Issue: Whether or Not The Court of Appeals Gravely Erred When It Failed
Issue: Whether or Not The Court of Appeals Gravely Erred When It Failed
Issue: Whether or Not The Court of Appeals Gravely Erred When It Failed
Article 1733 of the Civil Code demands that a common carrier observe extraordinary
diligence over the goods transported by it. Extraordinary diligence is that extreme measure of
care and caution which persons of unusual prudence and circumspection use for securing and
preserving their own property or rights. This exacting standard imposed on common carriers in a
contract of carriage of goods is intended to tilt the scales in favor of the shipper who is at the
mercy of the common carrier once the goods have been lodged for shipment. Hence, in case of
loss of goods in transit, the common carrier is presumed under the law to have been at fault or
negligent. However, the presumption of fault or negligence, may be overturned by competent
evidence showing that the common carrier has observed extraordinary diligence over the
In the instant case, the Supreme Court agrees with the court a quo that the respondent
adequately proved that it exercised extraordinary diligence. Although the original bills of lading
remained with petitioner, respondent’s agents demanded from Abdurahman the certified true
copies of the bills of lading. They also asked the latter and in his absence, his designated
subordinates, to sign the cargo delivery receipts.
Also noted is that some delivery receipts were signed by Abdurahman’s subordinates
and not by Abdurahman himself as consignee. Further, delivery checkers Rogelio and Ismael
testified that Abdurahman was always present at the initial phase of each delivery, although on
the few occasions when Abdurahman could not stay to witness the complete delivery of the
shipment, he authorized his subordinates to sign the delivery receipts for him. This, to the mind
of the Court, is sufficient and substantial compliance with the requirements.