Numerical Investigation of Incompressible Flow Past Circular Tubes in Confined Channel
Numerical Investigation of Incompressible Flow Past Circular Tubes in Confined Channel
Numerical Investigation of Incompressible Flow Past Circular Tubes in Confined Channel
1(1) 2009
1. Introduction
The circular cylinder is a common bluff body and forms a large separated stagnant wake. The
characteristics of separated wakes cannot be predicted analytically and hence must be analyzed
either numerically or experimentally. Unlike square or rectangular cylinders, where the flow
separates from the leading edges, the flow separation may occur from any location of a circular
cylinder, further complicating the analysis. The difficulties in predicting flow and heat transfer
around circular cylinders get multiplied when two or more of these cylinders are placed in
proximity to each other and confined between channel walls. The large separated wakes behind
each of the cylinders interact with each other and with the horseshoe vortices to give rise to a flow
that is characteristically much more different than the flow past a single cylinder. Tiwari et al. [1]
studied unsteady flow past confined circular tube and observed that the onset of vortex shedding
gets delayed due to the effect of channel confinement. Patil and Tiwari [2] have carried out two-
dimensional numerical investigations to study the behaviour of unsteady wake for flow past an
inline arrangement of square cylinders confined in a channel. They studied the influence of the
relative size and arrangement of the two inline cylinders on vortex shedding characteristics in their
wakes. In engineering applications complex turbulent flows commonly occur. Wilson and
Corresponding Author: Shaligram Tiwari
Email: Telephone: +91 04422574729
© 2009-2012 All rights reserved. ISSR Journals
Numerical Investigation of Incompressible Flow past Circular Tubes in Confined Channel
Bassiouny [3] predicted the pressure drop and heat transfer characteristics of laminar and turbulent
flow of air across tube bundles (single and two rows), where the tube surfaces are maintained at
constant temperature. Baker [4] studied the oscillatory behaviour of vortices formed at a single
tube-plate junction in the transitional regime, between the steady laminar horseshoe vortices formed
at low Re and the fully turbulent horseshoe vortices that occur at higher Re values. He reported that
vortex oscillations begin at ReD = 1000, and break down into full turbulence at ReD = 1600.
Roychowdhury et al. [5] studied numerically the effect of Re and tube spacing on flow and heat
transfer over staggered tube banks. They observed that both the Re and tube spacing influence the
vortex formation and growth in the region between the tubes. For sufficiently small spacing, eddy
formation gets completely suppressed even at higher Reynolds number. Nishimura et al. [6] studied
flow characteristics past tube banks in staggered as well as inline arrangement in the transitional
flow regime at intermediate Reynolds numbers (50 ≤ ReD ≤ 1000), where the flow is steady at the
entrance of the tube banks, but becomes oscillatory downstream beyond a location of onset of
vortex shedding. They found that the location of onset of vortex shedding moves upstream with
increasing Re, and the upstream development of flow transition are much faster for the staggered
array of tubes than for the in-line array. Much work has been devoted to these kinds of flows with
vortex shedding. Williamson [7] has given a review for unbounded flow past a circular cylinder,
and Zdravkovich [8] provides a lot of information on flow past circular cylinders.
In the present study, flow past single and two inline arrangement of tubes has been considered
with wall confinement, which mimics the fin-tube heat exchanger geometry corresponding to tubes
of finite length bounded by two fins as shown in Figure 1. A three-dimensional numerical study on
the flow and heat transfer characteristics in a narrow confined flow with built-in inline circular
tubes in cross-flow has been carried out to study the unsteady characteristics of the flow and heat
transfer. The computations are carried out using finite volume based three-dimensional
computational developed code corresponding to a ReD = 400 in presence of channel confinement
where the flow is expected to be laminar as confirmed by [1]. Several reports on solution algorithm
and analysis of finite volume method are available from studies of Ju and Du [9], Piller and Stalio
[10], Lacor et al. [11] and Pereira et al. [12].
2. Problem definition
The computational domain for flow past circular tubes, cross-confined and built-in with a
rectangular channel is shown in Figure 1 with all dimensions shown in terms of channel height. All
the length scales have been non-dimensionalized with respect to channel height, H. The channel is
designed to mimic a passage formed by any two neighbouring fins in a fin-tube heat exchanger.
Jayavel & Tiwari CFD Letters Vol. 1(1) 2009
3. Numerical details
3.1. Governing equations
The Navier-Stokes equations for the laminar flow in an arbitrary domain of volume
V bounded by a closed surface S can be expressed in the following general convection-
diffusion-source integral form:
∂t V∫
ρ dV + ∫ ρ u ⋅ dS = 0 (1)
ρ φ dV + ∫ [ ρ uφ ] ⋅ dS = ∫ ⎡⎣Γφ ∇φ ⎤⎦ ⋅ dS + ∫ Sφ dV
∂t V∫
Figure 2. A representative CV
The integral equation, having infinite continuum values throughout the flow domain
is discretized so as to convert into set of algebraic equations for values at centroids of the
control volumes (CVs). The rate of change and source terms are integrated over the cell
Numerical Investigation of Incompressible Flow past Circular Tubes in Confined Channel
volume, whereas the convection and diffusion terms are represented in terms of fluxes
through the CV faces. The integral conservation equations (Eqns. (1) and (2)) are also
applicable to each CV. Moreover, in the present study with Reynolds number being 400, the
air flow is assumed to be incompressible therefore, Eqns. (1) and (2) take the following
∫ ρ u ⋅ dS = 0
∂t Δ∫VP
ρφ dV + ∫ ⎡⎣ ρ uφ − Γφ ∇φ ⎤⎦ ⋅ dS = ∫ Sφ dV (4)
where ΔS f is the surface vector representing the area of the fth cell face and uf is the
velocity defined at the face centre f. With the definition of outward mass flux through face f,
as F f ≡ ρ u f ⋅ ΔS f , the discretized form of continuity equation (Eqn. (3)) takes the
following form.
f = Fe + Fw + Fn + Fs + Ft + Fb = 0 (6)
The rate of change term in Eqn. (4) is a volume integral, which requires integration
over the volume of the CV with approximation. The approximation is of second-order to
replace for volume integral by the product of the mean value for the integrand and the
volume, where the mean value for the integrand is approximated by the values at the CV
centre. In general, for any value of Q over CV the approximation can be written as
∫ Q dV = QΔVP ≈ QP ΔVP
where FPc represents the sum of convective fluxes ( ≡ F f φ f ) over all faces of the
CV. QUICK (Quadratic Upwind Interpolation for Convective Kinematics) scheme of
Leonard [13] which, involves one downstream and two upstream cell centre values is used
to determine the value of the convective variable ( φ f ) at the centre of each CV face. This
interpolation is dictated by the direction of mass flux at the interface Ff. If the mass flux is
positive on the east face of the shaded CV shown in Figure 3 the cells with node E, P and W
are the downstream, upstream and far-upstream neighbours, respectively. Otherwise if Ff <
0, on the east face of the CV, the respective neighbours are the cells with node P, E and EE
(the east cell of cell E). The neighbours can be similarly classified for the other faces of CV.
QUICK scheme uses φD , φU and φUU to find the face value φ f as follows.
Jayavel & Tiwari CFD Letters Vol. 1(1) 2009
The diffusive flux of the variable φ through the faces of the CV can be evaluated using φ as
∫ Γφ ∇φ ⋅ dS ≈ ∑ ( Γφ ∇φ ⋅ΔS ) ≡ FP
ΔS f = e , w , n , s ,t ,b
Numerical Investigation of Incompressible Flow past Circular Tubes in Confined Channel
where Δx1 , Δx2 and Δx3 are the magnitudes of Δx1 , Δx 2 and Δx3 . Consequently, using
Eqns. (15) and (16) it can be written as
Δφ Δφ Δφ
∇φ ⋅ΔS f = α1 1 + α 2 2 + α 3 3 (17)
Δx1 Δx2 Δx3
To get α1 , α 2 and α 3 , the unit vectors are expressed as n1 = ( n11 n12 n13 ) , n 2 = ( n21 n22 n23 )
and n3 = ( n31 n32 n33 ) , where n11 , n12 and n13 are the Cartesian components of n1 and is
Δx11 Δx12 Δx13
determined by , and , where Δx11 , Δx12 and Δx13 are the three components
Δx1 Δx1 Δx1
of vector Δx1 . The other values n21 , n22 …, n33 etc. can be similarly determined. Therefore
⎧α1 ⎫ ⎧ΔS1 f ⎫
⎡ n11 n12 n13 ⎤
⎢ ⎥ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪
Eqn. (13) can be written as ⎢ n21 n22 n23 ⎥ ⎨α 2 ⎬ = ⎨ΔS2 f ⎬ , where S1 f , S 2 f , S3 f are the
⎢⎣ n31 n32 n33 ⎥⎦ ⎪α ⎪ ⎪ ⎪
⎩ 3 ⎭ ⎩ΔS3 f ⎭
Cartesian components of the surface vector S f . The values α1 , α 2 and α 3 are determined
D1 D D
using Cramer’s rule, α1 = , α 2 = 2 and α 3 = 3 , where D is the determinant of the
coefficient matrix, and D1 is obtained by replacing the first column of D by the column with
elements S1 f , S 2 f , S3 f and so on.
The east face is taken to illustrate the diffusion model. It is shown in Figure 4. Given
the edge centre values φte , φbe , φse , φne , the diffusion flux is computed as follows.
⎛ φ −φ φ −φ φ −φ ⎞
FPd = Γφ ⎜ α1 E P + α 2 ne se + α 3 te be ⎟ (18)
⎝ Δx1 Δx 2 Δx 3 ⎠
To calculate the edge centre values appearing in cross-derivative diffusion flux, the
following interpolation scheme is used.
Jayavel & Tiwari CFD Letters Vol. 1(1) 2009
The pressure term in the momentum equation is also included as a source term. Its
discretizaion is analogous to that of the ordinary diffusion flux, i.e., for the momentum
equation for the velocity component ui (= u, v, w, respectively), the pressure term is
− ∫ ∇p ⋅ n i dV ≈ − ( ∇p ⋅ n i ) P ΔVP (21)
where ni is the unit vector in the direction of the velocity component, ui. However, the
Gauss divergence theorem can be used to convert the volume integral to a surface integral
which can be discretized as
− ∫ p ni dS ≈ − ∑ p f ΔSi f (22)
ΔS f = e , w , n , s ,t , b
where p f is the pressure at the f face centre and ΔSi f is the ith direction component of the
Numerical Investigation of Incompressible Flow past Circular Tubes in Confined Channel
made satisfied for each finite volume cell. However, due to the non-staggered variable
arrangement, if the variables (velocity and pressure) at the cell faces are calculated by linear
interpolation between the adjacent cell centred quantities then the pressure velocity
iterations do not converge and lead to a checker board pressure field. Therefore, it is
important to use momentum interpolation (Rhie and Chow, [16]; Majumdar et al., [17]) in
which the velocity at all the cell faces are computed by allowing linear interpolation of the
convective and diffusive terms but not of the pressure term. The velocity and pressure fields
are calculated using Gauss-Seidel type algorithm (Eswaran and Prakash, [18]). The
discretization procedure and the solution methodology used in the present study is also
documented in Muralidhar and Sundararajan [19].
Figures 5 and 6 present the instantaneous streamlines near the bottom wall of the channel and
in the cross-stream plane located at a distance of 2D downstream from centre of the circular tube for
the case of single and at the distance of 2D from downstream tube for the inline arrangement of two
tubes respectively. Various time instants considered are with respect to separation of the shear layer
from the lower surface of the tube. Apparently, the growth of the asymmetric vortex bubble formed
due to wrapping of the lower shear layer is observed. The corresponding adjacent streamlines in the
cross-stream plane indicate the evolution of the other alternating vortex pair. The streamlines in the
cross-stream plane show asymmetry about the mid-vertical as well as mid-horizontal planes. This is
obviously due to planar vortex shedding in the wake and also due to three-dimensional nature of the
confined flow between channel walls.
Figures 7(a) and 7(b) present the vorticity field at different time steps for the two cases
considered. For the considered Reynolds number, even though the flow is laminar, the asymmetry
in the wake is apparent from the vorticity contour. For the inline arrangement of tubes, the vorticity
contour in the wake of the downstream tube shows qualitative differences with respect to that in the
wake of the upstream tube mainly due to difference in the nature of the flow that impinges upon
them. Moreover, the vertical structure in the wake of the upstream tube is similar to that in the wake
for flow past single tube except that it gets obstructed due to presence of the downstream tube.
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Figure 5. Instantaneous streamline plots at different time steps for single tube
Figure 6. Instantaneous streamline plots at different time steps for two inline tubes
Numerical Investigation of Incompressible Flow past Circular Tubes in Confined Channel
(a) (b)
Figure 7. Instantaneous vorticity field at different time steps (a) single tube (b) two inline tubes
The instantaneous temperature contours near the bottom wall of the channel are shown in
Figures 9(a) and 9(b) for single and two inline arrangements of tube, respectively. A higher
temperature in the wake region indicates zone of poor heat transfer. At certain instant of time, the
wake may show poor transport characteristics and higher temperature while at other time the
transport may improve and local temperature in the wake region may become smaller. Incidentally,
for single tube case at t = 601, when the lower vortex bubble is smaller in size, the wake is almost
under the influence of upper enveloping shear layer which has wrapped up to such an extent that the
wake becomes nearly stagnant giving rise to higher local temperature in the region. At other instants
of time, the mean wake temperature decreases due to improved fluid transport.
Figures 8(a) and 8(b) show the variation of span-averaged pressure along length of the
channel at different time instants. In fact, over one time period of vortex shedding, the pressure
variation can be better represented by the span-averaged pressure of the time-averaged field. This
temporal evolution of the pressure field indicates that even though due to oscillating shear layers,
the wake pressure fluctuates with time, the overall pressure drop across the channel does not get
affected. This nature has been confirmed for the inline arrangement of two tubes as well.
For flow past inline arrangement of two circular tubes, the front stagnation line of the
downstream tube is 3H behind the rear stagnation line of the upstream tube. Such a small separation
between the two tubes affects the unsteady wake zone behind the upstream tube that vortex
shedding in its wake gets almost suppressed (flow field not being shown due to lack of space). This
is apparent from the temperature contours in the wake region of the upstream tube. On the other
Jayavel & Tiwari CFD Letters Vol. 1(1) 2009
hand, the wake of the downstream tube demonstrates vortex shedding which differs in nature when
compared to wake of single tube in free stream. However, the qualitatively nature of the unsteady
flow in the wake of the downstream tube can be well interpreted from the asymmetric temperature
contours. The temperature contours shown do not correspond to exactly same time instants shown
in Figure 9(a) for flow past single circular tube.
(a) (b)
Figure 8. Instantaneous pressure at different time steps (a) single tube (b) two inline tubes
(a) (b)
Figure 9. Instantaneous temperature distribution at different time steps
(a) single tube (b) two inline tubes
Numerical Investigation of Incompressible Flow past Circular Tubes in Confined Channel
Figures 10(a) and 10(b) show the variation of span-averaged Nusselt number near the bottom
channel wall along length of the channel at the four time instants chosen for temperature contours in
Figures 8(a) and 8(b). The Nusselt number is based on bulk-mean temperature of the fluid in the
local cross-stream plane. It is seen that due to arrested wake of the upstream tube in presence of the
downstream tube, the span-averaged Nusselt number in its wake remains almost constant. Even in
the wake of the downstream tube, the temporal variation of span-averaged Nusselt number is not
significant. However, the variation of local Nusselt number near channel walls, at a particular
spanwise location, shows appreciable temporal dependence.
5. Conclusion
Three-dimensional computations have been carried out using finite volume-based developed
computational code to study the flow and heat transfer characteristics in the unsteady wake of a
channel confined single circular tube and an inline arrangement of two circular tubes. Temporal
evolution of flow and temperature fields, span-averaged pressure and span-averaged Nusselt
variation along length of the channel has been presented. The otherwise unsteady wake of a single
circular tube shows nearly steady flow and thermal characteristics in presence of a downstream
tube. Moreover, the unsteady flow and temperature fields in the wake of a circular tube placed in
free stream differ significantly from those in the wake of a tube placed in the wake of another
upstream tube. From this study it can be concluded that for comparison of overall flow and heat
transfer characteristics of various tube arrangements, it is worthwhile to consider time-averaged
flow and temperature fields over a fixed interval of time. Even though the time-averaged fields do
not exactly correspond to any of the particular instantaneous filed, time-averaged fields display
overall flow characteristics.
A area
CV control volume
D diameter of circular tube
F flux vector
f face of CV
H channel height (= l3)
l length
Nu Nusselt number
Jayavel & Tiwari CFD Letters Vol. 1(1) 2009
Δ difference/ increment
Γ diffusion coefficient
μ dynamic viscosity
ν kinematic viscosity
φ transport property (u, v, w or T)
ρ density
θ angle measured clockwise from forward stagnation point with respect to tube center
1 span-wise direction
2 transverse direction
3 direction normal to channel wall
c1 centre of upstream tube from the channel inlet
e east
n north
s south
w west
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