Dust Control For Livestock Buildings: Dust Sources Livestock Producers and Workers Are at Risk For Respiratory Diseases
Dust Control For Livestock Buildings: Dust Sources Livestock Producers and Workers Are at Risk For Respiratory Diseases
Dust Control For Livestock Buildings: Dust Sources Livestock Producers and Workers Are at Risk For Respiratory Diseases
causing respiratory diseases for livestock producers and in The following are important considerations when
making them worse. Swine and poultry workers have a assigning tasks for workers in livestock or poultry units:
high prevalence of wheezing and chronic bronchitis.
• proximity to contaminant sources
• frequency of proximity to contaminant
The important fractions are inhalable dust (less than Chronic Farmer Lung Disease
10 µm) and respirable dust (less than 5.0 µm). About May occur with repeated dust exposures although it is
80 to 90 per cent of the dust inside swine and poultry possible to develop it after only one attack. Symptoms
buildings is smaller than 5 µm and can be inhaled deeply include chronic coughing, increasing and severe shortness
into the lungs. of breath with slight exertion, weakness and body aches,
and occasional fever.
Prepared by:
Atta Atia, PhD. – Manure Management Specialist