Hari Krishan Aggarwal worked as a Consultant GR-II for the New Delhi Municipal Council in the financial year 2017-18. Rs. 24080 in tax was deducted from his gross salary of Rs. 234425 and deposited in monthly installments into the State Bank of India, Parliament Street branch in New Delhi between April 2017 and January 2018. Veena Sharma, the Accounts Officer, certified that the TDS amount deducted and details provided are true based on available records.
Hari Krishan Aggarwal worked as a Consultant GR-II for the New Delhi Municipal Council in the financial year 2017-18. Rs. 24080 in tax was deducted from his gross salary of Rs. 234425 and deposited in monthly installments into the State Bank of India, Parliament Street branch in New Delhi between April 2017 and January 2018. Veena Sharma, the Accounts Officer, certified that the TDS amount deducted and details provided are true based on available records.
Hari Krishan Aggarwal worked as a Consultant GR-II for the New Delhi Municipal Council in the financial year 2017-18. Rs. 24080 in tax was deducted from his gross salary of Rs. 234425 and deposited in monthly installments into the State Bank of India, Parliament Street branch in New Delhi between April 2017 and January 2018. Veena Sharma, the Accounts Officer, certified that the TDS amount deducted and details provided are true based on available records.
Hari Krishan Aggarwal worked as a Consultant GR-II for the New Delhi Municipal Council in the financial year 2017-18. Rs. 24080 in tax was deducted from his gross salary of Rs. 234425 and deposited in monthly installments into the State Bank of India, Parliament Street branch in New Delhi between April 2017 and January 2018. Veena Sharma, the Accounts Officer, certified that the TDS amount deducted and details provided are true based on available records.
FOR TAX DEDUCTION AT SOURCE FROM INCOME CHARGEABLE UNDER THE HEAD 'SALARIES' ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Name and Address of the Employer Name & Designation of the Employee THE SECRETARY HARI KRISHAN AGGARWAL Sheet Code:07/03/15 NEW DELHI MUNICIPAL COUNCIL CONSULTANT GR-II PAN:AAFFN5015R TAN:DELN00008B PAN:ABVPA0822C Emp.Code:145905 Financial Year:2017-18 Assessment Year: 2018-19 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 1. GROSS SALARY a) Salary Income 234425 b) Value of perquisites c) Employer cont. to New Pension Fund 2. Exemption under Section-10 3. Balance(1-2) 4. Loss from Housing Property 5. Other income reported by Employee 6. Interest on Saving Bank Account 7. Gross Total Income ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Deductions under Chapter VI-A a) Under Section 80C, 80CCC, 80CCD GROSS AMOUNT QUALIFYING AMOUNT ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ TOTAL 0 0.00 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ b) Under other Sections GROSS AMOUNT ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ TOTAL 0 0.00 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Aggregate of deductible amounts ****** Taxable Income (Rounded to nearest 10) ****** Tax on Total Income ****** Surcharge ****** Education Cess ****** Tax Relief U/S 89 ****** Net Tax ****** Tax Deducted at Source 24080 Tax Payable/Refundable 0.00/0.00 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Details of Tax deducted and deposited into Central Government Account Amount Date of Payment Name of Bank & Branch where tax deposited 24080 Apr 2017-Jan 2018 State Bank of India, Parliament Street, New Delhi ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ I, Veena Sharma D/o R.S.Sharma working in the capacity of Accounts Officer do hereby certify that Rs.Twenty Four Thousand and Eighty has been deducted at source and paid to the credit of the Central Government. I further certify that the information given above is true and correct based on the book of accounts, documents, TDS Statements, and other available records. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Signature Not Verified
Digitally signed by VEENA SHARMA Date: 2018.06.06 13:11:19 +05:30 Location: New Delhi