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Fbi F&D

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(b) (4)

(b) (4)


(b) (4)
(b) (4)
(b) (4)

(b) (4)


(b) (6)
RFP Language on Government’s Rights
Section B.3.4 states “The Government will not bear any expenses associated with the
Offeror’s preparation of their proposals.”

Section C.2.1 states “The Government reserves the right to reject all proposals if doing
so is determined to be in the best interest of the Government.”

Section C.2.2 states “Any proposal, including an initial proposal, that offers a value for
the JEH Credit that the Government, in its sole discretion, does not consider to be fair
and reasonable, may result in the entirety of the offeror’s proposal being rejected
without further consideration.”

Section D.1.e.2 states “The Government may reject any or all proposals if such action is
in the Government’s interest.”

Section B.3.1 states “Award of the Contract shall be subject to the availability of
appropriated funds, and the Government shall incur no obligation under this RFP in
advance of such time as funds are made available or appropriate funding authority is
made available to the Contracting Officer for the purpose of Contract award.”

RFP Language on Fact-Track Schedule

Section C. states “The Government envisions and welcomes a fast-track design-
build approach and will consider partial plan submittals and parallel activities within and
across project phases, subject to the limitation of Section B.3.1. In evaluating the project
schedule, the Government will consider (i) the total duration of the schedule, with a
shorter duration preferred; (ii) the duration of the on-site construction period, with a
shorter duration preferred; and (iii) whether the schedule incorporates early phased
mission deployment, but only to the extent that such phasing reduces schedule

Developer RFI Question 37

Q: Section B.3.1 states that each phase of the work pursuant to the Contract shall be
subject to availability of appropriated funds. The delay in appropriation of funds could
delay the completion of the overall project and the date by which the JEH would be
transferred to the Offeror. How will the Government account for potential increases in
costs or reductions in value if the project is delayed due to delays in approval of

R: The contractor may recover for compensable delays through the equitable
adjustment process.

Developer RFI Question 117

Q: Appropriations - What happens if the Government contribution has been exhausted,
the Exchange value has been exhausted, and the project is not complete because of
Government delay or changes to the project? Will the Government require additional

appropriations to cover such costs? What if they are not obtained? Will the Government
commit to using best efforts to obtain necessary appropriations?

R: It is the Government's intent to seek and obtain all necessary appropriations.

Developer RFI Question 114

Q: Substantial Completion - Section I.B(2), III.A - It appears that Developer must
propose a final, binding Substantial Completion date for the entire project during the
Concept Design Phase. If the date is missed, Developer is in default and subject to
significant liquidated damages. The Government has suggested that Developer is
protected by the “excusable delay” provisions of the FAR and that Developer can
request equitable adjustments for “compensable delay.” However, the DBEA also states
that schedule extensions may be granted or withheld in the Government’s sole
discretion. Given this language, it would be helpful if the Government could confirm the
following: (i) Government delay can result in both an extension of the schedule (thereby
forestalling liquidated damages) and an equitable adjustment of the JEH value
(reflecting the increased carry costs for Developer and the time value of money);
(ii) Delays from failures of Congress to appropriate funds will constitute Government
delay; and (iii) Repeated or excessively protracted design reviews will constitute
Government delay.

R: (i) Government caused delays, without any developer concurrent delays, shall be
resolved at time of impact per the terms of the contract and time extensions would not
subject the Developer to LDs. Subject to a pending amendment, the Bid sheet will
identify a bid cost for delays for three periods over the contract duration as follows: 1)
Design phase; 2) construction phase; 3) Post substantial completion. Equitable
adjustments of the JEH value are not anticipated.

(ii) The Contract is subject to availability of funds and bound by the Antideficiency Act;
limited notices to proceed will be issued for funds available. The Government has no
requirement to issue NTP prior to funding. Failure of Congress to appropriate funds is
not anticipated to constitute Government delay. The contracting officer would not issue
a partial notice to proceed unless such NTP was in accordance with the DBEA.

(iii) Design reviews by the government are identified in the RFP. Design submission
requirements are identified on P-100 and the Developer shall provide their design
quality review program to address their quality control measure to mitigate design
deficiencies with each submission. The developer may elect to hold on-board reviews or
presentations of each submission with the reviewers to minimize time for large or
complex design submissions. If Developer requests and the CO approves a fast track
design, the design review performance periods shall be scheduled to avoid federal
holidays and overlapping review periods for submissions. The Government intends to
review and approve design deliverables in accordance with the DBEA.

Specific Developer Final Proposal Revision Language
Peterson's proposal states..."Another area in which we will need to closely coordinate
with the Government is regarding funding. The fast track approach assumes funding is
available to support the start of construction activities. In an effort to support this our
team will prepare an anticipated cash flow analysis based upon our schedule for
Government review and coordination. Adjustments may need to be made to the
schedule to ensure that fiscal year appropriations match anticipated cash flow needs,
particularly with the complex nature of the transactions associated with this project."

FCDP's proposal states..."We heeded the comments about schedule and worked hard
with the design and construction teams to take a year off of the schedule. This was
primarily accomplished by finding ways to overlap the design and construction
schedules and to start design earlier."

GSA Obligations to Date

To date GSA has obligated $20.526 Million for the FBI project. Of that, $9.0 Million is
from the FY16 BA51 appropriation ($75M) for program management support. “Sunk
costs” are approximately $10 Million.

Folder: GSA-2017-001369-Pull2_mary.gibert@gsa.gov_0

Subject: FBI F&D

Date: Mon, 10 Jul 2017 15:38:44 -0400
From: Aaron Hassinger - WPIA <aaron.hassinger@gsa.gov>
To: Michael Gelber - PD <michael.gelber@gsa.gov>
Cc: Mary Gibert - AD <mary.gibert@gsa.gov>, Shapour Ebadi <shapour.ebadi@gsa.gov>
Message-ID: <CAFWj2MpUOeoVtfqqTdBY-rthf=rq_VtrV0CXvG=-w+Mbx37S1g@mail.gmail.com>
MD5: 0185281a6ffcf1e673017f772f921914
Attachments: 7.10.17_EXECUTED VERSION_FBI HQ_F and D.pdf


The FBI F&D has been executed. Attached for your reference.




Aaron D. Hassinger, LEED AP

Project Executive
Office of Design and Construction
Public Buildings Service
National Capital Region 
U.S. General Services Administration
301 7th Street, SW, Room 7512
Washington, DC 20407
202-208-0382 (office)

Page #1
Folder: GSA-2017-001369-Pull2_mary.gibert@gsa.gov_0

Subject: FBI Headquarters Consolidation Project: Evaluation of Exchange Impacts Documents

Date: Fri, 28 Apr 2017 10:48:52 -0400
From: Aaron Hassinger - WPIA <aaron.hassinger@gsa.gov>
To: Dean Smith <dean.smith@gsa.gov>
Cc: Michael Gelber - PD <michael.gelber@gsa.gov>, Mary Gibert - AD
<mary.gibert@gsa.gov>, Shapour Ebadi <shapour.ebadi@gsa.gov>, Joanna Rosato - 3P
Message-ID: <CAFWj2MpVgoy4GWJe_EnkOU0+PfGtYhL7QqpLvA32NV1rS0H8Jg@mail.gmail.com>
MD5: 8ab0be3085469c6c3efa4beb710c4f5d
Attachments: (b)(5) ; (b)(5)

Good Morning Dean,

Per Michael's direction, I am sending you the FBI Headquarters Consolidation Project: Evaluation of
Exchange Impacts documents for your review and comment. Please let me know if you have any
questions. We look forward to your feedback.



Attached files:



Aaron D. Hassinger, LEED AP

Project Executive
Office of Design and Construction
Public Buildings Service
National Capital Region 
U.S. General Services Administration
301 7th Street, SW, Room 7512
Washington, DC 20407
202-208-0382 (office)

Page #1
FBI Headquarters Consolidation Procurement: Executive Questions & Responses

Question # 1: Site Selection within Current Procurement Format (Could a site be selected and then request
BAFO's from developers on a single site?)

Response #1: A change of this magnitude would be quite complicated, would require significant rework
and an amendment to the RFP. A large change such as this could greatly increase the risk of protest. The
CO was consulted, and her determination was that this change could be substantial enough to require
cancellation per FAR 15.206 (e).

FAR § 15.206(e): If, in the judgment of the contracting officer, based on market research or otherwise, an
amendment proposed for issuance after offers have been received is so substantial as to exceed what
prospective offerors reasonably could have anticipated, so that additional sources likely would have
submitted offers had the substance of the amendment been known to them, the contracting officer shall
cancel the original solicitation and issue a new one, regardless of the stage of the acquisition.

Question #2: Would Significantly Reducing the Scope/Cost of the New Facility Increase Competition?

Response #2: The scope of the FBI Program of Requirements (POR) is driven by the FBI’s mission and
composed of FBI personnel and square footage requirements. While the program will undergo robust
value engineering for the ultimately selected site during the design phase, a straight scope reduction prior
to award is not value engineering. An across the board scope reduction of personnel and/or square footage
during the ongoing procurement would be subject to FAR § 15.206(e). Generally, changes of this nature are
limited to a maximum of approximately 10% (b)(5) . A reduction of this magnitude would likely
necessitate a full review and revision to the FBI’s POR.

The exchange and the financial qualifications to be considered under the exchange will remain to be
significant factors for competing teams. If scope was reduced but most of the other parameters stayed in
place some of the teams that didn't make the original short list may become viable competitors. However,
any reevaluation of shortlisted teams would initiate a re-procurement. Initially we had ( development
teams and short listed(b With a smaller scope there may be an uptick in competition at the GC/AE
) )
subcontract level (again only if re-procured), but this would still be a very large effort even
( if the scope
were cut in half. The CO) was consulted, and referenced FAR 15.206 (e). Additional specific 5 information
would be required to make a determination on the impact of such a change on the procurement.)

Question #3: Is JEH Sale/Lease Back Approach Executable within the Current Procurement?

Response #3: A JEH Sale/Lease back does not fit into the current procurement, cancellation would likely be

PBS P 4065.1 Page 8: Title to the GSA property cannot be conveyed to the PSEO until the services required to
be delivered under the exchange agreement are completed and accepted by GSA. Page 9: c. The exchange of
GSA’s property will only occur after the PSEO completes the required construction services to the satisfaction
of GSA. Note: Page 3: This guidance is for Section 412 exchanges, no such guidance exists for Section 581

For Official Use Only 5/23/2017

Folder: GSA-2017-001369-Pull2_mary.gibert@gsa.gov_0

Subject: Fwd: FBI HQ Q and A's

Date: Tue, 30 May 2017 17:48:40 -0400
From: Mary Gibert - WP <mary.gibert@gsa.gov>
To: Anthony Costa <tony.costa@gsa.gov>
Cc: Mary Gibert - WPT <mary.gibert@gsa.gov>
Message-ID: <CAOH3n2uNbZJE1yJT0nes9ewLOY9Pe=e1LLHSvUkuotxGPFqVbA@mail.gmail.com>
MD5: 62d25995a1297e5ca4f4523bcbaf35e0
Attachments: FBI HQ Executive Q and As R2 5-23-17.docx

FYI - 

Provided to Michael and Joanna - was leaving to them to provide to you.


---------- Forwarded message ----------

From: Mary Gibert - WP <mary.gibert@gsa.gov>
Date: Tue, May 23, 2017 at 11:21 AM
Subject: Fwd: FBI HQ Q and A's
To: Michael Gelber - PD <michael.gelber@gsa.gov>, Joanna Rosato - 3P <joanna.rosato@gsa.gov>
Cc: Mary Gibert - WPT <mary.gibert@gsa.gov>, Shapour Ebadi <shapour.ebadi@gsa.gov>

Michael and Joanna:

Responses to questions per our last meeting.

Available to discuss.


---------- Forwarded message ----------

From: Aaron Hassinger - WPIA <aaron.hassinger@gsa.gov>
Date: Tue, May 23, 2017 at 9:07 AM
Subject: FBI HQ Q and A's
To: Mary Gibert - AD <mary.gibert@gsa.gov>
Cc: Shapour Ebadi <shapour.ebadi@gsa.gov>, "Stephen L. Schwartz" <stephen.schwartz@gsa.gov>


Per your request. See attached questions and answers.




Page #1
Folder: GSA-2017-001369-Pull2_mary.gibert@gsa.gov_0

Aaron D. Hassinger, LEED AP

Project Executive
Office of Design and Construction
Public Buildings Service
National Capital Region 
U.S. General Services Administration
301 7th Street, SW, Room 7512
Washington, DC 20407
(b)(6) )
202-208-0382 (office)


Mary D. Gibert
PBS Regional Commissioner, National Capital Region (NCR)
General Services Administration
301 7th St, SW
Room 1075
Washington DC 20407
202-690-9201 (central line)


Mary D. Gibert
PBS Regional Commissioner, National Capital Region (NCR)
General Services Administration
301 7th St, SW
Room 1075
Washington DC 20407
202-690-9201 (central line)

Page #2

The Public Buildings Service (PBS) seeks full funding for the FBI Headquarters Consolidation Project. Requested
Fiscal Year (FY) 2017 funding includes $759 million for GSA and $646 million for Department of Justice – Federal
Bureau of Investigation (FBI). GSA and FBI received a combined $255 million in project funds in FY 2016. PBS also
recommends not proceeding with the preferred Site and Offer Identification (March 10th Milestone) until
Congress approves both the GSA and FBI FY 2017 appropriation requests.

December 19, 2014 – GSA issues RFP-Phase I for evaluation of interested offeror team qualifications. This phase of
the project seeks to verify that each offeror has the technical and financial capabilities to develop, design,
construct and deliver the new FBI facility. The Government vets interested parties and selects a short-list of
developer teams to compete in Phase II.

FY 2016 Budget – GSA receives $75 million and FBI receives $180 million in funds for the project.

January 22, 2016 – GSA issues RFP-Phase II for short-listed offerors to submit proposals on any or all of the three
predetermined sites (Greenbelt (MD), Landover (MD), and Springfield (VA); identified by GSA on July 28, 2014).

FY 2017 Budget – GSA requests $759 million and FBI requests $646 million to support the FBI consolidation
project. Funding is for the construction of a new 2.1 million square foot, federally owned facility on one of the
three identified sites. The facility will bring together FBI operations from the J. Edgar Hoover building and 13
leased locations in a new, modern and secure facility tailored to fully support FBI’s national security, intelligence
and law enforcement missions.

December 9, 2016 – Congress passes Continuing Resolution through April 28, 2017. The resolution does not
address GSA’s or FBI’s FY 2017 requests.

January 6, 2017 – GSA receives final proposals from the offerors. The proposals are currently under review with
technical evaluations nearing completion. GSA is developing a draft of the final source selection report.

March 10, 2017 – GSA has publicly identified March 10th as the date for the Government’s announcement of the
tentative selected Site and Offeror.

April 28, 2017 – GSA has internally identified April 28 as the award date for this contract.

The FBI Headquarters Consolidation Project has a combined $1.405 billion of requested FY 2017 appropriations.
Existing Executive Branch messaging to Congress has been that without full funding the project cannot proceed.

The March 10th Site and Offeror Identification milestone is an important date for the project in that it will identify
which location and by which offeror the FBI headquarters will be built. Not only will it identify the selected site, it
will identify the unselected sites. With both Maryland and Virginia Congressional delegations aggressively pursuing
this opportunity, the Site and Offeror announcement is a pivotal project milestone.

Page 1 of 2

Making such a significant announcement, as the selection of the preferred Site and Offeror, without full funding
secured, is not in the best interest of the project. Doing so, will subject the project to an extended period of
scrutiny and possible protest, during a time when the disposition of the project funding is uncertain and able to be

Delay of the preferred Site and Offeror announcement will impact the schedule. The ultimate award date
(currently April 28, 2017) is directly dependent upon the identification milestone due to the linkage of the
procurement and the regulatory time frames of the National Environmental Policy Act.

The award will be delayed at a day-for-day rate until the preferred Site and Offeror are identified. In addition, GSA
will not be able to begin the award process until the FY 2017 funding question is resolved.

Page 2 of 2
Folder: GSA-2017-001369-Pull2_tim.horne@gsa.gov_0

Subject: FBI Documents

Date: Tue, 25 Apr 2017 10:10:11 -0400
From: Eitan Naftali - WPBB <eitan.naftali@gsa.gov>
To: Timothy Horne - 8P <tim.horne@gsa.gov>
Cc: Joanna Rosato - 3P <joanna.rosato@gsa.gov>
Message-ID: <CABDY_qRyOUXZT=ufFLqCd+wXwcQt5kOjT0JKruSq07fo+
MD5: 11a79f077da22b958f6040b6cf092ed7
Attachments:Scanned from a Xerox Multifunction Printer.pdf

Good morning Tim,

Attached please find the FBI documents.

Thank you,

Ei tanS. N af t al i
A ct i ngC hi ef o f Staf f ,PB S
U .S.General Serv icesA dm i ni st rat i on

---------- Forwarded message ----------

From: <ICOH2P-6231-Xer7855@gsa.gov>
Date: Tue, Apr 25, 2017 at 9:38 AM
Subject: Scanned from a Xerox Multifunction Printer
To: "eitan.naftali@gsa.gov" <eitan.naftali@gsa.gov>

Please open the attached document.  It was scanned and sent to you using a Xerox
Multifunction Printer.

Attachment File Type: pdf, Multi-Page

Multifunction Printer Location: Room 6231 - CO, Washington DC, 1800 Fst. NW
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For more information on Xerox products and solutions, please visit http://www.xerox.com

Page #1
For Official Use Only

FBI Headquarters Consolidation Procurement Hill Briefing

Talking Points

• Thank you for coming. GSA and FBI endeavor to keep you up to date on the progress and
procurement process.

• GSA and FBI reaffirm that the need for a Headquarters facility that meets the FBI mission
needs, consolidates personnel dispersed across the National Capital Region, and
addresses security requirements has not diminished.

• As you know, GSA and FBI are engaged in a procurement seeking an Exchange Partner to
develop, design, construct, deliver, operate and maintain a consolidated headquarters
facility of up to 2.1 million rentable square feet for the FBI in the National Capital Region. In
exchange the developer would receive approximately $1.4 billion, and the J. Edgar Hoover
(JEH) building and site.

• The combined Executive branch (GSA, FBI, OMB) position with Congress has always been
full funding was crucial for the Government to make an award.

• The FY 2017 budget request included $1.4 billion for a new FBI Headquarters consolidation;
however the funds appropriated leave an $882 million gap. The FY 2017 appropriation
(provided in May 2017) only included $523 million ($323 million for FBI and $200 million for
GSA), bringing the current appropriated amount for this project to $703 million.

• In addition, Developers valuing JEH in an exchange that will occur in 7+ years in the future
had to consider additional risk factors over a longer than normal period of time compared to
a traditional asset disposal. Moreover, uncertainty regarding future project funding creates
additional downward pressure on JEH value while, at the same time, creating upward
pressure on construction cost.

• Based on a review of current project status, GSA and FBI believe it necessary to cancel the
current procurement. Moving forward with this procurement absent full funding puts the
Government at risk for cost escalations and likely further devaluation of JEH.

• GSA and FBI will work to develop an alternative procurement approach that will eliminate
the risks associated with the current procurement structure, reduce overall project costs, and
position the Government to maximize JEH disposal value when that facility is ready to be

• Hill notification will occur the week of July 10. This requires GSA to notify the bidders that
the procurement has been cancelled prior to or concurrently with Hill notifications.

Page 1 of 1
Folder: GSA-2017-001369-Pull2_mary.gibert@gsa.gov_0

Subject: FBI Docs Discussed at 12:30

Date: Wed, 21 Jun 2017 13:42:01 -0400
From: Aaron Hassinger - WPIA <aaron.hassinger@gsa.gov>
To: Michael Gelber - PD <michael.gelber@gsa.gov>, Shapour Ebadi
<shapour.ebadi@gsa.gov>, Mary Gibert - AD <mary.gibert@gsa.gov>
Message-ID: <CAFWj2MoAaUiXmqSiojoHxzCZ1=dm10imWTvda=czHPm45E5_Yg@mail.gmail.com>
MD5: d0769bf70782dcf77d0403eb7c04a81f
Attachments: Decision Backup 6-20-17.docx (b)(5)


See electronic versions of both docs.




Aaron D. Hassinger, LEED AP

Project Executive
Office of Design and Construction
Public Buildings Service
National Capital Region 
U.S. General Services Administration
301 7th Street, SW, Room 7512
Washington, DC 20407
202-208-0382 (office)

Page #1
Folder: GSA-2017-001369-Pull2_tim.horne@gsa.gov_0

Subject: Fwd: FBI HQ project check-in call

Date: Fri, 7 Jul 2017 17:44:38 -0400
From: Tony Costa - AG <tony.costa@gsa.gov>
To: Timothy Horne <tim.horne@gsa.gov>
MD5: f8ea01a675443056ffbd8b5910204ff2
Attachments:(b)(5) (b)(5)
(b)(5) FBI New HQ Termination Hill
TPs_070717 FINAL.docx

Hey. See way below. Copies of FBI points.

Tony Costa
Acting Deputy Administrator
U.S. General Services Administration
202.501.0800 - main

---------- Forwarded message ----------

From: Donatelli, Angela M. EOP/OMB <Angela_M._Donatelli@omb.eop.gov>
Date: Fri, Jul 7, 2017 at 4:38 PM
Subject: FBI HQ project check-in call
To: "Abrams, Andrew D. EOP/OMB" <Andrew_Abrams@omb.eop.gov>, "Connolly, David C.
EOP/OMB" <David_C_Connolly@omb.eop.gov>, "Newman, Kimberly A. EOP/OMB"
<Kimberly_A._Newman@omb.eop.gov>, "Boden, James EOP/OMB"
<James_Boden@omb.eop.gov>, "richard.haley@ic.fbi.gov" <richard.haley@ic.fbi.gov>, "Grant,
Douglas S. (FD) (FBI)" <Douglas.Grant@ic.fbi.gov>, "Goodwin, Maya N. (FD) (FBI)"
<Maya.Goodwin@ic.fbi.gov>, "Rhodes, William A. (FD) (FBI)" <William.Rhodes@ic.fbi.gov>,
"Anthony Costa (C)" <tony.costa@gsa.gov>, Michael Gelber - PD <michael.gelber@gsa.gov>,
"Jack St. John - A" <jack.stjohn@gsa.gov>, Mary Gibert - WP <mary.gibert@gsa.gov>
Cc: "Johnson, Melanie M. (FD) (CON)" <Melanie.Johnson@ic.fbi.gov>, Latonia Williams -
H1AC-C <latonia.williams@gsa.gov>, "Marten, Lexi N. EOP/OMB"
<Alexandra.N.Marten@omb.eop.gov>, "Kraninger, Kathleen L. EOP/OMB"

In a dv a nc eof T u e s d a y ’sroll out, we will hold a final c he c k -inc a ll on Monda y a fternoon.

A tta c hed a re the F ina l T a lk ingP oints a nd Q &A doc uments(b)(5) a nd

a n upda ted roll out s c he dulewith upda ted information in red.

P le a s es e n d u s the draft C ong re s s ionasl taff ema il a nd the e mploye e ema il a s well a s the draft p re s s
re le a s ea s s oon a s pos s ible (b)(5) .

Page #1

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