FSMA-IA Final Rule Fact Sheet
FSMA-IA Final Rule Fact Sheet
FSMA-IA Final Rule Fact Sheet
1. Background
Food Defense is an important element in protecting your business and consumers from internal and
external threats. It encompasses a range of potential threats from relatively common tamper hoaxes to less
probable terrorist attacks. Searching the web for “product tampering” or “product tampering employee” gives
numerous examples to illustrate that the threat is real. Often supply chain or manufacturing threats can be
mitigated to reduce a wide range of threats. For example, putting a locking lid on a vat can reduce a wide
range of potential intentional attacks. Food Defense Programs shall be developed to reduce the risks from
both internal and external threats in order to protect your customers.
The FSSC 22000 scheme v4.1 has been extended with clauses related to Food Defense. Although in ISO
22002-1 chapter 18 this topic was addressed, it is now aligned with new GFSI requirements and taken to
the management system level, making it a part of the management responsibility process.
The new FSSC requirements have become mandatory from January 1, 2018.
2. Definitions
There are many different definitions of Food Defense which are in nature very similar. Some even conflict
with GFSI definition such including Food Fraud within the scope of Food Defense. It is important to realize
that Food Fraud is a separate topic and a different chapter in the FSSC 22000 scheme.
The GFSI definition of Food Defense is: “The process to ensure the security of food and drink from all forms
of intentional malicious attack including ideologically motivated attack leading to contamination.” (GFSI
Industry and regulators have developed Food Safety Management Systems based on Hazard Analysis
Critical Control Point (HACCP) principles which have proven to be effective against unintended food safety
hazards. HACCP principles however have not been routinely used to detect or mitigate deliberate attacks
and are therefore not relevant to Food Defense.
The motivation or root-cause for Food Defense is the intent to cause harm to consumers or companies.
This is different than the motivation for Food Fraud that is exclusively for economic gain. Therefore, Food
Defense prevention requires a different approach than the control of unintentional food safety hazards
(HACCP) and Food Fraud prevention.
To help implementing the clauses of FSSC 22000, the following way of working is recommended:
1) Establish a Food Defense team
2) Conduct a Threat Assessment, identify and evaluate potential threats and vulnerabilities
3) Identify and select proportionate mitigation measures
4) Document the threat assessment, mitigation measures, verification and incident management
procedures in a Food Defense Plan supported by the Food Safety Management System
5) Develop an effective training and communication strategy and implement the Food Defense Plan.
When determining the scope of your assessment it is important to realize that the threat level has been
shown to be at its highest at production facilities5,8. Make sure your own site (including staff) is covered but
do not limit yourself to your own premises only and also consider IT security and the supply chain.
Ad 1/2. You need to implement a system that logically assesses the Threats for which a number of tools
are available (e.g. TACCP, CARVER+Shock, FDA Food Defense Plan Builder FDBP5). Whatever tool is
used, is up to the organization.
In essence, a Food Defense approach tries to answer the following key questions:
- Who might want to attack us?
- How might they do it?
- What is the potential public health impact?
- How can we prevent this from happening?
Familiarize yourself with which food processing attributes may make your food a target (e.g. large batches
or ease of access intend to increase the risk). Include both external risks (elsewhere in the supply chain)
and internal risks (e.g. site/equipment access, disgruntled employees).
It is important to note that every threat identified will not automatically be determined to be significant and
will not automatically be required to be addressed by a mitigation measure. It is important to identify as
many threats as possible, so they can be assessed. After repeated or severe incidents, a subsequent threat
assessment may determine that a mitigation measure is required.
When conducting the threat assessment, it is allowed to initially group materials (e.g., similar raw materials
or similar finished products). When significant risks are identified within a group, a more in-depth analysis
may be required.
Ad 3/4. When defining a Food Defense strategy, the potential threats identified under 1 shall be assessed
for their significance. A risk matrix similar to HACCP can be used (e.g. Likelihood of occurrence x
Impact/Consequence). Other factors such as accessibility, likelihood of detection and recognizability may
be used as further indicators. A prevention strategy for the significant risks should be developed and
documented. To help with identifying preventive measures, FDA has published a database with mitigation
measures for different types of activities throughout the whole food chain (FDA)6.
Ad 4. The plan should be supported by the organization’s Food Safety Management System for all its
products (clause meaning that it should contain elements such as mitigation measures,
verification activities, corrections and corrective actions, training, responsibilities, record keeping and
continuous improvement. In addition, the FSMS needs inclusion of the Food Defence element into e.g.
policies, internal audits, management review, etc.
Ad 5. The effectiveness of protecting yourselves is largely depending on people. These may be external
(e.g. suppliers) or internal (your own associates). Therefore, a training and/or communication program is
Training of the team is required. Many trainings are available from a wide range of organizations. An
example being Michigan State University which provides free web-based courses (MOOC Food Defence
audit guide – MOOC = massive open online course)7.
The FDA provides free on-line training materials (Food Defense Awareness for Food-Professionals), and
although it is US/FDA regulatory compliance focused, this training gives a good overview (FDA)9.
6. Auditing
Auditors should assess the threat assessment and identification and implementation of mitigation measures
is adequate through asking the following questions:
• is there a team with the correct competencies/knowledge?
• has a threat assessment been performed and documented?
• are relevant threats covered?
• breadth of the threat assessment (whole supply chain assessed and not just own site)?
• is there a methodology to determine the significance of threats?
• when significant threats are identified, is there a written Food Defense plan?
• how are training and communication addressed?
• is there a verification system present in line with ISO 22000 paragraph 8.4?
• Is the analysis regularly reviewed and is the frequency adequate?
• is the Emergency Response Team prepared (ISO 22000 paragraph 5.7)?
• is all of the above effectively implemented through the organization’s FSMS (e.g. records,
awareness of people, site security, internal audits, management reviews, etc.)?
1) GFSI Benchmarking requirements version 7.2 (draft 2017)
2) PAS 96:2017. Guide to protecting and defending food and drink from deliberate attack.
3) FDA Food Defence fact sheet:
4) GFSI Position Paper on mitigating the public health risk of food fraud (2014)
5) FDA Food Defense Plan Builder:
6) FDA database of mitigation strategies:
7) Michigan State University courses: http://foodfraud.msu.edu/mooc/
8) Nina Puhač Bogadi, Mara Banović and Ivona Babić. Food defense system in food industry:
perspective of the EU countries. Journal of Consumer Protection and Food Safety, March 2016.
9) FDA Food Defence 101 training: https://www.accessdata.fda.gov/scripts/FDTraining/index.cfm