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Air Leakage

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Air leakage in vacuum vessels

How airtight is a vacuum plant? In the high-vacuum range the air leakage In case of normal flanged connections with
Is the suction capacity of the vacuum rate or the quantities of gases and vapours large nominal diameter the assumed air
pump large enough? are measured in mbar · liter/s. leakage amounts to 200 to 400 g per hour
Why does it take so long for the plant to and meter of seal length. With specially
reach the vacuum? designed flanged connections, e.g. with
Must the vacuum pump extract leak air as groove and tongue or fine machined sealing
well as gases from the product? surfaces and with the use of special seals the
You can answer all these questions if you value can be reduced to 50 to 100 g/hm.
know the air leakage in the vacuum tank. Budget values regarding air leakage The tightness of vacuum plant can vary,
in vacuum units and plants depending on whether mainly welded units
It is determined as follows: The following shall apply regarding the are concerned or whether units are con-
Evacuate the vessel to a vacuum under requirement to the tightness of a plant cerned in which flanged connections, sight
500 mbar, e.g. 60 mbar. under vacuum: The lower the pressure to glasses, valves, gate valves, glands etc. have
Isolate the vacuum pump from the vessel be maintained in the plant, the higher the to be taken into consideration. The table on
and completely seal off the vessel. requirement to the tightness of the plant, page 20 shows values which are based on
Measure the pressure increase in the ves- because the expenditure for generating and experience. Depending on the overall vol-
sel and determine the corresponding maintaining vacuum increases with decreas- ume of the unit and of the type of connec-
time. ing pressure. tions of units and ducts it shows the leakage
The pressure increase in mbar divided by Through an opening of 1 mm² approx. air flow to be expected in kg/h.
the time in minutes gives the vacuum loss 0.83 kg/h of air flow into a vacuum unit,
in mbar/minute. independent of the amount of vacuum, if it
With this value and the volume of the vessel is only < 530 mbar. In this case, just critical
under vacuum the air leakage rate in kg/h conditions are prevailing.
can be found in the chart, fig. 1.
The chart, fig. 1, is calculated from the for-

fig. 1

V= Plant volume
ØA Air leakage in
Dp Change of pressure in mbar
t Corresponing time in min
V Plant volume in m3

* The exact value is 0.071289977, based on:

Universal gas constant

Absolute temperature

Mol mass for air

Example for air leakage

A vessel of 20 m³ volume is evacuated to 60
mbar and isolated. Within 10 minutes there
is a vacuum loss to 120 mbar. The pressure
change thus amounts to 60 mbar.
Therefore, the vacuum loss is
Air leakage in kg/h

With this value, the formula results in an

air leakage of

Vacuum loss in mbar/min

(The diagram is valid for pressures <
_ 500 mbar and for air of 20 °C)

GEA Wiegand GmbH 76275 Ettlingen · Germany · Tel.: +49 7243 705-0 19
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www.gea-wiegand.com Fax: +49 7243 705-330 · E-mail: info.gewi.de@geagroup.com

Air leakage in vacuum vessels

Some measurements were compared with determined that the measurements are Mark-ups of 1 to 2 kg/h of air leakage per
recommended values according to “HEI according to those standards. Shaft through- shaft throughput are required with normal
standards for steam jet ejectors”, and it was puts are not considered in the table values. gland seals.

Unit volume to be maintained under 0.2 1 3 5 10 25 50 100 200 500

vacuum in m³

Leakage air flow in kg/h

Unit and duct connections

with normal seals, mainly flanged 0.15-0.3 0.5-1 1-2 1.5-3 2-4 4-8 6-12 10-20 16-32 30-60

partly flanged, partly welded 0.1-0.2 0.25-0.5 0.5-1 0.7-1.5 1-2 2-4 3-6 5-10 8-16 15-30

mainly welded or designed with special < 0.1 0.15-0.25 0.25-0.5 0.35-0.7 0.6-1.2 1-2 1.5-3 2.5-5 4-8 8-15

Admissible flow velocity in vacuum ducts

The admissible velocity of flow in a vacuum Example 1 Example 2

pipeline depends on how high the pressure Calculation of the mass flow Equivalent duc t length if pipe bends and
loss of this pipeline is allowed to be. High- Given : gate valves are installed in the duct:
er pressure loss implies increased energy Duct DN 100
requirements for the vacuum pump. A pres- Duct length l = 10 m
sure loss of up to 10 % of the total pressure Flow medium Air, 20 °C
can generally be accepted. This is shown in Total pressure p = 10 mbar lE Equivalent duct length in m
graph Fig. 1 and valid for air at 20 °C. It is Adm. pressure loss Dp = 1 mbar l Duct length in m
calculated according to the formula: d Pipe diameter in mm
Parameters to be found: z Resistance coefficients:
 1) Admissible velocity Pipe bend D/d = 3.90° z = 0.16
Gate valve with restriction z = 1.0
2) Volume flow
Admissible flow velocity Given :
in m/s 3) Mass flow Duct DN 600
Admissible pressure loss as Pipe length l = 100 m
portion of the total pressure Solution : Flowing medium air, 20 °C
Total pressure p = 10 mbar
Individual gas constant With the equation results in: Adm. pressure loss Dp = 1 mbar
in J/kg K
4 tube bends 90°, 1 gate valve
Universal gas constant
Parameters to be found:

ø Molecular mass in kg/mol

2) 1) Equivalent pipe length lE in m
T Temperature in K 2) Admissible flow velocity
3) Formula and
l Duct length in m
d Duct diameter in mm 3) Volume flow
with vA = Spec. volume of air at 20°C
For reasons of simplification, the calculation and p = Pressure in mbar:
4) Mass flow
is based on an average pipe friction coeffi-
cient of l = 0.04 (this is max.) and on a free-
of-loss acceleration from 0 to w m/s, i. e. Solution: The following results by way of
with a well rounded duct inlet. calculation:
Range of application:
2 mbar # p # 1000 mbar With the equation results in:
Furthermore, the graph contains lines for 2)
constant volume flow in m³/h. The graph is
meant for rapid, rough dimensioning of a
vacuum duct. An exact pressure loss calcu-
lation can be made with the help of sheet
o | abl 9.

20 GEA Wiegand GmbH 76275 Ettlingen · Germany · Tel.: +49 7243 705-0
abl8 09

www.gea-wiegand.com Fax: +49 7243 705-330 · E-mail: info.gewi.de@geagroup.com

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