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Clinicc Intermittent Claudication

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Clinical Assessment of Patients with Peripheral

Arterial Disease
Marc A. Bailey, BSc, MB, ChB, PGCert, MRCS(Eng)1,2
Kathryn J. Griffin, MA, MB, BChir, PGDip, MRCS(Eng)1,2 D. Julian A. Scott, MD, FRCS(Eng), FRCS(Ed), FEBVS1,2

1 The Leeds Vascular Institute, Leeds General Infirmary, Leeds, United Address for correspondence D. Julian A. Scott, MD, FRCS(Eng), FRCS
Kingdom (Ed), FEBVS, The Leeds Vascular Institute, Leeds General Infirmary,
2 Division of Cardiovascular and Diabetes Research, The Great George Street, Leeds LS1 3EX, United Kingdom
Multidisciplinary Cardiovascular Research Centre, University of (e-mail: d.j.a.scott@leeds.ac.uk).
Leeds, Leeds, United Kingdom

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Semin Intervent Radiol 2014;31:292–299

Abstract Peripheral arterial disease (PAD) describes the clinical manifestations of atherosclerosis
affecting the circulation in the legs. The severity of PAD is classified according to
symptom severity, time course, and anatomical distribution. The signs and symptoms of
PAD reflect the degree of circulatory compromise and whether there has been a gradual
reduction in the circulation or an abrupt, uncompensated decrease. Accurate clinical
Keywords assessment underpins decisions on management strategy and should objectively assess
► intermittent the severity of the ischemia and need for revascularization. Clinical history should
claudication discriminate symptoms of PAD from other conditions presenting with leg pain, elucidate
► critical limb ischemia cardiovascular risk factors and the effect of symptoms on the patient’s quality of life.
► acute limb ischemia Clinical examination includes signs of general cardiovascular disease and associated
► patient assessment conditions before assessing the circulation and viability of the limb. Palpation of
► Doppler peripheral pulses must be augmented by determination of the ankle brachial pressure
► ABPI index using hand held Doppler. A whole patient approach to management is required
► interventional and must include modification of cardiovascular risk status as well as dealing with the
radiology local circulatory manifestation of PAD.

Objectives: Upon completion of this article, the reader will be Peripheral arterial disease (PAD) is one of the manifesta-
able to describe how to use history and physical examination tions of generalized atherosclerotic disease, estimated to be
to identify the different stages of peripheral arterial disease. present in up to 20% of patients older than 60 years. PAD
Accreditation: This activity has been planned and imple- presents as a spectrum ranging from an asymptomatic reduc-
mented in accordance with the Essential Areas and Policies of tion in ankle pressures to life- and limb-threatening disease.
the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education In 2012, the National Institute for Health and Care Excel-
(ACCME) through the joint providership of Tufts University lence (NICE) issued guidelines on PAD. NICE highlighted the
School of Medicine (TUSM) and Thieme Medical Publishers, failure of clinicians to appreciate the link between PAD and
New York. TUSM is accredited by the ACCME to provide cardiovascular disease (CVD).1 Only 1 to 2% of claudicants will
continuing medical education for physicians. ever progress to limb loss, but some 75% will die from a
Credit: Tufts University School of Medicine designates this cardiovascular cause.1 PAD is an independent risk factor for
journal-based CME activity for a maximum of 1 AMA PRA CVD and a reduced ankle brachial pressure index (ABPI)
Category 1 Credit™. Physicians should claim only the credit (< 0.9) is associated with twice the risk of cardiovascular
commensurate with the extent of their participation in the mortality compared with matched patients with a normal
activity. ABPI.2 Furthermore, adding the ABPI into risk calculations

Issue Theme Peripheral Arterial Disease; Copyright © 2014 by Thieme Medical DOI http://dx.doi.org/
Guest Editors, David Kessel, MB, BS, MA, Publishers, Inc., 333 Seventh Avenue, 10.1055/s-0034-1393964.
MRCP, FRCR, EBIR and Iain Robertson, New York, NY 10001, USA. ISSN 0739-9529.
MD, MBChB, MRCP, FRCR, EBIR Tel: +1(212) 584-4662.
Clinical Assessment of Patients with PAD Bailey et al. 293

based on Framingham score improves the accuracy of cardio- Treatment in these patients is aimed at reducing cardiovas-
vascular risk prediction.3 Critical limb ischemia (CLI) not only cular risk.
represents more severe disease but is also associated with
even worse cardiovascular risk. Within 1 year of diagnosis,
Key Features of History in Asymptomatic
30% of patients with CLI will require major amputation and
50% will die, mostly from CVD.4 It is therefore important to
keep the high CVD risk of these patients in mind during Identifying Risk Factors for Peripheral Arterial Disease
assessment.5 Patient history should include questioning about the stan-
Correct assessment allows a management strategy to be dard cardiovascular risk factors including coronary heart
developed with the objectives of modifying cardiovascular disease, cerebrovascular disease (including transient ische-
risk, managing symptoms, and preventing major amputation mic attacks and stroke), diabetes, hypertension, hypercholes-
whenever possible. Following a full assessment of the patient, terolemia, family history of PAD, and most importantly,
several questions should be considered. First, one must smoking. Smoking history should include both current and
decide if, on the balance of probabilities, the diagnosis of past smoking habits with an estimate of lifetime smoking in

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PAD is plausible; second, the severity of the PAD should be pack years (pack years ¼ number of years smoked  number
quantified. The Fontaine classification (►Table 1) and/or of cigarettes smoked per day/20). If diabetes is present, it is
TASC II (Trans-Atlantic Inter-Society Consensus document) important to establish how it is managed, the level of
classification is often used to document this objectively. glycemic control, and if there is evidence of other end-organ
Third, where the patient should be managed must be deter- damage.
mined. In general terms, claudicants should be treated in
primary care settings in the first instance, but patients with Medical History
acute limb ischemia (ALI), worsening disease, or CLI should be Previous vascular interventions (surgical and interventional
treated in secondary care settings. Finally, a decision should radiological procedures) should be documented along with
be made on the necessity of imaging to guide intervention. additional comorbidities. Due to the nature of the risk factors
This article presents a strategy for assessing patients for PAD, concomitant diagnoses of CVD, cancer, and COPD are
presenting with suspected PAD based on the history, clinical common. A history of chronic kidney disease should be
examination, and adjunctive tests starting with chronic PAD sought. In patients who are candidates for revascularization,
in asymptomatic patients and progressing through to ALI. leg or arm veins may be needed as a conduit. A history of
varicose veins, venous thromboembolic events (VTE), or
coronary artery bypass may therefore be relevant.
Clinical Assessment of Chronic Limb Ischemia
Chronic limb ischemia refers to a condition characterized by Drug History
symptoms and signs of vascular disease which have been Patients with PAD require therapy to modify cardiovascular
present for at least 14 days. The history and examination focus risk and control symptoms. It is vital to establish whether the
on establishing whether symptoms are due to PAD, identifi- patient is on any medication to control hypertension, platelet
cation of risk factors, severity of the circulatory compromise, aggregation, and cholesterol. Treatment for diabetes should
and impact on the patient’s life. also be noted in addition to analgesic or vasodilator use.

Examination in Asymptomatic Patients

Asymptomatic Peripheral Arterial Disease
Clinical examination is an essential component for the as-
Signs of PAD may be discovered incidentally, for example, if a sessment of patients with PAD.6 It is important to gain
pulse is found to be impalpable during clinical examination or consent for the proposed examination from the patient and
a reduced ABPI detected during screening for CVD in primary ensure the limbs and feet are adequately exposed. Assessment
care. PAD may also be masked in patients who do not exercise of the shoes may also be helpful, particularly in the context of
sufficiently to produce claudication or whose exercise is diabetic foot ulceration. Shoes should be of an appropriate
limited by other symptoms such as angina or breathlessness. size and shape for the feet so as to be comfortable without
damaging the toes.
Table 1 The Fontaine classification for PAD4
General Inspection and Systemic Examination
Fontaine Definition
classification The general peripheral stigmata of CVD should be sought. This
includes tar staining on the fingernails as a sign of cigarette
I Asymptomatic
smoking, scars from previous vascular or cardiac surgery,
IIa Compensated intermittent claudication amputated limbs or digits, and xanthelasma. The radial and
IIb Decompensated intermittent claudication brachial pulses should be palpated to determine rate, rhythm,
III Rest pain and volume of the pulse and the heart auscultated for
evidence of major valvular pathology (e.g., aortic and mitral
IV Nonhealing ulceration
stenosis). A systemic examination should be conducted to
Abbreviation: PAD, peripheral arterial disease. identify signs of relevant pathology outside the vascular

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294 Clinical Assessment of Patients with PAD Bailey et al.

system such as COPD. Abdominal examination includes as- each side. The popliteal artery lies between the heads of
sessing the aorta for aneurysm and palpating for abdominal gastrocnemius and the pulse is assessed with the knee
masses suggestive of cancer. Focused neurological assessment slightly flexed using the index, second, and third fingers to
should be undertaken for signs of prior completed stroke and push the popliteal artery against the tibia. The popliteal pulse
evidence of peripheral neuropathy in patients with diabetes. is comparatively difficult to identify; a prominent popliteal
Following this, the attention should be focused on the lower pulse may indicate popliteal aneurysm and warrants ultra-
limbs. sound imaging. The PT pulse is palpated just behind the
medial malleolus and the DP pulse over the navicular bone
Inspection of the Limbs lateral to the extensor hallucis longus tendon. The peroneal
Limb inspection should be focused on scars indicating previ- artery cannot be palpated. Pulses should be recorded as
ous arterial or venous vascular surgery or long saphenous present (þ), weak (þ/), or absent (). Listening for arterial
vein harvesting, and the health status of the legs, looking for bruits is of little value in determining the site and severity of
trophic skin lesions, microemboli (trash), livedo reticularis, disease.
ulcers, and areas of necrosis or gangrene (►Fig. 1). Hair loss is

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an unreliable sign of ischemia and is of little clinical value. The Diabetic Foot
Assessing skin perfusion by checking temperature and In patients with diabetes, it is important to consider the risk of
capillary refill is unreliable as an indicator of PAD, as both future ulceration. Assessment of the musculoskeletal and neu-
may be affected by factors such as external temperature. rological status of the foot is essential in addition to the assess-
Asymmetric findings may be more useful than absolute ment of the vascular supply. Light touch sensation is assessed
findings. Delayed asymmetric capillary refill or very pro- with standardized monofilaments. A full review on diabetic foot
longed refill is suggestive, but not diagnostic, of ischaemia.7 assessment is provided by Boulton et al,8 and management of the
diabetic foot is discussed elsewhere in this edition (see Huang et
Palpation of Pulses and Auscultation of Bruits al). All diabetic foot patients should be assessed by vascular and
Peripheral pulses are compared with the opposite side and diabetic teams in a multidisciplinary foot clinic.
the presence of any thrill is noted. Femoral, popliteal, poste-
rior tibial (PT), and dorsalis pedis (DP) pulses are assessed. Bedside Doppler Assessment
The femoral pulses are palpated half way between the Doppler assessment and ABPI should be calculated.9 The
anterior superior iliac spine and the pubic symphysis on Doppler probe (8 MHz) should be angled at 60 degrees in
relation to the skin pointing against the direction of blood flow
(►Fig. 2A). The probe should be manipulated until the clearest
signal is heard and should be held just in contact with the skin;
excessive pressure can obliterate a weak signal. The other key
maneuver is to gently squeeze the foot if one detects a weak
signal as well as exclude a venous signal. The Doppler probe
can also be used to undertake assessment of the pedal arch
(pedal arch patency test).10,11 This involves listening with the
Doppler probe in the first metatarsal space (►Fig. 2B), then
applying pressure to each tibial artery at the malleoli in turn to
determine communication with the pedal arch.

Measuring Ankle Brachial Pressure Index

A manual sphygmomanometer along with an appropriate
sized cuff is placed just above the ankle, inflated to occlude
the artery, and slowly released. If the vessel cannot be
occluded (i.e., a systolic pressure of > 200 mm Hg), this
should be recorded as incompressible. The return of signal
indicates the systolic pressure by Doppler and should be
taken in the PT and DP in each foot. The brachial systolic
pressure is recorded in each arm using the Doppler probe and
the highest taken as the brachial pressure. The higher of the
two pedal pulse pressures is then used for each limb to
calculate the ABPI (highest pedal pressure/highest brachial
pressure). The nature of the Doppler signal should also be
Figure 1 Active ulceration over the Achilles tendon in a patient with recorded (monophasic, biphasic, triphasic). Toe cuffs are
critical limb ischemia. Slough can be seen at the base, covered by a
available and can be used to measure systolic pressures at
layer of necrotic skin. Above the lesion, the typical appearance of the
skin in an ischemic leg can be observed. Magnetic resonance angi-
the great toe if the DP and PT are calcified. However,
ography confirmed crural vessel disease that responded to angioplasty published data suggesting wide variability of the results
with long-term healing. make its use for clinical decision making limited.12 ABPI

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Clinical Assessment of Patients with PAD Bailey et al. 295

Figure 2 (A) Doppler assessment of the dorsalis pedis pulse in a healthy foot. Note the 60 degrees angulation of the probe relative to the skin.
(B) Positioning for assessment of pedal arch patency. Pressure is applied to each tibial artery in turn to determine communication with the pedal
arch which is assessed by Doppler.

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of < 0.9 is abnormal. High ABPI (> 1.2) is often associated the leg(s), commonly in the calf. It generally occurs after a
with arterial calcification in diabetic patients or those pa- predictable level of exercise, settles with rest, and recurs
tients on long-term renal replacement therapy. ►Table 2 when exercise is repeated. It is vital to take a careful history of
shows how ABPI correlates with clinical status. It is important the nature of the symptoms, as other conditions can mimic
to realize that both reduced and elevated ABPI are associated this presentation.
with increased cardiovascular risk.13
Key Features of History in Patients with Claudication
Additional Tests History should be obtained as described earlier. In addition,
All patients with PAD should have an electrocardiogram to additional information as described here should be obtained.
identify any evidence of myocardial ischemia, arrhythmia,
and/or conduction defects. This is important not only for
Establishing Severity of Symptoms
cardiovascular risk assessment but also for determining
interventional risk. Blood should be taken for full blood count Determining the precise time course of the symptoms and the
(FBC), urea and electrolytes (U&E), and lipid screen. If the exacerbating and relieving factors is central to making the
presence of diabetes has not been formally excluded, a correct diagnosis. Questioning should establish the nature
glucose tolerance test should be requested. If diabetes has and site of the pain within the leg, as well as the precipitating
been diagnosed, HbA1c is useful as a marker of glycemic and relieving factors. The location of pain can give a guide to
control. Imaging is required only if endovascular or surgical the level of disease but is often inaccurate, so symptoms
therapy is being considered. should be correlated with the state of the peripheral pulses.
Asking patients to quantify the distance they can walk
Treatment before their pain begins is a helpful guide to assessing
The aim of treatment in patients with asymptomatic PAD is severity. Patients use various terminologies to express this:
modification of cardiovascular risk. Acetylcholinesterase in- yards, meters, several lampposts or blocks, or to an important
hibitors are considered first-line therapy for hypertension1 landmark such as the shops. Using a distance marker that is
and all patients should be commenced on statin and anti- accurate from the patient’s perspective is helpful, as this will
platelet medications.1 Clear communication with colleagues allow more reliable quantification of walking decline or
in primary care is vital to ensure these therapies are contin- improvement over subsequent clinical assessments by differ-
ued in the long term. ent health care professionals.
Pain comes more rapidly and may be more severe with
Intermittent Claudication increasing intensity of exercise, such as walking up hill or
Patients with PAD commonly present with leg pain on exer- walking more quickly. Some patients are able to continue to
tion. Intermittent claudication describes a cramp-like pain in walk in spite of the pain and this distance should also be
assessed. In this case, a record should be made of the reported
Table 2 NICE interpretation of ABPI results1 time and distance to onset of symptoms (claudication dis-
tance) and the maximum walking distance before needing to
Clinical status ABPI stop. The history should also establish the impact of the
Asymptomatic > 0.9–1.2 symptoms on the patients’ daily activities, ability to work,
and whether or not they have learned to live with their
Intermittent claudication 0.9–0.5
symptoms. The differential diagnosis of limb pain includes
Critical ischemia < 0.5 several other conditions, and if symptoms are not typical of
Abbreviations: ABPI, ankle brachial pressure index; NICE, National intermittent claudication, the history should try to elicit
Institute for Health and Care Excellence. features of other causes of leg pain.

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296 Clinical Assessment of Patients with PAD Bailey et al.

Neurogenic pain from spinal claudication is often exacer- assessment can be made by combining ABPI measurement
bated by walking downhill or sitting, relieved by standing or with a treadmill exercise test to establish claudication dis-
leaning forward. It is frequently associated with paraesthesia, tance. Segmental pressure measurements can also help with
tingling, or back pain. The onset of symptoms tends to be far localization.
less predictable day-to-day in neurogenic compared to inter-
mittent claudication. Lateral femoral cutaneous neuropathy Imaging in Claudication
(meralgia paraesthetica) is a rare condition; it is readily The NICE guidelines propose a pragmatic approach to the use
discriminated from intermittent claudication by limitation of imaging based on cost and safety.1 Imaging is reserved for
of the pain to the outer aspect of the thigh. patients being considered for endovascular or surgical thera-
Pain from arthritic joints is not necessarily felt within the py. Ultrasound is the first-line investigation; it is the cheapest
joints themselves and can also mimic vascular claudication. and safest modality. Magnetic resonance angiography (MRA)
Patients with arthritis often experience symptoms immedi- is the second-line investigation; it is more expensive but safer
ately on exercise. In some cases, symptoms will be worse in than computed tomography angiography. It is reasonable to
the morning or at the end of the day. A particularly helpful adopt an MRA-first approach in patients in whom ultrasound

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question here can be, “do you have to take the weight off your is unlikely to be successful or will be very time consuming.
legs to make the pain disappear?” Arthritic pain often requires This includes obese patients and those with extensive dress-
the load to be removed from the affected limb, whereas ings on the legs. Patients with known or suspected multilevel
claudication does not. It is important to recognize that disease are also likely to require additional imaging, particu-
atypical symptoms can occur and that conditions may coexist. larly if endovascular treatment is being considered, as this
In this case, it is important to try to establish the relative greatly assists planning.
contribution of each disease.
Treatment of Claudication
Treatment should be the same as described earlier for the
Effect of PAD on Quality of Life
asymptomatic patient. In addition, NICE recommends initial
It is important to establish the activities the patient can treatment with a supervised exercise program.1 If this fails,
complete despite the pain (e.g., putting on shoes, climbing endovascular therapy should be considered with surgery
stairs, shopping, working, etc.) and restrictions in activity due reserved for patients unsuitable for or who fail endovascular
to the pain. These should be considered in absolute terms and treatment.
in relation to the premorbid status of the individual patient.
Considering the effect that symptoms are having on a
Critical Limb Ischemia
patient’s quality of life (QoL) is important to enable treatment
decisions to be made appropriately and to assess the impact of The NICE1 and TASC II4 documents define CLI as rest pain and/
any intervention. While generic QoL questionnaires are use- or tissue loss lasting more than 2 weeks. Patients with CLI are
ful from a research perspective,14 PAD-specific tools may be at risk of limb loss and have a very high mortality from CVD.
more sensitive to subtle changes in disease progression.15 The identification of symptoms or signs of CLI should set the
Until the gold standard assessment tool for PAD is deter- patient on the path of urgent assessment for potential limb
mined, questions such as, “what would you like to be able to salvaging intervention.
do if you did not have the pain?” are useful along with “what
changes have you made in order to live with the pain?.” The
Key History of Critical Limb Ischemia
impact of PAD on social functioning and emotional health of a
patient is more difficult to quantify.16 What is clear, however, Rest Pain and Tissue Loss
is that changes in QoL measures do not necessarily correlate Classically rest pain is unremitting and is exacerbated when
with changes in clinical parameters, such as ABPI.17 From a the leg is elevated. Often pain wakes up the patient after a few
patient perspective, the impact of an intervention on QoL is hours of sleep and is alleviated by hanging the foot out of the
much more important than arbitrary measures of vessel bed or by getting up, walking around, and (in England)
patency. making a cup of tea. Invariably, over time the patient finds
that it is easier to sleep in a chair rather than going to bed.
Examination in Claudication These patients often present late and are frequently in a poor
Examination is performed as for the asymptomatic patient. nutritional state due to the inability to undertake their
The aim is to use the pulse to try to localize the level of disease normal activities of daily living. Patients may also present
to the aortoiliac, femoropopliteal, or crural segment. with skin changes, nonhealing ulcers, or even gangrene.
Ulcers commonly occur at pressure points in the foot after
Ankle Brachial Pressure Index minimal trauma.
In patients where the ABPI appears normal at rest and there is
a good history to support the diagnosis of PAD, the ABPI is Examination in Critical Limb Ischemia
repeated after exercise. In the clinical environment, this can Examination should be performed as described earlier for the
be achieved by asking the patient to do 20 heel–toe raises; a asymptomatic patient. In addition, additional examination
fall in ABPI after exercise indicates PAD.18 A more formal should be performed as follows.

Seminars in Interventional Radiology Vol. 31 No. 4/2014

Clinical Assessment of Patients with PAD Bailey et al. 297

Documentation of Ulceration and Skin Changes Acute ischemia can occur in patients with normal arteries
Inspection for ulceration should pay particular attention to in the context of embolus, dissection, and arterial injury. In
the pressure areas (behind the malleoli, the metatarsal heads, the presence of preexisting PAD, this is an acute-on-chronic
heel, and plantar aspect of the foot) and between the toes. A event most commonly due to thrombotic occlusion of a
blister in an ischemic foot is the precursor of an ulcer. diseased artery. Bypass graft thrombosis is another important
The size and distribution of ulceration and the health of cause of severe ALI. The severity of ischemia is variable
the surrounding skin should be recorded. Mapping the size depending on the level of the vascular occlusion and magni-
and shape of the ulcer using clinical photographs or clear tude of flow reduction. Acute-on-chronic ALI is usually better
acetate helps assess changes objectively. The ulcer base tolerated than an embolic occlusion or bypass graft thrombo-
should be inspected for granulation tissue (sign of ulcer sis due to preexisting reduction in circulation and the pres-
healing) or slough (possible development of infective pro- ence of established collateral flow.
cesses). Bacterial culture is only needed to guide antimicro- ALI typically has sudden onset with severe pain associated
bial therapy in cases of superadded infection. Musculoskeletal with worsening paraesthesia, paralysis, and ultimately irre-
deformity such as hallux valgus, hammer toe deformity (with versible ischemic damage. Nerves and muscle tissue are

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displacement/loss of the submetatarsal head fat pads) or particularly vulnerable to ischemia and will be irreversibly
Charcot’s foot, as well as any calluses or corns of the foot damaged if severely ischemic for 4 to 6 hours. Assessment of
should be noted. The state of the nails, particularly in diabetic patients with ALI aims to establish (i) the viability of the limb,
patients, should be examined, as poor foot care can increase (ii) the urgency of intervention, and (iii) determination of the
the risk of ulceration. cause (embolic vs. thrombotic), as these factors will decide
the management.
Buerger Test
Buerger test is performed by raising the legs to 45 degrees History in Acute Limb Ischemia
(from the couch) and observing the foot perfusion. A clear History should be obtained as described earlier for asymp-
reduction in foot perfusion along with venous guttering is tomatic and claudicant patients. In addition, additional infor-
termed a positive Buerger test. Holding the legs in this mation as described here should be obtained. The time of
position for 2 minutes followed by hanging the leg over the onset and duration of symptoms should be noted. Additional
edge of the bed and watching for a reactive hyperemia questions will help establish whether this is an embolic event
(dependent rubor or a sunset foot) is also a positive Buerger or thrombosis of a diseased vessel.
sign. These tests are, however, unlikely to alter management
in contemporary vascular practice. Medical History/Risk Factors
Questioning should include conditions which are associated
Ankle Brachial Pressure Index with an increased risk of ALI (►Table 3).
ABPI should be performed as previously described.
Examination in Acute Limb Ischemia
Imaging in Critical Limb Ischemia Examination should be performed as described earlier for
Imaging is required in most patients, as some form of asymptomatic and claudicant patients. In addition, additional
revascularization will be needed. The strategy proposed examination as described here should be performed. The
earlier should be considered with a relatively low threshold extremity must be checked for sensory deficit and loss of
for adopting an MRA-first approach. motor function and can be classified using the Rutherford
classification19 (►Table 4). The classical presentation is the
Treatment of Critical Limb Ischemia “six Ps” (pale, painful, pulseless, paralyzed, paraesthetic, and
Cardiovascular risk control should be undertaken as stated
previously. Pain control starts with simple analgesia but may
Table 3 Conditions associated with increased risk of ALI
progress to opiate drugs (in combination with stool softeners)
if necessary. Revascularization using endovascular techniques
Factor Likely thrombotic/
or bypass grafting depends on individual patient factors such embolic cause
as distribution of disease and the availability of vein. If
Preexisting PAD Both
revascularization is not possible or has failed, palliative
procedures such as elective amputation or chemical sympa- Aortic or popliteal aneurysm Both
thectomy should be considered. Cardiac condition: recent MI, Embolus
atrial fibrillation, mitral or aortic
valve disease, right-to-left shunt
Clinical Assessment of Acute Limb Ischemia Thrombophilia/thrombocytosis Thrombus
ALI occurs when there is a sudden reduction in arterial flow in Past arterial/venous thrombosis Thrombus
a limb. ALI is arbitrarily defined as being less than 14 days Malignancy Thrombus
duration. ALI encompasses a clinical spectrum ranging from
Severe dehydration Thrombus
sudden onset or worsening of intermittent claudication to
limb and life-threatening ischemia. Abbreviation: PAD, peripheral arterial disease.

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298 Clinical Assessment of Patients with PAD Bailey et al.

Table 4 The Rutherford classification of ALI19

Class Definition Sensory loss Muscle weakness Doppler signal

I Viable None None Strong
IIA Threatened: marginal Minimal/None None Weak
IIB Threatened: immediate Moderate Mild/Moderate Weak/None
III Irreversible Profound Profound None

Abbreviation: ALI, acute limb ischemia.

perishing cold); a white leg without evidence of skin perfu-

sion (►Fig. 3) is akin to Rutherford IIb. Over the next few
hours, the skin will develop a mottled blue appearance

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representing stagnant deoxygenated blood. If the discolor-
ation blanches on pressure, the limb remains salvageable.
Signs of irreversible ischemia include tender muscle compart-
ments, fixed skin mottling, and myoglobinuria. Fixed skin
mottling (Rutherford III) represents coagulation in the cuta-
neous capillaries. The extent of nonviable tissue should be
documented (►Fig. 4).

Additional Tests
Blood samples should be taken for FBC, U&E, viscosity,
clotting screen, creatinine kinase, thrombophilia screen (be-
fore intravenous heparin or therapeutic subcutaneous low-
molecular-weight heparin) and fasting homocysteine.

Imaging in Acute Limb Ischemia

The physical state of the limb will determine the urgency of
the investigation, and treatment will be dictated by local
factors and access to the appropriate imaging and resources.
Multidetector CT (MDCT) scanning from the heart to the feet
can be completed in a few minutes and may be better
tolerated than MRI or ultrasound. MDCT will establish the
Figure 3 Acute limb ischemia of the left foot on the operating table site and nature of the occlusion and may identify cardiac and
just before the emergency thromboembolectomy; all “six Ps” were aortic sources of emboli and occult malignancy.
Decision Making Based on the Assessment
In patients with a viable limb, restoration of arterial inflow is
the priority. Patients with Rutherford IIa ischemia are candi-
dates for thrombolysis, and patients with Rutherford IIb
ischemia generally require surgical revascularization by
emergency thromboembolectomy or bypass grafting. True
class III ischemia is beyond salvage.

In summary, a whole patient approach is required in
patients presenting with PAD. For claudicants, the emphasis
should be on cardiovascular risk assessment and risk factor
control; in patients with critical ischemia, the emphasis is
on limb salvage in selected patients, and in ALI, determina-
tion of limb viability is key. Detailed clinical assessment in
conjunction with ABPI measurement will allow decisions
Figure 4 Fixed mottling of the forefoot in a patient with acute-on-
regarding treatment to be made. If endovascular or surgical
chronic ischemia. A line has been drawn at the interface of the viable treatment is appropriate then imaging assessment will also
and nonviable tissues. be required.

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Clinical Assessment of Patients with PAD Bailey et al. 299

Funding ation of Clinical Endocrinologists. Diabetes Care 2008;31(8):

M. A. B. and K. J. G. are funded by the British Heart 1679–1685
Foundation. 9 Lange SF, Trampisch HJ, Pittrow D, et al; getABI Study Group.
Profound influence of different methods for determination of the
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Seminars in Interventional Radiology Vol. 31 No. 4/2014

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