Rule Base Model
Rule Base Model
Rule Base Model
2. Background and Related Work LIWC is well-established and has been both internally
and externally validated in a process spanning more than a
Sentiment analysis, or opinion mining, is an active area of decade of work by psychologists, sociologists, and lin-
study in the field of natural language processing that ana- guists (Pennebaker et al., 2001; Pennebaker et al., 2007).
lyzes people's opinions, sentiments, evaluations, attitudes, Its pedigree and validation make LIWC an attractive option
and emotions via the computational treatment of subjec- to researchers looking for a reliable lexicon to extract emo-
tivity in text. It is not our intention to review the entire tional or sentiment polarity from social media text. For
body of literature concerning sentiment analysis. Indeed, example, LIWC’s lexicon has been used to extract indica-
such an endeavor would not be possible within the limited tions of political sentiment from tweets (Tumasjan,
space available (such treatments are available in Liu (2012) Sprenger, Sandner, & Welpe, 2010), predict the onset of
and Pang & Lee (2008)). We do provide a brief overview depression in individuals based on text from social media
of canonical works and techniques relevant to our study. (De Choudhury, Gamon, Counts, & Horvitz, 2013), char-
acterize the emotional variability of pregnant mothers from
2.1 Sentiment Lexicons Twitter posts (De Choudhury, Counts, & Horvitz, 2013),
A substantial number of sentiment analysis approaches rely unobtrusively measure national happiness based on Face-
greatly on an underlying sentiment (or opinion) lexicon. A book status updates (Kramer, 2010), and differentiating
sentiment lexicon is a list of lexical features (e.g., words) happy romantic couples from unhappy ones based on their
which are generally labeled according to their semantic instant message communications (Hancock, Landrigan, &
orientation as either positive or negative (Liu, 2010). Man- Silver, 2007). However, as Hutto, Yardi, & Gilbert (2013)
ually creating and validating such lists of opinion-bearing point out, despite its widespread use for assessing senti-
features, while being among the most robust methods for ment in social media text, LIWC does not include consid-
generating reliable sentiment lexicons, is also one of the eration for sentiment-bearing lexical items such as acro-
most time-consuming. For this reason, much of the applied nyms, initialisms, emoticons, or slang, which are known to
research leveraging sentiment analysis relies heavily on be important for sentiment analysis of social text (Davidov,
preexisting manually constructed lexicons. Because lexi- Tsur, & Rappoport, 2010). Also, LIWC is unable to ac-
cons are so useful for sentiment analysis, we briefly pro- count for differences in the sentiment intensity of words.
vide an overview of several benchmarks. We first review For example, “The food here is exceptional” conveys more
three widely used lexicons (LIWC1, GI2, Hu-Liu043) in positive intensity than “The food here is okay”. A senti-
which words are categorized into binary classes (i.e., either ment analysis tool using LIWC would score them equally
positive or negative) according to their context free seman- (they each contain one positive term). Such distinctions are
tic orientation. We then describe three other lexicons intuitively valuable for fine-grained sentiment analysis.
(ANEW4, SentiWordNet5, and SenticNet6) in which words The General Inquirer (GI) is a text analysis application
are associated with valence scores for sentiment intensity. with one of the oldest manually constructed lexicons still
2.1.1 Semantic Orientation (Polarity-based) Lexicons in widespread use. The GI has been in development and
LIWC is text analysis software designed for studying the refinement since 1966, and is designed as a tool for content
various emotional, cognitive, structural, and process com- analysis, a technique used by social scientists, political
ponents present in text samples. LIWC uses a proprietary scientists, and psychologists for objectively identifying
dictionary of almost 4,500 words organized into one (or specified characteristics of messages (Stone et al., 1966).
more) of 76 categories, including 905 words in two catego- The lexicon contains more than 11K words classified into
ries especially related to sentiment analysis (see Table 1): one or more of 183 categories. For our purposes, we focus
on the 1,915 words labeled Positive and the 2,291 words
labeled as Negative. Like LIWC, the Harvard GI lexicon
No. of
LIWC Category Examples
Words has been widely used in several works to automatically
Positive Emotion Love, nice, good, great 406 determine sentiment properties of text (Esuli & Sebastiani,
Negative Emotion Hurt, ugly, sad, bad, worse 499 2005; Kamps, Mokken, Marx, & de Rijke, 2004; Turney &
Table 1: Example words from two of LIWC’s 76 categories. Littman, 2003). However, as with LIWC, the GI suffers
These two categories can be leveraged to construct a semantic from a lack of coverage of sentiment-relevant lexical fea-
orientation-based lexicon for sentiment analysis. tures common to social text, and it is ignorant of intensity
differences among sentiment-bearing words.
1 Hu and Liu (Hu & Liu, 2004; Liu, Hu, & Cheng, 2005)
2 maintain a publicly available lexicon of nearly 6,800 words
3 (2,006 with positive semantic orientation, and 4,783 nega-
5 tive). Their opinion lexicon was initially constructed
6 through a bootstrapping process (Hu & Liu, 2004) using
WordNet (Fellbaum, 1998), a well-known English lexical very noisy; a large majority of synsets have no positive or
database in which words are clustered into groups of syno- negative polarity. It also fails to account for sentiment-
nyms known as synsets. The Hu-Liu04 opinion lexicon has bearing lexical features relevant to text in microblogs.
evolved over the past decade, and (unlike LIWC or the GI SenticNet is a publicly available semantic and affective
lexicons) is more attuned to sentiment expressions in social resource for concept-level opinion and sentiment analysis
text and product reviews – though it still does not capture (Cambria, Havasi, & Hussain, 2012). SenticNet is con-
sentiment from emoticons or acronyms/initialisms. structed by means of sentic computing, a paradigm that
2.1.2 Sentiment Intensity (Valence-based) Lexicons exploits both AI and Semantic Web techniques to process
Many applications would benefit from being able to de- natural language opinions via an ensemble of graph-mining
termine not just the binary polarity (positive versus nega- and dimensionality-reduction techniques (Cambria, Speer,
tive), but also the strength of the sentiment expressed in Havasi, & Hussain, 2010). The SenticNet lexicon consists
text. Just how favorably or unfavorably do people feel of 14,244 common sense concepts such as wrath, adora-
about a new product, movie, or legislation bill? Analysts tion, woe, and admiration with information associated with
and researchers want (and need) to be able to recognize (among other things) the concept’s sentiment polarity, a
changes in sentiment intensity over time in order to detect numeric value on a continuous scale ranging from –1 to 1.
when rhetoric is heating up or cooling down (Wilson, We access the SenticNet polarity score using the online
Wiebe, & Hwa, 2004). It stands to reason that having a SenticNet API and a publicly available Python package8.
general lexicon with strength valences would be beneficial. 2.1.3 Lexicons and Context-Awareness
The Affective Norms for English Words (ANEW) lexi- Whether one is using binary polarity-based lexicons or
con provides a set of normative emotional ratings for 1,034 more nuanced valence-based lexicons, it is possible to im-
English words (Bradley & Lang, 1999). Unlike LIWC or prove sentiment analysis performance by understanding
GI, the words in ANEW have been ranked in terms of their deeper lexical properties (e.g., parts-of-speech) for more
pleasure, arousal, and dominance. ANEW words have an context awareness. For example, a lexicon may be further
associated sentiment valence ranging from 1-9 (with a neu- tuned according to a process of word-sense disambiguation
tral midpoint at five), such that words with valence scores (WSD) (Akkaya, Wiebe, & Mihalcea, 2009). Word-sense
less than five are considered unpleasant/negative, and those disambiguation refers to the process of identifying which
with scores greater than five are considered pleas- sense of a word is used in a sentence when the word has
ant/positive. For example, the valence for betray is 1.68, multiple meanings (i.e. its contextual meaning). For exam-
bland is 4.01, dream is 6.73, and delight is 8.26. These ple, using WSD, we can distinguish that the word catch has
valences help researchers measure the intensity of ex- negative sentiment in “At first glance the contract looks
pressed sentiment in microblogs (De Choudhury, Counts, good, but there’s a catch”, but is neutral in “The fisherman
et al., 2013; De Choudhury, Gamon, et al., 2013; Nielsen, plans to sell his catch at the market”. We use a publicly
2011) – an important dimension beyond simple binary ori- available Python package9 that performs sentiment classifi-
entations of positive and negative. Nevertheless, as with cation with word-sense disambiguation.
LIWC and GI, the ANEW lexicon is also insensitive to Despite their ubiquity for evaluating sentiment in social
common sentiment-relevant lexical features in social text. media contexts, there are generally three shortcomings of
SentiWordNet is an extension of WordNet (Fellbaum, lexicon-based sentiment analysis approaches: 1) they have
1998) in which 147,306 synsets are annotated with three trouble with coverage, often ignoring important lexical
numerical scores relating to positivity, negativity, and ob- features which are especially relevant to social text in mi-
jectivity (neutrality) (Baccianella, Esuli, & Sebastiani, croblogs, 2) some lexicons ignore general sentiment inten-
2010). Each score ranges from 0.0 to 1.0, and their sum is sity differentials for features within the lexicon, and 3)
1.0 for each synset. The scores were calculated using a acquiring a new set of (human validated gold standard)
complex mix of semi-supervised algorithms (propagation lexical features – along with their associated sentiment
methods and classifiers). It is thus not a gold standard re- valence scores – can be a very time consuming and labor
source like WordNet, LIWC, GI, or ANEW (which were intensive process. We view the current study as an oppor-
all 100% curated by humans), but it is useful for a wide tunity not only to address this gap by constructing just such
range of tasks. We interface with SentiWordNet via Py- a lexicon and providing it to the broader research commu-
thon’s Natural Language Toolkit7 (NLTK), and use the nity, but also a chance to compare its efficacy against other
difference of each sysnset’s positive and negative scores as well-established lexicons with regards to sentiment analy-
its sentiment valence to distinguish differences in the sen- sis of social media text and other domains.
timent intensity of words. The SentiWordNet lexicon is
senticnet 0.3.2 (
7 9
2.2 Machine Learning Approaches 3. Methods
Because manually creating and validating a comprehensive Our approach seeks to leverage the advantages of parsimo-
sentiment lexicon is labor and time intensive, much work nious rule-based modeling to construct a computational
has explored automated means of identifying sentiment- sentiment analysis engine that 1) works well on social me-
relevant features in text. Typical state of the art practices dia style text, yet readily generalizes to multiple domains,
incorporate machine learning approaches to “learn” the 2) requires no training data, but is constructed from a gen-
sentiment-relevant features of text. eralizable, valence-based, human-curated gold standard
The Naive Bayes (NB) classifier is a simple classifier sentiment lexicon 3) is fast enough to be used online with
that relies on Bayesian probability and the naive assump- streaming data, and 4) does not severely suffer from a
tion that feature probabilities are independent of one an- speed-performance tradeoff.
other. Maximum Entropy (MaxEnt, or ME) is a general Figure 1 provides an overview of the research process
purpose machine learning technique belonging to the class and summarizes the methods used in this study. In essence,
of exponential models using multinomial logistic regres- this paper reports on three interrelated efforts: 1) the de-
sion. Unlike NB, ME makes no conditional independence velopment and validation of a gold standard sentiment lex-
assumption between features, and thereby accounts for icon that is sensitive both the polarity and the intensity of
information entropy (feature weightings). Support Vector sentiments expressed in social media microblogs (but
Machines (SVMs) differ from both NB and ME models in which is also generally applicable to sentiment analysis in
that SVMs are non-probability classifiers which operate by other domains); 2) the identification and subsequent exper-
separating data points in space using one or more hyper- imental evaluation of generalizable rules regarding conven-
planes (centerlines of the gaps separating different classes). tional uses of grammatical and syntactical aspects of text
We use the Python-based machine learning algorithms for assessing sentiment intensity; and 3) comparing the
from for the NB, ME, SVM-Classification performance of a parsimonious lexicon and rule-based
(SVM-C) and SVM-Regression (SVM-R) models. model against other established and/or typical sentiment
Machine learning approaches are not without draw- analysis baselines. In each of these three efforts, we incor-
backs. First, they require (often extensive) training data porate an explicit human-centric approach. Specifically, we
which are, as with validated sentiment lexicons, sometimes combine qualitative analysis with empirical validation and
troublesome to acquire. Second, they depend on the train- experimental investigations leveraging the wisdom-of-the-
ing set to represent as many features as possible (which crowd (Surowiecki, 2004).
often, they do not – especially in the case of the short,
sparse text of social media). Third, they are often more
3.1 Constructing and Validating a Valence-Aware
computationally expensive in terms of CPU processing,
memory requirements, and training/classification time
Sentiment Lexicon: A Human-Centered Approach
(which restricts the ability to assess sentiment on streaming Manually creating (much less, validating) a comprehensive
data). Fourth, they often derive features “behind the sentiment lexicon is a labor intensive and sometimes error
scenes” inside of a black box that is not (easily) human- prone process, so it is no wonder that many opinion mining
interpretable and are therefore more difficult to either gen- researchers and practitioners rely so heavily on existing
eralize, modify, or extend (e.g., to other domains). lexicons as primary resources. There is, of course, a great
deal of overlap in the vocabulary covered by such lexicons; 3.1.1 Screening, Training, Selecting, and Data Quality
however, there are also numerous items unique to each. Checking Crowd-Sourced Evaluations and Validations
We begin by constructing a list inspired by examining Previous linguistic rating experiments using a WotC ap-
existing well-established sentiment word-banks (LIWC, proach on AMT have shown to be reliable – sometimes
ANEW, and GI). To this, we next incorporate numerous even outperforming expert raters (Snow, O’Connor, Juraf-
lexical features common to sentiment expression in mi- sky, & Ng, 2008). On the other hand, prior work has also
croblogs, including a full list of Western-style emoticons10 advised on methods to reduce the amount of noise from
(for example, “:-)” denotes a “smiley face” and generally AMT workers who may produce poor quality work
indicates positive sentiment), sentiment-related acronyms (Downs, Holbrook, Sheng, & Cranor, 2010; Kittur, Chi, &
and initialisms11 (e.g., LOL and WTF are both sentiment- Suh, 2008). We therefore implemented four quality control
laden initialisms), and commonly used slang12 with senti- processes to help ensure we received meaningful data from
ment value (e.g., “nah”, “meh” and “giggly”). This process our AMT raters.
provided us with over 9,000 lexical feature candidates. First, every rater was prescreened for English language
Next, we assessed the general applicability of each fea- reading comprehension – each rater had to individually
ture candidate to sentiment expressions. We used a wis- score an 80% or higher on a standardized college-level
dom-of-the-crowd13 (WotC) approach (Surowiecki, 2004) reading comprehension test.
to acquire a valid point estimate for the sentiment valence Second, every prescreened rater then had to complete an
(intensity) of each context-free candidate feature. We col- online sentiment rating training and orientation session,
lected intensity ratings on each of our candidate lexical and score 90% or higher for matching the known (pre-
features from ten independent human raters (for a total of validated) mean sentiment rating of lexical items which
90,000+ ratings). Features were rated on a scale from “[–4] included individual words, emoticons, acronyms, sentenc-
Extremely Negative” to “[4] Extremely Positive”, with es, tweets, and text snippets (e.g., sentence segments, or
allowance for “[0] Neutral (or Neither, N/A)”. Ratings phrases). The user interface employed during the sentiment
were obtained using Amazon Mechanical Turk (AMT), a training (Figure 2) always matched the specific sentiment
micro-labor website where workers perform minor tasks in rating tasks discussed in this paper. The training helped to
exchange for a small amount of money (see subsection ensure consistency in the rating rubric used by each inde-
3.1.1 for details on how we were able to consistently obtain pendent rater.
high quality, generalizable results from AMT workers). Third, every batch of 25 features contained five “golden
Figure 2 illustrates the user interface implemented for ac- items” with a known (pre-validated) sentiment rating dis-
quiring valid point estimates of sentiment intensity for each tribution. If a worker was more than one standard deviation
context-free candidate feature comprising the VADER away from the mean of this known distribution on three or
sentiment lexicon. (A similar UI was leveraged for all of more of the five golden items, we discarded all 25 ratings
the evaluation and validation activities described in subsec- in the batch from this worker.
tions 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, and 3.4.) We kept every lexical feature Finally, we implemented a bonus program to incentivize
that had a non-zero mean rating, and whose standard devia- and reward the highest quality work. For example, we
tion was less than 2.5 as determined by the aggregate of ten asked workers to select the valence score that they thought
independent raters. This left us with just over 7,500 lexical “most other people” would choose for the given lexical
features with validated valence scores that indicated both feature (early/iterative pilot testing revealed that wording
the sentiment polarity (positive/negative), and the senti- the instructions in this manner garnered a much tighter
ment intensity on a scale from –4 to +4. For example, the standard deviation without significantly affecting the mean
word “okay” has a positive valence of 0.9, “good” is 1.9, sentiment rating, allowing us to achieve higher quality
and “great” is 3.1, whereas “horrible” is –2.5, the frowning (generalized) results while being more economical).
emoticon “:(” is –2.2, and “sucks” and “sux” are both –1.5. We compensated AMT workers $0.25 for each batch of
This gold standard list of features, with associated valence 25 items they rated, with an additional $0.25 incentive bo-
for each feature, comprises VADER’s sentiment lexicon, nus for all workers who successfully matched the group
and is available for download from our website 14. mean (within 1.5 standard deviations) on at least 20 of 25
responses in each batch. Using these four quality control
10 methods, we achieved remarkable value in the data ob-
11 tained from our AMT workers – we paid incentive bonuses
13 for high quality to at least 90% of raters for most batches.
Wisdom-of-the-crowd is the process of incorporating aggregated opinions
from a collection of individuals to answer a question. The process has been found
to be as good as (often better than) estimates from lone individuals, even experts.
Figure 2: Example of the interface implemented for acquiring valid point estimates of sentiment valence (intensity) for each context-free
candidate feature comprising the VADER sentiment lexicon. A similar UI was used for all rating activities described in sections 3.1-3.4.
3.2 Identifying Generalizable Heuristics Humans entation. For example, “The food here is GREAT!” con-
Use to Assess Sentiment Intensity in Text veys more intensity than “The food here is great!”
3. Degree modifiers (also called intensifiers, booster
We next analyze a purposeful sample of 400 positive and
words, or degree adverbs) impact sentiment intensity
400 negative social media text snippets (tweets). We se-
by either increasing or decreasing the intensity. For ex-
lected this sample from a larger initial set of 10K random
ample, “The service here is extremely good” is more in-
tweets pulled from Twitter’s public timeline based on their
tense than “The service here is good”, whereas “The
sentiment scores using the Pattern.en sentiment analysis
service here is marginally good” reduces the intensity.
engine15 (they were the top 400 most positive and negative
4. The contrastive conjunction “but” signals a shift in sen-
tweets in the set). Pattern is a web mining module for Py-
timent polarity, with the sentiment of the text following
thon, and the Pattern.en module is a natural language pro-
the conjunction being dominant. “The food here is
cessing (NLP) toolkit (De Smedt & Daelemans, 2012) that
great, but the service is horrible” has mixed sentiment,
leverages WordNet to score sentiment according to the
with the latter half dictating the overall rating.
English adjectives used in the text.
5. By examining the tri-gram preceding a sentiment-laden
Next, two human experts individually scrutinized all 800
lexical feature, we catch nearly 90% of cases where ne-
tweets, and independently scored their sentiment intensity
gation flips the polarity of the text. A negated sentence
on a scale from –4 to +4. Following a data-driven inductive
would be “The food here isn’t really all that great”.
coding technique similar to the Grounded Theory approach
(Strauss & Corbin, 1998), we next used qualitative analysis
techniques to identify properties and characteristics of the 3.3 Controlled Experiments to Evaluate Impact of
text which affect the perceived sentiment intensity of the Grammatical and Syntactical Heuristics
text. This deep qualitative analysis resulted in isolating five Using the general heuristics we just identified, we next
generalizable heuristics based on grammatical and syntac- selected 30 baseline tweets and manufactured six to ten
tical cues to convey changes to sentiment intensity. Im- variations of the exact same text, controlling the specific
portantly, these heuristics go beyond what would normally grammatical or syntactical feature that is presented as an
be captured in a typical bag-of-words model. They incor- independent variable in a small experiment. With all of the
porate word-order sensitive relationships between terms: variations, we end up with 200 contrived tweets, which we
1. Punctuation, namely the exclamation point (!), increas- then randomly insert into a new set of 800 tweets similar to
es the magnitude of the intensity without modifying the those used during our qualitative analysis. We next asked
semantic orientation. For example, “The food here is 30 independent AMT workers to rate the sentiment intensi-
good!!!” is more intense than “The food here is good.” ty of all 1000 tweets to assess the impact of these features
2. Capitalization, specifically using ALL-CAPS to empha- on perceived sentiment intensity. (AMT workers were all
size a sentiment-relevant word in the presence of other screened, trained, and data quality checked as described in
non-capitalized words, increases the magnitude of the subsection 3.1.1). Table 2 illustrates some examples of
sentiment intensity without affecting the semantic ori- contrived variations on a given baseline:
Test Condition Example Text posting), plus 200 contrived tweets that specifically test
Baseline Yay. Another good phone interview. syntactical and grammatical conventions of conveying
Punctuation1 Yay! Another good phone interview! differences in sentiment intensity.
Punctuation1 + 2. Movie reviews: includes 10,605 sentence-level snippets
Yay! Another extremely good phone interview!
Degree Mod. from The snippets were derived
Punctuation2 Yay!! Another good phone interview!! from an original set of 2000 movie reviews (1000 posi-
Capitalization YAY. Another GOOD phone interview.
tive and 1000 negative) in Pang & Lee (2004); we used
Punct1 + Cap. YAY! Another GOOD phone interview!
the NLTK tokenizer to segment the reviews into sen-
Punct2 + Cap. YAY!! Another GOOD phone interview!!
tence phrases, and added sentiment intensity ratings.
Punct3 + Cap. YAY!!! Another GOOD phone interview!!!
3. Technical product reviews: includes 3,708 sentence-
Punct3 + Cap. + YAY!!! Another EXTREMELY GOOD phone in-
Degree Mod. terview!!! level snippets from 309 customer reviews on 5 different
Table 2: Example of baseline text with eight test conditions com- products. The reviews were originally used in Hu & Liu
prised of grammatical and syntactical variations. (2004); we added sentiment intensity ratings.
4. Opinion news articles: includes 5,190 sentence-level
Table 3 shows the t-test statistic, p-value, mean of differ- snippets from 500 New York Times opinion editorials.
ences for rank ordered data points between each distribu-
tion, and 95% confidence intervals:
4. Results
Test Condition t p Diff. 95% C.I.
Punctuation (. vs !) 19.02 < 2.2e-16 0.291 0.261 - 0.322 In order to evaluate our results directly against the broader
Punctuation (! vs !!) 16.53 2.7e-16 0.215 0.188 - 0.241 body of literature, we assess both a) the correlation of
Punctuation (!! vs !!!) 14.07 1.7e-14 0.208 0.178 - 0.239 computed raw sentiment intensity rating to gold standard
All CAPS (w/o vs w) 28.95 < 2.2e-16 0.733 0.682 - 0.784 ground truth, i.e., the mean sentiment rating from 20 pre-
Deg. Mod. (w/o vs w) 9.01 6.7e-10 0.293 0.227 - 0.360 screened and appropriately trained human raters, as well as
Table 3: Statistics associated with grammatical and syntactical b) the multiclass (positive, negative, neutral) classification
cues for expressing sentiment intensity. Differences in means metrics of precision, recall, and F1 score. In statistical
were all statistically significant beyond the 0.001 level. analysis of classifier performance, precision is the number
of true classifications (i.e. the number of items labeled as a
We incorporated the mean differences between each distri- particular class that match the known gold standard classi-
bution into VADER’s rule-based model. For example, fication) divided by the total number of elements labeled as
from Table 3, we see that for 95% of the data, using an that class (including both correct and incorrect classifica-
exclamation point (relative to a period or no punctuation at tions). Recall is the number of true classifications divided
all) increased the intensity by 0.261 to 0.322, with a mean by the total number of elements that are known to belong
difference of 0.291 on a rating scale from 1 to 4 (we use to the class; low recall is an indication that known elements
absolute value scale here for simplicity, because it did not of a class were missed. The F1 score is the harmonic mean
matter whether the text was positive or negative, using an of precision and recall, and represents the overall accuracy.
exclamation made it equally more extreme in either case). We compared the VADER sentiment lexicon to seven
We incorporated consideration for rule 4 by splitting the other well-established sentiment analysis lexicons: Lin-
text into segments around the contrastive conjunction guistic Inquiry Word Count (LIWC), General Inquirer
“but”, and diminished the total sentiment intensity of the (GI), Affective Norms for English Words (ANEW), Sen-
text preceding the conjunction by 50% while increasing the tiWordNet (SWN), SenticNet (SCN), Word-Sense Disam-
sentiment intensity of the post-conjunction text by 50%. biguation (WSD) using WordNet, and the Hu-Liu04 opin-
ion lexicon. For fairness to each lexicon, all comparisons
3.4 Ground Truth in Multiple Domain Contexts utilized VADER’s rule-based model for processing syntac-
We next obtained gold standard (human-validated) ground tical and grammatical cues – the only difference were the
truth regarding sentiment intensity on corpora representing features represented within the actual lexicons themselves.
four distinct domain contexts. For this purpose, we recruit- As Figure 3 and Table 4 both show, the VADER lexicon
ed 20 independent human raters from AMT (raters were all performs exceptionally well in the social media domain,
screened, trained, and data quality checked consistent with and generalizes favorably. The Pearson Product Moment
the process described in subsection 3.1.1 and Figure 2). All Correlation Coefficient shows that VADER (r = 0.881)
four sentiment-intensity annotated corpora are available for performs as well as individual human raters (r = 0.888) at
download from our website14: matching ground truth (aggregated group mean from 20
1. Social media text: includes 4,000 tweets pulled from human raters for sentiment intensity of each tweet). Sur-
Twitter’s public timeline (with varied times and days of prisingly, when we further inspect the classification
Figure 3: Sentiment scores from VADER and 11 other highly regarded sentiment analysis tools/techniques on a corpus of over 4K tweets.
Although this figure specifically portrays correlation, it also helps to visually depict (and contrast) VADER’s classification precision, re-
call, and F1 accuracy within this domain (see Table 4). Each subplot can be roughly considered as having four quadrants: true negatives
(lower left), true positives (upper right), false negatives (upper left), and false positives (lower right).
Table 4: VADER 3-class classification performance as compared to individual human raters and 7 established lexicon baselines across
four distinct domain contexts (clockwise from upper left: tweets, movie reviews, product reviews, opinion news articles).
accuracy (with classification thresholds set at –0.05 and the lexicon or ML model that was used. That is, when we
+0.05 for all normalized sentiment scores between -1 and fairly apply the rules to all lexicons and ML algorithms, we
1), we can see that VADER (F1 = 0.96) actually outper- achieve better correlation coefficients (mean r increase of
forms even individual human raters (F1 = 0.84) at correctly 5.2%) and better accuracies (mean F1 increase of 2.1%).
classifying the sentiment of tweets. Notice how the LIWC, Consistent with prior work (Agarwal, Xie, Vovsha, Ram-
GI, ANEW, and Hu-liu04 results in Figure 3 show a con- bow, & Passonneau, 2011; Davidov et al., 2010; Shastri,
centration of tweets incorrectly classified as neutral. Pre- Parvathy, Kumar, Wesley, & Balakrishnan, 2010), we find
sumably, this is due to lack of coverage for the sentiment- that grammatical features (conventions of use for punctua-
oriented language of social media text, which is often ex- tion and capitalization) and consideration for degree modi-
fiers like “very” or “extremely” prove to be useful cues for
pressed using emoticons, slang, or abbreviated text such as
distinguishing differences in sentiment intensity. Other
acronyms and initialisms.
syntactical considerations identified via qualitative analysis
The lexicons for the machine learning algorithms were
(negation, degree modifiers, and contrastive conjunctions)
all constructed by training those models on half the data
also help make VADER successful, and is consistent with
(again, incorporating all rules), with the other half being
prior work (Agarwal et al., 2011; Ding, Liu, & Yu, 2008;
held out for testing. While some algorithms performed
Lu, Castellanos, Dayal, & Zhai, 2011; Socher et al., 2013).
decently on test data from the specific domain for which it
was expressly trained, they do not significantly outstrip the
simple model we use. Indeed, in three out of four cases, 5. Discussion
VADER performs as well or better across domains than
the machine learning approaches do in the same domain Recent work by Socher et. al (2013) does an excellent job
for which they were trained. Table 5 explicitly shows this, of summarizing (and pushing) the current state of the art
and also highlights another advantage of VADER – its for fine-grained sentence-level sentiment analysis by su-
simplicity makes it computationally efficient, unlike some pervised machine learning models. As part of their excel-
SVM models, which were unable to fully process the data lent work using recursive deep models for assessing se-
from the larger corpora (movie reviews and NYT editori- mantic compositionality over a sentiment tree bank, they
als) even on a multicore system with large RAM: report that the state-of-the-art regarding accuracy for sim-
ple binary (positive/negative) classification on single sen-
tences is around 80%, and that for the more difficult mul-
ticlass case that includes a third (neutral) class, accuracies
tend to hover in the 60% range for social media text (c.f.
Agarwal et. al, (2011); Wang et. al (2012)). We find it very
encouraging, therefore, to report that the results from
VADER’s simple rule-based approach are on par with such
sophisticated benchmarks. However, when compared to
sophisticated machine learning techniques, the simplicity
of VADER carries several advantages. First, it is both
quick and computationally economical without sacrificing
accuracy. Running directly from a standard modern laptop
computer with typical, moderate specifications (e.g., 3GHz
processor and 6GB RAM), a corpus that takes a fraction of
a second to analyze with VADER can take hours when
using more complex models like SVM (if training is re-
quired) or tens of minutes if the model has been previously
Table 5: Three-class accuracy (F1 scores) for each machine trained. Second, the lexicon and rules used by VADER are
trained model (and the corpus it was trained on) as tested against directly accessible, not hidden within a machine-access-
every other domain context (SVM models for the movie and NYT only black-box. VADER is therefore easily inspected, un-
data were too intensive for our multicore CPUs with 94GB RAM) derstood, extended or modified. By exposing both the lexi-
con and rule-based model, VADER makes the inner work-
As discussed in subsections 3.2 and 3.3, we identified ings of the sentiment analysis engine more accessible (and
and quantified the impact of several generalizable heuris- thus, more interpretable) to a broader human audience be-
tics that humans use when distinguishing between degrees yond the computer science community. Sociologists, psy-
of sentiment intensity. By incorporating these heuristics chologists, marketing researchers, or linguists who are
into VADER’s rule-based model, we drastically improved comfortable using LIWC should also be able to use
both the correlation to ground truth as well as the classifi- VADER. Third, by utilizing a general (human-validated)
cation accuracy of the sentiment analysis engine. Im- sentiment lexicon and general rules related to grammar and
portantly, these improvements are realized independent of
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tion approach. In Proc. WWW-11.
ed sentiment analysis tools. Our results highlight the gains
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