ASCE 7-05 Seismic Provisions: A Beginner's Guide To ASCE 7-05
ASCE 7-05 Seismic Provisions: A Beginner's Guide To ASCE 7-05
ASCE 7-05 Seismic Provisions: A Beginner's Guide To ASCE 7-05
Incipient Collapse 50% in 50 years
Life Safety Rare
Immediate 10% in 50 years
Reoccupancy Very Rare
Fully Operational 5% in 50 years
Max Considered
2% in 50 years
Building Properties:
Moment Resisting Frames
density ρ = 8 pcf
Period T = 1.0 sec
62.5’ Damping ξ = 5%
Wind: Earthquake:
100 MPH Exposure C Assume 0.4g NEHRP
. AV S 12
12 . × 0.4 × 10
CS = 2/3
= 2/3
= 0.480
T .
This example uses an old version of both the NEHRP and the ASCE 7
Wind Load Criteria. It is used for illustrative purposes only.
Fa from Table
SM1= FvS1
Fv from Table
Plan Configuration
ASCE 7-05
Vertical Configuration
ASCE 7-05
1a - Torsional Irregularity
1b - Extreme Torsional Irregularity
2 - Re-entrant Corners
3 - Diaphragm Discontinuity
4 - Out-of-plane Offsets
5 - Nonparallel Systems
1a - Soft Story
the lateral stiffness is less than
70% of that in the story above
or less than 80% of the average
stiffness of the three stories
1b - Extreme Soft Story
the lateral stiffness is less than
60% of that in the story above
or less than 70% of the average
stiffness of the three stories
Not permitted in Design
Categories E & F
ASCE 7-05 Seismic Provisions - A Beginner's 43
Guide to ASCE 7-05
Type 2: Weight (Mass) Irregularity
Mass irregularity shall
be considered to exist
where the effective
mass of any story is
more than 150% of
the effective mass of
an adjacent story. A
roof that is lighter
than the floor below
need not be
ASCE 7-05 Seismic Provisions - A Beginner's 44
Guide to ASCE 7-05
Type 3: Vertical Geometry
Vertical geometry
irregularity shall be
considered to exist where
the horizontal dimension of
the lateral force-resisting
system in any story is
more than 130% of that in
an adjacent story.
W is to include:
all dead load (all permanent components of the
building, including permanent equipment)
25% of any design storage floor live loads except
for floor live load in public garages and open
parking structures.
If partition loads are considered in floor design, at
least 10 psf is to be included.
A portion of the snow load (20% pf minimum) in
regions where the flat roof snow load exceeds 30
ASCE 7-05 Seismic Provisions - A Beginner's 50
Guide to ASCE 7-05
Seismic Response Coefficient, Cs
See ASCE 7-05
Cs = SDS /(R/I)
T < Cu Ta
W x hx
W i hi
i= 1
Wx = Weight at level x
hx = elevation of level x above the base
k = exponent related to structure period
When T < 0.5 s, k =1, When T > 2.5 s, k =2,
Linearly interpolate when 0.5 < T < 2.5 s
ASCE 7-05 Seismic Provisions - A Beginner's 58
Guide to ASCE 7-05
Story Shear, Vx
Story shear, Vx, is the shear force at a given story
Vx is the sum of all the forces above that level.
5: 1.2D + 1.0E + L + 0.2S
7: 0.9D + 1.0E
5: D + (W or 0.7E)
6: D + 0.75(W or 0.7E) + 0.75L + 0.75(Lr or S or R)
8: 0.6D + 0.7E
D = 1.3