Provisional Programme Latest
Provisional Programme Latest
Provisional Programme Latest
10:00 – 11:30 Parallel Sessions A [See attached appendix for participants and paper titles for each session. For abstracts see booklet]
A1 (EBS 2.35) Panel 1: A2 (EBS 2.40) A3 (EBS 2.41) A4 (EBS 2.45) A5 (EBS 2.46) A6 (EBS 2.66) A7 (EBS 2.66)
Concept, Freedom, Pedagogy 1 Nietzsche 1 Love Deleuze and World, Walter Benjamin
Necessity: Morality between Guattari 1 Explanation, and
Adorno and Levinas Justification
B1 (EBS 2.35) Panel 2: B2 (EBS 2.40) B3 (EBS 2.41) B4 (EBS 2.45) B5 (EBS 2.46) B6 (EBS 2.66) B7 (EBS 2.68)
Towards a Social Sexuality Philosophy of Mind Recognition Political Heidegger 1 The Frankfurt
Epistemology of Technicity 1 Philosophy 1 School
C1 (EBS 2.35) Panel 3: C2 (EBS 2.40) C3 (EBS 2.41) C4 (EBS 2.45) C5 (EBS 2.46) C6 (EBS 2.66) C7 (EBS 2.68)
Envisioning Citizenship in Film Feminism 1 Aesthetics 1 Deleuze and Ontology Kierkegaard
Democracy Guattari 2
5:30- 7:00 Welcome and Publisher’s Wine Reception (Essex Business School Foyer)
Tuesday 19th June
D1 (EBS 1.1) D2 (EBS 2.1) D3 (EBS 2.41) D4 (EBS 2.45) D5 (EBS 2.46) D6 (EBS 2.66)
Pedagogy 2 Aesthetics 2 Nietzsche 2 Political Feminism 2 Heidegger 2
F1 (EBS 1.1) F2 (EBS 2.1) F3 (EBS 2.41) F4 (EBS 2.45) F5 (EBS 2.46) F6 (EBS 2.66)
Philosophy of Technology Concepts Human/Non-Human History X
Mind 2 Distinction
G1 (EBS 2.35) G2 (EBS 2.40) G3 (EBS 2.46) G4 (EBS 2.66) G5 (NTC 1.03) G6 (NTC 1.05)
Panel 5: Realism Nietzsche 3 Music, Silence, Samesness and Spinoza Hegel
Unbound and the Sensible Alterity
H1 (EBS 2.35) H2 (EBS 2.40) H3 (EBS 2.46) H4 (EBS 2.66) H5 (NTC 1.03) H6 (NTC 1.05)
Phenomenology Religion Deleuze and Political Merleau-Ponty Kant and Post-
Guattari 4 Philosophy 3 Kantian Philosophy
No Name Title
Parallel Sessions:Panel
B Title: Concept, Freedom, Necessity: Morality between Adorno and Levinas
No James Lewis
Name Unmediated Interpersonal Experience
Jakub Kowalewski Moral Necessity and the (im)possibility of Freedom in Adorno and Levinas
Simon Thornton Freedom in Levinas and Adorno
1 [Jo-Jo-Koo]
Panel [Chair]
Title: Towards a Social Epistemology of Technicity
2 Neil Wilcock
Andrea Bardin From Paulo
Political Freire’s of
Significance Critical Pedagogy to theSimondon
Onto-Epistemology: Disestablishment of Education
with Barad (via Leroi- Gourhan)
Dominic Smith Spirit and Letter: Engaging Walter Benjamin’s Philosophy of Material Culture
Giovanni Menegalle
xxx Technocracy
[chair] and Totality: On the Work of Nora Mitrani
Matt Burch Expressive Control: Heidegger on What Makes Actions Properly Agential
6 Irene McMullin Norm and Ideal
xxx [Chair]
Prarallel Sessions: C
No Name Title
2 Ashley Woodward Dispositif, Matter, Affect, and the Real: Four Fundamental Concepts of Lyotard’s Film-Philosophy
John Ó Maoilearca When the Twain Shall Meet: On the Divide between Analytic and Continental Film Philosophy
[Clive Cazeaux] [chair]
Seiriol Morgan ‘The Roots of Entitlement’
3 Charlotte Knowles Freedom, Complicity and the #Metoo Backlash
xxx [chair]
4 Clint Verdonschot Feasible Aesthetic Rationalism: Kant, Wittgenstein and Baumgarten on Aesthetic Norms
Mathew Abbott Peacock Tails, Human Art, and the Problem of Display: Toward a Problematic Naturalism
Jörg Schaub Aesthetic Freedom and Democratic Sittlichkeit
xxx [chair]
Parallel Sessions: D
No Name Title
x xx [chair]
3 Rachel Silverbloom Redemptive Illusions: The Necessity of Deception for Life in Nietzsche’s Philosophy
Richard J. Elliott “Too Cowardly to Lie”: Normative Considerations of Illusion and Falsification in Nietzsche
4 Sessions:Dan
Parallel F Degerman Dis/empowering Factors: Exploring the Sources of Political Agency
Jimena Vazquez Garcia The Political Lack of the Digital Subject Title
Veridiana Domingos Cordeiro Comparing
Ben Turner Solving the Lockeanin“circularity
Problems in the personal
Political Philosophy identity
after the problem”:
Ontological Dialogues
Turn: The Casewith Contemporary Conceptions of
of Agency
and Hugo Neri “identity” and “memory”
1 xxx Wolf
Yaron [chair]
Bergson’s ‘Dynamic Schema’ and the Intelligibility of Habit
Jesús López-Campillo Self-deception: A Neo-Expressivist Account
xxx [chair]
Iraklis Ioannidis Piercing feminism in Peirce: Thinking Peirce’s Phaneroscopy without Being
2 Isabel Millar Algorithmic Extimacy: Enjoyments of the Alethosphere
5 Robert Booth
Pierluca D’Amato Why Ecofeminists Shouldand
Becoming-algorithmic (Also) Be Ecophenomenologists
Becoming-alive: On Technoliving Hybrids and Cross-border Processes
Jana Sawicki The Jouy Case: Again, or Questions Concerning the Value of Feminist Critique
Clive Cazeaux Art, Philosophy, and the Connectivity of Concepts
3 xxx [chair]
Juan Serey Aguilera Reinhart Koselleck and the Reflective Role of the Conceptual Historian
Moritz Gansen UnFrench Philosophy
xxx [Chair]
Elena Bartolini Heidegger and the Principle of Non-Contradition: Considerations form his Ontological Account.
Alexandra Popescu The Human/Non-human Animal Distinction: Derrida, Lévinas, Gaita
64 MersiyeKhurana
Thomas Bora Reading The of
The Irony Origin of the Work of Art
Self-consciousness: with
Hegel Displacement:
and Derrida Exploring the Unreliable World with Mona Hotoum’s Artworks
Keohane McDowell
In All Modestyand Marx
– The on what
Concept of separates
the Nakedus from the animals
[Simon Thornton] [Chair]
xxx [chair]
5 Philip Conway Historical Ontology, Rehabilitated: Discerning the Modal Differentiae of History and Philosophy
Sinkwan Cheng Reassessing Decline through a Dialectical Standstill: Critical Temporality in an Age of Crises
xxx [chair]
6 x x
Parallel Sessions: G
No Name Title
Koshka Duff The Criminal Is Political: Policing Politics in Real Existing Liberalism
xxx [chair]
A Comparative Analysis of the Methodology behind Nietzsche’s Philosophy of History with the Methodology of His Historicist
2 Kit Barton Contemporaries
Tracy Colony Composing Time: Stiegler on Nietzsche, Nihilism and a Possible Future
Matt Bennett Nietzsche’s Expressivism, or, What if Alexander Nehamas hadn’t Quit Smoking?
Charles Lebeau-Henry Chopin as “Wegweiser fur die Zukunft”: Nietzsche on the Possibilities of Music in the Second Part of Human, All Too Human
Ainhoa Suárez Gómez Silence: From Language to the Body
4 Andrew Bevan The Education of Male Desire: Death in Plato and Mishima, Life in Irigaray
Jo-Jo Koo Doing Justice to the Other: A Comparative Assessment of Levinas’s and Gadamer’s Reflections on Alterity
xxx [chair]
Elaina Gauthier-Mamaril Spinoza’s critique of atomism: Redefining Spinozist individuation with Sophie Laveran
Jonas Heller ‘Universal Usefulness’ and ‘Absolute Freedom’: A Reading of Liberal Subjectivity according to Hegel’s Critique of Enlightenment
xxx [chair]
Parallel Sessions: H
No Name Title
xxx [chair]
Deirdre Daly ‘The World is an Egg’: Deleuze and Hildegard von Bingen
3 James Kelly Time and Landscape: An Application of Deleuze’s Three Syntheses of Time to Landscape and the Geoglyphs of Chug Chug
xxx [chair]
James Bartholomeusz Unlikely Friends: Social Democracy, Catholic Social Teaching and the Challenge to Neoliberalism
4 Dan Swain Living the Future Now – Figures, Synecdoches and Iconoclasts
Cillian Ó Fathaigh Paperless interventions: Jacques Derrida on undocumented migrants and Europe
xxx [chair]