IIM Udaipur PDF
IIM Udaipur PDF
IIM Udaipur PDF
A series of dry creeks and water channels The genesis of the projects Vastu Shilpa Consultants
emanate from the pool, which forms the
IIT Mandi IIT Jodhpur
heart of the core campus. It is where peo-
The design commission for IIT Mandi was through The terms of reference for the competition
ple meet and where the entrances to all of an international, two-stage design competition floated for IIT Jodhpur restricted the scope
the faculties lie. It is a contemplative space floated in May 2010. The scope involved all techni- to Master Planning only which included
sheltered from the potentially harsh desert cal and design disciplines and was won by the New Landscape Design, Transport Networks, Site
Delhi Studio of BDP. The jury consisted of Direc- Infrastructure and Urban Design guidelines
environment. This allows the space to be
tors of various IITs, statutory representation from for Architects to be selected through another
full of activity and university life, forming Government departments and three professionals RFP.
the true central living and learning hub to from the private sector – Arunava Dasgupta, Urban
The competition was won by a consortium
the university. It will be inspirational and Designer and expert in Hill settlements, Priyaleen
led by Studio for Habitat Futures (SHiFt).
Singh, Landscape Architect and Professor at SPA,
uplifting as is appropriate to the status of New Delhi and Dr. Ranjit Daniels, Ecological expert.
Apart from the Government and IIT repre-
the university within which it is situated. sentations, the external members of the jury
The Landscape team at BDP include Freddie Ribeiro, consisted of Kiran Karnik and Aman Nath
Subhagya Atale, Mahfuj Ali, Pournima Thote and among others.
Harish Vangara.
Both these commissions were won The larger team put together by BDP include Mohan Rao, Freddie Ribeiro, Subhagya
through international competitions and PRIMARY CONSULTANT Atale, Rahul Paul and Vimal Paul
BDP Design Engineering Pvt. Ltd.
were authored by consortiums of appro-
I I M | U D A I P U R
priate professionals. In both cases, the Studio for Habitat Futures (SHiFt)
BDP Design Engineering Pvt. Ltd.
exercises were and continue to be a huge MASTER PLAN
source of learning for the vast number of ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN SHiFt and BDP
BDP Design Engineering Pvt. Ltd. and UC Jain Ar-
professionals involved. Post occupancy chitects
data, observations and feedback will prove EDS (Environmental Design Solutions)
to be the true test. The entire team hopes Frischmann Prabhu
to be involved then to document the learn- ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING
ing from these rare opportunities. ENGINEERING
EDS (Environmental Design Solutions)
Sterling India
he Indian Institutes of Management Competition Brief
(IIMs) were created by the Indian
BELOW | Interpretation of the johad as the signa- All images & drawings courtesy the Author.
Government with the aim of identi- Indian Institute of Management Udaipur
ture and iconic element of the campus fying the brightest intellectual talent avail- (IIMU) envisaged developing its academ-
Landscape architect Freddie Ribeiro can be reached at freddie.ribeiro@bdp.com able in the student community of India and ic campus in about 121 hectares of land
training it in the best management tech- allotted for the purpose at village Balicha
niques available in the world, to ultimately on the Udaipur-Ahmedabad Expressway
create a pool of elite managers to manage on the outskirts of the city of Udaipur. As
and lead the various sections of the Indian a part of the process of selection of the
economy. IIMs play a leadership role in the Consultant, Expressions of Interest were
nations managerial manpower development invited. Request for Proposal for stage-1
and carry out research in emerging areas. was invited from shortlisted EOIs. Four
These Institutes are recognized as premier (4) out of the sixteen applicants were se-
management institutions, comparable to lected for stage-2, jury for which included
the best in the world for teaching, research IIMU Director Janat Shah and architects-
and interaction with industries. planners Ajoy Choudhary, K. B. Jain, Ka-
vas Kapadia and Brinda Sowmaya. Vastu
IIM Udaipur, the youngest IIM, aims to set Shilpa Consultants emerged as the win-
new benchmarks in management education ner of the design competition with high
by delivering high quality education and appreciation for the Campus Master Plan
building and disseminating knowledge. and Architectural Design envisaged.
Site & Campus Planning: Its potentials and limitations 2
23 21 13
23 15
Udaipur is known as the City of Lakes Taking lessons from the historic devel- 3
7 4
5 9 22
mainly because of its picturesque loca- opment of the city of Udaipur, water 18 4 14
19 6 8
tion of the palaces and havelis along the and its catchment and storage in lakes 17 22
shore of lake Pichola. However the lakes were the focus of this proposal for IIM 10 11
don’t only add to the beauty of the city; Udaipur campus. The need for water 12
the area being arid, they are essential for to sustain life on site is recognized and
its survival. For hundreds of years these provided for with check-dams placed at
man-made lakes have been the lifelines strategic locations, based on the aver-
of Udaipur. The city’s founders were age annual rainfall and on the analysis
0 50 100 300 m
CENTRE | Site Plan
BOTTOM | Section through plaza
RIGHT | View of the Academic Plaza
BOTTOM | Section through Academic Block
20 Academic Block
We believe that learning isn’t neces- and administrative spaces will benefit
9 5 2
21 sarily confined to classrooms or the climatically, allowing the breeze, which
3 programmed curriculum. It has been has been cooled by the water, to flow
17 observed that as much, if not more, through.
4 12 10 20 learning occurs in impromptu encoun-
7 18
ters with peers and faculty. The pro- Two buildings of the Academic Block
posed Master Plan recognizes this, giv- form bridges, providing comfortable
8 1. Site Entrance ing ample opportunities to meet others connections across the valley to the
2. Entrance Foyer
3. Waiting + Reception
by chance while moving through the various parts of the campus. Being
10 4. Administration campus and provides for room to settle main nodal points for the movement
12 5. Dean’s + Director’s Suite down for a discussion. through the campus, the heads of the
6. Grand Plaza
7. Academics bridges are anticipated to be active
8. Computer Lab In the main focus point of the Academ- hubs of the campus. The main common
9. Auditorium
10. Water Reservoir ic Block are the central lakes. All aca- facilities and the library are located over
16 11. Café demic and administration buildings are here. On side of the students’ housing
12. Amenities
13. M.D.C.
clustered around them, with their cir- the bridge connects to a large chowk,
14. Amphitheatre culation and common areas stretched which is surrounded by the dining hall,
15. Dining
N 16. Students Housing
along the cascading pools of water. shops and the large amphitheater, step-
17. Faculty Housing And it is more than a mere visual con- ping down to the water.
18. Director’s Residence nection. All class rooms, faculty rooms
19. Athletic F ield
0 10 25 50 75 m 20. Parking
344 llandscape
p no.
o 388 | 201
20133 landscape no. 38 | 2012 35
educational institutes | educational institutes |
storage storage storage supply
annual rainfall
(20.66 ML)
La 6.5
(138.55 ML)
Flu ng (
ap )
Waste water (86.5 ML) WW
Protective Plant
Chemical Layer Roof water (20.43 ML) Roof water (4.85 ML) DW Woodland
Treatment Evaporation
Road Plant loss from all Irrigation
Roof water (15.58 ML) SW Available SW reservoirs
MAIN LAKE SW from paved Treatment (31.35 ML) First 3
Plant (123.83 ML) years only
Capacity areas (38.5 ML)
(75 ML) Recharge of main reservoir when required
Capacity (230.54 ML) dam
DW–Drinking Water Post monsoon
Borewell Precolation loss Pre monsoon
WW–Waste Water from all reservoirs (38.05 ML)
(21.87 ML)
Water table
THIS PAGE | Students’ Hostel Courts
Saturated Aquifer
Water balance diagram
With an emphasis at mitigating the pre- Temples of learning – Stewardship of natural resources
15 student houses form a main cluster,
dominantly hot climate of Rajasthan, which is linked to a shared open space
students are housed in clusters of low- with provisions for canteen facilities. The site is hilly with a large part of the will allow the campus to sustain and surplus water from established land-
rise courtyard houses. They are of a Recreational facilities, outdoor sports- site having steep slopes of the order of develop itself. The next step is to ex- scapes to human needs as the campus
rather small grain and follow the ter- fields and a large Amphitheatre are wo- 45 degrees and above, creating several amine the status of biodiversity in the is populated. Balance reverses and rain-
rain, much like villages are clustered be- ven into the fabric of the hostel clusters. local ridges and depressions. Existing region, and allow IIMU to steward the water are diverted for human consump-
low and around the palaces and forts of Despite the low-rise arrangement used, landscape consists of exposed laminar development of a climatically suitable tion while treated wastewater is sup-
Rajasthan. They form a strong contrast the density achieved can compete with rock covered by straggly scrub, which climax forest in the long run, which will plied to landscape. Storage of rainwater
to the academic buildings and are made that of standard hostel typologies. denotes advanced stages of forest degra- increase biomass, provide adequate is a critical factor since no natural water
out of local materials using local skills. dation due to grazing and other human renewable resources and enhance the body exists on-site while the aquifer
Faculty Residences impacts. High runoffs generated from regional ecosystem. The final step looks cannot facilitate such large quantities
One housing unit accommodates 20 barren steep slopes in the site drain into at integration of society within the of annual injection and withdrawal. An
to 28 students in single rooms, clus- In a similar manner the Faculty Resi- a seasonal stream that dissects the site landscape envelope, not just by creat- uncommon direction is being explored
tering in two to three stories around dences are envisioned as a series of from North to South forming a 50 me- ing physical resources for consump- by excavation of lakes in valley beds
small courts and verandahs. Besides low-rise developments. They consist a ter deep central valley and dividing the tion, but also generating a landscape in lieu of check dams, and balancing it
creating a cooler microclimate and in- mix of single storey and duplex units, site into two distinct parts. imagery that integrates the campus in- with the earthwork filling required for
creasing the comfort level for the stu- clustering around private courts and trinsically with the region. construction on the hilly site.
dents, these shaded spaces are meant larger shared public squares. The em- Landscape Planning
to accommodate various recreational phasis is to provide a variety of human Water Systems – Keystone of Lake development for each macro
areas with table tennis tables, common scale of spaces, the experience of walk- In a region having low rainfall and no development catchment will be supported by critical
rooms and lounges with televisions and ing through it akin to what we feel in current surplus water reserves, water erosion control measures like contour
such The height of 9 to 12 meters al- our heritage precincts. Each cluster is becomes the primary constraint for any The campus water budget allows man- trenches, contour bunds, pitching and
lows the housing to remain within the designed to have 30-36 families of units development including landscape up agement of water resources for initiat- vegetative barriers to prevent silting of
ambit of the trees, a quality that helps varying from 100 to 225 square meters. gradation. Hence, the first step aims to ing landscape up gradation processes these reservoirs. Another line of de-
in controlling the severe climate. 10- develop a resilient water balance that immediately, followed by diversion of fence against silting shall be creation of