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+ Improved yield
+ Consistent feed performance
+ Lower fettling costs
+ Improved pattern plate utilisation
High performance
insulating and exothermic feeding technology

During solidification and cooling, liquid metals and As a consequence, the benefits of optimised
alloys contract as they pass from the liquid state feeding are numerous, including:
into solid. If this contraction, or shrinkage, is not
compensated for, the result is a defect in the form + More castings produced per kilo of metal melted
of a cavity in the cast shape that could render the
component unsuitable for use. + Lower energy costs
+ Increased maximum casting weight achievable
The supply of compensating liquid metal to a
casting during cooling and solidification is known + Reduced sand and binder consumption
as feeding. Feeding occurs by having a “reservoir”
of liquid metal available that fills the cavities that + Lower cleaning and fettling costs
would otherwise form during solidification. + Reduced melting losses of expensive
alloying materials
Foseco’s feeding system products are a range
of insulating, exothermic-insulating or exothermic
sleeves designed to extend the solidification times
of feeder heads. They may be open or closed and Thermal properties
are available in a wide range of design and sizes. Three generic types of feeder materials are available:
They can be supplied with or without breaker cores. insulating, exothermic-insulating and highly exothermic.
The choice of material will depend on the particular
“Collaborating with my customers By using Foseco feeding systems, the following application.
to find innovative solutions to their parameters may be reduced:
feeding problems is both challenging + The volume of the feeder required to produce a Insulating products extend solidification time, promoting
and rewarding.” directional solidification and improve yield.
sound casting
+ The height of the feeder For more demanding applications, exothermic insulating
+ The diameter of the feeder and highly exothermic sleeves may be used. The
exothermic reaction is initiated when molten metal
+ The volume of residual feed metal meets the feeder, heating the metal and extending
solidification time still further. Feeder volumes are
minimised and significant yield improvements can be

Foseco feeding solutions enable foundry engineers Our technical experts have many years of experience
to optimise running and gating systems because in the foundry industry and are on hand to assist Feeding product range
they perform more consistently than both sand you with:
risers and competitive sleeve products.
+ Selection of the most appropriate feeding products
Application expertise + Application of suitable breaker cores to optimise
The correct application of Foseco feeding solutions fettling and cleaning
avoids shrinkage defects and improves casting + Casting layout and design
yields, reducing the amount of non-productive
metal poured. Significant savings can also be made
in fettling and cleaning operations. Simulation
FEEDEX K sleeves leave
Solidification simulation is an essential tool for minimal feeder stubs

Foseco has over 75 years of experience, working the modern methods engineer. All our experts
closely with foundries to review and redesign have access to the latest simulation technology
pattern layouts to reduce costs and improve end- through our alliance with MAGMA GmbH - the
to-end profitability. world leader in Solidification and Flow Simulation
technology for the foundry industry.
Our technical experts work in close co-operation with
the foundry to create novel and efficient methods in
running and feeding system designs tailored to suit
the constraints of individual moulding practices. MAGMA simulation

Application advice

High strength, precision sleeves
for greensand moulding lines

High pressure greensand moulding FEEDEX K feeder sleeves use a compressing core
High-strength, high-pressure, automatic moulding mechanism to minimise the residual feeder stub after
lines place extra demands on feeder sleeve products. knock-off. Fettling and cleaning is virtually eliminated.
These products must be able to withstand high Using a fixed pin system, patterns are easier to
moulding pressures, be simple to apply and provide maintain, and the steel breaker core ensures that
consistent feed performance. no exothermic material comes into contact with the
casting surface. FEEDEX K sleeves can be applied on
FEEDEX* the smallest possible casting surfaces.
A range of low-fluoride, highly exothermic, high-
strength feeder sleeves for iron castings. Fast-igniting, Main benefits of using FEEDEX sleeves:
they are especially suited to high-pressure automatic
moulding lines where the feeder sleeves have to be ++ Very high yields
positioned for ram-up application on the pattern
plate. ++ Highly exothermic
++ High strength
FEEDEX HD V feeders are thick walled highly
exothermic sleeves. The small feeder volume and small ++ Suitable for spot application
riser-to-casting contact area make them especially
++ Low fettling costs
suitable for use on casting sections with a limited
sleeve application area.
FEEDEX HD VS sleeves are a range of self-centering KALMINEX SD feeders are a range of exothermic-
feeders, which can be applied quickly and safely to insulating insert sleeves. 2.0 to 2.5 times stronger
automatic moulding lines. They can be used with than standard KALMINEX 2000 sleeves, they are
specially designed spring pins and locating cores, to particularly suited to high pressure moulding ram-up
enable spot feeding of even the smallest contact area. applications.

Lower pressure greensand moulding Floating sleeves
The “floating sleeve” technique was developed by
Robotic application
KALMINEX 2000 Foseco to facilitate the application of KALMINEX of FEEDEX sleeves
KALMINEX 2000 sleeves are accurately formed, 2000 sleeves to moulding systems that do not allow
highly exothermic and insulating shapes suitable for access to the cope. The sleeve is positioned on the
feeding all grades of cast iron and steel. They are drag mould and the cope mould is closed over the
available as open or blind sleeves in the diameter sleeve. Once the metal enters the cavity the low-
range of 35-120 mm and can be used in both side density sleeve floats into the upper cavity.
feeder and top feeder applications.
Drag mould application
Developed for ease of application to high-speed, One method of applying feeder sleeves to moulding
automated greensand moulding systems using the lines that offer access to the drag moulds only, is to Application of KALMINEX
“insert” technique, the sleeves are applied to a locate the feeder sleeve into a suitable core. insert sleeves

cavity, pre-formed in the cope mould by a specially

designed pattern. This allows an accurate fit of the In addition, very small neck contact areas can be
sleeve into the cavity. KALMINEX 2000 sleeves can achieved, minimising machining requirements.
also be easily used for ram-up applications.

The benefits of KALMINEX 2000 sleeves include:

Elevator housing with
++ T he exothermic reaction and high insulation FEEDEX K sleeves

factor ensure that feeder volumes are mini-

mised, substantially improving yield

++ F ettling costs are substantially reduced,

especially where breaker cores are used

++ Isolated sections can be adequately fed,

reducing the need for expensive padding Simulation
of elevator housing

Feeding solutions
for jobbing and shell moulding applications

Jobbing applications KALMINEX 2000

Jobbing applications imply low volume short runs Although primarily designed for use on repetition
and in many cases individual one-off castings. castings, KALMINEX 2000 feeders are also used
extensively for jobbing foundry applications. The
Foseco has developed an extensive range of feeding sleeve material has a density of 0.6 g/cm³ and
products to cover a wide variety of applications. therefore has good insulating properties. In addition,
Selection of the most appropriate solution is the liquid metal is heated by an exothermic reaction.
dependent on the type and size of the casting or They are positioned on the pattern and rammed-
section to be fed and the alloy to be cast. up in situ. Suitable vents to facilitate mould gas
removal on casting can be drilled through to
KALMINEX atmosphere.
KALMINEX sleeves are an exothermic-insulating
range of feeder sleeves, supplied as preformed KALMINEX 2000 sleeves are frequently applied in
cylinders, ovals and neck-downs in a range of combination with breaker cores. A wide variety of
diameters up to 850 mm for modulus ranges breaker core shapes, apertures and materials have
between 2.4 and 22 cm. They are ideally suited for been developed to suit the needs of individual
steel and jobbing iron applications. foundry applications.

KALMINEX sleeves can also be applied with breaker

cores, delivering a significant reduction in fettling
and grinding operations, and in some cases allowing
complete knock-off of the residual feed metal.

Optimum feeding performance may require the

application of a suitable anti-piping compound
or the use of a KAPEX* insulating or exothermic
preformed cover.

KALMIN* S KALBORD* Shell moulding
KALMIN low density feeder sleeves are suitable KALBORD flexible insulating boards are ideal for use The use of highly accurate, fully formed insert sleeves
for general purpose application to iron and steel as insulating feeders for very large iron and steel can be readily applied to both vertically parted and
castings. castings, especially for feeders with diameters in horizontally parted shell moulding processes.
KALMIN S sleeves are a range of accurately formed, excess of 500mm.
higher strength open and closed insulating feeders In vertically parted processes, KALMINEX 2000 and
with a density of 0.45g/cm³. They are particularly KALBORD flexible insulating boards prevent an KALMIN S sleeves are placed in a specially designed
suited to automated moulding lines and can be early skin formation in the feeder and the metal cavity and can be used for top riser or side riser
used in iron and smaller steel castings. They are also surface in the feeder shows a uniform flat sinking. application.
ideal for “floating sleeve” application.
Supplied in mat form for on-site assembly, KALBORD For horizontally parted shell moulds a suitable
Compared to sand feeders, KALMIN S sleeves feeders overcome the problems of stock control and cavity is formed in the invested shell mould.
show a 2 to 2.2 times extension in solidification storage of very large sleeves. Conventional breaker cores can also be used for top
time. Good insulating properties and the neutral riser applications to improve knock-off.
behaviour of the sleeve material with both molten
metal and moulding sand means that KALMIN S
sleeves are suitable for a wide range of alloys.

KALPUR*, FEEDEX and KALMINEX application

KALMINEX sleeves on a pattern plate Wide ranging methoding expertise on a 100 kg sg iron casting KALBORD flexible insulating boards

Direct pour technology
for maximum casting yield

KALPUR Hand moulding

The KALPUR direct pouring process is the combined For hand moulding and basic moulding machines,
use of a feeder sleeve and ceramic foam filter. open pouring cup shaped KALPUR units are
available. They can be moulded in position on the
The KALPUR unit replaces one of the conventional pattern plate or inserted into a cope mould cavity
feeders and the conventional gating system. Liquid formed by using an appropriate dummy pattern or
metal is poured directly into the unit which connects dolly.
directly with the casting cavity.
Insert applications
The KALPUR process can be used for steel and KALPUR insert sleeve technology facilitates the
iron, by choosing the appropriate feeder and filter application of KALPUR units in high volume repetition
types. It is suitable for hand-moulded castings, and iron and steel foundries. Units are available with
horizontal and vertical automatic moulding lines. the filter in position and can be supplied with or
without breaker cores.
The KALPUR process entirely eliminates the need
for a conventional running system. In addition, by KALPUR units can also be successfully implemented
allowing the foundryman to pour directly into the in moulding plants using top runners with multiple
casting, directional solidification is improved. downsprues.

Vertically parted moulding lines

In this case, KALPUR units are located in the core
print either by hand or using an automatic core

KALPUR for iron Benefits
KALPUR units for iron castings consist of a specially
KALPUR direct pour
designed KALMIN insulating feeder sleeve or a The use of KALPUR direct pour technology provides product range
KALMINEX exothermic/insulating feeder sleeve and the foundryman with the quality advantages of
a SEDEX* or STELEX* PrO ceramic foam filter. This metal filtration, whilst at the same time offering
allows castings to be successfully poured directly significant cost and productivity improvements
through the feeder. including:

KALPUR for steel ++ H

 igher yield from the elimination of running
KALPUR units for steel castings consist of specially systems and hence a reduced metal require-
designed KALMIN or KALMINEX feeder sleeves ment
and STELEX PrO or STELEX ZR ceramic foam filters. Berlin Olympic Stadium
The choice of filter will depend on alloy, casting ++ M
 ore room on the pattern plate for further node casting

temperature and filter capacity considerations. castings or reduction in mould box size
++ Enhanced directional solidification
++ Less scrap, in-house and at the customer
++ Reduced fettling and cleaning
++ Reduced welding and repair
Simulation of KALPUR
++ Improved surface finish direct pour unit greensand
++ Better machinability

Buffer plate
KALPUR direct pour unit

Support products and services
for optimum feeding performance

Simulation and design support The main features of this software include:
Foseco is the market leader in providing best-in- + Special Foseco interfaces embedded in the
class simulation and methoding support tools. Our MAGMASOFT® Pre-processor
global alliance with MAGMA Giessereitechnologie
GmbH is an example of our continued commitment + Parametric 3D libraries of standard Foseco fee-
to casting process simulation. dingsystemandfiltrationproducts,byregion
+ “One-click”productselectionanddefinition
Jointly developed by Magma and Foseco, the Foseco + Foseco sleeve material thermo-physical database
PRO MODULE has been specifically designed to + Fosecofilterpressuredropdatasets
simplify the process of specifying running and
gating systems and thereby improve the accuracy of + Databaseofheattransfercoefficientsspecificto
the simulation result. Foseco feeding system products
+ Sleevematerialandfilterpropertiesareautomati-
The Foseco PRO MODULE is a parametric 3D library
cally assigned simplifying simulation setup
of Foseco sleeve and filter products, combined with a
proprietary database of sleeve material thermophysical
datasets and filter pressure drop data. FEEDERCALC*
FEEDERCALC iron and steel programs allow foundry
engineers to optimise casting design through the
calculation of:
+ Section size and modulus
+ Feeding distance
+ Feeder selection and sizing

Sleeve library KAPEX lids
A European sleeve library is also available KAPEX lids are a range of insulating and exothermic
containing models for all standard feeder sleeves preformed lids suitable for application to KALMIN Foseco PRO MODULE
and their breaker core combinations. Containing and KALMINEX open feeders. On application, an
fully dimensioned 2D drawings and exact 3D exothermic reaction causes the KAPEX lid to expand
models for use with simulation packages, the by as much as 200%, producing a highly insulating
library is available in 10 languages. cover layer. They ensure optimum feeding for all
grades of iron and steel and have a number of
Application tools advantages over traditional powdered covers:
A wide range of tooling is available to support the
foundryman in the application of Foseco feeding ++ Dust free and very low fume
products, including:
++ U
 niform insulation across the whole feeder KAPEX lids

++ D
 rawings for feeder dollies and ram-up posts surface
for all applications ++ Elimination of human error
++ R esin feeder dolly patterns that are available ++ P rovides protection for the mould cavity bet-
for horizontal and vertically parted greensand ween moulding and pouring
insert applications
++ S pring loaded and rigid pins are available for Breaker cores
FEEDEX HD V, VS and VSK feeder sleeve appli- Selection of the correct design and type of breaker
cations core is an integral part of optimisation of feed Insert feeder patterns
performance and fettling and cleaning productivity.

Anti-piping compounds Application of the correct breaker core to FEEDEX

FERRUX anti-piping compounds are a range of low- and KALMINEX sleeves can reduce the contact
fume, low-dust, free-flowing exothermic powders area between feeder and casting by as much as
designed for application to the top surface of 75%, significantly reducing, or even eliminating,
open feeders to minimise heat loss. Suitable for expensive fettling operations.
both iron and steel risers, FERRUX improves feeder
performance and minimises skull formation.
Application advice

Quality and consistency
for reproducible performance, time after time

Consistency Research and development

Foseco feeder sleeves are formulated with carefully A team of dedicated chemists and engineers strive Compression
strength testing of
controlled raw materials to specific thermal and to constantly improve the performance of all Foseco FEEDEX sleeves
dimensional criteria. feeding systems products, to develop new and
novel formulations and designs and to improve the
Controlled and automated manufacturing processes application of Feeding Systems to realise ever greater
ensure that products are supplied to a highly consistent process control over shrinkage.
Consideration is also given to reducing the energy
Consequently, batch to batch variation is minimised, consumption associated with producing defect
facilitating consistent and reproducible performance free castings, whilst maintaining the need to be Testing burn
properties of
time after time. environmentally aware, and to offer the best and KALMINEX 2000
safest product available. sleeves

Accredited quality assurance systems ensure optimal
testing of finished product, and provides a framework
for continual improvement and further process


® MAGMA and MAGMASOFT are registered Trade Marks of MAGMA Giessereitechnologie GmbH. Foseco International Limited
*Foseco, the Logo, FEEDEX, KALMINEX, KALMIN, KALBORD, KALPUR, FERRUX, KAPEX, SEDEX, STELEX and FEEDERCALC are trade marks of the Vesuvius Group, registered in certain countries, used under
licence. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system of any nature or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying and recording, without Drayton Manor Business Park,
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Warning: The doing of an unauthorised act in relation to a copyright work may result in both a civil claim for damages and criminal prosecution. All statement, information and data contained herein are
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© Foseco International Limited 05/15. Fax: +44 1827 283725
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