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Pre-Feasibility Report: Tata Steel Limited

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Proposal for Premsinghdih, Poradih, Erandih etc.Sand Mining

Project for collection of river bed sand from the River Gowai

Proposed capacity – 2 lakh tonnes/annum

Area – 44.10 Ha


Village – Premsinghdih,Poradih,Erandih etc. Tehsil - Raghunathpur

District - Purulia, State – West Bengal

Prepared by:



The proposed expansion project of 44.10 Ha area is of river bed sand mining. The mining
lease area is located in Mouza. Premsinghdih, Poradih, Erandih etc. Tehsil – Raghunathpur
District - Purulia, State – West Bengal

The proposed project activity will be carried out in the bed of the river Gowai. TISCO Limited
is the Lessee of the proposed Mine for a period of 30 years .

Mining Lease Area 44.10 Ha

Latitude : 230 35’ 58”N to 230 38’ 14”N

Location of mine (Centre)
Longitude : 86 0 26’12” E to 860 29’10” E

Toposheet No. 73 I/6

River/Nalla/Tanks/Lakes etc Gowai River
Topography Undulating river bed and banks of the River
Minerals of mine Sand
2 lakh Tonnes which will be replenish in every
Total mineable reserves
Life of mine 30 years
Proposed production of mine 2 lakh Tonnes per annum
Semi mechanized with the help of Backhoe
Method of mining
Dumper Combination.
Drilling/Blasting No drilling and blasting is proposed
Water demand 2 KLD
Sources of water Dug wells/bore wells
Ultimate depth of Mining 2 m in bank and in water it could not be measured
Man power 42
No waste is expected as all the mineral collected is
Solid Waste
Nearest railway station Bhojudih Railway Station (about 5 km)
Nearest state highway/national
State Highway (about 3 km)
Nearest Airport Ranchi Airport (about 160 km)
Protected/reserved forest None


2.1 Identification of Project and Project Proponent

TISCO LIMITED is the Lessee of the proposed Mine. The details are as given below:

Name & Address of POA Holder TISCO LIMITED
P.O. Jamadoba
District - Dhanbad (Jharkhand)- 828112
Number of Leases held by the

Lease deed Date Applied for grant of lease

Name of Mine Premsinghdih, Poradih, Erandih etc.

Mineral Sand (Major Mineral)

Area (ha) 44.10 Ha
Postal Address Tata Steel Limited
P.O. Jamadoba
District - Dhanbad (Jharkhand)-828112
Period of Lease (Yrs) 30 years.
Status of Mine Operative

2.2 Brief description of the nature of the project

It has been proposed to collect approximately 2 lakhs tonnes/year. The river-bed material
will be replenished during the monsoon season every year.

Surface Mining: The mining is confined to collection of sand from the river bed. The
operation will be Semi-mechanized with the help of Backhoe Dumper Combination in which
the river bed material will be collected in its existing form. Sand Mining will be carried out
only upto a depth of 2 m at river bank and in water it could not be measured, excavation
machines along with hand tools like shovel, pan, sieve etc. will be used. Mining will be
carried out only during the day time.

2.3 Need for the project and its importance to the country and region

The river carries with it huge quantity of sediment consisting of stones, gravel and sand
during every monsoon. The sediment in the form of river bed material (RBM) deposited in
the last many years had changed the shape of the river bed from a valley to a raised land.
Because of this, every year during monsoon season, heavy and devastating floods damage
large tracts of land lying on both the banks of the river.

Tata Steel produces approximately 1.91 million tones coal per annum from five captive
underground coal mines in Jharia group of collieries. For this Tata Steel requires approx. 3.0
million tonnes of sand per annum for stowing/backfilling the voids created in underground
after extraction of coal from these mines.

As these mines are lying under populated area, railway lines, important roads, power
transmission lines etc. simultaneous sand stowing (Underground backfilling) is essential for
prevention of subsidence and fire during extraction of coal because it may damage these

Hence this project is required for collection of sand necessary for underground stowing. The
sand to be collected /gathered from these leases along the river will be sent to the
underground coal mines for filling up the voids created due to extraction of coal. The sand
stowing process is the life line of the underground coal mining method in the highly
populated Jharia Coalfield. Therefore, to ensure a continuous supply of coal and safe mining
operations the sand collection and filling the underground mine voids is very crucial.

Removal of sand from the river will have beneficial effect on the river also as it will help to
improve the water flow and maintain its course.

2.4 Demands-Supply Gap

The sand is being used by Jharia Division of Tata Steel for the stowing/back filling of its
underground coal mines to avoid the subsidence. Therefore there is always regular
requirement of the sand.

2.5 Domestic
The sand collected from this leasehold will mainly be used for stowing purposes in the
Jamadoba Group of collieries mainly Digwadih, 6&7 Pits and Jamadoba Colliery for captive
use only.

2.6 Employment Generation

This project operation will provide livelihood to the poorest section of the society. It provides
employment directly to the people residing in vicinity and indirectly by the development of
supporting infrastructure.

3.1 Type of project including interlinked and interdependent projects, if any
The proposed project is for the collection of sand form the river bed with the help of Backhoe
Dumper Combination. This project is required for fulfilling the requirement of sand needed
for stowing /backfilling the voids created after extraction of coal in the coal mines of Jharia
division of Tata Steel Ltd.

3.2 Location
The mining lease area is located in Mouza – Premsinghdih, Poradih, Erandih etc. Tehsil –
Raghunathpur District - Purulia, State – West Bengal

The proposed project activity will be carried out in the bed of the river Gowai. The mining
lease area falls in Survey of India Toposheet No. 73 I/6.

Latitude : 230 35’ 58”N to 230 38’ 14”N

Longitude : 860 26’12” E to 860 29’10” E

3.3 Details of alternate sites considered

The lease for river bed sand mining is granted to the lessee by the State Government for its
captive use of sand in underground colliery for stowing purpose.

3.4 Size or magnitude of operation

The proposed mine has lease over an area of 44.10 ha. The total extractable material would
be approx. 2 lakh tones per annum.

3.5 Project description with process details

3.5.1 Method for developing and working the deposits

The sand deposited as river bed material will be collected in its existing form with the help of
Backhoe -Dumper Combination.

3.5.2 Method of mining

The mining is confined to collection of sand from the river bed. The operation will be Semi-
mechanized in which the river bed material will be collected in its existing form. Excavation
machines like backhoe along with hand tools like shovel, pan, sieve etc. will be used.

Collection of sand will be carried out through the backhoe. Collection of sand from the
riverbed material will be continued round the year except in monsoon for replenishment.

Working Depth (below ground level)

The deposits occur in the bed of the river. During the lease period, the deposit will be worked
from the top surface of sand to 2 m or above groundwater level whichever is less. The depth
would be worked out based on the replenishment rate.

3.6 Raw Material Required Along With Estimated Quantity, Likely Source,
Marketing Area of Final Product/S, Mode of Transport of Raw Material and Finished
No raw material will be required in the proposed project. The operation involves the
collection of sand in its existing form and loading into trucks, which will transport the material
to the collieries. The existing roads will be utilized for the transport of sand from mine site to
Colliery pit head.
3.6.1 Use of Mineral
Sand is used for stowing/backfilling purpose in underground coal mines.
3.6.2 Mineral Beneficiation
No mineral beneficiation is involved.
3.6.3 Surface Transport
The transportation of sand will be carried out by the company though own transporter. There
are all weather metalled road and then a kacha road right upto the leasehold to dispatch the
material from leasehold to the collieries. It is loaded at leasehold site and transported
through trucks/dumpers. The practice is quite conventional in the area and ensure
continuous lifting of the material.

3.7 Resource optimization/ recycling and reuse

Not envisaged.

3.8 Availability of water its source, energy/ power requirement and source
3.8.1 Water Requirement
In the proposed project there is no need of water to carry out operations but drinking water
will be required for the working people. This water will be supplied from the dug wells/bore
wells in nearby villages.

3.8.2 Power Requirement
All the activities will be carried out in a semi-mechanized manner. The material will be
collected and loaded by backhoe. The operation will be done in all the three shifts.
Generator lighting are provided. There is no requirement of power for the project at site.

3.9 Quantity of wastes to be generated (liquid and solid) and scheme for their
management/ disposal.

3.9.1 Solid Waste Generation & its Disposal

There are no mineral rejects of any kind produced during mining, therefore, no provision of
stock yard is proposed. The entire mineral produced is useable.

3.9.2 Liquid Effluent

The domestic and temporary rest shelter effluents will be biologically treated by adoption of
septic tanks, soak pits and dispersion trenches.

4.1 Connectivity
4.1.1 Nearest Railway Station
Nearest railway station is Bhojudih Railway Station which is about 5 km away from the mine
site in North direction.
4.1.2 Nearest Airport
Nearest Airport is Birsa Munda airport, Ranchi which is about 160 km in South West
direction from the mine site.
4.1.3 Nearest Highway
Nearest highway is State Highway 3 Km from the lease area.
4.1.4 Nearest Town/City
Nearest town is Bokaro-35 kms.

4.2 Land form, land use and land ownership

The proposed activity is to take place in the bed of the River Gowai and hence there will be
no change in land use. The area is owned by the State of West Bengal and now it is to be
leased out to the lessee by the State Government.

4.3 Topography
The Gowai River flows from the South West to North East and meeting the Damodar river at
south bank. The flow rate of the river varies with the quantity of precipitation in the

catchment area. A major portion of the precipitation occurs during the monsoon season i.e.,
from June to October every year.

4.4 Existing land use pattern

The area considered for mining of river bed material has not been utilized for any purpose
other than for the natural flow of the river. As an outcome of this operation it will help to
improve the flow of water in its natural course, which is presently being hindered by the
sedimentation over a long period of time.

4.5 Soil classification

The river bed soil is of sandy type.

4.6 Climatic data from secondary sources


The rainfall in the area is mainly due to southwest monsoon and nearly 80 to 85% of the
annual rains occur between June and September. Remaining 15% to 20% rain is distributed
unevenly, sometimes rain also occurs between January and March.
The normal Annual rainfall of the district has been reported to be 1000 mm based on data
from 1901 to 1970. There is a large variation in rainfall in space and time.
The district is endowed with typical climate with extremes in summer as in winters. The
mercury shoots up to 450C or even more during peak summer and dips to less than 50C
during the month of January. Winter spans from mid of November to mid of February.
Summer months are April to middle of June which ends with onset of monsoon.


5.1 Planning concept

Production will be done as per mining plan not exceeding 2 lakhs tonnes per annum.

5.2 Population projection

The project will employ most of the workers from nearby villages. There will not be any
increase in population due to the project.

5.3 Land use planning

The land use of the mine lease area is the river bed of River Gowai and there will be no
change in land use after operation. The sand will be replenished every year during the

monsoon season. The ultimate land use of the mine lease area will not be change.

5.4 Amenities/facilities
Temporary rest shelters and portable toilets will be made available to the mine workers.

6.1 Industrial area (Processing Area)

No industrial area is proposed.

6.2 Residential area (Non Processing Area)

The mine workers will be hired from nearby villages, so residential areas will not be made.
6.3 Green belt

It is proposed to plant trees along the river bank as well as along the sides of the mineral
transport area in consultation with district administration.

6.4 Connectivity

There are metalled roads and then a kachha road up to the mine site. The area is well
connected to the collieries by road.
6.5 Drinking Water Management

There is no requirement of water for industrial purpose. Water required for drinking purpose
will be made available from bore wells/ dug wells in nearby villages.

6.6 Sewerage System

Domestic wastewater will be treated into septic tank followed by soak pit and dispersion

6.7 Industrial Waste Management

Not applicable

6.8 Solid Waste management

No solid waste generation is expected from the mining operation.

6.9 Power Requirement & Supply/ Source

All the activities will be carried out in a semi-mechanized manner. The material will be
collected and loaded by backhoe. The operation through backhoe will be in all three shifts .

Not Applicable


The project will commence once Environmental Clearance and other necessary certificates
are obtained from the respective departments. The Total cost of project would be around Rs.
20 lakhs.

This project is required for collection of sand necessary for underground stowing. The sand
to be collected /gathered from these leases along the river will be sent to the underground
coal mines for filling up the voids created due to extraction of coal. The sand stowing
process is the life line of the underground coal mining method in the highly populated Jharia
Coal field. Therefore, to ensure a continuous supply of coal and safe mining operations the
sand collection and filling the underground mine voids is very crucial.

The project involves collection of river bed material. This will also help to prevent widening of
the riverbeds and to prevent flooding off and damage to the adjoining areas. This can only
be achieved by maintaining the existing course of the river.

The river banks, on both sides are covered by vegetation and human habitats. The sand
deposits if not removed, will cause widening of river banks resulting in excessive erosion;
causing damage to flora, agricultural land and settlements which are situated at very close

This project operation will provide livelihood to the poorest section of the society. It provides
employment to the people residing in vicinity directly or indirectly by the project.

Signatory (Tata Steel)

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