Mafs5030 Topic 1
Mafs5030 Topic 1
Mafs5030 Topic 1
1.1 Basic derivative instruments: bonds, forward contracts,
swaps and options
• The coupon rate offered by the bond issuer represents the cost
of raising capital. It depends on the prevailing risk free interest
rate and the creditworthiness of the bond issuer. It is also af-
fected by the values of the embedded options in the bond, like
the conversion right in a convertible bond.
• Assume that the bond issuer does not default or redeem the
bond prior to maturity date, an investor holding this bond until
maturity is assured of a known cash flow stream. This explains
why bond products are also called the Fixed Income Product-
Pricing of a bond
4. Put provision – grants the bondholder the right to sell back to
the issuer at par value on designated dates.
Short rate
Let r(t) denote the short rate, which is in general stochastic. This
is the interest rate that is applied over the next infinitesimal ∆t time
interval (t, t + ∆t]. The short rate is a mathematical construction,
not a market reality.
∫ T ∫ T
dM (u)
= r(u) du
t M (u) t
so that
r(u) du
M (T ) = M (t)e t .
Here, e t r(u) du is seen to be the growth factor of the money mar-
ket account over [t, T ] based on continuous compounding. If r is
constant, then
Discount bond price: B(t, T )
This fair value is called the discount bond price B(t, T ), which is
given by the expectation
[ ∫
of the ]discount factor based on the cur-
− tT r(u) du
rent information: Et e . If r is constant, then B(t, T ) =
e−rτ , τ = T − t.
Forward contract
The buyer of the forward contract agrees to pay the delivery price
K dollars at future time T to purchase a commodity whose value at
time T is ST . The pricing question is how to set K?
How about
E[exp(−rT )(ST − K)] = 0
so that K = E[ST ]?
Objective of the buyer:
Terminal payoff from a forward contract
forward price
= spot price + cost
| of fund +
{z storage cost}
cost of carry
• Cost of carry is the total cost incurred to acquire and hold the
underlying asset, say, including the cost of fund and storage
Numerical example on arbitrage
Sell the forward and expect to receive US$25 one year later. Borrow
$19 now to acquire oil, pay back $19(1+0.05) = $19.95 a year later.
Also, one needs to spend $0.38 = $19 × 2% as the storage cost.
Value and price of a forward contract
τ = time to expiration,
S = spot price of the underlying asset.
Further, we let
f = S − KB(τ ).
∗ Suppose ΠA (t) > ΠB (t), then an arbitrage can be taken by selling Portfolio A
and buying Portfolio B. An upfront positive cash flow is resulted at time t but
the portfolio values are offset at maturity T . Failure of law of one price implies
the existence of an arbitrage opportunity.
Failure of the law of one price leads to existence of an arbitrage op-
portunity (an important financial economic concept to be discussed
in Topic 2)
Can you find an example where law of one price is observed while
there exists an arbitrage opportunity?
Forward price formula with discrete carrying costs
The terms on the right hand side represent the future value at
maturity of the total costs required for holding the underlying asset
for hedging.
Discrete dividend paying asset
Alternative proof
f + KB(τ ) = S − D
so that
f = S − [D + KB(τ )].
Setting f = 0 to solve for K, we obtain F = (S − D)/B(τ ).
Cost of carry
F = (S + U )erτ ,
U = present value of total cost incurred during the remaining life of
the forward to hold the asset.
F = Se(r+u)τ ,
where u = cost per annum as a proportion of the spot price.
Proportional carrying charge
Borrow αS(0) dollars at current time to buy α units of assets and
long one forward. Sell out q portion of asset at each period in order
to pay for the carrying charge. After M period, α units becomes
α(1 − q)M .
The goal is to make available one unit of the asset for delivery at
maturity. We set α(1 − q)M to be one and obtain α = .
(1 − q) M
Futures contracts නӔँ
Pay or receive from the writer the change in the futures price
through the margin account so that payment required on the ma-
turity date is simply the spot price on that date.
Roles of the clearing house and margin account
Margin requirements
Example (Margin)
• The next day the price of this contract drops to $2.07. This
represents a loss of 0.03 × 5, 000 = $150. The broker will take
this amount from the margin account, leaving a balance of $650.
The following day the price drops again to $2.05. This repre-
sents an additional loss of $100, which is again deducted from
the margin account. As this point the margin account is $550,
which is below the maintenance level.
• The broker calls Mr. Chan and tells him that he must deposit at
least $250 in his margin account, or his position will be closed
Dynamic strategy that replicates the daily margin settlement
in a futures contract
The dynamic strategy is presented as follows.
• Also, invest the dollar amount of Gt,T in a one-day risk free bond
and roll the cash position over on each day at the one-day rate.
This is like “rolling over” in a money market account on a daily
As an illustrative example, take t = 0 and T = 3.
2. Invest the dollar amount of G0,3 in one-day risk free bond and
roll over the net cash position
The forward price of the asset, Ft,T , is the time-t spot price of an
asset which has a payoff SeT /Bt,T at time T .
Since Bt,T and St are known at time t, Ft,T is the time-t spot price
of a security that pays units of the underlying asset. Hence,
we have Ft,T = .
Pricing issues
Difference in futures price Gt and forward price Ft
• When the physical holding of the asset is subject to daily set-
tlement through the margin requirement (dynamic rebalancing)
By the risk neutral valuation principle, we have
[ ∫T ] [ ∫T ]
B(t, T ) = EQ e− t r(u)du
and St = EQ e− t r(u) du
so that
Gt − Ft = EQ [ST ] −
B(t, T )
[ ∫T ] [ ∫T ]
EQ[ST ]EQ e− t r(u) du
− EQ e− t r(u) du
B(t, T )
[ ∫T ]
covQ e− t r(u) du
, ST
= − .
B(t, T )
The spread between Gt and Ft becomes zero when the discount pro-
cess and the price process of the underlying asset are uncorrelated
under the risk neutral measure Q. In the special case where interest
rates are deterministic, we have equality of Gt and Ft.
Currency forward
Holding of the domestic and foreign bonds allow the bonds to earn
the interest rate in the respective currency.
Let ΠA(t) and ΠA(T ) denote the value of Portfolio A at time t and
T , respectively. On the delivery date, the holder of the currency
forward has to pay K domestic dollars to buy one unit of foreign
currency. Hence, ΠA(T ) = ΠB (T ), where T is the delivery date.
Using the law of one price, ΠA(t) = ΠB (t) must be observed at the
current time t.
Interest rate parity relation
Note that
Bd(τ ) = e−rdτ , Bf (τ ) = e−rf τ ,
where τ = T − t is the time to expiry. Let f be the value of the
currency forward in domestic currency,
f + KBd(τ ) = XBf (τ ),
where XBf (τ ) is the value of the foreign bond in domestic currency.
Flexible notional currency forward
The holder can exercise parts of the notional at any time during the
life of the forward, but she has to exercise the whole notional by
the maturity date of the currency forward.
As the optimal policy is independent of the notional, the holder
chooses either no action or exercise the full notional (partial exercise
is non-optimal). This is called the bang-bang strategy.
Suppose differential transaction costs are charged according to the
notional amount, say 0.1% on the first $10, 000 and 0.08% on the
next $10, 000,etc., then the property of independence of the notional
fails. However, if the transaction cost is proportional to the notional,
then the independence property remains.
As part of the pricing issue, one has to determine the threshold ex-
change rate above which it is optimal to exercise the whole notional.
Bond forward
The holder pays the delivery price F of the bond forward on the
forward maturity date T1 to receive a bond with par value P on the
maturity date T2.
Bond forward price in terms of traded bond prices
Let Bt(T ) denote the traded price of unit par discount bond at
current time t with maturity date T .
Forward on a coupon-paying bond
Note that the bond is a traded security whose value changes with
respect to time.
Let TF be the delivery date of the bond forward, where TF < TB . Let
ti be the coupon payment date of the bond on which deterministic
coupon ci is paid. Let t be the current time, where t < TF < TB .
Some of the coupons have been paid at earlier times. Let F be the
forward price, the amount paid by the forward contract holder at
time TF to buy the bond.
At TB , the bondholder receives par plus the last coupon.
Based on the forward price formula: F = S−D
B(τ )
, we deduce that
Let P be the par value of the bond. After receiving the bond at
TF , the bond forward holder is entitled to receive c6, c7 and P once
he has received the underlying bond. By considering the cash flows
after TF , he pays F at TF and receives c6 at t6, c7 + P at TB .
Example — Bond forward
• The bond pays coupons of $80 every 6 months, with one due
6 months from now and another just before maturity of the
Let d(0, k) denote the discount factor over the (0, k) semi-annual
1 1
period. We have d(0, 2) = and d(0, 1) = . Consider
(1.04)2 1.035
the future value of the cash flows associated with holding the bond
one year later and payment of F0 under the forward contract. The
current forward price of the bond
spot price c(1)d(0, 1) c(2)d(0, 2)
F0 = − −
d(0, 2) d(0, 2) d(0, 2)
2 80(1.04)2 80(1.04)2
= 920(1.04) − − 2
= 831.47.
1.035 (1.04)
Implied forward interest rate
Forward rate agreement (FRA)
Should the fixed rate be set equal to the implied forward rate over
the same period (determined based on traded bond prices as ob-
served today)?
Determination of the forward price of LIBOR
Replication argument
Adding N to both parties at time T2, the cash flows of the fixed
rate payer can be replicated by
(i) long holding of the T2-maturity zero coupon bond with par N [1+
K(T2 − T1)].
(ii) short holding of the T1-maturity zero coupon bond with par N .
Cash flow of the fixed rate receiver
Value of the portfolio of bonds that replicate
the cash flow of the fixed rate receiver at the current time
= N {[1 + K(T2 − T1)]Bt(T2) − Bt(T1)}.
The fair fixed rate K is visualized as the forward price of the LIBOR
rate L[T1, T2] over the time period [T1, T2].
1.2 Exotic swap products
• One party is the fixed-rate payer and the other party is the
floating-rate payer. The floating interest rate is based on some
reference rate (the most common index is the LONDON IN-
A swap can be interpreted as a package of cash market instruments
– a portfolio of forward rate agreements.
• Buy $50 million par of a 3-year floating rate bond that pays
6-month LIBOR semi-annually.
Application to asset/liability management
Choice of swap for the bank
• Every six months, the bank will pay 8.45% (annualized rate).
Life insurance company’s position
Choice of swap for the insurance company
Valuation of interest rate swaps
• Valuation involves finding the fixed swap rate K such that the
fixed and floating legs have equal value at inception.
Day count convention
For the 30/360 day count convention of the time period (D1, D2]
with D1 excluded but D2 included, the year fraction is
max(30 − d1, 0) + min(d2, 30) + 360 × (y2 − y1) + 30 × (m2 − m1 − 1)
where di, mi and yi represent the day, month and year of date Di, i =
1, 2.
For example, the year fraction between Feb 27, 2006 and July 31,
30 − 27 + 30 + 360 × (2008 − 2006) + 30 × (7 − 2 − 1)
33 4
= +2+ .
360 12
Replication of cash flows
• Let B(t, T ) be the time-t value of the discount bond with ma-
turity t.
The swap rate K is given by equating the present values of the two
sets of payments:
B(t, T0) − B(t, Tn)
K= ∑n .
i=1 δiB(t, Ti )
Asset swap
2. A fixed-for-floating swap.
Default free bond price
The difference C(t) − C(t) represents the credit risk premium of the
defaultable bond. Investors pay a lesser amount of C(t) − C(t) due
to potential losses arising from bond default.
Forward swap rate
Recall that the swap rate is the fixed rate in an interest rate swap
where the floating rate payer pays LIBOR and receives the swap
rate (fixed). There is always a tenor structure that underlies an
interest rate swap.
Asset swap packages
† The value of the interest rate swap at t = 0 is not zero. The sum of the
values of the interest rate swap and defaultable bond is set to be equal to
par at t = 0 based on market convention.
∗∗ The interest rate swap continues even after the bond defaults.
The additional asset spread sA above LIBOR serves as the compen-
sation for bearing the potential loss upon default.
Now, suppose the fixed coupon per annum is 3%, paid quarterly.
Since the par is assumed to be unity, then each coupon payment is
$0.03/4 = $0.0075. The value of the stream of the fixed coupons
for the given tenor is 0.03A(0).
The value of asset swap package is set at par at t = 0, so that
Rearranging the terms in eq.(A), we obtain
C(0) + A(0)sA(0) = [1 |
− A(0)s(0)]
+ A(0)c} ≡ C(0)
default-free bond
where the right-hand side gives the value of a default-free bond
with coupon c. A default free bond that pays LIBOR is called a
par floater since its fair value at initiation equals par. Stripping all
floating leg payments that pay LIBOR reduces the par floater to
single payment of $1 at maturity tN . Therefore, 1 − A(0)s(0) is the
present value of receiving $1 at maturity tN . We obtain
sA(0) = [C(0) − C(0)].
The extra asset swap sA accounts for the potential loss upon default.
This is quantified as C(0) − C(0) based on market bond prices at
t = 0. For a fair deal between the two parties, the difference in
the bond prices should be set equal to the present value of annuity
stream at the rate sA(0).
Alternative proof
The two interest swaps with floating leg at LIBOR + sA(0) and
LIBOR, respectively, differ in values by sA(0)A(0).
Comparing the two asset swaps on P.64 and P.73, the earlier one
has defaultable bond while the later one has default free bond. The
price difference is C(0) − C(0). This is compensated by the present
value of the annuity at the rate sA(0) per annum. Therefore,
Total return swap
Used as a financing tool
Some essential features
The payments received by the total return receiver are:
1. The coupon c of the bond (if there were one since the last
payment date Ti−1).
2. The price appreciation (C(Ti)−C(Ti−1))+ of the underlying bond
C since the last payment (if there were any).
3. The recovery value of the bond (if there were default).
The payments made by the total return receiver are:
Motivation of the receiver
Motivation of the payer
Credit default swaps
The protection seller receives fixed periodic payments from the pro-
tection buyer in return for making a single contingent payment cov-
ering losses on a reference asset following a default.
140 bp per annum
protection protection
seller buyer
Credit event payment
(100% recovery rate)
only if credit event occurs
holding a
risky bond
Protection seller
Protection buyer
1. Very often, the bond tenor is longer than the swap tenor. In
this way, the protection seller does not have exposure to the full
period of the bond.
A bank lends 10mm to a corporate client at L + 65bps. The bank
also buys 10mm default protection on the corporate loan for 50bps.
Risk Transfer
Default Swap
Corporate Interest and Financial
Bank If Credit Event:
Borrower Principal House
par amount
If Credit Event:
obligation (loan)
Settlement of compensation payment
1. Physical settlement:
The defaultable bond is put to the Protection Seller in return
for the par value of the bond.
2. Cash compensation:
An independent third party determines the loss upon default
at the end of the settlement period (say, 3 months after the
occurrence of the credit event).
Selling protection
Buying protection
The price of a corporate bond must reflect not only the spot rates
for default-free bonds but also a risk premium to reflect default risk
and any options embedded in the issue.
• The spread increases as the rating declines. It also increases
with maturity.
• The spread tends to increase faster with maturity for low credit
ratings than for high credit ratings.
Funding cost arbitrage
Should the Protection Buyer look for a Protection Seller who has a
higher/lower credit rating than himself?
The combined risk faced by the Protection Buyer:
For the A-rated Protection Seller, it gains synthetic access to a
BBB-rated asset with earning of net spread of
In order that the credit arbitrage works, the funding cost of the
default protection seller must be higher than that of the default
protection buyer.
Counterparty risk in CDS
Before the Fall 1997 crisis, several Korean banks were willing to
offer credit default protection on other Korean firms.
40 bp
US commercial Korea exchange
bank bank
LIBOR + 70bp
(not rated)
How does the inter-dependent default risk structure between the
Protection Seller and the Reference Obligor affect the swap rate?
Fixed-coupon bonds
Portfolio 1
Portfolio 2
Comparison of cash flows of the two portfolios
Portfolio 1 Portfolio 2
t=0 −C(0) −C(0)
t = ti c−s c−s
t = tN 1+c−s 1+c−s
The issuer can choose c to make the bond be a par bond such that
the initial value of the bond is at par.
This is an approximate replication.
Recall that the value of the CDS at time 0 is zero since it costs
nothing on both sides to enter into a swap. Neglecting the differ-
ence in the values of the two portfolios at default, the no-arbitrage
principle dictates
Portfolio 1
• One defaultable par floater C with spread spar over LIBOR.
• One CDS on this bond: CDS spread is s.
Portfolio 2
IBM/World Bank – first currency swap structured in 1981
• IBM had existing debts in DM and Swiss francs. This had creat-
ed a foreign exchange exposure since IBM had to convert USD
into DM and Swiss Francs regularly to make the coupon pay-
ments. Due to a depreciation of the DM and Swiss franc against
the dollar, IBM could realize a large foreign exchange gain, but
only if it could eliminate its DM and Swiss franc liabilities and
“lock in” the gain and remove any future exposure.
• IBM was willing to take on dollar liabilities and made dollar
payments (periodic coupons and principal at maturity) to the
World Bank since it could generate dollar income from its normal
trading activities.
Under the currency swap
Now IBM converted its DM and SFr liabilities into USD, and the
World Bank effectively raised hard currencies at a cheap rate. Both
parties achieved their objectives!
Differential Swap (Quanto Swap)
All cashflows are denominated in the same currency.
• The value of a diff swap in general would not be zero at initia-
tion. The value is settled either as an upfront premium payment
or amortized over the whole life as a margin over the floating
rate index.
• The borrower enters into a dollar interest rate swap whereby it
pays a fixed rate and receives a floating rate (6-month dollar
The result is to increase the floating rate receipts under the dollar
interest rate swap so long as 6-monthly Euro LIBOR, adjusted for
the diff swap margin, exceeds 6-month LIBOR. This has the impact
of lowering the effective fixed rate cost to the borrower.
The borrower has been forced to pay a high fixed rate of 7.25% due
to the upward sloping yield curve of LIBOR. On the other hand,
this may help the borrower to obtain a lower margin. The borrower
gains if the upward trend of LIBOR is not realized.
1.3 Options: Rational boundaries of option values
Financial options
• A call (or put) option is a contract which gives the holder the
right to buy (or sell) a prescribed asset, known as the underlying
asset, by a certain date (expiration date) for a predetermined
price (commonly called the strike price or exercise price).
Terminal payoff
max(ST − X, 0).
max(X − ST , 0),
since the put will be exercised at expiry only if ST < X, whereby
the asset worth ST is sold at a higher price of X.
Note that call’s terminal payoff minus put’s terminal payoff equals
the terminal payoff of a forward contract: ST − X.
Questions and observations
What should be the fair option premium (usually called option price
or option value) so that the deal is fair to both writer and holder?
At least, the option price is easily seen to depend on the strike price,
time to expiry and current asset price. The less obvious factors for
the pricing models are the prevailing interest rate and the degree of
randomness of the asset price, commonly called the volatility .
Hedging a short position in a call
Swaptions – Product nature
• Suppose the buyer of the swaption is the fixed rate payer in the
underlying swap, she chooses to exercise the swaption when the
prevailing swap rate on swaption’s maturity date is higher than
the strike rate. This is because the swaption buyer would pay
a lower fixed rate in the interest rate swap under the swaption
contract when compared with the higher prevailing fixed rate in
a newly negotiated interest rate swap.
• To the buyer (fixed rate payer), the exercise of the swaption is
the sale of the fixed rate bond at the price of the floating rate
• The value of the floating rate bond equals the par at initiation of
the swap, so it may be viewed as having fixed value (strike price
of the swaption). This swaption is thus seen as a put swaption
since the holder sells a fixed rate bond with floating value to re-
ceive a floating rate bond with fixed value upon exercise. Recall
that the holder of a put option has the right to forfeit an asset
with floating value to receive fixed amount of dollars.
• Note that the value of the fixed rate bond with coupon rate same
as the prevailing swap rate would be equal to the par value.
Obviously, the value of the fixed rate bond with coupon rate
same as the preset strike rate in the swaption (lower than the
prevailing swap rate) would be below par. When the swaption
(fixed rate payer) holder exercises the swaption, the floating
value asset (fixed rate bond) is below the strike price (par value
of the floating rate bond) of the put swaption.
Uses of swaptions
Due to decline in the interest rate, large prepayments are resulted
in the mortgage pass-through securities. The source of 9% fixed
payment dissipates. The swaption is in-the-money since the interest
rate declines, so does the swap rate.
By exercising the call swaption, the Savings & Loans Association
receives a fixed rate of 9%. The risk of potential decline in interest
rates is hedged via the purchase of a swaption.
• Treating the fixed rate bond as the underlying asset in the swap-
tion and the floating rate bond as the fixed par value, the “pay-
float” swaption is visualized as a call swaption since the holder
pays the fixed strike to receive the underlying asset.
Management of callable debts
Three years ago, XYZ issued 15-year fixed rate callable debt with a
coupon rate of 12%.
The bond issuer XYZ sells a two-year fixed rate receiver option on a
10-year swap that gives the holder the right but not the obligation
to receive the fixed rate of 12%.
Call monetization
Call-Monetization cash flow: Swaption expiration date
Continue to pay
12% coupon
• The call swaption holder (fixed rate receiver) does not exercise
the European swaption on expiration date since he would prefer
to receive the prevailing swap rate instead of strike rate of 12%.
Interest rate (swap rate) < 12%
• XYZ calls the bond since the prevailing swap rate is below the
promised 12% coupon rate in the bond. Once the old bond is
retired, XYZ issues a new floating rate bond that pays floating
rate LIBOR (funding rate would also depend on the creditwor-
thiness of XYZ at that time). The cash required to retire the old
fixed rate bond is financed by the issuance of the new floating
rate bond.
Rational boundaries for option values
• The relations between put and call prices (called the put-call
parity relations) are also deduced. These relations are distribu-
tion free.
Non-negativity of option prices
C ≥ 0, P ≥ 0, c ≥ 0, p ≥ 0,
as derived from the non-negativity of the payoff structure of option
Intrinsic values of American options
C(S, τ ; X) ≥ max(S − X, 0)
P (S, τ ; X) ≥ max(X − S, 0).
American options are worth at least their European counterparts
C(S, τ ; X) ≥ c(S, τ ; X)
P (S, τ ; X) ≥ p(S, τ ; X).
Values of options with different dates of expiration
Values of options with different strike prices
Upper bounds on call and put values
• The price of an American put equals the strike value when the
asset value is zero; otherwise, it is bounded above by the strike
X ≥ P (S, τ ; X) ≥ p(S, τ ; X).
Lower bounds on the values of call options on a non-dividend paying
Write B(τ ) as the price of the unit-par discount bond with time to
expiry τ . Then
c(S, τ ; X) + XB(τ ) ≥ S.
Together with the non-negativity property of option value.
Earlier, we have established C(S, τ ; X) ≥ max(S − X, 0) for an Amer-
ican call option. Note that C(S, τ ; X) ≥ c(S, τ ; X) and max(S −
XB(τ ), 0) ≥ max(S − X, 0), so the lower bound for a European call
max(S − XB(τ ), 0) is even sharper.
Convexity properties of the option price functions
The call prices are convex functions of the strike price. Write X2 =
λX3 + (1 − λ)X1, where 0 ≤ λ ≤ 1, X1 ≤ X2 ≤ X3, the convexity
property gives
• The drop in the European call value for one dollar increase in
the strike price should be less than one dollar. The loss in
the terminal payoff of the call due to the increase in the strike
price is realized only
the call expires in-the-money. More
precisely, we have < B(τ ). The factor B(τ ) appears since
the potential loss of paying extra one dollar in the strike price
occurs at maturity so its present value is B(τ ).
Payoff at expiry of Portfolios C and D.
Asset value ST ≤ X1 X1 ≤ ST ≤ X2 X2 ≤ ST ≤ X3 X3 ≤ ST
at expiry
Portfolio C 0 (1 − λ)(ST − X1 ) (1 − λ)(ST − X1 ) λ(ST − X3 ) +
(1 − λ)(ST − X1 )
Portfolio D 0 0 ST − X2 ST − X2
Result of VC = VD VC ≥ VD VC ≥ VD∗ VC = VD
(1 − λ)(ST − X1) ≥ ST − X2
⇔ X2 − (1 − λ)X1 ≥ λST
⇔ X3 ≥ ST .
• By changing the call options in the above two portfolios to the
corresponding put options, it can be shown that European put
prices are also convex functions of the strike price.
• Suppose the asset price falls by an amount less than the dividend,
an arbitrageur can lock in a riskless profit by borrowing money
to buy the asset right before the dividend date, selling the asset
right after the dividend payment and returning the loan.
It is assumed that the deterministic dividend amount Di is paid at
time ti, i = 1, 2, · · · , n. The current time is t and write τi = ti − t, i =
1, 2, · · · , n. The sum of the present value of the dividends within the
life of the option is
D = D1e−rτ1 + · · · + Dne−rτn .
The dividends stream may be visualized as a portfolio of bonds with
par value Di maturing at ti, i = 1, 2, · · · , n.
One may query whether the asset can honor the deterministic divi-
dend payments when the asset value becomes very low.
Put-call parity relations
For a pair of European put and call on the same underlying asset
and with the same expiration date and strike price, we have
p = c − S + D + XB(τ ).
When the underlying asset is non-dividend paying, we set D = 0.
Recall that the value of the forward f = S − D − XB(τ ), so c − p = f .
Impact of dividends on the lower bound on a European call value
and the early exercise policy of an American call option
p(S, τ ; X, D) → 0 as S → ∞.
• Since the call price is lowered due to the dividends of the under-
lying asset, it may be possible that the call price becomes less
than the intrinsic value S − X when the lumped dividend D is
deep enough.
When D > X[1 − B(τ )], the lower bound S − D − XB(τ ) becomes
less than the intrinsic value S − X. As S → ∞, the European call
price curve falls below the intrinsic value line.
Bounds on puts
• When XB(τ ) + D < X ⇔ D < X[1 − B(τ )], the lower bound
XB(τ ) + D − S may become less than the intrinsic value X − S
when the put is sufficiently deep in-the-money (corresponding
to low value for S). It becomes sub-optimal for the holder of an
American put option to continue holding the put option when
the put value falls below the intrinsic value, so the American put
should be exercised prematurely.
• The presence of dividends makes the early exercise of an Amer-
ican put option less likely since the holder loses the future divi-
dends when the asset is sold upon exercising the American put.
When D > X[1 − B(τ )], it is never optimal to exercise an Amer-
ican put.
Lower and upper bounds on the difference of the prices of American
call and put options
• Consider the following two portfolios: one contains a European
call plus cash of amount X, and the other contains an American
put together with one unit of underlying asset.
S − X < C − P.
Combining the two bounds, the difference of the American call and
put option values on a non-dividend paying asset is bounded by
How to modify the bounds when the underlying asset pays dividend-
1.4 American options: Optimal early exercise policies
• For an American put, when D is sufficiently high, it may become
non-optimal to exercise prematurely even at very low value of
S (even when the put is very deep-in-the-money). The gain in
the time value of the strike cannot offset the losses in insurance
value of holding the put and the dividends received through
holding the asset.
American call American put
time value of strike, loss gain
dividend, Dtotal gain loss
insurance value as- loss loss
sociated with hold-
ing of the option
Necessary condition Dtotal > X[1−B(τ )] Dtotal < X[1−B(τ )]
for early exercise
Sufficiently deep-in- Sufficiently high as- Sufficiently low as-
the-money set price set price
American call on an asset paying discrete dividends
One-dividend model – Amount of D is paid out at td
By comparing the call value (continuation) with the early exercise
proceed: Sd− − X, we deduce
(i) If Sd− − X ≤ B,
c(Sd− − D, T − t+
d ) = S −
d − X.
When D > X[1 − e−r(T −td)], then the American call price function
right before td consists of two segments:
c(Sd− − D, T − t+ ) when S − ∗
d < Sd .
Cd(Sd−, T − t−
Sd− − X when Sd− ≥ Sd∗
The American call price at t < td can be obtained by the risk neutral
valuation formula with the known value at td. Thus, Sd∗ depends
on D, which decreases when D increases. This is because the price
curve of c(Sd− − D, T − t+
d ) is lowered and it cuts the intrinsic value
line ℓ1 at a lower value of Sd∗. Financially, the holder chooses to
receive the asset even at a lower asset value when the dividend is
Determination of Sd∗ (potential early exercise at t−
d when D is suffi-
ciently deep)
c ( S d−− D, t d+ ) l1 l2
S d−
X S d∗ Xe −r(T−t d)
Summary of early exercise policies of American calls
Continuous dividend model
When the underlying asset pays dividend yield
( q, the lower bound
) of
a European call c(S, τ ; X, q) becomes max Se−qτ − Xe−rτ , 0 . As S
becomes sufficiently high, Se−qτ − Xe−rτ becomes less than S − X.
Actually, as S → ∞, the value of the European call tends to that of
the forward, where
Smooth pasting condition at S ∗(τ ) under continuous dividend yield
∂C ∗
Smooth pasting at S ∗(τ ) : (S (τ ), τ ) = 1. (ii)
S ∗(τ ) can be visualized as the lowest asset price at which the Amer-
ican call does not depend on the time to expiry. That is,
= 0 at S = S ∗(τ ). (iii)
Find the total derivative of the American call price function with
respect to τ at (S ∗(τ ), τ ) satisfying the value matching condition:
d [ ∗ ] ∂C ∗ ∂C ∗ dS ∗(τ ) dS ∗(τ )
C(S (τ ), τ ) = (S (τ ), τ ) + (S (τ ), τ ) =
dτ ∂τ ∂S dτ dτ
∂C ∗
By eq(iii), we obtain (S (τ ), τ ) = 1. The smooth pasting condi-
tion (ii) can also be derived from optimality of early exercise (to be
visualized as the first order derivative condition).
American call on a continuous dividend yield paying asset
Properties of the optimal early exercise boundary S ∗(τ ) of an Amer-
ican call under continuous dividend yield model
Stopping region = {(S, τ ) : S ≥ S ∗(τ )}, inside which the American
call should be optimally exercised. When S < S ∗(τ ), it is optimal
for the holder to continue holding the American call option.
3. S ∗(τ ) ≥ X for τ ≥ 0
Suppose S ∗(τ ) < X, then the early exercise proceed S ∗(τ ) − X
becomes negative. This must be ruled out.
One-dividend paying model for an American put
The behavior of the optimal exercise boundary S ∗(t) as a function
of t for a one-dividend American put option. Note that S ∗(T ) = X
for an American put option whose underlying asset becomes non-
dividend paying after td.
In summary, the optimal exercise boundary S ∗(t) of the one-dividend
American put model exhibits the following behavior.
(i) When t < ts, S ∗(t) first increases then decreases smoothly with
increasing t until it drops to the zero value at ts. When the
calendar time is well before ts, S ∗(t) is increasing as it follows
a general trend of increasing monotonically in time. However,
when the calendar time comes closer to ts, S ∗(t) decreases in
time in order to adopt the trend that S ∗(t) falls to zero when t
reaches ts.
(ii) S ∗(t) stays at the zero value in the time interval [ts, td].
(iii) When t ∈ (td, T ], the American put behaves like the European
put counterpart since there will be no more dividend. As a result,
S ∗(t) is a monotonically increasing function of t with S ∗(T ) = X.
Here, td < t1 < t2 < T . The put price curve at time t1 intersects
the intrinsic value line tangentially at S ∗(t1). We observe: S ∗(t1) <
S ∗(t2) < X. At longer time to expiry, the American put has to be
deeper in-the-money (lower asset price) in order to induce optimal
early exercise.