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PS: IEC: 62053-11/2010





(All Rights Reserved)

39 - Garden Road, Saddar,
Karachi – 74400.
PS: IEC: 62053-11/2010





1. Engr. Irfan Ahmed Rabbani PCSIR Laboratories,
Cheif Engineer, Head of Engg. Research Centre,
Near Ferpze Pur Rpad
Ph: 042-99231699
1. The Director, Karachi Electric Supply Corporation Ltd.,
7th Floor, Handi Craft Building No.11,
Abdullah Haroon Road,
2. Mr. Mansoor Iqbal Khan, M/s. Siemens Engineering Pakistan Co. Ltd.,
Director, B-72, S. I. T. E.,
Ph: 2561005-9
3. The Chief Engineer W A P D A,
( Design & Standard), 178 ‘N’ Block,
Model Town,
Ph: 042-5161916
4. The Principal Inspector, Electrical Overhauling Shop,
Pakistan International Air Lines,
P.I.A. Building, Karachi Airport,
Ph: 4845300
5. Electrical Engineer(West), Office of Chief Mechanical & Electrical Engineer,
Karachi Port Trust,
KPT Head Office,
6. Mr. Iqbal A Qureshi Pakistan Steel Corporation,
Director Commercial, Bin Qasim, P.O. Box 5429,
7. Mr. Zafar Rehman (ENERCON),
Govt. of Pakistan.
Ministry of Environment,
Local Govt. & Rural Development,
Ph: 051 920 6001
Fax: 051 920 2657- Cell: 0321 516 0606
PS: IEC: 62053-11/2010

8. Mr.Asif Mirza Product Manager,

M/s. Clipsal Pakistan (Pvt.) Ltd Karachi.
1. General Manager(I & QC), M/s. Johnson & Philips (Pvt.) Limited,
C-10, South Avenue, S. I. T. E.,
2. Mr. Mustajab Ghous M/s. Philips Electrical Industries of Pak. Ltd.,
F-54, S. I. T. E.,
Ph: 2571152
3. Abid Hussain M-tech (Pvt.) Ltd Lahore
1. Mr. Iftikhar Ahmed Randhawa Office of the Chief Engineer(Power),
Irrigation & Power Department,
11-Old F.C.C., Ferozpur Road,
Govt. of Punjab,
2. Mr. Mohmmad Sabir Office of the Electric Inspector,
Electric Inspector, Govt. of Punjab, Lahore.

3. Mr. Nand lal Sharma Office of the Electric Inspector,

Govt. of Sindh,
Block No: 15 Pakistan secretariat Karachi.
4. The Chief Inspector, Inspectorate of Electronics & Instruments,
Fort Area, Chaklala,
5. Mr. Shahid Pervaiz Butt Directorate of Industries & Mineral Development
Govt. of Punjab, Multan Road
Ph: 042-9211520-21
6. The Director Directorate of Industries & Mineral Development,
Govt. of Sindh
Block-22, Pak Secretariate,
Karachi. – 74400
7. The Director, Directorate of Industries & Mineral Development,
Govt. of NWFP
Peshawar – 25000

8. The Director, Directorate of Industries & Mineral Development,

Govt. of Baluchistan,
Sikri Road,
Quetta – 87300
9. Mr. Shakil Ahmed Khan M/s. Zeeshan Engr. Ltd
1. Representative M/s. Climax Engineering Co. Limited,
G. T. Road, Climaxabad,
PS: IEC: 62053-11/2010

2. Mr. Malik Mohammad Shakil M/s. Syed Bhais Limited,

Senior Engineer 200-Ferozpur Road,
P. O. Box No.483,
3. Eijaz Ahmed Pak Electron Ltd.,
14-KM, Ferozepur Road.
1. Dr. Muhammad Kamran, Electrical Engineering Department,
University of Engineering & Technology,

2. The Chairman, NED University of Engineerg & Technology,

Depatt: of Electrical Engineering
University Road,
1. Engr. Muhammad Ashraf Palari Standards Development center Karachi.
Deputy Director /
Secretary to Technical
PS: IEC: 62053-11/2010


FOREWORD ........................................................................................................................1

1 Scope ............................................................................................................................. 2

2 Normative references...................................................................................................... 2

3 Terms and definitions ..................................................................................................... 2

4 Standard electrical values.............................................................................................. 2

5 Mechanical Requirements.............................................................................................. 2

5.1 General ............................................................................................................……. 3

5.2 Register (counting mechanism).............................................................................. 3

5.3 Direction of rotation and marking of the rotor ......................................................... 3

6 Climatic conditions......................................................................................................... 3

7 Electrical requirements ................................................................................................... 3

7.1 Power consumption ............................................................................................... 3

7.2 Influence of short-time overcurrents....................................................................... 4

7.3 Influence of self-heating ....................................................................................... 5

7.4 AC voltage test....................................................................................................…… 5

8 Accuracy requirements ................................................................................................. 7

8.1 Limits of error due to variation of the current ......................................................... 7

8.2 Limits of error due to influence quantities .............................................................. 8

8.3 Test of starting and no-load condition ................................................................... 10

8.4 Meter constant....................................................................................................... 11

8.5 Accuracy test conditions ....................................................................................... 11

8.6 Interpretation of test results ................................................................................... 13

9 Adjustment .................................................................................................................... 13
PS: IEC: 62053-11/2010




This Pakistan Standard was adopted by the authority of the Board of Directors of Pakistan
Standards and Quality Control Authority after the draft prepared by the Technical Committee for
“Electrical Measurements (EDC-4)” had been approved & endorsed by the Electro-technical
National standard Committee on 27 April, 2010.

This Pakistan Standard Specification was revised on the basis of latest IEC: 62053-11/2004
Standard. So, it was deemed necessary to revised this standard in order to keep abreast with latest
technological development in industry.

This Standard is an adoption of latest IEC: 62053-11/2004 “Electricity Metering Equipment

(Ac)-General Requirements, Test and Test Conditions-Part-11: Metering Equipment” and it use
hereby acknowledge with thanks.

This Standard is subject to periodical review in order to keep pace with the changing
requirements and latest development in the industry. Any suggestion for improvement will be
recorded and placed before the revising committee in due course.

This Standard covers the technical provisions and it does not purport to include all the
necessary provision of a contract.

PS: IEC: 62053-11/2010


Part 11: Electromechanical meters for active energy
(classes 0,5, 1 and 2)
1 Scope

This part of IEC 62053 applies only to newly manufactured electromechanical watt-hour meters
of accuracy classes 0,5, 1 and 2, for the measurement of alternating current electrical active
energy in 50 Hz or 60 Hz networks and it applies to their type tests only.
It applies only to electromechanical watt-hour meters for indoor and outdoor application
consisting of a measuring element and register(s) enclosed together in a meter case. It also
applies to operation indicator(s) and test output(s). If the meter has a measuring element for more
than one type of energy (multi-energy meters), or when other functional elements, like maximum
demand indicators, electronic tariff registers, time switches, ripple control receivers, data
communication interfaces, etc. are enclosed in the meter case, then the relevant standards for
these elements also apply.
It does not apply to:
– watt-hour meters where the voltage across the connection terminals exceeds 600 V (lineto- line
voltage for meters for polyphase systems);
– portable meters;
– data interfaces to the register of the meter.
Regarding acceptance tests, a basic guideline is given in IEC 60514.
The dependability aspect is covered by the documents of the IEC 62059 series.

2 Normative references
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document.
For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of
the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
IEC 60514:1975, Acceptance inspection of Class 2 alternating-current watt-hour meters
IEC 60736:1982, Testing equipment for electrical energy meters
IEC 62052-11:2003, Electricity metering equipment (a.c.) – General requirements, tests and test
conditions – Part 11: Metering equipment

3 Terms and definitions

For the purposes of this document, the terms and definitions given in IEC 62052-11 apply

4 Standard electrical values

The values given in IEC 62052-11 apply.

5 Mechanical requirements
In addition to the mechanical requirements in IEC 62052-11, electromechanical meters shall
fullfil the following requirements.

PS: IEC: 62053-11/2010

5.1 General
The case of an electromechanical watt-hour meter shall be so constructed that, if mounted
according to the manufacturer’s instructions, the meter shall not deviate by more than 0,5° in all
directions from its vertical position (see also note 2 of Table 11).

5.2 Register (counting mechanism)

The register may be of the drum or the pointer type.
In drum-type registers, the principal unit in which the register records shall be marked adjacent to
the set of drums. In this type of register, only the last drum, i.e. the drum on the extreme right,
may be continuously movable. In pointer-type registers, the unit in which the register records
shall be marked adjacent to the units dial in the form: 1 kW h/div, or 1 MWh/div, and the decimal
multiples may be marked adjacent to the other dials. For example, in a meter registering in terms
of kilowatthours, the units dial shall be marked: 1 kWh/div and, adjacent to the other dials to the
left of the units dial, shall be marked: 10 – 100 – 1 000, etc.

5.3 Direction of rotation and marking of the rotor

The edge of the rotor nearest to an observer viewing a meter from the front shall move from left to
right for positive registration. The direction of rotation shall be marked by a clearly visible arrow.
The edge and/or upper surface of the disk shall carry an easily visible mark to facilitate revolution
counting. Other marks may be added for stroboscopic or other tests, but such marks shall be so
placed as not to interfere with the use of the main visible mark for photoelectric revolution

6 Climatic conditions
The conditions given in IEC 62052-11 apply.

7 Electrical requirements
In addition to the electrical requirements in IEC 62052-11, meters shall fulfil the following

7.1 Power consumption

The power consumption in the voltage and current circuit shall be determined at reference
conditions given in 8.5 by any suitable method. The overall maximum error of the measurement
of the power consumption shall not exceed 5 %.

7.1.1 Voltage circuits

The active and apparent power consumption in each voltage circuit of a meter at reference
voltage, reference temperature and reference frequency shall not exceed the values shown in
Table 1.

PS: IEC: 62053-11/2010

Table 1– Power consumption in voltage circuits

Meters Class of meter

0,5 and 1 2
Single-phase and polyphase 3W and 12 VA 2W and 10 VA

NOTE In order to match voltage transformers to meters, the meter manufacturer should state
whether the burden is inductive or capacitive (for transformer operated meters only).

7.1.2 Current circuits

The apparent power taken b y each current circuit of a direct connected meter at basic current,
reference frequency and reference temperature shall not exceed the values shown in Table 2.

The apparent power taken by each current circuit of a meter connected through a current
transformer shall not exceed the value shown in Table 2 at a current value that equals the rated
secondary current of the corresponding transformer, at reference temperature and reference
frequency of the meter.

Table 2– Power consumption in current circuits

Meters Basic current Class of meter

Ib 0,5 1 2
Single-phase and 30 A 6,0 VA 4,0 VA 2,5VA
polyphase 30A 10,0 VA 6,0 VA 4,0VA
NOTE 1 The rated secondary current is the value of the secondary current indicated on the
current transformer, on which the performance of the transformer is based. Standard values of
maximum secondary current are 120%, 150 % and 200 % of the rated secondary current.
NOTE 2 In order to match current transformers to meters, the meter manufacturer should state
whether the burden is inductive or capacitive (for transformer operated meters only).

7.2 Influence of short-time overcurrents

Short-time overcurrents shall not damage the meter. The meter shall perform correctly when back
to its initial working condition and the variation of error shall not exceed the values shown in
Table 3. The meter shall be allowed to return to the initial temperature with the voltage circuit(s)
energized (about 1 h).
The test circuit shall be practically non-inductive and the test shall be performed for polyphase
meters phase-by-phase.
a) Meter for direct connection
The meter shall be able to carry an impulse current whose peak value equals 50I m a x with a
relative tolerance of + 0 % to-10 % (or 7 000 A, whichever is less) and which remains over 25
I m a x with a relative tolerance of + 0 % to- 10 % (or 3 500 A, whichever is less) during 1 ms.
PS: IEC: 62053-11/2010

NOTE 1 An impulse current can be obtained, for example, by a capacitor discharge or thyristor
control of the mains supply.
NOTE 2 Imax is the r.m.s. value of the meter’s maximum current.

b) Meter for connection through current transformer

The meter shall be able to carry for 0,5 s a current equal to 20I m a x with a relative tolerance of
+0 % to –10 %.
NOTE For testing of meters having contacts in the current circuits, see appropriate standards.

Table 3–Variations due to short-time overcurrents

Meters for Value of Power factor Limits of variations in percentage error

current for meters of class
0,5 1 2
Direct connection Ib 1 – 1,5 1,5
Connection through In 1 0,3 0,5 1,0
current transformers

7.3 Influence of self-heating

The variation of error due to self-heating shall not exceed the values given in Table 4.

Table 4–Variations due to self-heating

Value of Power factor Limits of variations in percentage error

current for meters of class
0,5 1 2
Imax 1 0,5 0,7 1,0
0,5 inductive 0,7 1,0 1,5

The test shall be carried out as follows: after the voltage circuits have been energized at reference
voltage for at least 4 h for class 0,5, 2 h for class 1 and 1 h for class 2, without any current in the
current circuits, the maximum current shall be applied to the current circuits.
The meter error shall be measured at unity power factor immediately after the current is applied
and then at intervals short enough to allow a correct drawing to be made of the curve of error
variation as a function of time. The test shall be carried out for at least 1 h, and in any event until
the variation of error during 20 min does not exceed 0,2 %.

The same test shall then be carried out at 0,5 (inductive) power factor.
The cable to be used for energizing the meter shall have a length of 1 m and a cross-section to
ensure that the current density is between 3,2 A/mm and 4 A/mm
7.4 AC voltage test

The a.c. voltage test shall be carried out in accordance with Table 5.
PS: IEC: 62053-11/2010

The test voltage shall be substantially sinusoidal, having a frequency between 45 Hz and 65 Hz,
and applied for 1 min. The power source shall be capable of supplying at least 500 VA.
For the tests relative to earth, the auxiliary circuits with reference voltage equal to or below 40 V
shall be connected to earth.
During this test no flashover, disruptive discharge or puncture shall occur.

Table 5- AC voltage test

Test Test voltage r.m.s Points of application of the test voltage

A) 2kV for tests in Items Tests which may be carried out with the cover and
a), b), c), d) terminal cover removed
between, on the one hand, the frame and,
on the other hand:
a) each current circuit which, in normal service, is
separated and suitably
insulated from the other circuits

b) each voltage circuit, or set of voltage circuits

having a common point
which, in normal service, is separated and suitably
insulated from the
other circuits

c) each auxiliary circuit or set of auxiliary circuits

and having a common point,
and whose reference voltage is over 40 V;

d) each assembly of current-voltage windings of one

and the same driving
element which, in normal service, are connected
together but separated
and suitably insulated from the other circuits

e) each auxiliary circuit whose reference voltage is

500 V for test in Item equal to or below 40 V.
B) 600 V or twice the voltage applied to the Tests which may be carried out with the terminal
voltage windings under reference conditions, cover removed, but with the cover in place when it is
when this voltage is greater than 300 V (the made of metal
higher value).
` between the current circuit and the voltage circuit of
each driving element, normally connected together,
this connection being temporarily broken for the
purpose of the test

C) 2 kV Tests to be carried out with the case closed, the

cover and terminal cover in

between, on the one hand, all the current and voltage

circuits as well as the auxiliary circuits whose
PS: IEC: 62053-11/2010

reference voltage is over 40 V, connected together,

and, on the other hand, earth.
D) Additional tests for insulating encased meters of
protective-class II

4 kV for test in Item a) a) between on the one hand, all the current and
voltage circuits as well as the auxiliary circuits
whose reference voltage is over 40 V, connected
together, and, on the other hand, earth;

b) between the frame and earth;

2 kV for test in Item b)
c) a visual inspection for compliance with the
conditions of IEC 62052-11, Sub-clause 5.7;

d) between, on the one hand, all conductive parts

inside the meter case connected together and, on the
40 V for test in Item d) other hand, all conductive parts, outside the meter
case that are accessible with the test finger,
connected together 4)
1) The simple breaking of the connection which is normally included between current and voltage windings is not
generally sufficient to ensure suitable insulation, which can withstand a test voltage of 2 kV.

Tests in part A) Items a) and b) generally apply to meters operated from instrument transformers and also to certain
special meters having separate current and voltage windings.

2) Circuits, which have been subjected to tests in part A) Items a) and b) are not subjected to the test in Item d). W
hen the voltage circuits of a polyphase meter have a common point in normal service, this common point shall be
maintained for the test and, in this case, all the circuits of the driving elements are subjected to a single test.

3) It is not, strictly speaking, a dielectric strength test, but a means of verifying that the insulation distances are
sufficient when the connecting device is open.

4) The test in part D) Item d) is not necessary, if the test in Item c) leaves no doubt.

8 Accuracy requirements
Tests and test conditions given in IEC 62052-11 apply.

8.1 Limits of error due to variation of the current

When the meter is under the reference conditions given in 8.5, the percentage errors shall not
exceed the limits for the relevant accuracy class given in Tables 6 and 7. The percentage error
limits for meters of class 0,5 are only valid for transformer operated meters.

PS: IEC: 62053-11/2010

Table 6–Percentage error limits

(single-phase meters and polyphase meters with balanced loads)

Value of current Percentage error limits

for meters
for direct connected for transformer Power factor
meters operated meters 0,5 1 2
0,05 Ib  I  0,1 Ib 0,02 In  I 0,05 In 1 ±1,0 ±1,5 ±2,5

0,1 Ib  I Imax 0,05 In  I Imax 1 ±0,5 ±1,0 ±2,0

0,1 Ib  I 0,2 Ib 0,05 In  I 0,1 In 0,5 inductive ±1,3 ±1,5 ±2,5
0,8 capacitive ±1,3 ±1,5
0,2 Ib  I Imax 0,1 In I Imax 0,5 inductive ±0,8 ±1,0 ±2,0
0,8 capacitive ±0,8 ±1,0 -

When specially requested by the user: from 0,25 inductive ±2,5 ±3,5 -
0,2 Ib  IIb 0,1 In  IIn 0,5 capacitive ±1,5 ±2,5 -

Table 7–Percentage error limits

(polyphase meters carrying a single-phase load,
but with balanced polyphase voltages applied to voltage circuits)

Value of current Percentage error limits

for meters
for direct connected for transformer Power factor
meters operated meters 0,5 1 2
0,2 Ib  IIb 0,1 In  IIn 1 ±1,5 ±2,0 ±3,0
0,5Ib 0,2In 0,5 inductive ±1,5 ±2,0 -

Ib In 0,5 capacitive ±1,5 ±2,0 ±3,0

Ib I Imax In I Imax 1 - - ±4,0

The difference between the percentage error when the meter is carrying a single-phase load and a
balanced polyphase load at basic current In and unity power factor for direct connected meters,
respectively at rated current bIand unity power factor for transformer operated meters, shall not
exceed 1 %, 1,5 % and 2,5 % for meters of classes 0,5, 1 and 2 respectively.
NOTE When testing for compliance with Table 7, the test current should be applied to each
measuring element in sequence.
8.2 Limits of error due to influence quantities
The additional percentage error due to the change of influence quantities with respect to reference
conditions, as given in 8.5, shall not exceed the limits for the relevant accuracy class given in
Table 8. The limits of variation in percentage error for meters of class 0,5 are only valid for
transformer operated meters.
PS: IEC: 62053-11/2010

Table 8–Influence quantities

Value of current (balanced unless Mean temperature

otherwise stated) coefficient %/K for meters
of class
Influence quantity For direct For transformer Power factor
connected Operated meters
meters 0,5 1 2

Ambient temperature 0,1 I b  I max 0,05 In  I I max 1 0,03 0,05 0,10

variation 6) 0,2 I b  I max 0,1 In  I I max 0,5 inductive 0,05 0,07 0,15

Limits of variation in
percentage error for
meters of class
0,5 1 2
Voltage variation 0,1 Ib 0,1 In 1 0,8 1,0 1,5
±10 % 1) 0,5 Imax 0,5 Imax 1 0,5 0,7 1,0
0,5 Imax 0,5 Imax 0,5 inductive 0,7 1,0 1,5

Frequency variation ±2 % 0,1 Ib 0,1 In 1 0,7 1,0 1,5

0,5 Imax 0,5 Imax 1 0,6 0,8 1,3
0,5 Imax 0,5 Imax 0,5 inductive 0,8 1,0 1,5

Reversed phase sequence 0,5 Ib  I max 0,5 In  I I max 1 1,5 1,5 1,5
0,5 Ib I 0,5 In 1 2,0 2,0 2,0
(single phase Load) (single phase Load)
Waveform: 10 % of third Ib In 1 0,5 0,6 0,8
harmonic in the current 2)

Magnetic induction of Ib In 1 1,5 2,0 3,0

external origin 0,5 mT 3)

Operation of accessories 4 ) 0,05 Ib 0,02 In 1 0,3 0,5 1,0

Mechanical load of 0,05 Ib 0,02 In 1 0,5 1,5 2,0

either single or multi-rate
register 5 )

Oblique suspension 3° 0,05 Ib 0,02 In 1 1,5 2,0 3,0

Ib and Imax In and Imax 1 0,3 0,4 0,5
PS: IEC: 62053-11/2010

1 ) For the voltage ranges from –20 % to –10 % and +10 % to +15 % the limits of variation in percentage errors
are three times the values given in this table.
Below 0,8Un the error of the meter may vary between +10 % and –100 %

2 ) The distortion factor of the voltage shall be less than 1 %.

The variation in percentage error shall be measured under the most unfavourable phase displacement of the third harmonic in the
current compared with the fundamental current.

3 ) A magnetic induction of external origin of 0,5 mT produced by a current of the same frequency as that of the voltage applied to
the meter and under the most unfavourable conditions of phase and direction shall not cause a variation in the percentage error of the
meter exceeding the values shown in this table.
The magnetic induction shall be obtained by placing the meter in the centre of a circular coil, 1 m in mean
diameter, of square section and of small radial thickness relative to the diameter, and having 400 At.

4 ) Such an accessory, when enclosed in the meter case, is energized intermittently, for example the electromagnet of a multi-rate
It is preferable that the connection to the auxiliary device(s) is marked to indicate the correct method of connection. If these
connections are made by means of plugs and sockets, they should be irreversible.
However, in the absence of those markings or irreversible connections, the variations of errors shall not exceed those indicated in this
table if the meter is tested with the connections giving the most unfavourable condition.

5 ) The effect is compensated when calibrating the meter.

6 ) The mean temperature coefficient shall be determined for the whole operating range. The operating temperature range shall be
divided into 20 K wide ranges. The mean temperature coefficient shall then be determined for these ranges, by taking measurements
10 K above and 10 K below the middle of the range.
During the test, the temperature shall be in no case outside the specified operating temperature range.

Tests for variation caused b y influence quantities should be performed independently with all
other influence quantities at their reference conditions (see Table 11).

8.3 Test of starting and no-load condition

For these tests, the conditions and the values of the influence quantities shall be as stated in 8.5
except for any changes specified below.

8.3.1 Test of no-load condition

When the voltage is applied with no current flowing in the current circuit (current circuit shall be
open circuit), the rotor of the meter shall not make a complete revolution at any voltage between
80 % and 110 % of the reference voltage.
For drum-type registers, these conditions shall apply with only one drum moving.

8.3.2 Starting
The rotor of the meter shall start and continue to register at the starting current values (and in case
of polyphase meters, with balanced load) shown in table 9.

PS: IEC: 62053-11/2010

Table 9– Starting current

Meters for Class of meter Power factor

0,5 1 2
Direct connection – 0,004 I b 0,005 I b 1

Connection 0,002 I n 0,002 I n 0,003 I n 1

through current

It shall be verified that the rotor completes at least one revolution.

For meters with drum-type registers, the test shall be made with not more than two drums moving.

8.4 Meter constant

It shall be verified that the ratio between the number of revolutions of the rotor of the meter
and the indication of the register is correct.

8.5 Accuracy test conditions

To test the accuracy requirements, the following test conditions shall be maintained:
a) the meter shall be tested in its case with the cover in position;
b) before any test is made, the voltage circuits shall have been energized for at least:
4 h for class 0,5 meters,
2 h for class 1 meters,
1 h for class 2 meters,
and the measuring currents shall be set progressively to increasing or decreasing values and the
current circuits shall be energized at each value for a sufficient time to obtain thermal stability
with corresponding constant speed of rotation;
c) in addition, for polyphase meters:
– the phase sequence shall be as marked on the diagram of connections;
– the voltages and currents shall be substantially balanced (see Table 10).

Table 10– Voltage and current balance

Polyphase meters Class of meter

0,5 1 2
Each of the voltages between phase and neutral ±0,5 % ±1 % ±1 %
and between any two phases shall not differ from
the average corresponding voltage by more than

Each of the currents in the conductors shall not ±1 % ±2 % ±2 %

differ from the average current by more than
The phase displacements of each of these currents 2° 2° 2°
from the corresponding phase-to-neutral voltage,
irrespective of the phase angle, shall not differ
from each other by more than

PS: IEC: 62053-11/2010

d) the reference conditions are given in Table 11;
e) for requirements regarding test stations, see IEC 60736;
f) for drum-type registers, only the most rapidly moving drum shall be rotating.

Table 11– Reference conditions

Influence quantity Reference value Permissible tolerances

for meters of class
0,5 1 2
Ambient temperature Reference temperature or, ±1 °C ±2 °C ±2 °C
in its absence, 23 °C
Voltage Reference voltage ±0,5 % ±1,0 % ±1,0 %

Frequency Reference frequency ±0,2 % ±0,3 % ±0,5 %

Phase sequence L1 – L2 – L3 – – –

Voltage unbalance All phases connected – – –

Wave-form Sinusoidal voltages and currents Distortion factor less than:

2% 2% 3%
Magnetic induction of Magnetic induction equal to Induction value which causes a variation
external origin at the zero of error not greater than: 3 )
reference frequency ± 0,1 % ±0,2 % ±0,3 %

Operation of No operation of accessories – – –

Working position Vertical working position 2) ±0,5° ±0,5° ±0,5°

Table 11 (continued)

1) If the tests are made at a temperature other than the reference temperature, including
permissible tolerances, the results shall be corrected by applying the appropriate temperature
coefficient of the meter.
2 ) Determination of the vertical working position (see 5.1).

The construction and assembly of the meter should be such that the correct vertical position is
ensured (in both the front-to-back and left-to-right vertical planes) when:
– the base of the meter is supported against a vertical wall, and
– a reference edge (such as the lower edge of the terminal block) or a reference line marked on
the meter
case is horizontal.

3) The test consists of:

a) for a single-phase meter, determining the errors first with the meter normally connected to the
mains and then after inverting the connections to the current circuits as well as to the voltage
PS: IEC: 62053-11/2010

circuits. Half of the difference between the two errors is the value of the variation of error.
Because of the unknown phase of the external field, the test should be made at 0,1 I resp. 0,05 I at
unity power factor and 0,2 I resp. bn b 0,1 I at 0,5 power factor;

b) for a three-phase meter, making three measurements at 0,1Iresp. 0,05Iat unity power factor,
after b n each of which the connection to the current circuits and to the voltage circuits are
changed over 120° while the phase sequence is not altered. The greatest difference between each
of the errors so determined and their average value is the value of the variation of error.

8.6 Interpretation of test results

Certain test results may fall outside the limits indicated in Tables 6 and 7, owing to uncertainties
of measurements and other parameters capable of influencing the measurements. However, if by
one displacement of the zero line parallel to itself by no more than the limits indicated in Table
12, all the test results are brought within the limits indicated in Tables 6 and 7, the meter type
shall be considered as acceptable.
Table 12 – Interpretation of test results
Class of meter
0,5 1 2
Permissible displacement of the zero line (%) 0,3 0,5 1,0

9 Adjustment
Generally, suitable means of adjustment are provided. By agreement between user and
manufacturer, the latter may produce meters without means of further adjustment.
A meter provided with means of adjustment and which has been adjusted satisfactorily according
to this standard shall be capable of being further adjusted at least to the extent shown in Table 13.
Tests shall be made under the conditions stated in 8.5.

PS: IEC: 62053-11/2010

Table 13 – Minimum range of adjustment

Adjustment Value of Power Minimum range of adjustment of

current factor rotation speed of the rotor in percentage
for meters of class
0.5 1 2
Braking 0,5I m a x 1 ±2,0 ±2,0 ±4,0
Low load 0,05 Ib 1 ±2,0 ±2,0 ±4,0

Inductive 0,05 Ib 0,5 inductive ±1,0 ±1,0 –

load 0,5 I m a x 0,5 inductive – – ±1,0

NOTE For polyphase meters, the verification of the range of adjustment for inductive load
should be made on each driving element and should be determined when the current circuit of each
element is carrying half the basic current lagging 60° behind the voltage at the terminals of that
element, all the voltage circuits of all driving elements carrying balanced polyphase voltage,
whose r.m.s. value is equal to the reference voltage in the phase-sequence as indicated on the
connection diagram.


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