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Water Tank Design

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International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE)

ISSN: 2277-3878, Volume-3 Issue-3, July 2014

Cost Optimization of Rect. RCC Underground Tank

Aditya Wad, N. G. Gore, P. J. Salunke, V. G. Sayagavi

Abstract— Underground tanks (RCC) are commonly used for II. STRUCTURAL ANALYSIS
storage of water for domestic use, swimming pool, sedimentation
The vertical wall of such tanks is subjected to hydro-static
tank, etc. The vertical wall of such tanks is subjected to
hydro-static pressure and soil pressure &the base is subjected to pressure and soil pressure &the base is subjected to weight of
weight of water and soil pressure & uplift and it is designed by water and soil pressure & uplift and it is designed by using IS
using IS 3370:2009 Part (I, II).This study focused on the optimum 3370:2009 Part (I, II). Larger ratios of L/B, longer sides are
cost design of underground tank due to effects of unit weight of treated as vertical cantilever fixed at base, while the shorter
backfill soil variation, variation in grade of concrete and for same sides are treated as vertical cantilevers fixed at base, while
capacity change in height (Depth). The main aim is to achieve the shorter sides are treated as horizontal slabs running across the
economy. Material saving results in saving in construction cost at
longer walls. When L/B ratio comes greater than 2 the side
the same time the safety is also considered. The model is analyzed
and design by using MATLAB software. Optimization is
walls are bifurcated in long wall and short wall for design
formulated is in nonlinear programming problem (NLPP) by convenience as behavior of walls changes as mention above.
using sequential unconstrained minimization technique (SUMT). The thickness of wall is generally kept constant, and the
reinforcements varied at different section. While designing
Index Terms—Underground tank, Optimum cost design.
the base slab for water tank resting on firm ground no any
specific criteria is used, but for the underground water tank
one has to consider uplift pressure and required projection to
As per Greek philosopher Thales, “water is source of every
creation.” In day to day life one cannot live without water.
Therefore water needs to be stored for daily used. The
analysis and design of underground tanks is based on
un-cracked section theory, to avoid leakage of stored liquid.
In order to ensure impermeability through the walls, rich
concrete mix is used. Optimization is the act of obtaining the
best result under given circumstances. The length to breadth
ratio in this case is taken as two & hence walls are design as
long and short wall.

counteract it.
Considering the total cost of the tank as an objective function
with the constant tank capacity, properties such as
depth,width and length of tank, unit weight of backfill soil
material and tank floor slab thickness, as design variables. A
computer program has been developed to solve numerical
examples using the Indian IS: 456-2000,IS 3370:2009 (part
I,_II)Code requirements. The results shown minimum total
cost of the rectangular tank for minimum wall and base slab
thickness required considering all safety criteria’s. Length of
projection required is also calculated as per appropriate
requirement of vertical load and the uplift pressure coming
due to ground water. It should be noted that the current
analysis is restricted to rectangular tank having length to
Manuscript Received on July 2004. breadth ratio equal to or more than two.
Mr. Aditya Wad,(PG Student), Department of Civil Engineering,
MGM’s College of Engineering and Technology, Navi Mumbai, India. III. DESIGN VARIABLES AND CONSTRAINTS
Prof. N. G. Gore, (Guide) Department of Civil Engineering, MGM’s
College of Engineering and Technology, Navi Mumbai, India. A. Design Variables
Prof. P. J. Salunke, (Guide) Department of Civil Engineering, MGM’s
College of Engineering and Technology, Navi Mumbai, India. A design alternative option, which defines a complete design
Prof. V. G. Sayagavi, (Guide) Department of Civil Engineering, MGM’s of an underground tank, includes the following variables:
College of Engineering and Technology, Navi Mumbai, India.
1. Height of underground tank.

Published By:
55 Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
& Sciences Publication Pvt. Ltd.
Cost Optimization of Rect. RCC Underground Tank
2. Length & Breadth of tank function of design variables. In SUMT the constraint
3. Unit weight of backfill soil. minimization problem is converted into unconstraint one by
4. Thickness of base slab introducing penalty function. In the present work is of the
5. Grade of concrete form.
B. Constraint Equations
The restrictions that must be satisfied to produce an
acceptable design are called design constraints. FOR ANALYSIS & DESIGN
Min steel constraint in Long Wall Following parameter are consider for different results.
G1= ((ast3/ast1) - 1) <1 • fck = Characteristic strength of concrete
Min steel constraint in Short Wall = M25, M30, M35, M40
G2= ((ast3/ast5) - 1) <1 • Fy = Characteristic strength of steel
Min steel constraint in Base slab = Fe 415
G3= ((ast3/ast10) - 1) <1 • Uns = Unit Weight of backfill soil
F.O.S against uplift constraint 16 kN/m3
G4= (F.O.S – 1.2) – 1 <1 18 kN/m3
Stress constraint • Ccost = Cost of concrete. (Including formwork and
G5= (nshstr-1) <1 labour charges)(As per District Schedule Rate
Where ast3= minimum steel required as per thickness of (Maharashtra-Raigad Region 2013)
member, ast1= steel required in long wall, ast5= steel required M25 = 8580 Rs./m3
in short wall, ast5= steel required in base slab, F.O.S. = factor M30 = 8647 Rs./m3
of safety against uplift pressure that is for floatation, nshstr = M35 = 8714 Rs./m3
nominal shear stress. M40 = 8781 Rs./m3
• Scost=Cost of steel (Including labour charges) (As per
IV. DESIGN OPTIMIZATION PROCEDURE District Schedule Rate (Maharashtra-Raigad Region
Definition: “The process of finding the conditions that gives 2013))
the maximum or minimum value of the function”. Fy415 = 64 Rs. /Kg
Optimization is the act of obtaining the best result under given
circumstances. Primary aim of structural optimization is to VI. ILLUSTRATIVE EXAMPLES
determine the most suitable combination variables, so as to For different conditions and start from starting point and end
achieve satisfactory performance of the structure subjected to with optimized point the result shown in graphical form as
functional &behavioral and geometric constraints imposed below. For different heights starting from 2.5m up to 3.5 m
with the goal of optimality being by the objective function for and for various grades of concrete as mention above by
specified loading or environmental condition. keeping unit weight of backfill soil is 16 kN/m3, optimized
Three features of structural optimization problem are: points and cost for it, is shown in this graph. Similarly by
1. The design variable. keeping unit weight of backfill soil as 18 kN/m3 obtained
2. The constraint. results are shown in graph below.
3. The objective function.
In many practical problems, the design variables cannot be
chosen arbitrarily, they have no satisfy certain specified
functional and other requirements. The restrictions that must
be satisfied in order to produce an acceptable design are
collectively called design constraints.

The problem of cost optimization of underground rectangular

RCC tank has been formulated as mathematical programming
problems. The resulting optimum design problems are
constrained non-linear programming problems and have been
solved by SUMT. Parametric study with respect to different
type of heights,unit weight of backfill soil and grade of
The optimum cost design of underground tank formulated in concrete combinations of underground rectangular tank has
is nonlinear programming problem (NLPP) in which the been carried out. The result of optimum design for
objective function as well as constraint equation is nonlinear

Published By:
56 Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
& Sciences Publication Pvt. Ltd.
International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE)
ISSN: 2277-3878, Volume-3 Issue-3, July 2014

Prof. P. J. Salunke, (M.Tech.- Environmental Engineering-Guide) Civil

Engg. Dept., M.G.M.College of Engineering & Tech.,Kamothe,Navi

Prof. V. G. Saygavi, (M.E.- Water Resource -Guide) Civil Engg. Dept.,

M.G.M.College of Engineering & Tech.,Kamothe,Navi Mumbai.

underground rectangular tank have been compared and

conclusions drawn.
It is possible to formulate and obtain solution for the
minimum cost design for underground rectangular
RCC tank.
Interior penalty function method can be used for
solving resulting non-linear optimization problems.
for underground tank walls & base slab thickness
It is possible to obtain the global minimum for the
optimization problem by starting from different
starting points with the interior penalty function
The minimum cost design of underground tank is fully
constrained design which is defined as the design
bounded by at least as many constraints as there are
the design variables in the problems.
The optimum cost for a underground rectangular rcc
tank is achieved in M25 grade of concrete and Fe415
grade of steel.
The cost of underground tank unit increased rapidly
with respect grade of concrete and increase in height
keeping the capacity of underground tank is

[1] ‘Reinforced Concrete Structures’ Dr. B. C. Punmia, Ashok Jain
Firewall Media.
[2] IS 3370:2009(PART-2)
[3] IS 456:2000
[4] “Design optimization of reinforced concrete structures” Andres Guerra
and Panos D. Kiousis
[5] N. G. R. Iyengar “Optimization in Structural design”
[6] Erik Andreassen and Anders Clausen “Efficient topology optimization
in MATLAB using 88 lines of code”
[7] “Engineering Optimization” by S.S. Rao

Mr. Aditya Wad, (M.E.-Strucural- student) Civil Engg.

Dept., M.G.M. College of Engineering & Tech., Kamothe,
Navi Mumbai.

Prof. N. G. Gore, (M.Tech.-Strucural Engineering-Guide) Civil Engg.

Dept., M.G.M. College of Engineering & Tech., Kamothe, Navi Mumbai.

Published By:
57 Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
& Sciences Publication Pvt. Ltd.

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