Extracted Pages From Watershed Atlas of India2
Extracted Pages From Watershed Atlas of India2
Extracted Pages From Watershed Atlas of India2
While delineating the basins under India-WRIS, the Area of inland drainage in Rajasthan is merged with the Indus Basin (upto border). This basin is
recognized as a separate basin by CWC wherein the river dries out in desert part before draining its water. West flowing rivers from Tapi to Tadri and
Tadri to Kanyakumari which are counted as separate basins by CWC, has been combined as West flowing rivers South of Tapi under India-WRIS. The
East flowing rivers between Mahanadi & Godavari, Godavari & Krishna, and Krishna & Pennar are recognized as one basin by CWC. As all three of them
are separated by Godavari and Krishna Basin and drains independently into Bay of Bengal, these basins are considered separate as per India-WRIS cate-
gorization. Similarly, the East flowing rivers between Pennar and Cauvery basin and East flowing rivers south of Cauvery basin are kept as distinct ba-
sins under India-WRIS as they are physically interrupted by Pennar basin. Likewise, the outfall of rivers draining into Myanmar and Bangladesh is differ-
ent, hence the two are considered as different basins. Apart from already existing basin as per CWC, three new basins for rivers not out falling into any
of the existing basins have been introduced as: Area of north Ladakh not draining into Indus basin, Drainage area of Lakshadweep Islands and Drainage
area of Andaman & Nicobar Islands. 23
Sub-Basin No. of Area in
Basin Code Sub-Basin No. Basin and Sub-Basin
Code Watershed Sq.km
01 Indus (Up to border) 669
1 1. Barmer BAM 38 21658.94
2 2. Beas BEA 30 19002.47
3 3. Chautang and others CHA 39 27704.24
4 4. Chenab CHE 48 29981.38
5 5. Churu CHR 95 66832.75
6 6. Ghaghar and others GHO 75 49978.93
7 7. Gilgit GIL 37 27088.7
8 8. Jhelum JHE 44 29200.52
9 9. Indus Lower INL 31 23894.1
10 10. Ravi RAV 20 13710.2
11 11. Shyok SHY 53 38545.05
12 12. Satluj Lower SUL 58 38442.79
13 13. Satluj Upper SUU 31 21439.43
14 14. Indus Upper INU 70 46450.13
2A Ganga 980
15 1. Above Ramganga Confluence ARA 51 39104.61
16 2. Banas BAN 64 51651.51
17 3. Bhagirathi and others BHG 75 64038.97
18 4. Chambal Lower CHL 14 10941.26
19 5. Chambal Upper CHU 30 25546.57
20 6. Damodar DAM 60 41965.49
21 7. Gandak and others GAN 76 57105.90
22 8. Ghaghara GHA 76 58634.18
23 9. Ghaghara Confluence to Gomti Confluence GHG 36 26254.06
24 10. Gomti GOM 41 29865.21
25 11. Kali Sindh and others up to Confluence with Parbati KAS 64 48492.61
26 12. Kosi KOS 19 17568.11
27 13. Ramganga RAM 40 30839.69
28 14. Sone SON 83 65110.05
29 15. Tons TON 23 16905.74
30 16. Upstream of Gomti Confluence to Muzaffarnagar UGO 40 29061.37
31 17. Yamuna Lower YAL 98 124867.19
32 18. Yamuna Middle YAM 43 34586.39
33 19. Yamuna Upper YAU 47 35798.19
2B Brahmaputra 180
34 1. Brahmaputra Lower BRL 83 87392.22
35 2. Brahmaputra Upper BRU 97 98972.87
2C Barak and others 77
36 1. Barak BAR 47 27658.98
37 2. Kynchiang and other South Flowing Rivers KYN 17 10267.39
38 3. Naoch chara and others NAO 13 7695.81
Sub-Basin No. of
Basin Code Sub-Basin No. Basin and Sub-Basin Area in Sq.km
Code Watershed
03 Godavari 466
39 1. Godavari Lower GDL 67 43771.54
40 2. Godavari Middle GDM 56 36290.47
41 3. Godavari Upper GDU 33 21443.23
42 4. Indravati IND 60 39027.49
43 5. Manjra MAJ 44 29472.88
44 6. Pranhita and others PRA 57 36119.60
45 7. Wardha WAR 69 46242.09
46 8. Weinganga WEI 80 49695.40
04 Krishna 391
47 1. Bhima Lower BHL 36 23652.70
48 2. Bhima Upper BHU 71 44793.32
49 3. Krishna Lower KRL 59 39494.33
50 4. Krishna Middle KRM 36 22229.12
51 5. Krishna Upper KRU 85 54504.77
52 6. Tungabhadra Lower TUL 59 41556.48
53 7. Tungabhadra Upper TUU 45 28519.41
05 Cauvery 132
54 1. Cauvery Lower (CAL) CAL 28 17386.45
55 2. Cauvery Middle (CAM) CAM 86 57280.98
56 3. Cauvery Upper (CAU) CAU 18 10958.80
06 Subarnarekha 45
57 1. Subarnarekha (SUB) SUB 45 25792.16
07 Brahmani and Baitarni 79
58 1. Baitarni BAI 21 14351.23
59 2. Brahmani BRA 58 37545.83
08 Mahanadi 227
60 1. Mahanadi Lower MAL 91 57958.88
61 2. Mahanadi Middle MAM 88 51895.91
62 3. Mahanadi Upper MAU 48 29796.64
09 Pennar 90
63 1. Pennar Lower PEL 29 17979.85
64 2. Pennar Upper PEU 61 36263.58
10 Mahi 63
65 1. Mahi Lower MHL 22 13377.00
66 2. Mahi Upper MHU 41 24959.80
11 Sabarmati 51
67 1. Sabarmati Lower SAL 17 10865.32
68 2. Sabarmati Upper SAU 34 19813.27
12 Narmada 150
69 1. Narmada Lower NAL 16 8904.02
70 2. Narmada Middle NAM 63 40575.72
71 3. Narmada Upper NAU 71 43192.68
Sub-Basin No. of Area in
Basin Code Sub-Basin No. Basin and Sub-Basin
Code Watershed Sq.km
13 Tapi 100
72 1. Tapi Lower TAL 07 4108.90
73 2. Tapi Middle TAM 47 31766.67
74 3. Tapi Upper TAU 46 28047.34
14 West Flowing Rivers South of Tapi 188
75 1. Bhatsol and others BHT 49 29348.90
76 2. Netravati and others NET 32 18762.09
77 3. Periyar and others PAR 37 21895.21
78 4. Varrar and others VAR 23 14164.70
79 5. Vasishti and others VAS 47 27473.95
15 East Flowing Rivers between Mahanadi and Godavari 75
80 1. Nagvati and other NAG 41 24372.24
81 2. Vamsadhara and other VAM 34 21870.63
16 East Flowing Rivers between Godavari and Krishna 16
82 1. East Flowing Rivers between Godavari and Krishna GTK 16 10342.29
17 East Flowing Rivers between Krishna and Pennar 41
83 1. East Flowing Rivers between Krishna and Pennar KTP 41 23334.63
18 East Flowing Rivers between Pennar and Cauvery 102
84 1. Palar and other PAL 56 35392.34
85 2. Ponnaiyar and other PON 46 28249.49
19 East Flowing Rivers South of Cauvery 63
86 1. Pamba and others PAM 30 18289.41
87 2. Vaippar and others VAI 33 20356.69
20 West Flowing Rivers of Kutch and Saurashtra including Luni 268
88 1. Bhadar and other West Flowing Rivers BHA 30 18489.70
89 2. Luni Lower LUL 42 29180.12
90 3. Luni Upper LUU 81 70202.58
91 4. Drainage of Rann RAN 40 21229.90
92 5. Saraswati SAR 43 27260.84
93 6. Shetrunji and other East Flowing Rivers SHE 32 18221.67
21 Minor Rivers Draining into Bangladesh 09
94 1. Karnaphuli and others KPO 06 3776.84
95 2. Muhury and others MHO 03 1676.39
22 Minor Rivers Draining into Myanmar 45
96 1. Imphal and others IMP 29 16754.90
97 2. Mangpui Lui and others MAN 16 7976.18
23 Area of North Ladakh not Draining into Indus 42
98 1. Shaksgam SHK 09 6523.50
99 2. Sulmar SUM 33 22715.73
24 Drainage Area of Andaman and Nicobar Islands 16
100 1. Drainage Area of Andaman and Nicobar Islands DAN 16 7577.85
25 Drainage Area of Lakshadweep Islands 01
101 1. Drainage Area of Lakshadweep Islands DAL 01 669.81