I wish to get an appointment with Prof. Mason in any day, even in next two months. I did not
ask an appointment on a specific day. As Prof. Mason acted as advisor to a number of
regulators in both the UK and internationally, I wish to get an appointment with him, please.
Thank you for your consideration and I am looking forward to hearing from you.
am planning to improve the quality of higher education in the UK. We all need honest in order to ensure
the transparency and independent and impartial. I have picked one paper from your papers and your
name as the first author. I have critical review it and I found some results were repeated and the wrong in
the citation of reference. For example ref [6], does not exist. I do not know the title of the thesis. Also, I
fund some grammar mistakes. Kindly find attached my critical review of this paper so far. I hope you
accept my review and improve your paper accordingly.
Please, I asked you again to arrange an appointment in another day that would be suitable for you? As
this matter concern you and me, I need to get some advice from you.
I have been treated unfairly at your university, this why I ask to get an appointment with you any day
that you wish. I am sure that you find a suitable solution for me if you wish to help.
I am looking forward to hearing from you.
Sincere Regards,
Dr Ibrahim Daho
University of Sirte, Sirte -Libya
Head of Electrical and Electronics Department, Sirte-Libya
Staff together at Sirte University and he is Head of Electrical and Electronics
Dr Khalifa Elnaddab
Advanced High Voltage Engineering Research Centre
Cardiff University
Staff together at Sirte University and research together
Dear Sir/Madam,
Through the Vice-Chancellor of Nottingham Trent University,
Through Student Advice at Nottingham Trent University,
I wish you accept my application since my Visa is changed and I am no longer
need Visa. I apologise for any inconvenience that may have caused, and I
appreciate your understanding of my case and I accept me to study PhD degree.
Dear Professor Paul Boyle,
We are writing to you in support of the above named Libyan sponsored student.
He visited us at our office in London and asked to help him return back to
Leicester University (LU) and be given a second chance to complete his PhD
research at your Engineering Department. He began his study at LU on the 29th
of April 2013 with Dr Bleijs on this research project “Investigation of PV
systems with energy storage for improving reliability”. However, the student
left LU when he was downgraded from PhD to MPhil after his second year
We value our relationship with Leicester University and at the same time, we
would like to emphasise the fact that, as a sponsor, we take our students’ issues
seriously, as we are certain you do, and our first priority is that they receive the
best academic experience as possible in addition to the right assistance with
their studies. Our anticipated aim is that Mr Algaddafi leaves the UK with a
PhD degree. We have invested around £232K on him over his period of study in
the UK in order for him to successfully attain his PhD degree, and therefore we
would like to kindly request that his case is re-considered with the hope to give
him a second opportunity to complete his PhD project with a new supervisory
Sincerely yours,
Dear Benjamin,
Many thanks for your email!
I will be able to attend your conference on CME/CPD accredited
8th International Conference on Case Reports (Case Reports-
2018) during May 28-29, 2018 at London, UK. I will attempt to
write abstract and present poster.
Many thanks for letting me to cooperate and contribute in your