Wetterling Investigation - Stearns County Presentation
Wetterling Investigation - Stearns County Presentation
Wetterling Investigation - Stearns County Presentation
Opening Statement
Vitae of Sheriff Don Gudmundson
• Graduate of Concordia College – Moorhead with • Graduate Illinois Bureau of Investigation
a B.A. Degree in Biology Academy
• Graduate Detroit Police Academy • Special Agent assigned to Homicide Squad-Chicago
• Police Officer in two inner city neighborhoods in • Special Agent assigned to Cook County Organized
Detroit Crime Homicide Task Force
• Serology and Trace Evidence Section of the • Sheriff of Fillmore County
Crime Lab – 10 months • Police Chief City of Lakeville
• Original member of Homicide Squad 7 – a squad • Sheriff of Dakota County
that investigated Robbery, Rape and Burglary
Murders • Sheriff of Steele County
• Detroit had over 800 homicide investigations in • Police Chief City of Faribault
1975 • Sheriff of Stearns County – May 2017 to present
• Cleared nearly 80% of the 125 murder cases we
investigated in 1975 3
Jacob Wetterling
January 13, 1989 / October 22, 1989
The place to start in our discussion of how the the Jacob Wetterling
investigation was conducted is not October 22nd, 1989 the date of Jacob’s
abduction, but January 13th, 1989.
Cold Spring Sexual Assault
It starts with the kidnapping and sexual assault of a 12-year-old Cold Spring boy.
On January 13th, 1989 the boy, who was wearing a snowmobile suit, was walking
home from the Side Café in Cold Spring at 9:45 p.m., when he was approached
by a man, who pulled up and asked where Kraemer lives.
Kraemers lived in Cold Spring in this area, which would indicate that the
perpetrator was probably a local person.
He also tells the victim following the assault that he has an appointment at
The Red Carpet Bar in St. Cloud, which also would indicate he was a local.
Cold Spring Sexual Assault
After the boy approached the car, the man exited the car, grabbed him and
threw him in the backseat of the car.
“I have a gun, don’t try anything.”
Car Descriptors
In the original report to Deputy Hoeschen
Larger nose
Black army boots
Brown eyes
Talked in a deep voice
Cold Spring Boy’s Description of Perpetrator Vehicle
Portable radio, which was wrapped up in gray duct tape, sitting on the front passenger seat
Radio had an antenna on it
Heard short bit of radio traffic, specifically a male and female’s voice prior to the subject
turning the radio off.
Following the kidnapping of the Cold Spring boy, the perpetrator drove in circles and then
backwards for a little bit.
Pearce writes, “…exaggerated turns and was trying to confuse him to this specific location.”
After the assault, the suspect tells the Cold Spring boy:
“You are lucky to be alive”
“Start running and keep running”
To run or he would shoot him
Cold Spring Abduction - January 16, 1989
Officer Zieglmeier indicated Danny Heinrich is currently in either the National
Guard or Army Reserve and is seen on a regular basis in military fatigues.
Cold Spring Abduction – January 16, 1989
Pearce and Detective Leland spot Heinrich’s vehicle, parked and unattended
in a driveway at Heinrich’s father’s home south of Paynesville.
Cold Spring Abduction
Specifically because the vehicle did not have automatic seat belts and the
transmission was on the console.
Cold Spring Abduction
Cold Spring Abduction
Very shortly after on January 18th, 1989 and unsolicited, the boy tells Pearce
that he was mistaken and that the vehicle did not have automatic seat belts
and that the transmission was not on the steering column, but was on the
The boy described the vehicle as having a luggage rack, however, it did not.
Cold Spring Abduction
The investigation into the sexual assault of the Cold Spring boy then turns
to other sex offenders.
Jacob Wetterling’s Abduction
October 22, 1989
Tire tracks
at the
scene of
The tires
identified as
Radials on
Trevor Wetterling’s Description of Perpetrator
Wearing dark colored clothes
Nylon stocking over his face
Armed with a handgun
Aaron Larson’s Description of Perpetrator
“I got a gun, put the bikes in the ditch.”
Wetterling Abduction Cold Spring Abduction
Wetterling Abduction
Wetterling Abduction
Wetterling Abduction
Wetterling Abduction
Heinrich is interviewed on December 12th, 1989 and a Deputy/Detective
observes that his vehicle has Sears Superguard Radials.
The tires were
It should be noted that in dozens of reports by officers that they dismiss potential identified as
suspects because they do not have the Sears tires, which are consistent with tire prints Superguard
from the scene. Radials
on October 24th.
Only one other mention in thousands of pages of reports of
Sears Superguard Radials and they were on a disabled vehicle.
Wetterling Abduction
In Pearce’s report when Heinrich is listed as a suspect in the Cold Spring kidnapping, it
states that Heinrich is seen on a regular basis in military fatigues.
Wetterling Abduction
On December 16th, 1989 a teletype from the Task Force concluded that the
“two abductions are believed to be the same.”
Paynesville Incidents
Paynesville Incidents
From August 1986 to late Autumn 1988, there are 8 incidents involving
juvenile boys who were assaulted.
There were 7 victims, one boy was victimized twice and there were two
additional juveniles who were witnesses to the assaults.
Incident #1
• August 1986
• Juvenile male was knocked off his bicycle
• White male
Heinrich is in the military and
• 5’9” would have known how to use
mud or face paint as a
• Mud-like substance on his face disguise.
• Juvenile struck the man and he fled
Incident #2
• August 21st, 1986
• Two juvenile males left a pizza place
• One juvenile male was attacked by a man
• 5’6” – 5’8”
• Wearing long sleeve sweater & gloves
• Juvenile was struck in the back of the head & knocked to the ground
• Suspect groped the juvenile’s front pockets
• As the second juvenile approached, the man fled
Incident #3
• November 30th, 1986 • Suspect groped the juvenile’s genitals
• Heavy set male, wearing nylon over and under his clothing
windbreaker comes out of the
bushes • Took stocking cap and cut off a piece
of his hair with a jagged knife
• Put his hand over the juvenile
male’s mouth and dragged him • Told victim after the assault,
into the trees “keep laying down for five minutes
• Suspect said, or I will blow your head off.”
“Shut up or I’ll kill you.”
• Asked juvenile’s name & age
• Voice was described as
“low, static filled” 39
Incident #4
• February 14th, 1987 • Victim was told to be quiet or he
• Juvenile male was attacked in the would be killed
stairwell of an apartment by a heavy • Suspect groped the victim over his
set male
• 5’6”
• Dark colored quilted jacket
• Asked what grade the victim was in
• Mask covered his face • Suspect took victim’s wallet
• Spoke in a deep, low whisper • Told victim not to move or he would
• Suspect threw victim down the stairs be killed
and victim screamed 40
Incident #5
• May 17th, 1987
• Previous victim in Incident #4 was knocked off his bicycle
• Pudgy male
• Dark looking face
• Dark clothing
• Suspect groped the juvenile’s genital area
• Victim screamed that the suspect had already gotten him
• Suspect fled on foot leaving behind a baseball cap 41
Incident #6
• September 20th, 1987
• Two juveniles were approached
• Chubby male
• 5’7” – 5’8”
• Short, chubby legs
• Face was either painted or wore a mask
• As the juveniles saw the suspect approach, they screamed and ran
Incident #7
• Summer of 1988 • Suspect sat on the juvenile, held a small
• Group of juveniles were camping knife to his throat
• One juvenile was attacked • When the juvenile screamed, the suspect
• White male with husky build said, “Shut up or I’ll kill you.”
• Raspy voice
• Juvenile fought back and escaped
• Wore panty hose over his face
• Wore camo colored pants
• Green army type jacket Incident #3 - Suspect said,
“Shut up or I’ll kill you.”
• Black boots
• Gloves 43
Incident #8
• Late Fall of 1988
• Juvenile male was delivering papers
• Suspect knocked the juvenile off his bike and fled
• Possibly wearing a ski mask
• Dark colored stocking hat
• Black shirt
• Black pants
• Black gloves 44
Wetterling Abduction
• On October 24th, 1989 at 3:40 p.m., less than 48 hours after the Wetterling
abduction, a victim in the Paynesville incidents appears at the Sheriff ’s Office and
talks to Benton County Deputy Theis assigned to the Task Force.
Wetterling Abduction
• He tells the deputy about the incidents and states that he saw two of the
ambushes by the Paynesville perpetrator. He also gives the name of the
Paynesville officer assigned to the cases and states a hat was left at the scene
by a perpetrator.
Wetterling Abduction
Paynesville Incidents
On January 8th, 1990 Paynesville Police Chief is interviewed and says
Paynesville has experienced approximately one year of episodes and he believes
that Danny Heinrich, who is in the National Guard, should be considered a
suspect in the molestations.
Paynesville Incidents
In a January 10th Sheriff ’s Office report, Sgt. Nohner, who is working with an FBI
Agent, interviews Danny Heinrich about the Wetterling kidnapping and writes:
“It should be noted that Mr. Heinrich bears a strong resemblance to the
artist’s conception of the abductor in the Cold Spring incident involving (name
redacted). He is also about the same physical size and commented in our
interview that he was a member of the National Guard out of Willmar.”
Cold Spring Composite (1989) Heinrich in Lineup (1990)
As a result of the interviews of the Paynesville victims, the Task Force appears to
be focusing on Duane Hart, not Danny Heinrich.
Wetterling Abduction
On January 12th, 1990 a report written by Sheriff ’s Detective Mund states that a polygraph
examination was given to Danny Heinrich by an FBI Agent and Heinrich registered deceptive on
all questions pertaining to the kidnapping of the Cold Spring boy and Jacob Wetterling.
Heinrich tells officers he feels that the reason he failed the polygraph examination is that he was
Wetterling Abduction
Also on the January 12th, 1990 Heinrich’s 1982 Ford EXP, 2 door, blue in color,
was photographed by a Sheriff ’s Investigator and an FBI Agent.
Wetterling Abduction
Ford EXP
Sears Superguard Radials
Wetterling Abduction
Heinrich’s Shoes
Heinrich’s shoes Footprints from the scene
Wetterling Abduction
Analysis later indicates that Heinrich’s right shoe and a right shoe imprint
corresponded in design.
Wetterling Abduction
Pearce and Detective Olson start surveillance
on the 12th and quoting from their report:
On January 14th, 1990 a surveillance report says that Heinrich makes
apparent evasive moves and then drives through rural dirt roads.
His actions certainly should have set off alarm bells since an innocent man
would be unlikely to take the driving maneuvers to escape the surveillance
Wetterling Abduction
On January 15th, 1990 Detective Olson and an FBI Agent arrange to take the
tires off of Heinrich’s vehicle and vacuum the interior of his car.
Wetterling Abduction
Wetterling Abduction
You will recall
that the Cold Transmission
Spring boy said on center
the vehicle had console.
Child Safety
(The Cold Spring boy is brought to the vehicle and says)
“… that he feels this vehicle is similar to the vehicle he was abducted in and
(the boy) felt the seat and stated the rear seat ‘feels like’ the seat of the vehicle
in which he was abducted.
“(The boy) viewed the interior of the vehicle and stated that after viewing the
interior he would not change anything on this vehicle.
This officer then asked (the boy) of 1-10, the number 1 being this vehicle
being the least like the vehicle in which he was abducted and 10 being the
most like in which he was abducted for (the boy) to rate this vehicle.”
“(The boy) advised this officer that on a scale of 1-10, he would
rate this vehicle an 8 or possibly a 9 as this vehicle being similar to
the vehicle in which he was abducted.”
In a statement to a Hennepin Detective, the Cold Spring boy says,
“He then said this man ordered him to pull his underwear and jeans up
without touching his butt to the back seat covers.”
• Obviously, Danny Heinrich was worried about seminal fluid stains in the car.
• At this time, the vehicle should have been black lighted for seminal fluid
stains in the car.
Wetterling Abduction
A resident of the apartment where Danny Heinrich lives says that he does wear
camouflage clothing such as a field jacket and hat around town along with army
pants and army boots.
Danny Heinrich earlier denies he ever wears his military clothing and boots.
At the same time in subsequent days, backgrounds are being run on Duane Hart.
Wetterling Abduction
On January 23rd, 1990 a search warrant is executed by the FBI and the
Sheriff ’s Office at Danny Heinrich’s father’s residence in Paynesville.
Search Warrant
Army Boots
Camouflage pants & shirt
2 police scanners w/ scanner book (which had detailed police channels)
Zippered Vest
Search Warrant
This vest was never shown, as far as the reports indicate, to the Cold Spring
All of the items taken in the search warrant, including the vest, were
released back to Heinrich at the direction of the County Attorney’s Office
on February 8, 1991.
It was determined on January 29th, 1990 that no children or family named
Wurm had any association with the treatment center, but the family was
located and they did know the Heinrich family.
Wetterling Abduction
Danny Heinrich says he chewed tobacco for many years and it was noted that his
bottom teeth had black spots in the front.
Wetterling Abduction
On January 24th Heinrich appears at the Stearns County Sheriff ’s Office
and inquires of the disposition of his tires.
Wetterling Abduction
Carpet and fiber samples from Heinrich’s car, the Mercury Topaz,
are given to the FBI on January 25th, 1990.
Wetterling Abduction
1990 Heinrich is
in a physical line-
up, which he
consents to.
Wetterling Abduction
Two young men view him in the line-up according to Sheriff ’s reports.
A week prior to the Wetterling kidnapping, these two young men view a
suspicious person and car.
Wetterling Abduction
Wetterling Abduction
Wetterling Abduction
Wetterling Abduction
Physical line-ups of Heinrich should have been planned prior to the line-up.
All of the victims from Paynesville as well as Aaron Larson and Trevor
Wetterling should have been involved in this line-up.
Wetterling Abduction
They do not employ a voice line-up making the participants in the line-up
say out loud words that were used in the two abductions or in the Paynesville
• “I have a gun, don’t try anything”
• “Get the f__k in the car”
• “…do it or I am going to shoot you”
• “You are lucky to be alive”
• “Keep on running, don’t look back or I’ll shoot you”
• “I’ll find you after school and kill you”
• “Shut up or I’ll kill you”
• “Lay down here for five minutes; if you don’t I will blow
your head off.”
Wetterling Abduction
On February 7th, 1990 Heinrich appears at the Sheriff ’s Office demanding
his property back. Quoting from the report written by Detective Mund,
“Mr. Heinrich was upset with Officer’s inquiring from friends and
relatives whether or not he is a homosexual. Mr. Heinrich indicated that
he was going to place an end to this investigation or (sic) him and sue
the county and the FBI.”
Wetterling Abduction
Wetterling Abduction
He was officially placed under arrest by Detectives Pearce and Olson from
the Sheriff ’s Office.
Wetterling Abduction
Heinrich states emphatically that he was not guilty of this crime and that he
was being framed.
Wetterling Abduction
Wetterling Abduction
The file does not indicate that the profilers wrote a report.
However, a retired Stearns County Detective I have interviewed states the
profilers tell officers that they don’t think Heinrich did the crimes.
Wetterling Abduction
We regard the interrogation as the most fatal flaw in the Wetterling investigation.
The BCA supplied their most experienced homicide special agents to the Wetterling
investigation and up until April, they were running meaningless leads.
There was no one in the Sheriff ’s Office with extensive homicide investigation
“The information provided to Garber was that the FBI lab had made a positive match
between a fiber taken from the carpet of Danny Heinrich’s former vehicle, a 1987
Mercury Topaz and a fiber found on the victim, the Cold Spring boy’s, snowmobile suit,
and this writer was not to inform anyone in the Sheriff ’s Department about the match.”
Note: FBI Agent Al Garber is the Wetterling Task Force Commander
Wetterling Abduction
On February 9th, 1990 a booking card shows that Heinrich has been arrested
for 1st Degree Criminal Sexual Conduct/Kidnapping and then the notation
Wetterling Abduction
Wetterling Abduction
Wetterling Abduction
For approximately one week from April into May 1990, ten background
investigations of Heinrich are conducted.
(1) Paynesville Incidents (2) Cold Spring Abduction (3) Wetterling Abduction
• White male • White male • Male
• 5’6” to 5’9” • 5’7” – 5’8” • 5’9” - 5’10”
• Heavy set male / pudgy / chubby / • Broad shoulders / Husky build • Approx. 180 lbs
short legs / Husky build • 170 lbs with small gut • Nylon stocking over his face
• Low, static filled voice, deep, low • Very deep voice • Dark coat
whisper, raspy voice • Dark gray zipper type vest • Dark pants
• Dark colored quilted jacket • Camouflaged fatigues • Black boots
• Dark clothing – black shirt, pants, • Brown baseball cap • Black gloves
gloves • Rough, dark skin • Low rough voice as if he had a
• Camo colored pants • Brown eyes cold
• Mud-like substance on his face / face • Wide eyes, thick eyebrows, fat nose • Asked boys how old they were
painted / wore mask / panty hose over • Not wearing glasses
face • Possibly a mustache
• Armed with
Wearing long sleeve sweater & gloves • Skin slightly wrinkled
• Black boots • Ears slightly stuck out
• Blue baseball cap • 30-40 years old
Green army type jacket
Asked juvenile name & age
Bottom row of teeth were crooked
Military type watch on left wrist
a handgun
• Nylon windbreaker
• Dark colored stocking hat
• Brown eyes
• Wide eyes, thick eyebrows
• Fat nose
• Not wearing glasses
• Ears slightly stuck out
• 30-40 years old
• Tobacco chewer
• Military member
(1) Paynesville Incidents (2) Cold Spring Abduction (3) Wetterling Abduction
• White male • White male • Male
• 5’6” to 5’9” • 5’7” – 5’8” • 5’9” - 5’10”
• Heavy set male / pudgy / chubby / • Broad shoulders / Husky build • Approx. 180 lbs
short legs / Husky build • 170 lbs with small gut • Nylon stocking over his face
• Low, static filled voice, deep, low • Very deep voice • Dark coat
whisper, raspy voice • Dark gray zipper type vest • Dark pants
• Dark colored quilted jacket • Camouflaged fatigues • Black boots
• Dark clothing – black shirt, pants, • Brown baseball cap • Black gloves
gloves • Brown eyes • Low rough voice as if he had a
• Camo colored pants • Wide eyes, thick eyebrows, fat nose cold
• Mud-like substance on his face / face • Not wearing glasses • Asked boys how old they were
painted / wore mask / panty hose over • Skin slightly wrinkled • Armed with a handgun
face • Ears slightly stuck out
• Wearing long sleeve sweater & gloves • 30-40 years old
• Black boots • Bottom row of teeth were crooked
• Blue baseball cap • Military type watch on left wrist
• Green army type jacket • Possibly a mustache
• Asked juvenile name & age • Rough, dark skin
• Nylon windbreaker
• Dark colored stocking hat
Duane Hart Interview
In March 1991 Special Agent Al Garber and a Department of
Corrections Investigator interview Duane Hart at a Minnesota
Correctional Facility.
Duane Hart Interview
Duane Hart Interview
Duane Hart Interview
Hart sees two police scanners; one is gray in color.
Duane Hart Interview
On the evening Hart was visiting Heinrich, Heinrich was upset about losing his
job at Fingerhut.
Note: Heinrich’s last day at Fingerhut, which was located near St. Joseph,
was October 8th, 1989 and he was unemployed until November 12th, 1989.
Duane Hart Interview
Heinrich asks Hart how to get rid of a body asking if putting the body down
a well or in the river would be the best way.
Hart tells him that a body down the well will stink and that a body in the
river will float.
Duane Hart Interview
Hart then tells him it would be better to get rid of a body by putting it under
plastic in a sewage treatment plant.
Duane Hart Interview
Hart says his purpose in speaking to Agent Garber is that Hart is suspected
of kidnapping Jacob Wetterling and he wanted to provide information
regarding Heinrich which may be helpful to authorities.
Duane Hart Interview
In a second interview with Garber in October 1991, Hart said he thinks the
Duane Hart Interview
Sergeant Bohlsen, U.S. Army National Guard, said of Heinrich,
“…he’s always by himself.” (January 16th, 1990)
Peter Lauer, who lived at the Plaza Hotel where Heinrich lived, “He is a loner.”
(January 17th, 1990)
Duane Hart Interview
Hart said the abductor had a: • Suspect knocked the juvenile off his bike and fled
• Possibly wearing a ski mask
• Dark colored stocking hat
Ninja suit • Black shirt
• Black pants
• Black gloves
A short-wave radio
Duane Hart Interview
He said the abductor lives in the vicinity of St. Joseph or Paynesville and
described the kidnapper as being good at covering his ass.
Duane Hart Interview
For a second time, Hart tells Garber that the child abductor in Cold Spring
carried a police radio.
Hart said he believed that a blue car was used in the sexual assaults of
children near Paynesville.
What happened to this information?
Wetterling Abduction
Wetterling Abduction
On July 18th, 2012 a DNA profile was obtained from the Cold Spring boy’s
snowmobile suit and sweatshirt.
evidence was
taken from
the sleeve.
Wetterling Abduction
Wetterling Abduction
On May 12th, 2015 hairs from Danny Heinrich, taken voluntarily
from him on January 12th, 1990 are deemed suitable for nuclear
DNA testing.
Wetterling Abduction
Wetterling Abduction
Recap of Why Heinrich Should Have Been
Considered the Main Suspect
• He was in the military and wears camo around Paynesville. He lies and says he never
does that.
• In the military, he would have learned to use mud or face paint to disguise himself.
• The Mercury Topaz used in the Cold Spring abduction matches the description given by
the Cold Spring boy and the boy rates it an 8-9 out of 10 to be the car he was kidnapped
Recap of Why Heinrich Should Have Been
Considered the Main Suspect
• A fiber found on the Cold Spring victim’s snowmobile suit is consistent with fibers found
in Heinrich’s Mercury Topaz.
• The Sears Superguard Radials match tire prints left at the Wetterling scene. Suspects are
most often eliminated precisely because they do not have the tires. He has the tires.
• His shoeprints correspond to shoe prints at the Wetterling scene mixed in with Nike shoe
prints worn by Jacob Wetterling. He has the shoes.
Recap of Why Heinrich Should Have Been
Considered the Main Suspect
• It is the Detective who spots this who takes the casts and knows those prints better than
other officers.
• He fails a polygraph examination given by an FBI Agent as to whether he was involved
with either the Cold Spring abduction or the Wetterling kidnapping.
• He has photos of children seen during the search warrant in his possession and lies about
how he obtained them and who they are.
Recap of Why Heinrich Should Have Been
Considered the Main Suspect
Recap of Why Heinrich Should Have Been
Considered the Main Suspect
• All across each of the three cases, he says the same types of things.
• His voice is described by multiple victims as deep, raspy and is very distinctive.
• Duane Hart describes the black ninja suit described by a Paynesville victim.
• He has a handgun as seen by Duane Hart.
Recap of Why Heinrich Should Have Been
Considered the Main Suspect
• In the same month where he loses his job and when he kidnaps and kills Jacob Wetterling,
he asks Duane Hart how to get rid of a body.
• His overall physical description fits Paynesville, Cold Spring and Wetterling cases.
• He fits the composite almost to a “T.”
Sheriff ’s Final Statement