Joshua Stern Final
Joshua Stern Final
Joshua Stern Final
May, 2009
thesis. Thank you to Dr. James Russell and Dr. Timothy Herbert for reading this thesis
and providing helpful feedback. Thank you to Dr. Jan Tullis for helpful discussions and
writing advice.
I am indebted to Dr. Marcelo Alexandre for helpful discussions and for teaching
me laboratory techniques. Thank you to Mr. Rafael Tarozo for help with GC-MS analysis.
Dr. Alex L. Sessions and Dr. William J. D’Andrea generously supplied the rock
and sediment samples, as well as helpful advice. Thank you to Dr. Stefan Schouten for
helpful suggestions.
Thank you to Ms. Li Gao, Mr. Jonathan Nichols, and Ms. Jaime Toney for helpful
discussions and laboratory instruction. Thank you to Mr. Jeffrey Salacup and Mr. Daniel
Thank you to my Dad, Mom, Sister, Uncle, and friends for their love, support, and
draft reading.
I am grateful to NASA’s Rhode Island Space Grant Consortium for financial sup-
sulfur compounds in two unique depositional environments, we used the nickel boride
cal extracts: one sample is a Monterey shale of late Miocene age, and the other sample
is a surface sediment from the Greenland lake Brayasø. Both samples contained organic
sulfur compounds, but the Monterey shale was biologically and thermally modified after
deposition. A comparison of the free and sulfur-bound hydrocarbons from each sample
Brayasø oxic zone. We found that sulfurization may proceed at different rates for differ-
ent compound families; for example, we did not see any sulfurized alkenones in Brayasø,
desulfurization yield suggests that sulfurization in Brayasø occurs in under 40 years. Our
than previously thought, and that sulfurization might not interfere with alkenone pale-
otemperature reconstructions.
1. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Section 1 endnotes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
2. Method . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
2.1 Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
2.2 Testing synthetic standards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
2.3 Organics extraction and fractionation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
2.4 Desulfurization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
2.5 GCFID/ GCMS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
2.6 Yield quantification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
2.7 Experimental control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
Section 2 endnotes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
3. Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
3.1 Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
3.2 Standards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
3.3 Monterey desulfurization fraction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
3.4 Monterey nonpolar fraction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
3.5 Greenland desulfurization fraction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
3.6 Greenland nonpolar fraction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
3.7 Minor-nonpolar fractions and experimental control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
Section 3 endnotes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
4. Discussion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
4.1 Standard yields . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
4.2 Sample yields . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
4.3 Sample composition overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
4.4 Monterey . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
4.4.1 Post-depositional modification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
4.4.2 Paleobiology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
4.4.3 Precursor-product relationships . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
4.5 Greenland . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
4.5.1 Biomarkers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
4.5.2 Precursor-product relationships . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
4.6 Sulfurization potential . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
Section 4 endnotes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
5. Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73
List of figures
List of tables
The notation “E-n” refers to a section endnote, where n is the number of the endnote.
1. Introduction
organic sulfur compounds sampled from two unique depositional environments. Micro-
bial, weathering, and photochemical processes each have roles in converting sulfur
between its many forms, which range from the most oxidized sulfate to the most reduced
sulfide. The oxidation state of an organic sulfur compound (OSC) would fall somewhere
between the opposite states of sulfate and sulfide. OSCs are biomarkers that have been
geochemically sequestered using sulfide linkages (E-1). Biomarkers are the molecular
remains of algae and other organisms, which help reconstruct the history of Earth’s
ecology and climate. Sulfur-bound biomarkers can provide a fuller inventory of the
precursor biochemicals and their sources than free (non-sequestered) biomarkers provide
by themselves. This section introduces the diagenetic process of sulfurization, and several
material by mass; hydrogen and other bioelements are also present. Steranes, phytanes,
and hopanes exemplify the compounds found in sedimentary organic matter (Fig. 1).
As photosynthetic organisms exit the productive surface water and move down through
the water column to the sediment, most of them are intercepted and metabolized by
brane lipids such as cholesterol and long-chain fatty acids tend to be the most durable.
On the other hand, nucleic acids and proteins are poorly preserved (E-3). The degree to
which molecular “fossils” escape remineralization (that is, microbial or thermal decom-
position) determines the ensuing rock’s fraction of total organic carbon (TOC). Particles
into rock, creating a net downward movement of the sediment with respect to the plane of
deposition. Sediment burial can help the deposited organics escape respiration by benthic
this geochemical reaction, reduced sulfur species attack the reactive functionalities on
biomolecules, yielding a compound in which one or more sulfur atoms comprise an intra-
or inter-molecular bridge (Fig. 2). The sulfides originate from sulfate-reducing bacteria,
which respire using sulfate as a terminal electron acceptor instead of oxygen (Werne et
al., 2004). The sulfate ion is abundant in the ocean and some lakes, but it is not reactive
under the mild conditions of the surface sediment (Aizenshtat et al., 1995). The avail-
ability of sulfides depends on the extent of bacterial sulfate reduction, the degree to which
pyrite formation competes with this process for the available sulfate, the flux of iron
1 R
H S Sx S
2 S β 3 Sx Sx
Sx R α O
4 S 5 O R
Sx (as above) S
S Sx
Figure 2. Base-catalyzed nucleophilic addition. OH- is the base, which deprotonates the polysulfide nucleophile (1). The
polysulfide reacts with the activated bond (2) to form a carbanion whose lone pair is delocalized (3). The carbanion inter-
mediate deprotonates a water molecule, yielding a polysulfidic organic compound, which can react with another phytenal
(4, 5). Based on Aizenshtat et al. (1995).
oxides to the water column, and the concentration of highly functionalized organic matter
(Werne et al., 2004; Russell and Werne, 2009). Sulfate-reducing bacteria are typically
anaerobic, so organic sulfur compounds are often thought to indicate anoxia. However,
some workers have found evidence of aerobic sulfate-reducing species (Amrani & Aizen-
shtat, 2004).
matter is an area of active research (Werne et al., 2008). As we will argue, there are
two chief mechanisms that pertain to our locations of study. The first mechanism, base-
& Aizenshtat, 2004). The base-catalyzed mechanism is thought to occur in marine sedi-
ments, because the waters in these areas tend to be mildly basic (Aizenshtat et al., 1995).
The light-induced mechanism has been argued to occur in anoxic photic zones (Adam et
al., 1998). Figure 2 shows the nu-
hν R
1 H2S v=280nm
mechanisms not shown in these fig-
Figure 3. Light-induced free-radical addition, based on Vaughan and
Rust (1942). Light abstracts a sulfide radical (1), initiating a radical
ures may also be important to abiotic chain reaction that yields thiophytane (2-4). Adam et al. (1998)
suggest that a similar mechanism forms polysulfide radicals and
intermolecular sulfur.
sulfurization. Adam et al. (1998)
found that ketones catalyze the photochemical sulfurization reaction, probably because
they radicalize at a longer wavelength of light (Vaughan and Rust, 1942). Schneckenburg-
er et al. (1998) found evidence that a radical mechanism facilitates the reaction of sulfides
and ketones to form thioketones, which may be intermediates in OSC synthesis pathways.
Adam et al. (1998) found that photochemical sulfurization occurred in less than one day,
sediments of Ace Lake, Antarctica, (Kok et al., 2000) and Lake Cadagno, Switzerland
(Putschew et al., 1995). Werne et al. (2004) point to evidence of both rapid sulfurization
(days), and less rapid sulfurization (thousands of years). Either way, sulfurization occurs
early in diagenesis, and multiple reactions of different rates probably happen simultane-
ously (Ibid.)
(2004) explain. Sulfurization can affect the distribution of free compounds. Despite the
rapid pace of sulfurization, not all biomolecules are sulfurized quantitatively, so their
interpreting trends in the relative abundance of certain biomarkers over time. Similar
trends suggest similar sources. Therefore, failing to consider the sulfurized biomarkers
sulfurized biomarkers compose the majority of the soluble organic matter (Schaeffer et
al., 1995). Sulfurization can preserve carbohydrates (Werne et al., 2004), a class of com-
Decoding OSCs requires instruments that isolate, identify and measure them. We
used two analytical instruments: the Gas Chromatograph- Mass Spectrometer (GC-MS)
and the Gas Chromatograph- Flame Ionization Detector (GC-FID) (E-4). Identifying and
with the GC-MS and -FID is difficult. OSCs are challenging to analyze because the S
Because OSCs tend to be heavy (of a large size) and polar, they often elute slowly or
degradative chemical reaction that replaces sulfide bonds with hydrogen atoms (Schouten
et al., 1993). This “desulfurization” reaction allows us to release, measure and identify
II S as above
We desulfurized and analyzed synthetic standards and geochemical extracts
with two goals. We sought to optimize this technique’s experimental and analytical
features of our samples’ depositional environment. The first sample is from an outcrop
on the eastern end of Sulfur Mountain in Monterey, California. The outcrop is part of the
upper member of the Monterey Formation, which deposited somewhere between 6.7 and
7.8 million years ago, about 100 km off the late-Miocene coast. At that time, the area
of deposition was under 1000-1500 m of seawater (Fig. 5) (Isaacs, 2001). Our second
sample is surface sediment from the permanently stratified, oligosaline Greenland lake
Brayasø (Fig. 5) (0-1 cm below the sediment-water interface, at a water depth of 57 feet).
5 Mixed layer
Anoxic zone
Sub-oxic zone
~1500 Sediment
pH Sediment
25 SpCond
Figure 5. (A) Water column zonation for the Greenland sediment’s depositional environment, inferred
by measurements of the lake taken in August 1997 (reproduced from Anderson et al., 1999). (B) Water
column zonation of the Monterey shale’s likely depositional environment, inferred from Isaacs, 2001.
The lake sediment is less than 910 years old, and probably less than 40 years old (E-5).
Section 1 endnotes
1. Not all organic sulfur compounds are formed through a geochemical reaction.
Some OSCs are formed through “assimilatory sulfate reduction”, that is, cellular sulfate
OSCs indicate that 20-25% of marine sedimentary OSC mass is biogenic (Werne et al.,
2. Most marine life is too small and too buoyant to fall from the surface ocean to
the abyss. However, ocean circulation exports this material (dissolved organic matter and
small particulate organic matter) to depth. Additionally, calcite and opal shells aggregate
buoyant organic matter and drag it to the ocean floor (Sarmiento and Gruber, 2006).
cold for an unusually long time, DNA should degrade about 10,000 years after deposition
(D’Andrea et al., 2006). Nucleic acids and proteins are made with phosphodiester and
amide bonds, respectively. Phosphorus and nitrogen are biolimiting nutrients; their
terrestrial paucity makes them highly coveted, so any biopolymer that they are part of is
vulnerable to microbial attack. Moreover, phosphodiester and amide bonds are vulnerable
to hydrolytic decomposition, so even if microbes do not eat them, these compounds tend
to decompose rapidly on geologic timescales (Bada, 1991). Carbohydrates are another
readily metabolized group of compounds not expected to preserve well (Werne et al,
pound’s unique chemical properties in order to physically isolate it. Compound isolation
rates compounds based on size and polarity. The machine injects an aliquot of sample
at the beginning of a column, and, over the course of about 40 minutes, increases the
temperature from about 40°C to about 315°C. Small, nonpolar molecules such as hexane
travel through the column the fastest, eluting at the beginning of the run. Large, polar
molecules such as functionalized cholesterol travel through the column the slowest, elut-
ing at the end of the run. The column is a coiled tube ~60 m in length and ~0.5 mm in
diameter. The column’s inner wall is coated with a polar stationary phase, which attracts
polar compounds from the sample and acts in concert with the gradually rising tempera-
ture to ensure that polar compounds have longer retention (elution) times.
C9H20, from decane, C10H22), whereas liquid chromatography is used for both the gross
fractionation of broad groups of compounds (e.g., polar versus nonpolar), and fine
separation. Liquid chromatography (LC) and thin layer chromatography (TLC), like
gas chromatography, exploit the fact that different compounds have different polarities.
However, LC and TLC do not use a temperature gradient, and the mobile phase is liquid
as opposed to gas. For this report we used gas
elutes from the GC column, it passes into the MS for further identification. The MS
outputs a spectrum several times per second showing the mass distribution (ion intensity
versus ion mass) for whatever compounds are entering the MS. The mass distribution
helps identify the compound. In our particular setup, the mass spectra are patterns of ion
fragmentation. The instrument breaks the molecule into several pieces, and since each
compound has a unique and predictable fragmentation pattern, we deduce the molecular
for known compounds. (Other types of mass spectrometers do not fragment the ions and
masses at a certain time, an ion chromatogram shows the abundance of a single ion over
the course of the run. The total ion chromatogram (TIC) shows how the sum of all the
ion signals changes over the course of the run. Chromatograms of one or a few ions are
useful for detecting common biomarker ion fragments, such as m/z 191, for hopanes, or
Ionization Detector (FID), which burns compounds as they elute off of a GC column and
detects the resulting CO2 gas. Because different compounds have different ionization
efficiencies, using a GC-MS to find a compound’s total ion intensity is an inaccurate way
the FID is better equipped to analyze large numbers of samples and samples with high
compound abundances.
years for Brayasø sediment between 22.4 cm and 22.5 cm depth (Anderson and Leng,
2004). We assume that the lake’s sedimentation rate has been constant over the past
~910 years, and that the sediment-water interface was unperturbed during this time.
Assuming no perturbation is reasonable since the sediments are laminated and the lake is
2. Method
2.1. Overview
biomarkers from the organic extracts of sedimentary rock samples. We prepared the
organic extract for desulfurization using an Accelerated Solvent Extractor (ASE) and
nonpolar yield with another column fractionation. We measured and identified the most
abundant compounds in the nonpolar yield using GC-FID and GC-MS. To optimize the
We obtained a Total Organic Extract (TOE) for the Monterey and blank samples
by using an Accelerated Solvent Extractor (ASE) (E-1). We obtained the Greenland TOE
Fractionation #1 Fractionation #2 Fractionation #3
Monterey Desulfurization 1
Greenland DS-1
Blank DS-1
(TOE) (45 mg) Monterey Most-Polar Monterey DS-2
Greenland Most-Polar DS-2 Greenland DS-2
Greenland TOE (41.7 mg)
Blank Most-Polar
Blank DS-2
Blank TOE (0 mg)
Monterey Minor-Nonpolar
Greenland Minor-Nonpolar
Blank Minor-Nonpolar
Figure 7. Overall workflow. Red circles indicate chromatographic separations. We do not show the “Polar” fractions
resulting from Fractionation #1. For more details on the chromatographic separations (fractionations), see Figure 7. See E-7
for additional Monterey and Blank fractions not shown in this schematic.
~30°C for 30 minutes (E-2). The Extractable Organic Matter (EOM), as a percentage of
Fractionation #1 Fractionation #2 Fractionation #3
the rock mass, was 1.3% for Monterey and 2.7% for Greenland (E-3).
Monterey Desulfurization-0
In order to isolate the organic sulfur compounds
Monterey Most-Polar-0 andDS-0
remove free hydrocarbons,
before the first column fractionation. Omitting this step led us to modify our column
(Fractionation #2, indicated on Fig. 7 and Fig. 8). For a detailed explanation of asphaltene
Total Organic Extract
Hex/DCM 9/1 I II
Al O Nonpolar GC-FID GC-MS
Fractionation #1 2
DCM/MeOH 1/1
Fractionation #2
Fractionation #3 III IV
Al O
2 3
Hex/DCM 9/1 Minor-Nonpolar GC-FID GC-MS
DCM/MeOH 1/1
Figure 8. Detailed workflow.
Roman numerals refer to a V
re-dissolution or injection param-
eter, which varied depending on Desulfurization (DS) VI
the experiment. See the table in
E-13 for the parameters we used Hex/DCM 9/1 VII VIII
for each experiment. In this figure
Al O
2 3 DS Nonpolar GC-FID GC-MS
we do not show divisions of the
Most-Polar fraction into separate
aliquots. DS Polar
precipitation, our modification of the column fractionation procedure, and the resulting
2.4 Desulfurization
We had three different TOEs (Monterey, Greenland, and Blank). For each TOE
aliquot we produced one Most-Polar fraction (Figs. 7, 8). For the majority of our experi-
ments, we split the Most-Polar fraction into three aliquots and desulfurized each aliquot
(Fig. 7). For a few of our experiments, we desulfurized the entire Most-Polar fraction at
once (E-7). After the desulfurization reaction, we isolated the nonpolar yield with another
The four methods were very similar to one another. To prevent water from degrad-
ing the reagent sodium borohydride (NaBH4), we prepared the reaction solvents, metha-
nol (MeOH) and tetrahydrofuran (THF), by drying with Na2SO4 for 15 min or overnight
THF:MeOH 1:1 in a test tube with a magnetic stir bar. To the dissolved sample we added
10-100 mg nickel chloride (NiCl2), and (slowly) a roughly equal amount of NaBH4. To
hasten the desulfurization reaction, we heated the mixture to 50-70°C. We used a gentle
nitrogen stream to isolate the reaction from water vapor. After 1 hour, we used Al2O3
isolation of the nonpolar fraction to extract from the reaction mixture any hydrocarbons
Three of the desulfurization methods we used are called DS-1, DS-2, and DS-3;
we performed each of these methods on separate aliquots of all three extracts (Fig. 7).
For DS-1, we attempted to reflux the reaction mixture at ~70° C in a long test tube (E-6),
and used MeOH dried with Na2SO4 for 15 min. For DS-2, we used a THF:MeOH mixture
that we had dried overnight with 5A mole sieves. For DS-3, we used the 5A mole dried
solvents and also added ~100 mg additional sodium borohydride 30 minutes after the re-
action start. The fourth desulfurization method we call DS-0, and we performed it only on
aliquots of the Monterey TOE and the Blank TOE (E-7). In DS-0, we heated the reaction
2.5. GC-FID/ GC-MS
rated the nonpolar fractions, redissolved them, and transferred them to 2 mL vials for
GC-FID analysis. We optimized the volume of solvent in the GC vials, as well as the
injector split mode, to obtain peak heights between 20 and 500 pA (E-8). To identify the
Endnotes 11 and 12 describe the GC-FID and GC-MS temperature programs (labelled
with Greek letters in other parts of this report). We determined the compounds present in
each fraction by searching the NIST 2005 mass spectra library with the spectra from our
We used the figure 9 curves to quantify the sample desulfurization yield, and we used
How will we know that the compounds we detect after desulfurization were
polar fraction of the total organic extract (TOE) because OSCs are most abundant in
the polar fraction. We expected the desulfurization of this polar fraction to release
nonpolar hydrocarbons. Isolating the nonpolar fraction from the reaction mixture
desulfurization. However, we were concerned that the polar fraction contained nonpolar
cross-contaminants before the desulfurization. If that were the case, we would have
desulfurized fractions bore an uncanny resemblance to the GC-FID traces of the nonpolar
fractions. This puzzling observation led us to modify our original procedure so that we
could test the hypothesis that our fractionations were incomplete. We introduced a second
Nonpolar” fractions.
If we were to observe that the Minor-Nonpolar fraction contained similar
compounds to those in the Nonpolar fraction, then we would conclude that the first
fractionation was incomplete. We would also suspect that the second fractionation was
incomplete, since it followed the same method as the first fractionation. Even after two
purifications of the polar fraction, we would expect to find a small remainder of nonpolar
Section 2 Endnotes
1. The ASE pumps solvent (DCM:Methanol 9:1) into a vessel containing the
crushed rock sample (10.24 grams). The vessel is next heated to ~100°C and pressurized
to several atmospheres (double-check). After about 1 hour, the vessel depressurizes and
the solvent flows out of the vessel, through a glass wool filter, and into a collection vial.
sample bag, and weighing the dried total organic extract in a tared 4 mL vial.
4. The purpose of asphaltene precipitation is to separate compounds that are
not amenable to GC analysis (asphaltenes) from compounds that are more likely to be
highly functionalized, and are heavily sulfide-linked. Maltenes are less funtionalized,
lightly sulfide-linked, and often have lower molecular weights (Kohnen et al., 1991).
Maltenes are soluble in a light hydrocarbon solvent such as heptane or hexane, in addition
to more powerful (and more polar) solvents such as dichloromethane (DCM) or methanol
(MeOH). On the other hand, asphaltenes are only soluble in DCM or MeOH. Asphaltenes
are nonvolatile (Sessions, pers. comm., 2009). Injecting nonvolatile compounds into a
Gas Chromatography (GC) system will lead to a residual buildup on the inlet liner at the
Since maltenes and asphaltenes alike contain organic sulfur compounds (OSCs)
(Sinninghe Damsté et al., 1988), we did not attempt to separate them before our first
fractionation. We were indifferent to the possibility of asphaltenes eluting with our polar
fraction, and thought that they could provide more material to desulfurize. Since we
would only analyze the nonpolar yield of the desulfurization, we would not run the risk of
column twice, not once, as follows: we washed the column with 4 mL DCM:MeOH 1:1
the dry TOE, loaded the extract on to the column, and eluted it with 3.5 mL Hex:DCM
9:1 to obtain the nonpolar fraction. Then, rather than immediately eluting the polar
with 3.5 mL DCM:MeOH 1:1 to obtain the polar fraction (Figs. 7, 8).
We loaded the column a second time because the first extractions with Hex/DCM
9/1 did not completely dissolve the TOE, and they left a lot of material in the sample vial.
We assumed that this residual material contained polar organic sulfur compounds, which
During these experiments, we did not realize that the asphaltene-rich residue
probably contained a small amount of nonpolar (maltene) compounds. Since the first
extractions for column loading did not dissolve the entire dry TOE, they probably left
When we performed the second set of extractions using DCM:MeOH 1:1, we loaded a
solution rich in polar asphaltenes and tinged with nonpolar maltenes on to a column that
already contained polar maltenes. The second extraction unintentionally loaded a small
amount of the nonpolar compounds (cross-contaminants), which eluted with the polar
5. We changed our procedure for isolating the reaction yield because someone
discarded our centrifuge. For the Monterey-0, Blank-0, and standard desulfurizations
A-D, we centrifuged the reaction test tube, transferred the supernatant to a 4 mL vial,
the test tube, centrifuging as needed. We obtained the nonpolar yield fraction from
this extract by Al2O3 fractionation. For all other desulfurizations (after the centrifuge
became unavailable), we waited ~10 minutes for the nickel boride particles to settle, and
DCM extractions on the solids remaining in the test tube, allowing time for the particles
to settle before supernatant transfer. We dried the yield extract in the 4 mL vial, and then
loaded its nonpolar fraction on to a washed Al2O3 column with 3x 300 ul Hex:DCM 9:1
Monterey Desulfurization 1
Greenland DS-1
6. However, the solvent dried out within 15 minutes because of either too high Blank DS-1
Figure 7). We desulfurized the most-polar fractions of these aliquots using the procedure
Blank Minor-Nonpolar
Figure 7. Overall workflow. Red circles indicate chromatographic separations. We do not show the “Polar” fractions
resulting from Fractionation #1. For more details on the chromatographic separations (fractionations), see Figure 7. See E-7
for (described
additional in the
Monterey and Blanktext).
fractions not shown in this schematic.
Monterey Desulfurization-0
Monterey Nonpolar 0
Blank Nonpolar 0
8. Samples with FID peaks lower than 20 pA may be too dilute for the GC-MS’
sensitivity, while peaks taller than 500 pA can accumulate on the MS source and eventu-
ally interfere with the instrument’s 1
y = 0.00045852x
Concentration in 1mL solution (mg/mL) y = 0.00038572x
0.2 Back
9. We made two different
Assumed Front
curves in figure 9 to quantify the desulfurization yield for our geochemical extracts,
because we performed all of the GC-FID analyses for these data (samples and serial
HMB dilutions) within the same 24 hours. We used the calibration curves shown in figure
11 to quantify the desulfurization yield for our standards, because we performed our
standard reactions over the course of ~2 months, and we also measured HMB at different
concentrations during this time period (6/12/08 to 8/24/08). The HMB measurements for
the standards were made in 10:1 split mode, and the measurements for the samples were
10. Our blank extracts served both as a procedural control and as a test of standard
desulfurization efficiency. Before dividing the Blank Most-Polar fraction into three
(E-7), since we did not add any synthetic standard to these fractions.
13. Reference table for desulfurization and GC injection parameters. Much of the infor-
mation in this table is explained throughout the text as necessary. Greek letters refer to GC-FID
or GC-MS temperature programs, described in E-11 and E-12.
Sample Step of Workflow
Nonpol FID Nonpol MS Min-Nonpol FID Min-Non- Division of Most-Polar Desulf reaction Desulf FID Desulf MS
pol MS conditions
Monterey Redissolve in (No GC-MS Redissolve in (No Take 1.5 mL aliquot Heat reaction to Redissolve in 50 Redissolve in
DS-1 50 uL Hex/ data) 50 uL Hex/ GC-MS (One-third of the ini- 60-70 °C; use uL Hex/DCM 10 uL Hex/
DCM 9/1; DCM 9/1; data) tial 4.5 mL Most-Polar MeOH dried 9/1; Inject 1uL DCM 9/1;
Inject 1uL Inject 1uL solution) with Na2SO4. splitless (SL) (g) Manualinject
splitless (SL) splitless (SL) 1uL SL (e)
(g) (g)
Green- Redissolve Inject 1uL Redissolve (No Take 1.5 mL aliquot Heat reaction to Redissolve in 1 Redissolve in
land in 1 mL Hex/ 10:1 split in 1 mL Hex/ GC-MS (One-third of the ini- 60-70 °C; use mL Hex/DCM 100 uL Hex/
DS-1 DCM 9/1; (h) DCM 9/1; data) tial 4.5 mL Most-Polar MeOH dried 9/1; Inject 1uL DCM 9/1;
Inject 1uL Inject 1uL solution) with Na2SO4. SL (g) Inject 1 uL
SL (g) SL (g) SL (e)
Blank Redissolve in (No GC-MS Redissolve in (No Take 1.5 mL aliquot Heat reaction to Redissolve in 1 (No GC-MS
DS-1 50 uL Hex/ data) 50 uL Hex/ GC-MS (One-third of the ini- 60-70 °C; use mL Hex/DCM data)
DCM 9/1; DCM 9/1; data) tial 4.5 mL Most-Polar MeOH dried 9/1; Inject 1uL
Inject 1uL Inject 1uL solution) (E-10) with Na2SO4. 10:1 split (d)
SL (g) SL (g)
Monterey (uses same (No GC-MS (same Minor- (No Take 1.5 mL aliquot ~55 °C; Redissolve in 50 Redissolve in
DS-2 Nonpolar data) Nonpolar GC-MS (One-third of the ini- solvents dried uL Hex/DCM 10 uL Hex/
FID data as FID data as data) tial 4.5 mL Most-Polar overnight with 9/1; Inject 1uL DCM 9/1;
Monterey Monterey solution) 5A molecular SL (g) Manualinject
DS-1) DS-1) sieves. 1uL SL (e)
Green- (uses same (uses same (same Minor- (No Take 1.5 mL aliquot ~55 °C; Redissolve in 1 Inject 1 uL
land Nonpolar Nonpolar Nonpolar GC-MS (One-third of the ini- solvents dried mL Hex/DCM SL (e)
DS-2 FID data as MS data as FID data as data) tial 4.5 mL Most-Polar overnight with 9/1; Inject 1uL
GreDS-1) GreDS-1) GreDS-1) solution) 5A molecular SL (g)
Blank (uses same (No GC-MS (same Minor- (No Take 1.5 mL aliquot ~55 °C; Redissolve in 1 Inject 1 uL
DS-2 Nonpolar data) Nonpolar FID GC-MS (One-third of the ini- solvents dried mL Hex/DCM 20:1 split (q)
FID data as data as Blank data) tial 4.5 mL Most-Polar overnight with 9/1; Inject 1uL
Blank DS-1) DS-1) solution) (E-10) 5A molecular 10:1 split (d)
Monterey (uses same (No GC-MS (same Minor- (No Take 1.5 mL aliquot Same as DS-2 Redissolve in 50 Redissolve in
DS-3 Nonpolar data) Nonpolar GC-MS (One-third of the ini- but ~100 mg ad- uL Hex/DCM 10 uL Hex/
FID data as FID data as data) tial 4.5 mL Most-Polar ditional NaBH4 9/1; Inject 1uL DCM 9/1;
Monterey Monterey solution) added after 30 SL (g) Manualinject
DS-1) DS-1) mins 1uL SL (e)
Green- (uses same (uses same (same Minor- (No Take 1.5 mL aliquot Same as DS-2 Redissolve in 1 (No GC-MS
land Nonpolar Nonpolar Nonpolar GC-MS (One-third of the ini- but ~100 mg ad- mL Hex/DCM data)
DS-3 FID data as MS data as FID data as data) tial 4.5 mL Most-Polar ditional NaBH4 9/1; Inject 1uL
GreDS-1) GreDS-1) GreDS-1) solution) added after 30 SL (g)
Blank (uses same (No GC-MS (same Minor- (No Take 1.5 mL aliquot Same as DS-2 Redissolve in 1 (No GC-MS
DS-3 Nonpolar data) Nonpolar FID GC-MS (One-third of the ini- but ~100 mg ad- mL Hex/DCM data)
FID data as data as Blank data) tial 4.5 mL Most-Polar ditional NaBH4 9/1; Inject 1uL
Blank DS-1) DS-1) solution) (E-10) added after 30 10:1 split (d)
Monterey Redissolve in Redissolve Redissolve in Inject 1 Entire fraction 50 °C, MeOH Redissolve in 50 Redissolve in
DS-0 50 uL Hex/ in 250 uL 50 uL Hex/ uL SL dried with uL Hex/DCM 10 uL Hex/
DCM 9/1; Hex/DCM DCM 9/1; (e,z) Na2SO4 9/1; Inject 1uL DCM 9/1;
Inject 1uL 9/1; Inject 1 Inject 1uL SL (g) Manualinject
SL (g) uL SL (z) SL (g) 1uL SL (e)
Blank Redissolve in Redissolve Redissolve in Inject 1 Entire fraction 50 °C, MeOH Redissolve in 50 Redissolve in
DS-0 50 uL Hex/ in 250 uL 50 uL Hex/ uL SL dried with uL Hex/DCM 10 uL Hex/
DCM 9/1; Hex/DCM DCM 9/1; (e) Na2SO4 9/1; Inject 1uL DCM 9/1;
Inject 1uL 9/1; Inject 1 Inject 1uL SL (g) Manualinject
SL (g) uL SL (z) SL (g) 1uL SL (e)
3. Results
3.1. Overview
tracts. We show the standard reactions in Table 1 and figure 12. We show the desulfurized
compounds for Monterey in figures 13 and 14, and for Greenland in figures 17 and 18.
We also report on the compounds found in the nonpolar fractions of these extracts, and
compare the free nonpolar hydrocarbons to the nonpolar hydrocarbons released by desul-
3.2. Standards
(See fig. 4 for the structures of these compounds.) These reactions gave yields between
Standards and Re- Procedure (cf. sec- Peak Area Com- % Yield (Moles
Figure 12,
agents tion 2.4) (pA*s) pound yield/ moles
(b)ack column Mass standard)*100
(f)ront column (mg)
4800 Octadecane G
Octadecane F
Octadecane E
Toluene Octadecane D
Octadecane C
Octadecane B
Hexamethylbenzene Octadecane
6 10 14 18 22 26 30 34 38
time (min)
Figure 12. GC-FID chromatograms for standard desulfurizations. The desulfurized standard
elutes at different times because we used different temperature programs for some runs (Methods,
Endnote 12). Trace A used program a. Traces B-D used program b. Traces E-G used program d.
The octadecane peak elutes slightly sooner in trace B than it does in trace C because these two
runs were each on a different column.
3.3. Monterey desulfurization fraction
9 B
B 17 12
25 6 B B B
7 B B 13
5 8 B
11 B B
16 B 10 15
Intensity (pA)
1 2 4
16 20 24 28
Time (minutes)
Figure 13. Monterey Desulfurization Fraction, GC-FID Trace. Numbered peaks refer to figure
Gre DS A (back)
14. (B) indicates the compound is also present in the blank desulfurization fraction at a similar
100 (E-1). This chromatogram is from analysis of the Monterey DS-3 sample, which typi-
fies the other Monterey samples. 18
branched alkane (compounds 6 and 9). Cholestane and other steroids are present (11,
1 3
13-15). Other isoprenoids are beta-Tocopherol (12), delta-Tocopherol (18), and Lyco-
40 19
2 6 15*
pene (17). Lycopene may also be present in
20 7 the nonpolar fraction.
13* We see heterocyclic
4 5 10*
be misidentified terpenoids; their peaks are relatively rich with an ion (m/z 191) that is
characteristic for this compound class (Forster et al., 2004; Schouten et al., 2001). Convo-
luted mass spectra reduce our confidence in the compound assignments for the following
baseline obscures them in both the GC-MS and the GC-FID chromatograms. For exam-
ple, unsaturated steroid hydrocarbons may be under-reported here because their charac-
teristic ions (e.g. m/z 257) (Forster et al., 2004) are overwhelmed by the ions of coeluting
compounds (e.g. m/z 57) (E-3). The high baseline indicates that this fraction contains an
unresolved complex mixture (UCM) of coeluting compounds. Sutton et al. (2005) esti-
Some of the compounds in Monterey DS-3 were not found in other Monterey
desulfurized fractions; the DS-0 fraction was particularly disagreeable. We found dif-
ferences between the baseline shape of the Monterey-0 fractions and the other Monterey
fractions (E-4). Such baseline shifts may have affected the signal-noise difference calcu-
lation used to extract a mass spectrum for each peak, thereby leading to disagreements
1 2 3 4
5 6
7 8 9
10 11 12 13
14 15 16
17 18
1 4-(cis-2,3,4,trans-6-Tetramethyl-3-cyclohexenyl)butan-2-one 2,4-dinitrophenylhydrazone
2 2,6-Bis(1,1-dimethylethyl)-4-(1-oxopropyl)phenol
30 4-Acetyl-1,2,3,4-tetrahydro-2-oxoquinoline
Gibberellic acid
5 2,10-Dimethyl-2,3,4,5,6,7-hexahydro-1H-2-benzazonine
6 Octadecane
7 8-Heptadecanol
[1,1’-Biphenyl]-4,4’-diamine, 3,3’-dimethyl
9 Heptadecane, 9-hexyl-
10 0
11 Cholestane
12 beta-Tocopherol
13 Propanoic acid, 2-(3-acetoxy-4,4,14-trimethylandrost-8-en-17-yl)-
14 0
Chol-8-en-24-al, 3-(acetyloxy)-4,4,14-trimethyl-, (3.beta.,5.alpha.)-
15012 Chol-8-en-24-al, 3-(acetyloxy)-4,4,14-trimethyl-, (3.beta.,5.alpha.)-
16 1-(5,5-Dimethyl-1,3-dioxocyclohexan-2-yli den)-2-(N-ethylbenzthiazol-2-yliden)-ethan
17 psi.,.psi.-Carotene, 7,7’,8,8’,11,11’,12,12’,15,15’-decahydro-
18 delta-Tocopherol
Intensity (pA)
2 9 13
4 12 15
35 7 8 16
10 17 18 27
6 21
1 24
500 22
19 20 30
23 25
29 31
26 28 32
15 20 Time (min) 25 30
Figure 15. Monterey Nonpolar Fraction, GC-FID Trace. Numbered peaks refer to figure 16.
1/3 Gre Nonpol FID
alkane (7), and a dimethyl alkane (2). We find a series of methyl- and isopropyl-substitut-
Intensity (pA)
ed polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (1, 3-5, 6, 8, 9). We see a benzothiophene (13), and
other heterocyclic compounds (10, 15, 26, 31). We see a phenolic alcohol (22), a phe-
100 19
15* 25
nolic ester (23),1 3and4 a substituted biphenyl compound (12). We find a series of steroids,
50 14 18*
9 12 13 28
5 6 7 17
2 8 11 30
(16, 24, 30). We see non-steroid polycyclic terpenoids (17, 18 27, 29, 32). Although not
detectable by GC-FID, the GC-MS data show that cyclic octatomic sulfur is present in
the Monterey nonpolar fraction. Convoluted mass spectra reduce our confidence in the
compound assignments for the following peaks: 1, 6, 7, 10, 12, 13, 22, 23, 25, 29, 30, and
32. As is the case for the Monterey desulfurization fraction, the Monterey nonpolar frac-
tion has a UCM with many co-eluting compounds. The m/z 57 ion is very depleted in the
retention range of C15-C35 n-alkanes, although pristane and phytane are abundant (E-5).
The depletion of long-chain n-alkanes indicates that this sample’s biodegradation level is
from GC-FID analysis of the Monterey Nonpolar fraction, and the numbered peaks were
selected using GC-MS data for the Monterey Nonpolar-0 fraction (Methods endnote 7).
The two fractions contain the same compounds, although compound ratios may differ
1 2 3 4 5
6 7 8 9
10 11 12 13
14 15 16 17
18 19 20 21 22
23 24 25 26 27
28 29 30 31 32
16 20 24 28
Time (minutes)
60 16
Intensity (pA)
40 1 3 19
2 6 15*
20 7 13*
4 5 10*
20 25 30
Time (minutes)
Figure 17. Greenland Desulfurization Fraction, GC-FID Trace. Numbered peaks refer to figure
18. (*) indicates the compound may be present in the Minor-Nonpolar fraction, at a lower abun-
dance. This chromatogram is from analysis of the Greenland DS-1 fraction, which typifies the
other Greenland DS fractions.
isoprenoids (1-3). We find a suite of C17-C27 alkyl methyl esters (4, 6, 8, 10, 12), each with
an odd number of carbons. We find a suite of alkanols (5, 7, 9, 11). Alkanol abundance
increases with chain length in all three desulfurization fractions, and the alkyl methyl
esters do not show a correlation between molecule size and compound abundance. The
steroids in this fraction are functionalized and, usually, unsaturated. Their hydrocarbon
skeletons are of cholestane (13, 14), ergostane (15, 17), and stigmasterane (16, 18). We
observe a C35 alkene (19) and a hopanoid (20). All of the compounds found in the DS-1
fraction are also found in the other Greenland desulfurization fractions, except for one
of the alkyl methyl esters (4). A convoluted mass spectrum reduces our confidence in the
GC-FID retention times suggest that several of the compounds in the Greenland
desulfurization fraction may also present in the nonpolar fractions (8, 10, 13, 15).
A detailed retention time comparison supports the idea of similar but not identical
compounds in the two fractions (E-6). For an immature sediment such as Greenland,
we expect to see similar compounds in the desulfurized and nonpolar fractions because
diagenetic processes may have had little opportunity to modify the free hydrocarbons.
abundant than its counterpart in the minor-nonpolar fraction. This relationship suggests
that every labelled compound in the above figure 17 was part of an organic sulfur
the minor-nonpolar fractions provide a “ceiling” for the abundance of nonpolar cross-
1 2
3 4
5 6
7 8
9 10
11 12
13 14 15 16
17 19
18 20
1 Hexadecane, 2,6,10,14-tetramethyl-
Figure 18. Greenland desulfurization 2 2-Hexadecene, 3,7,11,15-tetramethyl-, [R-[R*,R*-(E)]]-
compound structures and names. 3 2-Hexadecene, 3,7,11,15-tetramethyl-, [R-[R*,R*-(E)]]-
Not found in the other Greenland DS 4†
Hexadecanoic acid, methyl ester
fractions. 5 1-Eicosanol
*May be present in the Greenland 6 Octadecanoic acid, methyl ester
Minor-Nonpolar fraction, at a lower
7 1-Eicosanol
8* Docosanoic acid, methyl ester
9 1-Eicosanol
10* Tetracosanoic acid, methyl ester
11 1-Tetracosanol
12 Hexacosanoic acid, methyl ester
13* (3.alpha.,5.beta.)-Cholestan-3-ol Compare to Np 15
14 Cholesterol
15* Campesterol Compare to Np 18
16 Stigmasterol
17 .alpha.-Ergostenol
18 .gamma.-Sitosterol
19 17-Pentatriacontene
20 4,4,6a,6b,8a,11,11,14b-Octamethyl-docosahydropicen-3-ol
3 5 7 8 16
10 17 18 27
6 21
1 24
500 22
19 20 30
23 25
29 31
26 28 32
15 20 Time (min) 25 30
Intensity (pA)
100 19
15* 25
50 1 14 18*
3 4 9 12 13 28
5 6 7 17
2 8 11 30
16 20 24 Time (min) 28 32 36
Figure 19. Greenland Nonpolar Fraction, GC-FID Trace. Numbered peaks refer to figure 20.
(*) indicates the compound may be present in the Greenland desulfurization fraction.
The Greenland nonpolar fraction contains phytol isomers (1, 3, 4) and a phytene
(2). We observe straight-chain alkanes (8, 11), a branched alkane (7), and a highly
branched alkane (13). We see long-chain alkenes (10, 22) and an ethyl ester dialkene (19).
We find a series of C27-C29 steroids, whose hydrocarbon skeletons are of cholestane (12,
15-17), ergostane (18), and stigmasterane (14, 20, 21). We see a heterocyclic compound
(9). We find a suite of di-, tri-, and tetra- unsaturated C37-C39 methyl and ethyl ketones.
Phthalates are present (5, 6). The GC-MS data show that cyclic octatomic sulfur is pres-
Convoluted mass spectra reduce our confidence in the compound assignments for
1 2 5
3 4
6 7 8
9 10 12
13 14 15* 16
17 18* 19
20 21 22
Figure 20. Greenland nonpolar fraction: compound structures and names. Assignments for #23-30
are based on relative retention times and peak shapes from D’Andrea and Huang (2005).
*May be present in the Greenland Desulfurization fraction
3.7. Minor-Nonpolar fractions and experimental control
The first fractionation (Figs. 7, 8) did not isolate all of the nonpolar compounds
(compare the Nonpolar fractions with the Minor-Nonpolar fractions, in figure 21). Con-
section, and “Experimental control,” Method section), the second fractionation may have
been just as incomplete as the first. If the second fractionation were incomplete, then we
would assume that a third nonpolar fraction would contain 4-19% of the total volatile
organic carbon (VOC) found in the Minor-Nonpolar fraction. We base this assumption
on the total amount of VOC found in the Minor-Nonpolar fraction compared to the total
amount of VOC found in the Nonpolar fraction (bar graphs, figure 21). The Desulfuriza-
tion fraction is also the third nonpolar fraction (fig. 7). Some compounds are easier to
fractionate than others, as shown by the alkenone (32-35 min) to steroid (27-30 min) ratio
caution, we conclude: any nonpolar compound that carried through to the minor-nonpolar
fraction must also have carried through to the desulfurized fraction. However, a cross-
contaminant in the desulfurized fraction will be less abundant than its counterpart in the
more abundant than its minor-nonpolar counterpart must, to some extent, result from the
desulfurization reaction.
every compound in the desulfurization fractions. On the other hand, total desulfurization
yields are greater than 19% of the minor-nonpolar yields (bar graph, fig. 21), suggesting
that the reaction released many compounds from sulfur linkages. Moreover, several peaks
that are present in the desulfurization fractions are not present in the minor-nonpolar frac-
tions, and several peaks in the desulfurization fractions have smaller counterparts in the
most noticeable for the Greenland extract, suggest the release of sulfur-bound hydrocar-
Greenland Monterey
300 2000
150 1000
0 0
20 25 30 35 10 15 20 25 30
150 60
100 40
Intensity (pA)
50 20
0 0
20 25 30 35 10 15 20 25 30
Time (min)
Greenland Monterey
Nonpolar 100% 100%
Greenland Monterey
18.1% 4.06%
Minor-Nonpolar Minor-Nonpolar
Greenland Monterey
Desulfurization 12.1% Desulfurization 2.41%
1 10 100 1 10 100
Total Abundance (% of Greenland Nonpolar fraction) Total Abundance (% of Monterey Nonpolar fraction)
Figure 21: Greenland and Monterey chromatographic data reconsidered. Nonpolar and Desulfurization chro-
matograms (shown previously in figures 13, 15, 17, and 19) are reprinted here with the Minor-Nonpolar chromato-
grams. This figure allows a direct comparison of the volatile hydrocarbon abundance between the fractions of each
extract. For the Greenland extract, we dissolved each fraction in 1 mL solvent, and injected 1 uL splitless. We
dissolved each Monterey fraction in 50 uL of solvent, and injected 1 uL splitless. See E-7 for more on instrument
conditions and the formatting of this figure.
Section 3 Endnotes
Figure 22
16 20 24 28
2. When more than one compound elutes at the same time, the mass spectrom-
eter fragments them simultaneously and they appear together as convoluted mass spectra
(Colby, 1992). It is possible to identify coeluting compounds because their major ions
often have different peak shapes or slight peak offsets, which are visible by extracting the
ion chromatogram. For example, figure 23 shows a peak for which we could not find evi-
dence for coelution. On the other hand, figure 24 shows three peaks from the Monterey
DS-3 data for which we did find evidence of coelution. At least two compounds compose
one has major fragments with m/z = 186
183 and 201; the other has the major fragment
19.542 19.563 19.583 19.603 19.623
149, and the m/z = 175 ion may be from a
Abundance [3.62%] [3557] Abundance [5.06%] [3484] Abundance [3.34%] [4165]
Peak #5 TIC Peak #16 TIC Peak #10 TIC
83 175 146
189 201 128
174 149 155
186 287
16.443 16.483 17.677 17.717 17.757 22.411 22.451 22.491 22.531
Figure 24
third compound. The same reasoning applies to peak 10. By extracting major ion chro-
matograms, we searched for evidence of coelution in every peak identified in the Results
3. Figure 25 shows how small the m/z 257 ion abundance is compared to other
ions from coeluting compounds, in GC-MS data for the Monterey DS-3 fraction. In
nonpolar compounds 19 57
m/z 57, m/z 257
and 20). (Intensity * 5606 * 6.20%)
22.71 22.97 23.23 23.49 23.76 24.02 24.28 24.54
Time (min)
Figure 25
1000 80
Monterey Nonpolar-0 Monterey Minor-Nonpolar-0 50 Monterey Desulfurization-0 (DS-0)
600 50
Intensity (pA) Intensity
30 (pA) Intensity
20 (pA)
0 0 0
10 15 20 time 25 30 10 15 20 time 25 30 10 15 20 time 25 30
2000 64 20
Monterey Nonpolar Monterey Minor-Nonpolar Monterey DS-3
1500 48 15
1000 32 10
500 16 5
0 0 0
10 15 20 time 25 30 10 15 20 time 25 30 10 15 20 time 25 30
Figure 26
4. Figure 26 shows that light compounds have a higher relative abundance in the
Monterey nonpolar fractions than they do in the Monterey-0 nonpolar fractions. We show
the Monterey-0 fractions in black and the Monterey fractions in red. The DS-3 and DS-0
profiles are similar to one another, although DS-0 gives a higher yield than DS-3, and
DS-3 has a higher relative abundance of heavy compounds than DS-0. DS-3 has a very
similar profile to DS-1 and DS-2 (not shown). By the term “light”, we mean compounds
with relatively short retention times, and by “heavy” we mean compounds with relatively
One possible explanation for the systematic baseline difference between the
nonpolar fractions is that the light compounds are vulnerable to evaporative loss. We
began each of these two fractionation procedures with an aliquot of Monterey TOE. We
produced the Monterey-0 fractions on 8/15/08, 8/18/08, and 8/19/08. One month later, we
produced the Monterey fractions (on 9/18/08 and 9/22/08). We analyzed all six fractions
on the same day (12/16/08) using GC-FID, with the same column, using the same instru-
ment method. In the evaporation scenario, the fractions that we produced earlier lost more
Nonpolar fraction.
Abundance [7.68%][96866] TIC
0 57
9.15 11.63 14.11 16.58 19.06 21.54 24.01 26.48 28.96 31.44 33.92 36.39 38.86 41.34 43.82 46.29
Figure 27
6. Figure 28 compares the Greenland GC-FID traces for the Nonpolar and Des-
ulfurization fractions. Peak Desulf-3 is the same compound as peak Nonpol-2, based on
nearly identical retention times and GC-MS data. The desulfurization peaks 13 and 15
appear to have nonpolar counterparts with similar enough retention times that we assume
they are identical. On the other hand, the desulfurization peaks 14, 16, 18, 19, and 20 do
Greenland Desulfurization Intensity (pA)
Greenland Nonpolar Intensity (pA)
14 40
3 19 19
80 22
16 16
40 18
2 13 20
0 0
27 27.5 28 28.5 29 29.5 30 30.5
17.5 17.75 18 time
Figure 28
7. The six chromatograms shown in figure 21 were obtained from GC-FID analy-
different fractions of the same extract (e.g., the Greenland desulfurization fraction and the
Greenland minor-nonpolar fraction), the instrument conditions were constant for each ex-
tract. For the Greenland extract, we dissolved each fraction in 1 mL of Hexane:DCM 9:1
and injected 1 uL using program g (splitless). For the Monterey extract, fractions in 50 uL
of Hex:DCM 9:1 were injected 1 uL splitless, using program g. The Greenland traces are
data for fractions Greenland nonpolar, Greenland minor-nonpolar, and Greenland DS-1.
The Monterey traces are data for fractions Monterey nonpolar, Monterey minor-nonpolar,
and Monterey DS-3. Each desulfurization started with 1/3 of the most-polar fraction;
therefore, to allow a direct abundance comparison between different fractions of the same
extract, we scaled the nonpolar and minor-nonpolar intensity measurements to 1/3 of their
original size. For visual clarity we offset the Greenland desulfurization trace by 10 pA
with respect to the Greenland minor-nonpolar trace. We did not offset the Monterey traces
4. Discussion
iments on synthetic standards. For most of our standard experiments, we changed several
variables at once. We sought to add NaBH4 at a molar excess to its reactant NiCl2, be-
cause the product of this reaction (Ni2B) decomposes NaBH4 (Back et al., 1992). Higher
rates of Ni2B formation per unit volume should make product formation more energeti-
cally favorable. Using a graphing program, we determined how well each variable (mass
of reagents, solvent volume, reagents/standard, etc.) correlated to the percent yield. Our
analysis did not find a distinctive variable or combination of variables that could explain
the variance in % yield (Fig. 29) better than other variables or combinations of variables.
However one ratio that has a robust correlation to the % yield is (mass reagents/ mass
25 °C, 2mL MeOH + 2mL Hex samples, we suggest: that the ratio
(2, 47, 50)
4.2. Sample yields
with abundances between 4% and 19% of the minor-nonpolar fraction (Results, Minor-
Nonpolar section). These best and worst-case contamination assumptions allow us to ap-
proximate the actual desulfurization yield and compare it to the yields achieved by other
workers (Fig. 30). Our yields are on the same order of those reported elsewhere, except
for Schouten et al.’s (1993) desulfurization of a shale from the Vena del Gesso basin,
and we suggest that this discrepancy relates to the Messinian salinity crisis. Intra-sample
variations within our own data are probably due to procedural inconsistencies. Our
Greenland sample tends to give higher desulfurization yields than our Monterey sample
relatively high for both Greenland and Monterey, consistent with each sample’s oxygen-
higher than every other sample shown in Fig. 30. Such a large enrichment of released
netic conditions must have been significantly different from those of the other samples.
Since this sample is from the Gessoso-solfifera formation outcropping in a northern Italy
evaporitic basin (Kohnen et al., 1991; Vai and Ricci Lucchi, 1977), its age is between 5.5
and 6 Mya (Roveri et al., 2003). This time coincides with the Messinian salinity crisis,
when the Mediterranean sea became isolated from the Atlantic ocean. This isolation
al., 1999), including in the Vena del Gesso area (Roveri et al., 2003). Evaporitic condi-
tions, coupled with anoxic bottom waters (Vai and Ricci Lucchi, 1977) may have been an
ideal setting for prolific bacterial sulfate reduction and an anomalously high sulfurization
efficiency in the Vena del Gesso basin. Another Messinian evaporitic sample, desulfur-
ized by Schaeffer et al. (1995) also seems to record a very high sulfurization efficiency.
These authors found that a desulfurized TOE yielded alkanes at an abundance 20-30
times greater than the abundance of free saturated hydrocarbons. On the other hand, the
Monterey samples deposited ~1 Myr before the Messinian salinity crisis, and outside of
the Mediterranean basin. In our Monterey samples, we did not observe any desulfurized
compounds that were more abundant than any of the free hydrocarbons.
more effective than DS 1-3. The increased yield may be due to a difference between the
method we used to isolate the desulfurization yield for DS-0 and the method we used for
the six other sample desulfurizations (Method endnote 5) (E-1). Among our Monterey
and Greenland desulfurizations, the DS-1 yields tend to be higher than those of DS-2
and DS-3. We suspect that the DS-1 yields are higher than those of DS-2 and 3 because
the DS-1 reactions began with slightly more sample than the other two reactions (E-2).
Greenland desulfurization yields are 1.5x-3.5x higher than Monterey yields, when the
maximum or minimum yields are averaged and Monterey DS-0 is excluded from the
comparison. Since the Greenland sample is very young, sulfurization occurred rapidly in
Desulfurization yield can vary significantly even between samples from the same
stratigraphic unit (Fig. 30, Monterey Naples Beach samples). Sedimentary compounds
Our Greenland extractable organic matter (EOM), relative to the rock mass, is
higher than our Monterey EOM (2.7% versus 1.3%). The Greenland sediment has a Total
Organic Carbon abundance (TOC) of 11.7% (D’Andrea, pers. comm., 2009), which is
higher than the TOC for Monterey (probably 2-5%; cf. Katz and Royale, 2001). This
relationship is consistent with the observation that, generally, lake rocks have a higher
TOC than ocean rocks (Peters et al., 2007, pp. 15-16). The same authors reason that lakes
have relatively high organics preservation because higher lacustrine sedimentation rates
provide less opportunity for aerobic remineralization than the lower marine sedimenta-
tion rates provide. Although our Greenland lake probably does have a higher sedimenta-
tion rate than our hemipelagic Miocene shale, we hesitate to suggest that this difference
caused Greenland to have a higher TOC than Monterey. The depositional environment
of Monterey was suboxic, and dissolved oxygen was not an important influence on
organic matter preservation in the Monterey sequence (Isaacs, 2001). The Greenland
lake’s bottom waters are anoxic (Anderson et al., 1999). Aerobic remineralization was
not the dominant threat to organic matter preservation in the benthic waters and surface
sulfate reduction) occurs in our two environments, which might explain the TOC relation-
ship. Since our Greenland sample is surface sediment, such a process may not have had
processes that add layers of complexity to the already difficult puzzle of geochemical
sulfurization. When a mature sample has been uplifted into a terrestrial environment, it
may be subject to further modification by microbes (Sec. 3.4). The lacustrine Greenland
compounds are fewer in number and easier to identify than the marine Monterey com-
pounds (Secs. 3.3-3.6). This difference may reflect a more diverse paleobiota during the
Monterey sample’s deposition (Sec. 4.4.2) than has recently been present at the Green-
land lake. The Monterey sample also shows more signs of biological and thermal post-
The Greenland sample (surface sediment from the oligosaline, meromictic lake
Brayasø) is much younger than the ~7 million year old Monterey shale (Sec. 1). Nor-
matively, such a young sediment provides a window into the sulfurization process that
relatively mature sediments may not. Greenland’s nonpolar fraction should contain OSC
precursors and its desulfurized fraction should contain OSC degradative products. A
surface sediment’s organic material should have undergone much less alteration than the
4.4. Monterey
The chromatographic and mass-spectral data for the Monterey sample indicate
that this rock underwent biological and thermal modification, after and possibly during
organic sulfur formation. Bacterial, eukaryotic, and terrestrial sources contributed to the
free and bound organic matter from Monterey. Although the paleobiotic information re-
vealed by desulfurization is more limited than we had initially expected, this fraction may
Both the desulfurization fraction and the nonpolar fraction give a high baseline.
For the nonpolar fraction, this baseline reflects biodegradation, as we discussed in section
alkanes in the Monterey nonpolar fraction. The nonpolar fraction contains a regular iso-
prenoid that seems to be missing a methyl group (Nonpolar-7) (Np-7), possibly suggest-
(Schouten et al., 2001), so we are hesitant to interpret the high baseline as indicating
microbial metabolism of organic sulfur compounds. Many of the organic sulfur com-
pounds in this Monterey sample may not be macromolecules. Rather, these OSCs may be
polar sulfoxides, which Schouten et al. (2001) report may comprise 40% of polar OSCs
in Monterey. Perhaps polar sulfoxides are less resistant to microbial attack than sulfide
macromolecules are. Another possibility is that the biodegraded free hydrocarbons car-
estimates of the amount of cross contamination (section 3.7) imply that the latter scenario
is unlikely.
The nonpolar fraction containes cholestoids and stigmasteroids, which are also
reported by Schouten et al. (2001). Each of these compounds (Nonpolar 16, 19-21, 24,
25, 28, 30) seems to have undergone some modification. The C5-C6 unsaturation is not
present in any of these steroids, except for in Nonpolar-30 (Np-30). The structure of Np-
30, however, shows an aromatic substituent on the D-ring, which is unusual for biogenic
mal alteration (Brocks and Summons, 2004), although usually the aromatic ring is part of
this compound’s diagnostic power is questionable.) The steroid Np-16 is missing much
of its alkyl side chain, which may indicate biodegradation or thermally-induced cracking.
known to produce keto-steroids (Kok et al., 2000), and Np-24 would be a good candidate
(Np-13). In contrast to Schouten at al. (2001), we did not find thiophenes with long-chain
alkyl groups. However, we only sought to identify the most abundant peaks, so we do
not suggest that these compounds are absent from our nonpolar fraction. The relatively
abundant dibenzothiophene may originate from the catagenesis of less-mature macromo-
lecular OSCs (Aizenshtat et al., 1995). Since the upper member of the Monterey forma-
Aizenshtat et al. (1995) suggested that, while sulfide (H2S) and polysulfides (Sx2-)
are reactive with functionalized organics at low temperatures, elemental sulfur (e.g. S8)
is only reactive at high temperatures. The authors reasoned that elemental sulfur required
sulfur (S8) in the Monterey nonpolar fraction, it does not necessarily indicate thermal ma-
turity for our sample, because we also found S8 in the Greenland nonpolar fraction, which
is (extremely immature) surface sediment. Although our samples are not both thermally
mature, their diagenetic environments may have both activated S8 through a homolytic
pathway. In the case of Monterey, this pathway may have been thermolytic, and in the
Phenolic alcohols and esters (Np-22, Np-23) present in the nonpolar fraction
would suggest an immature sediment, because alcohol groups and C-O bonds tend to
be thermally unstable. We suggest that these compounds are misidentified, because they
have convoluted mass spectra. Alternatively, the Monterey sample contains non-endog-
diagenetic environment.
4.4.2. Paleobiology
the organic compounds observed in the Monterey sample. Bacteria are the likely parent
(Yamamoto et al., 2005). The biochemical precursors to hopanoids are poorly character-
ized, however, hopanoids are rarely found in eukaryotes and widely found in bacteria
(Brocks and Summons, 2004). Bacterial hopanoids are thought to regulate the fluidity of
cell membranes in a similar manner to eukaryotic steroids (Ibid.). Hopanoids have anaer-
obic synthetic pathways, although they have so far been observed mostly in aerobic bac-
euxinic environments and sulfidic water columns, but its parent organism is unknown
(Brocks and Summons, 2004). We suspect that anaerobic sulfate-reducing bacteria are the
roids, which we found in both the desulfurized and nonpolar Monterey fractions, as did
Schouten et al. (2001), are diagnostic for eukaryotic organisms (Brocks and Summons,
The nonpolar fraction also containes a series of substituted PAHs (Np 1, 3-5, 6, 8,
9). We suspect that these PAHs are of biogenic, terrestrial origin. Since they are substi-
tuted, they probably do not result from combustion (Jiang et al., 1998). The same authors
not detect these PAHs, the ones we identified are structurally similar. While we interpret
We observe phytane in the nonpolar fraction, as does Schouten et al. (2001). This
Pristane, which we found in the Monterey nonpolar fraction (Np-11), has two
2004), and tocopherols (Goossens et al., 1984). Tocopherols occur as ether-linked lipids
in the algae Botryococcus braunii, and these compounds may have a role as anti-oxi-
but we did not find these compounds in the nonpolar fraction. We suggest that tocoph-
erols are a precursor to pristane in this part of the Monterey formation. The precursor
sulfurization operates by replacing reactive functionalities with C-S bonds. Such a func-
tionality on tocopherol could have occurred as conjugated double bonds on the branched
aromatic moiety.
and they suggested that this compund had a bacterial or algal source. Lycopane may be
carotenoids, which are common across several taxa (Brocks and Summons, 2004), nota-
a source for the lycopene. However, such an organism would imply photic zone euxinia,
and we are unaware of evidence for large-scale die-offs in the marine photic zone during
the late Miocene. Lycopene has many double bonds, and an activating group near any
of them could have promoted sulfurization via the base-catalyzed nucleophilic addition
tamination from the nonpolar fraction. In any case, we suggest a diagenetic relationship
because they occur as mono- and di-unsaturated forms in both nonpolar and desulfur-
ized fractions (Schouten et al., 2001). For example, the abundance of a free diasterene
in some sample may be lower than its abundance in a slightly older sample. Perhaps this
compound’s sulfurized counterpart (if it could be found) is more abundant in the younger
sample than it is in the older sample. Such a relationship would be consistent with sulfu-
rization efficiency increasing with time. Unfortunately, practical constraints do not allow
us to make such an interpretation for our Monterey sample. We only have data for the
extract of one Monterey rock, and the steroids that we do identify have problematic mass
spectra. We find cholestane in the desulfurized and nonpolar fractions (Ds-11 and Np-
21), consistent with Schouten et al. (2001). These authors found cholestanes, ergostanes,
and stigmasteranes in the desulfurized fraction. Besides cholestane, we identified two
unusual steroids (Ds-14, Ds-15). We are unaware of sedimentary steroids with a dimethyl
substitution at carbon #4. Ds-15 has a convoluted mass spectrum. It is also relatively en-
riched in the m/z 191 ion, suggesting the presence of a terpenoid, or possibly a hopanoid.
Schouten et al. (2001) did identify hopanoids in their desulfurized fraction, suggesting a
The nonpolar fraction contains a C23 tricyclic terpenoid (Np-18), whose struc-
ture is similar to a compound that Schouten et al. (2001) found only in their desulfurized
fraction. They argued that this terpenoid was a sulfur-bound moiety whose precursor was
functionalized, since they did not observe this compound as a free hydrocarbon. How-
ever, we suggest that our compound, nonpolar-18, is identical to Schouten et al.’s (2001)
are products of a degradative reaction. This interpretation does not preclude the terpenoid
from having a functionalized precursor that was incorporated into an organic sulfur com-
pound. If our sample had a more intense thermal history than the samples that Schouten
et al. (2001) analyzed, the terpenoid may have historically been part of a sulfur-linked
this scenario, our terpenoid underwent geochemical desulfurization, and their terpenoid
4.5. Greenland
Biomarkers in the Greenland sample suggest that at least two different species of
phototrophic algae, as well as two different species of sulfur bacteria, inhabit Brayasø.
The composition of the desulfurized fraction suggests that the rapid sulfurization in
4.5.1. Biomarkers
(Ds-20), but absent from the nonpolar fraction. This compound has a structure identical
to β-amyrin, if β-amyrin did not have a double bond. β-amyrin is a terpenoid diagnostic
for land plants (Brocks and Summons, 2004), so we interpret Ds-20 as indicative of low-
desulfurized fractions (Np 1-4; Ds 1-3) indicate photosynthetic parent organisms, such as
algae. Steroids, which are also present in Greenland’s desulfurized and nonpolar frac-
tions, indicate eukaryotic parent organisms (Brocks and Summons, 2004). Alkenones
present in the nonpolar fraction at high abundance are likely the remains of a specific
clade of prymnesiophytic algae (D’Andrea et al., 2006). D’Andrea and Huang (2005)
argued that the steroids and some other compounds in Brayasø are produced mostly by
the alkenones.
Purple sulfur bacteria inhabit Brayasø’s photic zone (McGowan et al., 2008).
These organisms are the likely source for the S8 found in Greenland, since they can
produce elemental sulfur by oxidizing H2S (Proctor, 1997). We strongly suspect that
sulphate-reducing bacteria inhabit Brayasø, since biological sulfate reduction is the most
We assume that the phytane (Ds-1) and phytenes (Ds 2, 3) in the desulfurized
fraction were part of an OSC prior to desulfurization. The precursors to these OSCs must
have had a reactive functionality additional to any functionalities that the desulfurized
compounds have. The phytene in the nonpolar fraction (Np-2) is a plausible precursor to
the desulfurized phytane (Ds-1), if photochemical sulfurization occurred. The lake has
pH ~10, so the nucleophilic base-catalyzed addition reaction would initially seem appli-
cable. However, this reaction is only effective on activated unsaturated bonds, such as α,
photochemical mechanism for sulfurization (Fig. 3), as proposed by Adam et al. (1998).
the nonpolar fraction. Without activated double bonds, nucleophilic addition is unlikely.
It is possible that phytadienes or phytenals are present in the nonpolar fraction, but we
missed them because they have a low abundance; we do not rule out the base-catalyzed
nucleophilic mechanism. Another possibility is that the “desulfurized” phytenes are actu-
ally products of a reductive ester cleavage (E-4) rather than desulfurization. However, a
photochemical mechanism would suggest that Np-1, Np-3, and Np-4 are the precursors to
the desulfurized phytenes. Allylic alcohols such as phytol can become photochemically
oxidized to activated aldehydes (Amrani and Aizenshtat, 2004). Such compounds would
then be amenable to the sulfide nucleophilic addition reaction. Alternatively, the phytols
may enter a bio-hydrogenation pathway (cf. Kok et al., 2000), exit as phytanals (with no
C=C double bonds), and then undergo photochemical sulfurization via a thioketone inter-
The desulfurized steroids all have alcohol substituents at the third carbon, indi-
cating that the sulfurization did not occur at this functional group. While many steroids
have more than one C=C double bond, we are not aware of any biogenic steroids with
suggest that the precursors to the desulfurized steroids are di- and tri- unsaturated sterols
activated carbonyls, in the free steroids leads us to rule out the nucleophilic mechanism
for these compounds. The desulfurized steroids have the same carbon skeletons as the
steroids in the nonpolar fraction, although we are less sure of how steroid functionalities
compare between the two fractions. This uncertainty stems from convoluted mass spectra
between C12 and C13. We suggest that β-amyrin is the biological precursor to Ds-20, and
chain desulfurized alcohols (Ds-5,7,9,11). However, D’Andrea and Huang (2005) ob-
lakes, including Brayasø. Trace abundance of monoacids would be consistent with rapid,
efficient sulfurization via the photochemical mechanism. Such monoacids would origi-
nate from non-prymnesiophytes, as those observed by D’Andrea and Huang (2005) are
For the alkanoates in the desulfurized fraction (Ds 6, 8, 10, 12) we do not find
any obvious nonpolar-fraction precursors. Alkenoates have been observed as free com-
pounds in other samples from this Greenland lake (D’Andrea, personal communication,
2009), but we do not observe them here, perhaps because they are efficiently sulfurized.
We suggest that alkenoates are the precursors to our desulfurized alkanoates. Depending
on the position of the unsaturation, alkenoates could have sulfurized by either the nucleo-
(the taxon in which prymnesiophytes reside) that produce C37-C39 alkenoates, and the
do not observe long-chain alkenones in our desulfurized fraction. As those authors sug-
gest, the sulfurization reaction could differ drastically in efficiency between classes of
too large to elute in the most-polar fraction; they may be present only as asphaltenes or
kerogen. In the latter scenario, we did not encounter alkenones in the desulfurized frac-
Figure 31 presents a model for sulfurization in the Greenland lake Brayasø, which
integrates our results with those of Anderson et al. (1999) (Fig. 5). Adam et al. (1998)
that suggestion were correct, then we would be hard-pressed to explain the sterols re-
leased by our desulfurization. Brayasø’s photic zone is relatively deep (D’Andrea and
Huang, 2005), but measurements by Anderson et al. (1999) indicate that the entire zone
mechanism that we have not re- 25
viewed (cf. Filley et al., 2002 and Figure 31. Model for organic sulfur compound formation in
the Greenland lake Brayasø. We show four major reactions
(A-D). A is the carbon fixation reaction. B is the photochemi-
Schneckenburger et al., 1998). cal sulfurization of organic matter. C is bacterial sulfate
reduction. D is the base-catalyzed sulfurization of organic
matter. We suggest that the dissolved sulfide has an inverse
abundance relationship to the dissolved oxygen, because these
two species are reactive with one another.
4.6. Sulfurization potential
We estimated the “sulfurization potential” for the major compounds in each of our
samples (Table 2; see endnote 8). These values correspond to the amount of a compound
that is sulfur-bound relative to the total amount of the compound. Table 2 implies that
regular isoprenoids are more susceptible to sulfurization than steroids, that the measured
Monterey, and that alkenones are not sulfurized in either environment. (“N/a” indicates
Table 2. Mean sulfurization Monterey Greenland
potential for the major com- Mean S.E. Mean S.E.
pound families of Monterey
and Greenland. Regular isoprenoids 1.3% 0.5% 23.5% 5.5%
Steroids 0.9% 0.3% 7.8% 6.8%
Alkenones n/a n/a -3.2% 2.9%
S.E. = one standard error of the mean
that we did not identify alkenones in any of the Monterey fractions, whereas the negative
value for Greenland indicates that the area in the alkenone retention time was larger in
the blank desulfurization than it was in the Greenland desulfurizations.) These sulfuriza-
desulfurization of the asphaltene or kerogen fractions, which may contain organic sulfur
Section 4 endnotes
1. When we did not centrifuge the reaction mixture, we allowed ~10 mins for the
Ni2B particles to settle and transferred the supernatant to a clean vial. However, the super-
natant remained cloudy. After drying down the supernatant, a residual of Ni2B remained
in the vial. To obtain the nonpolar yield, we extracted this vial with hexane. The Ni2B
test their effect on the yield. However, we introduced a confounding variable by inac-
curately measuring the volume of solvent used for the Most-Polar sample vials. We
assumed each most-polar vial contained 4.5 mL of solvent, but they actually contained
about 4 mL. We performed all of the DS-1 reactions together, followed by the DS-2
reactions, followed by the DS-3 reactions. We did not realize our error until after we had
3. We normalized the desulfurization yield to the Total Organic Carbon (Table 3),
using data from several sources, which we explain below Table 3. All of the desulfuriza-
tion yields from the literature were obtained using a nickel boride reaction on the polar
the TOC as a range, in lieu of a measurement of the actual rock whose extract was desul-
furized. This range is our estimate based on data from stratigraphically similar samples.
For our samples, we report the desulfurization yield as a range (min released/TOE and
max released/TOE), which we explain in E-6. A sample that uses one or more measure-
Greenland DS-1 0.0056 0.0074 0.027 0.117 0.230 0.230 1.3E-03 1.70E-03
Greenland DS-2 0.0019 0.0037 0.027 0.117 0.230 0.230 4.4E-04 8.51E-04
Greenland DS-3 0.0011 0.003 0.027 0.117 0.230 0.230 2.5E-04 6.90E-04
Lake Cadagno, 0-6 Ya 0.0177 0.092 1.6E-03
Table 3 footnotes
“SB-18”, from their Figure 7. Monterey, Naples Beach data from Schouten et al. (2001):
samples “KG-7” and “KG-8”, from their Figure 9.10. Monterey DS and Greenland DS
et al. (1995): their samples “0-2 [cm]” and “18-20 [cm]”, from their Table III. Vena del
Gesso data from Schouten et al. (1993): their sample “VDG polar fraction,” from their
Table 1.
c. Monterey, Naples Beach data from Katz and Royale (2001), their Table 6.5,
samples KG-7 and KG-8. Monterey DS and Greenland DS EOM measurements are
explained in section 2.3 of this report. Vena del Gesso datum from Kohnen et al. (1991),
d. Monterey, Naples Beach data from Katz and Royale (2001), their Table 6.1,
samples KG-7 and KG-8. Monterey DS TOC measurements are from Katz and Royale
(2001), their figure 6.2. Greenland DS TOC measurements are from D’Andrea (pers.
comm., 2009). Vena del Gesso datum from Lugli et al. (2007), their Table 2.
e. Monterey DS TOC measurements are from Katz and Royale (2001), their figure
6.2. Vena del Gesso datum from Lugli et al. (2007), their Table 2.
f. The Monterey Shell Beach value is from Schouten et al. (1997), their Table
2, sample SB-18. For Monterey Naples Beach, we divided the (TOE/rock) values by
the (min TOC/rock) values. For Monterey DS, Greenland DS, and Vena del Gesso, we
divided the (TOE/rock) values by the (max TOC/rock) values. Lake Cadagno values are
from Putschew et al. (1995), their samples “0-2 [cm]” and “18-20 [cm]”, from their Table
g. For all samples in this column, we divided the (TOE/rock) values by the (min
TOC/rock) values. We forced the quotient for Vena del Gesso to 1, since TOE cannot be
h. For all samples in this column, we multiplied the “Min (released/TOE)” value
i. For all samples in this column, we multiplied the “Max (released/TOE)” value
to alternatives such as raney nickel (Back et al., 1992; Schouten et al., 1993). However,
Putschew et al. (1996) found that nickel boride desulfurization can reductively cleave
ester bonds in chlorophyll a to produce phytenes. Those authors suggest the nickel boride
5. The Greenland nonpolar fraction’s convoluted mass spectra are likely an in-
strument artifact. The GC-MS data for this fraction show much broader peaks after ~22
minutes than the GC-FID data show, and we are unsure of the reason.
6. The four tables (4-7) shown below are the four steps we used to calculate our
desulfurization yields. Table 4 shows the raw data (total area under each GC-FID trace,
omitting the solvent peaks). Beneath the areas are letters indicating a scaling correction
(explained below). Table 5 shows the data with the corrections applied to each value.
Table 6 shows the mass equivalent for each area in milligrams, which we found using
the HMB calibration curves. Table 7 shows the mass of each fraction minus the mass
in the procedural blank. Table 7 also shows best- and worst-case estimates of the mass
of nonpolar cross-contaminants in the desulfurized fraction (4% VOC residue and 19%
VOC residue). Table 7 finds the minimum desulfurization yield by subtracting the “19%
VOC residue” column from the “Desulf” column. We find the maximum desulfurization
yield by subtracting the 4% VOC column from the Desulf column. We find the % yields
Table 4. Raw GC-FID measurements (pA*s)
Detector &
Nonpolar Minor-Nonpolar Desulf column
Blank-0 234.472 171.888 850.718 front Corrections
correction B B B,C A Divide by 3 for triplicate design
B Divide by 20 for 20x concentration
Monterey-0 187307.826 16227.104 12330.353 front C Multiply by 10/9 for missing BSTFA aliquot
correction B B B,C
Calibration curves
Monterey 1 1314132.125 53396.427 10542.730 front front detector y= 4.26E-05 x
Monterey 2 7869.352 back detector y= 5.85E-05 x
Monterey 3 9454.325
correction A,B A,B B
Explanation of scaling corrections:
Greenland 1 47662.066 8608.460 1916.234 back We divided some of the non-
polar areas by 3 (correction A), because
Greenland 2 1033.257
Greenland 3 849.907
correction A A our workflow divided their most-polar
fractions into 3 aliquots (Fig. 7).
Table 5. Corrected GC-FID Measurements (pA*s)
Detector & We divided many of the areas
Nonpolar Minor-Nonpolar Desulf column by 20 (B), because for these FID runs,
the volume in the sample vial was 50
Blank-0 11.724 8.594 47.262 front
Monterey-0 9365.391 811.355 685.020 front uL, twenty times as small as the volume
used for the HMB calibrations (1 mL).
Monterey 1 21902.202 889.940 527.137 front
Monterey 2 21902.202 889.940 393.468
Monterey 3 21902.202 889.940 472.716 We multiplied some of the
runs by 10/9 (C), because these frac-
Greenland 1
Greenland 2
tions were missing 10% of their yield
Greenland 3 15887.355 2869.487 849.907 (removed for a different experiment that
we do not report on).
Table 6. Mass calibrated (mg)
Nonpolar Minor-Nonpolar Desulf
Blank-0 0.000 0.000 0.002
Monterey 1 0.932 0.038 0.020 0.0015 0.0071 0.0133 0.0189 15 0.09% 0.13%
Monterey 2 0.932 0.038 0.015 0.0015 0.0071 0.0076 0.0132 15 0.05% 0.09%
Monterey 3 0.932 0.038 0.018 0.0015 0.0071 0.0110 0.0166 15 0.07% 0.11%
Greenland 1 0.930 0.168 0.110 0.0067 0.0319 0.0783 0.1035 13.9 0.56% 0.74%
Greenland 2 0.930 0.168 0.058 0.0067 0.0319 0.0266 0.0518 13.9 0.19% 0.37%
Greenland 3 0.930 0.168 0.048 0.0067 0.0319 0.0159 0.0410 13.9 0.11% 0.30%
7. The mitochondrial electron transport chain constantly produces free rad-
icals (superoxides) (Nelson and Cox, 2005). Perhaps these species could abstract
sulfur radicals.
where M 0 denotes the M onterey DS-0 fraction, and the M onterey-0 nonpolar
fraction (Sec. 2, endnote 7).
The mean sulfurization potential for the Monterey sample, SM , is
SM = (SM 0 + SM,j ).
4 j=1
S.D.M 1
S.E.M = √ , where S.D.M = (SM − SM 0 )2 + (SM − SM,j )2
4 3 j=1
We calculated Si,j , the sulfurization potentials for each of the three Greenland
desulfurized fractions, for each of the two Greenland measurement sets.
1 1
SG = SGA + SGB , where
2 2
3 3
1 1
SGA = SGA,j , and SGB = SGB,j .
3 j=1 3 j=1
S.E.G = √ , where S.D.G = (SG − SGA )2 + (SG − SGB )2 .
Brayasø. The kinetics of this process seem to differ between major compound families.
Alkenones in the Greenland setting are not sulfurized, although we base this conclusion
perature reconstructions, which use free alkenone abundance ratios (e.g., D’Andrea and
Huang, 2005). Since alkenones compose the majority of Greenland’s nonpolar fraction,
and the concentration of these compounds in Brayasø is the highest yet reported for
lacustrine surface sediments (D’Andrea and Huang, 2005), we would be surprised if sul-
tion can occur in oxic water, then its operation is more widespread than previously recog-
nized. Studies on the organic matter dissolved throughout Brayasø’s water column would
bear on our argument for photochemical sulfurization. Future study of Brayasø could
also desulfurize multiple sub-surface samples, which may reveal trends in the relative
abundances of free and bound biomarkers. Sub-surface desulfurizations would also test
for alkenone sulfurization late in diagenesis, which this study’s surface desulfurizations
and their sulfur-bound counterparts. In view of the isotopic differences already observed
between alkenones and other Brayasø lipids, such measurements on the desulfurization
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pound classes suggests input from eukaryotic, bacterial, photosynthetic, and terrestrial
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fur compounds.
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rization yields with those from Vena del Gesso. Future work on samples from Monterey
of the desulfurized fraction (cf. Schouten et al., 2001). We suggest that future experi-
ments proceed with an understanding of the diversity and complexity that can be present
in a geochemical extract.
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