Open Text Installation Pre Requisites
Open Text Installation Pre Requisites
Open Text Installation Pre Requisites
Java RuntimeEnvironment
Download Java Runtime Environment 64 bit from the Extended ECM for SAP
Solutions installation media.
Installing Tomcat - Select Start Menu items, Documentation and Manager -> Keep 8080
as HTTP/1.1 Connector Port , rest all default and do not
enter a User Name and Password ->Choose the installation path for the Java Runtime
Environment and click Next
to start the installation.-> Keep the Destination Folder in the Choose Install
Location window and click
Install.-> Select Run Apache Tomcat in the final window and click Finish to
complete installation.
Select Start > Administration Tools > Services and check whether the serviceApache
Tomcat is started.
Right-click the service and ensure that the Startup Type is set to Automatic.
In this window, the service can also be restarted if necessary.
On the Server Configuration page, select the Service Accounts tab and specify
the following:
Service Account Name Password Startup Type
SQL Server Database Engine NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM Automatic
SQL Server Browser NT AUTHORITY\LOCAL... Disabled
Select the Collation tab. Select the Database Engine and click Customize.
Select SQL collation, used for backwards compatibility and select
SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CS_AS from the list.
On the Database Engine Configuration page, select Mixed Mode, do the following
a. On the Server Configuration tab, select Mixed Mode (SQL Server
Authentication and Windows Authentication) as Authentication Mode.
Enter and confirm the password for the sa (System Administrator) logon.
b. Specify an SQL Server Administrator: To add the user as who you are
currently logged on (Administrator), click Add Current User.
c. Click Next. -------