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Advanced Water Distribution Modeling and Management

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Thomas M. Walski
Donald V. Chase
Dragan A. Savic
Walter Grayman
Stephen Beckwith
Edmundo Koelle

Contributing Authors
Scott Cattran, Rick Hammond, Kevin Laptos, Steven G. Lowry,
Robert F. Mankowski, Stan Plante, John Przybyla, Barbara Schmitz

Peer Review Board

Lee Cesario (Denver Water), Robert M. Clark (U.S. EPA),
Jack Dangermond (ESRI), Allen L. Davis (CH2M Hill),
Paul DeBarry (Borton-Lawson), Frank DeFazio (Franklin G. DeFazio Corp.),
Kevin Finnan (Bristol Babcock), Wayne Hartell (Bentley Systems),
Brian Hoefer (ESRI), Bassam Kassab (Santa Clara Valley Water District),
James W. Male (University of Portland), William M. Richards
(WMR Engineering), Zheng Wu (Bentley Systems ),
and E. Benjamin Wylie (University of Michigan)

Click here to visit the Bentley Institute

Press Web page for more information

Model Optimization Techniques

Optimization, as it applies to water distribution system modeling, is the process of

finding the best, or optimal, solution to a water distribution system problem. Exam-
ples of possible problems are the design of new piping or determination of the most
efficient pumping schedule.
Use of the model for design applications follows the process shown in Figure D.1
(formulate alternatives, test alternatives, cost analysis, and make decision). Before
this process can begin, however, the engineer must develop a descriptive network
model, or simulation, that predicts the behavior of the system under various condi-
tions. The calibration required as part of model development can be aided by optimi-
zation techniques that enable automated adjustments in input parameters that result in
closer agreement between computed and observed values.

Figure D.1
Overview of model
Existing Additional Model
Problem Ready for
Calibrated Calibration
Statement Problem
Model Data


Make Cost Test

Decision Analysis Alternatives
644 Model Optimization Techniques Appendix D

When the simulation is ready for the problem being analyzed, the engineer formulates
alternative solutions by altering inputs to the decision-making model, tests and costs
those alternatives, and presents the results to the decision-maker. The alternatives pre-
sented to the decision-maker will ideally provide a similar level of technical and eco-
nomic compliance (for example, pressure compliance, reliability, and cost) with the
design brief, but will differ in the design parameters (such as pipe diameters, pump
characteristics, valve settings, and reservoir sizes).
The idea of rerunning a simulation model under all possible conditions to determine
the most favorable alternatives is simple. However, the number of alternatives quickly
becomes enormous, and the associated time and cost can become prohibitive. Optimi-
zation techniques provide a way to efficiently examine a broad range of alternative
solutions by automatically altering the details of the system to generate new,
improved solutions. A decision-making model that uses these automated techniques is
called an optimization model. The first overview of how optimization can be applied
to water distribution design was prepared by deNeufville, Schaake, and Stafford
(1971), and the principles they presented still apply.


The typical optimization problem consists of finding the maximum or minimum value
of an objective function, subject to constraints. This section provides a general over-
view of the optimization process, including key terminology and principles.

Optimization Terminology
Objective Function. When optimizing a system or process, it is important to
quantify how good a particular solution is. A mathematical function called an objec-
tive function is used to measure system performance and indicate the degree to which
the objectives are achieved. If multiple objectives exist, then there will be multiple
objective functions.
The term optimization refers to mathematical techniques used to automatically adjust
the details of the system in such a way as to achieve, for instance, the best possible
system performance (that is, the best value of the objective functions), or the least-
cost design that achieves a specified performance level. The best or most advanta-
geous solution (or solutions in multiobjective analysis) is called the optimal solution.
Decision Variables. In order to improve the performance of a system, the
parameters that can be changed must be known. These quantifiable parameters are
called decision variables, and their respective values are to be determined. For exam-
ple, in pipe-size optimization, the decision variables are the diameter for each of the
pipes being considered. Any restrictions on the values that can be assigned to decision
variables should be clearly stated in the optimization model. In the case of pipe sizes,
each discrete pipe size available should be defined.
Constraints. When judging systems and solutions, it is necessary to consider the
limits or restrictions within which the system must operate. These limits are called
Section D.1 Overview of Optimization 645

constraints. If one’s objective is to attain a minimum-cost solution, for example, one

must also consider the constraints on system performance and reliability. Constraints
serve to define the decision space from which the objective function can take its val-
ues. The decision space is the set of all possible decision variables, and the solution
space is the set of all possible solutions to the problem.
Constraints may be further classified as hard constraints, which may not be exceeded
without failure or severe damage to the system, and soft constraints, which may be
exceeded to a certain extent, although it is generally not desirable to do so. An exam-
ple of a hard constraint is the maximum pressure that a pipe can withstand without
jeopardizing the structural integrity of the system. A minimum pressure requirement
for all water system nodes and a maximum permissible velocity for system pipes are
possible soft constraints. Constraints may be applied explicitly to decision variables
(for example, pipe sizes are discrete) or implicitly to other system parameters (for
example, net head loss around a loop must be zero).
In evaluating systems and possible solutions, it is also important to understand how
the various constraints interact. The limits for a given constraint often prevent one
from obtaining a better value in another. For instance, a larger pipe size may aid in
meeting required fire flows, but at the same time may be detrimental to water quality.

The Optimization Process

Figure D.2 shows the basic steps in creating (formulating) an optimization model.

Figure D.2
Optimization model
formulation process

Based on Figure D.2, we can say that optimization involves

1. The selection of a set of decision variables to describe the decision alternatives.
2. The selection of an objective or several objectives, expressed in terms of the deci-
sion variables, that one seeks to optimize (that is, minimize or maximize).
3. The determination of a set of constraints (both hard and soft), expressed in terms
of the decision variables, which must be satisfied by any acceptable (feasible)
646 Model Optimization Techniques Appendix D

4. The determination of a set of values for the decision variables so as to minimize

(or maximize) the objective function, while satisfying all constraints.

In a more formal mathematical fashion, an optimization problem is said to be given in

the standard form if the above elements of the problem are presented as:

Objective function: Max f(x) (D.1)

Subject to constraints: g(x) d 0

h(x) = 0


where f = objective function

x = vector of decision variables
f, g, h = functions of x
X = set of all possible solutions

Problem Visualization
If we use an example in two dimensions (that is, with two decision variables), it is
possible to visualize an optimization problem in terms of a landscape where f is the
elevation of the ground surface at a point. It is then possible to plot elevation contours
at equal increments of f. Such a contour plot is shown in Figure D.3.

Figure D.3
A contour plot in two
Section D.1 Overview of Optimization 647

The goal of optimization in this case is to find the values of the two decision vari-
ables—the horizontal coordinates x1 and x2—for which the objective function f is
maximized (that is, the coordinates of the top of the hill).
This problem can also be visualized by considering a hiker’s search for the top of a
thickly wooded hill emerging from a flat plain. The problems begin when the density
of the forest prevents the hiker from seeing the summit, or even the general shape of
the hill. The hiker could eventually reach the top simply by continuing to gain eleva-
tion as he or she walks. However, there are easier (faster) and/or more perilous routes
to the top. If there are multiple peaks, the problem becomes even more difficult for the
hiker. This landscape representation of the decision space is discussed in more detail
later in this appendix.

Why Use Optimization?

All modelers like to believe that they produce well-calibrated models or good, safe
designs that represent value for money. However, it is rare for a modeler to have the
time or resources to consider more than a handful of solutions to a problem. In the
planning phase of a project, there are often many alternatives for each component of a
scheme. The number of possible designs for a complete scheme can be very large, if
not infinite. Even in the final stages of design, an enormous number of possibilities
usually exists—far too many to be considered and evaluated individually.
To illustrate the size of the optimization problem, consider a simple network design
example in which only 10 pipes must be sized. If we assume that there are 10 discrete
diameters to choose from for each pipe, then theoretically, the total number of possi-
ble design alternatives is 1010 (or 10,000,000,000).
When dealing with complex problems in practice, the experienced design engineer
will of course adopt rules of thumb and use personal experience to focus on possible
alternatives that are reasonably cost-effective, thereby dramatically reducing the deci-
sion space size. With the aid of a hydraulic network model, the modeler adopts a trial-
and-error approach to produce a few feasible solutions, which can then be priced.
Figure D.4 shows how these solutions often satisfy one criterion (in this case, accept-
able water quality risk) but fail to reach the optimum point at which the standard is
met and capital expenditure is minimized. With larger or more complex problems,
finding even one feasible solution may take a great deal of effort, and it is clearly
impossible to explore a wide range of alternatives using this manual, trial-and-error
It is not only the size of the problem that limits the effectiveness of the manual design
method. The behavior of the network simulation model is nonlinear, whereby changes
made at one component of the system may influence the performance at another,
resulting in a system where it is hard to intuitively relate cause and effect. Similarly,
most analysts are taught to make one system change at a time, which makes it difficult
for them to identify novel solutions that combine interrelated actions. Although engi-
neering solutions developed using the manual technique can be successful in meeting
technical design criteria, they are generally less successful at delivering these benefits
for the least cost.
648 Model Optimization Techniques Appendix D

Figure D.4
Manual solutions
versus optimal trade-
off point

Optimization is successful to the extent that it can account for all important factors in
a problem. Optimization approaches often have difficulty accounting for subjective
considerations such as uncertainty in demand projections, the need for reliability, dif-
ferent uncertainties in costs for different alternatives, the value of excess capacity,
uncertain budgetary constraints, and subjective preferences for pipe routes. In theory,
optimization can account for these considerations, but it is cumbersome to do so in
practical problems. Therefore, caution must be exercised in the use of optimization
techniques, but equally it must be recognized that computer-aided algorithms enable
problems to be optimized to a degree that cannot be achieved through a trial-and-error


A very simplified view of the decision-making process is that it involves two types of
actors: analysts (modelers) and decision-makers. Analysts are technically capable
people who provide information about a problem to the decision-makers responsible
for choosing which course of action to take. Modeling and optimization techniques
are tools that analysts may use to develop useful information for the decision-makers.
The main reason to rely on any model in a decision-making process is to provide a
quantitative assessment of the effects of management decisions on the system being
considered. A model also provides an objective assessment as opposed to subjective
opinions of system behavior. Thus, models should be used in support of decision-
Optimization is simply another type of modeling, and the logic that applies to the
application of other computer models applies to optimization models as well. Optimi-
zation tools therefore should be used for supporting decisions rather than for making
them — they should not substitute for the decision-making process.
Section D.2 How to Use Optimization 649

Single-Objective Optimization
Many real-world engineering design or decision-making problems need to achieve
several objectives: minimize risks, maximize reliability, minimize deviations from
desired (target) levels, minimize cost (both capital and operational), and so on. How-
ever, the mathematical representation of the optimization problem given by Equation
D.1 considers just one objective — that is, f(x). The goal of such single-objective opti-
mization problems is to find the “best” solution, which corresponds to the minimum
or maximum value of an objective function. In practice, problems with multiple
objectives are often reformulated as single-objective problems by either lumping dif-
ferent objectives into one (that is, by forming a weighted combination of the different
objectives), or by replacing all but one of the objectives with constraints.
When multiple objectives are to be evaluated using a single-objective model, all
design objectives must be measurable in terms of a single objective function. Some a
priori ordering of different objectives (that is, a scheme to weight the relative impor-
tance of the objectives) is therefore necessary to integrate them into a single fitness
function. Because this weighting of priorities (for instance, determination of the cost
equivalent of failure risk) typically falls on the analyst, it is really the analyst who car-
ries the burden of decision-making. Even if the decision-makers are technically capa-
ble and willing to provide some a priori preference information, the decision-making
role is taken away from them.
Consider the following example with two objectives. In a pipe-sizing problem, the
two objectives are identified as: (1) minimize costs (min f1) and (2) maximize benefits
(max f2). First, both objectives need to be either minimized or maximized. This is eas-
ily done by multiplying one of them by -1. For example, max f2 is equivalent to min
(-f2) = min f2'. Next, the two objectives must be lumped together to create a single
objective function. This lumping is possible if, for example, both objectives can be
expressed in monetary terms. If a dollar figure can be attached to both of them, then
the multiobjective problem can be reduced to a single-objective one. Weighting (con-
version) factors w1 and w2 are used in order to obtain a single, combined objective
function [max f = max (w1 f1 + w2 f2')]. This combining is possible because the objec-
tive function now has a single dimension (dollars, in this case). Note that another set
of weights can be used for the two objectives if some predetermined preference
between the objectives is expressed. Finally, given this single objective function and a
set of constraints, one can find a single optimal solution.
This type of optimization is useful as a tool for providing decision-makers with
insights into the nature of the problem, but it cannot easily provide a set of alternative
solutions that trade different objectives against each other. The next subsection dis-
cusses approaches for evaluating multiple objectives.

Multiobjective Optimization
The principle of multiobjective optimization is different from that of single-objective
optimization. The main difference is that the interaction among different objectives
gives rise to a set of compromised solutions, largely known as tradeoff, nondomi-
nated, noninferior, or Pareto-optimal solutions.
650 Model Optimization Techniques Appendix D

For example, if the two objectives are given in the objective space as depicted in Fig-
ure D.5, the alternative C is dominated by D because this alternative (D) gives more of
(that is, maximizes) both objectives f1 and f2. Alternatives A and B belong to the
Pareto set because each solution on the Pareto-optimal curve is not dominated by any
other solution. In going from one solution to another, it is not possible to improve on
one objective without making the other objective worse.

The consideration of many objectives in the design or planning stages provides three
major improvements to the decision-making process (Cohon, 1978):

• A wider range of alternatives is usually identified when a multiobjective

methodology is employed.

• Consideration of multiple objectives promotes more appropriate roles for the

participants in the planning and decision-making processes. The analyst or
modeler generates alternative solutions, and the decision-maker uses these
alternative solutions to make informed decisions.

• Models of a problem will be more realistic if many objectives are consid-


Figure D.5
interpretation of

Applications of Optimization
Various problems from water distribution modeling practice can be formulated as
optimization problems. This section provides a brief overview of the main areas
where optimization has been applied to water distribution management problems.
Section D.2 How to Use Optimization 651

Automated Calibration. Before hydraulic network models can be used for

predictive purposes with any degree of confidence, they need to be calibrated against
field data. Optimization can automate the process of adjusting the parameters of the
network model by using a measure of the match between modeled and observed val-
ues as the objective. In other words, optimization in this case is aimed at determining
the pipe roughness, nodal demand, and link status data that will minimize the differ-
ence between modeled and observed values (see page 268 for more information).
Sampling Design for Calibration. The selection of field test locations in a
water distribution system for collection of data to be used in calibration is called sam-
pling design. Sampling design is often done by subjective judgment, which can lead
to system calibration that is based on insufficient monitoring data, or that has redun-
dant information for calibration.
Optimization provides an alternative way of selecting field test locations for use in
calibrating a water distribution system. One of the key difficulties in sampling design
via optimization, however, is choosing objective functions that faithfully represent the
monitoring objective (for example, that maximize model accuracy or minimize the
cost of data collection). See page 276 for more information on using optimization for
sampling design.
Operational Optimization. Pump operating costs make up a large proportion
of the expenses of water utilities. It is therefore important to plan the operation of
pumps to minimize energy consumption while maintaining the required standard of
service and reliability. For water distribution systems, the objective function is nor-
mally defined to minimize the operational cost of the system over a period of time
(typically 24 hours), and the decision variables are the times for which each pump is
run (see page 446).
Design/Expansion. Design of new water distribution networks or expansion of
existing ones is often viewed as a least-cost optimization problem with pipe diameters
being the decision variables. Pipe layout, connectivity, and imposed head and velocity
constraints are considered known. Obviously, other elements (such as service reser-
voirs and pumps) and other possible objectives (reliability, redundancy, and water
quality) exist that could be included in the optimization process. However, difficulties
with including reservoirs and pumps and with quantifying additional objectives for
use within the optimization process have historically kept most optimization research-
ers focused on pipe diameters and the single objective of least cost. Even so, some
attempts have been made to include these additional factors in formal optimization.
See page 360 for more information on using optimization for system design.
Rehabilitation. Improvements in a water distribution system’s performance can
be achieved through replacing, rehabilitating, duplicating, or repairing some of the
pipes or other components (pumps, tanks, and so on) in the network, and also by add-
ing completely new components. It is likely that funding will be available to modify
or add only a small number of components to a network at any one time. The multiob-
jective optimization problem is therefore formulated to choose which components to
add or improve (and how to improve them) in order to maximize the benefits result-
ing from the system changes, while minimizing the costs, possibly subject to budget
652 Model Optimization Techniques Appendix D


Optimization search methods range from analytical optimization of one variable; to
linear, nonlinear, and dynamic programming approaches; to numerous search meth-
ods. The most sophisticated search methods mimic various natural processes in their
approaches; these techniques are called adaptive search methods. Adaptive methods
known as genetic algorithms mimic the natural selection process and have been suc-
cessfully applied to distribution network optimization.

Figure D.6 shows how the search techniques described in this section can be used
within an optimization framework that is coupled with a hydraulic simulation model.
For example, in the case of water distribution pipe sizing, an optimal solution to the
problem is obtained by interfacing a hydraulic simulation model with a search
method. The hydraulic simulation model is used to implicitly solve for the hydraulic
constraints that define the flow phenomena (for example, continuity and energy bal-
ance) each time the search method needs to evaluate these constraints. The search
process starts by generating one or more initial solutions (for example, pipe diameters
assigned to each of the pipes). Each solution is then tested by solving the hydraulic
simulation model to compute the flows and pressures in the system. Based on the cost
and performance (minimum pressure at nodes, minimum/maximum velocities, travel
times, and so on), the solution is assessed and the search method generates a new test
solution. The procedure is repeated until some convergence criterion is reached.

Figure D.6

Analytical Optimization
Analytical optimization techniques are often introduced in calculus courses. These
techniques usually deal with unconstrained problems for which one is trying to obtain
the optimal solution to a problem that consists of an objective function alone (that is,
without constraints imposed on the solution). Although it is unlikely that any substan-
tial water distribution system optimization could be formulated as an unconstrained
optimization problem, this type of problem is important to the development of more
advanced optimization techniques, as constrained optimization algorithms are often
Section D.3 Optimization Methods 653

extensions of unconstrained ones. Many algorithms used to optimize a function of

multiple variables attempt to do so by solving successive one-dimensional problems.
In the unconstrained optimization problem, a maximum (largest) value of a real-
valued function, f(x), where x is a real-valued variable, is sought. In other words, the
optimization seeks a value x* such that f(x*) t f(x) for all x. To solve this problem, a
few terms must be defined.
The largest and smallest values that a function assumes can be defined locally or glo-
bally. Figure D.7 shows that a local optimum can be defined at a point x* if, for a local
maximum, f(x*) is greater than or equal to f(x) for all x adjacent to x*. A global opti-
mum exists at point x* if, for a maximum, f(x*) is greater than or equal to f(x) for all x
(that is, there are no greater values anywhere in the search area). If the objective is
instead to find the minimum value, a global optimum exists at point x* if f(x*) is
smaller than f(x) for all x. Global maxima and minima are also called absolute
extrema. Finding a global optimum is usually much more difficult than finding a local

Figure D.7
Relationship between
local and global
maxima and minima

Assuming f(x) to be a continuous function, it can be readily seen from Figure D.7 that
the extrema must occur at one of the following:
• The endpoint a or b [f(x) = A or f(x) = B]
• A point where the tangent is horizontal (that is, a root of f '(x) = ------ = 0)
[f(x) = C or f(x) = D]
• A discontinuity of f '(x) = ------ [f(x) = F]

Solving for the x values that satisfy the equality in the second bullet above (that is,
points where the tangent is horizontal) yields candidate points for local minima and
654 Model Optimization Techniques Appendix D

maxima inside the boundaries; however, these values alone are not sufficient to indi-
cate if the point is a minimum or maximum. It can be seen immediately that point E is
neither a minimum nor a maximum, though the first derivative at that point is equal to
zero because it is an inflection point.
If the first derivative for a point is equal to zero, and if the values of f '(x) adjacent to
that point are negative for smaller values of x and positive for greater values of x (that
is, the slope of the tangent changes from negative to positive), then this point is a local
minimum (see Figure D.8). Likewise, if f '(x) changes from positive to negative at a
point, then this point is a local maximum. For the point of inflection, the sign of the
first derivative does not change from one side of the point to the other.

Figure D.8
First derivative test for
local extrema

Local maxima and minima can also be determined using the second derivative of f(x).
The function has a local maximum at a point where the second derivative is less than
zero, and a local minimum where the second derivative is greater than zero. These
conditions can be extended to the constrained case (Finney, Weir, and Giordano,
The problem of unconstrained optimization of a function of more than one variable
(the multivariate case) is concerned with finding the correct combination of the values
of the variables to obtain the best value of the objective function. The criteria used for
selecting the combination of variables are similar to those used for single-variable
functions but require more complex mathematical techniques. The nonlinear pro-
gramming section of this appendix (see page 659) covers these techniques. For more
information on unconstrained optimization of functions of a single variable and multi-
ple variables, see introductory texts on operations research (Hillier and Lieberman,
1995; Wagner, 1975).
The problem of finding the optimum of a constrained problem (that is, a problem for
which the decision variables are subject to various constraints) can be approached in
two ways. The first approach consists essentially of adapting those methods that have
been developed for the unconstrained problem to make them suitable to use in the
constrained case. The second approach treats the constraints as the essential part of
Section D.3 Optimization Methods 655

the problem. The latter approach was first used in connection with linear functions
and linear constraints and was given the name linear programming. Later, these meth-
ods were generalized to deal with nonlinear problems. The term mathematical pro-
gramming is frequently used as a label to include all of the variations.
Analytical optimization methods do not usually work well for network problems
because of the large number of pipes involved. However, some problems can be posed
in such a way that the pipes can be considered one at a time. Camp (1939) first
applied analytical optimization to pipe sizing. Bhave (1983), Cowan (1971), Dancs
(1977), Deb (1973 and 1976), Swamee and Khanna (1974), and Watanatada (1973)
developed similar approaches. Walski (1984) showed how analytical methods can be
applied for a number of simple pipe sizing problems. As systems become more com-
plicated, these methods become cumbersome.
Shamir and Howard (1979) and Walski and Pelliccia (1982) applied such techniques
to decisions to replace pipes due to breakage, and Walski (1982 and 1985) developed
a method for determining whether to rehabilitate a pipe based on energy costs or the
cost of parallel piping using an analytical solution. Section 8.9 describes an analytical
approach to selecting pipe size and pumping equipment based on life-cycle costs.

Linear Programming
Linear programming (LP) refers to the class of optimization problems in which both
the objective function and constraints in Equation D.1 are linear functions (that is, the
variable’s exponent is 1). Linear programming can be envisioned as a mountain with
straight-sloping sides. In maximizing an objective, LP locates the highest peak of the
mountain. Although modeling and decision-making problems connected with water
distribution systems are almost always nonlinear, an understanding of the basic prin-
ciples of linear programming is essential to understanding the methods of solving
nonlinear problems that developed from it.
A simple two-variable example will be used to study the geometry of a linear problem
in two dimensions and illustrate the linear programming technique. If the equation of
the optimization problem is given in the standard form of Equation D.1, then:

Max f(x) = x1 + 5x2

Subject to: x1 + x2 d 8 (i)

x 1 – 3x 2 t 0 (ii)
x1 t 0 (iii)
x2 t 0 (iv)

Clearly, the objective function and constraints are linear because no product terms
involving the decision variables exist [that is, there are no terms like (x1 u x2) or x12 in
the objective function or constraints].
656 Model Optimization Techniques Appendix D

A graphical solution technique requires that lines be drawn for the objective function
and the constraints. First, consider constraint (i). If this constraint is an equality, then
it can be plotted as a straight line in (x1, x2) space. The line is constructed by simply
determining the intersection points of the two axes and connecting them. In this case,
x2 = 8 when x1 = 0 [point (0, 8)], and x1 = 8 when x2 = 0 [point (8, 0)].
Because the constraint is an inequality, the question of which side of the line contains
points that satisfy the constraint arises. This determination is made by testing any
point not on the line. For example, the coordinates (0, 0) do satisfy the inequality
because 0 + 0 d 8 . All points on the same side of the boundary line as point (0, 0), as
well as all points on the line, will satisfy the inequality. The plane on the opposite
(infeasible) side of the line is shaded to remove these values from consideration (see
Figure D.9).

Figure D.9
LP constraint (i) in the

In constructing the constraint boundary line for constraint (ii), x1 – 3x2 t 0 the inter-
section point for both axes is found to be (0, 0).The other point required for drawing
the line can be obtained by taking a value other than 0 for x1. For example, if x1 = 3,
then x2 = 1 and the other point for drawing the constraint boundary line is (3, 1).
Again, a point not on the line should be used to test for feasible region. For example,
for point (0, 2), x1 – 3x2 = –6, which is less than 0. Therefore, point (0, 2) does not sat-
isfy the inequality, and the plane on the same (infeasible) side of the line should be
shaded (see Figure D.10).
If the feasible regions for the two constraints are drawn together, then an intersection
of two spaces is obtained that consists of the set of all points whose coordinates sat-
isfy both inequalities. Graphing all of the inequalities simultaneously yields the geo-
metric representation of the space for the set of all decision-variable values that
satisfy all of the constraints, including the non-negativity constraints [(iii) and (iv)].
This space is shown in Figure D.10 and is called the feasible region. The corner points
of the feasible region (0, 0), (8, 0), and (6, 2) are called the extreme points because
they belong to the feasible region and lie on the intersection of two distinct boundary
Section D.3 Optimization Methods 657

Figure D.10
The feasible region
for the example

The feasible region in Figure D.10 is also said to be convex because it contains a set of
points for which a line segment joining any pair of points in the region will lie com-
pletely within the region. Figure D.11 shows examples of convex and nonconvex fea-
sible regions in two-dimensional space.

Figure D.11
Examples of convex
and nonconvex

The final step in solving the linear programming problem is to find the point in the
feasible region that maximizes the value of the objective function. It can be shown
that optimal values of a linear function on a convex set will occur at extreme points if
they occur at all. Therefore, a finite number of optimal values exist for a convex set.
To find the extreme point that produces the optimum solution, the objective function
line is graphed just like any constraint boundary line. Taking a point that is in the fea-
sible region, say (5, 1), yields f(x) = 5 + 5(1) = 10. The x1 and x2 axis intercept points
for this function are found to be (10, 0) and (0, 2), respectively. The function f(x) = 
x1 + 5x2 = 10 can now be plotted by drawing a line through these points, as shown in
Figure D.12. If f(x) is assigned a series of arbitrary values, the equation in each case
represents a straight line with the slope –1/5 (that is, the objective function lines are
658 Model Optimization Techniques Appendix D

parallel to each other). As the value assigned to f(x) increases, the line representing
the function shifts upward. It can be seen that the maximum value of f(x) lying within
the feasible region will correspond to the equation for the line passing through the
extreme point (6, 2). (Recall that this point is the intersection of lines x1 + x2 = 8 and
x1 – 3x2 = 0.) The maximum value of the objective function is therefore f(x) = x1 + 
5x2 = 6 + 5 u 2 = 16.

Figure D.12
The objective function

Note that if the parallel lines representing the different objective function values are
plotted at equal intervals, the plot would resemble the contour plot of Figure D.3. The
differences in this case are that the contours are straight lines and that areas of the
decision space exist that are excluded from the acceptable (feasible) region due to lin-
ear constraints. For example, the line with the objective function value of 33 does not
pass through any point in the feasible region; therefore, the objective function cannot
reach this value while the solution is still feasible.

The knowledge that the optimal solution of an LP problem is an extreme point moti-
vates a special iterative procedure for reaching the optimum called the simplex
method. Starting from a feasible extreme point, the simplex method changes the vari-
ables to move to an adjacent extreme point where the objective function has a larger
value. Movement therefore occurs on the edge of the feasible region along a selected
constraint line that is connected to the current extreme point. The procedure selects
the next extreme point on the basis of the largest gain in the objective function value.
It continues in this way until an extreme point is reached for which no further
improvement in the objective function is possible. For a more complete discussion of
the simplex method, see Hillier and Lieberman (1995) and Wagner (1975).
Section D.3 Optimization Methods 659

The basic principles behind the LP method are illustrated by a simple example of siz-
ing a branched pipe network (that is, a network without closed loops). This technique
applies only to branched networks for which demands are known and therefore pipe
flows can be determined from continuity alone. Because head loss is a nonlinear func-
tion, the initial problem is nonlinear; however, it can be reformulated as a linear func-
tion for which LP can be used. This reformulation is possible because frictional head
loss is a linear function of pipeline length. The optimization problem is thus formu-
lated as minimization of cost subject to the constraint that each branch in the network
is comprised of various pipe lengths, each with its own fixed diameter. The decision
variable of the problem is the length of a particular segment of a particular diameter.
For example, the program solves for the length of a branch of 8-in. pipe necessary to
solve the problem, then the length of 10-in. pipe, 12-in. pipe, and so on. An additional
constraint ensures that the total sum of the segments of all the possible diameter com-
binations is equal to the length of the particular branch.

One of the greatest advantages of LP over nonlinear programming (NLP) algorithms

is that if the optimum exists, LP is guaranteed to find it. Once formulated, an LP is
easy to handle, especially because well-established, general-purpose, “off-the-shelf”
LP software is available. Thanks to the advances in computing of the past decade,
problems having tens or hundreds of thousands of continuous variables are regularly
solved. LP makes it possible to analyze the final solution and find its sensitivity to
changes in parameters. However, the assumption of linearity is often not appropriate
for real engineering systems, and it is certainly not appropriate for water distribution
system optimization.

Linear programming techniques work well for pipe sizing problems involving
branched systems with one-directional flow as demonstrated by Karmeli, Gadish, and
Meyer (1968); Salcedo and Weiss (1972); and Austin and Robinson (1976). For
looped systems, another method must be coupled with the LP solution to determine
the optimal flow distribution as demonstrated by Alperovits and Shamir (1977);
Bhave (1980); Quindry, Brill, and Liebman (1981); Kettler and Goulter (1983); and
Morgan and Goulter (1985). Jowitt, Garrett, Cook, and Germanopoulos (1988) also
applied LP to solving problems with optimal system operation. Boccelli et al. (1998)
and Constans, Brémond, and Morel (2000) used LP to optimize disinfection in water

Nonlinear Programming
Nonlinear programming (NLP) problems have the same structure as the general opti-
mization problem given in Equation D.1. However, nonlinear programming refers to
the class of optimization problems for which some or all of the problem functions,
f(x), g(x), and h(x), are nonlinear with respect to the variables. NLP models more real-
istically capture certain characteristics of system relations but introduce significant
computational difficulties. This type of problem is particularly difficult to solve

• The feasible region is not guaranteed to be convex due to a combination of

nonlinear constraints;
660 Model Optimization Techniques Appendix D

• An optimum solution does not necessarily occur at an extreme (stationary)

point of the feasible region;

• Multiple local optima may exist, making it difficult to identify the global

Nonlinear programming problems come in many different forms and can be very hard
to solve. It is therefore unreasonable to expect a generic optimization methodology to
be able to solve all nonlinear programming problems. For example, if a problem
includes nonlinear constraints, and if an initial feasible point is not provided, there is
no guaranteed way to find a feasible point, or even to determine whether one exists. If
all the constraints are linear, however, determining a feasible point is no more difficult
than in linear programming. A large body of literature concerned with the various
NLP techniques exists, and it is beyond the scope of this text to provide a comprehen-
sive survey of these methods. However, this section will examine the basic extensions
to the calculus-based optimization for more than one variable in order to illustrate the
increased complexity of NLP problems.

Consider the optimization problem in two dimensions for which x1 and x2 are decision
variables and the objective function contour lines are as shown in Figure D.13. As in
the one-dimensional problem previously presented, the optimum value of f occurs
inside the permissible range only at a point where the tangent plane (plane in this case
because there are two variables) is horizontal, or at a point of discontinuity in the

Figure D.13
Section D.3 Optimization Methods 661

For a point where the tangent plane is horizontal, the first-order partial derivatives will
equal zero:

wf x = ------------
wf x = 0
wx 1 wx 2

However, similar to one-dimensional problems, this information is necessary but not

sufficient to indicate whether the point is a maximum, minimum, point of inflection,
or saddle point [a point that is a maximum for the function in one direction (say, x1)
and a minimum in the other (x2) direction]. In order to determine which of the station-
ary points are maxima (or minima), it is necessary to examine the second-order partial
derivatives of f. These are contained in what is called the Hessian matrix, which in
this case is:

2 2
w f-
------- w f -
2 wx 1 wx 2
wx 1
H =
2 2
w f w f-
- -------
wx 2 wx 1 2
wx 2

In order for a stationary point to be a maximum, the following conditions must be


w f-
------- 0
wx 1

w f-
------- 0
wx 2

2 2
w f-
------- w f -
2 wx 1 wx 2
wx 1
det H = !0
2 2
w f - w f-
---------------- -------
wx 2 wx 1 2
wx 2

In other words, all of the diagonal elements of the Hessian matrix at the point in ques-
tion must be negative, and the determinant must be positive, which also means that the
Hessian matrix must be negative definite.

Conversely, for a point to be a minimum, the following conditions must be satisfied:

662 Model Optimization Techniques Appendix D

w f-
------- !0
wx 1

w f-
------- !0
wx 2

2 2
w f- w f -
------- ----------------
2 wx 1 wx 2
wx 1
det H = !0
2 2
w f -
---------------- w f-
wx 2 wx 1 2
wx 2

These conditions translate into the requirement that the Hessian matrix at the point in
question be positive definite.
The development of tests for positive or negative definiteness becomes progressively
more difficult as the number of variables increases. Thus, such tests are rarely applied
in algorithms that do not already make use of this matrix.
The above approach for identifying potential extremum points and testing them for
optimality is built into several search techniques that assume that
• It is possible to calculate either or both of the first and second derivatives of
the function to be optimized;
• The starting decision variable values are near the desired extremum of the
objective function;
• The function is reasonably smooth.
An increasingly large number of methods known as steepest-ascent or gradient-
ascent methods (in the case of maximization) take search steps in the direction of the
most rapid increase in the objective function. However, these searches slow as they
near the optimum solution due to the decrease in gradient. Conversely, the well-
known Newton (or Newton-Raphson) method is quite good when the trial solution is
close to the optimum but can be quite unreliable for solutions far from the optimum.
One solution to this problem is offered by the Levenberg-Marquardt method, which
switches between the gradient method and the Newton method depending on how far
the current solution is from the optimum. However, this method still does not solve
the problem of decision spaces with multiple local optima, because the Levenberg-
Marquardt method (and any other hill-climbing method as they are mostly known)
will find only the local minimum closest to the starting condition.
Nonlinear problems become even more difficult to solve if one or more constraints are
involved. It is beyond the scope of this text to give details on different methods of
dealing with multiple optima and nonlinear constraints in NLP. See Hillier and Lie-
berman (1995) and Wagner (1975), where different nonlinear programming tech-
niques (such as the methods of substitution and the Lagrange multipliers for nonlinear
equality constraints, or specific cases on NLP such as quadratic and separable pro-
Section D.3 Optimization Methods 663

gramming) are presented in sufficient detail. Some NLP problems are further compli-
cated by the existence of decision variables that can only take on integer values.
Discrete pipe sizes are an example of this. Optimization problems that combine con-
tinuous and integer values are referred to as mixed-integer problems and require a spe-
cial set of techniques such as the branch-and-bound method (Hillier and Lieberman,
Because of the nonlinear nature of head loss equations and cost functions, various
nonlinear programming methods have been used for pipe sizing optimization. Jacoby
(1968); Lam (1973); Loganathan, Greene, and Ahn (1995); and Ormsbee and Con-
tractor (1981) proposed NLP solutions, but NLP has not been widely used because of
the dimensionality of the problems being solved. NLP has shown more promise with
optimal operation problems (Coulbeck and Sterling, 1978; Ormsbee and Chase, 1988;
and Ormsbee and Lingireddy, 1995) and pressure-sensitive leaks (Stathis and Loga-
nathan, 1999).
A very popular approach for nonlinear programming is the use of generalized reduced
gradients, which was made popular by Lasdon and Waren (1982). Generalized
reduced gradients have been used for design (Shamir, 1974; Lansey and Mays, 1989;
Duan, Mays, and Lansey, 1990; Cullinane, Lansey, and Mays, 1992), operation
(Sakarya and Mays, 2000), and calibration (Lansey, 1988; Brion and Mays, 1991).

Dynamic Programming
Dynamic Programming (DP) is a procedure for optimizing a multistage decision pro-
cess in which a decision is required at each stage. The technique is based on the sim-
ple principle of optimality of Bellman (1957), which states that an optimal policy
must have the property that regardless of the decisions leading to a particular state, the
remaining decisions must constitute an optimal sequence for leaving that state. For
instance, if point B is on the shortest path from A to C, then the shortest path from B
to C lies along that route. If there were a shorter path from B to C, then it can be used
in combination with the shortest path from A to B to give the shortest path from A to
C (see Figure D.14).

Figure D.14
Illustration of the
principle of optimality

This technique is appropriate for problems that have the following characteristics:
• The problem can be divided into stages with a decision required at each
664 Model Optimization Techniques Appendix D

• Each stage has a number of system states associated with it;

• The decision at one stage transforms that state into a state in the next stage
through a state transformation function;
• Given the current state, the optimal decision for each of the remaining states
does not depend on the previous states or decisions.
Consider the following example, which illustrates the basic principles behind the DP
method. Assume that the operation of a water distribution system needs to be opti-
mized over a 24-hour period under known demand conditions. If a day is divided into
24 periods, then the decision of how much water to pump into the central reservoir to
meet demands and minimize the cost of pumping is made at 24 stages. The reservoir
volume will go through different states during the 24 hours (for example, the reservoir
could be full initially, then empty, and then refill). Therefore, the system state or the
state variable is defined as the states of the reservoir (that is, the reservoir volume).
The main problem with this technique arises from the requirement that the state vari-
able be discretized. This requirement indicates that DP is highly dependent on the
level of discretization of the state variable (in this case, the reservoir storage). The
decision in the example is the volume pumped into the reservoir, and the state trans-
formation function is the continuity equation relating the storage in one time period to
the storage in the previous time period. Figure D.15 is a simple diagrammatic repre-
sentation of one stage in a DP procedure.

Figure D.15
One-stage DP

The 24 stages of the example can be linked together as a succession of similar to the
one in Figure D.15. At each stage, the calculations involve three components:
Section D.3 Optimization Methods 665

• The cost at the beginning of the state (that is, the cost incurred up to the stage
in question)
• The cost of the decision in this stage (in this case, the cost of pumping)
• The minimum cost of the remaining stages (in this case, the minimum cost
of pumping water in the remaining time periods)
The transformation from the beginning state to the ending state is based on the state
transformation function (the continuity equation in this example). Each decision in
DP — in this case, the volume pumped into the reservoir — has an immediate conse-
quence cost associated with pumping in the current time period, as well as a long-
term consequence cost arising from the volume of water in the reservoir as a result of
that decision. The long-term cost should be minimized for the remaining period.
To solve a DP problem, it is necessary to evaluate both immediate and long-term con-
sequence costs for each possible state at each stage. This evaluation is done through
the development of the following recursive equation (for minimization):

* *
f i S i = min > c i S i d i + f i – 1 S i – 1 @ i = 1 ...,N (D.2)

where ci(Si,di) = cost of making decision di, which changes state from 
state Si – 1 to state Si, with i – 1 states to go

In terms of the reservoir example, ci(Si, di) is the cost of pumping from one discrete
reservoir volume level to another in the next time step; fi*(Si) is the cost of the opti-
mum policy to the end of the final stage when starting in state Si with i stages to go;
and N is the total number of stages in the problem (24 stages in the example).
The preceding equation requires computation of the costs for each feasible state at
each stage. Because the state variable needs to be discretized, say, into n discrete lev-
els, evaluation of n u n = n2 computations is necessary at each stage to test all combi-
nations for moving from one storage state to another. If the reservoir’s volume is
discretized into 10 discrete levels, the total number of computations is 100. However,
if more than one reservoir exists in the system, the number of computations increases
dramatically. For a system with three reservoirs, the total number of states at each
stage increases to 1,000, and the total number of computations is 1,0003 =
Thus, in a real system the problem becomes extremely large, providing another exam-
ple of the “curse of dimensionality.” Most convenient for problems with a small num-
ber of state variables, dynamic programming becomes increasingly unmanageable
with greater dimensionality of state variables. Despite this major disadvantage, DP is
probably the most widely used optimization technique in water resources problems
(Yeh, 1985). The popularity and success of this technique can be attributed to the fol-
• It guarantees determination of the global optimum to within the accuracy
defined by discretization of the state space;
666 Model Optimization Techniques Appendix D

• The nonlinear and stochastic features that characterize a large number of

water resources problems can be easily translated into a DP formulation.
Because dynamic programming works for a series of stages, the only types of design
problems it is applicable to are single pipelines with multiple withdrawals as
described by Liang (1971). Dynamic programming is useful however for optimizing
temporal processes suh as those typical in system operation problems. Sterling and
Coulbeck (1975); Coulbeck (1984); Sabel and Helwig (1985); Ormsbee, Walski,
Chase, and Sharp (1989); and Lansey and Awumah (1994) applied dynamic program-
ming to determine optimal pumping operation for minimization of costs in a water
system. Dynamic programming works well as long as the number of decision vari-
ables is very small.

Nonadaptive Search Methods

Although the steepest-ascent methods are good for finding local optima, in real prob-
lems it quickly becomes inconvenient — and often impractical or impossible — to
calculate analytically the partial derivatives with respect to the decision variables. An
obvious solution would be to evaluate the function at a number of points around the
current location and use a numerical difference technique to find the partial deriva-
tives, but the number of function evaluations required at each step rapidly becomes
prohibitive in a high-dimensional case. In such a situation, knowledge of the func-
tional relationship between the objective function value and the decision variables
either does not exist or is not usable.
The problem of a hiker’s search for the top of a thickly wooded hill (or hills) pre-
sented earlier actually introduces optimization problems for such a case. The func-
tional relationship between the objective function value (that is, the height of a point
on the hill) and the adjustable (decision) variables (which describe the direction of the
walk) is not known because of the woods obstructing the view. The hiker example
considers a two-dimensional problem; a problem with a multi-dimensional search
space would be much more complicated.
Several search techniques for finding the optimal solution (in this case, the top of the
hill) are presented in this section. The feature common to all of these methods is a
generate-and-test strategy in which a new point is generated and its function value
tested. Depending on the particular method, a new point (or set of points) is gener-
ated, and the search for the top of the hill continues.
The overall aim of nonadaptive search methods in multidimensional search problems
is to find, after only a few trials, a set of decision variable values that yield a value of
the objective function that is close to the best value attainable. Such a search has two
purposes: to attain a good value of the objective function, and to give information use-
ful for locating future test points where desirable values of the objective are likely to
be found.
Random Search. Simple or random search is the least sophisticated method of
optimization that can be used to locate the top of the hill. Because the random search
method makes no use of a priori data about the problem, the results of the method
tend to be influenced by the laws of chance and probability. The method is also called
Section D.3 Optimization Methods 667

random walk because it assumes that the hiker is drunk and that each of his or her
steps has an equal probability of going in any direction. In a variation of this method
called the random multistart method, a number of drunk hikers are parachuted into
the area at random places with the hope that at least one of them will find the peak.
For even modestly large problems, the chance of finding the optimum by luck quickly
diminishes with the increase in the problem size and dimensions.
Hill-Climbing Strategies. A hill-climbing strategy is a manner of searching for
a maximum that corresponds to the way the hiker might try to climb up the hill, even
though the only information he or she has about the surface comes from past moves.
The hill-climbing methods try to solve the problem of how to reach the local maxi-
mum in as few trials as possible. Thus, the purpose of each trial solution is not only to
attain a good value of the function, but also to give information useful for finding
future test locations likely to correspond to desirable values of the function. Methods
that use heuristic schemes to systematically search the solution space from a given
starting point are called direct search methods. These methods make changes to vari-
ables, and the effect is tested by evaluating the objective function. These attempts are
called steps and are used in various ways to search the solution space. Steps in
“wrong” directions are inevitable. The attraction of direct search methods lies not in
theoretical proofs of convergence, but in their simplicity and the fact that they have
proved themselves in practice.
Fibonacci Coordinate Search. The Fibonacci method is named after a thir-
teenth-century mathematician who introduced a series of numbers on which the coor-
dinate search method is based. This search technique is considered here primarily
because it has been shown to be the best of all sequential interval division procedures.
With this type of procedure, sequential divisions of the original search space eliminate
intervals in which the optimum cannot occur (Schwefel, 1981). In a coordinate strat-
egy, a line search is performed sequentially on each parameter. The line search entails
three steps:
1. Determine the search direction.
2. Delimit the search interval.
3. Search for the optimal parameter value within the interval.
Because the gradient of the objective function is unknown, the search direction is
determined by taking a small step in the positive direction and, if required, also in the
negative direction. If the function value is improved, further steps are taken in the suc-
cessful direction until the optimal parameter value is overstepped (that is, a reduction
in the function value is found). This procedure is known as blocking the maximum,
and it returns an interval that must contain the optimal parameter value. Finally, this
interval is searched by repeatedly subdividing the interval into four, and then elimi-
nating one of the two outer intervals that cannot contain the optimal parameter value.
Van Zyl, Savic, and Walters (2001) and Van Zyl (2001) used the Fibonacci search
method for performing operational optimization of water distribution systems.
Hooke and Jeeves Pattern Search. The Hooke and Jeeves method is based
on two types of moves. At each iteration, there is an exploratory (pattern) move that
resembles a simplified coordinate search with one discrete step per coordinate direc-
668 Model Optimization Techniques Appendix D

tion. On the assumption that the line joining the first and last points of the exploratory
move represents an especially favorable direction, a move is made by extrapolating in
the direction of this line. Another exploratory move (local exploration) is made from
the extrapolated point, and then the new function value is compared to the function
value before the pattern step. The length of the pattern step is hereby increased at each
successive pattern move while the pattern search direction changes only gradually.
This approach is most advantageous where there are narrow valleys in the solution
space (Schwefel, 1981). When no further improvements are made through exploration
around the base point, the initial step size can be reduced and the process repeated if a
higher accuracy is required.

Downhill Simplex Search. The downhill simplex method relies on a simplex,

which is a geometric element having the minimum number of boundaries for the
number of dimensions in which it exists. The number of vertices that the figure has
will be one greater than its number of dimensions (that is, in N dimensions, N + 1 ver-
tices exist). Therefore, in one dimension, a simplex is a line; in two dimensions, it is a
triangle; in three dimensions, it is a tetrahedron; and so on.

Nelder and Mead (1965) developed a method that requires only function evaluations,
not derivatives. It starts by choosing an initial simplex (by picking a random location,
for example), taking unit vectors for the edges, and evaluating the function being
searched at the N + 1 vertices (points) of the simplex. The downhill simplex method
(used for minimization) now takes a series of steps, most of which just move the point
of the simplex where the function is largest (worst point) through the opposite face of
the simplex to a lower point (for minimization). These steps are called reflections. If
the current point can be extended even further, then larger steps are taken (Figure
D.16). If growing in this way yields a better point than just reflecting, then the move
is kept; otherwise, the original point obtained through reflection is selected. If, after
reflecting, the new point is still the worst, then the search has probably overshot the
minimum and, instead of reflecting and growing, reflecting and shrinking is intro-
duced. If better results are still not obtained, shrinking is tried on its own. When the
method reaches a minimum, it will shrink down around it and stop. An advantage of
this algorithm is that, other than stopping criteria, no adjustable algorithm parameters

Figure D.16
Downhill simplex
Section D.3 Optimization Methods 669

Exploration and Exploitation

Throughout a search, one must continually decide whether to climb (by exploiting
information gathered from previously visited points in the search space to determine
which places might be desirable to visit next) or to explore (by visiting entirely new
regions of a search space to see if anything promising may be found there). This is
referred to as the battle between exploration and exploitation.
An example of exploitation is hill climbing, which investigates adjacent points in the
search space and moves in the direction giving the greatest increase in the objective
function value. Exploitation techniques are good at finding local optima. Unlike
exploitation, exploration involves leaps into the unknown. Problems that have many
local optima can sometimes only be solved by this sort of random search. In order to
find the global optimum among numerous local optima, it is necessary to achieve a
balanced search strategy. If all of the tests are expended on exploration, then one may
learn approximately where the top of the hill is but not locate it precisely. However, if
only previously generated points are used to select new points for testing, only the
local optimum can be found and the global optimum may not be reached.
A master search plan that properly combines exploration with exploitation will
change the character of the strategy as the search progresses. At the beginning of the
search, nothing at all is known about the function, and the search must explore in
some small, randomly chosen region so that the next move is in the direction for
which the function is higher. In the middle of a search, having left the very low
regions behind, the search should climb as fast as possible, exploring only when
strictly necessary to guide successive steps. Finally, toward the end of the search, it is
necessary to do more exploitation to attain any increase in elevation because the slope
of the function surface is often slight near the maximum.

Adaptive Search Methods

Over the course of the last two decades, computer algorithms that mimic certain prin-
ciples of nature have proven their usefulness in various domains of application.
Researchers have found especially worth copying those principles by which nature
has discovered “stable plateaus” in a “rugged landscape” of solution possibilities.
Such phenomena can be found in annealing processes, central nervous systems, and
biological evolution. These phenomena have led to the analogous new optimization
methods of simulated annealing, artificial neural networks, and evolutionary pro-
An algorithm is a fail-safe procedure guaranteed to find the optimum (for example,
the simplex algorithm for solving LP problems), but this guarantee of success often
proves to be prohibitively expensive for real-world, complex problems with time and
budget constraints. Heuristic methods, on the other hand, are procedures that produce
good solutions and “almost always” get to the right answer, which is often good
enough. Heuristic methods are important because of the lack of robust, rigorous meth-
ods that can efficiently optimize broad classes of difficult problems. For example, the
structure of many global optimization problems is unknown or too complex for ana-
lytic optimization approaches to be applied. These heuristic methods provide rules
670 Model Optimization Techniques Appendix D

that tend to give the global optimal answer, but are not guaranteed to do so. One of the
main characteristics of adaptive heuristic methods is their ability to move out of local
optima and sample the search space globally.
Genetic Algorithms. Over many generations, natural populations evolve
according to the principles first stated clearly by Charles Darwin. The main principles
are those of preferential survival and reproduction of the fittest members of the popu-
lation. Additional principles that characterize natural systems are the maintenance of
a population with diverse members, the inheritance of genetic information from par-
ents, and the occasional mutation of genes. Evolutionary Programs (EPs) are general
artificial-evolution search methods based on natural selection and the aforementioned
mechanisms of population genetics. This form of search evolves throughout genera-
tions, improving the features of potential solutions by means of biologically-inspired
operations. Although they represent a crude simplification of natural evolution, EPs
provide efficient and extremely robust search strategies.
Genetic algorithms are probably the best-known type of EP. Although called an algo-
rithm, a genetic algorithm is actually an adaptive heuristic method. It has achieved
fame among analysts and engineers for its ability to identify good solutions to previ-
ously intractable problems. During recent years, GAs have been applied to hydraulic
network optimization (calibration, design, and pump scheduling) with increasing suc-
cess. Commercial modeling software packages are now making this technology
widely available to engineering professionals. For this reason, this appendix covers
the subject of genetic algorithms in more detail in Section D.4.
Simulated Annealing. Annealing is a formal term for the ancient art of heating
and/or cooling materials to forge pottery, tools, weapons, and works of art. It is the
process of subjecting a substance to changes in pressure or temperature to achieve
desired material properties. As mentioned previously, simulated annealing (SA) is
another random-search technique that exploits the analogy with such a process
(Metropolis, Rosenbluth, Rosenbluth, Teller, and Teller, 1953; Kirkpatrick, Gelatt,
and Vecchi, 1983). This method is based on similarities between the way in which a
metal cools and freezes into a minimum energy crystalline structure (the annealing
process) and the search for a minimum in a more general system.
Simulated annealing approaches the optimization problem similarly to giving the
hiker (from the section on Problem Visualization, page 646) superhuman abilities to
jump from valley to valley and over hills in search for the deepest valley, if minimiz-
ing, or the highest hill, if maximizing. The hiker still cannot see these hills and val-
leys, which means that he cannot use information on slope values and therefore
cannot follow the steepest ascent/descent route.
Assume that the hiker is looking for the deepest valley among a large number of pos-
sible valleys in the landscape. The search begins at a high “temperature,” meaning
that the search allows greater flexibility of movement initially, which enables the
hiker to make very high (and long) jumps. Early in the process, this temperature
allows jumps to be made over any hill (even a mountain) and allows access to any val-
ley. As the temperature declines (that is, the search becomes less flexible), the hiker
cannot jump as high, and may become trapped in a relatively shallow valley. Random
moves produce other possible valleys or states to be explored, and if a new search
Section D.3 Optimization Methods 671

point is at a lower altitude (that is, a lower function value) than the previous one, the
heuristic always adopts it. However, not all moves to points higher than the current
“best” are immediately rejected. An acceptance criterion that depends on the differ-
ence between the height of the presently generated point and the last saved lowest val-
ley is used here. The acceptance distribution allows probabilistic decisions to be made
about whether to stay in a new lower valley or to jump out of it. The acceptance crite-
rion depends on the current “temperature,” and it uses a procedure based on the Bolt-
zmann probability distribution.
There are two aspects of the SA process that need more explanation. The first is the
annealing (cooling) schedule — the rules for lowering temperature as the search
progresses. The second important aspect is the determination of how many random
steps are sufficient at each temperature. If the temperature is decreased too slowly, the
search will be inefficient. However, if the cooling is too rapid, the search will be
trapped in a sub-optimal region of the search space. Two different cooling schedules
are generally used in practice. The first reduces the temperature by a constant amount
in each phase, while the second reduces the temperature by a constant factor (for
example, 10 percent). With the first method, the simulation proceeds for the same
number of search steps in the high-, intermediate- and low-temperature regimes,
while the second method causes the process to spend more time in the low-tempera-
ture regime.
Simulated annealing can deal with highly nonlinear models, chaotic and noisy data,
multiple local optima, and many constraints. It is a robust and general technique
whose main advantage over local search techniques is its ability to approach global
optimality; however, it does not guarantee global optimality.
Goldman (1998) and Goldman and Mays (1999) demonstrated how simulated anneal-
ing could be applied to system operation while Cunha and Sousa (1999) showed how
it could be used in design.
Ant-Colony Search. Ant-colony optimization (ACO) was inspired by the obser-
vation of real ant colonies. Ants are a classic example of social insects that work
together for the good of the colony. A colony of ants finds new food sources by send-
ing out foragers who explore the surroundings more or less at random. If a forager
finds food, it will return to the colony, leaving a pheromone trail as it goes. Ants can
smell the pheromone, and, when choosing their way, they tend to choose paths
marked by strong pheromone concentrations. This mechanism allows other ants to
follow the most promising trail back to the food and provides positive feedback to
other ants as more pheromone is left on the same trail. Introducing pheromone decay
provides an opposite, negative-feedback mechanism. Although the behavior described
is fairly simple, a group of ants can solve the difficult problem of finding the shortest
route among countless possible paths to a food source. This collective behavior that
emerges from a group of social insects is called swarm intelligence.
In the ACO search, a colony of artificial ants cooperates in finding good solutions to
difficult discrete optimization problems. Similar to the real ant colony problem of
finding the shortest path to the food source, the first optimization applications were
trying to solve the famous “traveling salesman problem” (Dorigo and Di Caro, 1999).
This problem is one of several classical combinatorial optimization problems in
672 Model Optimization Techniques Appendix D

which a person must find the shortest path by which to visit a given number of cities,
each exactly once. Each link between two cities i and j has a variable W ij, which is the
intensity of the artificial pheromone trail. At decision points, ants probabilistically
chose the path with the most pheromone, which is not always the best of the paths
found so far.

Ant colony optimization has already been used in many other areas of application,
including sequential ordering problems, quadratic assignment problems, vehicle
routing problems, and other scheduling and partitioning problems. This type of opti-
mization is particularly well-suited to routing and networking problems, which
involve finding the shortest (optimal) and most efficient path for directing resources,
data, and/or information. An important feature of such problems is the necessity for
backup plans. If a particular route is down due to a failure, then there is a need to
know another route that is almost as efficient as the initial, desirable route. By main-
taining pheromone trails and continuously exploring new paths, the ants can easily
respond to changes in their environment. This property, which may explain the eco-
logical success of real ants, is crucial for many applications.

Maier et al. (2001) and Simpson et al. (2001) demonstrated how ant colony optimiza-
tion could be applied to water distribution system design.

Tabu Search. The roots of tabu search (TS) go back to the 1970s, but the tech-
nique in its present form was first presented by Glover (1986). The systematic use of
memory is an essential feature of tabu search. Most exploration methods keep in
memory only the value of the best solution found up to that particular iteration; how-
ever, TS will also keep information on the itinerary through the last solutions visited.
Such information will be used to guide the move from the current to the next solution.
The role of memory is to restrict the choice of moves by forbidding those which were
not fruitful in the previous iterations. In that sense, tabu search is an extension of a
steepest descent method with the addition of the systematic use of memory.

To prevent the search from endlessly cycling between the same solutions, the
attribute-based memory of TS is structured at its first level to provide a short-term
memory function. If a running list of the attributes of all explored moves is created to
represent the trajectory of solutions encountered, then so-called tabu lists may be
introduced. Based on certain restrictions, these tabu lists keep track of moves by
recording complimentary attributes from the running list. These attributes will be for-
bidden from being embodied in moves selected in the next iteration because their
inclusion might lead back to a previously visited solution. Thus, the tabu list restricts
the search to a subset of admissible moves consisting of admissible attributes or com-
binations of attributes. The goal is to permit “good” moves in each iteration without
revisiting solutions already encountered. This mechanism forces the exploration of
the solution space outside of local optima.

Ribeiro and da Conceicao Cunha (2000) and Fanni, Liberatore, Sechi, Soro, and Zud-
das (2000) demonstrated how tabu search alogorithms could be used for water distri-
bution system optimization.
Section D.4 Genetic Algorithms 673


The theory behind GAs was proposed by Holland (1975) and further developed in the
1980s by Goldberg (1989) and others. These methods rely on the collective learning
process within a population of individuals, each of which represents a search point in
the space of potential solutions. Various applications have been presented since the
first works, and GAs have clearly demonstrated their capability to yield good solu-
tions even in the complicated cases of multi-peak, discontinuous, and non-differentia-
ble functions.

The following are the steps in a standard GA run:

1. Randomly generate an initial population of solutions.

2. Compute the fitness of each solution in the initial population.

3. Generate a new population using biologically inspired operators: reproduction

(crossover) and mutation.

4. Compute fitness of the new solutions.

5. Stop if the termination condition is reached, or repeat steps 3 through 5 to pro-

duce successive generations.

The analogy with nature is established by the creation within a computer of an initial
population of individuals (step 1) represented by chromosomes, which are, in essence,
a set of character strings that are analogous to the chromosomes found in human
DNA. Each of the chromosomes represents a possible location in a multidimensional
search space. In the function optimization example, a chromosome may represent a
set of parameter values x1 (being optimized) generated randomly within prespecified
bounds. In a pipe-sizing problem, a chromosome is a trial solution consisting of pipe
sizes, C-factors, pump start times, and so forth.

Standard GAs use a binary alphabet (characters may be zeros or ones) to form chro-
mosomes. Parameters being optimized are coded using binary strings. Suppose that
the length of a string is 8, and that the function f(x) to optimize is equal to the number
of ones in the chromosome. This is an extremely simple function from an example by
Mitchell (1999), which is presented here to illustrate the methodology. Figure D.17
shows a typical 8-character string for an 8-bit chromosome. Each bit is analogous to a

Figure D.17
A binary chromosome

It should be noted that not all EPs restrict representation to the binary alphabet. This
additional flexibility makes them more applicable to a variety of decision-making
674 Model Optimization Techniques Appendix D

Typical values for the population size in a GA are in the range of 50 to 1,000. After
the initial population has been generated, the individuals in the population go through
a process of evolution. In nature, different individuals compete for resources (food,
water, and shelter) in the environment. Some prove to be better at obtaining these
resources than others. Those that are better are more likely to survive, attract mates,
have and successfully rear offspring, and thus propagate their genetic material. The
measure of how good the individual is at competing in its environment is called the
fitness of the individual, which is analogous to the value of the objective function.
Consequently, the selection of who gets to mate is a function of the fitness of the indi-
vidual. The value of the function being optimized for a particular set of parameter val-
ues (as defined by the chromosome) is used for evaluating fitness. Because there are
four 1s in the chromosome in Figure D.17, the value of the fitness is 4.

In genetic algorithms, constraints are usually handled using a penalty function

approach in which solutions with constraint violations are penalized. Rather than
ignoring infeasible solutions and concentrating only on feasible ones, infeasible solu-
tions are allowed to join the population and help guide the search, but for a certain
price. A penalty term incorporated in the fitness function is activated for an infeasible
solution, thus reducing its fitness relative to the other solutions in the population. The
penalty function should be graded as a function of the distance from feasibility. The
penalty multiplier is usually chosen to normalize nominal values of the penalties to
the same scale as the basic fitness of the solution. The multiplier can also be made a
function of the generation number, which allows a gradual increase in the penalty
term to ensure that the final solution is feasible.

In nature, sexual reproduction allows the creation of genetically different offspring

that still belong to the same species as their parents. A simplified look at what hap-
pens at the molecular level reveals that paired chromosomes exchange pieces of
genetic information. This is the recombination operation, which is generally referred
to as crossover because of the way that genetic material crosses over from one chro-
mosome to another. During the reproductive phase of the GA (step 3), individuals are
selected from the population and recombined, producing offspring which will com-
prise the next generation. Crossover takes two individuals (parents in Figure D.18)
and cuts their chromosome strings at some randomly chosen point. The newly created
head segments stay in their respective places, and the tail segments are crossed over to
produce two new chromosomes. Typical values for the probability that a selected indi-
vidual will undergo crossover are in the range 0.5 to 1.0 (50 to 100 percent of the
selected individuals).

Mutation also plays a role in the reproduction phase, though it is not the dominant
role, as is popularly believed, in the process of evolution. In GAs, mutation randomly
alters individual genes with a small probability, thus providing a small amount of ran-
dom search (in Figure D.19 only one gene is changed). If the probability of mutation
is too high, the search degenerates into a random search. This degeneration should not
be allowed; a properly tuned GA is not a random search for a solution to a problem.
The typical values of the probability of mutation are in the range 0.001 to 0.01 (0.1 to
1 percent). As a simulation of a genetic process, a GA uses stochastic mechanisms,
but the result is distinctly nonrandom.
Section D.4 Genetic Algorithms 675

Figure D.18
Single-point crossover

Figure D.19
A single mutation

The simple procedure described above is the basis for most applications of GAs. To
balance exploration and exploitation, a number of parameters must be decided upon,
such as the size of the population and the probabilities of crossover and mutation.

To continue with the example of counting 1s in a chromosome, assume that the popu-
lation size is 4 (an unrealistically low value used only for illustration purposes), the
probability of crossover is 0.7, and the probability of mutation is 0.001. The initial,
randomly generated population might look like this:

Chromosome Number Chromosome String Fitness (# of 1s)

A 00000110 2
B 11101110 6
C 00100000 1
D 00110100 3
676 Model Optimization Techniques Appendix D

A commonly used selection method in GAs is fitness-proportionate selection, in

which the number of times an individual is expected to reproduce is proportional to
the ratio of its fitness to the total fitness of the population. A simple method of imple-
menting this method is known as roulette-wheel selection (Goldberg, 1989). Roulette-
wheel selection assumes that each individual will be assigned a slice on a roulette
wheel. However, unlike the roulette wheels found in casinos, these slices are of differ-
ent areas; fitter solutions will have a larger area and, consequently, a greater chance of
being selected for reproduction when the roulette wheel is spun. In the above exam-
ple, the wheel would be spun four times to select two pairs of parents. If these parents
were selected as B, D and B, C, respectively (where A is not selected because of the
probabilistic nature of the wheel), the next step would be to perform crossover on
these two pairs with a crossover probability of 70 percent (that is, there is a 70 percent
chance that crossover will occur). If we assume that due to chance, parents B and D
crossed over after the first bit position to form offspring E=10110100 and
F=01101110, and parents B and C do not cross over, then the following intermediate
population is created:

Chromosome Number Chromosome String Fitness (# of 1s)

E 10110100 4
F 01101110 5
B 11101110 6
C 00100000 1

Finally, to finish one cycle (generation) of a GA run, it is necessary to test chromo-

somes for mutation, where each gene in a chromosome could be mutated with a low
probability of 0.1 percent. For example, if the sixth gene in offspring E is mutated to
form E' = 10110000, offspring F and C are not mutated at all, and the first gene of off-
spring B is mutated to form B' = 01101110 (note that simply by chance these two
mutations have reduced the fitness of the chromosomes), the new population will be
the following:

Chromosome Number Chromosome String Fitness (# of 1s)

E' 10110000 3
F 01101110 5
B' 01101110 5
C 00100000 1

In this example, although the best string from the initial population (B, fitness = 6)
was lost, the average fitness of the population has increased from 12/4 to 14/4. Iterat-
ing this procedure will eventually result in a string with all ones.

Genetic algorithms are particularly suited for use with highly nonlinear combinatorial
problems, chaotic and noisy data, and search spaces with multiple local optima and
many constraints. They are a robust and general technique whose main advantage
over local search techniques is the ability to approach global optimality, as has been
Section D.5 Multiobjective Optimization 677

shown in many practical situations dealing with difficult problems. Although they are
not guaranteed to find the global optimum, GAs are generally good at finding
“acceptably good” solutions to problems “acceptably quickly.” Where specialized
techniques exist for solving a particular problem, they are likely to outperform GA in
both speed and accuracy of the final result. GAs can be computationally intensive
when objective function evaluation requires significant computational resources such
as those required for the hydraulic analysis of a large water distribution model. GAs
can also be more computationally consuming because the same individual may be
repeatedly evaluated in numerous generations, and because solutions improve slowly
as one gets near the global optimum.

Genetic algorithms have been widely used in recent years for a variety of water distri-
bution system problems. Walters and Lohbeck (1993); Simpson, Dandy, and Murphy
(1994); Dandy, Simpson, and Murphy (1996); Halhal, Walters, Savic, and Ouzar
(1997); Savic and Walters (1997); Lingireddy and Ormsbee (1999); Wu and Simpson
(2001); Wu, Boulos, Orr, and Ro (2001); and Wu et al. (2002a) have demonstrated the
use of GA for system design and rehabilitation (see page 360).

Savic and Walters (1995) and Wu et al. (2002b) showed that GA could be used for
model calibration (see page 268). Meier and Barkdoll (2000) used GA to identify
sampling locations for flow tests.


Many real-world engineering design or decision-making problems involve the simul-
taneous optimization of multiple objectives. The principle of multiobjective optimiza-
tion is different from that of single-objective optimization. In single-objective
optimization, the goal is to find the best solution, which corresponds to the minimum
or maximum value of the objective function. In multiobjective optimization with con-
flicting objectives, there is no single optimal solution. The interaction among different
objectives gives rise to a set of compromised solutions, largely known as the Pareto-
optimal (or trade-off, nondominated, or noninferior) solutions (see Figure D.20).

Each solution of the Pareto optimal set is not dominated by any other solution. In
going from one solution to another, it is not possible to improve on one objective (for
example, reduction of the amount of iron in water) without making at least one of the
other objectives worse (for example, failure to minimize cost).

All solutions above the Pareto optimal curve are feasible (in this particular example
where both objectives are minimized), while those below the curve are infeasible (see
Figure D.20). Feasible solutions that are dominated by one or more solutions are
called inferior. For example, solution C is clearly dominated by solution B (in the
Pareto set) because B achieves more of both objectives (for example, larger reduction
in water quality risk and lower cost). In fact, any solution in the shaded area to the
“southwest” of C dominates solution C. It is clear, however, that there is a need to
identify as many solutions as possible within the Pareto-optimal range to ensure that
an acceptable solution will be produced and selected by the decision-maker.
678 Model Optimization Techniques Appendix D

Figure D.20
Pareto solutions

Weighting Method
Many, if not all, of the single-objective optimization techniques can be used to gener-
ate a subset of the Pareto-optimal range if more objectives are identified and these
techniques are used appropriately. This subset can be generated by weighting the
objectives to obtain Pareto solutions. Point A (Figure D.20) represents a cheap solu-
tion (low f1), but has the highest level of water quality risk (high f2). On the opposite
side of the curve, point B represents the most expensive solution found (high f1) that
achieves the lowest water quality risk (low f2). Each of the points could be generated
by using one of the single-optimization methods presented previously.
The two objective functions must be lumped together to create a single objective func-
tion. This lumping is possible if, for example, the risk objective can be expressed in
monetary terms. If a dollar figure can be attached to the risk level, then the multiob-
jective problem could be reduced to a single-objective problem. The weight (conver-
sion) factor w is multiplied by the values of the objective f2 in order to obtain a single,
combined objective function f = f1 + wf2. Note that this objective function has a single
dimension (dollars, in this case). Next, given this single objective function and a set of
constraints, one can find a single optimal solution by using some of the previously
introduced optimization methods. In the run to identify point A, w takes its largest
feasible value (more weight is put on f2), and in the run to identify point B, w takes its
lowest feasible value (more weight is put on f1). All intermediate solutions on the
Pareto curve are generated by using the different weight ratio between the two objec-
tives. The procedure for weighting the objectives to obtain the Pareto solution is
called the weighting method (Cohon, 1978).
The method has several weaknesses. One problem is that there are cases in which one
objective value can vary by orders of magnitude more than another, and therefore
Section D.5 Multiobjective Optimization 679

large changes in the weights can lead to no corresponding change in the objective val-
ues. Similarly, there are cases when small changes in the weights can cause a large
change in the objective values. However, the weighting method’s most serious draw-
back is that it cannot generate proper members of the Pareto-optimal front when this
front is not convex (see Figure D.11 for an illustration of convex and non-convex

Constraint Method
The constraint method represents an alternative framework for generating Pareto-
optimal solutions. It operates by optimizing one objective while constraining the oth-
ers to some value (Cohon, 1978). In the preceding example (Figure D.20), instead of
expressing one objective in the same units as the other (that is, expressing the risk
objective in monetary terms), one objective can be expressed as a constraint. The sin-
gle optimization problem is then solved for the remaining objective. If single-objec-
tive optimization is run with “minimize risk (f2)” as an objective function and a
constraint that requires that f 1 d f 1 (that is, the cost must be less than or equal to a
certain budget, f1A), then the solution obtained should identify point A. In this process,
the original feasible region is first reduced to the area to the left of f1A. The minimiza-
tion of f2 over the new feasible region then leads to point A. Similarly, any other point
on the curve can be obtained by appropriately constraining the budget to f 1 d f 1 . This
type of approach fails to take advantage of some methods’ (for example, GA’s) ability
to thoroughly search the decision space.
The main disadvantage of both the weighting and constraint methods is that not all of
the points can be identified because the appropriate weights (or constraint levels) are
not known in advance. These methods also suffer from high computational costs
because the number of optimization runs increases exponentially with the number of
The need to identify as many solutions as possible within the Pareto-optimal range
often represents a problem for standard solution-generating techniques. By maintain-
ing and continually improving a population of solutions, a GA can search for many
nondominated solutions at the same time (in a single run), which makes it a very
attractive tool for solving multiobjective optimization problems (Fonseca and Flem-
ing, 1997).
Examples of multiobjective optimization problems within water distribution model-
ing practice are abundant. In fact, it could be said that water distribution problems are
inherently multiobjective. However, the lack of appropriate user-friendly tools
(among other problems) has hampered the wider adoption of these techniques by
practitioners. Commonly encountered multiobjective problems are those of the design
of water distribution systems in which cost and capacity are the most obvious con-
flicting objectives. Other benefits, such as improved water quality, security of supply,
reliability, and so on, should also be considered when designing or rehabilitating a
water distribution system. Operational optimization can also benefit from the use of
multiobjective optimization. Examples of multiobjective analysis that consider the
680 Model Optimization Techniques Appendix D

energy cost of alternative pump schedules and the number of pump switches within
each schedule represent a better way of assessing tradeoffs between the energy costs
and the maintenance costs caused by an excessive number of pump switches. Again,
other objectives like water quality and security of supply due to interruptions in
pumping could also be taken into account in the multiobjective framework.
Using multiobjective analysis, the decision-makers can better assess the tradeoffs
between different objectives. Although by using this approach they cannot identify a
solution that is clearly the best, they can discover a set of good (near optimal) solu-
tions, have reasonable grounds to make sensible decisions, and avoid those alterna-
tives that are clearly poor.


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