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Code of Commerce-Transportation

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Code of Commerce-Commercial Contracts for Transportation

ARTICLE 351. In transportation made by

TITLE VII – COMMERCIAL CONTRACTS railroads or other enterprises subject to
FOR TRANSPORTATION regulation rate and time schedules, it shall be
sufficient for the bills of lading or the
ARTICLE 349. A contract of transportation declaration of shipment furnished by the
by land or water ways of any kind shall be shipper to refer, with respect to the cost, time
considered commercial: and special conditions of the carriage, to the
schedules and regulations the application of
1. When it has for its object merchandise or which he requests; and if the shipper does not
any article of commerce. determine the schedule, the carrier must apply
the rate of those which appear to be the
2. When, whatever its object may be, the lowest, with the conditions inherent thereto,
carrier is a merchant or is habitually always including a statement or reference to in
engaged in transportation for the public. the bill of lading which he delivers to the
ARTICLE 350. The shipper as well as the
carrier of merchandise or goods may mutually ARTICLE 352. The bills of lading, or tickets
demand that a bill of lading be made, stating: in cases of transportation of passengers, may
be diverse, some for persons and others for
1. The name, surname and residence of the baggage; but all of them shall bear the name
shipper. of the carrier, the date of shipment, the points
of departure and arrival, the cost, and, with
2. The name, surname and residence of the respect to the baggage, the number and
carrier. weight of the packages, with such other
manifestations which may be considered
3. The name, surname and residence of the necessary for their easy identification.
person to whom or to whose order the
goods are to be sent or whether they are to be ARTICLE 353. The legal evidence of the
delivered to the bearer of said bill. contract between the shipper and the carrier
shall be the bills of lading, by the contents of
4. The description of the goods, with a which the disputes which may arise regarding
statement of their kind, of their weight, and their execution and performance shall be
of the external marks or signs of the packages decided, no exceptions being admissible other
in which they are contained. than those of falsity and material error in the
5. The cost of transportation.
After the contract has been complied with, the
6. The date on which shipment is made. bill of lading which the carrier has issued shall
be returned to him, and by virtue of the
7. The place of delivery to the carrier. exchange of this title with the thing
transported, the respective obligations and
8. The place and the time at which delivery actions shall be considered cancelled, unless
to the consignee shall be made. in the same act the claim which the parties
may wish to reserve be reduced to writing, with
9. The indemnity to be paid by the carrier in the exception of that provided for in Article
case of delay, if there should be 366.
any agreement on this matter.



In case the consignee, upon receiving the bound to forward them in the first shipment of
goods, cannot return the bill of lading the same or similar goods which he may make
subscribed by the carrier, because of its loss point where he must deliver them; and should
or of any other cause, he must give the latter he not do so, the damages caused by the
a receipt for the goods delivered, this receipt delay should be for his account.
producing the same effects as the return of the
bill of lading. ARTICLE 359. If there is an agreement
between the shipper and the carrier as to the
ARTICLE 354. In the absence of a bill of road over which the conveyance is to be
lading, disputes shall be determined by the made, the carrier may not change the route,
legal proofs which the parties may present in unless it be by reason of force majeure; and
support of their respective claims, according to should he do so without this cause, he shall be
the general provisions established in this Code liable for all the losses which the goods he
for commercial contracts. transports may suffer from any other cause,
beside paying the sum which may have been
ARTICLE 355. The responsibility of the stipulated for such case.
carrier shall commence from the moment he
receives the merchandise, personally or When on account of said cause of
through a person charged for the purpose, at force majeure, the carrier had to take another
the place indicated for receiving them. route which produced an increase in
transportation charges, he shall be reimbursed
ARTICLE 356. Carriers may refuse for such increase upon formal proof thereof.
packages which appear unfit for
transportation; and if the carriage is to be ARTICLE 360. The shipper, without
made by railway, and the shipment is insisted changing the place where the delivery is to be
upon, the company shall transport them, being made, may change the consignment of the
exempt from all responsibility if its objections, goods which he delivered to the carrier,
is made to appear in the bill of lading. provided that at the time of ordering the
change of consignee the bill of lading signed
ARTICLE 357. If by reason of well-founded by the carrier, if one has been issued, be
suspicion of falsity in the declaration as to the returned to him, in exchange for another
contents of a package the carrier should wherein the novation of the contract appears.
decide to examine it, he shall proceed with his
investigation in the presence of witnesses, The expenses which this change of
with the shipper or consignee in attendance. consignment occasions shall be for the
account of the shipper.
If the shipper or consignee who has to be cited
does not attend, the examination shall be ARTICLE 361. The merchandise shall be
made before a notary, who shall prepare a transported at the risk and venture of the
memorandum of the result of the investigation, shipper, if the contrary has not been expressly
for such purpose as may be proper. stipulated. As a consequence, all the losses
and deterioration which the goods may suffer
If the declaration of the shipper should be true, during the transportation by reason of
the expense occasioned by the examination fortuitous event, force majeure, or the inherent
and that of carefully repacking the packages nature and defect of the goods, shall be for the
shall be for the account of the carrier and in a account and risk of the shipper. Proof of these
contrary case for the account of the shipper. accidents is incumbent upon the carrier.

ARTICLE 358. If there is no period fixed for ARTICLE 362. Nevertheless, the carrier
the delivery of the goods the carrier shall be shall be liable for the losses and damages



resulting from the causes mentioned in the carrier, demanding of the latter their value at
preceding article if it is proved, as against him, the current price on that day.
that they arose through his negligence or by
reason of his having failed to take the If among the damaged goods there should be
precautions which usage has established some pieces in good condition and without any
among careful persons, unless the shipper defect, the foregoing provision shall be
has committed fraud in the bill of lading, applicable with respect to those damaged and
representing the goods to be of a kind or the consignee shall receive those which are
quality different from what they really were. sound, this segregation to be made by distinct
and separate pieces and without dividing a
If, notwithstanding the precautions referred to single object, unless the consignee proves the
in this article, the goods transported run the impossibility of conveniently making use of
risk of being lost, on account of their nature or them in this form.
by reason of unavoidable accident, there
being no time for their owners to dispose of The same rule shall be applied to merchandise
them, the carrier may proceed to sell them, in bales or packages, separating those parcels
placing them for this purpose at the disposal of which appear sound.
the judicial authority or of the officials
designated by special provisions. ARTICLE 366. Within the twenty-four hours
following the receipt of the merchandise, the
ARTICLE 363. Outside of the cases claim against the carrier for damage or
mentioned in the second paragraph of Article average be found therein upon opening the
361, the carrier shall be obliged to deliver the packages, may be made, provided that the
goods shipped in the same condition in which, indications of the damage or average which
according to the bill of lading, they were found gives rise to the claim cannot be ascertained
at the time they were received, without any from the outside part of such packages, in
damage or impairment, and failing to do so, to which case the claim shall be admitted only at
pay the value which those not delivered may the time of receipt.
have at the point and at the time at which their
delivery should have been made. After the periods mentioned have elapsed, or
the transportation charges have been paid, no
If those not delivered form part of the goods claim shall be admitted against the carrier with
transported, the consignee may refuse to regard to the condition in which the goods
receive the latter, when he proves that he transported were delivered.
cannot make use of them independently of the
others. ARTICLE 367. If doubts and disputes should
arise between the consignee and the carrier
ARTICLE 364. If the effect of the damage with respect to the condition of the goods
referred to in Article 361 is merely a diminution transported at the time their delivery to the
in the value of the goods, the obligation of the former is made, the goods shall be examined
carrier shall be reduced to the payment of the by experts appointed by the parties, and, in
amount which, in the judgment of experts, case of disagreement, by a third one
constitutes such difference in value. appointed by the judicial authority, the results
to be reduced to writing; and if the interested
ARTICLE 365. If, in consequence of the parties should not agree with the expert
damage, the goods are rendered useless for opinion and they do not settle their differences,
sale and consumption for the purposes for the merchandise shall be deposited in a safe
which they are properly destined, the warehouse by order of the judicial authority,
consignee shall not be bound to receive them, and they shall exercise their rights in the
and he may have them in the hands of the manner that may be proper.



ARTICLE 368. The carrier must deliver to ARTICLE 372. The value of the goods which
the consignee, without any delay or the carrier must pay in cases if loss or
obstruction, the goods which he may have misplacement shall be determined in
received, by the mere fact of being named in accordance with that declared in the bill of
the bill of lading to receive them; and if he does lading, the shipper not being allowed to
not do so, he shall be liable for the damages present proof that among the goods declared
which may be caused thereby. therein there were articles of greater value and
ARTICLE 369. If the consignee cannot be
found at the residence indicated in the bill of Horses, vehicles, vessels, equipment and all
lading, or if he refuses to pay the other principal and accessory means of
transportation charges and expenses, or if he transportation shall be especially bound in
refuses to receive the goods, the municipal favor of the shipper, although with respect to
judge, where there is none of the first instance, railroads said liability shall be subordinated to
shall provide for their deposit at the disposal of the provisions of the laws of concession with
the shipper, this deposit producing all the respect to the property, and to what this Code
effects of delivery without prejudice to third established as to the manner and form of
parties with a better right. effecting seizures and attachments against
said companies.
ARTICLE 370. If a period has been fixed for
the delivery of the goods, it must be made ARTICLE 373. The carrier who makes the
within such time, and, for failure to do so, the delivery of the merchandise to the consignee
carrier shall pay the indemnity stipulated in the by virtue of combined agreements or services
bill of lading, neither the shipper nor the with other carriers shall assume the
consignee being entitled to anything else. obligations of those who preceded him in the
If no indemnity has been stipulated and the conveyance, reserving his right to proceed
delay exceeds the time fixed in the bill of against the latter if he was not the party directly
lading, the carrier shall be liable for the responsible for the fault which gave rise to the
damages which the delay may have caused. claim of the shipper or consignee.

ARTICLE 371. In case of delay through the The carrier who makes the delivery shall
fault of the carrier, referred to in the preceding likewise acquire all the actions and rights of
articles, the consignee may leave the goods those who preceded him in the
transported in the hands of the former, conveyance. The shipper and the consignee
advising him thereof in writing before their shall have an immediate right of action against
arrival at the point of destination. the carrier who executed the transportation
contract, or against the other carriers who may
When this abandonment takes place, the have received the goods transported without
carrier shall pay the full value of the goods as reservation.
if they had been lost or mislaid. However, the reservation made by the latter
shall not relieve them from the responsibilities
If the abandonment is not made, the which they may have incurred by their own
indemnification for losses and damages by acts.
reason of the delay cannot exceed the current
price which the goods transported would have ARTICLE 374. The consignees to whom the
had on the day and at the place in which they shipment was made may not defer the
should have been delivered; this same rule is payment of the expenses and transportation
to be observed in all other cases in which this charges of the goods they receive after the
indemnity may be due. lapse of twenty-four hours following their
delivery; and in case of delay in this payment,



the carrier may demand the judicial sale of the cover the cost of transportation and the
goods transported in an amount necessary to expenses incurred.


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