CPAT Reviewer - Law On Sales
CPAT Reviewer - Law On Sales
CPAT Reviewer - Law On Sales
Goods which form the subject may either The Sale it self is valid even if the thing
be: hoped or expected does not come into
1) Existing existence, unless if such hope or expectancy
2) Goods to be manufactures, raise or is in vain, such sale is VOID.
acquired by the seller
3) Things having potential existence Emptio Rei Speratae Emptio Spei
4) Sale of specific things
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Domingo, A. D. (n.d.). RFBT MCQ CPA Reviewer
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Pineda, E. L. (2010). Sales and other Special
Contracts. Central Booksupply Inc.
San Beda College of Law. (n.d.). Memory Aid in
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Soriano, F. R. (2016). Notes in Business Law (2016
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