What Is The Meaning of Scaling in PLC?
What Is The Meaning of Scaling in PLC?
What Is The Meaning of Scaling in PLC?
Analog signal is having standard 16-bit resolution for Input and Output for the PLC.
So every analog signal has standard range for measuring single for current and voltage.
When PLC is taking analog signal from Sensors weather current or voltage form its converting in Digital
Binary form between range 20 to 215. Total 16 bit and if we convert in decimal form then it would be as
below range 0 to 32768.
This value called as Raw Value for the PLC, but we need engineering value to understand the calibration
and measurements.
0 to 10 bar Pressure
So, we have to convert Raw value in engineering value and this procedure is called as SCALING in PLC
for analog signal. And its ultimately linear graph for Engineering value Vs Raw Value.