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IEEE Std 1205™-2014
(Revision of
IEEE Std 1205-2000)

IEEE Guide for Assessing,

Monitoring, and Mitigating Aging
Effects on Electrical Equipment Used
in Nuclear Power Generating Stations
and Other Nuclear Facilities


Nuclear Power Engineering Committee

of the
IEEE Power and Energy Society

Approved 27 March 2014

IEEE-SA Standards Board

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Abstract: Guidelines for assessing, monitoring, and mitigating aging degradation effects on
electrical equipment used in nuclear power generating stations and other nuclear facilities are
provided. This guide also includes informative annexes on aging mechanisms, environmental
monitoring, condition monitoring, aging program essential attributes, and examples demonstrating
the application of the basic principles described in this guideline.

Keywords: activation energy, aging, aging assessment, aging effects, aging management,
Arrhenius, condition monitoring, degradation, environmental monitoring, IEEE 1205™, license
renewal, radiation aging model, residual life, stressor, thermal aging model •

The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc.

3 Park Avenue, New York, NY 10016-5997, USA

Copyright © 2014 by The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc.

All rights reserved. Published 16 May 2014. Printed in the United States of America.

IEEE is a registered trademark in the U.S. Patent & Trademark Office, owned by The Institute of Electrical and Electronics
Engineers, Incorporated.

National Electrical Code and NEC are both registered trademarks of the National Fire Protection Association, Inc.

PDF: ISBN 978-0-7381-9061-7 STD98618

Print: ISBN 978-0-7381-9062-4 STDPD98618

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At the time this guide was submitted to the IEEE-SA Standards Board for approval, the Aging Assessment
Working Group had the following membership:

Rebecca L. Steinman, Chair

Suresh Channarasappa, Vice Chair
George Kyle, Secretary

George A. Ballassi Charles Hills James K. Liming

Ramesh Boddula David A. Horvath Kirklyn Melson
Nissen M. Burstein Steven Hutchins Sheila Ray
Howard Butler Robert Konnik John A. Stevens
Hamidreza Heidarisafa Leina Tocchetto

At the time this guide was balloted, Subcommittee 3 on Operations, Maintenance, Aging, Testing and
Reliability had the following membership:

James K. Liming, Chair

Yvonne Williams, Vice Chair
Tom Crawford, Secretary

Gopal Aravapalli Hamidreza Heidarisafa* James Parello

George A. Ballassi Sharon Honecker Vish Patel
John Beatty Steven Hutchins Sheila Ray
Thomas Carrier Peter J. Kang Ted Riccio
Suresh Channarasappa Jacob Kulangara Glen E. Schinzel
Marie Cuvelier Kirklyn Melson Rebecca L. Steinman
John Erinc Edward R. Mohtashemi John A. Stevens
Edward Eustace Joseph Napper John Taylor*

* Nonvoting members

At the time this guide was balloted, the Nuclear Power Engineering Committee had the following

George A. Ballassi, Chair

James Parello, Vice Chair
Stephen A. Fleger, Secretary
Thomas Koshy, Secretary Elect

Satish Aggarwal John Disosway Christopher Kerr

Ijaz Ahmad Walter F. Emerson Bok-Ryul Kim
Dheya Al-Othmany Kenneth Fleischer James K. Liming
George Attarian Robert J. Fletcher Bruce Lord
Farouk D. Baxter * Robert Francis John D. MacDonald
Royce Beacom Robert B. Fuld J. Scott Malcolm
Mark D. Bowman David Gladey Alexander Marion*
Daniel F. Brosnan* James F. Gleason Kenneth Miller
Nissen M. Burstein Dale T. Goodney Michael H. Miller
Keith Bush Brit Grim* Edward R. Mohtashemi
Robert C. Carruth Robert Hall Yasushi Nakagawa
John P. Carter Kuljit Hara Warren Odess-Gillett
Suresh Channarasappa Daryl Harmon Ted Riccio
Dennis Dellinger David Herrell Glen E. Schinzel
David R. Desaulniers Dirk C. Hopp Rebecca L. Steinman

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James E. Stoner * Michael Waterman Yvonne Williams
Marek Tengler Edward Wenzinger Paul L. Yanosy
James E. Thomas John White Won Young Yun
Masafumi Utsumi Oon-Pyo Zhu

* Nonvoting members

The following members of the individual balloting committee voted on this guide. Balloters may have
voted for approval, disapproval, or abstention.

William Ackerman Frank Gerleve John Merando

Satish Aggarwal Randall Groves Michael Newman
George A. Ballassi Daryl Harmon Mirko Palazzo
Farouk D. Baxter Hamidreza Heidarisafa Jan Pirrong
Robert Beavers Charles Hills Robert Queenan
William Bloethe Werner Hoelzl Ted Riccio
Thomas Brewington David A. Horvath Fredrick Roy
Daniel F. Brosnan Greg Hostetter Bartien Sayogo
Nissen M. Burstein Steven Hutchins Glen E. Schinzel
Suresh Channarasappa Yuri Khersonsky James Smith
Weijen Chen Chad Kiger Rebecca L. Steinman
Tom Crawford J. Koepfinger John A. Stevens
Marie Cuvelier Robert Konnik Gary Stoedter
Edward Eustace George Kyle Michael Swearingen
Wells Fargo Greg Luri John Vergis
Stephen A. Fleger John D. MacDonald John Webb
Rabiz Foda John McAlhaney Yvonne Williams
Doaa Galal Kirklyn Melson James Wilson

When the IEEE-SA Standards Board approved this guide on 27 March 2014, it had the following
John Kulick, Chair
Jon Walter Rosdahl, Vice-chair
Richard H. Hulett, Past Chair
Konstantinos Karachalios, Secretary

Peter Balma Michael Janezic Ron Peterson

Farooq Bari Jeffrey Katz Adrian Stephens
Ted Burse Joseph L. Koepfinger* Peter Sutherland
Clint Chaplain David Law Yatin Trivedi
Stephen Dukes Hung Ling Phil Winston
Jean-Phillippe Faure Oleg Logvinov Don Wright
Gary Hoffman Ted Olsen Yu Yuan
Glenn Parsons

*Member Emeritus

Also included are the following nonvoting IEEE-SA Standards Board liaisons:

Richard DeBlasio, DOE Representative

Michael Janezic, NIST Representative

Don Messina
IEEE Standards Program Manager, Document Development

Malia Zaman
IEEE Standards Program Manager, Technical Program Development

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This introduction is not part of IEEE Std 1205-2014, IEEE Guide for Assessing, Monitoring, and Mitigating Aging
Effects on Electrical Equipment Used in Nuclear Power Generating Stations and Other Nuclear Facilities.

In 1988, the Nuclear Power Engineering Committee (NPEC) of IEEE recognized a need for, and directed
Working Group 3.4 to prepare a guide for, providing guidance and promoting uniformity in the evaluation
methods used in aging assessment, monitoring, and mitigation. The working group’s effort culminated in
1993 with the original issue of IEEE Std 1205, which reflected the industry focus on identifying and
addressing aging mechanisms. The guide was revised in 2000 to incorporate industry feedback and bring
the approaches discussed in the guide into closer conformance with the industry philosophy at that time and
then was reaffirmed in 2007.

IEEE Std 1205-2014 is the result of a thorough review of IEEE Std 1205-2000 and of present practices in
aging management of electrical equipment. This revision incorporates current practices and lessons learned
from the implementation of previous versions of this standard by the nuclear industry.

It has never been the intent of this guide to imply that new programs be established for aging assessment.
Aging assessments should not be directed toward an endless search for data and information, but rather
should be an effort that is practical, cost-effective, and based on collecting and evaluating a minimum set of
data and information collected preferably from existing programs.

The working group believes that this guide is useful in supporting equipment qualification program aging
assessment updates, failure evaluations related to the Code of Federal Regulations Title 10 Part 50.65
(10CFR50.65) (known as the “Maintenance Rule”) [B11], other root cause evaluations, and license renewal
aging management reviews. To facilitate these types of uses, the working group changed this guide as

 Expanded the scope to include all electrical equipment instead of only Class 1E equipment in
accordance with current industry application of the guide.
 Revised and consolidated the block diagrams that describe the overall aging assessment and
management process to be consistent with current industry philosophy and to better show the
relationships between the IEEE Std 1205 process steps and other applicable guidance.
 Incorporated Corrigendum 1 to correct the value of Boltzmann’s constant and other minor
comments received during the prior reaffirmation of the guide.
 Revised Clause 4, Clause 5, Clause 6, and Clause 7 for improved consistency with the new process
block diagram.
 Updated Annex A on aging effects to reflect the current state of industry knowledge for polymers,
lubricants, and metals, and added a new table for aging mechanisms and effects for printed circuit
boards (PCBs).
 Updated Annex C on condition monitoring to more accurately reflect the current industry practice.
 Deleted extraneous example assessments, and updated the remaining examples in Annex D for
consistency with the revised process diagram and main body of the guide.
 Added a new Annex E to provide examples of specific applications of the Arrhenius methodology.
 Updated the bibliography in Annex G to reflect recent aging assessment-related research and
industry activities.

A future activity of the working group will be to develop a new annex on risk-informed aging management.

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1. Overview .................................................................................................................................................... 1
1.1 Scope ................................................................................................................................................... 1
1.2 Purpose ................................................................................................................................................ 1
1.3 Application .......................................................................................................................................... 2

2. Normative references.................................................................................................................................. 2

3. Definitions .................................................................................................................................................. 2

4. Stressors, aging mechanisms, and aging effects ......................................................................................... 3

4.1 Stressors ............................................................................................................................................... 3
4.2 Aging mechanisms and aging effects .................................................................................................. 4

5. Principles of aging assessment ................................................................................................................... 5

5.1 Need for an aging assessment .............................................................................................................. 5
5.2 Desired objective and benefits ............................................................................................................. 6
5.3 Aging assessment elements ................................................................................................................. 6

6. Aging assessment ....................................................................................................................................... 8

6.1 Define evaluation boundaries .............................................................................................................. 8
6.2 Identify essential functions of equipment ............................................................................................ 8
6.3 Identify facility locations where the equipment is installed................................................................. 8
6.4 Identify the electrical equipment service conditions............................................................................ 8
6.5 Identify the materials of construction .................................................................................................. 9
6.6 Identify and assess aging effects ........................................................................................................ 10

7. Monitoring and mitigating aging degradation .......................................................................................... 15

7.1 General .............................................................................................................................................. 15
7.2 Maintenance ...................................................................................................................................... 15
7.3 Replacement ...................................................................................................................................... 16
7.4 Refurbishment ................................................................................................................................... 16
7.5 Redesign of equipment ...................................................................................................................... 16
7.6 Adjustments in operating environments and practices that reduce stresses ....................................... 17
7.7 Environmental and operational stress monitoring ............................................................................. 17
7.8 Inspection .......................................................................................................................................... 17
7.9 Surveillance ....................................................................................................................................... 18
7.10 Trending .......................................................................................................................................... 18

8. Data .......................................................................................................................................................... 19
8.1 General .............................................................................................................................................. 19
8.2 Baseline data (original capability) ..................................................................................................... 20
8.3 Historical data (operating history) ..................................................................................................... 20
8.4 Diagnostic testing data....................................................................................................................... 21

Annex A (informative) Aging effect tables .................................................................................................. 23

A.1 Introduction ...................................................................................................................................... 23
A.2 Use of equipment aging tables .......................................................................................................... 23

Annex B (informative) Monitoring of environments ................................................................................... 37

B.1 Introduction ....................................................................................................................................... 37
B.2 Environmental stressors .................................................................................................................... 37

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B.3 Environmental monitoring program .................................................................................................. 39

Annex C (informative) Condition monitoring techniques ............................................................................ 41

C.1 Introduction ....................................................................................................................................... 41
C.2 Condition monitoring considerations and characteristics.................................................................. 41
C.3 Available condition monitoring techniques ...................................................................................... 42
C.4 Conditioning monitoring bibliography ............................................................................................. 43

Annex D (informative) Examples of practical applications of aging methodologies ................................... 44

D.1 Introduction ...................................................................................................................................... 44
D.2 Auxiliary feedwater (AFW) pump motor ......................................................................................... 44
D.3 Insulated cable .................................................................................................................................. 45

Annex E (informative) Arrhenius equation examples .................................................................................. 54

E.1 Qualified life determination .............................................................................................................. 54
E.2 Calculate activation energy from an Arrhenius plot .......................................................................... 54
E.3 Self-heating adjustment ..................................................................................................................... 55
E.4 Variable service conditions ............................................................................................................... 55
E.5 Accident equivalency ........................................................................................................................ 56
E.6 10 °C Rule of thumb ......................................................................................................................... 57

Annex F (informative) Aging management program attributes.................................................................... 58

Annex G (informative) Bibliography ........................................................................................................... 59

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IEEE Guide for Assessing,
Monitoring, and Mitigating Aging
Effects on Electrical Equipment Used
in Nuclear Power Generating Stations
and Other Nuclear Facilities

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1. Overview

1.1 Scope

This document provides guidelines for assessing, monitoring, and mitigating aging effects on electrical
equipment used in nuclear power generating stations and other nuclear facilities.

1.2 Purpose

The purpose of this document is to provide guidance in assessing and monitoring aging effects and in
developing and implementing aging management programs for electrical equipment used in nuclear power
generating stations and other nuclear facilities.

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IEEE Std 1205-2014
IEEE Guide for Assessing, Monitoring, and Mitigating Aging Effects on Electrical Equipment Used in Nuclear Power
Generating Stations and Other Nuclear Facilities

1.3 Application

It is intended that the user determine the specific equipment that warrants attention using this guide. It is
not intended that the methods described herein be required to be applied to all electrical equipment. For
example, Class 1E equipment in power generating stations and other nuclear facilities must remain capable
of performing its intended safety function throughout its service life. This is accomplished through a
systematic and disciplined program of quality assurance covering design, qualification, manufacturing,
storage, installation, operation, maintenance, periodic testing, and surveillance. If it can be shown that
aging considerations have been satisfactorily addressed through other means (e.g., equipment qualification,
maintenance), then use of this guide may not be warranted. Similarly, for some equipment, only partial
application of this guide may be warranted.

Aging assessment may be pursued in response to a variety of factors, e.g., regulatory guidance,
approaching obsolescence, reduced availability or reliability, or for life extension. Such factors plus
economics also affect the method and extent of aging assessment actually performed. Monitoring and/or
mitigating the aging of some equipment may be determined to be less cost effective than replacing the
equipment. Running to failure may be an option under certain special situations.

This guide provides a framework for the performance of an aging assessment and subsequent
implementation of an aging management program once a decision has been made that an aging assessment
is warranted.

2. Normative references
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document (i.e., they must
be understood and used; therefore, each referenced document is cited in text and its relationship to this
document is explained). For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the
latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments or corrigenda) applies.

IEEE Std 323™, IEEE Standard for Qualifying Class 1E Equipment for Nuclear Power Generating
Stations. 1,2

IEEE Std 627™, IEEE Standard for Qualification of Equipment Used in Nuclear Facilities.

3. Definitions
For this document, the following terms and definitions apply. The IEEE Standards Dictionary Online
should be consulted for terms not defined in this clause. 3

aging assessment: Evaluation of appropriate information for determining the effects of aging on the
current and future ability of systems, structures, and components to function within acceptance criteria.

aging degradation: Gradual deterioration in the physical characteristics of a system, structure, or

component, due to aging mechanisms that occur with time or use under service conditions that could impair
its ability to perform any of its design functions.

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IEEE Std 1205-2014
IEEE Guide for Assessing, Monitoring, and Mitigating Aging Effects on Electrical Equipment Used in Nuclear Power
Generating Stations and Other Nuclear Facilities

aging effects: Net changes in the physical characteristics of a system, structure, or component due to aging
mechanisms that occur with time or use.

aging mechanism: A specific process that changes the physical characteristics of a system, structure, or
component with time or use.

Class 1E: The safety classification of the electrical equipment and systems that are essential to emergency
reactor shutdown, containment isolation, reactor core cooling, and containment and reactor heat removal or
otherwise essential in preventing significant release of radioactive material to the environment.

condition monitoring: Measurement of one or more condition indicators of equipment, its components, or
materials for which an acceptance criterion can be correlated to the equipment’s ability to function as
specified during an applicable design basis event (DBE).

essential function: An active or passive attribute necessary to achieve the equipment licensing basis or
other design intent.

failure: The loss of ability of a component, equipment, or system to perform a required function within the
required performance criteria.

residual life: The remaining period of time during which a system, structure, or component is expected to
perform its essential function under specified service conditions.

service conditions: Environmental, loading, power, and signal conditions expected as a result of normal
operating requirements, expected extremes (abnormal) in operating requirements, and postulated conditions
appropriate for the design basis events (DBEs) of the station.

service life: The actual period from initial operation to retirement of a system, structure, or component.

significant aging mechanism: An aging mechanism that, under normal and abnormal service conditions,
causes degradation of equipment that progressively and appreciably renders the equipment vulnerable to
failure to perform its specified function(s).

stressor: An agent or stimulus that stems from fabrication or service conditions and can produce
degradation of a system, structure, or component.

4. Stressors, aging mechanisms, and aging effects

4.1 Stressors

A stressor that stems from fabrication, storage, installation, or service conditions may produce aging
mechanisms and effects or degradation of electrical equipment. The following two types of stressors should
be considered for aging:

a) Environmental. These are stressors that exist continuously in the environment surrounding the
equipment, whether it is operating or shut down. Examples include vibration, heat, radiation, and
humidity. Annex A provides a representative listing of stressors and their effects, while Annex B
provides considerations for environmental monitoring.
b) Operational. These are stressors arising from equipment operation. Examples are internal heating
from electrical or mechanical loading, physical stresses from mechanical or electrical surges,
vibration, and abrasive wearing of parts.

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IEEE Std 1205-2014
IEEE Guide for Assessing, Monitoring, and Mitigating Aging Effects on Electrical Equipment Used in Nuclear Power
Generating Stations and Other Nuclear Facilities

The aging degradation of electrical equipment is usually a function of the duration, range, and intensity of
stressors experienced by the equipment. Aging degradation due to a single stressor is often represented as a
simple first-order relationship involving stressor intensity and time as described for thermal aging in 6.6.3;
however, aging degradation due to a combination of more than one stressor may exceed the sum of the
individual effects and may result in conditions that are not appropriately modeled by this simple
representation. Typically, the concern is associated with the potential for synergistic effects between
temperature and radiation in some polymers. Several of the references listed in Annex G provide additional
details on synergistic effects in polymers and should be consulted for additional information on this topic.

4.2 Aging mechanisms and aging effects

One method of determining the susceptibility of equipment to aging mechanisms and consequent aging
effects is by understanding the behavior of the individual materials that make up the electrical equipment,
when subjected to environmental and operational stressors. These mechanisms may apply to solid-state
electronic components as well as electrical equipment. Some examples of stressors, aging mechanisms, and
aging effects are provided as follows:

a) High-temperature environments can cause organic insulating materials to become brittle. Moisture,
strong electric fields, or physical contact may result in a loss of dielectric integrity.
b) High-humidity environments can accelerate bearing wear in rotating equipment lacking special
seals or pressure lubrication.
c) High humidity can increase pitting and corrosion of contacts on relays and controllers.
d) Vibration can loosen fasteners on linkages causing misalignment of components or loss of
electrical contact integrity. Misalignment accelerates wear in moving parts; loose electrical contacts
may lead to heat-related degradation.
e) Support systems or components subject to high humidity or contact with water and/or chemicals
may corrode if not protected by coatings or covers.
f) Radiation can break down organic materials and produce embrittlement similar to that caused by
high temperature.
g) Continuous operation of certain electronic components (e.g., diodes, resistors) at high ambient
temperatures can cause operation outside of their performance specification or circuit drift.
h) Excessive voltage cycling can result in premature failure of electrolytic capacitors.
i) Exposure to moisture can result in delamination of insulated wires.

Table A.1, Table A.2, Table A.3, and Table A.4 provide, in summary form, a listing of typical aging
mechanisms and their effects on polymers, lubricants, metals, and printed circuit boards (PCBs),

Certain mechanisms may not be operative or produce significant aging effects in equipment in a given
service environment for a given period of time. In some cases, aging mechanisms may be readily judged to
be of little or no importance because they are not significant relative to the essential function of the
electrical equipment. For example, metals in electronic components (except at electrical contact points or
other areas susceptible to corrosion) may not require aging assessment.

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IEEE Std 1205-2014
IEEE Guide for Assessing, Monitoring, and Mitigating Aging Effects on Electrical Equipment Used in Nuclear Power
Generating Stations and Other Nuclear Facilities

5. Principles of aging assessment

5.1 Need for an aging assessment

Aging assessments at a nuclear power generating station or other nuclear facility are often performed in the
larger context of a desire for improved reliability, safety, and operation of the overall facility.
Understanding the aging mechanisms that affect electrical equipment permits the identification, monitoring,
and mitigating of aging effects (aging degradation) that may significantly affect the performance of a
component. By effectively managing the replacement of aging components prior to failure, the number of
forced outages can be reduced. An aging management program may provide the facility with improved
safety performance through fewer challenges to safety systems.

Reasons for performing an aging assessment may include

 Industry-identified equipment problem evaluation

 Facility-specific equipment problem evaluation
 License renewal equipment review
 Maintenance equipment failure evaluation
 Equipment qualification

An effective aging management program should coordinate and integrate information from existing
programs, such as those developed for maintenance, in-service inspection and surveillance, equipment
qualification, and operational experience. Once the significant aging mechanisms have been identified, it is
necessary to determine whether an existing program is adequate to address the specific aging management
concern or a separate aging assessment is warranted.

The determination of whether an aging assessment is warranted should be weighed against factors such as

 Reportability of potential failures

 Likelihood of recurrence
 Obsolescence (e.g., superseded technology, lack of vendor support)
 A lack of a viable source of spare parts
 A need for requalification in accordance with IEEE Std 323 4
 Replacement or attention for other reasons (e.g., regulatory requirements)
 Manufacturer’s recommendation

The description of the aging assessment process in this guide assumes that a decision has already been
made that an aging assessment is needed. Annex D provides examples that illustrate the application of the
aging assessment process.

Information on normative references can be found in Clause 2.

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IEEE Guide for Assessing, Monitoring, and Mitigating Aging Effects on Electrical Equipment Used in Nuclear Power
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5.2 Desired objective and benefits

The purpose of performing an aging assessment is to establish the technical basis that demonstrates the
continued functional performance capability of the equipment. Such an aging assessment may require some
understanding of the type of stressors, the nature of the aging mechanisms affecting the equipment, and the
often more discernible resultant aging effects (refer to Annex A).

Any aging management program should be integrated into the existing surveillance and maintenance
programs at nuclear facilities. Data collection in these activities should be tailored to assess aging. Testing
that takes advantage of available maintenance windows can integrate the aging assessment into existing
work practices with minimal additional resources. For example, activities such as transformer oil analysis,
equipment hot-spot mapping using infrared thermography, vibration monitoring of motors, and root cause
analysis of equipment failures are existing facility activities that can be directed toward aging assessment.

Critical to an ongoing aging management program that takes advantage of industry and facility-specific
lessons learned is the development of engineering evaluations. Such an evaluation would review the
significance of the data or test results, the operability of the component, the reportability of the event, the
extent of the concern, and the potential causes for not meeting acceptance criteria (if any). For recurring
inspections or testing, the goal would be to assess whether, considering the environment, material, and
observed condition or test results, the component could remain in service until the next regularly scheduled
inspection or test.

5.3 Aging assessment elements

Aging assessments are performed at nuclear power generating stations and other nuclear facilities on a
routine basis, although they may not be identified as such. A brief discussion of typical elements of an
aging assessment process follows.

Clause 4 establishes the relationship between aging mechanisms and aging effects. The identification of
known operational stressors, aging mechanisms, and the resultant aging effects can be useful elements in an
aging assessment process. It should be understood that there is no intended order of performance with
regard to investigating aging mechanisms and aging effects. Specific knowledge of the equipment and its
service conditions (stressors) should be applied to determine if any significant aging effects are discernible
or if aging mechanisms may be considered to provide insight to aging effects not yet apparent.

Once the equipment is selected for evaluation, several pieces of information are collected to form the
technical basis for an aging effect assessment. The actions that should be performed are

a) Define and determine the equipment boundaries relative to the aging assessment process
b) Identify the equipment’s essential functions, as appropriate
c) Identify the environment at the equipment’s installed location
d) Identify the credible aging stressors operating on the equipment
e) Identify the parts and materials included in the equipment’s assembly
f) Identify and assess the aging effects on the equipment

An assessment of the aging effects on the equipment is done to determine if a reasonable correlation can be
made with respect to the stressors that exist in the equipment’s installed location, a material’s sensitivity to
the stressors, and a loss of equipment function. If a correlation is apparent, an aging mechanism may be
identified. As a minimum, the assessment should be comprehensive enough to support and implement an
effective aging management decision.

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IEEE Guide for Assessing, Monitoring, and Mitigating Aging Effects on Electrical Equipment Used in Nuclear Power
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Figure 1 defines the individual elements of the aging assessment process. Those assessments that result in a
need for an aging management program should be validated or refined as needed. The process of
implementing aging management would most likely be an iterative one. That is, the results of monitoring
and mitigating effects would allow future refinement of the aging assessment.

Select equipment for evaluation

(see 1.3 and 5.1)

Establish credible aging and failure

(see Clause 4, 6.6.1, and Annex A)

Collect data from existing resources to

• Define evaluation boundaries
(see 6.1)
• Identify essential functions
(see 6.2 and 8.1)
• Identify installed locations
Is the aging management (see 6.3 and 8.1)
No • Identify service conditions
of the equipment
adequately addressed by (see 6.4, Clause 7, 8.1, and 8.2)
an existing program? • Identify materials of construction
(see 1.3 and 5.1) (see 6.5 and 8.1)

Evaluate aging effects

(see 6.6.2, 6.6.3, and 6.6.4)


Identify what needs to be done:

Go to appropriate • Establish administrative control or
standard/guide for engineering change to maintain,
existing program improve, or replace equipment
(e.g., environmental qualification (EQ), (see 7.2, 7.3, 7.4, and 7.5)
Maintenance Rule) • Reduce environmental or operational
stressors (see 7.6)
• Establish lead indicators and monitor
(see 6.6.5, 7.7, 7.8, 7.9, and 7.10)
• Collect data and keep records
(see Clause 8)


Figure 1 —Overview of assessing and managing aging effects

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IEEE Guide for Assessing, Monitoring, and Mitigating Aging Effects on Electrical Equipment Used in Nuclear Power
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6. Aging assessment
Clause 6 provides guidance for data collection (see Clause 8) in support of the aging assessment and also
for performing the aging assessment, as graphically depicted in Figure 1. The level of detail selected for
aging assessments should be determined prior to starting the evaluation.

6.1 Define evaluation boundaries

The boundaries of the evaluation should be defined for the aging effect assessment to clearly define the
parts or portions of the equipment to be examined. The need for a clear definition is especially true where
equipment to be evaluated interfaces (e.g., terminations, splices) with field cables or other equipment. The
boundary should determine inclusion or exclusion of equipment, parts, or connections external to the
device being evaluated. A description of the equipment and its boundaries being evaluated, not discussed
elsewhere in the evaluation, should be provided. Additional guidance on the determination of equipment
boundary interfaces is provided in IEEE Std 627.

6.2 Identify essential functions of equipment

Equipment essential functions are evaluated in terms of the functions that define the purpose of the system.
For more complex pieces of equipment (e.g., emergency diesel generators), it would also be important to
identify subassembly essential functions. For performing an aging assessment, the following functions
should be identified:

a) Equipment essential functions susceptible to known aging effects

b) Subassembly essential functions susceptible to known aging effects
c) Equipment and subassembly support functions whose degradation or failure could cause loss of a
system function (e.g., electrical penetration O-ring performing a pressure-retention function)

Typical sources of information pertaining to equipment essential functions are provided in Clause 8.

6.3 Identify facility locations where the equipment is installed

It is important to identify the location where the equipment is installed in the facility. Location information
is needed for determining service conditions. Typical sources of equipment locations are facility drawings,
equipment databases, and facility walkdowns.

6.4 Identify the electrical equipment service conditions

The electrical equipment’s service conditions are determined in order to assess the influences that can
affect its service life. Service conditions include both environmental conditions (e.g., temperature,
humidity, radiation) and, if applicable, equipment operational conditions (e.g., self-heating, vibration).
These service conditions are the stressors that cause aging of the electrical equipment. Annex A identifies
other stressors that may be applicable to equipment.

Environmental temperatures for most facility areas are normally available in various heating, ventilation,
and air conditioning (HVAC) design specifications, safety analysis reports, or design basis documents. For
areas in which equipment temperature data are not available or the existing data require reevaluation, new

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IEEE Guide for Assessing, Monitoring, and Mitigating Aging Effects on Electrical Equipment Used in Nuclear Power
Generating Stations and Other Nuclear Facilities

temperature data should be gathered. In addition to the ambient thermal environment, temperature rise due
to component self-heating can also contribute to equipment thermal aging and, where applicable, should be
addressed in the evaluation. Equipment self-heating temperature rise information can be obtained from
manufacturers’ data, from equipment item-specific analyses, or from tests. Self-heating temperature rise is
added to the ambient temperature to determine the total temperature to be considered for thermal aging of
the equipment and materials.

Radiation data, for facility areas where it is applicable, are normally available from the safety analysis
report or from the environmental qualification (EQ) program as radiation mapping is normally done to
determine normal electrical equipment radiation doses. In instances where no radiation data are available,
information may be obtained from the survey data.

Humidity for facility areas, if needed, can be obtained from HVAC design specifications, the safety
analysis report, or periodic facility monitoring, or it can be conservatively established.

Cyclic stresses are an operative concern depending on the degree of the stress and the number of cycles. A
cyclic stress service condition need be identified for the aging assessment only if there are known aging
effects. Examples are mechanical and electrical cycling. See Annex A for additional information.

Sources of design and actual service condition data can be found in 8.1 and 8.2. Information on monitoring
of environments is contained in Annex B. In addition, EPRI TR-109619 [B47] 5 provides guidance for
obtaining service condition data.

6.5 Identify the materials of construction

The equipment’s parts and construction materials should be identified for evaluation under their service
conditions. In cases where it is not possible to determine all materials or the exact materials of construction,
the goal is to have reasonable assurance that age-sensitive materials have been identified.

Electrical component materials can be identified from various sources such as from design material lists,
component manufacturer drawings, or spectrographic analysis. See 8.1 for additional sources of
information. Where specific component information is lacking, industry aging management guidelines and
other reports may be sources of the most common materials used for specific component types installed in
the nuclear industry.

Electrical components are constructed with organic and inorganic materials. Depending on the type of
component being evaluated, identification of the metals and other inorganic materials may not be
necessary. For example, there are no significant aging effects for inorganic materials associated with cables
(i.e., cable conductor, shielding, fillers, and armor); however, some organic materials are sensitive to
environmental conditions and may require additional consideration (e.g., Teflon is sensitive to radiation).
Most metals and other inorganic parts in cables are covered by insulation or a jacket and are not exposed to
environments that would cause the inorganic materials to degrade under normal circumstances. Although
metal, in general, ages when used in other applications, corrosion when it occurs inside cable represents a
failure of the insulation and should be considered a special case, not the normal, predictable aging of the
cable’s inorganics. Although not typical, moisture can seep between various layers of cable construction
and, with oxygen introduced, can cause corrosion and metal loss. Contacts, linkages, and bearings are
inorganic parts of electrical equipment that may also be susceptible to aging. Thermal cycling effects
should also be considered.

The numbers in brackets correspond to the numbers of the bibliography in Annex G.

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IEEE Guide for Assessing, Monitoring, and Mitigating Aging Effects on Electrical Equipment Used in Nuclear Power
Generating Stations and Other Nuclear Facilities

6.6 Identify and assess aging effects

Aging effects are identified and assessed to determine whether any additional aging management efforts are
needed to prevent the effects from becoming significant over time. Significant aging effects are those that
can detrimentally affect the equipment essential functions identified in 6.2.

The following subclauses describe aging effect identification, other supportive information needed, and use
of aging models and condition monitoring to perform aging assessments.

6.6.1 Identification of aging effects

Aging effects are identified from either facility-specific or industry failure or degradation experience with
the specific equipment or its materials of construction (from 6.5) in a similar application. Alternatively,
facility-specific service conditions (stressor values) and materials information may be used to determine
applicable and potentially significant aging effects from the tables of Annex A.

6.6.2 Other supportive information needed

Next the following information should be researched or established as feasible or available:

a) Evaluation period: Most materials degrade over time, even in fairly benign environments; it is
useful to set a specific goal for the equipment’s life to be evaluated. The evaluation period is
normally selected on the basis of the facility’s operating license, but can be selected for any other
specific time period (e.g., outage to outage for specific equipment, time periods between tests as
dictated by safety analysis, or for license renewal).
NOTE—For EQ program equipment, it is necessary to include the mission (or post-accident required
operating) time in the evaluation period to assure sufficient margin for post-accident operability beyond the
normal life goal. 6

b) Past and future service conditions (from 6.4) as a function of time or as enveloping values for the
evaluation period.
c) Degree of flexibility in controlling or limiting future service conditions.
d) Aging mechanisms likely to cause the identified aging effects in the identified materials of
construction (determined from Annex A or similar sources of information).
e) Dependence of the aging mechanism and resulting aging effects on the identified service
f) Aging information, such as activation energy, accelerated aging test data (temperature and time),
temperature rating or maximum continuous-use temperature, radiation dose threshold, and related
information, for the equipment or its materials of construction.

To perform the aging assessment, the material’s capability is compared to the intensity and duration of a
service condition stressor. Results from tests of material properties, after being subjected to accelerated
aging, are the best and most readily available sources of material aging information.

Notes in text, tables, and figures of a standard are given for information only and do not contain requirements needed to implement
the standard.

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IEEE Std 1205-2014
IEEE Guide for Assessing, Monitoring, and Mitigating Aging Effects on Electrical Equipment Used in Nuclear Power
Generating Stations and Other Nuclear Facilities

The objectives of the aging assessment are to determine

 How long a material will remain functional while exposed to its stressors, or
 A maximum stressor value that a material would be able to withstand for a specified period and still
remain functional.

The aging assessment can be performed to achieve either one or both of these objectives, depending on
information availability, expected or estimated remaining life margin, and whether specific equipment life
goals have been established or are needed.

Knowing the equipment materials and stressors, it is possible to assess the effects of aging on the material
to date and to determine how in the future aging will affect the equipment function. For a given material,
aging effects (some type of material degradation) can be directly related to a specific environmental or
operational stressor. The intensity of the stressor normally determines the rate at which the material

One or a combination of methods is used to assess aging effects for the equipment’s future service
conditions. Two models, which extrapolate test results and condition monitoring, are discussed in the
following subclauses.

6.6.3 Use of a thermal aging model

Thermal aging is commonly assessed using the Arrhenius model, which is described in Nelson [B108]. The
model establishes aging degradation as a function of temperature for a single material system and allows an
estimation of thermal life at a given temperature. It is also used to relate remaining life at a given
temperature to remaining life at another temperature. Alternatively, it can be used to determine a maximum
continuous temperature for a specific length of time. Examples of these types of applications of the
Arrhenius model are provided in Annex E.

Thermal aging is a chemical reaction, and such reactions are a function of temperature. The reaction rate
(dg/dt) according to Arrhenius from Nelson [B108] is given in Equation (1).

dg φ (1)
= A exp( − )
dt kT


dg is the reaction rate

A is a constant of proportionality
φ is the activation energy (eV) for a chemical reaction of concern indicative of susceptibility 7
k is the Boltzmann’s constant (0.8617 × 10–4 eV/K)
T is the absolute temperature (K) of the service condition

Neglecting the effect of depletion of the reactants on the reaction rate to solve this differential equation
gives Equation (2).

The activation energy is the minimum energy needed to drive the reaction forward. In general, the higher the activation energy of a
particular degradation mechanism, the slower the degradation rate at a specified temperature. Therefore, the selected activation energy
should be at the conservative lower end of the range of possible activation energies and be based on the most relevant material
property associated with the particular degradation mechanism of concern.

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IEEE Guide for Assessing, Monitoring, and Mitigating Aging Effects on Electrical Equipment Used in Nuclear Power
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φ (2)
t = B exp( )


t is the time to reach a specified end-of-qualified-life condition or lifetime

B is a constant [related to the amount of degradation that will have occurred at end of time t or
B=g(t)/A where g(t) is the amount of reactions occurring through time t]

Equivalent degradation can be applied to the Arrhenius relationship to allow calculation of a lifetime t 2 at
an actual (or expected) installed temperature T2, given a different test temperature T1 and a test period t1
[see Equation (3)].

t2  φ   1 1  (3)
= exp    −  
t1 k
   2T T1 

Equation (3) can be used in conjunction with appropriate testing results (to a marginal degradation
condition) at a higher temperature to theoretically derive a maximum continuous-use lower temperature for
a longer specified period of time. Alternatively, this expression can be used to approximate remaining life
given a known exposure temperature history and a conservative expected future temperature. To facilitate
such a determination, a series of i discrete “time at temperature” intervals can be used to derive an
equivalent Arrhenius weighted average temperature, Tn, for the entire period of time, tn, as shown in
Equation (4) and Equation (5). An example of an appropriate use of Equation (5) would be accounting for
ambient temperature changes due to seasonal or diurnal fluctuations or changes in temperature based on
operating conditions (e.g., lower temperatures during outages).

  φ    φ   φ   φ  (4)
g (tn ) = Atn exp −  = A t1 exp −  + t2 exp −  + ... + ti exp − 
  kTn    kT1  kT2   kTi 

φ  (5)
 
Tn = k
 
 
 tn 
ln 
 ∑ ti exp − φ 
  kT 
  i 


Ti is the temperature for time interval ti and the summation is over all i discrete intervals

In some cases, the operation of the equipment itself leads to a local increase in ambient temperature.
Devices such as solenoid valves, which self-heat when energized, are an example of a type of equipment
whose operation causes localized heat rise such that the actual temperature experienced by the equipment is
significantly above the ambient room temperature. Equation (6) is used to account for the effect of self-
heating during periods of intermittent operation when determining the overall qualified life of the

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IEEE Guide for Assessing, Monitoring, and Mitigating Aging Effects on Electrical Equipment Used in Nuclear Power
Generating Stations and Other Nuclear Facilities

t1 (6)
t2 =
φ  1 1  φ  1 1 
p HR exp  −   + (1 − p HR ) exp  −  
k T T   k T T
  1 2 e    1 2 ne 


T1 is the qualification test temperature

t1 is the qualification test duration
T2e is the maximum expected temperature when energized
t2 is the calculated qualified life duration
T2ne is the maximum expected temperature when deenergized
pHR is the maximum fraction of time the device is anticipated to be energized

Note that since the Arrhenius equation is not linear with temperature, the term including the energized
(higher) temperature significantly influences the calculated qualified life.

The Arrhenius methodology is widely used as an acceptable method of simulating thermal aging effects. It
should be noted that Arrhenius thermal age modeling has several assumptions, sensitivities, and limitations.
It is vital to understand the potential limitations when applying the Arrhenius methodology for the
evaluation of thermal aging effects. These assumptions, sensitivities, and limitations are summarized below
to help users understand valid application of the Arrhenius methodology and to demonstrate the overall
conservative nature of this model when properly applied:

a) A single stressor type, i.e., thermal aging, is assumed at work throughout the life of the material.
(Radiation exposure, humidity, submergence, and other environmental stressors need to be
addressed separately because the degradation proceeds by different mechanisms from those
typically observed for thermal aging.)
b) One dominating chemical reaction corresponding to one dominating aging mechanism causing the
identified aging effect (e.g., corrosion, embrittlement) is assumed. (Test temperatures should be
selected to assure that the dominant aging reaction at the test conditions is also dominant and
equivalent at the installed service condition temperature.)
c) According to gaseous reaction theory, “A” increases at approximately the square root of
temperature. When all the reactants are not gaseous, this temperature dependence changes. This
assumption could cause small amounts of error in calculated values – less than 5% for typical
ambient and test temperatures. As such, this small error will be offset by other conservative
assumptions; therefore, the coefficient “A” in Equation (1) is assumed to be independent of
d) The activation energy is considered to be constant with temperature and time. (The selected
activation energy should be at the conservative end of the range of possible activation energies.)
e) The aforementioned equations are very sensitive to the accuracy of the selected activation energy.
Because the activation energy is often available in only one or two significant digits, it should be
selected carefully and the expression results interpreted judiciously. (That is, calculated results are
accurate only to one or two significant digits.)
f) The reaction rate is assumed to be not affected by depletion of the reactant concentration; in other
words, the end of life (amount of degradation) is selected to be before depletion effects are
noticeable. This assumption is conservative because reactant depletion reduces the aging reaction
rate, which would give a longer predicted life given a life endpoint based on the same amount of

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IEEE Std 1205-2014
IEEE Guide for Assessing, Monitoring, and Mitigating Aging Effects on Electrical Equipment Used in Nuclear Power
Generating Stations and Other Nuclear Facilities

g) Equation (3) assumes the same amount of degradation damage when converting from one set of
time at temperature conditions to another set of conditions. (This amount of damage does not
necessarily represent an end-of-life condition.)

In the absence of activation energy data for the limiting component, a rule of thumb commonly known as
the “10-Degree Rule” can be used to roughly approximate temperature-dependent reactions. This rule of
thumb states that the specific temperature reaction rate doubles (or the life is reduced by one-half) for each
10-degree (C or K) rise in service temperature. The limitations for use and basis for the applicability of this
approximation are given in EPRI NP-1558, section 4.5 [B37].

Tage − TSER

tSER = tage × 2 10


tSER is the service life (i.e., qualified life)

tage is the aging duration
Tage is the aging temperature in °C or K
TSER is the service temperature in °C or K

Because of the limitations and assumptions stated previously, the Arrhenius model for thermal aging should
be considered to provide only an approximation of the lifetime of the equipment, although it is generally
accepted by regulators. When feasible, condition monitoring or other means should be considered to
validate remaining or residual life of equipment.

6.6.4 Use of a radiation aging model

Unlike thermal exposure, the radiation dosage or amount of energy deposited affecting a material’s
integrity and operability linearly increases with time for a constant field or dose rate. A conventional model
for radiation aging assumes that material damage is directly related to the amount of energy deposited as a
result of exposure in an ionizing radiation field. This model also assumes a principle of equivalent damage
exists. This principle states that the amount of material damage resulting from exposure to a constant
radiation dose rate field and a given duration is equivalent to that same exposure from any other
combination of dose rates and exposure durations. The total integrated dose (TID) is the time integral of the
dose rate as a function of time over the total exposure duration.

The value of TID that begins to detrimentally affect the material’s functionality and, thereby, the
equipment’s ability to perform its function can be determined by test and has been tabulated for many
materials. The rate at which the dose is received is also an important consideration for some materials such
as PCBs. Therefore, an assessment of the effects of radiation aging would be one factor in the
determination of remaining life.

6.6.5 Condition monitoring

Condition monitoring can be used to determine and predict the physical and operating status of equipment.
The condition of a limiting weak link part is normally used as an indicator to determine the overall
condition of the equipment. The condition of the weak link material or part is ascertained by comparing
some age-dependent or trendable material property or other observable parameter to a baseline value
(usually the value when new) or an end condition (determined from the acceptance criteria).

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IEEE Guide for Assessing, Monitoring, and Mitigating Aging Effects on Electrical Equipment Used in Nuclear Power
Generating Stations and Other Nuclear Facilities

Appropriate condition monitoring techniques should be identified and data should be collected at various
stages in the life of the equipment to establish a performance history. This history can then be used to
identify trends, which would provide insights for determining current equipment condition, as well as
predicting equipment future performance and residual life.

Annex C contains additional information on condition monitoring techniques, which may be used to
perform or support the aging assessment. In addition, many IEEE standards provide guidance for
evaluating, testing, and maintaining electrical insulation systems [see the relevant examples of IEEE
standards in Annex G].

6.6.6 Summary

An aging assessment approach can be summarized as follows:

a) Identify aging effects that may become significant based on site-specific or industry-available
degradation data.
b) Determine the specific duration and end-of-life condition of the aging effect assessment. Collect
aging information for materials identified as being part of the electrical equipment as it relates to
applicable environmental stressors.
c) Use an aging model to determine maximum stressor values (normal and accident conditions) that
each material would be able to withstand for the evaluation period and still remain functional.
d) Compare the actual service condition stressor values with each material maximum stressor value.
The actual service condition stressor values are expected to be less than the maximum stressor
value for each material. If an actual service condition stressor value is greater than a material
maximum stressor value, aging management may be required to preserve the material or equipment
function. If so, determine how long a material would remain functional while being exposed to its
actual service conditions.
e) Obtain and review condition monitoring data to perform or validate the aging analyses.

7. Monitoring and mitigating aging degradation

7.1 General

Clause 6 defines the process for performing an aging assessment and for collecting data in support of this
process. The assessment determines the aging effects that require further or continuing monitoring and
mitigative action. These actions consist of maintaining, improving, or replacing the equipment (7.2 through
7.5); reducing environmental or operating stressors (7.6); or collecting more data (7.7 through 7.10) in
support of future actions to maintain, improve, or replace the equipment. Annex C contains additional
guidance on condition monitoring techniques, which could be used in support of mitigative actions.

7.2 Maintenance

Maintenance consists of the actions that detect, preclude, or mitigate degradation of equipment.
Maintenance is most effective when performed on a timely basis. The following is an approach to
determine when to perform maintenance:

a) Identify methods to detect aging degradation prior to failure.

b) Perform condition/failure trending (see 7.10), as appropriate, for the equipment under observation.

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c) Determine minimum functional capability that defines the end of normal service life while being
capable of performing its required function(s).
d) Analyze the data collected from the previous process and decide the appropriate corrective action.

Detection and mitigation of significant aging degradation effects are accomplished through preventive
maintenance, which includes maintenance activities performed on a periodic, continuous, or predictive
basis prior to failure.

Requirements to maintain the qualified status of electrical equipment are integrated into
maintenance/operational programs. Utilities have established an EQ program for Class 1E equipment
located in potentially harsh post-accident environments. Techniques that are currently used for mitigating
aging degradation in an EQ program are

 Replacement
 Refurbishment
 Reconfiguration or operational changes to reduce aging environmental stressor (principally heat
and radiation) levels

7.3 Replacement

Replacement is the substitution of a component, usually degraded or failed, with another that complies with
the design requirements. Components may be replaced prior to reaching the end of design or qualified life
or prior to failure based on the results of monitoring or operating history of similar equipment. For instance,
in equipment qualification programs, weak link components are replaced prior to the end of their qualified
life so that the longer qualified life of the host equipment is maintained.

Replacement is also an option to use for equipment that has become obsolete (obsolescence alone is not
cause for replacement), equipment for which spare parts are no longer available, equipment that fails to
meet acceptance criteria, or equipment for which increased reliability is desired.

7.4 Refurbishment

Refurbishment is the renovation or restoration of a degraded component to an acceptable state, not

necessarily its original, nondegraded state. The equipment to be refurbished may have selected components
or materials replaced. Examples of refurbishment of equipment are changing the contacts on a breaker,
installing new bearings on a motor, or replacing insulation materials. It should be noted that EQ
requirements, when applicable, should be satisfied for refurbished equipment.

7.5 Redesign of equipment

Equipment manufacturers and the nuclear industry routinely perform design enhancements based on
operating experience and new technology/materials availability. These include changing to materials more
resistant to aging stressors, reconfiguring for improved reliability, and even relocating equipment. For
example, research conducted on inverters in NUREG/CR-5051 [B121] resulted in recommendations for
age-mitigating design improvements such as the use of higher ratings for voltage- and temperature-
sensitive components in the inverter circuitry and the addition of forced-air cooling to reduce overheating
problems. It should be noted that the EQ requirements, when applicable, should still be satisfied for
redesigned equipment.

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7.6 Adjustments in operating environments and practices that reduce stresses

Environmental stressors such as heat and radiation are known to induce aging degradation, particularly in
organic materials. Adjustment in the operating environment or operational practices is an effective method
of mitigating aging degradation. Collection and evaluation of environmental data can provide the basis for
making adjustments in the environmental or operating practices that can mitigate the aging degradation
effects from these stressors. Examples of adjustments in the operating environment include adding thermal
insulation, venting electrical enclosures, implementing HVAC upgrades, adding radiation shielding,
minimizing location of aging-sensitive equipment in a nonbenign environment and periodically
decontaminating piping near susceptible equipment. Annex B contains guidance on environmental
monitoring. Examples of adjustments in operating practices include reducing the period of operation,
reducing the number and rate of startups/shutdowns, and optimizing or improving testing practices. In
addition, EPRI TR-109619 [B47] provides guidance for management of adverse operating environments.

7.7 Environmental and operational stress monitoring

Monitoring can be used to obtain additional data for a future aging assessment or to modify actions from a
prior assessment. Monitoring includes, but is not limited to, the following:

a) Environmental monitoring (e.g., temperature, radiation)

b) Power system monitoring (e.g., system voltage, current, load, contact resistance change)
c) Process monitoring (e.g., operating cycle/frequency)
d) Instrument monitoring (e.g., drift, response time)

7.8 Inspection

Certain types of degradation can be detected prior to equipment failure through routine inspections. These
inspections can be designed to identify indications of equipment condition and potential abnormalities.
Such indications include, but are not limited to, the following:

a) Arcing and/or carbon deposits

b) Bent parts
c) Color change
d) Corrosion
e) Cracks
f) Dirt, dust, and contamination
g) Embrittlement
h) Erosion
i) Excessive ambient environment variations
j) Excessive heat
k) Excessive lubrication
l) Excessive vibration
m) Mechanical wear
n) Noise

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o) Nonstandard voltage
p) Water in grease and lube oil

In addition, EPRI TR-109619 [B47] provides guidance for performing walkdowns and inspections. Table
A.1, Table A.2, Table A.3, and Table A.4 list typical aging degradation effects for polymers, lubricants,
metals, and PCBs, respectively.

7.9 Surveillance

Aging degradation may be detected prior to equipment failure through existing facility surveillance or
diagnostic testing programs. Such programs include, but are not limited to, the following:

a) Technical specification surveillance tests

b) In-service inspection tests
c) On-line monitoring/real-time monitoring
d) Calibration of instrument sensors
e) Vibration analysis tests
f) Other signature analysis (e.g., motor current)

Facility setpoint monitoring programs also provide a method of monitoring the aging degradation of
equipment. In this program, instrument drift is utilized as an indication of overall health of the equipment.

Many IEEE standards and industry documents provide guidance on methods of monitoring for aging
degradation of equipment (see Annex G).

7.10 Trending

Trending of monitoring, inspection, or surveillance results (condition trending) provides an indication of

aging degradation and the current and future ability of equipment to function as designed. For example,
trending of results from monitoring drift in meter and instrument setpoint readings provide information that
can be used to determine calibration intervals. Should the trending indicate aging is significant, instruments
and meters can be removed and repaired or replaced. Trending special or periodic test results or inspections
is another technique for monitoring of equipment condition and associated aging degradation. For example,
for batteries, trending of performance test results, specific gravity measurements, electrolyte level, or plate
inspection data could yield sufficient information to assess aging degradation.

Examples of trending special or periodic test results follow. For battery chargers, these could include
measuring power factor, no-load current, the limits on the current limiter, or the increase in ripple in the dc
output for sudden increases and decreases applied to the line voltage (which could be attributed to aging
degradation of the dc electrolytic filter capacitor). For oil-filled transformers, these could include gas
analysis, interfacial tension, hot-spot temperature, or color test. For containment electrical penetrations,
these could include leak rate tests. For temperature sensors, these could include repeatability, time constant,
response time, and drift.

Condition trending does not always provide a reliable indication of aging degradation. Electronic
equipment, for example, can fail catastrophically rather than provide easily detectable indications of
degradation. For this type of equipment, trending failure rates may be an appropriate method of monitoring
aging degradation. If statistical data are available, then surveillance, preventive maintenance, or

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replacement can be scheduled more effectively on the basis of failure trends. If the failure pattern of a
component shows that the probability of failure increases significantly after a certain life span, then
planned periodic replacement of the equipment may be considered.

Failure trending requires a systematic collection and analysis of facility data (see Clause 8). Equipment
failures should be recorded in a specified, systematic manner to permit determination of the severity of
failures, failure modes, and root causes of failures. Trends of failures and their causes may then be
monitored and evaluated. Some examples of trending applications are provided in Annex C.

8. Data

8.1 General

The compilation of relevant information on the electrical equipment under evaluation is a cornerstone
activity of aging assessments. Relevant data should form the basis on which decisions concerning the
suitability of electrical equipment for continued operation can be made.

Since many kinds and types of records and data can be considered for review, a means to identify relevant
data is helpful with respect to the goals of this guide. Relevant data can be identified or suggested by first
identifying the aging effects (Clause 4) that are operative for the equipment or component under scrutiny.
The relevant data should support the observable parameters (Clause 6) determined for that equipment. If
the aging assessment determines that additional data are required, then additional data should be identified
by a more focused selection of observable parameters. Specific data generated as a result of an aging
assessment (Clause 5 and Clause 6) should obviously be included as a part of this data set. Records or
relevant data should be retained in accordance with facility requirements. EPRI TR-109619 [B47] provides
additional guidance for data research.

The process of identifying relevant data and aging effects would most likely be an iterative one. That is, an
initial level of awareness concerning the operative significant aging effects would steer the collection of the
relevant data. As the data are reviewed, awareness or understanding of the aging effects may become more
specific and refined. The increased understanding may warrant additional data collection. Thus, the cycle
can continue until the significant aging effects are identified.

Data may be organized into three major groups:

a) Baseline data (original capability)

b) Historical data (operating history)
c) Inspections and diagnostic testing data

Essentially, the data groups emphasize a logical progression of fact finding and attempt to answer the
following basic questions:

 What was the equipment’s original design basis?

 How well did it perform in service?
 What is its present condition with respect to its required function(s)?

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8.2 Baseline data (original capability)

The evaluation of any set of relevant historical data begins with a comparison to reference or baseline data.
The baseline data describe, in detail, the original design features and capability that the electrical equipment
had at the time of initial operation. Baseline data can be found in the following sources:

a) Equipment specifications. Contain the characteristics of the equipment (e.g., capacity, voltage,
b) Purchase orders. List and describe the specific deliverables concerning the equipment order.
Deliverables of hardware and important literature/software should be noted as well as any special
terms or conditions or options concerning the equipment.
c) Manufacturer’s information. Can range from catalog data, application recommendations, and
bulletins to very detailed reports and comprehensive test results.
d) Equipment qualification reports. Contain data required by various IEEE standards, which clearly
show that the equipment’s performance satisfies or exceeds the standards and criteria noted in the
equipment’s specification and purchase order. This type of data emphasizes environmental
concerns related to equipment performance during a design basis accident.
e) System preoperational or acceptance tests. Verify, after equipment installation, that the equipment
performs satisfactorily, as an individual component and within its respective system. These test
records contain actual performance parameters (e.g., power consumption, temperature rise, rated
output, time response), which can then be compared to more current performance data.
f) Equipment technical manuals. Can contain information and explanations of the equipment’s
performance and maintenance requirements.
g) Equipment nameplate. In many cases, may simply confirm specification and purchase order
information. In other cases, the nameplate may be one of the few available sources where
information can be obtained.
h) Final safety analysis reports (FSARs and updated FSARs). Contain specific design information for
systems including seismic and environmental data. The facility FSAR should be a very convenient
and useful source to establish a comprehensive overview prior to investigating specific details.

The preceding data sources are, in general, available for use at any nuclear facility. However, this list is not
intended to be all-inclusive, and other data sources may be available. It should also be noted that some data
sources are more appropriate for certain kinds of data than others. This observation is made because the
data suggesting the operative aging effects specific to the equipment would not be addressed in every data
source. For example, while the FSAR describes the equipment’s environmental design requirements, the
most likely source for complete details is the equipment qualification reports prepared by the equipment
manufacturer and/or the utility or industry groups. The other sources may be of assistance, but to a lesser
degree. A good working knowledge of the available data sources and insights to the most likely aging
effects can serve to expedite the required research.

8.3 Historical data (operating history)

A review of the equipment’s performance in actual service under various types of service conditions
establishes the next relevant data necessary to support the aging assessment goal. The major sources of this
data can be found, by and large, in the records kept by the facility.

a) Equipment operating records. Contain records that may specify/quantify when equipment is
energized/deenergized (number or cycles or indications of duty cycle) or an abnormal equipment
response (failure). Data from operating logs can reveal actual equipment responses to real facility

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conditions. Such information can help identify various stressors (Clause 4 and Annex A) such as
overload conditions or frequent cycling of a breaker.
b) Service condition records. These records can reveal the specific stressors that may be significant to
the aging assessment of the equipment, such as temperature, radiation, humidity, or cleanliness.
(See Annex B for environmental monitoring considerations.)
c) Event records. These records may be used to review when a particular sequence of events is
significant such as an automatic equipment actuation to a defined event (e.g., turbine or reactor
trip). Event records can also show response times and highlight out-of-tolerance indications.
d) Maintenance records. These records may indicate routine and corrective maintenance that the
equipment has received and the frequency of the maintenance performed. “As-found” and “as-left”
conditions may also be noted within the records, which may provide additional insight to the
operative aging effects. Maintenance records can be a very significant resource for supporting a
trend analysis because they may contain information that is attainable only when the equipment is
deenergized. The off-line condition provides for more detailed observations than are feasible with
the equipment online (e.g., insulation resistance [IR], detailed visual inspections of equipment
interior areas, linearity and accuracy verifications).
e) Surveillance testing records. These records often contain the results of observations and/or
measurements of the equipment’s physical condition or performance. The data confirm that the
equipment conforms to the identified acceptance criteria. These records can be used to trend
equipment performance and permit measured data to be routinely compared.
f) Outage inspections. The extended off-line equipment status presented by the normal system/facility
outage schedule provides the opportunity to examine electrical equipment in even greater detail.
g) Equipment failure record. Equipment operational failure can be an obvious indication of aging
effects. The analysis of failure data can
1) Validate the application of the equipment and its maintenance requirements
2) Reveal inadequacies of the equipment design or maintenance
3) Reveal conditions that subjected the equipment to stressors not accounted for in the original
4) Predict failures through trending
h) Lessons learned. Failure data collected at any facility can be supplemented by data existing in
databases such as the Equipment Performance and Information Exchange System Maintenance
Rule and Reliability Information (EPIX MRRI) database, Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC)
bulletins and notices, and the Government Industry Data Exchange Program (GIDEP). Analysis of
equipment failures can be made by a review of information from these databases because their
sample size is more extensive.
Equipment failure records may also contain data that describe the results of detailed investigations
on the failed components. Such investigations may concern material analysis, and destructive and
nondestructive physical testing.

8.4 Diagnostic testing data

Diagnostic testing is performed to establish the operating status or condition of the equipment. The purpose
of diagnostic testing is threefold. First, diagnostic testing establishes the present operating condition of the
equipment. Second, it provides supplemental information with respect to the historical operation data.
Third, it provides information useful to assess future performance.

In its simplest form, diagnostic testing may involve routine calibration procedures, such as that of an
instrument channel. A more complex test may require evaluation of subassemblies such as individual

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circuit boards. The extent of the testing is heavily influenced by the materials and construction of the
equipment and the identified stressors that act on it over time (see Annex A). It is noted for emphasis that
testing may become iterative as the operative stressors become better defined.

Included in this effort is testing or inspections of the equipment that may be included in any of the
historical data. Additional testing and inspection can be performed when historical data are insufficient to
support an aging assessment.

Diagnostic testing may also be useful in establishing that the actual operating mode of the equipment is less
stressful than anticipated in design (e.g., operating temperatures are lower than originally specified), which
tends to suggest a longer service life as the stressor may not be as significant as originally expected.

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IEEE Guide for Assessing, Monitoring, and Mitigating Aging Effects on Electrical Equipment Used in Nuclear Power
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Annex A


Aging effect tables

A.1 Introduction

Table A.1, Table A.2, and Table A.3 presented in this annex provide a summary of aging mechanisms
likely to cause identifiable aging effects in three general types of materials: polymers, lubricants, and
metals. Table A.4 provides a summary of aging effects for PCBs. These summary tables are intended to be
used as a basic approach for determining aging effects in electrical equipment. Each table contains the
following types of information:

a) Aging stressors
b) Aging mechanisms
c) Aging effects
d) Monitoring methods for aging effect

The tables in this annex are intended to assist in performing aging assessments for equipment within the
scope of this guide. The stressors, aging mechanisms, and aging effects listed may not be significant for all
component types and the monitoring methods listed are simply typical examples of known methods. There
is no implication that the methods are effective under all circumstances for all components. It needs to be
recognized that some of the methods are still under development.

The information in this annex may be supplemented by other information on aging effects such as
operating experience, manufacturer’s data, expert opinion, research and test data, and demonstrated
performance capability from EQ. Additional relevant sources of aging information include EPRI NP-1558
[B37], NUREG-1377 [B128], NUREG/CR-3629 [B115], NUREG/CR-4156 [B116], NUREG/CR-4731
[B118], NUREG/CR-4715 [B117], NUREG/CR-4740 [B119], NUREG/CR-5051 [B121], and
NUREG/CR-5057 [B122].

Informative references pertaining to Annex A are listed in Annex G, followed by the indication
“(Annex A)”.

A.2 Use of equipment aging tables

The following is a systematic process for using the equipment aging tables:

a) Establish the equipment boundary of interest; determine interfaces at the boundary as defined in
b) Collect relevant data for the specific equipment of interest as described in Clause 8.
c) Identify materials known to have propensity for aging and to be susceptible to degradation in the
equipment service conditions. Materials may include polymers, coatings, oil and grease lubricants,
and ferrous and nonferrous metals.
d) Determine the applicable environmental and operational stressors and their duration as defined in
6.4, described as follows:

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1) Temperature. Establish an ambient temperature range. Determine the temperature rise over
ambient and identify potential for hot spots for equipment parts during operation and cycling.
2) Radiation. Establish the radiation environment (predominantly, gamma, beta, and neutron),
including cumulative dose, dose rate, and radiation hot spots. Establish the range of operation
of the particular component in the specific environment.
3) Humidity/water. Determine the presence and severity of humidity and water from both
internal and external sources.
4) Electrical. Determine the electrical stressors (magnitudes and durations) that the equipment
may experience during normal design life. The electrical stressors should be evaluated for
i) Normal operating conditions
ii) Facility switching, cycling, and test conditions
For example, the nature of electrical stressors may include voltages and currents involving dc,
low-frequency (50–60 Hz) signals, slow-switching transients, fast transients of lightning
variety, or superposition of more than one of these voltages and currents.
5) Mechanical. Determine the mechanical stressors that the equipment may experience during
normal design life. Evaluate for
i) Normal design static loads
ii) Seismic loads
iii) Vibration loads
6) Chemical/electrochemical/contamination. Identify and evaluate chemicals, electrochemical
conditions, contaminants, and other atmospheric conditions that might contribute to aging.
e) After materials have been identified, relevant data have been collected, and stressors have been
established, make use of the reference tables to determine potential aging mechanisms. Although
detailed understanding of aging mechanisms at all degradation sites within the equipment boundary
of interest may not be practical, increased knowledge of mechanisms to the extent possible is
generally useful for an enhanced understanding of aging effects and for an appropriate choice of
monitoring methods.
f) Make use of column three of the tables to help determine aging effects. Knowledge of aging effects
is important for monitoring and condition assessment, as discussed in Clause 6 and Clause 7.
g) Use columns four and five of the tables to help identify parameters to be monitored and to identify
inspection, surveillance, and monitoring methods. Select cost-effective inspection, surveillance, and
monitoring methods as appropriate.
h) Generate a database by establishing baseline signatures and trend performance parameters on a
periodic basis, as discussed in Clause 7.

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Table A.1—Polymers – aging effects

Stressors Measurement/Technique
Aging mechanism Aging effects
(see NOTE 1) Nonintrusive Intrusive (see NOTE 4)
Thermal Free radical formation by Changes in dielectric properties Environmental and equipment Elongation at break – tensile testing
Ambient temperature polymer breakdown Embrittlement/hardening temperature monitoring data used Thermogravimetric analysis (TGA)
Temperature gradients Oxidative degradation Reduction in elongation to rupture with an Arrhenius thermal aging Gel fraction and solvent uptake
Self-heating due to operation Scissioning/cross-linking Cracking, crazing evaluation, e.g., factor
(e.g., ohmic heating) Flow/creep acceleration Softening/reduced strength Thermocouple Density measurement
Temperature cycling Migration and evaporation of Changes in physical Thermography Oxygen consumption rate
plasticizers/chemicals dimensions/delamination Resistance temperature Infrared spectroscopy
Volatility of chemicals Adverse chemical reactions detector (RTD) Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR)
Offgases (e.g., Cl2, SO2) Reduced voltage withstand Thermal scanning infrared relaxation time
Changes in morphology/ capability Visual examination of insulation and Differential scanning calorimetry
crystallization Increased leakage current measurement of cracks or crack (DSC)
growth Oxidation indication time (OIT)
Hardness/resistance to indentation Oxidation induction temperature
Insulation resistance (IR) (OITP)
(see NOTE 2) Electron microprobe analysis
Ultrasonic velocity (EMPA)
Optical diagnostics based on color Partial discharge (PD)
change Frequency domain reflectometry
Microsensor monitoring (FDR)
Time-frequency domain
reflectometry (TFDR)
Line impedance resonance analysis
Ionizing radiation Cross-link/scissioning Changes (temporary or Environmental radiation monitoring Same techniques as thermal
Gamma (mostly) Free radical formation by permanent) in dielectric data (e.g., dosimetry)
Neutron (some) radiation-polymer interaction properties Visual examination of insulation and
Beta (as necessary) Oxidative degradation Embrittlement/hardening measurement of cracks or crack
Reduction in elongation to rupture growth
Cracking Hardness/resistance to indentation
Softening/reduced strength Insulation resistance (IR)
Increased leakage current (see NOTE 2)
Reduced voltage withstand Microsensor monitoring

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Table A.1—Polymers – aging effects

Stressors Measurement/Technique
Aging mechanism Aging effects
(see NOTE 1) Nonintrusive Intrusive (see NOTE 4)
Non-ionizing radiation Oxidative degradation Cracking, crazing Visual examination of insulation and Elongation to break – tensile test
Ultra-violet Photolysis, radiolysis Loss of hydrophobicity measurement of cracks or crack
(see NOTE 3) Change in tensile strength and growth
elongation Ozone monitoring
Embrittlement Hardness/resistance to indentation
Discoloration Tacky to the touch
Tacky surface
Humidity Vapor diffusion Changes in dielectric properties Relative humidity measurement Dissipation factor
Ambient relative humidity Surface ionization/distribution Reduced voltage withstand Insulation resistance (IR)
Condensation of electric field capability Partial discharge (PD)
Absorption of water Partial surface discharge/corona Leakage current
Decomposition products/gases Polarization index (PI)
Arc tracking Moisture content
Increased leakage current
Water Absorption of water Same effects as humidity Same techniques as humidity Same techniques as humidity
External Dendritic formation (treeing) in
Internal presence of electrical stresses
(only in medium- and high-
voltage cable)
Electrical Partial discharge (PD)/corona Dielectric losses Transient voltage monitoring Insulation resistance (IR)
50–60 Hz ac Arcing Decomposition products/gasses Equipment temperature, e.g., Leakage current
Direct current Temperature rise Reduced voltage withstand Thermocouple Polarization index (PI)
Switching transients Ozone capability Thermography
Fast transients Surface electrical stress Embrittlement/hardening Resistance temperature detector
Arcing Softening/reduced strength (RTD)
Changes in surface properties Thermal scanning infrared
Carbon formation on surface Color-coded indicators
Arc tracking Ozone monitoring

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IEEE Guide for Assessing, Monitoring, and Mitigating Aging Effects on Electrical Equipment Used in Nuclear Power Generating Stations and Other Nuclear Facilities

Table A.1—Polymers – aging effects

Stressors Measurement/Technique
Aging mechanism Aging effects
(see NOTE 1) Nonintrusive Intrusive (see NOTE 4)
Mechanical Creep Changes in dimensions Visual inspection Dissipation factor
Static loading Compressive set Work hardening Dimensional measurement Insulation resistance (IR)
Bending Tensile loads Changes in strength Bearing noise, vibration, and Partial discharge (PD)
Tensile Shear loads Cracking compression set
Shear Torsional loads Generation of wear products Bearing temperature
Compressive Fatigue Changes in alignment or Hardness/resistance to indentation
Dynamic loading Electromagnetic and clearance
Normal electromechanical forces Changes in dielectric
Overload properties/reduced voltage
Cycle loading withstand capability
Vibration Fatigue Separation of polymer from other Visual inspection Vibration/frequency monitoring
Seismic Wear materials such as printed Accelerometer
Facility-induced Tensile loads circuits Bearing temperature
Normal Shear loads Changes in alignments and
Abnormal Torsional loads clearances
Wear and fretting (reduction of
Elongation, dimensional changes
Chemical Disturbance of electric field Changes in dielectric properties Water chemistry Dissipation factor
Boric acid distribution Reduced voltage withstand Visual examination of insulation and Insulation resistance (IR)
Oil Corrosion capability measurement of cracks or crack Partial discharge (PD)
Trisodium phosphate Contamination/deposits Changes in surface conditions growth pH test
Hydrazine Direct chemical reaction at Increased leakage current
Sodium hydroxide elevated temperatures Corrosion wastage
Cleaning fluids Chemical decomposition of
Electrochemical Oxidation Corrosion at polymer/metal Visual inspection —
interfaces Water chemistry
Increased resistance and self- Dimensional measurement

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IEEE Guide for Assessing, Monitoring, and Mitigating Aging Effects on Electrical Equipment Used in Nuclear Power Generating Stations and Other Nuclear Facilities

Table A.1—Polymers – aging effects

Stressors Measurement/Technique
Aging mechanism Aging effects
(see NOTE 1) Nonintrusive Intrusive (see NOTE 4)
Contaminants Disturbance of electric field Reduced voltage withstand Visual inspection Dissipation factor
Dust/dirt distribution capability Insulation resistance (IR)
Wear products Wear Changes in leakage current Partial discharge (PD)
Prevention of contact closure Leakage current
Improper mechanical operation

NOTE 1—Elevated temperatures, gamma and beta radiation, and other factors due to design basis event (DBE) conditions are not considered as age related.

NOTE 2—Normally provides a “go” or “no go” type of result as opposed to a degradation assessment.

NOTE 3—Most commercially available cables are manufactured with stabilizers, such as carbon black or other additives, to preclude the damaging effects of exposure to
ultraviolet (UV) radiation.

NOTE 4—While many of these methods require sample removal, which is a destructive technique, for performance of the test and the establishment of a baseline for comparison,
any change to the physical configuration of the facility, such as the need to determinate the cable and lift leads in order to perform a test, is considered to be an intrusive technique
in this table.

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IEEE Guide for Assessing, Monitoring, and Mitigating Aging Effects on Electrical Equipment Used in Nuclear Power Generating Stations and Other Nuclear Facilities

Table A.2—Lubricants – aging effects

Stressors Measurement/Technique
Aging mechanism Aging effects
(see NOTE 1) Nonintrusive Intrusive (see NOTE 10)
Thermal Oxidative degradation of oil Viscosity changes Visual (see NOTE 2) Oil viscosity (See NOTE 3)
Ambient temperature Thermal degradation of oil Varnish formation Temperature (see NOTE 6) Grease consistency (see NOTE 4)
Temperature rise Evaporation of chemicals Change in chemical properties Lubricant level Lubricant analysis (see NOTE 5)
Temperature gradients Thermal degradation of grease Loss of lubricity Pressure/flow
Temperature cycling Polymerization Formation of gases/polymers Odor
Reduced film strength Softening/flow Feel (see NOTE 7)
Hardening/increased drag
Oil separation
Increased volatility/evaporation
Color change
Increased wear
Radiation Oxidative degradation Change of state Visual (see NOTE 2) Same techniques as thermal
Gamma (mostly) Polymerization Solidification Feel (see NOTE 7)
Neutron (some) Scission Consistency change Radiation dosimetry
Beta (as necessary) Cross-linking Color change
Outgassing Breakdown of chemical bonds
Increased penetration
Odor change
Increased acidity
Reduced lubricating life
Humidity Oxidative degradation Reduction of viscosity Visual (see NOTE 2) Same techniques as thermal
Ambient relative humidity Dilution Loss of lubricity Relative humidity measurement Water content (see NOTE 8)
Water Sludge formation Acidity
Corrosion of metals
Clogging of filter
Color change
Increased foaming
Displacement of lubricant
Rust formation
Increased volatility

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IEEE Guide for Assessing, Monitoring, and Mitigating Aging Effects on Electrical Equipment Used in Nuclear Power Generating Stations and Other Nuclear Facilities

Table A.2—Lubricants – aging effects

Stressors Measurement/Technique
Aging mechanism Aging effects
(see NOTE 1) Nonintrusive Intrusive (see NOTE 10)
Electrical Temperature rise Same effects as thermal stressors Same techniques as thermal Same techniques as thermal
50–60 Hz ac Arcing Oxidation/hardening
Direct current Ozone
Fast transients Partial discharge (PD)/corona
Mechanical Displacement Reduction in volume Visual (see NOTE 2) Same techniques as thermal
Static loading Breakdown of film strength Increased wear Lubricant level
Dynamic load Frothing/foaming Sludge Pressure/flow
Normal overloads Heating through compression or Increased temperature Odor
Vibration high velocity flow Wear products Magnetic methods
Seismic Creep/flow Increased leakage Sound (see NOTE 9)
Cycling Change in vibration pattern
Peening of bearings
Chemical Reactions with lubricant Corrosion of metals Same techniques as thermal Same techniques as thermal
Boric acid Additives Foaming Water content (see NOTE 8)
Sodium hydroxide Reduced lubricity Sludge formation Acidity
Ammonia Direct oxidative degradation at Change in viscosity
Trisodium phosphate elevated temperatures and Softening of grease
Hydrazine radiation Change in volatility
Contaminants Wear/erosion Reduced efficiency Visual (see NOTE 2) Same techniques as thermal
Dust/dirt Abrasion Increased operating temperature Feel (see NOTE 7)
Wear products Mechanical interference Clogged filters Magnetic methods
Reaction with lubricant Reduced cooling e.g., “hot spots” Sound (see NOTE 9)
Increased viscosity Reduced life of components
Sludge formation Change in viscosity
Displacement of lubricant

NOTE 1—Elevated temperatures, gamma and beta radiation, and other factors due to design basis event (DBE) conditions are not considered as age related.

NOTE 2—Visual: color comparison, color change, solid content in oil, foreign matter in grease.

NOTE 3—Oil viscosity (see ASTM D445-97 [B5]).

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IEEE Guide for Assessing, Monitoring, and Mitigating Aging Effects on Electrical Equipment Used in Nuclear Power Generating Stations and Other Nuclear Facilities

NOTE 4—Grease consistency, worked penetration (see ASTM D217-97 [B4]).

NOTE 5—Lubricant analysis, infrared analysis, ash content (see ASTM D128-94a [B3], ASTM D482-95 [B6], and ASTM D874-96 [B8]), atomic absorption spectroscopy, x-ray
dispersion, sludge formation, water droplets, and gas chromatography.

NOTE 6—Temperature monitoring, thermocouples, and infrared thermal scanning.

NOTE 7—Feel: comparison with new lubricant, grittiness, solidifications.

NOTE 8—Water content (see ASTM D1744-92 [B2]), chemical analysis (see ASTM D128-94a [B3]).

NOTE 9—Sound: increased noise, unusual sounds, grinding, rattling in bearings.

NOTE 10—Many of these methods require sample removal for performance of the test and the establishment of a baseline for comparison.

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IEEE Std 1205-2014
IEEE Guide for Assessing, Monitoring, and Mitigating Aging Effects on Electrical Equipment Used in Nuclear Power Generating Stations and Other Nuclear Facilities

Table A.3—Metals – aging effects

Stressors Measurement/Technique
Aging mechanism Aging effects
(see NOTE 1) Nonintrusive Intrusive
Thermal Surface oxidation Loss of thermal conductivity Equipment temperature data, e.g., Current monitoring (resistance
Ambient temperature Creep Change in mechanical Thermocouple change)
Temperature gradients Temperature rise strength/properties Resistance temperature detector
Self-heating due to operation Modified crystalline structure Embrittlement (RTD)
(e.g., ohmic heating) Deformation Infrared pyrometry
Temperature cycling Material transfer Color-coded indicators
Loss of electrical conductivity Visual
Change in magnetic properties
Radiation Modified crystalline structure Changes in electrical and Dosimetry Tensile or torsion testing (for
Neutron mechanical properties (usually radiation hardening)
Humidity Corrosion (including galvanic) Changes in electrical properties Relative humidity measurement Monitor changes in electrical
Condensation Electrolysis Dimensional changes Visual properties such as contact
Arcing Changes in air gaps resistances
Oxidation Physical changes
Water Electrical conduction Changes in electrical properties Visual Same techniques as humidity
External Oxidation Changes in mechanical properties Dimensional measurements
Internal Erosion Transport of undesirable
Corrosion contaminants
Change in dimensions
Electrical Arcing Pitting/corrosion Visual Voltage and current monitoring
Temperature rise Change in electrical, magnetic, Pitting Gas chromatography for special
Electromagnetic field effects mechanical properties Corona applications
Induction Elevated temperatures Equipment temperature data, e.g.,
Magnetostriction Production of gasses/ozone/ Thermocouple
Electrochemical corrosion decomposition products Resistance temperature detector
Electrochemical forces Formation of plastic film over (RTD)
contacts Infrared pyrometry
Color-coded indicators
Resistivity of applicable
conductors of contacts

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IEEE Std 1205-2014
IEEE Guide for Assessing, Monitoring, and Mitigating Aging Effects on Electrical Equipment Used in Nuclear Power Generating Stations and Other Nuclear Facilities

Table A.3—Metals – aging effects

Stressors Measurement/Technique
Aging mechanism Aging effects
(see NOTE 1) Nonintrusive Intrusive
Mechanical Creep Changes in dimensions Visual Gas chromatography of lubricants
Static loading Fatigue Changes in strength Dimensional measurements to determine sources of wear
Applied load Wear Cracking Nondestructive examination products
Compressive Erosion Work hardening Eddy current
Dynamic loading Tensile loads Generation of wear products Ultrasonic
Cycling Shear loads Reduced spring function Magnetic particle inspection
Switching Torsional loads
Vibration Fatigue Changes in dimensions Same techniques as mechanical Same techniques as mechanical
Internally generated Wear Changes in strength Accelerometer
Externally generated Tensile loads Cracking
Seismic Shear loads Generation of wear products
Torsional loads
Chemical Corrosion Changes in electrical and Visual pH test
Boric acid Oxidation/reduction mechanical properties Measure electromotive force Wet chemistry
Trisodium phosphate Dezincification Modified condition of contacting (galvanometer) Gas chromatography to identify
Sodium hydroxide Hydrogen embrittlement surfaces chemicals
Cleaning fluids Intergranular corrosion, galvanic Cracking, velocity, sponge,
Hydrazine corrosion pitting, leaching
Contaminants Wear/erosion Reduced contact integrity Visual Chemical analysis
Dust/dirt Abrasion Reduced mechanical performance Electrical characterization Gas chromatography to identify
Wear products Mechanical interference Introduction of new conduction chemicals
paths X-ray diffusion
Metal transfer
Temperature rise

NOTE 1—Elevated temperatures, gamma and beta radiation, and other factors due to design basis event (DBE) conditions are not considered as age related.

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IEEE Std 1205-2014
IEEE Guide for Assessing, Monitoring, and Mitigating Aging Effects on Electrical Equipment Used in Nuclear Power Generating Stations and Other Nuclear Facilities

Table A.4—PCBs – aging effects

Stressors Measurement/Technique
Aging mechanisms Aging effects
(see NOTE 1) Nonintrusive Intrusive
Thermal Coefficient of thermal expansion Intermittent electrical contact Built-in equipment temperature Infrared pyrometry
(see NOTE 2) (CTE) mismatch strain Loss of electrical contact monitoring with thermocouple or Color-coded indicators
Ambient temperature Strain on solder joints Loss of encapsulation protection resistance temperature detector Functional self-test
Temperature gradients Strain on plastic encapsulated leading to corrosion and (RTD) Current monitoring (resistance
Self-heating due to operation components component failure Functional self-test change)
(e.g., ohmic heating) Strain on component leads Delamination Current monitoring (resistance
Temperature cycling change)
Built-in boundary scan test
Radiation Modified crystalline structure Changes in electrical and Dosimetry —
Neutron Single event effects (SEE) mechanical properties Functional self-test
Single event upset (SEU) Corrupted memory bits Visual
Unintended operations
Humidity Corrosion (including galvanic) Changes in electrical properties Relative humidity measurement —
(see NOTE 3) Electrolysis Loss of insulation resistance (IR) Arc detection
Condensation Arcing Dimensional changes Ground fault detection
Oxidation Changes in air gaps Current self-monitoring (resistance
Water penetration into Physical change change)
encapsulation and laminates Destruction of encapsulation due Functional self-test
to escaping vapors under Visual
temperature cycling
Accelerated electromigration
Electrical Electrochemical migration Loss of insulation resistance (IR) Functional self-test Resistivity of applicable
(see NOTE 4 and NOTE 5) Conductive filament formation leading to arcing Built-in boundary scan test conductors of contacts
Conductive anodic filaments Intermittent electrical short circuit Voltage and current self- Oscilloscope
(CAF) contact monitoring Audio
Tin whiskers Continuous short circuits Visual Gas chromatography for special
Electro-static discharge (ESD) Production of gasses/ozone/ applications
decomposition products CAF testing
Formation of plastic film over Voltage and current monitoring
Loose conductive debris hazard of
causing shorts
Complementary metal oxide
semiconductor (CMOS) latch-up

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IEEE Std 1205-2014
IEEE Guide for Assessing, Monitoring, and Mitigating Aging Effects on Electrical Equipment Used in Nuclear Power Generating Stations and Other Nuclear Facilities

Table A.4—PCBs – aging effects

Stressors Measurement/Technique
Aging mechanisms Aging effects
(see NOTE 1) Nonintrusive Intrusive
Mechanical shock Solder joint breaks Intermittent electrical contact Internal accelerometer Accelerometer
(see NOTE 6) Component lead breaks Loss of electrical contact self-monitoring Dimensional measurements
Cracked traces Loose conductive debris hazard of Functional self-test Nondestructive examination
Mechanical structure breaks causing shorts Built-in boundary scan test Ultrasonic
Cracked dielectric materials Accelerated corrosion due to loss Visual Gas chromatography of lubricants
Component package cracks of packaging protection to determine sources of wear
Vibration Fatigue Intermittent electrical contact Same as mechanical shock Same as mechanical shock
(see NOTE 7) Wear, fretting corrosion Loss of electrical contact
Internally generated Tensile loads Loose conductive debris hazard of
Externally generated Shear loads causing shorts
Seismic Torsional loads Cracking
Generation of wear products

Chemical Corrosion Changes in electrical and Functional self-test Measure electromotive force
Boric acid Oxidation/reduction Mechanical properties Built-in boundary scan test (galvanometer)
Trisodium phosphate Dezincification Modified condition of contacting Visual Wet chemistry
Sodium hydroxide Hydrogen embrittlement surfaces Gas chromatography to identify
Cleaning fluids Intergranular corrosion, galvanic Cracking, velocity, sponge, pitting, chemicals
Hydrazine corrosion leaching pH test

Contaminants Wear/erosion Reduced contact integrity Same as chemical Electrical characterization

Dust/dirt Abrasion Reduced mechanical performance Chemical analysis
Wear products Mechanical interference Introduction of new conduction Gas chromatography to identify
paths chemicals
Metal transfer X-ray diffusion
Temperature rise

NOTE 1—Elevated temperatures, gamma and beta radiation, and other factors due to design basis event (DBE) conditions are not considered as age related.

NOTE 2—ANSI/VITA 51.2 [B1] provides a thermal cycling fatigue model for PCBs based on the Coffin-Manson fatigue-life relationship.

NOTE 3—A model for the combined effect of humidity and thermal cycling on aging is provided by Peck [B130]. Guidance for using this model is provided in ANSI/VITA 51.2

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IEEE Std 1205-2014
IEEE Guide for Assessing, Monitoring, and Mitigating Aging Effects on Electrical Equipment Used in Nuclear Power Generating Stations and Other Nuclear Facilities

NOTE 4—A time-to-failure model for conductive filament formation was created by Rudra et al. [B131]. Guidance for using this model is provided in ANSI/VITA 51.2 [B1].

NOTE 5—Failure rate due to electromigration is given by an equation in Black [B9]. Guidance for using this equation is provided by ANSI/VITA 51.2 [B1].

NOTE 6—ANSI/VITA 51.2 [B1] provides a model for predicting PCB failure due to a mechanical shock event based on Steinberg [B134].

NOTE 7—Aging effect of vibration on PCBs is given by Steinberg [B134] and described in ANSI/VITA 51.2 [B1].

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IEEE Std 1205-2014
IEEE Guide for Assessing, Monitoring, and Mitigating Aging Effects on Electrical Equipment Used in Nuclear Power
Generating Stations and Other Nuclear Facilities

Annex B


Monitoring of environments

B.1 Introduction

As discussed in Clause 4, environmental stressors may affect materials in electrical equipment. Knowing
the environment and its effect on equipment is essential for aging assessment of equipment. This annex
deals with elements of an environmental monitoring program including factors that influence environment,
identification of facility areas and equipment to be monitored, identification of environmental stressors, and
techniques to accomplish the in-facility monitoring program.

B.2 Environmental stressors

The significant environmental stressors to be considered in evaluating and predicting the useful life of
electrical equipment are as follows:

a) Temperature
b) Radiation (gamma)
c) Humidity
d) Chemical exposure
e) Dust/dirt
f) Water spray/leakage

For each environmental stressor, a material degradation threshold value should be determined for each type
of equipment. The material degradation threshold value is defined as the maximum value of an
environmental parameter that does not contribute significantly to the degradation of the component
material. If the worst-case environmental parameter value for a specific area is lower than the material
degradation threshold value, no further evaluation of that environmental stressor’s effect on the component
is needed.

B.2.1 Temperature

The environmental stressor that influences the service life of most electrical equipment is temperature. It is
necessary to monitor the temperature or to obtain temperature records so that the equipment can be
assessed, as explained in Clause 6. The temperature data may identify the need for preventive or corrective
actions to preclude an early equipment failure and/or shorten its useful life. Self-heating is also a
temperature concern along with hot spots and heat rise due to process or energized equipment.

Temperature in some areas inside a nuclear facility may vary seasonally and with facility operating modes.
The periods of lower/higher temperature may provide a basis for reassessing the equipment
design/qualified life.

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IEEE Guide for Assessing, Monitoring, and Mitigating Aging Effects on Electrical Equipment Used in Nuclear Power
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B.2.2 Radiation

Radiation-induced effects are typically produced only by radiation doses greater than the threshold dose,
i.e., the lowest dose that causes a measurable, permanent change in a specified physical property of a
material that would adversely impact the ability to perform a specific function.

Radiation-aging considerations include the following:

a) The aging dose for the equipment should be determined on the basis of expected service
b) Materials should be investigated for potential synergistic effects that result from two or more
stresses acting together. Typically, the concern is the synergistic effect between temperature and
c) Equipment materials should be investigated to determine whether dose-rate effects are known to be
d) Neutron radiation is generally not considered in the aging degradation of electrical equipment
because electrical equipment items are not located in proximity to a neutron radiation source, i.e.,
fuel. An exception to this may be an area directly above the reactor head.

B.2.3 Humidity

There is no generalized model for evaluating humidity-caused degradation. Temperature cycling tends to
exacerbate humidity effects by causing condensation and subsequent transport of moisture to internal
regions of equipment.

B.2.4 Chemical exposure

As with humidity, prolonged chemical exposure, particularly in combination with other stresses, can be
detrimental to electrical equipment. Chemicals may be boric acid, oils and grease, and other relatively
common materials. A monitoring program should include inspection in potentially affected areas.

B.2.5 Dust/dirt

Dust and dirt do not affect enclosed or sealed devices. Dust and dirt may affect open or exposed electrical
equipment such as relay contacts, switches, terminal blocks, and circuit breakers. Physical inspection
during periodic surveillance is one of the ways to monitor and note dust and dirt accumulation on electrical
equipment. Removal of dust and dirt during this periodic surveillance can increase equipment reliability
and reduce degradation.

B.2.6 Water spray/leakage

Water spray/leakage can lead to chemical degradation of exposed materials or electrical property
degradation that can cause equipment malfunctions or danger to personnel due to grounding. Spray testing
is performed during the qualification of electrical equipment that is required to operate under conditions
where spray is expected to be present. A monitoring program should include inspection for leakage and
correction of any abnormal conditions.

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IEEE Guide for Assessing, Monitoring, and Mitigating Aging Effects on Electrical Equipment Used in Nuclear Power
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B.3 Environmental monitoring program

B.3.1 Facility areas to be monitored

The first step in preparing a monitoring program is to identify and locate facility areas where electrical
equipment being evaluated is installed. Some areas of the facility may be of particular concern for a
monitoring program. These areas include confined spaces such as vaults with heat sources and/or limited
ventilation, equipment located directly above the reactor head, and equipment susceptible to elevated
process temperature conditions.

B.3.2 Facility survey

A survey should be conducted in each identified area. The purpose of the survey is to identify

a) Areas where environmental stressors require monitoring

b) Confined areas and heat sources affecting the equipment
c) Areas and equipment where special monitoring techniques are required

The survey should include a review of drawings, interviews with facility personnel, and a walkdown. It
should identify areas affected by facility status or seasonal changes.

During the walkdown, special attention should be paid to the location and installation of equipment. Look
for wrapped cable trays and equipment housed in cabinets without proper ventilation.

B.3.3 Compilation of available data

A thorough review of available facility data should be conducted for equipment and spaces. Key elements
of the review should include the following:

a) HVAC design parameters for each area along with values actually measured in the same areas
b) Facility modifications having favorable or adverse effects on the environment; results of previous
environmental surveys, including health physics data, preoperational test data, and equipment
qualification files
c) Equipment failures that may have been influenced by the environment
d) External effects such as facility status, HVAC status, and seasons that affect the environment

For example, manufacturer’s data on heat rise due to internal heat generation in equipment (e.g., a solenoid
coil) are usually given with reference to an ambient temperature. The actual heat rise of the equipment
installed in a location with a different ambient temperature should be obtained from the manufacturer, or
otherwise determined.

B.3.4 Developing the monitoring program

The techniques and technology of environmental monitoring as applicable to a nuclear facility are
summarized in the following paragraphs.

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IEEE Guide for Assessing, Monitoring, and Mitigating Aging Effects on Electrical Equipment Used in Nuclear Power
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During normal operation, surveys with hand-held instruments provide a convenient approach. Hand-held
instruments are available for temperature, radiation, and humidity measurements.

Temperature monitors include thermistor, thermocouple, resistance temperature detectors (RTDs), and
infrared monitors. Thermistors, thermocouples, and RTDs can be used to measure ambient air temperature
and equipment surface temperature. An infrared spectroscope measures the infrared radiation emitted by
objects to determine temperature. The infrared scope takes much less time to make an accurate reading and
does not require contact with the object being measured. The infrared scope also allows the user to quickly
scan and locate hot spots.

Facility personnel routinely perform radiation surveys using hand-held instruments. Assuming the data are
part of the facility record, the data may be retrieved to determine an integrated dose to equipment. A means
of speeding up radiation walkdowns is to place Universal Product Code (UPC) bar codes in selected
locations that can be scanned while simultaneously determining the dose rate, both of which are stored in

Humidity measurements also lend themselves to a walkdown with hand-held instruments. This may have to
be done seasonally to determine any variation. Areas of high humidity should be investigated for signs of

Chemical exposure monitoring is best performed by physical inspection of suspected areas.

Facility areas and equipment that require lengthy monitoring periods, or are inaccessible during facility
operation, would require the use of remote data-gathering techniques. Careful attention should be given to
the number and placement of monitors in an area. In addition to area ambient temperature, internal and
surface temperature is important for some equipment (e.g., wrapped cables and equipment in cabinets).
Enough monitors should be placed to obtain sufficient representative data.

B.3.5 Monitoring period

The frequency and duration of the monitoring program should consider the following items and events
because they may influence the data being gathered:

a) Seasonal effects
b) Changes in ventilation (i.e., status of HVAC)
c) Construction activities
d) Facility operations and cycles

B.3.6 Review of results and storage of data

The results of the monitoring program should be reviewed to ensure that the data accurately reflect the
stressors being monitored. This may require changes in monitored location or follow-up monitoring to
verify results.

The results of the environmental monitoring program should be retained as part of the equipment life
assessment evaluation.

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IEEE Guide for Assessing, Monitoring, and Mitigating Aging Effects on Electrical Equipment Used in Nuclear Power
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Annex C


Condition monitoring techniques

C.1 Introduction

Condition monitoring is the observation, measurement, and trending of condition indicators with respect to
some independent parameter (usually time or cycles) that provides an indication of the current and future
ability of the equipment to function within acceptance criteria. The purpose of this annex is to provide a list
of some of the techniques that may be used to support aging assessment and mitigation.

Condition monitoring is used to determine and predict the physical and operating status of equipment. The
condition of a limiting weak link part may be used as an indicator to determine the overall condition of the
equipment. The condition of the weak link material or part is ascertained by comparing some age-
dependent and trendable material property or other observable parameter to a baseline value (usually the
value when new) or an end condition (determined from the acceptance criteria).

Some of the techniques are suitable for maintenance testing because they may provide one piece of
information on the health of installed equipment. This information alone is not suitable to provide a
qualified condition to assess the condition of a component that has to function correctly during and after a
design basis event (DBE). Multiple techniques can be used to provide indication of equipment condition.

Information on the use of condition monitoring in relation to equipment qualification can be found in
IEEE Std 323 and some of the descendent standards like IEEE Std 383.

C.2 Condition monitoring considerations and characteristics

A valid aging trendable parameter or property (also called a condition indicator) needs to be identified in
order for condition monitoring to be effective. Selection of the trendable parameter or property should

 Practicality and ease of the test measurement

 Destructive/intrusive versus nondestructive/nonintrusive nature of the monitoring method
 Sensitivity to aging

For equipment qualification, the monitored parameter must be directly linked to the aging mechanism,
change monotonically, and provide sufficient resolution to predict whether the equipment will function
correctly during and after a DBE.

Ideally, the property or parameter would also have

a) Relatively uniform changes with age

b) Changes with age large enough in magnitude to establish differences in the degree of aging
c) Ability to be tested or measured
d) Reproducible results

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IEEE Guide for Assessing, Monitoring, and Mitigating Aging Effects on Electrical Equipment Used in Nuclear Power
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e) Confidence in establishing intervals of time between testing that assure continued functionality (as
defined by the acceptance criteria) during the entire duration of this interval (and during the
post-accident operating time for EQ equipment)

C.3 Available condition monitoring techniques

A trendable aging parameter can be determined based on the type of equipment or weak link part or both.
An example of equipment type is rotating machinery, where a useful trendable parameter might be
vibration or lubricant wear product concentration. An example of a potentially limiting part is electrical
insulation where a parameter such as hardness, dielectric strength, or elongation at break could be used for
condition monitoring. Some techniques are destructive and some, nondestructive. Nondestructive
techniques are preferable for field measurement on accessible areas. Destructive techniques may be used on
samples placed in the locations of the most severe environmental conditions in a facility. Some techniques
are useful in maintenance testing to determine the condition in a specific environment. As an example,
IEEE Std 400 [B81] may be useful to determine the state of a cable in wet conditions. Note that these
techniques may not be applicable to condition monitoring as applied to equipment qualification. Some
techniques are suitable for thermal aging but may not be suitable for radiation aging. Table C.1 summarizes
candidate condition monitoring methods by equipment type and limiting part.

Table C.1—Candidate condition monitoring techniques

Equipment type Candidate condition

Physical principle
or limiting part monitoring methods
Rotating machinery Vibration monitoring and As the bearings of rotating machinery wear, the shaft has
analysis of frequency and more radial freedom of movement, which results in
displacement (amplitude) increased vibration (both displacement and acceleration).
Lubricant wear product As the bearings of rotating machinery wear, wear products
analysis accumulate in the lubricant. Even if the lubricant is
replaced at certain wear product or contaminant thresholds,
records of total integrated wear product concentrations can
be used to trigger bearing replacement.
Motor-operated valves Torque cartridge on spring As valve stem/disk assembly and stem movement
pack and strain gage on yoke mechanisms wear with age, the result is a change in the
arm spring pack torque and strain gage readings.
Torque thrust cell (plate bolted As valve stem/disk assembly and stem movement
on yoke below actuator) mechanisms wear with age, the result is a change in the
torque readings at the thrust cell.
Heat emitters Embedded temperature sensors High or rising temperature is likely indicative of excessive
(e.g., bearings, fuses, for direct temperature readout deterioration of bearings and insulation systems.
normally energized
Infrared thermography Indirect readout of temperature based on correlation to
solenoid valves, or
energy emitted in the infrared spectrum.
Pressure-retaining Visual inspection Visual evidence of crack indication.
Nondestructive test (NDT) Indirect, but potentially more sensitive, means for
(e.g., pressure
(e.g., dye penetrant, acoustic, detecting crack indications.
Leak detection Detection of contained gas or fluid outside of pressure
vessel is indicative of integrity failure.

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Table C.1—Candidate condition monitoring techniques

Equipment type Candidate condition

Physical principle
or limiting part monitoring methods
Motor/generator electric Current signature analysis Magnitude of current for a given applied voltage and load
insulation systems provides information on aging effects manifested as
overheating, turn-to-turn faults, high resistance,
unbalanced stator currents, and high stator currents.
DC high-potential step test Assessment of condition of groundwall insulation through
application of high-voltage dc in increasing increments. As
windings are stressed with increasing voltage,
measurements are made of the increasing leakage current.
A nonlinear increase is indicative of an aging effect related
to a ground fault, increase in insulation voids, loose
bracing, or partial discharge (PD).
Partial discharge (PD) Detection of voids within the insulation system. Voids are
(via electromagnetic [EM] or created and grow as a function of age and are indicative of
acoustic detection) insulation deterioration. PD is the corona effect that takes
place in a void separating two areas of high potential.
Electric cable insulation Compressive modulus Hardening of insulation jacket is correlated to aging of
or jacket (indenter) interior insulation.
Partial discharge (PD) Detection of ionized void formation is indicative of
(via EM or acoustic) pending insulation failure (for shielded cables medium-
voltage and above).
Time domain reflectometry Detection of age-related oxidation/corrosion of termination
and discontinuity formation in insulation.
Oxidation induction time (OIT) Estimation of remaining thermal life of polymer through
measurement of antioxidant concentration.
Near infrared spectroscopy Detection of oxidation (carbonyl group) within polymer;
(NIR) correlates aging with changes in polymer chemical
UV spectroscopy Detection of phenyl groups and evaluation of antioxidant
content of PE insulation.
Elongation at break Hardening of material is correlated to the ease of fracture
of the material.

C.4 Conditioning monitoring bibliography

Informative references pertaining to Annex C are listed in Annex G, followed by the indication
“(Annex C)”.

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IEEE Std 1205-2014
IEEE Guide for Assessing, Monitoring, and Mitigating Aging Effects on Electrical Equipment Used in Nuclear Power
Generating Stations and Other Nuclear Facilities

Annex D


Examples of practical applications of aging methodologies

NOTE—The information in this annex is provided for the sole purpose of illustrating the aging assessment
methodology in the body of the guide and does not represent an IEEE or industry position on any of the equipment or
systems that are addressed.

D.1 Introduction

Aging assessments should result in a focused effort that is practical and cost-effective based on evaluating a
minimum set of relevant data and information collected, as much as practical, from existing programs. The
purpose of this annex is to demonstrate the practical application of the guidance in Clause 5 and Clause 6.
Subclause D.2 provides an example of an equipment item that screens out from performing a complete
aging assessment because aging management is acceptably covered by an existing plant program.
Subclause D.3 provides an example of an aging assessment.

D.2 Auxiliary feedwater (AFW) pump motor

D.2.1 Selection of equipment

The AFW system provides a continuous backup source of safety-related feedwater to the secondary side of
the steam generators to remove reactor decay heat and prevent over-pressurization of the reactor coolant
(RC) system. The AFW system basically consists of redundant pumps and the associated piping.
Historically, at least one of the pumps has been powered by other than an electric motor to address the
contingency of loss of all ac power.

This example illustrates an application of the aging assessment process to assess an industry-identified
problem such as an AFW pump motor failure. The nuclear power plant under consideration is assumed to
be located in the United States and subject to the Code of Federal Regulations Title 10 Part 50 (10CFR50).
Such regulations include 10CFR50.65, known as the “Maintenance Rule” [B11]. This rule requires each
nuclear plant licensee to establish a program that monitors failures in certain critical equipment items.
When a first-of-a-kind maintenance-preventable failure occurs, a sufficient root cause analysis is required
to identify maintenance program changes that would preclude similar later failures. A second maintenance-
preventable failure would be a violation of the Maintenance Rule and subject to financial penalties.

D.2.2 Establishment of credible aging and failure mechanisms

The AFW pumps are risk-significant components that must remain operable as specified in the plant’s
licensing basis document. The second block (Establish credible aging and failure mechanisms) in Figure 1
would be useful in supporting the root cause analysis of the AFW pump motor failure. These mechanisms
and aging effects are summarized in Table D.1.

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IEEE Guide for Assessing, Monitoring, and Mitigating Aging Effects on Electrical Equipment Used in Nuclear Power
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Table D.1—Pump aging environments/effects/mechanisms

Component Aging effect Mechanism
Rotating components Binding or seizing Dynamic loading
Rotor Cracking or breakage Creep
Shaft Generation of wear products Fatigue
Impeller Wear
Fasteners Loosening Vibration
Non-rotating internals Surface wear Corrosion
Seizing Wear
Lubricant Viscosity changes Thermal degradation
Separation Evaporation
Color change Oxidative degradation
Consistency change

D.2.3 Is aging management adequately addressed?

The AFW pump motor is covered by the plant’s Maintenance Rule program, which requires effective
maintenance to be not only established initially but evaluated continuously for effective performance with a
rigorous goal to avoid two or more maintenance-preventable failures. Therefore, a formal aging assessment
is not warranted.

D.3 Insulated cable

An insulated electric cable is an assembly of a metallic conductor or conductors, insulation to provide

electrical isolation for the conductor, and a jacket to protect the cable and insulation. Connections include
termination or splice kits and tape used to insulate splices that are normally located within junction boxes
and terminal blocks located within terminal boxes. Cables are grouped according to voltage rating into
three categories for this assessment, e.g., low voltage (less than or equal to 2 kV), medium voltage
(2.001 kV to 35 kV), high voltage (greater than 35 kV).

This example illustrates the application of the aging assessment process to a non-environmentally qualified
(non-EQ) insulated electric cable, such as might be performed as a basis for a portion of a nuclear power
generating station’s license renewal application. Cables currently included in the plant EQ program are
adequately managed by that program and are not included in this aging assessment example.

D.3.1 Need for an aging assessment

Current U.S. regulations require that an aging assessment of insulated electric cables required for specific
regulated functions (e.g., safety-related, EQ, station blackout, fire protection, anticipated transient without a
scram) be performed as a basis for a nuclear station’s license renewal application. For non-EQ electric
cables, the design process ensures that the cables selected for installation in the plant are certified by the
manufacturer to be capable of surviving the expected environment in the areas where the cable will be
installed for the life of the plant. The aging assessment is needed to provide reasonable assurance that the
installed electrical cables are capable of continuing to perform their intended functions throughout the
period of time associated with extended life of the facility.

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IEEE Guide for Assessing, Monitoring, and Mitigating Aging Effects on Electrical Equipment Used in Nuclear Power
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D.3.2 Desired objective

The purpose of performing an aging assessment for license renewal is to establish the technical basis that
demonstrates the continued functional performance capability of a piece of equipment, in this case, a non-
EQ insulated electric cable.

D.3.3 Collect data from existing resources

D.3.3.1 Define evaluation boundaries

In all cases where a conductor is used to connect two elements in an electric circuit for transmission of
current or signals, it is necessary to provide an insulation material to protect the conductor from other
conductors, grounds, and surrounding support metals and often necessary to provide a jacket to protect the
insulation from damage. The evaluation boundary for the aging assessment is the outermost surface of the
cable assembly. The corresponding assessment evaluation would, therefore, include the jacket, insulation
materials, metallic conductors, and all other materials used in the construction of different parts of cables,
such as the cable shielding, cable fillers, and cable armor. Figure D.1 provides one example of a cross-
section of a multi-conductor power cable. In the figure, there are three conductors, each insulated from the
other two conductors, surrounded by a variety of jacketing material to protect the three insulated
conductors. To simplify the scope of this example assessment, cable connections are not included.

Stranded Tinned Jacket

Copper Conductor
25 Mil. Galvanized
Semi-conductive Steel Interlocked
Extruded Strand Armor
Shield (medium
voltage power) Binder Tape

Insulation Tinned Copper

Shield Tape
Semi-conductive Extruded
Insulation Shield
(medium voltage power) Filler

Figure D.1—Cross-section of a typical power cable

D.3.3.2 Identify essential functions of equipment

Insulated electric cables have two functions:

 To connect two elements in an electric circuit for transmission of current or signals

 To insulate the conductor(s) from other conductors, grounds, and surrounding support metals

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IEEE Guide for Assessing, Monitoring, and Mitigating Aging Effects on Electrical Equipment Used in Nuclear Power
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D.3.3.3 Identify facility locations where the equipment is installed

Cables are found in most areas of the plant and are exposed to various plant environments. Except for
direct-buried cables, cables are installed in, attached to, or otherwise supported by a structure (e.g., conduit,
cable trench, cable tray in a building) whose function is to support and protect the enclosed equipment.
Identifying the structures and areas containing cables to be assessed allows identification of a bounding set
of environmental parameters.

Table D.2 provides a list of the most common power plant structures that would typically be considered for
effects on cable requiring aging management. A facility should evaluate their specific configuration to
establish a site specific list of structures.

Table D.2—Structures and areas included in the cable assessment evaluation

Structure or area Description
Auxiliary buildings Includes all levels of the auxiliary buildings including the control building, the hot
machine shop, spent fuel pools, and penetration rooms.
Intake structure Includes the condenser circulating water (CCW) pump intake structure.
Reactor buildings Includes all levels of the reactor buildings and the unit vents.
Standby shutdown facility Includes all levels and rooms in the standby shutdown facility.
Turbine buildings Includes all levels of the turbine buildings and the switchgear blockhouses.
Yard structures Includes all areas and components outside the other buildings, specifically, the
230 kV switchyard structures and relay house (including the area within the
switchyard boundary fence), transformer yard (components associated with the
startup transformers), cable trenches, cable conduit, and direct-buried cable.

D.3.3.4 Identify the equipment service conditions

D. Environmental service conditions

It is important to determine the service conditions at the installed location of the equipment in order to
assess the influence of these stressors on the ability of the cable to continue to perform its function. As can
be seen in Annex A, the potential stressors of concern for aging of the polymer components of cable are
heat, radiation, moisture, voltage, and mechanical, electrical, vibrational, chemical, or contaminant-based

As noted in D.3.1, cables in most structures or areas of the plant were designed to perform their function
for the projected life of the plant. The plant design environments for normal conditions provide the
parameters that were considered in selection of the original cable installed in the plant. The parameters
generally are temperature, humidity, and integrated dose. In the United States, these parameters are
tabulated in the plant’s FSAR.

For license renewal, it is not expected that the normal maximum temperature and humidity would change
simply because the plant might be in service longer than the original design; however, the total radiation
dose would be expected to increase proportionally as a result of additional exposure associated with the
extended period of operation.

Table D.3 provides typical values of temperature, humidity, and dose for a conventional U.S. operating
plant. Note that the original design 40-year integrated dose (in rads) has been multiplied by 1.5 to
determine the 60-year integrated dose shown in the table. Also note that this table is only an example and

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IEEE Guide for Assessing, Monitoring, and Mitigating Aging Effects on Electrical Equipment Used in Nuclear Power
Generating Stations and Other Nuclear Facilities

the table actually developed for an aging assessment should include all site-specific structures containing
equipment supporting one or more of the intended functions.

Table D.3—Sample plant environmental conditions

Max temp Max relative 60-Year integrated
(°F) humidity (%) dose (rad)
Nuclear steam supply system (NSSS)
120 60 4.35E7
instrumentation near RC piping
All other areas 120 60 1.5E7
Auxiliary building
Charging pump room 104 80 1.13E6
Boric acid makeup pump room 104 80 <1.5E4
Chiller, engineered safety features (ESF)
95 80 <1.5E4
switchgear, battery rooms
Control room and cabinets 75 50 <1.5E4
Cable spreading rooms 98 80 <1.5E4
Gas sample lab 104 80 <1.5E4
Volume control tank room 104 80 3.0E8
Volume control tank valve gallery 104 80 2.7E5
Letdown heat exchanger rooms 104 100 3.0E7
Miscellaneous waste evaporation condensation
104 80 7.88E3
Boric acid makeup tank 104 80 5.25E4
Boric acid makeup tank 104 80 7.89E3
Gas stripper package and pump rooms, waste
gas surge tank pump room, boric acid batching 104 80 5.25E4
Safety equipment building
Low pressure safety injection (LPSI), high
pressure safety injection (HPSI), containment 104 80 1.68E4
spray pump rooms
Main steam isolation valve (MSIV) rooms 110 100 5.18E4
Elevator and lobby area 104 100 <1E3
Shutdown heat exchanger rooms 104 80 3E7
Chemical storage tank rooms 104 80 7.89E3
Component cooling water pump rooms 104 80 1.08E3
Piping tunnel 104 80 <1.5E4

Additionally, the identification of specific areas that may exceed the environmental design parameters (i.e.,
adverse localized environments) is essential for establishing the scope of cable to be included the aging
management assessment.

All structures that support and protect cables that perform an intended function should be reviewed for an
adverse localized environment. In determining radiation doses in local areas, regularly conducted plant
surveys provide the most easily accessible screening. A walkdown of all the structures is required to

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IEEE Guide for Assessing, Monitoring, and Mitigating Aging Effects on Electrical Equipment Used in Nuclear Power
Generating Stations and Other Nuclear Facilities

measure temperature and look for heat sources (e.g., valves or incandescent lights) in proximity to cable or
raceway, fluorescent lights near exposed cable, and radiation doses in small areas where cable is routed that
are in excess of plant surveys. The walkdown would also identify evidence of existing or past moisture
presence, including proximity to fuse or terminal boxes or splices.

Certain conditions may not be accessible. For instance, underground or direct buried cable is subject to
groundwater and may be subject to significant moisture from rainfall. Cables that perform an intended
function and that are routed through duct banks, buried conduit, trenches, manholes, or direct buried may
be assumed to be in an inaccessible adverse localized environment.

The walkdown will result in a tabulation of the plant areas where abnormal aging degradation of cable
could occur. The list would include an identification of all manholes, duct banks, conduit, trenches, and
manholes containing cable with an intended function.

D. Operational service conditions

The only operational condition stressor applicable to cables within the evaluation boundary is self-heating
temperature rise. For evaluating the effect of this stressor, cables are considered to be within one of two
application categories:

a) Power applications. Cables used to supply power to devices or components where the cables carry
a large amount of current, relative to their rating, for significant periods of time and, therefore, may
be subject to self-heating temperature rise from the current they carry.
b) Instrument and control (I&C) applications. Cables used to supply power to devices or components
where the cables carry a small amount of current, relative to their rating, or carry current for short
periods of time and, therefore, are not subject to significant self-heating temperature rise from the
current they carry.

The temperature rise associated with self-heating should be added to the ambient or localized
environmental temperature, as appropriate, to determine the bounding temperature service condition.

D.3.3.5 Identify materials of construction

The insulation materials used in the construction of cables in the plant are identified from cable tabulation
sheets that outline cable types, cable characteristics, and cable applications. Cable types are, generally,
specific to a cable configuration, including manufacturer, jacket and insulation material, number of strands,

A tabulation of the insulation materials for all installed cable types should be developed. Table D.4
provides a sample summary of the insulation material from one nuclear facility. Non-safety-related cable
does not require the rigorous documentation applied to safety-related applications, and the insulation
material may not be available in the design documentation. In other cases, industry guidance on aging may
not be available. In this case, assuming the worst-case insulating material is appropriate. Once more,
because this is only an example, the actual table has been truncated to provide guidance for the type of
information that may be expected.

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IEEE Guide for Assessing, Monitoring, and Mitigating Aging Effects on Electrical Equipment Used in Nuclear Power
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Table D.4—Cable insulating material summary

Insulating material Description
No designation Investigate plant records, perform walkdown, or assume
most limiting material when evaluating aging
BP/POLY/PE Polyethylene
CLPO/XLPO/XLPY Cross-Linked Polyolefin
CSPE Chlorosulfonated Polyethylene (Hypalon)
EDPM/EPDM Ethylene Propylene Diene Monomer
EP/EPR Ethylene Propylene Rubber
ETFE Ethylene tetrafluoroethylene
FEP/PE Fluorinated Ethylene Propylene
FLUR Fluoropolymer
FREP Flame Retardant Ethylene Propylene
FRP Flame Retardant Polyethylene
Kapton Polyimide
LPE Linear Polyethylene
MGO Magnesium Oxide

D.3.3.6 Identify and assess aging effects

D. Identification of aging effects

Aging effects are identified from operating experience or by identifying site-specific service conditions
(stressor values) and materials information to determine credible aging effects/failure mechanisms from the
tables provided in Annex A. Significant aging effects are those that can detrimentally affect the functions
identified in D.3.3.2. Table D.5 describes the aging effects, mechanisms, and environments that can result
in aging degradation of cables.

Table D.5—Cable aging environments/effects/mechanisms

Component Environment Aging effect Mechanism
Insulation material for Adverse localized Reduced insulation resistance Thermal/thermoxidative
cables environment caused (IR) degradation of organics;
by heat, radiation, or radiolysis and photolysis of
moisture organics (UV-sensitive
materials only); radiation-
induced oxidation; moisture
Direct buried or Adverse localized Reduced insulation resistance Moisture intrusion
inaccessible cable environment caused (IR)
by significant
Transmission conductors Air – outdoor Loss of conductor strength Corrosion
Loss of material Wind-induced abrasion
Transmission connectors Air – outdoor Increased resistance of Oxidation or loss of pre-load

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IEEE Guide for Assessing, Monitoring, and Mitigating Aging Effects on Electrical Equipment Used in Nuclear Power
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NOTE—Significant moisture is defined as periodic exposures to moisture that last more than a few days (e.g., cable
wetting or submergence in water).

D. Evaluate aging effects

Each cable insulation type in use at the facility should be evaluated to determine the threshold of
temperature and radiation at which it could be expected that cable degradation may prevent the cable from
performing its intended function. The limiting temperature and radiation will be used to establish a
threshold for identifying an adverse localized environment, which would then require additional evaluation.

Radiation and dose limits for many cable insulation materials are tabulated in EPRI 1013475 [B29].

Sample 1: Cross-Linked Polyolefin

 Cross-linked polyolefin insulation has a maximum 60-year service temperature of 183 °F and a
60-year service limiting radiation dose of 1E8 rads.
 All areas of the facility considered in this example have normal maximum temperatures less than
the 60-year service limiting temperature for cross-linked polyolefin insulated cable.
 The volume control tank room in the auxiliary building has normal 60-year integrated doses greater
than the 60-year service limiting dose for cross-linked polyolefin insulated cable.

Sample 2: Polyethylene

 Polyethylene insulation has a maximum 60-year service temperature of 112 °F and a 60-year
service-limiting radiation dose of 2E7 rads.
 All areas of the facility considered in this example have normal maximum temperatures less than
the 60-year service temperature for polyethylene insulated cable with the exception of containment.
 The following areas in facility in this example have normal 60-year integrated doses greater than
the 60-year service limiting dose for polyethylene insulated cable:
 Nuclear steam supply system (NSSS) instrumentation near RC piping inside containment
 Volume control tank room and letdown heat exchanger room in the auxiliary building
 Shutdown heat exchanger rooms in the safety equipment building

From the assessments above, it may be concluded that these cables are designed to withstand the normal
environments in all plant areas except those specifically identified for each cable type. For the identified
areas, a review of design documentation may conclude that the specific cable type is not installed in the
area. If it is determined that cable of that type is installed, then the entire area should be considered an
adverse localized environment and actions to correct or minimize the adverse conditions should be

D.3.4 Identify what needs to be done

D.3.4.1 Reduce environmental or operational stressors

A review of the adverse localized environments may determine that there are some “easy” fixes to
eliminate the adverse condition and reduce the areas where cable may require aging management. Installing
a cover or shield could screen cable from fluorescent lighting or streaming radiation. Moving conduit
routed near an incandescent light could eliminate exposure of the cable to the heat source. Replacing
insulation inadvertently left off during a maintenance activity (or not properly reinstalled) could remove a

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IEEE Std 1205-2014
IEEE Guide for Assessing, Monitoring, and Mitigating Aging Effects on Electrical Equipment Used in Nuclear Power
Generating Stations and Other Nuclear Facilities

heat source. Structural steel that is heated by a supported valve could be insulated to remove a heat source.
Replacing gaskets could eliminate moisture intrusion in a terminal box.

D.3.4.2 Monitor to identify need for action

D. Instrumentation circuits

Exposure of electrical cable and connection insulation material to adverse localized environments caused
by temperature, radiation, or moisture can result in reduced insulation resistance (IR). Reduced IR causes
an increase in leakage currents between conductors and from individual conductors to ground. A reduction
in IR is a concern for all circuits, but especially those with sensitive, high-voltage, low-level current
signals, such as radiation monitoring and nuclear instrumentation circuits, because a reduced IR may
contribute to signal inaccuracies. High-voltage instrumentation cable is cable exposed to greater than
1000 V.

If the cable is tested as part of the instrument surveillance testing, it may be appropriate to simply review
the results of that testing to detect severe aging degradation prior to the loss of the cable’s intended
function. If not part of the instrument surveillance, a proven cable test for detecting deterioration of the
insulation system (such as IR tests, time domain reflectometry tests, or other testing judged to be effective
in determining cable system insulation conditions) is performed.

D. Devices with programmable digital devices

Long-term experience in the use of programmable digital devices in electrical equipment has revealed
specific age-related degradation issues. One major issue is loss of programming data (data retention) in
Electrically Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memory (EEPROM) due to long-term operation or storage
without rewriting the stored data into the memory cells. The cause of this problem is migration of charge
carriers from floating gate devices. This is a time-temperature phenomena, the period for which depends
primarily upon temperature. Periodic rewriting of data into EEPROMs during long-term operation and/or
storage as part of a surveillance program provides the ability to address these issues. The EEPROM rewrite
procedure must be incorporated into the manufacturer’s software so that the rewrite can be initiated or
scheduled by a user at times that are suitable to plant operations. The rewrite should not be automatically
initiated under program control if the rewrite impacts any internal resources that the device requires to
perform its safety function.

Another issue is memory fatigue due to performing write cycles too often. This is a more prevalent issue
with flash memory than EEPROM. The wear mechanism is electrons trapped in the oxide layer that
insulates the gate from the channel. This reduces electric field establishment during erase cycles. Designers
must incorporate a robust wear leveling algorithm to extend the life of the memory.

These examples of operational and storage age-related issues are not inclusive of all potential issues. The
user is advised to utilize the design and operating experience of the equipment manufacturer to identify
other potential device(s) age-related operational and storage issues as well as potential other conditions.

D. Inaccessible power cable

License renewal in the United States prescribes certain requirements for power cable greater than 400 V.
Another program at U.S. facilities is the Maintenance Rule program that requires management of a wider
scope of functional failures at all voltage levels and including both control and instrument cable. The
concern is that prolonged exposure of cable that was not designed for submergence to significant moisture
(moisture that lasts more than a few days or submergence) can lead to reduced IR. In particular, it has been

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IEEE Std 1205-2014
IEEE Guide for Assessing, Monitoring, and Mitigating Aging Effects on Electrical Equipment Used in Nuclear Power
Generating Stations and Other Nuclear Facilities

noted that safety-related cables, even those designed for accident conditions under the EQ program, are not
designed for submergence. The remainder of this subclause describes the aging management of power
cable greater than or equal to 400 V with an intended function as previously described. Plants should
consider the extension of the appropriate portions of these monitoring activities to control and
instrumentation cable and all power cable regardless of voltage level.

Most electrical cables in nuclear facilities are located in dry environments. However, some cables may be
exposed to wetting or submergence and are inaccessible or underground, such as cables in conduits, cable
trenches, cable troughs, duct banks, or underground vaults or directly buried in soil. When a power cable
(greater than or equal to 400 V) is exposed to wet, submerged, or other adverse environmental conditions
for which it was not designed, an aging effect of reduced IR may result, causing a decrease in dielectric
strength of the conductor insulation.

Periodic actions are taken to minimize the potential for insulation degradation. These periodic actions
include inspecting for, and removal of, water in cable manholes and conduits. During the inspection, cable
and splices are inspected for surface anomalies that may be indicative of aging degradation, and support
structures are confirmed to be intact. The actions do not ensure that water is not trapped elsewhere in the
cable runs such as duct bank low points due to soil settling, concrete raceway cracks over time, manholes
that are not properly sealed against leakage, seasonal groundwater changes, or uncertainties associated with
water trees even when duct banks are properly sloped to minimize water accumulation.

In-scope power cables exposed to significant moisture (wet for long periods of time or submerged) are
tested to indicate the condition of conductor insulation. The specific type of test is a proven test for
detecting deterioration of the insulation system due to wetting or submergence, such as dielectric loss
(dissipation factor/power factor), ac voltage withstand, partial discharge (PD), step voltage, time domain
reflectometry, IR and polarization index, line resonance analysis, or other testing that is state-of-the-art at
the time the tests are performed. One or more tests are used to determine the condition of the cables so they
will continue to meet their intended function during the period of extended operation.

D.3.5 Implementation

After the applicable aging management program elements have been identified, these should be compared
to existing performance, condition monitoring, or maintenance activities already being performed. If the
needed aging management actions are enveloped by existing activities, no new programs or enhancements
are needed. If the needed aging management actions are not included in existing activities, new programs
or enhancements to existing programs or procedures should be initiated to address the equipment aging
management concerns. Annex F provides guidance on the appropriate attributes of an effective aging
management program.

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IEEE Guide for Assessing, Monitoring, and Mitigating Aging Effects on Electrical Equipment Used in Nuclear Power
Generating Stations and Other Nuclear Facilities

Annex E


Arrhenius equation examples

The Arrhenius model is often used to relate the variables of time, temperature, and thermal degradation.
The model can be used to allow estimation of thermal life at a given temperature, to relate the remaining
life at one temperature to the remaining life at another temperature, or to determine a maximum continuous
temperature for a specific length of time. Some specific examples of how to use the Arrhenius model are
provided in this annex.

E.1 Qualified life determination

A transmitter is thermally aged under accelerated conditions for 2584 h at 203 °F (368 K). The limiting
age-sensitive material in the transmitter has an activation energy of 0.78 eV. What is the expected qualified
life of this transmitter installed in a location whose ambient temperature is 116 °F (320 K)?

Substituting the relevant data into Equation (3) (in 6.6.3) yields

 φ   1 1 
t 2 = t1 exp    −  
   2T T 1 
 0.78  1 1 
= 2584 exp   − 
 0.8617 E − 4   320 368  
= 103437 h
= 11.8 years

E.2 Calculate activation energy from an Arrhenius plot

From the Arrhenius plot, the time to failure for 333 K and 423 K is 350400 h and 350 h, respectively. What
is the activation energy of this material?

Start by solving Equation (3) (in 6.6.3) for φ:

 φ   1 1  
t 2 = t1 exp    −  
 k   T2 T1  
 t2 
ln k
φ=  1
1 1
T − T 
 2 1

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 350400 
ln  × 0.8617 E − 4
350 
φ= 
 1 1 
 333 − 423 
φ = 0.93 eV

E.3 Self-heating adjustment

A solenoid valve is thermally aged under accelerated conditions for 288 h at 325 °F. The limiting age-
sensitive material in the valve is an elastomer that has an activation energy of 0.94 eV. Self-heating
contributes 11.2 °F heat rise when the valve is energized. The valve is expected to be energized 10% of the
time. What is the expected qualified life of this transmitter installed in a location whose ambient
temperature is 104 °F?

Substituting the relevant data into Equation (6) (in 6.6.3) yields

t2 =
φ  1 1  φ  1 1 
p HR exp  −   + (1 − p HR )exp  −  
k T T   k T T
  1 2 e     1 2 ne 


T1 is the qualification test temperature = 325 °F = 435.93 K

t1 is the qualification test duration = 288 h
T2e is the maximum expected temperature when energized = 115.2 °F = 319.37 K
T2ne is the maximum expected temperature when deenergized = 104 °F = 313.15 K
pHR is the maximum fraction of time the device is anticipated to be energized = 0.10

t2 =
(0.1)exp 0.94  1 − 1   + (0.90)exp 0.94  1 − 1  
 0.8617 E − 4  435.93 319.37    0.8617 E − 4  435.93 313.5  
t 2 = 4788318 h
t 2 = 546 years

E.4 Variable service conditions

Over the life of the plant, an installed device is expected to be exposed to the following conditions:
15 years at 20 °C (293.15 K); 14 years at 40 °C (313.15 K), and 11 years at 60 °C (333.15 K). The
activation energy of the limiting component of the installed device is 1.0 eV. What is the equivalent
Arrhenius weighted average temperature, Tn, for the entire period of time?

Substituting the relevant data into Equation (5) (in 6.6.3) yields

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φ 
 
Tn = k
 
 
 tn 
ln 
 ∑ t i exp − φ 
  kT 
  i 
 1 
 
Tn =  0.8617 E − 4 
 
 
 15 + 14 + 11 
 1   1   1 
 15 exp −
  + 14 exp −  + 11 exp −  
  (0.8617 E − 4)( 293.15)   (0.8617 E − 4)(313.15)   (0.8617 E − 4)(333.15)  
Tn = 322.49 K = 49.34 °C

E.5 Accident equivalency

A Raychem splice is installed in a location that could be exposed to the postulated design basis loss-of-
coolant accident (LOCA) temperature profile shown in Figure E.1.



Temperature [F]




1.0E+00 1.0E+01 1.0E+02 1.0E+03 1.0E+04 1.0E+05 1.0E+06 1.0E+07 1.0E+08
Time [seconds]

Figure E.1—Postulated design basis LOCA temperature profile

The limiting age-sensitive material in the splice is a polyolefin material that has an activation energy of
1.35 eV. Using a series of constant temperature time intervals chosen at or above the profile temperature
and Equation (5) (in 6.6.3), the equivalent average temperature of the above 1-year LOCA profile was
determined to be 133.85 °F (329.73 K).

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The Raychem splice was LOCA tested for 30 days at 210 °F (372.04 K). The initial 24-hour period of the
test conducted at temperatures above 260 °F is ignored in this example as margin for peak temperature
qualification. What is the equivalent duration of the qualification test at the equivalent average LOCA
temperature associated with the profile described above?

Substituting the relevant data into Equation (3) (in 6.6.3) yields

 φ   1 1  
t 2 = t1 exp    −  
 k   T2 T1  
 1.35  1 1 
= 30 exp   − 
 0.8617 E − 4   329.73 372.04  
= 6665 days

E.6 10 °C Rule of thumb

A specific piece of equipment has a service life of 5 years at 50 °C, but the activation energy associated
with the limiting component material is not known. Estimate the approximate expected life at 85 °F
(29.44 °C).

Substituting the relevant data into Equation (7) (in 6.6.3) yields

Tage −TSER

t SER = t age × 2 10

50 − 29.44
t SER = 5 × 2 10 = 20 years

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Annex F


Aging management program attributes

NOTE—The information in this annex is provided for the sole purpose of illustrating the aging assessment
methodology in the body of the guide and does not represent an IEEE or industry position on any of the equipment or
systems that are addressed.

The program attributes in Table F.1, as applicable, should be considered when fully defining the needed
aging management actions.

Table F.1—Aging management program description

Program elements Program element description

Purpose A clear statement of the objective of the aging management actions.
Scope A description of the equipment or equipment parts included.
Aging effects A description of the applicable aging effects to be managed.
Program details A description of actions to be taken, methods to be followed, or technique to
be used to manage the applicable aging effects (e.g., visual inspection, Doble
testing, replacement).
Sample size If a one-time or periodic inspection is to be performed, the number of
equipment or equipment parts to be inspected in relation to the total
Frequency The established frequency of the aging management actions that are adequate
to address equipment replacement or to detect the applicable aging effects
prior to a loss of equipment safety function. Related to material property and
stressor intensity.
Acceptance criteria Measurable threshold values or identifiable criteria that can be used to
determine acceptability of the current physical configuration and to trigger
appropriate actions prior to a loss of equipment safety function.
Corrective action Actions to be taken when an acceptance criterion is not met.
Program initiation A description of the first time the actions of the program are to take place.
Industry codes or standard Identification of industry codes or standards (NRC-approved if appropriate) in
accordance with which the aging management actions are to be performed.
Administrative controls Identification or description of the plant procedure or other administratively
controlled process under which the program is to be implemented.
Regulatory basis Any existing regulatory basis for the aging management actions (e.g., updated
FSAR or technical specifications requirements).

After the applicable aging management program elements have been identified, these should be compared
to existing performance, condition monitoring, or maintenance activities already being performed for the
equipment. If the needed aging management actions are enveloped by existing activities, no new programs
or enhancements are needed. If the needed aging management actions are not included in existing activities,
new programs or enhancements to existing programs or procedures should be initiated to address the
equipment aging management concerns.

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Annex G



Bibliographical references are resources that provide additional or helpful material but do not need to be
understood or used to implement this guide. Reference to these resources is made for informational use
only. To aid the reader, notes in parentheses have been added to indicate where bibliographical references
are mentioned in this guide.

[B1] ANSI/VITA 51.2, Physics of Failure Reliability Predictions. 1 (Annex A)

[B2] ASTM D1744-92, Standard Test Method for Determination of Water in Liquid Petroleum Products
by Karl Fischer Reagent. 2 (Annex A)
[B3] ASTM D128-94a, Standard Test Methods for Analysis of Lubricating Grease. (Annex A)
[B4] ASTM D217-97, Standard Test Methods for Cone Penetration of Lubricating Grease. (Annex A)
[B5] ASTM D445-97, Standard Test Method for Kinematic Viscosity of Transparent and Opaque Liquids
(the Calculation of Dynamic Viscosity). (Annex A)
[B6] ASTM D482-95, Standard Test Method for Ash from Petroleum Products. (Annex A)
[B7] ASTM D6304-98 Standard Test Method for Determination of Water in Petroleum Products,
Lubricants and Additives by Coulometric Karl Fischer Titration.
[B8] ASTM D874-1996, Standard Test Method for Sulfated Ash from Lubricating Oils and Additives.
(Annex A)
[B9] Black, J. R., “Electromigration—A Brief Survey and Some Recent Results,” IEEE Transactions on
Electron Devices, ED-16, 338, 1969. (Annex A)
[B10] Code of Federal Regulations Title 10 Part 50.49 (10CFR50.49), Environmental Qualification of
Electric Equipment Important to Safety for Nuclear Power Plants. 3
[B11] Code of Federal Regulations Title 10 Part 50.65 (10CFR50.65), Requirements for Monitoring the
Effectiveness of Maintenance at Nuclear Power Plants (also known as the “Maintenance Rule”). (Annex D)
[B12] Code of Federal Regulations Title 10 Part 54 (10CFR54), Requirements for Renewal of Operating
Licenses for Nuclear Power Plants.
[B13] Blodgett, R. B., and R. G. Fisher, “Insulations and Jackets for Control and Power Cables in Thermal
Reactor Nuclear Generating Stations,” IEEE Transactions on Power Apparatus and Systems, vol. PAS-88,
no. 5, May 1969. (Annex C)
[B14] Bruning, A. M., D. G. Kasture, and H. E. Ascher, “Absolute vs. Comparative End-of-life Age,”
IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation, vol. 3, no. 4, Aug. 1996. (Annex C)
[B15] Budestein, P. P., “On the Mechanism of Dielectric Breakdown of Solids,” IEEE Transactions on
Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation, vol. EI-15, no. 3, Jun. 1980. (Annex C)
[B16] Clough, R. L., K. T. Gillen, J. L. Campan, G. Gaussens, H. Schonbacher, T. Seguchi, H. Wilski, and
S. Machi, “Accelerated-Aging Tests for Predicting Radiation Degradation of Organic Materials,” Nuclear
Safety, vol. 25, no. 2, Mar./Apr. 1984. (Annex C)

ANSI publications are available from the American National Standards Institute (http://www.ansi.org).
ASTM publications are available from the American Society for Testing and Materials (http://www.astm.org/).
CFR publications are available from the U.S. Government Printing Office (http://www.ecfr.gov/).

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Generating Stations and Other Nuclear Facilities

[B17] Dang, C., J.-L. Parpal, and J.-P. Crine, “Electrical Aging of Extruded Dielectric Cables, Review of
Existing Theories and Data,” IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation, vol. 3, no. 2,
Apr. 1996. (Annex C)
[B18] David, E., J.-L. Parpal, J.-P. Crine, “Influence of Internal Mechanical Stress and Strain on Electrical
Performance of Polyethylene, Electrical Treeing Resistance,” IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and
Electrical Insulation, vol. 3, no. 2, Apr. 1996. (Annex C)
[B19] Eichhorn, R. M., “Treeing in Solid Extruded Electrical Insulation,” IEEE Transactions on
Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation, vol. EI-12, no. 1, Feb. 1976. (Annex C)
[B20] EPRI, Power Plant Electrical Reference Series, vol. 6 and vol. 16. 4 (Annex C)
[B21] EPRI 1000621, Equipment Condition Monitoring Templates: Addendum to the Preventative
Maintenance Basis, TR-106857 (vol. 1 to vol. 38).
[B22] EPRI 1003456, Aging Management Guidelines for Commercial Nuclear Power Plants—Electrical
and Mechanical Penetrations.
[B23] EPRI 1003663, Integrated Cable System Aging Management Guidance: Low Voltage Cable.
[B24] EPRI 1007933, Aging Assessment Field Guide.
[B25] EPRI 1008166, Guidelines for the Monitoring of Aging of I&C Electronic Components.
[B26] EPRI 1008211, Initial Acceptance Criteria Concepts and Data for Assessing Longevity of Low-
Voltage Cable Insulations and Jackets, Mar. 2005. (Annex C)
[B27] EPRI 1011223, Aging Identification and Assessment Checklist: Electrical Components. (Annex C
and Annex D)
[B28] EPRI 1011873, Cable Polymer Aging and Condition Monitoring Research at Sandia National
Laboratories Under the Nuclear Energy Plant Optimization (NEPO) Program. (Annex C)
[B29] EPRI 1013475, Plant Support Engineering: License Renewal Electrical Handbook.
[B30] EPRI 1015209, Line Impedance Resonance Analysis (LIRA) for Detection of Cable Damage and
Degradation, 2007. (Annex C)
[B31] EPRI 1016724, On-Line Monitoring for Equipment Condition Assessment.
[B32] EPRI 1020645, Plant Support Engineering: Guideline for System Monitoring by System Engineers.
[B33] EPRI 1020804, Plant Support Engineering: Aging Management Program Development Guidance for
AC and DC Low-Voltage Power Cable Systems for Nuclear Power Plants, 2010. (Annex C)
[B34] EPRI 1020805, Plant Support Engineering: Aging Management Program guidance for Medium-
Voltage Cable Systems for Nuclear Power Plants. (Annex C)
[B35] EPRI 1022246, Guidance for Aging Management of Instrumentation and Control (I&C) Circuit
Cards and Components Based on Electricite de France (EDF) Experience.
[B36] EPRI EL-5885, Generic Guidelines for the Life Extension of Plant Electrical Equipment.
[B37] EPRI NP-1558, A Review of Equipment Aging Theory and Technology. (Annex A)
[B38] EPRI NP-2129, Radiation Effects on Organic Materials in Nuclear Plants.
[B39] EPRI NP-5024, Seismic Ruggedness of Aged Electrical Components.
[B40] EPRI RP-2927, Common Aging Terminology.
[B41] EPRI TR-102399, Proceedings: 1993 EPRI Workshop on Power Plant Cable Condition Monitoring,
Jun. 1993. (Annex C)

EPRI publications are available from the Electric Power Research Institute (http://www.epri.com).

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[B42] EPRI TR-103834-P1-2, Effects of Moisture on the Life of Power Cables, Part 1: Medium-Voltage
Cables, Part 2: Low-Voltage Cables, Aug. 1994. (Annex C)
[B43] EPRI TR-104736, Development of a Condition Assessment Program for 4 kV, Environmentally
Qualified Motors at CCNPP, Dec. 1996. (Annex C)
[B44] EPRI TR-107356, Baseline Data Program for Environmental Qualification Condition Monitoring,
ASCo Solenoid Operated Valves, Dec. 1997. (Annex C)
[B45] EPRI TR-107524, Condition Monitoring Program for 4 kV Environmentally Qualified Motors, Jun.
1997. (Annex C)
[B46] EPRI TR-108480, Consideration for Vibration Monitoring and Diagnostics of the Reactor Coolant
Pump: NMAC Tech Note.
[B47] EPRI TR-109619, Guideline for the Management of Adverse Localized Equipment Environments.
[B48] EPRI TR-1907458, Testing of Power Plant Cables in the Presence of and Ionizable Gas, Mar. 1998.
(Annex C)
[B49] EPRI, Power Plant Electrical Reference Series, vol. 6, Motors, EL-5036-V6, May 1988, and vol. 16,
Handbook to Assess the Insulation Condition of Large Rotating Machines, EL-5036-V16, Jun. 1989.
[B50] Gjaerde, A. C., “Multifactor Ageing Models—Origin and Similarities,” IEEE Electrical Insulation,
vol. 13, no. 1, Jan./Feb. 1997. (Annex C)
[B51] IAEA TECDOC 1188, Assessment and Management of Ageing of Major Nuclear Power Plant
Components Important to Safety: In-Containment Instrumentation and Control Cables, vol. II, 2000. 5
(Annex C)
[B52] IAEA Nuclear Energy Series Report NP-T-3.6, Assessing and Managing Cable Ageing in Nuclear
Power Plants, 2012. (Annex C)
[B53] IE Bulletin No. 85-03, Motor-Operated Valve Common Mode Failures During Plant Transients Due
to Improper Switch Settings, Nov. 15, 1985. 6 (Annex C)
[B54] IEC/IEEE 62582-1™, Nuclear power plants—Instruments and control important to safety—
Electrical equipment condition monitoring methods—Part 1: General. 7 (Annex C)
[B55] IEC/IEEE 62582-2™, Nuclear power plants—Instruments and control important to safety—
Electrical equipment condition monitoring methods—Part 2: Indenter modulus. (Annex C)
[B56] IEC/IEEE 62582-4™, Nuclear power plants—Instruments and control important to safety—
Electrical equipment condition monitoring methods—Part 4: Oxidation induction techniques. (Annex C)
[B57] IEEE Std 1™-1986 (Reaff 1992), IEEE Standard General Principles for Temperature Limits in the
Rating of Electric Equipment and for the Evaluation of Electrical Insulation. 8,9
[B58] IEEE Std 43™-2000, IEEE Recommended Practice for Testing Insulation Resistance of Rotating
[B59] IEEE Std 56™-1977 (Reaff 1991), IEEE Guide for Insulation Maintenance of Large Alternating-
Current Rotating Machinery (10,000 kVA and Larger).
[B60] IEEE Std 95™-1977 (Reaff 1991), IEEE Recommended Practice for Insulation Testing of Large AC
Rotating Machinery with High Direct Voltage.
[B61] IEEE Std 96™-1969 (Reaff 1992), IEEE General Principles for Rating Electric Apparatus for Short-
Term, Intermittent, or Varying Duty.

IAEA publications are available from the International Atomic Energy Agency (http://www.iaea.org/).
IE bulletins are available from the United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission (http://nrc.gov).
IEC/IEEE publications are available from The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (http://shop.ieee.org/) and from the
International Electrotechnical Commission (http://www.iec.ch).
IEEE publications are available from The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (http://shop.ieee.org/).
The IEEE standards or products referred to in this annex are trademarks of The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc.

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[B62] IEEE Std 98™-1984 (Reaff 1993), IEEE Standard for the Preparation of Test Procedures for the
Thermal Evaluation of Solid Electrical Insulating Materials.
[B63] IEEE Std 99™-1980 (Reaff 1992), IEEE Standard for the Preparation of Test Procedures for the
Thermal Evaluation of Solid Electric Insulating Materials.
[B64] IEEE Std 101™-1987 (Reaff 1995), IEEE Guide for the Statistical Analysis of Thermal Life Test
[B65] IEEE Std 112™-1996, IEEE Standard Test Procedure for Polyphase Induction Motors and
[B66] IEEE Std 117™-1974 (Reaff 1991), IEEE Standard Test Procedure for Evaluation of Systems of
Insulating Materials for Random-Wound AC Electric Machinery.
[B67] IEEE Std 252™-1995, IEEE Standard Test Procedure for Polyphase Induction Motors Having
Liquid in the Magnetic Gap.
[B68] IEEE Std 275™-1992 (Reaff 1998), IEEE Recommended Practice for Thermal Evaluation of
Insulation Systems for Alternating-Current Electric Machinery Employing Form-Wound Preinsulated
Stator Coils for Machines Rated 6900 V and Below.
[B69] IEEE Std 300™-1988 (Reaff 1999), IEEE Standard Test Procedure for Semiconductor Charged-
Particle Detectors.
[B70] IEEE Std 301™-1988 (Reaff 1999), IEEE Standard Test Procedures for Amplifiers and
Preamplifiers Used with Detectors of Ionizing Radiation.
[B71] IEEE Std 304™-1977 (Reaff 1991), IEEE Standard Test Procedure for Evaluation and Classification
of Insulation Systems for Direct-Current Machines.
[B72] IEEE Std 308™-1991, IEEE Standard Criteria for Class 1E Power Systems for Nuclear Power
Generating Stations.
[B73] IEEE Std 309™/N42.3-1999, IEEE Standard Test Procedure and Standard Bases for Geiger-Müller
[B74] IEEE Std 325™-1996, IEEE Standard Test Procedures for Germanium Gamma-Ray Detectors.
[B75] IEEE Std 334™-1994 (Reaff 1999), IEEE Standard for Qualifying Continuous Duty Class 1E
Motors for Nuclear Power Generating Stations.
[B76] IEEE Std 338™-1987 (Reaff 2000), IEEE Standard Criteria for the Periodic Surveillance Testing of
Nuclear Power Generating Station Safety Systems.
[B77] IEEE Std 352™-1987 (Reaff 1999), IEEE Guide for General Principles of Reliability Analysis of
Nuclear Power Generating Station Safety Systems.
[B78] IEEE Std 382™-1996, Standard for Qualification of Actuators for Power-Operated Valve
Assemblies with Safety-Related Functions for Nuclear Power Plants.
[B79] IEEE Std 387™-1995, IEEE Standard Criteria for Diesel-Generator Units Applied as Standby Power
Supplies for Nuclear Power Generating Stations.
[B80] IEEE Std 398™-1972 (Reaff 1999), IEEE Standard Test Procedures for Photomultipliers for
Scintillation Counting and Glossary for Scintillation Counting Field.
[B81] IEEE Std 400™-2001, IEEE Guide for Field Testing and Evaluating of the Insulation of Shielded
Power Cable Systems. (Annex C)
[B82] IEEE Std 400.1™-2007, IEEE Guide for Field Testing of Laminated Dielectric, Shielded Power
Cable Systems Rated 5kV and Above with High Direct Current Voltage.
[B83] IEEE Std 400.2™-2004, IEEE Guide for Field Testing of Shielded Power Cable Systems Using
Very Low Frequency (VLF). (Annex C)

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[B84] IEEE Std 400.3™-2006, IEEE Guide for Partial Discharge Testing of Shielding Power Cable
Systems in a Field Environment. (Annex C)
[B85] IEEE Std 429™-1994, IEEE Recommended Practice for Thermal Evaluation of Sealed Insulation
Systems for AC Electric Machinery Employing Form-Wound Preinsulated Stator Coils for Machines Rated
6900 V and Below.
[B86] IEEE Std 432™-1992 (Reaff 1998), IEEE Guide for Insulation Maintenance for Rotating Electric
Machinery (5 Hp to less than 10 000 Hp).
[B87] IEEE Std 433™-1974 (Reaff 1991), IEEE Recommended Practice for Insulation Testing of Large
AC Rotating Machinery with High Voltage at Very Low Frequency.
[B88] IEEE Std 434™-1973 (Reaff 1991), IEEE Guide for Functional Evaluation of Insulation Systems for
Large High-Voltage Machines.
[B89] IEEE Std 450™-1995, IEEE Recommended Practice for Maintenance, Testing, and Replacement of
Vented Lead-Acid Batteries for Stationary Applications.
[B90] IEEE Std 522™-1992 (Reaff 1998), IEEE Guide for Testing Turn-to-Turn Insulation on Form-
Wound Stator Coils for Alternating-Current Rotating Electric Machines.
[B91] IEEE Std 577™-1976 (Reaff 1992), IEEE Standard Requirements for Reliability Analysis in the
Design and Operation of Safety Systems for Nuclear Power Generating Systems.
[B92] IEEE Std 603™-1998, IEEE Standard Criteria for Safety Systems for Nuclear Power Generating
[B93] IEEE Std 620™-1996, IEEE Guide for the Presentation of Thermal Limit Curves for Squirrel Cage
Induction Machines.
[B94] IEEE Std 638™-1992, IEEE Standard for Qualification of Class 1E Transformers for Nuclear Power
Generating Stations.
[B95] IEEE Std 649™-1991 (Reaff 1999), IEEE Standard for Qualifying Class 1E Motor Control Centers
for Nuclear Power Generating Stations.
[B96] IEEE Std 650™-1990 (Reaff 1998), IEEE Standard for Qualifying Class 1E Static Battery Chargers
and Inverters for Nuclear Power Generating Stations.
[B97] IEEE Std 775™-1993, IEEE Guide for Designing Multistress Aging Tests of Electrical Insulation in
a Radiation Environment.
[B98] IEEE Std 930™-1987 (Reaff 1995), IEEE Guide for the Statistical Analysis of Electrical Insulation
Voltage Endurance Data.
[B99] IEEE Std 1043™-1996, IEEE Recommended Practice for Voltage-Endurance Testing of Form-
Wound Bars and Coils.
[B100] IEEE Std 1064™-1991, IEEE Guide for Multifactor Stress Functional Testing of Electrical
Insulation Systems.
[B101] IEEE Std 1107™-1996, IEEE Recommended Practice for Thermal Evaluation of Sealed Insulation
Systems for AC Electric Machinery Employing Random-Wound Stator Coils.
[B102] JNES SS Report, The Final Report of The Project of “Assessment of Cable Aging for Nuclear
Power Plants” JNES-SS-0903, Jul. 2009. (Annex C)
[B103] Laurent, C., and C. Mayoux, “Analysis of the Propagation of Electrical Treeing Using Optical and
Electrical Methods,” IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation, vol. EI-15, no. 1,
Feb. 1980. (Annex C)
[B104] Laurent, C., and C. Mayoux, “Partial Discharge—Part XI: Limitations to PD as a Diagnostic for
Deterioration and Remaining Life,” IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation, vol. 8,
no. 2, Mar./Apr. 1992. (Annex C)

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[B105] Mayoux, C., “Corona Discharge and Ageing Process of an Insulation,” IEEE Transactions on
Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation, vol. EI-12, no. 2, Apr. 1977. (Annex C)
[B106] Montanari, G. C., and A. Motori, “Short-term Thermal Endurance Characterization of Polymeric
Cable Insulating Materials, Use of Oxidative Stability Measurements,” IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics
and Electrical Insulation, vol. 3, no. 4, Aug. 1996. (Annex C)
[B107] Nattrass, D. A., “Partial Discharge Part XVII: The Early History of Partial Discharge Research,”
IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation, vol. 9, no. 4, Jul./Aug. 1993. (Annex C)
[B108] Nelson, W., Accelerated Testing-Statistical Models, Test Plans and Data Analyses. New York:
Wiley-Interscience, 1990.
[B109] NEMA AB 1-1993, Molded Case Circuit Breakers. 10
[B110] NEMA AB 3-1996, Molded Case Circuit Breakers and Their Applications.
[B111] NEMA AB 4-1996, Guidelines for Inspection and Preventive Maintenance of Molded Case
Circuit Breakers Used in Commercial and Industrial Applications.
[B112] NEMA ICS 2.3-1995, Instructions for Handling, Installation, Operation and Maintenance of
Motor Control Centers.
[B113] NFPA 70-1999, National Electrical Code® (NEC®). 11
[B114] NFPA 70B-1998, Recommended Practice for Electrical Equipment Maintenance. 12
[B115] NUREG/CR-3629, The Effects of Thermal and Irradiation Aging Simulation Procedures on
Polymer Properties. 13 (ADAMS Accession Number ML062260295) (Annex A)
[B116] NUREG/CR-4156, Operating Experience and Aging Seismic Assessment of Electric Motors.
(ADAMS Accession Number 8511180647) (Annex A)
[B117] NUREG/CR-4715, An Aging Assessment of Relay and Circuit Breaker Aging in a Safety-Related
System. (ADAMS Accession Number 8711090389) (Annex A)
[B118] NUREG/CR-4731, Residual Life-Assessment of Major Light Water Reactor Components.
(ADAMS Accession Number ML040230374) (Annex A)
[B119] NUREG/CR-4740, Nuclear Plant-Aging Research on Reactor Protection Systems. (ADAMS
Accession Number ML041280579) (Annex A)
[B120] NUREG/CR-4939, Improving Motor Reliability in Nuclear Power Plants, Volume I: Performance
Evaluation and Maintenance Practices, November 1987. (Annex C)
[B121] NUREG/CR-5051, Detecting and Mitigating Battery Chargers and Inverter Aging. (ADAMS
Accession Number 8901040389) (Annex A)
[B122] NUREG/CR-5057, Aging Mitigation and Improved Programs for Nuclear Station Diesel
Generators. (ADAMS Accession Number ML040360146) (Annex A)
[B123] NUREG/CR-6384, Literature Review of Environmental Qualification of Safety Related Electric
Cables, Vol. 1, Apr. 1996, Brookhaven National Laboratory, prepared for U.S. Nuclear Regulatory
Commission. (ADAMS Accession Numbers ML031480454, ML031600732, and ML031500226)

NEMA publications are available from Global Engineering Documents (http://global.ihs.com/).
The NEC is published by the National Fire Protection Association (http://www.nfpa.org/). Copies are also available from The
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (http://standards.ieee.org/).
NFPA publications are available from the National Fire Protection Association (http://www.nfpa.org/).
NUREG publications are available from the U.S. Government Printing Office (http://www.access.gpo.gov/). Several of these
publications are also available from the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) Public Document Room (PDR) and can be requested
from the PDR or downloaded from the NRC Agency-wide Documents Access and Management System (ADAMS)
(http://www.nrc.gov/reading-rm/adams.html) using the accession number.

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Authorized licensed use limited to: New York University. Downloaded on February 07,2015 at 13:39:18 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
IEEE Std 1205-2014
IEEE Guide for Assessing, Monitoring, and Mitigating Aging Effects on Electrical Equipment Used in Nuclear Power
Generating Stations and Other Nuclear Facilities

[B124] NUREG/CR-6704 Volume 1, BNL-NUREG-52610, Assessment of Environmental Qualification

Practices and Condition Monitoring Techniques for Low-Voltage Electric Cables: LOCA Test Results,
Feb. 2001. (Annex C)
[B125] NUREG/CR-6794 (BNL-NUREG-52673), Evaluation of Aging and Environmental Qualification
Practices for Power Cables Used in Nuclear Power Plants, 2003. (Annex C)
[B126] NUREG/CR-6904, Evaluation of the Broadband Impedance Spectroscopy Prognostic/Diagnostic
Technique for Electric Cables Used in Nuclear Power Plants, 2006. (Annex C)
[B127] NUREG/CR-7000, Essential Elements of an Electric Cable Condition Monitoring Program, 2009.
(Annex C)
[B128] NUREG-1377, NRC Research Program on Plant Aging: Listing and Summaries of Reports.
(ADAMS Accession Number 8009020349) (Annex A)
[B129] O’Dwyer, J. J., “Breakdown in Solid Dielectrics,” IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and
Electrical Insulation, vol. EI-17, no. 6, Dec. 1982. (Annex C)
[B130] Peck, D. S., “Comprehensive Model for Humidity Testing Correlation,” IEEE International
Reliability Physics Symposium (IRPS), 1986. (Annex A)
[B131] Rudra, B., M. Pecht, and D. Jennings, “Assessing Time-to-Failure Due to Conductive Filament
Formation in Multi-Layer Organic Laminates,” IEEE Transactions on Components, Packaging, and
Manufacturing Techniques – Part B, vol. 17, no. 3, Aug. 1994.
[B132] SAND96-0344, Aging Management Guideline for Commercial Nuclear Power Plants—Electric
Cable and Terminations, Sept. 1996, prepared by Ogden Environmental and Energy Services under
contract to Sandia National Laboratories for the U.S. Department of Energy, in cooperation with the
Electric Power Research Institute. (ADAMS Accession Numbers ML003759038 and ML031140264)
(Annex C)
[B133] SAND2010-7266, Review of Nuclear Power Plant Safety Cable Aging Studies with
Recommendations for Improved Approaches and for Future Work, Nov. 2010. (Annex C)
[B134] Steinberg, D. S., Vibration Analysis for Electronic Equipment, New York: John Wiley & Sons,
2000. (Annex A)
[B135] Timpe, N. B., and S. V. Heyer, “Laboratory and Field Partial-Discharge Studies by a Utility,”
IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation, vol. EI-12, no. 2, Apr. 1977. (Annex C)
[B136] UL 489-1991, UL Standard for Safety Molded-Case Circuit Breakers and Circuit-Breaker
Enclosures. 14
[B137] UL 508-1993, UL Standard for Safety Industrial Control Equipment.
[B138] UL 845-1995, UL Standard for Safety Motor Control Centers.
[B139] U.S. NRC Regulatory Guide 1.218, Condition Monitoring Program for Electric Cables Used in
Nuclear Power Plants, Apr. 2012. (Annex C)
[B140] Van Brunt, R. J., “Physics and Chemistry of Partial Discharge and Corona, Recent Advances and
Future Challenges,” IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation, vol. 1, no. 5, Oct. 1994.
(Annex C)

UL standards are available from Global Engineering Documents (http://global.ihs.com/).

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Authorized licensed use limited to: New York University. Downloaded on February 07,2015 at 13:39:18 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.

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