EIT Course Substation Design Main Equipment CEY1 Brochure
EIT Course Substation Design Main Equipment CEY1 Brochure
EIT Course Substation Design Main Equipment CEY1 Brochure
study online
Professional Certificate
of Competency in
Substation Design
(Main Equipment)
Why EIT?
ensure trouble free service over a number of decades.
Sufficient thought should be given to the need
for maintaining critical substation equipment and
appropriate redundancies must be planned as well.
This is essential, as consumers fed by the substation INDUSTRY-ORIENTED
could suffer frequent supply outages, which is
EIT programs are specifically designed by an international body
undesirable from a service and financial point of view.
of industry experts, ensuring you gain cutting-edge skills that are
It is also necessary to ensure that the substation will valued by employers around the world.
work satisfactorily under various normal and not-so
normal conditions — such as short circuits — without
any failures. This is done through calculations which EXPERIENCE
are performed to reflect a set of simulated conditions. Our instructors include highly experienced engineers with real-
These calculations are collectively called system world knowledge, NOT just academics.
studies and the type of studies depends upon the
complexity and criticality of the substation and the
loads connected to it. The simulations are carried out FLEXIBILITY
using specialised computer software. Our innovative online delivery model ensures that you have
access to the best instructors and resources 24 hours a day. You
System studies can often bring out problem areas
can participate from anywhere in the world, as long as you have
in the design. Appropriate solutions can involve
equipment for voltage improvement, fault limiters
an Internet connection.
and flicker compensation. Modern industries give
rise to sizeable harmonic components which can DEDICATED SUPPORT
result in premature equipment failures by heating and
You will be supported by a dedicated Learning Support Officer
sometimes by harmonic resonance. Harmonic filters
for the duration of your studies, giving you a greater chance of
and other measures to inhibit resonance will have to
be planned in such cases. These studies permit the success!
designer to include the required corrective equipment
proactively and integrate them with the rest of the GLOBAL REACH
system by providing proper space and switchgear as a
EIT’s current students join from over 140 countries, with expert
part of the substation design.
instructors and tutors based around the globe, providing you with
These complex issues will be dealt in this program a truly international perspective.
using a simple step-by-step approach through real life
examples. At each step, the basic design approach
and calculations will be performed by the students to ENGINEERING SPECIALIST
clearly understand the concepts that are being taught. EIT is one of the only private colleges in the world specializing in
Program Structure
r MODULE 1: Role of Substations in an Electrical r MODULE 6: Examples/Case Studies of Substation
Network, Types and Configurations of Equipment Ratings/Ordering Specifications
Substations r MODULE 7: Substation Equipment for Fault Limiting,
r MODULE 2: Examples/Case Studies of Substation PF Compensation
Location and Selection of Configuration r MODULE 8: Substation Equipment for Harmonic
r MODULE 3: System Studies Required for Finalising Control
Equipment Ratings r MODULE 9: Overview of Medium Voltage (MV) Metal
r MODULE 4: Examples/Case Studies of System Studies Enclosed Substation Equipment
Required and System Study Specifications r MODULE 10: Examples/Case Studies of MV Substation
r MODULE 5: Overview of Switchyard Equipment and Equipment Design
their Ordering Specifications r MODULE 11: MV Substation Design and Specifications
r MODULE 12: Examples/Case Studies of MV Substation
Please note: Program content is subject to change. Due to rapidly changing
technology and based on feedback from students and instructors,
Equipment Layout
EIT courses are continuously being updated and improved.
our technical eBooks, which are r How to plan for appropriate system studies and draw up a
specification for system studies
valued at over US$400.
r How to decide on the layout of an outdoor HV switchyard
Testing (TF) This course focuses on the other subsystems that perform essential
functions in substations. These include earthing/grounding, lightning
protection of outdoor equipment and substation buildings, power
These eBooks are NOT required for the system protection, control and interlocking equipment including
course – they are a bonus resource to the auxiliary power sources and various switchyard facilities such
aid in your career. All required reading as foundation, structures, cable routing, lighting, fire protection and
surveillance equipment.
materials will be provided electronically
in the online student portal throughout Enrolling in both of these courses will give students a complete and in
depth understanding of substation design. For more information please
the course.
contact enquiries@eit.edu.au.
Please note: students can purchase the technical NOTE: We strongly recommend that students complete the Certificate of Competency
manuals both in hard copy and electronic format in Substation Design (Main Equipment) before commencing on the Certificate of
at a reduced fee. Competency in Substation Design (Control, Protection and Facility Planning).
EIT recognizes that many of our potential students have work and/or family commitments which
Why Online? makes pursuing further study very challenging. Our online programs have been specifically
designed to reduce the significant financial, time and travel commitments often required by
traditional on-campus programs.