Ebook Cold Calling Is Dead Linkedin PDF
Ebook Cold Calling Is Dead Linkedin PDF
Ebook Cold Calling Is Dead Linkedin PDF
Thanks to LinkedIn
Ken Krogue
President & Founder
Steve Richard
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It’s amazing how powerful a simple idea use LinkedIn the right way, so they would
can be. Ken Krogue, president and founder never have to cold call again.
of InsideSales.com, and Steve Richard,
co-founder of Vorsight, created a webi- Then Krogue invited VonSosen to partici-
nar called “The Science of Using LinkedIn, pate in a Google Hangout that followed the
Technology, & Social Selling for Cold Call- webinar. VonSosen jumped at the chance
ing.” The two well-known sales leaders to share LinkedIn’s perspective on this
teamed up to share little-known tips that important topic.
are generating big results right now.
It turned out to be the most successful
Before the webinar went live, it sparked webinar InsideSales.com and Vorsight have
some unexpected controversy. UK-based ever done. A total of 5,648 people reg- Ralf VonSosen
journalist Steve Masters published an istered to learn how to use LinkedIn and Head of Marketing for
article on the Business 2 Community web- technology for sales. Sales Solutions
site titled “No, LinkedIn Is Not a Source
for Your Cold Calling.” He got hung up on Krogue later wrote an article about the
the term “cold calling” and just couldn’t webinar that quickly climbed to No. 1 on
see past it. He hadn’t even seen the Forbes.com, racking up 66,749 views.
webinar yet.
The concept created so much buzz in the
LinkedIn’s Head of Marketing for Sales sales community that we decided to turn
Solutions, Ralf VonSosen, caught wind of it into this ebook. We’re pleased to pres-
this criticism and contacted InsideSales. ent these tips to help you make smarter
com. Krogue told him that the webinar sales calls.
was going to show salespeople how to
Ken Krogue, president and founder of Steve Richard, co-founder of Vorsight, has
InsideSales.com, is a results-driven sales been featured in The Harvard Business
leader and visionary for the inside sales Review, The Washington Business Journal,
industry. The research and data-driven The Washington Post, CNN/Money and CNBC.
approach he uses has led to best prac- Vorsight has been recognized as the Sales
tices for contacting and closing leads. He Training Provider of the Year four years in a
pioneered the powerful sales automation row by the American Association of Inside
PowerDialer™, a tool that increases the Sales Professionals.
effectiveness and efficiency of inside sales
professionals. Ken is also a regular contribu- Connect with Steve on LinkedIn, Google+ and
tor to Forbes.com. Twitter. Find out more about his sales training
services at Vorsight.com.
Connect with Ken on LinkedIn, Google+ and
Twitter. Find out more about how to wring
the most value out of your leads by visiting
Pre-Call Research
Use LinkedIn What you really have to do now is warm up Neither of these approaches is ideal.
the conversation with research. You want your sales reps to do some
for Pre-Call Research quick and dirty research and then dial
LinkedIn is the single most powerful tool like the wind.
The original definition of cold calling was on the planet for doing effective pre-call
reaching out to somebody you don’t know research and for tapping into your exist- Find three pieces of relevant information
anything about and trying to sell them ing relationships. about your prospect in three minutes.
something. Anybody who does that these That’s why it’s called 3x3 Research.
days is an idiot. One technique Vorsight teaches is called
3x3 Research*. It’s based on the concept Here are some things to look for:
But you’d also be a fool to stop making that you need to wake up your prospect’s
unexpected sales calls. DisoverOrg sur- brain. You do that by learning something • Online content that features
veyed more than 1,000 senior executives about your prospect before the call. your prospect.
and found that 75 percent have taken an • Previous employers.
appointment or attended an event based But there’s a fine line between doing too • Competitors your prospect is
on an unexpected sales call or email. much research and not doing enough. currently using.
There are two types of sales reps: librar-
The key difference between making unex- ians and cowboys. Librarians spend all Vorsight dug into the data. They discov-
pected sales calls and cold calling is that day researching and they don’t make ered that when the sales rep has access
when you’re making unexpected sales calls, enough calls. Cowboys are so gung ho to 3x3 Research, the conversion rate
you actually know something about your about dialing for dollars that they never do from initial prospects to appointments
prospect and can clearly demonstrate how any research. increases 16.7 percent.
you’re bringing value to the conversation.
Leverage LinkedIn
Groups to Set More Inside Sales Professionals 8,015 members Join
LinkedIn groups are a wonderful venue to Created: April 3, 2009 Owner: Larry Reevers
engage in meaningful conversations with Type: Professional Group About: Group profile
those who have similar interests. Groups
Members: 7,969 Group Statistics
allow professionals to understand what the
hot topics are in their area, socialize with
colleagues, ask questions and give help-
ful answers.
Are You Using the Right Meet our CEO at the trade show. Sales Acceleration
Executives at other companies might jump Technology Summit
Calls-to-Action? at the chance to meet your CEO at a trade
Free Virtual Event
show, especially if you’re growing fast and
Salespeople can steal a page from the doing innovative things. This is a better
marketer’s playbook by using effective call-to-action than saying, “Come meet
calls-to-action. Asking for a meeting right with me, the salesperson.”
off the bat isn’t always the best approach. 11 Powerful New
Attend a webinar or a live event.
Point me to the right person. If you go straight for the appointment, you Technologies to
Email the CEO or a very senior person
in the company. Use the call-to-action:
might get shot down. But that same pros-
pect might bite on an educational offer.
Accelerate Your Sales
“Send me to the right person.” When that Webinars and live events work really well.
email is forwarded internally, you have a
much higher likelihood that the person For example, more than 15,000 sales pros Join industry experts and discover how
you can accelerate revenue with new
will respond because it comes from the registered for the Inside Sales Virtual technology for sales teams.
boss. If you see something coming from Summit. InsideSales.com brought together
your boss, you’re much more likely to take 62 of the top minds in sales to speak on
action on it. the same day. It was a blast.
Register Free
Specialist Model Outsells If you specialize, you can do more pre-call InsideSales.com has experienced incred-
research so you don’t have to cold call. ible success using the specialist model
the Generalist Model The specialist model also provides a 7-point and recommends it for other sales
bump above a generalist model. organizations.
The Kellogg Survey that was done by Dr.
James Oldroyd in 2007 showed a higher
close rate for companies that break their GENERALIST MODEL SPECIALIST MODEL
sales model into specialties.
Sales leaders across the country often ask InsideSales.com three cru-
cial questions:
• You should call each person on your list about six times. That’s about
what it takes to reach a busy decision-maker.
• On your 1st call, send a voicemail and an email.
• Don’t leave voicemails or emails on calls 2 and 3.
• On your 4th call, send a voicemail and email.
• And on your last call, send a voicemail and email.
PRO TIP: Right between two and three voicemails is where it’s obvious that
leaving more voicemails becomes a negative -- and, at that point, you’re
becoming a pest.
Improve Your Sales
Process With the Campaign = Test Strategy
InsideSales.com has discovered six vari-
List/Leads = Test Sources
ables you need to test to improve your
sales process in a scientific, systematic
way. We call it the CLOSER Model. Offer = Test Offers
Skill = Test Approaches
Effort = Test Contact Rates
Reporting = Test Results
We shared it with our good friends at Marketo, and the first thing
they said was, “What did you guys do? Everybody’s answering
our calls.”
Research shows that a lead called within CONTACTS MADE FROM FIRST DIALS
5 minutes is 100 times more likely to be
contacted than a lead called in 30 minutes, WITHIN 5 MINUTES
Chance of contacting
drops significantly
Leads That Become:
Qualified Contacted
5 MIN 10 MIN 15 MIN 20 MIN 25 MIN 30 MIN
7-8 8-9 9-10 10-11 11-12 12-1 1-2 2-3 3-4 4-5 5-6
Best Times to Contact 8-9 AM and 4-5 PM
Vorsight’s research that appears earlier in AVERAGE MEETINGS PER % DIRECT LINES ON CON-
this ebook confirms that reps who gather REPRESENTATIVE
direct-dial numbers schedule dramatically
more appointments. It seems obvious, but
many sales reps still aren’t doing this.
1 11 51%
2 13 45%
3 20 76%
4 22 74%
5 29 87%
6 33 97.6%
Source Vorsight
Technology has dramatically increased the BEST
effectiveness of sales teams. One feature
of InsideSales.com’s technology is called
LocalPresence. If you’re calling a lead in
New York from San Jose, LocalPresence
will display a New York area code on your
lead’s CallerID. InsideSales.com’s research
has shown that displaying a local number
increases the odds of getting your calls
answered by 57.8 percent. ANSWER PHONE
• Contact the right prospects, in the right • Motivate your sales team by making the
way, at the right time. sales process visual, competitive, and fun.
• Work smarter by predicting which leads • Bring your sales data to the forefront by
you are most likely to contact, qualify, making it visual, meaningful,
and close. and actionable.
Demo Now
Summary & Credits
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