Melody S. Colindres-Ramirez: Objective
Melody S. Colindres-Ramirez: Objective
Melody S. Colindres-Ramirez: Objective
5503 Edna Ave,
Baltimore, MD
(443) 805-0230
To obtain a medical position that will enable me to utilize my skills to benefit the workplace. In
turn, I will become more knowledgeable and experienced, therefore improving my skills and
performing more effectively.
● Positive Attitude I maintain focus and give priority to the
It’s important to me to be professional job, giving it my all
at work and not bring personal ● Fast learner/very adaptable
baggage to work. I also make it a I only need to hear/see things once. I
priority to encourage those around me am a visual learner; therefore, I
● Cooperative and helpful observe those around me for the
I take instruction well and can easily purpose of increasing knowledge and
adapt to working with different kinds of skills for improvement
people ● I am bilingual, therefore I am able
● Responsible and committed to provide assistance to a larger
number of people.
Community College of Baltimore County, Baltimore, MD
September 2013 - Present
Jenny Fleming - mobile: 443-889-1909
Principal Barry Quirk - office number: 410-485-0700
David Keene - mobile: 410-615-7560