00

[24151.369671] sd 8:0:0:0: [sdb] Assuming drive cache:
write through
[24151.373051] sd 8:0:0:0: [sdb] Assuming drive cache:
write through
[24151.374182] sdb: sdb1
[24151.375654] sd 8:0:0:0: [sdb] Assuming drive cache:
write through
[24151.375657] sd 8:0:0:0: [sdb] Attached SCSI
removable disk

Replace DEVICENAME with the output from the above highlighted device
Enter: mkdir -p /media/usbdisk
Enter: mount /dev/DEVICENAME /media/usbdisk
3. Copy the kickstart files to the USB and eject the USB
Enter: cp ks.cfg.cpsbn1 /media/usbdisk
Enter: cp ks.cfg.cpsbn2 /media/usbdisk
Enter: eject /media/usbdisk

Note: If your CPs are remote, you should perform the rest of this section where the
CPs are physically located. Don’t forget to bring the flash drives with the ks files.

Back up the cpsbn2 device.

1. You will need a monitor and a keyboard hooked up to the front of the
CPSBN2 device to proceed. Hook a monitor to the VGA port on the front, and
a keyboard to the USB port in the front.
2. Ensure that /data/fxa is mounted, and mount if it is not:
Enter: mount -l | grep dataFXA
If nothing returns, then mount the volume:
Enter: mount nas1:dataFXA /data/fxa
3. Copy the backup script to / and run it:
Enter: cp /data/fxa/CP_PARTITION/BackupCP.sh /
Enter: cd /data/fxa/TEMP/cpsbn
Enter: mkdir archive
Enter: mv cpsbn2* archive/
Enter: cd /

System Installation 46
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Site Migration Guide

Enter: ./BackupCP.sh

Reboot cpsbn2 and change BIOSsettings.

1. Put the RHEL5u5 32bit Rescue CD into the CD drive.
2. Log into cpsbn2 as user root and issue the reboot command:
Enter: reboot -f
3. The HP ProLiant screen will show, and the buttons in the right corner will
light up. Then text will begin scrolling. Get ready to hit F9 at this point, and
then press F9 when the option appears in the bottom left corner. You should
see "F9 Pressed" if it took the keypress.
4. Once booted into BIOS, select Power Management Options --> HP Power
Regulator. At this point it will give a note; just press the ENTER key to move
Select HP Static High Performance Mode and hit ENTER.
Hit Esc twice and then F10 to exit.
5. Once out of BIOS, put the USB drive into the server. You should be presented
with a RedHat install prompt. [Note: Depending on how the flash drive was
formatted, you may need to type “sda” instead of “sda1” when you type the
line below.]
At the prompt type:
linux ks=hd:sda1:/ks.cfg.cpsbn2

6. The install takes about 15 minutes. It will run a restore on the CP from your
backup automatically. When it reboots, you should be able to log in and
perform these cleanup steps:
Enter: rm -rf /data/*
Enter: mkdir -p /data/ldm/logs
Enter: mkdir -p /data/ldm/data
Enter: chown -R ldm:fxalpha /data/ldm
Enter: service syslog restart
Enter: config_dvb -a -c NMC -c NMC2

Back up the cpsbn1 device.

1. You will need a monitor and a keyboard hooked up to the front of the
CPSBN1 device to proceed. Hook a monitor to the VGA port on the front, and
a keyboard to the USB port in the front.

System Installation 47
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Site Migration Guide

2. Ensure that /data/fxa is mounted, and mount if it is not:

Enter: mount -l | grep dataFXA
If nothing returns, then mount the volume:
Enter: mount nas1:dataFXA /data/fxa
3. Copy the backup script to / and run it:
Enter: cp /data/fxa/CP_PARTITION/BackupCP.sh /
Enter: cd /data/fxa/TEMP/cpsbn
Enter: mkdir archive
Enter: mv cpsbn1* archive/
Enter: cd /
Enter: ./BackupCP.sh

Reboot cpsbn1 and change BIOSsettings.

1. Put the RHEL5u5 32bit Rescue CD into the CD drive.
2. Log into cpsbn1 as user root and issue the reboot command:
Enter: reboot –f

The HP ProLiant screen will show, and the buttons in the right corner will
light up. Then text will begin scrolling. Get ready to hit F9 at this point, and
press F9 when the option appears in the bottom left corner. You should see
"F9 Pressed" if it took the keypress.

3. Once booted into BIOS, select Power Management Options --> HP Power
Regulator. At this point it will give a note; just press the ENTER key to move
Select HP Static High Performance Mode and hit ENTER
Hit Esc twice and then F10 to exit
4. Once out of BIOS, put the USB drive into the server. You should be presented
with a RedHat install prompt. [Note: Depending on how the flash drive was
formatted, you may need to type “sda” instead of “sda1” when you type the
line below.]
At the prompt type:
linux ks=hd:sda1:/ks.cfg.cpsbn1

System Installation 48
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Site Migration Guide

5. The install takes about 15 minutes. It will run a restore on the CP from your
backup automatically. When it reboots, you should be able to log in and
perform these cleanup steps:
Enter: rm -rf /data/*
Enter: mkdir -p /data/ldm/logs
Enter: mkdir -p /data/ldm/data
Enter: chown -R ldm:fxalpha /data/ldm
Enter: service syslog restart
Enter: config_dvb –r –c GOES –c NOAAPORT_OPT –c NMC3
Enter: ssh cpsbn2 “config_dvb –r –c NMC –c NMC2”

3. Downstream LDM Client Pre-Installation

Complete the following pre-installation steps. Once these steps are completed, the
AWIPS II LDM client software can be installed on the system. [Note: This will be
repeated for DX2.]

Note: Uninstall any pre-existing AWIPS LDM software on DX1, as user root:
# rpm –e ldm-6.6.5-4.AWIPS.OB9211
# rpm -qa | grep -i ldm
If anything is returned other than a command line prompt, remove those packages
(rpm -e package_name) from the system before installing the AWIPSII LDM client

1. Begin by setting up logging for LDM.

# mkdir /data/logs/ldm
# chown ldm:fxalpha /data/logs/ldm
# vim /etc/syslog.conf

2. Add the following line:

local0.debug /usr/local/ldm/logs/ldmd.log

3. Also add the following after “cron.none” in the line that ends with
# service syslog restart

Increase Size of Logging Partition. The /data/logs partition on both DX1 and DX2
needs to be resized from its current 2GB to10GB in order to accommodate the needs
of the downstream LDM. No processes need to be stopped.

System Installation 49
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Site Migration Guide

# lvs | grep lvol09

Note: You will see the current size as 2GB. If this says 10GB already, skip the next
three steps.

# lvextend -L10G /dev/vg00/lvol09

# resize2fs -fp /dev/vg00/lvol09
# lvs | grep lvol09

Note: This should show the new size as 10GB.

When you have finished, REPEAT the “Downstream Client Installation” section
for dx2.

F. AWIPS II Software Installation

1. Pre-Install
At this time sites should download any updated baseline shapefiles to
/data/fxa/nationalData to be picked up later by the config_awips2.sh script. Sites
should look at the AWIPS1 SMM Chapter 15 and section 5.C.4.b in this document
for details. If sites do not want to use these updated shapefiles in AWIPS1, then do
not run mainScript as described in the AWIPS I SMM. The AWIPS2
config_awips2.sh tool can use them as they are downloaded from noaa1, but will
rename them as appropriate to the general AWIPS names. It is recommended that the
files be updated in AWIPS I as well, for consistency purposes in the event of a roll-

Run a backup script on ADAM to ensure all local configurations are backed up:
# ssh root@adam1
# ./backup_localapps.sh
# exit
Run the following steps as user root on DX1.

Download the latest SDC tool and extract it:

# scp <username>@as3-
# mkdir /data/fxa/sdc
# tar –xvf /data/fxa/INSTALL/ADAM/
AWIPSII_AUTOMATION_TOOL.tgz –C /data/fxa/sdc

System Installation 50
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Site Migration Guide

Make sure you have a current backup of the AWIPS I databases by running as root on
# /awips/ops/bin/backup_pgdb -a
Make sure you have a current backup of the AWIPS 1 GFE FCST and ISC DBs:
# ssh dx4f
# su - ifps
# cd /awips/GFESuite/primary/bin
# ./ifpnetCDF –t –k -o /data/fxa/TEMP/LLL_Fcst_BU -d
# ./ifpnetCDF –t –k -o /data/fxa/TEMP/LLL_ISC_BU -d
Where LLL is your AWIPS Site ID

WARNING: From this point on, there will be an operational impact to the site. The site
should be in service backup before continuing.
WARNING: VerifySshKeys.sh will be run. Be prepared to restore local modifications after
the install.

Mount /data/fxa on cpsbn1 and cpsbn2:

# ssh cpsbn1 “mkdir -p /data/fxa; mount nas1:/dataFXA
# ssh cpsbn2 “mkdir -p /data/fxa; mount nas1:/dataFXA
Set up heartbeat on the CPSBN servers.
# cd /data/fxa/INSTALL/HA4CP
# ./config_ha_cpsbn.sh cpsbn1
# ./config_ha_cpsbn.sh cpsbn2
Run VerifySshKeys.sh to set up awips and cp1f keys.
ssh px1
cd /data/fxa/INSTALL/<A2_REL_ID>/REHOST_CODE/desktop
exit (exits back to DX1)
cd /home/awipsadm/ssh

Note: The installCRSssh.sh script will prompt you for the root password of the CRS
system, so have the information on hand.

System Installation 51
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Site Migration Guide


Shut down all the AWIPS I packages:

> do
> machine=`echo $host | cut -d- -f1`
> ssh -q $host “hb_halt ${machine}apps”
> done
Stop LDM on LDAD:
# ssh ls1
# su – ldm
# ldmadmin stop
# exit
# exit
Bring up the dx1f floater IP address:
# ypcat hosts | grep dx1f
Plug in the following IP address:
# ifconfig bond0:0 165.92.XX.XX up
Bring up the dx2f floater IP address:
# ypcat hosts | grep dx2f
Plug in the following IP address:
# ssh dx2 “ifconfig bond0:0 165.92.XX.XX up”

2. Install
a. Verification of AWIPS II Repository
The AWIPS II repository was set up in a previous step. Verify that the repository
was set up correctly. Issue the following command on DX1 as user root.
# yum grouplist | grep ‘AWIPS II’
The following should be present:
AWIPS II Backup Database Server
AWIPS II Database Server
AWIPS II Message Broker Server
AWIPS II Processing Server

System Installation 52
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Site Migration Guide

AWIPS II Rehost Server

AWIPS II Standalone
AWIPS II Visualize
If any are not present, the rpm repository needs to be verified.

b. Install Visualization Applications (CAVE/GFEClient/AlertViz/etc)

Log into DX1 as user root through a terminal server connection. Complete the
following step to install the necessary software on all the workstations.

1. Prepare the workstations for 64bit.

> do
> echo $host;
> ssh $host “cd
./ready64bit.sh > /dev/null 2>&1” &
> done

2. The script will take about 5 minutes to run. Use the following to confirm that
it is complete [do NOT go on to Step 3 before it is complete]:
> do
> echo $host;
> ssh $host “ps –ef | grep ready64 | grep –v grep”
> done

3. Check for errors in the log output for the script [do NOT go on to Step 4
before this step is complete].
> do
> echo $host;
> ssh $host “grep –iP ‘error|fail’
> done

4. Reboot each workstation. Workstations will boot up into 64bit (orange splash
screen). Once all workstations have booted into 64bit mode, run the following
to update the 64bit instances:
> do
> echo $host;
> ssh $host “cd

System Installation 53
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Site Migration Guide

./update64bit.sh > /dev/null 2>&1” &
> done

5. The update takes about 5-10 minutes. Use the following to verify that the
script is done [do NOT go on to Step 6 before the update is complete]:
> do
> echo $host;
> ssh $host “ps –ef | grep update64 | grep –v grep”
> done
6. Check for errors in the log output for the script [do NOT go on to Step 7
before this step is complete].
> do
> echo $host;
> ssh $host “grep –iP ‘error|fail’
> done

7. Run the Visualization Applications deployment script.

# cd /data/fxa/INSTALL/awips2/scripts
# ./caveInstall.sh install
# ./rehostInstall.sh install

c. Install the Qpid Server

Log into DX1 as user root through a terminal server connection. Follow these
steps to install the necessary software on the CPSBN1 and CPSBN2:

1. If your site has remote cpsbn servers (VRH, PBP, HFO, GUM), issue the
following command:
# ssh root@px1
Otherwise, issue the following command:
# ssh root@cpsbn1.

2. Install the AWIPS II software

# mount nas1:dataFXA /data/fxa

# cd /data/fxa/INSTALL/awips2/scripts
# ./qpidInstall.sh install

System Installation 54
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Site Migration Guide

# service qpidd stop

3. Start up the upstream LDM server

# chkconfig sbncp off
# chkconfig ldmcp on
# service sbncp stop
# ps –wef|grep sbn|grep –v grep
Expected Results
Nothing should return from this command.
# service ldmcp start

4. SSH into the secondary server. If your site has a remote CPSBN server (VRH,
PBP, HFO, GUM) then issue the following:
# ssh root@px2
Otherwise issue this command:
# ssh root@cpsbn2

5. Install the AWIPS II software.

# mount nas1:dataFXA /data/fxa

# cd /data/fxa/INSTALL/awips2/scripts
# ./qpidInstall.sh install

6. Start up the upstream LDM server.

# chkconfig sbncp off
# chkconfig ldmcp on
# service sbncp stop
# ps –wef|grep sbn|grep –v grep
Expected Results
Nothing should return from this command.
# service ldmcp start

7. Exit from the SSH connections.

# exit (exits from the ssh connection into the secondary server)
# exit (exits from the ssh connection into the primary server)

System Installation 55
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Site Migration Guide

d. Install the EDEX Servers (DX3 & DX4)

1. Log into DX3 as user root using SSH.
# ssh root@dx3

2. Ensure that the /awips2/edex/data partition is mounted from the NAS share.
# mount –l | grep aiidata
Expected Results
nas1:/aiidata on /awips2/edex/data type nfs

3. Verify that the /awips2/GFESuite partition is mounted from the NAS share.

# mount –l | grep GFESuite2

Expected Results
nas1:/GFESuite2 on /awips2/GFESuite type nfs

4. Install the AWIPS II EDEX Server.

# cd /data/fxa/INSTALL/awips2/scripts
# ./edexInstall.sh install

5. Log into DX4 as user root using SSH

# ssh root@dx4

6. Ensure that the /awips2/edex/data partition is mounted from the NAS share.

# mount –l | grep aiidata

Expected Results
nas1:/aiidata on /awips2/edex/data type nfs

7. Verify that the /awips2/GFESuite partition is mounted from the NAS share.
# mount –l | grep GFESuite2
Expected Results
nas1:/GFESuite2 on /awips2/GFESuite type nfs

System Installation 56
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Site Migration Guide

8. Install the AWIPS II EDEX Server

# cd /data/fxa/INSTALL/awips2/scripts
# ./edexInstall.sh install
# exit (exits from ssh session to DX4)

e. Install the EDEX Database Servers (DX1 & DX2)

Log into DX1 as user root through a terminal server connection. Follow these
steps to install the necessary software on the DX1 and DX2 servers:

1. Ensure you are currently on the DX1 server:

# hostname

Expected Results
Where ccc is your platform identifier.
2. Verify that the proper mounts are in place before proceeding:
# mount -l | egrep ‘aiidb’
Expected Results
/dev/mapper/vg_aiidb-awipsiidb on /awips2/data type ext2
3. Install AWIPS II software
# cd /data/fxa/INSTALL/awips2/scripts
# ./dbInstall.sh install
# ./ldmInstall.sh install lll
Where lll is the localization ID and only run at GUM or HFO

4. Verify PostgreSQL authentication

# mySubnet=$( ip addr show bond0 | grep -w inet |
head -1 | awk '{print $2}' | cut -f1-3 -d. )
# echo $mySubnet
Expected Results

Where XXX is the proper third octet to your site’s local area network.

This also applies for the next expected results section (below).
# grep $mySubnet /awips2/data/pg_hba.conf
Expected Results

System Installation 57
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Site Migration Guide

host fxatext all 165.92.XXX.0/24 trust

host hd_ob83oax all 165.92.XXX.0/24 trust
host dc_ob7oax all 165.92.XXX.0/24 trust
host hmdb all 165.92.XXX.0/24 trust
host metadata all 165.92.XXX.0/24 md5
host maps All 165.92.XXX.0/24 md5
host postgres All 165.92.XXX.0/24 md5

5. Configure the AWIPS II Radar Server (RCM) by migrating the AWIPS I

# scp
il.jar /awips2/rcm/lib/
# chown awips:fxalpha /awips2/rcm/lib/
# /awips2/rcm/bin/importAwips1
# cd /awips2/rcm/data/config/persist
# sed -i -e “/archiveRoot/s/\/tmp\/sbn/\/data_store/g”
# scp /data/fxa/radar/lists/rps-[RS]PGOP-tcp.storm
# scp /data/fxa/radar/lists/rps-RPGOP-tcp.clear-air
# scp /awips/fxa/data/prodList.txt
Check to see if the site is a national reporter by issuing the following:
# ssh dx2 “grep ^[KPT]XXX
/awips/fxa/data/wmoSiteInfo.txt” | cut –c31- |
grep –E ‘[A-Z]..Y’

Where [KPT]XXX is the proper 4-letter AWIPS ID (e.g., KLWX or TJSJ)

of the platform being installed.

If you get a line returned, issue the following (if you get NOTHING
returned, SKIP this step):
# sed –i -e “6s/false/true/1” config.xml

If you have remote CPSBN servers (VRH, PBP, HFO, GUM), then issue
the following command:

System Installation 58
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Site Migration Guide

# sed -i -e “/connectionURL/s/localhost/px1f/g”

All other sites issue this command:

# sed -i -e “/connectionURL/s/localhost/cp1f/g”

Fix the max rps list sizes for AWIPS2 configuration

# sed -i “s/maxRpsListSize>150/maxRpsListSize>300/”

6. Log into DX2 for installation activities.

# ssh dx2

7. Verify that the proper mounts are in place before proceeding:

# mount -l | egrep ‘aiihdf5’
Expected Results
/dev/mapper/vg_aiihdf5-awipsiihdf5 on /awips2/edex/data/hdf5
type ext3 (rw)

8. Install AWIPS II software.

# cd /data/fxa/INSTALL/awips2/scripts
# ./dbInstall.sh install
# ./ldmInstall.sh install lll
Where lll is the localization ID and only run at GUM and HFO
# exit (exits from script)

9. Exit SSH connection to DX2.

# exit

f. Check on CAVE and Rehosted Server installation

1. Log into DX1 as user root using SSH.
# ssh root@dx1
2. Run the installation monitor scripts.
# cd /data/fxa/INSTALL/awips2/scripts
# ./caveMonitor.sh
# ./rehostMonitor.sh

System Installation 59
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Site Migration Guide

3. Make sure /awips2/edex/data/share is mounted on all workstations.

# for host in $LX_WORKSTATIONS $XT_WORKSTATIONS; do echo
$host; ssh $host “mount /awips2/edex/data/share”

g. Migrate ADAM Configuration to AWIPS System

1. Ensure that you are on DX3. If not, ssh into DX3
# hostname
Expected Results
dx3-ccc (where CCC is the platform identification where install is

If dx3 is not returned, ssh into dx3:

# ssh root@dx3
2. Extract the ADAM configuration from the backup archive.
# cd /awips2/edex/data/utility
# tar –xzpvf /data/fxa/adam_backup/adam-utility.$(
date +%A ).tar.gz
# cd /
# tar –xzpvf /data/fxa/adam_backup/adam-localapps.$(
date +%A ).tgz
# cd /awips2/edex/data/share
# tar –xzpvf /data/fxa/adam_backup/adam-share.$( date
+%A ).tgz
# cd /awips2/edex/data/utility
# rm –f edex_static/site/LLL/config/gfe/siteConfig.py

Where LLL = localization ID of installed site.

3. Check the SEND_ISC_ON_SAVE token in the AWIPS II localConfig.py. If it

is different from the AWIPS I localConfig.py, then change it to match.

4. Remove references to pghost from site-level Apps_defaults file.

# sed –i ‘/pghost/d’

System Installation 60
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Site Migration Guide

5. Ensure proper ownership

# chown –R awips:fxalpha /awips2/edex/data/utility

6. Ask the site if it has migrated trigger scripts on its ADAM. If so, copy the
siteTrigger.template down from ADAM.

# cd /data/fxa/siteConfig/textApps
# cp –a siteTrigger.template AWIPS2-
# scp adam1:$(pwd)/siteTrigger.template ./AWIPS2-
# mv siteTrigger.template AWIPS1-siteTrigger.template
# ln –s AWIPS2-siteTrigger.template

h. Run the Rehost Script and Import Databases

Due to video driver/X restarts, you must use KVM to external Console to log into
dx1 as root to perform these steps:
# cd /data/fxa/INSTALL/<RelID>/REHOST_CODE
# ./rehost_awips.sh setup LLL
# exit (exits script)
# ssh dx2
# hb_halt a2dx2apps
# hb_run a2dx2apps

Verify that a2dx2apps comes up properly before proceeding.

# exit (to go back to dx1)
# cd /data/fxa/sdc/
# scp adam1:/usr/local/ldm/etc/pqact.conf.lll
# ./config_awips2.sh db LLL

Note: Check the output of the script and look for “ERROR: out of memory”
messages when importing the FFMP shapefiles. Or run “grep memory
/data/fxa/sdc/logs*”. If this ERROR occurs, call the NCF for support.

Where lll and LLL = localization ID of installed site. This will restore the AWIPS
I database backups and import the FFMP shapefiles.

System Installation 61
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Site Migration Guide

# ./config_awips2.sh ldm LLL

# ssh dx2
# scp adam1:/usr/local/ldm/etc/pqact.conf.lll
# cd /data/fxa/sdc
# ./config_awips2.sh ldm LLL
# exit (exits back to dx1)

i. Start EDEX on DX3 and DX4

1. Set edex start configuration and import aviation climate
# ssh dx3
# cd /data/fxa/sdc
# ./config_awips2.sh edex LLL
Press Y and enter when prompted to create setup.env
# ./config_awips2.sh cave LLL
# cd /data/fxa/A2_SysMonitor/scripts
# ./detectLocalization.sh
# exit (exits back to dx1)
2. Start EDEX on both DX3 and DX4.
# ssh root@dx3 “service edex_camel start”
# ssh root@dx4 “service edex_camel start”
3. Verify that EDEX comes up on DX3.
# ssh dx3
# tail –f /awips2/edex/logs/edex-ingest-$( date
+%Y%m%d ).log
# exit
4. Run config_awips2
# cd /data/fxa/sdc
# ./config_awips2.sh triggers LLL
Where LLL is the AWIPS ID of the localization running on the system.

5. Import the textproduct info table from AWIPS I. Due to long run time, put the
process in the background.
# cd /data/fxa/INSTALL/<A2_REL_ID>/REHOST_CODE
# ./importTPI.sh &

System Installation 62
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Site Migration Guide

6. Mount /awips2/edex/data/manual on px1 and px2.

# ssh px1 “mount –a && ls -ld
# ssh px2 “mount –a && ls –ld

j. Install LAPS/MSAS
1. SSH into PX1 and run the install script.
# ssh root@px1
# cd /data/fxa/INSTALL/<A2_REL_ID>/REHOST_CODE/gsdA2PX
# script –a –f backup.out
# ./backup.sh
# exit (exits script)
# cd /data/fxa/INSTALL/awips2/scripts
# ./gsdRun
 TYPE install and press ENTER when prompted
# exit (exits ssh)

2. SSH into PX2 and run install scripts.

# ssh root@px2
# cd /data/fxa/INSTALL/awips2/scripts
# ./gsdRun
 TYPE install and press ENTER when prompted
# exit (exits ssh)

3. SSH into DX3 and run the install script.

# ssh root@dx3
# cd /data/fxa/INSTALL/awips2/scripts
# ./gsdRun
 TYPE install and press ENTER when prompted
# chmod 775 /awips2/edex/data/manual
# service edex_camel restart ingest ingestGrib
# exit
4. SSH into DX4 and restart ingest and ingestGrib
# ssh root@dx3
# service edex_camel restart ingest ingestGrib
# exit

System Installation 63
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Site Migration Guide

3. Post-Install
1. Start LDM on LDAD:
# ssh ls1
# su – ldm
# ldmadmin start
# exit
# exit
2. Import the A1 Active Table into A2:
# cp /awips/GFESuite/primary/data/vtec/active.tbl /tmp
# gzip /tmp/active.tbl
# /awips2/GFESuite/bin/ingestAT -s XXX -h ec -a active
-n -f /tmp/active.tbl.gz
3. Import the A1 GFE databases into A2.
# ssh dx3
# su – awips
# cd /awips2/GFESuite/bin
# ./iscMosaic –n -f /data/fxa/TEMP/LLL_Fcst_BU –d
# ./iscMosaic –n -f /data/fxa/TEMP/LLL_ISC_BU

4. Import spotters.dat file

# ssh dx1
# cd /data/fxa/sdc/
# ./config_awips2.sh spotters LLL

G. Security Patches
1. Launch the security patch install.
# cd /data/fxa/INSTALL/security_patches/scripts
# ./kickoff_patch_install.sh
# watch ./monitor_sec_patches.sh

2. Once the install is complete for all machines, hit ctrl-c to kill the watch
process. If any errors are detected, call the NCF for support. [Note:
./monitor_sec_patches.sh can be run by itself to get a report of the
current status of the patch install. Also once a run is reported as finished,

System Installation 64
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Site Migration Guide

./kickoff_patch_install.sh can be rerun and the script will only

attempt to install missing patches.]

H. Setup
1. Set Up the AWIPS1 Rehosted Applications
Note on Rehosted Applications: Rehosted applications are managed via heartbeat,
much the same way as AWIPS1 heartbeat operated.

There are only five packages for AWIPSII: a2cp1apps, a2dx1apps, a2dx2apps,
a2px1apps and a2px2apps. Use the familiar commands to manage these packages:
hb_run, hb_halt, hb_swap and hb_stat. AWIPSII rehost crons are stored in a2cp1cron,
a2cp2cron, a2dx1cron, a2dx2cron, a2px1cron and a2px2cron. Site-level crons can be
added to the a2SITEcp1cron, a2SITEcp2cron, a2SITEdx1cron, a2SITEdx2cron,
a2SITEpx1cron and a2SITEpx2cron. By default the SITE level crons are empty, so
be sure to add in any crons that are still necessary for site operations, such as for
run_hg_genXML, nrldb and climate. Also be sure to modify or shut down crons that
run from any local hardware you may have on AWIPS.

2. Set Up BOIVerify
The BOIVerify crons will run as part of a2px2apps. A base cron file has been
installed in /etc/ha.d/cron.d/a2SITEpx2cron on px1 and px2. Modify this cron for
your site’s BOIVerify needs (checking against your AWIPS1 cron entries), and then
run “hb_halt a2px2apps; hb_run a2px2apps” on px2 to activate your new cron.

The BOIVerify scripts have been rehosted to work with AWIPS2. The configuration
is identical though, and can be copied over from your A1 BOIVerify directory. The
following items should be copied over to /data/verify on px1:

Copy the BiasCorrModels.txt and place it in /data/verify/scripts on px2.

3. Install NMAP (OPTIONAL)

For those sites that use NMAP, do the following to install an AWIPS II-compatible
# cd /data/fxa/INSTALL/<A2_REL_ID>/REHOST_CODE/nmap
# ./installNMAP_A2

System Installation 65
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Site Migration Guide


The Site Data Configuration Automation Tool (config_awips2.sh) was developed to
aid in the manual migration task of creating AWIPS II configuration files from
AWIPS I configuration files. These files are predominately used by EDEX to localize
the software to the normal configuration of a specific WFO or RFC. Any functions of
the tool that perform this action are referred to as migration actions in this document.

Through the evolution of the tool, areas were identified where it could be used for
ongoing maintenance support of an AWIPS II installation. Any functions of the tool
that perform this type of action are referred to as maintenance actions in this

A. Assumptions
The assumptions and requirements identified in Table 5-1 are assumed to be true for
the system on which the tool is being run. If any are not true, contact your support
Table 5-1. Site Data Configuration Automation Tool: Assumptions and Requirements
How to Check …
Baseline AWIPS System Standalone (e.g., ADAM)
AWIPS II Database Engine # ssh dx1f “ps –wef|grep # ps –wef|grep postmaster
(PostgreSQL) running on specified postmaster”
database server.
AWIPS II QPID running on JMS # ssh cp1f “ps -wef|grep qpidd” # ps -wef|grep qpidd
AWIPS II Pypies running on the # ssh dx2f “ps -wef|grep pypies” # ps -wef|grep pypies
database server.
AWIPS II EDEX servers NOT # ssh dx3 service edex_camel # service edex_camel status
running if the following areas are to status
be configured:
# ssh dx4 service edex_camel
 FFMP Shapefiles status
 Importing of databases
 EDEX setup.env file.
User root access on the device from
which the tool will be executed.
Necessary AWIPS I files are See running collect_files in this
available on device from which document.
script is being executed.

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B. Running the Tool

Running the Site Data Configuration Automation tool is done as user root on a
specific device depending on what function you are trying to achieve. The general
syntax is as follows:

./config_awips2.sh action LLL

Where action above is a configured set of configuration functions within the tool and
LLL is your AWIPS localization ID.

The script is dependent on a few environmental variables. These can be set before
running. If they are not, and config_awips2.sh cannot determine proper values, it will
suggest values to the user. Table 5-2 lists the environmental variables and their
normal settings.
Table 5-2. Automation Tool Environmental Variables
Variable Normal AWIPS System Value Normal ADAM Value
EDEX_HOME /awips2/edex /awips2/edex
EDEXSVR dx3 adam1
EDEXDBSVR dx1f adam1

Table 5-3 lists the actions that can be passed and where config_awips2.sh should be
run for those specific functions in order to configure.
Table 5-3. Automation Tool Function and Execution Server
Function Description Execution Server
When passed to config_awips2.sh this function will run
through almost all the created migration operations. It begins
with running the functions designated as EDEX functions,
then runs those designated as CAVE functions, followed
lastly by those listed as other functions.  ADAM only
All These actions are NOT performed by passing all to (not designed for an
config_awips2: AWIPS system)
 GFE Migration tasks
 Procedure conversion tasks
 Trigger loading
When passed to config_awips2.sh this function will run
through all EDEX designated migration tasks. Tasks include:
edex  Configuring plugin-filters which filter specific data into, or  DX3 or DX4
excluded from, other plugins. An example is a (not both)
metarToShef plugin filter, that sends metars which are
inside a certain geographic area into the shef plugin as

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Function Description Execution Server

well as the metar plugin.
 Copies spi files necessary for data storage into the
AWIPS II configuration tree.
 Copies hydro specific files from /awips/hydroapps into the
AWIPS II specific area. This includes the
 Configures GFE siteConfig.py file.
 Configures EDEX setup.env configuration file.
 Configures AWIPS II hydro set_hydro_env file.
 Configures baseline FFMP runtime configuration file. See
ffmp below.
 Copies supported files into the ndm endpoint for updating
in the AWIPS II system. See ndm below.
 Configures shef distribution patterns to allow the proper
data into the shef decoding plugin.
 Configures grid definition file for the MPE and DHR-
MOSAIC grids based on site specific files.
 Migrates Radar Multiple Request configuration into
AWIPS II configuration location.
When passed to config_awips2.sh this function will run
through all CAVE designated migration tasks. Tasks include:
 Migration of spotters from spotters.dat
 Baseline configuration of Warngen GUI
 Creation of input file for radar menu creation
 Creation of input file for upper air menu creation
 Migration of AvnFPS configuration from AWIPS I files.  ADAM
cave  Configuration of Local and Regional Warnings menu  DX3 or DX4
 Configuration of Text Workstation products menu (not both)
 Configuration of scale selector in D2D
 Delivery of local map scale bundles.
 Copy of ldad15.spi and ldad15prcp.spi into basemaps
 Migration of text alarm/alert settings from AWIPS I
 Migration of the Fields menu in Volume Browser from
AvnFPS migration function. When passed to
config_awips2.sh this function performs the following tasks:
 Migrates AWIPS I AvnFPS configuration files to AWIPS II
 Creates DEFAULT configuration file, if possible, or alerts  ADAM
avnfps user that one needs to be created.  DX3 or DX4
 Creates AWIPS II AvnFPS forecaster list from AWIPS I (not both)
forecasters file. Dependent on system user accounts in
 Migrates AWIPS I AvnFPS climate files to AWIPS II

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Function Description Execution Server

Database configuration function. When passed to
config_awips2.sh this function performs the following tasks:
 Searches for database backups in the standard location
(/data/fxa/DAILY_BACKUP/postgres) which were from the
last 24 hours, and asks the user if loading is desired.  ADAM
Configures pg_hba.conf appropriately based on the  DX1 (floater)
 Imports FFMP shapefiles into the ffmp_streams and
ffmp_basins tables of the maps database.
 Imports Warngen LocalCitiesInfo.txt into database
FFMP migration function. When passed to config_awips2.sh  ADAM
ffmp this function creates a base localized FFMPRunConfig.xml  DX3 or DX4
file. (not both)
Not run automatically by edex, cave or all options.
GFE migration scripts. Wrapped in migration python scripts.
Dependent on collect_files.sh run, and can only be run on
ADAM. Migrates the following GFE configurations:
 GFE Edit Areas
gfem  GFE Color Tables  ADAM
 GFE Weather Element Groups
 GFE Configs
 GFE Sample Sets
 GFE Timeranges
 GFE Combinations
 Create GFE Parameter Info Files from CDLs
Grid definition maintenance function. When passed to  ADAM
grids config_awips2.sh this function creates grid definition file for  DX3 or DX4
MPE and DHR-MOSAIC grids. (not both)
Hydro migration function. When passed to the
config_awips2.sh this function performs the following:
 Migration of AWIPS I .Apps_defaults_site to AWIPS II
 Migration of hydro geo_data to AWIPS II
hydro  DX3 or DX4
 Migration of hydro mpe files to AWIPS II
(not both)
 Migration of xdat configuration to AWIPS II (RFC Only)
 Migration of group_definitions.cfg to AWIPS II
 Migration of shef metar.cfg to AWIPS II
 Modification of AWIPS II set_hydro_env

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Function Description Execution Server

When passed to config_awips2.sh this function will perform
the following actions:
 Configuring plugin-filters which filter specific data into, or
excluded from, other plugins. An example is a  ADAM
ingest metarToShef plugin filter, that sends metars which are  DX3 or DX4
inside a certain geographic area into the shef plugin as (not both)
well as the metar plugin.
 Configures shef distribution patterns to allow the proper
data into the shef decoding plugin.
LDM maintenance function. When passed to
config_awips2.sh this function will create the active
pqact.conf file by doing the following:
 Starts with the pqact.conf.template baseline  ADAM
ldm  Appends localized radar and hydro patterns based on  DX1 and DX2
same logic as AWIPS I.
 Appends site manually migrated pqact.conf.lll (where lll =
site ID), which should be migrated form of
When passed to config_awips2.sh this function will perform
the following actions:
 Copies goesBufr.spi and poesBufr.spi from AWIPS I into
AWIPS II basemaps  ADAM
maps  Copies cities.lpi, ldad15.spi and ldad15prcp.lpi into  DX3 or DX4
AWIPS II basemaps. (not both)
 Extracts any delivered map bundles from
cave_static_site.tar.gz (e.g., WFO.xml)
 Creates scale selector pull-down from AWIPS I
scaleInfo.txt file
MPE activation maintenance function. When passed to
config_awips2.sh this function runs the following executables
to initialize MPE server side configuration files.
Note: EDEX must be running for this action
 run_create_mpe_gage_file  ADAM
mpe  run_create_mpe_station_lists
 DX3 or DX4
 run_create_freezing_station_list (not both)
 run_create_mpe_climo_lists
 run_create_triangles
 run_create_mpe_beam_height_file
 run_mpe_fieldgen 3
 run_dqc_preprocessor

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Function Description Execution Server

National Dataset Management (NDM) maintenance function.
Copies the following files into the ndm endpoint for EDEX
ingest into AWIPS II system:
 afos2awips.txt
 metarStationInfo.txt
 modelBufrStationInfo.txt
 MTR.primary  ADAM
ndm  MTR.goodness  DX3 or DX4
 goesBufrStationInfo.txt (not both)
 poesBufrStationInfo.txt
 maritimeStationInfo.txt
 raobStationInfo.txt
 raob.goodness
 raob.primary
 ispan_table.dat (if exists)
Not run automatically by edex, cave or all options.
procs D2D Procedure and Color Curve migration function. Wraps in  ADAM
bundle converter executable.
Shape file maintenance function. When passed to
config_awips2.sh performs the following tasks:
 Loads in FFMP shapefiles into maps database. Only if
forced (-f).
shp  Looks for local shapefiles staged in
/awips2/edex/data/utility/edex_static/site/LLL/shapefiles  DX1 (floater)
and imports into maps database. Also creates map
bundle xml so it can be selected from CAVE.
 Looks for updates to known national shapefiles
downloaded in accordance with SMM.
When passed to config_awips2.sh this function will load in  ADAM
spotters the spotters from spotters.dat  DX1 (floater)
When passed to config_awips2.sh this function will load
triggers triggers (subscriptions) into the AWIPS II system utilizing the
 DX1 (floater)
same files as AWIPS I.
Warngen configuration option. When passed to
config_awips2.sh this function will perform the following  ADAM
wg tasks:  DX3 or DX4
 Creates a baseline Warngen GUI configuration pulling (not both)
from AWIPS I wwaConfig.txt file.

The tool can also be run with optional arguments. Table 5-4 describes the different
arguments that can be passed to the script.

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Table 5-4. Optional Arguments for config_awips2.sh

Argument Description
This is the force option. It will force the migration of specific files from AWIPS I
configuration files.
-d Sets the DEBUG flag. Will output more information to the user.
-e Sets EDEX_HOME variable. Example: -e /awips2/edex

C. Identified Maintenance Tasks

Through the course of developing the migration tool, certain tasks were identified as
being useful for maintaining an AWIPS II installation beyond an initial migration.
These tasks are identified and explained in this section.

1. Creating the Active pqact.conf LDM Ingest File

AWIPS II utilizes the UniData LDM software for ingest of SBN data. The
downstream LDM server will decide what products to store in raw format using an
active pqact.conf file. The locations and file name of the files are as follows:

AWIPS II System: /usr/local/ldm/etc/pqact.conf

ADAM: /usr/local/ldm/etc/adam-pqact.conf

The active pqact.conf file should not be manually edited, as this file is created using
config_awips2.sh script based on input files. These are the files that should be
modified to effect changes in the active pqact.conf file. Table 5-5 identifies and
describes the input files
Table 5-5. Input Files to Active pqact.conf Creation
File Name Description
/usr/local/ldm/etc/pqact. Delivered baseline template. This file is delivered with the awips2-ldm RPM
conf.template and risks being overwritten on a software installation. This file should not be
/usr/ocal/ldm/etc/pqact. Where xxx = AWIPS Site ID for ingest localization of the AWIPS system.
conf.xxx This file should be a migration of the AWIPS I file acqPatternAddOns.txt
input file. Site customizable file to allow addition of new patterns into the
SBN ingest stream.
/usr/local/ldm/etc/pqact. This file is created new on running of ./config_awips2.sh ldm LLL
conf.local Included contents are NNEXRAD (SBN radar data), hydro shef patterns
built by localization in AWIPS I.

Once the edits are made to the correct input files, the active pqact.conf file can be
created with the following options being passed to the automation tool:

Automation Tool (Config_AWIPS2) 72

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./config_awips2.sh ldm LLL

Where LLL is the AWIPS site ID of the ingest site being configured on the AWIPS II

2. Triggers
The AWIPS II SDC uses the same input files to populate the trigger database as the
AWIPS I mainScript.csh program. These files are identified in Table 5-6.
Table 5-6. Input Files to Trigger Loading in AWIPS II
Input File Description
ldadTrigger.template LDAD actions file.
Uses LLL-ldadConfig.txt to substitute wildcards in the trigger
ldadSiteBackupTrigger.template LDAD backup site trigger file.
Uses LLL-ldadSiteConfig.txt to substitute wildcards in the trigger
adaptTrigger.template ADAPT action file.
Uses LLL-adaptSiteConfig.txt to substitute wildcards in the trigger
LLL-wsoTrigger.template Provides access to non-AWIPS NWS Sites’ (Alaska Region)
products in the WWA monitor
LLL-faxTrigger.template Created by using Configure Auto Fax interface on the text
siteTrigger.template Site customizable trigger template.
hazCollectTrigger.template HazCollect triggers
or Uses LLL-hazCollectSiteConfig.txt to configure triggers.

To load triggers into an AWIPS II system, these files must be present and properly
edited. The following command should be run:
./config_awips2.sh triggers LLL

If a trigger is being deleted, then the configuration must be forced ( -f option ). This
causes the script to first delete all products from the subscription.subscriptions
database schema before loading all triggers new.

Remember this when adding or modifying triggers in siteTrigger.template: The file

needs to be in /data/fxa/siteConfig/textApps. This file will be transferred to the
AWIPS II system during installation.

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3. National Data Management (NDM) Files

The site data configuration automation tool will copy those national data management
files, already maintained on the AWIPS system, into the endpoint for EDEX, which
allows the software to ingest and localize properly based on the file.

The files that are supported are identified in Table 5-7.

Table 5-7. NDM Files Supported by AWIPS II ndm Endpoint
Input File Name Location Output
afos2awips.txt /awips/fxa/data afos_to_awips table in the fxatext database
afos_lookup_table.dat /awips/fxa/data /awips2/edex/data/utility/common_static/base/textdb/afo
modelBufrStationInfo.txt /awips/fxa/data modelBufr.spi in
MTR.primary /awips/fxa/data MTR.spi, MTR.primary, MTR.goodness in
MTR.goodness / /awips2/edex/data/utility/common_static/site/LLL/basem
goesBufrStationInfo.txt /awips/fxa/data goesBufr.spi in
poesBufrStationInfo.txt /awips/fxa/data poesBufr.spi in
maritimeStationInfo.txt /awips/fxa/data BUOY.spi in
metarStationInfo.txt /awips/fxa/data common_obs_spatial table in metadata database
textCCChelp.txt /awips/fxa/data /awips2/edex/data/utility/common_static/base/textdb/
synopticStationTable.txt /awips/fxa/data edex_static/base/synopticStationTable.txt and
common_obs_spatial table in metadata database
raob.goodness /data/fxa/natio raob.spi in
raob.primary nalData /awips2/edex/data/utility/common_static/site/LLL/basem
raobStationInfo.txt /awips/fxa/data common_obs_spatial table in metadata database
ispan_table.dat /awips/fxa/data ispan_table in /awips2/edex/data/utility/edex_static tree

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Input File Name Location Output
fsl-w88d.dbf /data/fxa/natio radar_spatial table in metadata database.
fsl-w88d.shp nalData
national_category_table /data/fxa/natio /awips2/edex/data/utility/common_static/base/textdb/nat
.dat nalData ional_category_table.template
afosMasterPIL.txt /data/fxa/natio /awips2/edex/data/utility/common_static/base/textdb/afo
nalData sMasterPIL.txt

By running the following command, the user will be presented with a select menu
allowing files to be copied into the ndm endpoint for EDEX to ingest and create the
proper output file:

./config_awips2.sh ndm LLL

This task will need to be run whenever there are NDM file updates.

4. Shapefiles

a. Local Shapefiles
Local shapefiles can be imported into the maps database using the automation
tool. Files should be staged in the following location:


The shapefiles should be added in a manner similar to the following:


It is important to note a few things about this structure. First, the name of the
shape file is determined by its parent directory and NOT by the name of the
shapefile. Also, all underscore characters “_” will be translated to spaces in the
CAVE menu.

Second, the directory name of SUBMENU is optional, but if desired this will
create a submenu on your Maps menu in CAVE. This means that you can have a
shapefile staged in this manner:


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It will also create a menu entry in CAVE under Maps named shape_desc.

Any shapefiles staged within more than one directory will be listed under a
submenu in the Maps pulldown in CAVE, which is named the same as the
directory itself. To clarify, whatever text you put in for submenu above will be
the text shown as the submenu on CAVE.

For example, the following staging:



will create the following structure in the menu of CAVE:

Maps  local roads  dirt roads

 grass roads

Finally, it is important to note that only ONE shp, dbf, and shx file can reside in
the final directory for staging shapefiles. This is NOT valid staging:



Because there are two .shp files under local_roads, which would be used to create
the “city parks” menu. In this case you probably want to create two subdirectories
under city_parks – one named playgrounds/ and another bigfields/.

The last important thing to note is that the directory name of shape_desc will
determine the table name into which the shapefiles will be imported. It also
determines the name of the map bundle created. The name of the map bundle is
case sensitive, while the table name will always be all lower case. All underscore
characters (‘_’) in shape_desc will be converted to spaces when creating the Maps
menu name.

For example, the following shapefiles will create mapdata.oax_county schema

in the maps database and create a new entry OAX County directly on the main
Maps menu in CAVE:

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Note: The staged directory name does not have to match the file name of the
shape file.

In this example, the shapefiles will create mapdata.grr_cwa_roads schema in

the maps database, and will create a Roads submenu in the Maps pulldown within
CAVE. Under the Roads submenu will be a selection GRR CWA Roads.




The name of the staging directory is used to create the database table name, as
well as the map bundle XML file name. The bundle file name will be created in
/awips2/edex/data/utility/cave_static/site/LLL/bundles/maps. For example, the
first example above would create OAX_County.xml in this directory.

The label on the Maps menu in CAVE will match the name of the directory,
except that every ‘_’ in the directory name will be turned into a space.

The second example above would create GRR_CWA_Roads.xml in


Note: The bundle will only be written by config_awips2.sh if the following is

true: 1. It does not exist for 2. It exists and was created by config_awips2.sh. This
means that if a bundle has been edited by the localization perspective since its
original creation by config_awips2, it will not be overwritten.

Once everything is staged correctly, to import the shapefiles staged into the
database, run the following:

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./config_awips2.sh shp LLL

When the force option (-f) is added to this command, it will also call the
config_ffmp_shapefiles script to load the FFMP shapefiles.

To remove a shapefile from the system, follow these steps. Note that, for these
steps, the example is removing a shape file named My_Shape_File:

1. Remove the shapefile from the system. Identify the shapefile staging
directory, and remove the directory
cd /awips2/edex/data/utility/edex_static/site/LLL/shapefiles
rm –rf My_Shape_File

2. Remove the map bundle XML file, which is also created, and which also has
the same name as the staging directory.
cd /awips2/edex/data/utility/cave_static/site/LLL/bundles/maps
rm My_Shape_File.xml

3. Connect to the database, and drop the table.

su – awips
psql maps
DROP TABLE mapdata.my_shape_file;
DELETE FROM mapdata.map_version where

Note : If you are uncomfortable with any of these steps. feel free to call the NCF
for assistance at 301.713.9344.

b. Baseline Shapefiles
Baseline shapefiles will also be updated using the shp option to
config_awips2.sh. They can be maintained in the same manner as AWIPS I. This
means that you are to download the shapefile from the NOAA1 server and stage
in /data/fxa/nationalData.

You have the option of renaming the files yourself as you would with AWIPS I.
However, the config_awips2.sh is also aware of the AGMG naming convention,
so the files do not have to be renamed for AWIPS II purposes. The script itself
will rename the files to their proper AWIPS I names in /data/fxa/nationalData.

As an example, the public forecast zones can be named c11-zone.shp OR

z_mmddyy.shp. Both will be recognized by config_awips2.sh. If the shapefile is

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left as z_mmddyy.shp, the script will rename it to c11-zone.shp when it imports

the file.

The tool works in this way: When the script is run with the shp argument, it will
check for updated files that are newer than the import time of the corresponding
table in the maps database. If any are found, it will copy them into the AWIPS II
directory in /awips2/edex/data/utility/edex_static/base/shapefiles, and import
them into the database automatically. It also makes a backup of the old shapefiles
in the following form:


Where filename is the name of the shapefile, for example, usa_lake.shp.

IMPORTANT NOTE: AWIPS II relies on accurate shapefiles. If you notice a problem

with an application using a shapefile that has been updated, do not try and reimport
the same shapefile. Call the NCF, which has procedures for importing the archived
shapefile. Every time you rerun config_awips2.sh with the shp option, it will remove
the archived shape files, so you could lose the “good” ones.

5. Collect Files Script

The collect_files.sh script is a tool developed to help provide the necessary AWIPS I
files that config_awips2.sh uses to create the input configurations for AWIPS II

./collect_files.sh LLL

Where LLL is a valid AWIPS ID.

Please note that if given an invalid AWIPS ID, it will merely not find the files
necessary for site data configuration.

This script requires user interaction as it will ask if you would like to bundle the
AWIPS I D2D procedures into the archive. It is highly recommended that this option
only be used when attempting to transfer these procedures to ADAM for one-time
conversion using the conversion tool.


The script will create the following file:


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Where lll is the lower-case AWIPS ID passed to the collect_files.sh script.

Note: The file’s name is awips followed by a capital letter i (I) (not the number one),
and then loc for localization.

The tar archive can then be copied via network, or physical media, to the AWIPS II
platform and unpacked following these steps:
1. Log into the AWIPS I platform as user root.
2. Secure copy the file across the network to the AWIPS II machine:
# scp /data/fxa/TEMP/awipsIloc_lll.tgz hostname:/tmp/
Where hostname is the hostname of the device onto which you are copying.
3. Ensure there are no NFS mounts currently active on the AWIPS II platform.
# umount –tnfs –a

If you are an RFC, issue these commands as well:

# mount ns1:adamHYDRO /awips/hydroapps
# mount ns1:adamREP /awips/rep

4. Unpack the archive on the platform.

# tar –C / -xzf /tmp/awipsIloc_lll.tgz

At this point, the AWIPS II SDC Automation Tool can be executed.

Automation Tool (Config_AWIPS2) 80

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Site Migration Guide


The documents and tools identified in this appendix are provided additional resources
with the Site Migration Guide.

Organization Aids
1. AWIPS II Site Mig Org Aids V8.xlsm

2. AWIPS Migration Site Configuration INDEX.docx
3. NCLADT Wiki INDEX.docx

LDM Ingest
4. Ingest Filter Configuration.docx
5. LDM Ingest Checklist.docx

6. SubversionTutorialPart1 - Erh-itproject.pdf
7. SubversionTutorialPart2 - Erh-itproject.pdf
8. SubversionTutorialPart3 - Erh-itproject.pdf
9. Apn Svn Tag Release.docx
10. HowToSubversion.docx
11. HowToSubversionNewApp.docx
12. RepoLayout.docx
13. Subversion Tips.docx
14. 1.7 svn-book-html-chunk
15. 1.7 svn-book-html-chunk.tar.bzw
16. 1.7 svn-book.pdf

D2D Procedure Conversion

17. D2D Bundle Conversion.docx

GFE Migration
18. AppCheckForPointTools.docx
19. AppConvertEditAreas.docx
20. AppGfeAfpsProxy.docx
21. BaseSiteUserDirs.docx
22. checkForPointTools doc.docx

Additional Resources A-1

 Hard copies uncontrolled. Verify effective date before use. 
Site Migration Guide

23. CommonSmartToolChanges.docx
24. findAdamGfeFile.docx
25. GfeActivateSite.docx
26. gfeConfigFileChanges.docx
27. GfeConfigMaps.docx
28. GfeModuleInstaller.sh.docx
29. gfePorter.docx
30. GFErename modules.docx
31. HowToGfe - GFE Migration.docx
32. HowToGfePortingNotes.docx
33. HowToImportShapefile.docx
34. MultiModelSmartInits.docx
35. NCLADT Repository.docx
36. NumericToNumpy.docx
37. SmartScriptDifferences.docx
38. SmartScriptIssues.docx
39. SmartScriptUsageAnalysis.docx
40. gfeClient.docx
41. gfeClient PngWriter.docx
42. gfeClient runProcedure.docx
43. gfeClient TextProductTest.docx
44. PublishingGfeGrids.docx
45. D2DGridsinGFE.docx

Local Applications
46. Local Applications Guide.docx
47. Local Apps working session - migration.docx
48. AddLocalGrid.pdf

49. Adding Mile Markers in AWIPS 2.docx
50. AWIPS 2 WarnGen Documentation 1.3.1.doc
51. A2 Warngen Localization_Combine Marine Zones.docx
52. A2 Warngen Localization_Create Site Specific Dams.docx
53. AWIPS II WarnGen Localization Tutorial.docx
54. Main Page for AWIPS Migration WarnGen Info.docx

Additional Resources A-2

 Hard copies uncontrolled. Verify effective date before use. 
Site Migration Guide

55. WarngenDoc.docx
56. WarngenTemplateTeam.doc

Localization Doc References

57. ADAM SDC AutoTool Functions.docx
58. ADAM SDC AutoTool Log File.docx
59. Table 5.3-1.docx
60. AWIPS II Site Data Configuration & Localization: Step-by-Step Guide

System Installation
61. AWIPS II Installation Status Check.doc
62. Service Backup.pptx
63. Rollback/Forward Procedures (A2_Rollback_doc.a2.rlbk-02.pdf)

Additional Resources A-3

 Hard copies uncontrolled. Verify effective date before use. 

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