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CS368 Web Technologies

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Course L-T-P - Year of

Course Name
code Credits Introduction
CS368 Web Technologies 3-0-0-3 2016
Prerequisite: Nil
Course Objectives
 To impart the design, development and implementation of Dynamic Web Pages.
 To develop programs for Web using Scripting Languages.
 To give an introduction to Data Interchange formats in Web.
Basics of Internet and World Wide Web, HTML and XHTML, Cascading Style Sheets,
Frameworks, Basics of JavaScript, JQuery, Introduction to XML and JSON, Overview of PHP
Expected Outcome
The student will be able to
i. Understand different components in web technology and to know about CGI and CMS.
ii. Develop interactive Web pages using HTML/XHTML.
iii. Present a professional document using Cascaded Style Sheets.
iv. Construct websites for user interactions using JavaScript and JQuery.
v. Know the different information interchange formats like XML and JSON.
vi. Develop Web applications using PHP.
Text Books
1. P. J. Deitel, H.M. Deitel, Internet &World Wide Web How To Program, 4/e, Pearson
International Edition 2010.
2. Robert W Sebesta, Programming the World Wide Web, 7/e, Pearson Education Inc., 2014.
1. Bear Bibeault and Yehuda Katz, jQuery in Action, Second Edition, Manning
Publications.[Chapter 1]
Black Book, Kogent Learning Solutions Inc. 2009.
2. Bob Boiko, Content Management Bible, 2nd Edition, Wiley Publishers. [Chapter 1, 2]
3. Chris Bates, Web Programming Building Internet Applications, 3/e, Wiley India Edition
4. Dream Tech, Web Technologies: HTML, JS, PHP, Java, JSP, ASP.NET, XML, AJAX,
5. Jeffrey C Jackson, Web Technologies A Computer Science Perspective, Pearson
Education Inc. 2009.
6. Lindsay Bassett, Introduction to JavaScript Object Notation: A To-the-Point Guide to
JSON 1st Edition, O’Reilly.[Chapter 1,2,3,4]
7. Matthew MacDonald, WordPress: The Missing Manual, 2nd Edition, O'Reilly Media.
[Chapter 1]
Web Resources
1. www.w3.org/CGI/
2. old.tree.ro/en/strategy-white-papers/content-management-systems.pdf
3. httpd.apache.org/download.cgi
4. https://alistapart.com/article/frameworks
5. http://getbootstrap.com/css/
6. https://www.w3.org/TR/WD-DOM/introduction.html
Course Plan
Module Contents Hours

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Introduction to the Internet: The World Wide Web, Web Browsers,
Web Servers, Uniform Resource Locators, Multipurpose Internet
I Mail Extensions, The Hypertext Transfer Protocol. Common 06 15%
Gateway Interface(CGI), Content Management System – Basics
Case Study: Apache Server, WordPress.
Introduction to HTML/XHTML : Origins and Evolution of HTML
and XHTML, Basic Syntax of HTML, Standard HTML Document
II Structure, Basic Text Markup, Images, Hypertext Links, 07 15%
Lists, Tables, Forms, HTML5, Syntactic Differences between HTML
and XHTML.
Introduction to Styles sheets and Frameworks
Cascading Style Sheets: Levels of Style Sheets - Style
Specification Formats, Selector Forms, Property-Value
III Forms, Font Properties, List Properties, Alignment of Text, Color, 06 15%
The Box Model, Background Images, The span and div Tags.
Frameworks: Overview and Basics of Responsive CSS Frameworks
- Bootstrap.
Introduction to JavaScript and jQuery
The Basics of JavaScript: Overview of JavaScript, Object
Orientation and JavaScript, General Syntactic Characteristics-
Primitives, Operations, and Expressions, Screen Output and
IV 07 15%
Keyboard Input, Control Statements, Object Creation and
Modification,Arrays, Functions. Callback Functions, Java
Script HTML DOM.
Introduction to jQuery: Overview and Basics.
Introduction to Data Interchange Formats
XML: The Syntax of XML, XML Document Structure, Namespaces,
XML Schemas, Displaying Raw XML Documents, Displaying XML
V 08 20%
Documents with CSS, XSLT Style Sheets, XML Applications.
JSON(Basics Only): Overview, Syntax, Datatypes, Objects, Schema,
Comparison with XML.
Introduction to PHP: Origins and Uses of PHP, Overview of PHP -
General Syntactic Characteristics - Primitives, Operations, and
VI 08 20%
Expressions - Control Statements, Arrays, Functions, Pattern
Matching, Form Handling, Cookies, Session Tracking.

It is highly recommended to give assignment based on:
1. JavaScript Frameworks (like AngularJS or/and NodeJS)
2. Any PHP web app based on frameworks(like Laravel, CodeIgniter, CakePHP, Zend

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Question Paper Pattern
1. There will be five parts in the question paper – A, B, C, D, E
2. Part A
a. Total marks : 12
b. Four questions each having 3 marks, uniformly covering modules I and II; All
four questions have to be answered.
3. Part B
a. Total marks : 18
b. Three questions each having 9 marks, uniformly covering modules I and II; Two
questions have to be answered. Each question can have a maximum of three
4. Part C
a. Total marks : 12
b. Four questions each having 3 marks, uniformly covering modules III and IV; All
four questions have to be answered.
5. Part D
a. Total marks : 18
b. Three questions each having 9 marks, uniformly covering modules III and IV;
Two questions have to be answered. Each question can have a maximum of three
6. Part E
a. Total Marks: 40
b. Six questions each carrying 10 marks, uniformly covering modules V and VI; four
questions have to be answered.
c. A question can have a maximum of three sub-parts.

For more study materials>www.ktustudents.in

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