Sika Waterbars: Flexible PVC Waterstops
Sika Waterbars: Flexible PVC Waterstops
Sika Waterbars: Flexible PVC Waterstops
Edition 2016-07_1
Sika Waterbars
Sika® Waterbars
Flexible PVC waterstops
Product Flexible PVC waterstops used to seal construction and expansion joints in concrete
structures. Sika Waterbars are available in different sizes and types, depending
Description on their use.
Uses Sika Waterbars are used to seal construction and expansion joints:
In water retaining structures such as reservoirs, water towers, dams, spillways,
canals, swimming pools, sewage tanks, etc.
To keep water out of concrete structures such as basements, underground car
parks, tunnels, subways, retaining walls, etc.
Approval / Standards Sika Waterbars conform to the requirements of BS 2571.
Product Data
Colour Yellow
Packaging 20 m rolls
Storage Conditions / 5 years from the date of production if stored properly in original, unopened and
Shelf Life undamaged sealed packaging in dry conditions at temperatures between +10°C
and +25°C. Protect from direct sunlight.
Technical Data
Type Polyvinyl Chloride
Thermal Stability 70 minimum (Congo Red Test at +180°C) (BS 2782: 130A)
Chemical Resistance Permanent Water, seawater and sewage
Temporary Diluted inorganic alkalis, mineral acids and mineral oils
Sika -Waterbar Profiles
Profiles Width, Roll Normal
mm Length, Thickness,
Uses Types (± 5 mm) m mm (± 10%)
Centrally Placed Waterbars: Installation in the center of concrete structures
Joint Finishing Types: Installed by pushing onto the formwork board or onto joint lining
FA 3-10 3/10 10 ~5
FA 3-14 3/14 10 ~5
Special Corner and End A wide range of standardised prefabricated junction pieces are also available
Places allowing easy site welding of butt joints to Sika Waterbars junction pieces.
Customised pieces can be made available. In such cases, drawings must be
provided giving exact dimensions and jointing details.
Sika recommends the use of its specialised welding equipment for on-site welding
which consists of thermostatically-controlled welding blades and special welding jigs
(each type of Waterbar requires its own welding jig to suit the particular shape).
Application Details
Placing of Waterbars Placing is executed in accordance with the engineer’s drawings on which the
waterbar profile and the position required are marked. Level differences, bends,
junctions, etc. should be carefully considered before placing. The use of factory
produced junction pieces are encouraged so that on-site welding is reduced to only
simple butt joints, thereby minimising joint failure. Sika Waterbars are placed
continuously, thereby maintaining an integral sealing network.
Placing the Concrete Sika Waterbars provide an effective and thorough means of waterproofing.
However, care must be taken to ensure that concrete is well placed and compacted
around the waterbar area.
The Sika Waterbars perform only if both sides are well embedded in the concrete.
The accumulation of coarse aggregates (honeycombs) should be avoided around
the waterbars. Only dense, well compacted concrete can ensure proper sealing
between the concrete and Sika Waterbars.
Placing of fresh concrete near the Sika Waterbars requires care or it may be
forced from its position by pressure of the fresh concrete. To prevent this, the same
concrete pressure must be present on both sides of the waterbar during placing.
The consistency of the concrete itself should be neither too plastic nor too stiff and
the aggregate must be well graded. Vibration should be executed with care.
Concreting the Second The concrete around the waterbar should be thoroughly checked for honeycombing
Stage on the stopends and repaired if necessary. The waterbar must be cleaned of all
hardened concrete remnants adhering from the first concrete stage. The same
precautions highlighted above should also be observed during second stage
Application Instructions
Waterbar Selection The selection of a suitable waterbar is governed by the type of joint, location of
waterbar, concrete thickness, grade or concrete, reinforcement position, expected
movement (expansion/shear) as well as waterhead/pressure to which it is to be
exposed to.
However, a simple rule-of-thumb for selection is as follows:
Up to 250 mm thick slab/wall:
Waterbar width should be equal to or approximating to the slab/wall thickness,
example for slabs 200 mm thick, select 200 mm waterbar size.
Above 250 mm thick slab/wall:
Select largest waterbar size.
Depending on the requirements by the engineer, 2 layers of waterbars may be
required for high water pressure and/or deep section.
Stripping Removal of the formwork around waterbars must be done with care.
Cleaning of Tools Clean all tools and application equipment with water immediately after use.
Hardened and/or cured material can only be mechanically removed.
Typical Detailing of
Sika Waterbars
Split Formwork With Figure 1 The “O” Profile Sika Waterbars may also be used in
Sika Waterbars “O” conjunction with split formwork. However care should be
Profiles taken to ensure that the “O” ring is not squashed flat
between the two forms. This method of installation
increases the capacity of the Sika Waterbars to
accommodate expansion.
Split Formwork With The “V” Profile Sika Waterbars is fitted into the split
Sika Waterbars “V” formwork or shuttering for casting centrally into the
Profiles stopends. It is used for construction joints and movement
joints where nominal movement is anticipated, such as
Figure 2 basement or retaining walls.
Surface Waterbars Surface Sika Waterbars are for installing into the face of
Using “AR” Profiles the concrete structures. They are used for construction
joints with slight to medium water pressure and are fixed on
the water side of the concrete wall or floor by attaching it
Figure 3 temporarily to the formwork during concrete placement. The
protruding ribs become cast into the concrete to provide an
excellent watertight seal while at the same time securely
anchoring the Sika Waterbars to the structure.
Health and Safety For information and advice on the safe handling, storage and disposal of chemical
products, users shall refer to the most recent Material Safety Data Sheet (available
Information upon request) containing physical, ecological, toxicological and other safety-related
Legal Note The information, and, in particular, the recommendations relating to the application
and end-use of Sika products, are given in good faith based on Sika's current
knowledge and experience of the products when properly stored, handled and
applied under normal conditions in accordance with Sika’s recommendations. In
practice, the differences in materials, substrates and actual site conditions are such
that no warranty in respect of merchantability or of fitness for a particular purpose,
nor any liability arising out of any legal relationship whatsoever, can be inferred
either from this information, or from any written recommendations, or from any other
advice offered. The user of the product must test the product’s suitability for the
intended application and purpose. Sika reserves the right to change the properties
of its products. The proprietary rights of third parties must be observed. All orders
are accepted subject to our current terms of sale and delivery. Users must always
refer to the most recent issue of the local Product Data Sheet for the product
concerned, copies of which will be supplied on request.