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Human Rights in Islam and the

Islamic Republic of Iran

This chapter deals with Islamic views on human rights through various
sources of jurisprudence and rights discourses and subsequently it will look
into the Iranian constitutional provisions for protection of human rights.
According to the UDHR, “human rights are guaranteed by the state through
its law” (UDHR 1948 Preamble). However, the UDHR emphasizes and
states that all the “rights” are “inalienable”, and “universal”. But the
jurisprudence, doctrines and the practices of various Islamic states and their
specificities in cultural practices have challenged the human rights notions of
the Western world. Now these arguments are considered to be part of
“cultural relativism.” The basic differences in the rights discourse is the
between a community-centered approach and an individual-centered
approach. But there can also be mutually shared norms regarding human
rights in the universalist and Islamic notions.

Since 7th century AD, Islam spread to new territories and established new
states and provinces that required establishing mechanisms of law and order.
In the beginning of Islam, Prophet Muhammad dealt with disputes and
different social issues along with state governance and public policies in
Madina. The Prophet was well aware of the need for definite provisions to
operating a state system and for regulating society within the legal
framework. In the beginning of the Islamic state, Prophet Muhammad

created a Constitution for Madina, which, as a legal framework was intented
to deal with different aspirations and to provide protection of rights of
diverse communities in Madina. The Constitution of Madina is a good
evidence for concerns in public policy making in Islamic states. The nature
of contract between different tribes and communities in Madina and the
guarantees offered by the government to the every citizen are described in
this document.

After the Prophet Muhammad, the Islamic community of Madina followed

Arab traditions for electing state leadership as the Prophet never gave any
directions to electing the state leader (the Caliph). But people of Madina
followed the system of electing the leader who was considered the eldest and
who was supported by a majority of the people. Within a short period of the
first Caliphate ended and it has transformed by Muawiya into a new
monarchy. Later monarchy became hereditary in Islamic states and empires.
In the 20th century, the Ottoman Caliphate was deposed by Ataturk and he
established a modern state, which has been considered as the radical shift in
the political practice of the Islamic world.

In the last decades of the 20th century, intellectuals of the Islamic countries
have been thinking about new versions of Islamic government. The Islamic
Republic of Iran came to be the realization of such a new form of the Modern
Islamic state system With a new Islamic Constitution which had formulated
principles affirmed with Qur’anic doctrines and Sunnah principles.

When in early times Islam expanded its state framework from a religion to a
state system, then it faced multiple challenges for the need to maintain a
“state jurisprudence”. Different schools of Islamic jurisprudence emerged
and they were derived from the basic resources of Qur’an and Sunnah. The
shariah is not a fully uniform legal system across different schools but all
these schools commonly accepted the prominent source of law that is
Qur’an. In the changed situation the jurists were willing to accept the
consensus on decision making power based on Ijtihad (independent
reasoning). Abed al-Jabri observed that:
The end of the nineteenth century, in particular, the slogan of
‘opening the door of Ijtihad has been reiterated by those who
reject ‘Westernization’. They called for ‘renewal’ in Arab-
Islamic thought, as a solution for the contemporary problems
and challenges facing, both as a system of life and a
framework for public and private social relations (Abed al-
Jabri 2009: 77).

Mohammad Hashim Kamali draws the comprehensive structure of the

Islamic jurisprudence as it is not only a law but also divine. Kamali explains:

Islamic law originates in two major sources: divine revelation

(wahy) and human reason (aql). This dual identity of Islamic
law is reflected in its two Arabic designations, Shariah and
fiqh. Shariah bears a stronger affinity with revelation, where
as fiqh is mainly the product of human reason. Shariah
literally means “the right path” or “guide”, whereas fiqh refers

to human understanding and knowledge. The divine Sharia
thus indicates the path to righteousness; reason discovers the
Shariah and relates its general directives to the quest for
finding solutions to particular or unprecedented issues.
Because the Shariah is mainly contained in divine revelation
(that is, the Qur’an and teachings of the Prophet Muhammad
or the Sunna), it is an integral part of the dogma of Islam.
Fiqh is a rational endeavor and largely a product of
speculative reasoning, which not command the same authority
as Shariah (Kamali 1999: 107-8).

As noted earlier, Islamic jurisprudence was not fully homogenous in nature;

it has contextual and relative differences. Ian Edge explains about the various
schools of Islamic jurisprudence:
It is generally said that there are five main schools of Islamic
law: four are Sunni and one Shi’a. The Sunni Schools are the
Hanafi, Maliki, Shafi and Hanbali. The main Shi’a Schools is
the Ithna Ashari School. … There are some other minor Sunni
Schools and a number of other Shi’a Schools. The above five
are however the main Schools that applies in the Islamic
world today (Edge 2008: 485).

Islamic jurisprudence has been derived from basic Islamic values; it is

entirely different from the Western historical context which has derived the
Enlightenment thought. Abdulaziz Sachedina (2009) observes that the legal
categorization in Islamic jurisprudence has simply followed the natural
concepts of legality and rights, it has assessed as necessary (wajib),

recommended (mandub), or forbidden (haram). The primary textual sources
of human rights documents in Islam and the primary textual source of
legislations are the Qur’an and Sunna’h. The Sunnah, which is the second
source of legislation after the Qur’an, includes the Prophet’s sayings,
speeches, deeds and treaties and agreements which the Prophet concluded.
Dustur al Madinah (Constitution of Madina) is the first written constitutional
document in the Islamic State and the first document that establishes rules
with human rights and for respecting others in a legal form. Any comparison
between fourteenth century old Madina constitutional principles and the new
human rights doctrines of UDHR is irrational. Because centuries old
practices of a state system should be evaluated in the particular context of
that space and time.


Muslim rights authors rely on the Quran and life examples of the Prophet
Muhammad, Sunnah (An-Na’im 1994:320) The Qur’an not only is a
revelation for guiding the Islamic society, “the Qur’an was understood to be
in large degree a source of information about the history of past nations and
prophets and about other matters that were important as a contextual frame
for the presentation of rules of law (Weiss 2010: 156). Ameer Ali (1923)
observed that the basic foundational ideas of the Islamic system of society
1.belief in the unity, immateriality, power, mercy, and
supreme love of the creator; 2. Charity and brotherhood
among mankind; 3. Subjugation of the passions; 4. The
outpouring of a grateful heart to the Giver of all good; 5.

Accountability for human actions in another existence (Ali

A very important source of Islamic lawcomes from the sayings of the

Prophet and those close to him. These have been collected and are called
hadith, many collections of traditions (hadith) had been made during the
ninth century, but six works became recognized as authoritative in Sunni
Islam, especially the Sahih al-Bukhari and the Sahih Muslim. The word
Sahih actually means recognized, the other four are also highly respected.
Muslims consider some of the hadith as respectable and some others as not
fully genuine. Al-Bukhari, Muslim and the other texts are much quoted and
have become highly regarded, considered second only to the Quran itself as
sources of authority for the laws and customs of Islam. The alkutubal-sitta
(‘the six books’) comprises the canonical hadith literature and, as such,
forms the main sources of traditional law that informs us on the rights
enshrined in Islam.

Islamic jurisprudence is known as Shar’ia, the systematic development of

which began with the early periods of Abbasid era (750 AD). It has
developed in the second and third centuries of the Islamic epoch. In the
Abbasid period, the need of the jurisprudence was the important
administrative and public policy matter. Prominent proponents of the
different jurisprudence schools were Jafar al-Sadiq (died in 765), Abu Hanifa
(died in 767), Malik (died in 795), al-Shafi (died in 820) and Ibn Hanbal
(died in 855). Al-Shafi has founded the new system for interpreting Qur’an
and Sunnah, and it is known as the usul al-fiqh, but the process of collection
and authentication of Sunnah continued beyond their lifetime. In the Sunni

Muslim tradition, the authoritative jurisprudential matters depended upon the
Sunna collections and interpretations of Bhukhari (died in 870), Muslim
(died in 875), Ibn Majah (died in 886), Abu Dawud (died in 888), al-
Tirmidhi (died in 892), and al-Nasai (died in 915). In the jurisprudence of the
different Schools of the Islam followed the reliable resources of the Sunna
collections. The Shi’ia sect depended on the reliable sources provided in the
collections of al-Kulayni (died in 941), Ibn Babawayh (died in 991) and al-
Tusi (died in 1067).

In Islamic jurisprudence, there is a prominent role for jurists in the society.

The jurisprudential practices in the Islamic world has not been homogenous
in nature. Ibn Rushd observed that the jurists community consists of three
groups, in which first had accepted the validity of Malik’s school; they
prioritized the doctrines of the school, but without knowledge of the
evidence. This group is concerned itself simply with memorizing Maliki’s
view on legal questions. The second group believed that Maliki doctrine is
valid because the foundational principles in which the school was based had
become clear to its members. The third group is one that attained a deep and
thorough understanding of Maliki’s doctrines (Hallaq 2004: 54).

The Muwatta of Imam Malik is not really a collections of hadith in the sense
of the legal traditions, it specifically act as a guide to law. Some Muslim
authorities include it instead of the Sunnah of Ibn Maja among the six
canonical collections. Malik did not share the approach of Shafii towards the
sunnah. Maliki declared that the only true sunnah was found in the hadith
and not in the ijma (consensus) of Muslim school in significant work of
hadith literature. Bukhari’s compilation includes all known traditions of

Muhammad’s life considered to be authentic. There are 7,275 hadith, some
rather similar to others, which he says Amina, the wife of Muhammad
refined out of 600,000 sayings. He classifies the hadith in terms of the
different schools of law, usefully showing how the different schools tend to
prioritize different hadith.

Muslim ibn al-Hajjaj entered into the legal debate personally, but collected
the hadith that would be useful to others involved in law. The authentic
version of the hadith could help them in their legal matters. Muslim records
most of the hadith found in Bukhari’s collection but, whereas the latter
placed parallel versions of the same tradition under various headings relating
to various points of law, Muslim put them all together under their own topic
of headings. The Shariah or Islamic law to Muslims means the “whole duty
of mankind” (An-Naim 1990: 11). It contains the details of moral and spiritual
aspirations and details of the ritual observances of Muslims, and it contains
both public and private law. The belief among Muslims is that the Quran
gives the broad principles and Muhammad established a model Islamic life
through his sayings and practices. The second source of Shariah is Ijma that
is the consensus of Muslims (scholars) on an issue. The third source of the
Shariah is Qiyas, reasoning by analogy or concluding from a principle
embodied in a precedent. Lastly, Ijtihad as a source of Shariah means
independent juristic reasoning. However, Ijtihad can only to be applied to a
case or in a situation where there is not a definite Qur’an or Sunnah position
on an issue. According to the narrations of An-Naim on Ijtihad:

from an Islamic point of view, no human authority was or is

entitled to declare that ijtihad is not permitted, though there

may have been consensus on this matter among Muslims.
There is nothing, therefore, to prevent the emergence of a new
consensus that ijtihad should be freely exercised to meet the
new needs and aspirations of Islamic societies (An-Naim
2008: 15).

It is important to state that there were not any systematic rules like the
Shariah until two centuries after the death of the Prophet. The reason for
enacting the Shariah was due to the expansion and conversion of diverse
cultural groups into Islam coupled with the need for a uniform Islamic way
of life at that time (An-Naim 1990: 14). Consensus as a source of the
Shariah was based on the saying of the Prophet that, “my people shall never
be unanimous in error” (An-Naim 1990: 24). The legitimacy of Sunnah as an
Islamic source is in the Quran, which states that:

whatever gains God has turned over to His Messenger, from

the inhabitants of the villages belong to God, the messenger,
kinsfolk, orphans, the needy, the traveler in need –this is so
that they do not just circulate among those of you who are
rich – so accept whatever the Messenger gives you, and
abstain from whatever he forbids you. Be mindful of God:
God is severe in punishment (Qur’an 59:7).

By the process of Shariah outlined above, the founding jurists of the Shariah
categorized the field of Muslim activities into permissible, prohibited,
recommended, and reprehensible acts. The other main categories were
worship and social dealings. This means that the religious obligations of

Muslims according to the Shariah cover all aspects of the individual-public
and private life (An-Naim 1990: 32).

The Islamic scholars argued that the relevance of the issues of human rights
as being a universal quest of Qur’anic discourses was based on humanitarian
considerations rather than on national, regional, or domestic ones. That is
why people were addressed by the phrase:

O humankind…” rather than “O my people…” as most of the

prophets and messengers addressed their peoples. It can also
be noted that this address used either “Oh human kind”, or “O
you who believe” in hundreds of the Qur’anic verses. The
first phrase of address invites people to become faithful and to
embrace Islam; whereas the second call is directed for those
who are already believers, or Muslims: O you who
believe…do so (An-Naim 1990: 32).

Human rights in Islam, interpreted on the basis of the laws and principles
said in the Qur’an, followed the humanitarian principles. Some of these
principles forbid evil such as theft, murder, deceiving people and aggression
etc. Therefore, it can be argued that human rights in Islam are humanitarian-
based in accordance with the objectives of the Qur’anic discourse that deals
with all humans in a general sense. It can be said that the conditions of the
Arabs at the time of the Prophet did not constitute the basis for the rulings of
the Qur’an. On the contrary, some rulings established in the Qur’an were not
on the list of peoples’ priorities at that time. For example, rights to equality
and freedom in the tribal Arab society were not seen as “rights”. In fact, that
society used to deny those rights and consider violating them a sign of power

and sovereignty (Hitti 1970: 23). Therefore, contemporary Muslim
declarations and ijtihad on human rights are characterized by being diverse
on the one hand, and by having additions pertaining to human rights
unknown by classical jurisprudents on the other. The Muslim’s creed is
based on the belief that the Qur’an has established the principles of human
rights through the verses that dignify human beings and honour them through
granting them vicergency, responsibility, reason, knowledge, and
accountability (Zarzour 2011).

The Qur’an points out that human beings are born ignorant and that Allah
has given them the tools to live in dignity. An ayah translates: “It is God who
brought you out of your mothers’ wombs knowing nothing, and gave you
hearing and sight and minds, so that you might be thankful.”(Qur’an 16: 78-
79). In the same meaning the following ayah links between the creation of
human kind and the dignity they have been given through knowledge that
began by the revelation of the Qur’an. The following translation of a
Qur’anic ayah provides a clear summary of the honor that humans were
granted by the Creator:

We have honored the children of Adam and carried them by

land and sea; we have provided good sustenance for them and
favored them specifically above many of those we have
created (Qur’an 17: 70).

Like the Qur’an, the Prophet emphasized rights to life, the right to freedom
and very explicitly the right to equality amongst human beings, which lies in
the unity of creation. The latter right was given a humanitarian trait in this

Speech which was attended by more than 120,000 Muslims during the
pilgrimage of the Prophet few months before his death:

O mankind! Verily, your Lord is one, and your father is one.

No Arab is preferred to a non-Arab, and no non-Arab is
preferred to an Arab, or a black to a red, or a red to a black
except in piety (fear of Allah). Have I informed you? They
said, “Yes, O Messenger of Allah.” Then, the Prophet
resumed and said, “What day is today?” “It is a haram
(sacred) day (in which no fighting, or killing or destroying
living things, i.e. plants and animals, or people may occur),”
they answered. Then, the Prophet said, “Which city is this?”
“It is a haram city,” they answered. The Prophet said, “Verily,
Allah has forbidden (made unlawful) amongst you your blood
and property, the narrator did not recall whether or not the
Prophet said, “ and your honor and your skins,” as He made
this day in this month in this city a haram one” The Prophet
then said, “Have I informed you?”. “Yes. O Prophet! You
have.” Then the Prophet said, “Let those who are present
inform those who are absent. This was on the first day of Al-
Adha Eid (feast) of the tenth year of Hijrah, corresponding to
632 A.D (Hitti 1970)

The Prophet’s Speech has been regarded as the most important “human
rights document” in the Islamic history. The Speech set the criteria for
equality which is neither racial nor sexual, equality among Ummah. The

Speech also determined that people’s honour, property and blood is sacred.
The same virtues have been repeatedly mentioned in the Qur’an and Sunnah.

According Bielefeldt, people should expect conflicts of human rights with

Islam because of the differences in their normative nature or origin. That is
one based on freedom of the individual and the other on absolute obedience
of believers to religious injunctions. Therefore, according to Bielefeldt,
various attempts by Muslims (authors) at constructing human rights in Islam
are attempts to reconcile the two, that is, resolving the conflicts between
Islam and human rights (Bielefeldt 2000).

The Islamic concept of 'right', as recognized today in both their legal and
philosophical disciplines, refers to the Arabic term “haqq” (Leaman 2006:
247). Ibn Manzur demonstrates many of the uses of the term haqq in the
Arabic language including notions such as confirmation, necessity,
correctness, certainty, ownership and truth and it also means truth in speech
and becoming certain after being in doubt. Haqq is the opposite of batil
(falsehood). It is that which is proven and cannot be denied, and which is
true and accurate.

Early Muslim fuqaha’ (jurists) did not attempt to lay down an academic and
exclusive definition of haqq from a legal perspective, since, according to
them, the meaning in the language the particular word does not need any
further definition due to its clarity. Furthermore, the wide range of usage to
the word allowed them to use the term haqq in many contexts and to convey
different meanings. According to contemporary Muslim legal scholars, there
are two main dimensions to the concept of ‘right’. The first one includes a set
of rules and provisions that regulate relations, on both the spiritual and

physical level in an obligatory manner, which corresponds to the ‘law’ in
legal terms. The latter pertain to authority or power, such as the power of a
buyer to return the goods if he or she discovers a defect in that particular

Contemporary Muslim researchers believe that the concept of human rights

in the Muslim culture today originated from al-maquasid (the objectives) of
Shariah. These objectives aim, first, at maintaining the necessities of human
life, which are: the preservation of human life or the integrity of a person, the
preservation of religion, the preservation of reason and sanity, the
preservation progeny and the preservation of wealth. Scholars of fiqh and
legislation hold that this philosophy of the objectives of Shariah is at the
same time the philosophy of the basic needs that are essential for the
individual and social well-being. These basic needs precede more needs,
which are expected to provide people with happiness and well being in this
world and Hereafter (Muhammad 2001: 305-528).

Islam is a term used in reference to the religion and way of life of Muslims.
In addition, it is also the complete submission to the will of God. Hitti
pointed out that “in dealing with the fundamentals of their religion Moslem
theologians distinguish between iman (religious belief), ibadat (acts of
worship, religious duty) and ishan (right-doing), all of which are included in
the term din (religion). “Verily the religion (din) with God is Islam” (Hitti
1979: 128).

Generally speaking, the issues of relevance to human rights in the Prophetic

sayings and deeds are not different from those mentioned in the Qur’an. In
fact what we have in Sunnah about human rights complements and clarifies

the conceptual framework of human rights as said in the Qur’an.
Furthermore, life of the Prophet and his deeds were the best manifestation of
these rights. It was narrated that Aishah, the Prophet’s wife, was once asked
about his morals and she briefly answered by saying that: “He was a
manifestation of the Qur’an” (Musnad 2001).

The Prophetic sayings cited in Al-Bukhari represent the entire attitude of

Islam regarding human rights. They complement what was stated in the other
sources about human rights in Islam. “The more we go about this minimized
image, the more we emphasize and clarify it... The components of Islam are
integrated, comprehensive, and compatible with each other. They are realistic
and ideal in the social, religious, economic aspects and all other walks of life
pertaining to this world and the Hereafter” (Husni 2002: 140-41).

The Islamic jurisprudence is oriented to the monitoring of the human

behavioral nature according to Islamic doctrines. “Theological-ethical
deliberations have led to the moral categorization of human acts based on
rational understanding of one’s duties and responsibilities. Legal
categorization in jurisprudence has simply followed that what was intuitively
assessed as necessary (wajib), recommended (mandub), or forbidden
(haram)” (Schedina 2009: 42). The interpretative possibility is very
important as a source of Islamic law, particularly those concerning human

The emergence of the concept of human rights in modern Muslim thought

was manifest in the ideas of the Muslim reformers who lived in what can be
called the renaissance age in the East. Among the most distinguished
thinkers or reformers are names like Jamal Al-Din Al-Afghani, Muhammad

Abdu ,Qasim Amin, Abd Al-Rahman Al-Kawakibi, Muhamad Rashid Rida
(1865-1935) and Muhammad Iqbal. They called for reform and a renewal of
social and political status in their countries by reconsidering two major
issues: the power of reason, and reviving Ijtihad; two essential issues basic
for establishing equality and individual protection for all. Consequently, the
concept of human rights in the modern Muslim thought developed under the
umbrella of the call to return to the true spirit of religion, which was absent
in the preceding age of stagnancy. A similar religious tendency could be
observed in the Arab uprising movements called “Arab Spring” and while
the Islamic Revolution (1979) of Iran emerged from the same political


In Islamic community, human rights has been formulated to guarantee the

dignity of an individual and the entire community.. Abdul Aziz Said (1979)
In Islam in the other religious traditions, human rights are
concerned with the dignity of the individual, the level of self
esteem that sources personal identity and promotes human
community. The religion of Islam establishes a social order
designed to enlarge freedom, justice and opportunity for the
perfectability of human beings. It also defines political,
economic and cultural processes designed to promote these
goals (Said 1979:63).

The Qur’an decided the right to life prior to the right to equality. The Qur’an
is so keen to protect the right to life, and that is why the Qur’an provides this

right with all possible means of protection and maintenance. The code of
penalty for example is not intended to “torture” people; it aims mainly at
maintaining the different rights of people, and to begin with is the right to
life. Life was protected from aggression by imposing deterrent penalties
upon the aggressor, not to forget the punishment in the Hereafter. The
Qur’an considered killing one person tantamount to killing all people. In this
respect, an ayah translates: “On account of (his deed), We decreed to the
Children of Israel that if anyone kills a person-unless in retribution for
murder or spreading corruption in the land- it is as if he kills all mankind,
while if any saves a life it is as if he saves the lives of all mankind. Our
Messengers came to them with clear signs, but many of them continued to
commit excesses in the land” (Quran 5: 32). A person may not be killed
without a rightful legal reason. A reason could be as in retaliation of murder.
The Qur’an goes even further than that by making it unlawful for a person to
oneself as the following ayah translates: “…do not wrongfully consume each
other’s wealth but trade by mutual consent. Do not kill each other, for God is
merciful to you” (Quran 4: 29). The Prophet also proclaimed suicide
unlawful in many of the authentic sayings and threatened those who commit
suicide with severe punishment in the Hereafter. The Prophet said: “The
major sins are: to worship another god besides Allah, killing, mistreating
parents and false Witness” (Safi 2007).

Abdul Aziz Said observed that Islam was concerned about the rights of an
individual as a part of the community. His observation is interesting: “In
Islam as in the other religious traditions, human rights are concerned with the
dignity of the individual, the level of self –esteem that secures personal
identity and promotes human community. The religion of Islam established a

social order designed to enlarge freedom, justice and opportunity for the
perfectibility of human beings. It also defines political, economic and
cultural processes designed to promote these goals” (Said 1979: 63).

Qur’an pronounced equality as a human value. There is no distinction among

people due to their color, race, language, or region. An ayah translates:
“People, We created you all from a single man and single women, and made
you into races and tribes so that you should recognize one another. In God’s
eyes, the most honoured of you are the one most mindful of Him: God is all
knowing, all aware” (Qur’an 49:13). This equality among people includes
all forms of equality in both, rights and duties, reward and penalty. It also
includes equality between men and women in all the above mentioned
aspects. Men and women have been created from one soul as the following
ayah translates: “People, be mindful of your Lord, who created you from a
single soul, and from it created its mate, and from the pair of them spread
countless men and women far and wide; be mindful of God, in whose name
you make request of one another …” (Qur'an 4: 1). Islam abolished the
absolute freedom granted to men only at that time. Both men and women are
equally rewarded or punished. This is the case in most rewards and penalties.
It is worth mentioning at this point that equality is not absolute in all
competencies and actions.

The Qur’an also declared the principle of shura, which should be

considered as one of the most salient features of the Islamic system at both
social and political spheres. The doctrines of shura branches from the
Qur’anic ayah in which translates: “The sorcerers were assembled at the
appointed time on a certain day” (Quran 26: 38).This ayah clearly indicates

the importance of shura as a characteristic of Islam, which Muslims should
adopt at all times. This discourse is directed to the groups of Muslims in
Makkah as well the new state in Madinah. In fact the above ayah was
revealed to the Prophet in Makkah whereas the following ayah is of
Madinah revelation after the new Islamic state has been established. The
ayah indicates wujub al-shura it translates: “By an act of mercy from God,
you [Prophet] were gentle in your dealings with them- had you been harsh,
or hard-hearted, they would have dispersed and left you-so pardon them
and ask forgiveness for them. Consult with them about matters, when you
have decided on a course of action, put your trust in God: God loves those
who put their trust in Him” (Qur’an 3: 159).

Shura is the major mechanism in governance in the Islamic system. Shura

must be utilized at all levels starting from the first entity that composes the
bigger society: the family. This is manifest in different ayah one of them is
what is known by “the suckling verse”, it translates: “Mothers suckle their
children for two whole years, if they wish to complete the term and clothing
and maintenance must be borne by the father in a fair manner. No one should
be burdened with more than they can bear: no mother shall be made to suffer
harm on account of her child, nor any father on account of his. The same
duty is incumbent on the father’s heir. If, by mutual consent and
consultation, the couple wishes to wean [child], they will not be blamed, nor
will there be any blame of you wish to engage a wet nurse, provided you pay
as agreed in a fair manner. Be mindful of God, knowing that He sees
everything you do” (Quran 2: 233).

In recent times the compatibility between Islam and democracy is raised.
Some scholars argued that shura means aspects of democracy. Others
question such an argument. This question was emerging when the modern
state appeared in the world. Those who employ this stance say that their
argument lies in the assumption that the Islamic state was theocratic, the
country ruled by God. They say that for pious Muslims, the legitimate
authority for rule of the country comes from God alone, and the ruler derives
his power from God and the holy law, and not from the people, because the
participatory democratic notions was not in the world during the origins of
Islam. Hence, “the rules of legislative bodies and Islam did not develop any
principle of representation, any procedure for choosing representatives, any
definition of the franchise or any electoral system. Therefore the following
claim is concluded: Islam will never achieve democracy and human rights as
long as there is no separation of religion and state” (Odeh 1998: 37-41)

Mohammad Abed al-Jabri deals with practices of democracy in Islam based

on “the traditional and the Renaissance authoritative referents”. To him, ”the
first reads democracy in the Arab- Islamic shura, the other drives it from the
outcome of development achieved through the struggle for democracy in
Europe, which persisted there for more than three centuries. Let us, then,
define the image of ‘democracy’ in contemporary Arab thoughts as defined
by these two authoritative referents, beginning with the traditional one”
(Abed al-Jabri 2009: 122).

The arguments that comprehensive solutions for all dealings of the human
life had in the Quran and Sunna got into a crisis at the time of the two great
Caliphs, Abu Bakr and Umar. Ibn Al-Qayyim says that Abu Bakr ruled in all

what came to him during his reign first according to the Qur’an. If an answer
to a question was not found in the Qur’an, then he would look into the
Prophet’s Sunnah. If an answer was not also found to the matter, he would
call “representatives” of people for a meeting for consultation and judged by
their consensus. The similar policy was adopted by Umar Ibn Al-Khattab
However and apparently, the Qur’an is not a “constitution” draft or a detailed
reference book where answers for all questions in the life problems are

In this respect, Zarzour argues that the governor in Islam is a competent

person who, even though, he is capable of practicing independent reasoning
(mujtahid), he is not infallible. He is not a representative of Allah as some
say. There are no clergy as governors in Islam. The governor is a deputy for
the nation. He granted to the position of imam (ruler) through choice, bayah
(pledge), and shura. Infallibility is a characteristic of the ummah (nation or
people) when all people come to a consensus about a certain issue. This
consensus raises the nation to the level of infallibility as the Prophet says:
“My ummah may not have consensus on doing wrong” (Zarzour 1999).

The “nature” of the relation between the Muslim ruler and the people is
determined by the extent to which the ruler observes Allah in ruling over
“his” people. This means “he” has to govern the people with justice and by
the rulings of Allah. Zarzour adds that obedience to the Muslim leader is not
absolute due to being a deputy of Allah. On the contrary, it is determined by
his implementation of justice and the rulings of Allah. If the leader does not
observe this condition, then Muslims do not have to obey him. Consequently,
they can revolt against him. It can be said that such an uprising against the

ruler represents the highest degree of political opposition in terms of modern
politics. Furthermore, according to Al-Awwa, the governor in Islam is not
recognized for “his” personal accomplishments, regardless how great they
could be. The principle of shurah is directed to the benefit of the people.
Shurah is meant to empower the people and enable them to decide their best
interest and avoid dictatorship (Al-Awwa 1989: 202).

The question that poses itself every time shurah is mentioned today is: Who
are the representatives of people mentioned in the Islamic history and who
should practice shurah? Should they be ahl al-hal wa al-aqd as have been
known in the Islamic political thought? Al-Awwa argues that such questions
are no more than details that are subject to time and place within certain
societies since no mention of such appears in the Qur’an. And it is only the
people who should decide on the mechanism of choosing both groups of
representatives and who should have say in terminating their mission if their
needs are not met (Al-Awwa 1989: 203). Another question comes up at this
point: Is governance in Islam is religious, i.e. attributed to Allah, or civil in
the modern sense of the word? Zarzour suggests that the nature of rule in
Islam is religious in terms of the source of legislation, which is manifest in
the Qur’an and the Sunnah. It is at the same time “civil” or “secular” in
terms of the source of power which is the ummah, or whoever is elected or
authorized to represent the people (Zarzour 1999: 230).

Since democracy is considered a characteristic of the secular system, does

shura mean democracy? Al-Qaradawi, in his reply to the many who say that
Islam and democracy do not interchange, says that it is legitimate to “import”
ideas and techniques in governance as long as they do not contradict a clear

Qur’anic text or rule. According to Mohammad Abed al-Jabri: “The words
“democracy” and “unity” have become so popular in our contemporary Arab
discourse that they no longer need to be defined, just like the word ‘sky’. In
referring to ‘clear matters which need no definition’, our forefathers used to
say, ‘this is like saying the sky is above us.’ In the minds of Arabs, who call
and struggle for democracy, its meaning is as clear as those of ‘the sky above
us’. Democracy, in this sense, is the opposite of injustice, just as the sky is in
opposition to the earth” (Abed al-Jabri 2009: 122).

In the case of democracy, the majority opinion is considered as sacrosanct.

This does not apply to all aspects of Islamic mode of living. Practice of
democracy like voting fall within the territory of ijtihad (Al-Qaradawi 1994:
642-44). Furthermore, Safi argues that the values of democracy, in its
modern sense, relates to Islam in many ways. He says that democracy
presupposes that people treat each other equally. It also presupposes the right
to differ; that is for people to have different opinions on various issues. He
also says that democracy also presupposes that people of different
backgrounds interact peacefully. Back to Islam, Safi stresses that all these
values very much relate to many principles of Islam. To begin with is the
principle of equality that is clearly mentioned in the Qur’an and the Sunnah.
The same thing can be said about the right of people to have different
religious beliefs. He says though that “minorities” is a very modern term in
the sense that it supposes a majority ruling over a minority, while minorities
in the Muslim history had the right to be different in their faith and in their
legal system. In early Muslim societies, “different” people had what Safi
refers to as moral autonomy (Safi 2007). That means they administered their
own laws which enabled the community to practice what they believe in. Safi

adds, interestingly enough, in early Muslim history there were schools of
law, or as he prefers to call them, communities of law. In other words one
can be a Muslim but go to community court i.e. Hanifi or Maliki. The
community was free and vibrant because there was no central law that forced
all people to submit to it, but communities were able to develop their own
sense of law and live accordingly. Safi concludes by saying that he believes
that modern Muslim societies can be democratic in the sense of holding
political officials accountable and by being part of decision making (Safi
2007). Finally, it can be said that Islam provides governance regulations at
all levels. It gave sovereignty to the ummah, decided shurah to regulate
governance and gave the ummah the right to oppose to the leader, elect
“him”, or depose “him”.


The Prophet fourteen centuries ago gathered his companions, the heathens
and the Jews to inform them of what he believed to be the best that brings
them together and organizes the political authority in their city. They were all
amazed by the Prophet’s proposals, which were based on the principle of
peaceful coexistence between the categories of people who suffered a lot
from wars and from lack of security and organization. The proposals,
sahifah, or what is known as the Constitution of Al-Madinah, became an
important event in the practice of human rights in Islam.

The constitution of Al-Madinah or “sahifah” can be considered a turning

point in the Islamic history because many scholars regarded as the most
important written document in the Prophet’s era. Its legal significance stems

from the fact that it identified the components of the ummah and indicated
the formation of the state. On the other hand, this document clarified the
nature of the relationship between Muslims and Jews, and between Muslims
and Christians and many other Tribes. The document is as significant as any
other modern constitution in terms of organizing the authorities of the state
and the relationships holding between the groups living under the state. The
document was established in the first year of hijrah (622CE), a period of
belligerence between the two great powers of that time: the Roman and the
Persian empires. This belligerence did not imply any rights for enemies
neither in peace nor in war. The Arab Peninsula was in a state of anarchy as
it was leading a tribal life. There was no central authority nor was there a
unified government. Each tribe constituted an independent political unit.
Power was the dominating logic amongst tribes. Due to the adverse political
conditions dominating Al-Madinah at that time, it was necessary for the
Muslims to do something to maintain peaceful coexistence between the
various groups of people living there. There came the constitution of Al-
Madinah to establish the first constitutional principles that the growing state
needs in order to organize its political affairs on the basis of respecting
human rights in the best noble form (Traer 1989: 118)

The major principles of the constitution are defining the basis for citizenship
in the state. The document stated that Islam is the basis for citizenship in the
new Islamic state with all that it implies for freedom and equality. Although
Islam was the basis of citizenship, the concept of citizenship was expanded
to include the Jews living in the state. Paragraphs 25 to 36 state that the Jews
enjoy the same rights and duties as those of Muslims. The freedom of belief
was also guaranteed for the Jews. Paragraph (20 b) mentioned some of the

duties imposed on the non-Muslims in Al-Madinah. This means that they
were included under the rule of the new Islamic state and they were subject
to the organizational principles of the state as indicated in the document. This
is actually what is known nowadays as the rights of citizenship and
naturalization. This right is mentioned in the Universal Declaration of
Human Rights (UDHR) in article 15. The Sahifah also included a number of
other principles such as: maintaining certain pre-Islamic traditions that were
practiced by the Arab tribes as in the case of blood money and ransoming
captives of war due to the good meanings that these traditions have;
maintaining many principles of social welfare such as the need for settling
debts; and observing law and order to keep peace and to enable the authority
to perform its duties. The right to political asylum and supporting the
oppressed and the principle of the “one for all and all for one” were among
the principles established in the Sahifah.

In conclusion, one can say that the principles established by the Sahifah are
considered one of the oldest and most important documented laws known for
human communities including the Arab society and the neighboring ones. It
is worth mentioning here that since the Sahifah was not dated, some claim
that the items of the Sahifah are the sum of eight different Sohof
(agreements) that have been written separately. The claim suggests that the
first three items of the fifty ones make the first two documents that were
written in the first hijri year, whereas the remaining twenty articles were
written in the form of different six documents. However, Al-Mallah provides
a systematic argument supported by the authentic evidence refuting the claim
mentioned above (Al-Mallah: 2004, 59-63).


In 19th and 20th Century, most of the West Asian and North African countries

had witnessed the movements for constitution and constitutional rule. Such

changes in this region were seen at first in the North African country of

Tunisia. Tunisia had the first Constitution adopted in 1861, the oldest

Constitution of this region. Tunisia is considered as the first non-Western

country in the world with the modern and new model of the written

Constitution was adopted. The 1876 Ottoman Constitution and Meiji

Constitution of 1889 in Japan were also coming forth in the 19th Century.

Among these new Constitutions, the Constitution of Tunisia was

distinguished by the features of the amalgam of Islam and traditional

monarchy; it was adopted more elements of rationality. Thereafter, in the

West Asian region, Syria adopted a new Constitution, the basic elements

were different from the Western notion of the new modern constitutions.

Brown and Sherif notes,

The short-lived Syrian Constitution of 1950 grafted a novel

ideological element destined to become a staple in Islamic
constitution making by declaring the shari‘a the main source
of legislation (Brown & Sherif 2004: 63).

The Kuwaiti Constitution of 1962 is another example that declared the

principles of the Shari‘a “a main source of legislation” (Article 2).

If Sharia was becoming source of constitutions in the West Asian region, it is

because of the cultural tradition where the people were living under Islamic

traditions in private and public life for a long period of time. Anna
Grzymala-Busse studied the importance of religion even in the secular state,
and its influences in a state.

The study of religion holds great promise for the study of

identity, institutional origins, the state, and the strategies of
institutional actors in comparative politics. Doctrinal
differences translate into distinct patterns of state institutions,
economic performance, and policy preferences. Religious
attachments affect voting and popular mobilization. Churches
can become powerful institutional players that lobby,
influence policy, and form effective coalitions with both
secular and denominational partners. Finally, natural religious
monopolies and (conversely) resolutely secular countries
show how churches have played a central role in the struggle
of nations and states. The relationship is thus mutual: religion
influences political attitudes and institutions, and politics
affects religious practice and political activity (Grzymala-
Busse 2012: 421-422).

Political developments in Iran have been closely related with its religious
cultural background. The powerful religious linkages within the Iranian
community were determinant factors for politics of Iran. Said Amir
Arjomand while narrating the constitutional movements of the West Asian
region observes that, not only the aspirations of the public, it was the entire
ideas of the intellectuals and their works regarding political changes
opposing imperialism that influenced the process in the 19th Century.
Arjomand observes that; “The movement for legal modernization and

codification of law for state-building in the Near East had begun by this
time” (Arjomand 2012: 204).

In the case of Iran there were neither such comparable codification

movements nor an alternative judicial system reorganized in the Nineteenth

Century. But a Constitution and a first constitutional government were

created by the Constitutional revolution in 1906. This Constitution had

inherited the dual judicial system consisting of religious Shar‘ia court and

secular state courts. Arjomand says that the state judicial system was not

stable, which faced peoples’ struggle against the complete lack of authority

of state judicial system, which followed the Sharia principles. The Shari’a

Courts didn’t have a judicial hierarchy system for appeal in case of

contradictory verdicts.

Thus, Iran established the Parliamentary system in the beginning of

Twentieth Century. The political desires of the Iranian people did not prefer

either Islamic model or the Western model. Asghar Fathi observes that:

“Thus the desire of many Iranians who have hoped and worked for a

democratic system of government since the middle of the Nineteenth century

still remains unfulfilled” (Fathi 1993: 702). Throughout the history of

people’s movements of Iran, various scholars interpreted people’s

movements and struggle for “more democratization”.

Iran witnessed Constitutional demand during a time of clash of many

interests such as colonial, religious, secular etc. The colonial interest of the

West as well as the Russia culminated in a war for control of the regime of
Iran in the latter half of the Nineteenth Century. Homa Katouzian narrates
that history:
As is well known, the defeat of Iran by Russia, and greater
contact with Russia and other European powers, especially
Britain, had opened a completely new window to the Iranian
elite. Defeating and being defeated, even ruled, by foreigners
had been quite familiar occurrences in the country’s history.
So had the imposition or importation, since ancient times, of
foreign traditions, habits, religions, products and commodities
(Katouzian 2011: 757).

Ervand Abrahamian writes about the 1906 Constitutional revolutionary

process; “The ancient regime had collapsed without a voice being raised on
its behalf. Wealthy Merchants and Street peddlers, wholesale dealers and
small shopkeepers, seminary students and Dar al Funun graduates,
Clergymen and Civil Servants rising commercial Companies and declining
craft gilds, Muslims and non-Muslims, Persians and non-Persians, Haydaris
and Nimatis, Shaykhis and Mutashari’s, Sunnis and Shi’is, Bazzaris in the
capital and Bazzaris in the provinces, all had joined together to batter down
the traditional power structure” (Abrahamian 1982: 92).

The last decades of the Nineteenth Century and beginning the Twentieth

Century had created historic developments in Iranian politics. The people

come out to struggle against the monarchical policies of the Qajar dynasty

and particularly for opposing the monopoly concessions in Tobacco trade

given to Europeans. The public as well as merchants and ulema

demonstrated in the streets, demanding change in the decision to give

tobacco concession. The tobacco merchants’ interests were completely

negated by the Shah and it developed into another dimension of struggle, as

they demanded for a ‘Constitution’ and ‘Constitutional rule’. Homa

Katouzian narrating the consequences of the Iranian Constitutional

Revolution says:

In 1906 a Constitution laid down the rules and procedures for

government based in law. It was the first time in Iranian

history that government was ‘conditioned’ to a set of

fundamental laws which defined the limits of executive

power, and detailed the rights and obligations of the state and

society (Katouzian 2011: 757).

Katouzian further states:

No such revolution had ever happened in Europe, because …

there had always been legal limits to the exercise of power in

European societies, however powerful the government might

be, and however narrow, limited and unequal the scope of the

law in defining the relationship between the state and society,

and among the social classes. Europe, the law had often been

unequal, and unfair to the majority of the people (Katouzian

2011: 757).

The European colonial possession was realized through the strange ways.

Katouzian observes that:

It was about the possession, by their new adversaries and

competitors, of techniques and institutions which had never

been known before, and which gave them such superiority

over the Iranians that it looked as if no amount of traditional

power and technology might be equal. It almost looked like

magic, if not to the elite, certainly too large numbers of people

in towns and cities. The tales that were spread about Europe,
European cities, European science and technology, European

armies, European wealth, European liberties, and not least

sexual habits, were mostly fantasy or at least highly

exaggerated (Katouzian 2011: 257-258).

As a result of the Constitutional Revolution of 1906-11, the first Constitution

was prepared mostly depended on the ideology of the Western constitutional
tradition. The new Constitution had peculiar characters, specifically
emphasized the constitutional process, not defined by the court and against
the development of court-made constitutional law. Article 27 of the
Supplement to the Constitution prescribes that “The explanation and
interpretation of laws is a special function of the National Assembly”
(Farmanfarma 1954: 242). This article strongly supports the supremacy of
the National Assembly for making laws. In any circumstances that contradict
the Constitution, the law will be the final authority. It means that the

National Assembly will interpret the constitutional provisions, not the Court.
It was adopted from the interpretation given to similar Articles in the Dutch
and Belgian Constitutions. The purpose of the Iranian Constitution was to
restrain the monarchical rule (Farmanfarma 1954: 242)

The Constitutional Revolution of Iran (1906-11) had reevaluated and

criticized by the Farmanfarma by observing that; “The scanty material on the
history of the revolution reveals that the revolutionaries had patriotic and
fanatic convictions, but knew very little of Constitutional theories. Long
tradition and background in the field of political philosophy was absolutely
lacking. The Constitution of Iran therefore does not have a national
scholastic history in which one may find the origins of the concepts
expressed in the instrument. Nor was there a constitutional assembly where
the Articles could have been debated and their meanings disclosed in the
debate records” (Farmanfarma 1954: 243).

Constitutional movement of Iran was not only an isolated movement for

demanding a “Constitution” but also a movement against imperialistic and
colonial interests. Said Amir Arjomand (1988) notes that in the West Asian
and North African region, nationalist movements emerged by asserting the
demand for constitutional democracy.

The Iranian Revolution of 1906 was also the first modern

revolution in Asia, as well as the first to designate itself a
Constitutional Revolution (enqelab e mashrutiyyat). It was
followed by the Young Turks Revolution of 1908, which was
similarly called the “second constitutional period” on account
of its restoration of the Ottoman Constitution. Later in the
Twentieth century, the nationalist movement against the

French in Tunisia adopted the name “Destour” (Constitution)
and was led by the Destour (Constitution) Party, founded in
1920 (Arjomand 1988: 205).

Afshari’s observes that the Constitutional movement could not understood as

“ideological combat of traditional Islam to European Political practices”. To
Afshari, “employing purely rational political discourse to prove the
compatibility of Islamic tradition with modern European political practices”
may not be useful (Afshari 1993: 478). Afshari had studied the gradual
changes of the Iranian political climate, and observed that with the influences
of the intellectuals and press, people from every sphere came forward and
joined the Revolution. Ervand Abrahamian also traced the details of the
sections that participated in the Revolution. Afshari’s narrative description
gave us the details of the Post-Revolutionary developments of Iran:

Majlis, Iranian Parliament was established by the decree of

Grand Vezir, signed by King Muzaffer ed Din Shah (1896-
1907) on 1907 few days before his death. The Supplement to
the Constitution was signed by his son after succeeding to the
crown. There was Pressure to produce the documents, but no
intellectual preparation other than copying from Western
European countries, mainly Belgium. There is no light
therefore to be shed upon the meaning of Article 46 by
searching events preceding 1907 (Afshari 1993: 478).

Afshari explains further:

Muhammed Ali was crowned on January19, 1907, he

regretted the Constitution, which was signed by him and his

father, and shot many revolutionaries on protest. An uprising
dethroned him in 1909 and his minor son Ahammed crowned.
It is from this date of the Constitution of Iran began its real
life (Afshari 1993: 478).

The accession of the throne of Iran by Reza Shah with the backing of British
power, established the Pahlavi dynasty in 1921. During the reign of Reza
Shah (1921-1941), the political system of Iran in practice looked as if, “there
was a sort of constitutional holiday in the country” (Farmanfarma 1954:
244). Under his regime, Prime Ministers of Iran were regularly dismissed
and appointed.

Constitutional processes during the regime of Muhammad Reza Shah

Pahlavi were not satisfactory. Farmanfarma observed that:

With the amendment of the Constitution in 1949 introducing

the power of dissolution, some of these problems were
thought to be solved”. In practice, however, this has not
proved to be the case. Five other cabinets, within two and a
half years, have fallen without dissolution of parliament. In
August, 1953, for the first time Dr. Mossadegh tried to make
use of this power. He could not obtain the approval of the
crown, resorted to a plebiscite, and finally was removed. But
in December, 1953, a royal decree for the first time in its
history dissolved the parliament of Iran and announced
elections (Farmanfarma 1954, 247).

Articles 65, 69, and 70 of the Constitution regulate the criminal prosecution
of ministers. These articles provide that parliament must prosecute, and the

Supreme Court shall have original jurisdiction. To implement these
constitutional rules, a “Law for the Trial of Ministers and the Jury” was
enacted in 1928. The first article of this law reads:

If the prime minister or a minister is accused of committing a

crime in connection with his work or duty he shall be
prosecuted by the National Assembly regardless of whether or
not he held the ministerial position at the time of prosecution
(Amendment Act of Iranian Constitution 1928: Article 1).

This law elaborately sets forth the rules for such prosecution and the
procedure in connection therewith. Hitherto, ministers always have been
tried by the Supreme Court after impeachment and prosecution by the
Parliament in accordance with the law of 1928. Mossadegh's trial by a
military court was the first of its kind. When the question was raised by
Mossadegh in objecting to the court's jurisdiction, the court said that:

since the king had power to dismiss him as a prime minister

and the prosecution concerned acts committed after the order
of dismissal, these acts were beyond his ministerial functions
and therefore within the power of the court. It seems that this
military court has upheld the general practice that ministers
should not be tried unless prosecuted by the parliament
(Farmanfarma 1954: 247).


In recent time, many Islamic countries are adopting their constitutional

provisions mainly as state laws inconsistent with Islamic law “Sharia”.

Within the Muslim societies the people are divided between the supporters of

Sharia and the opponents of Sharia. Clark C. Lombardi (2013) observes that:

The impact of a “Sharia Guarantee Clause” (SGC) depends

largely on questions of constitutional design: who is given the

power to interpret and apply the provision and what

procedures do they follow? It then surveys a number of the

remarkably varied schemes that countries have developed to

interpret and enforce their SGCs, and it considers the impact

that different schemes have had on society (Lombardi 2013:


Most of the Islamic countries following the Sharia Guarantee Clauses (SGC)

may be having authoritarian or imperfectly democratic constitutions.

Lombardi evaluated that:

Unsurprisingly, the designers of SGC enforcement schemes in

non-democratic countries have generally tried to ensure that

their SGC will be interpreted and applied in a way that

permitted or even promoted non-democratic policies.

Nevertheless, from the experience of non-democratic

countries with SGCs we can draw some important lessons

about the types of SGC enforcement scheme that would allow

more democratic states to promote both democratic political

participation and rights (Lombardi 2013: 615).

Lombardi writes further:

On recent debates erupted in Western liberal democracies

about how best to reconcile rights enforcement with

democracy. These help to further clarify some issues that

aspirations of Islamic democracies will face, as they try to

develop SGC enforcement schemes for a democratic society,

and they provide insights into the qualities that an institution

must possess, if it is to address these issues effectively.

A number of Muslim countries are currently debating how

best to square a constitutional commitment to respect Islam

with parallel commitments to democracy and rights

(Lombardi 2013: 617).

On the emanating discussions on how the fundamental attitudes of the Sharia

principles accommodates the democratic values, as well as raise the question

of who will be the responsible authority of democratic matters, Lombardi


In both the Muslim world and the West, there has been debate

about whether Islamic Constitutions can ever be truly

democratic. Concerned that sharia principles are

fundamentally inconsistent with democratic principles, some

argue that Constitutions containing SGCs will inevitably

prevent a country from realizing democracy or from

respecting liberal rights. Others insist that these fears are

misguided. Both sides oversimplify the matter and overlook a

crucial point. In almost every country in the Muslim world,

people disagree about who can interpret sharia and about what

sharia requires. As a result, incorporating an SGC does not,

by itself, lead to particular outcomes. Whether an SGC

permits or even promotes democracy and human rights

depend upon its interpreters (Lombardi 2013: 616).

Hallaq (2001) have different point of view on Sharia and its principles
followed by the states. He says whether the Shari`a can be restored depends

upon some of the general as well as more technical issues related to the

improbability of shari‘a becoming a normative legal system in most Arab

and Muslim societies today. He points to the dual realities of the nation-state

and nationalism which resulted in Western legal principles becoming the

dominant discourse in which Islamic jurisprudence or fiqh gradually


Various branches of Shi'ite Islam have their nucleus in “the Party” (shi'a) of

'Ali, the son-in-law of Mohammad, who became the fourth and last

universally recognized “rightly guided” Caliph in 656 AD and died

(assassinated) in 661AD. Of these, a group organized into a religious sect by

the mid-eighth century was to survive various crises of succession and

become known as the Imami Shi’a on account of their doctrine of Imamate

(divinely inspired leadership). The sect was also referred to as the “Ithna

Ashari” (“Twelvers”) because of their belief in a line of twelve Imams as

divinely inspired infallible leaders of a community of believers and teachers

in religion. The Twelfth Imam, Mohammad al-Mahdi, is believed to have

gone into hiding in the year 874 AD. He is considered to be the Lord of the

Age, to reappear at the End of Time. The Shi’ia religious sect and its

jurisprudence and Shi’ia religious norms as the custom for Persia (Iran) had

been accepted by the Safavid Dynasty (1501-1732) in the beginning of

sixteenth century. Twelver-Shi’ia jurisprudence has ultimately differed from

the Sunni school of jurisprudence in many ways, but the three major

significant differences are re-assessed by Hallaq (2009) in his important

work on Islamic jurisprudence. Hallaq points out that:

The first relates to the divine appointment of the “Imamate”,

which begins with the fundamental assumption that there

exists a qualitative dissimilarity between human and divine

qualities. Man’s intelligence is ultimately defective, with the

implication that his understanding of the law is incomplete.

This premise entailed that God is bound by duty to make legal

obligations known to the human mind. As a means of

communicating His signs that embody His Will and Law, God

chose a number of persons possessed of superior qualities and

made them Prophets and Imams. The Imam is neither a

second class Prophet nor a deputy, as the early Sunnite

caliphs were conceived by the Sunnis. He is a substitute for

the Prophet, taking on the tasks and functions of the Prophet

in his absence (Hallaq 2009: 106-107).

The second premises ismthat “Imamat” is infallible and that the divine as

well as the perfect being never made mistake. An Imam is considered as

having superior qualities than everybody of his own life time. According to


The Imam would be no less a prophet than the Prophet

Muhammad himself. They are considering the jurisprudence

of the Islamic law and jurists concerns are that; “it is divine

law that forbade our Imams being given the name of

prophecy, not reason (Hallaq 2009: 107).

They believe that:

Prophet was an instrument of revelation, whereas none of the

Imams was chosen for this task. But since their knowledge is

infallible, their ability to convey the divine Law to their

followers has the status of certitude (Hallaq 2009: 107).

This divine and inevitable power of the Imams and their influences in

Iranian society is important in the legal and political developments in modern

Iran, for the elevated status accorded the Imam appears to run counter to the

claim that the master-jurist can replace and fully represent the Imam in the

latter’s absence. In fact, the Imams did not delegate their powers to anyone,

and were reported to have condemned as fraudulent any political governance

in their name.

Hallaq explained that the third premise was constituted by the historical; in

and around the 874 AD, when the twelfth Imam disappeared, and since then

he has been presumed to be in hiding as a result of the persecution he

suffered, and he is known as the “Hidden Imam”. Yet, while hiding, he

continues to bear the knowledge of law in its best, infallible and most perfect


The Imam thus represents law for Twelver-Shi’ism and they believe that

recent practice is not perfect. But at the end of time, the Imam will reappear,

implementing his just law with full force, but until then several functions that

the Imams had fulfilled must somehow be discharged with the jurist in


Ayatollah Khomeini stayed in Iraq where he was exiled for a decade and

later in France before his triumphant return to Iran on the historic Islamic

Revolution of Iran 1979. In 1978, Khomeini left “Najaf” in Iraq because of

the problems with former President of Iraq Saddam Hussein. Najaf is the

centre of Shi’i learning of Islamic law and ethics, this centre was revived by

the scholarly works of Muhammad Baqer as-Sadr and his contribution to the

renewal of Islamic law and politics in contemporary West Asia. Sadr not

only was a scholar in Shi’is jurisprudence but also a politician; he was

actively engaged in the political processes of Iraq. Khomeini formulated his

Shi’i principles regarding state from that centre (Mallat 1993: 8-12).

Khomeini’s ideas formed a major theological basis for the constitution of the

post-revolutionary regime in Iran.

The present Iranian legal system is based on Shari'a, its main source of
legislation in constitutional and legal matters. In fact Shari'a is regarded as
the theoretical structure of the country's legal system, and it provides the
laws as codified by the legislative branch of power and applied by the
government. This chapter examines how Shari'a theory of human rights is
reflected in Iran's constitutional and legal system in general.

Islamic ulama were involved with the Constitutional revolution of the Iran in
the 1906-11and later they themselves came to the forefront of the revolution
against the Pahlavi monarchical regime and toppled the Shah’s rule from the
Iranian soil as well as kept the US away. Ayatollah Khomeini returned to
Iran and held the power of the Iran and tremendously changed all its social
and political face. The new Constitution of Iran was prepared according to
the principles of Shar’ia and Islamic Republic of Iran’s state system and
legal principles were strongly embedded in Sharia law.

Sharia principles created a crisis in the case of human rights, women rights,
freedom of the press, freedom of the association etc. The countries legal
shortcomings created serious contradictions with the modern human rights

standards of UDHR doctrines. The strict sense of the Sharia principles of the
government created international criticism as well as the domestic
challenges. As a consequence of its devotion, Iran has faced various
condemnations from international organizations but due to the demand from
the civil society it has been gradually refraining from the strict application of
Shari’a principles in certain aspects.


When the First Constitution of Persia (Iran), the articles of the Constitution
and the Supplementary to the Constitution, was drawn up in 1906-1907,
liberal constitutionalists had intended to follow Western models of
constitution and bills of rights. They hoped to ratify constitutional laws that
would limit the powers of authorities and guarantee fundamental rights and
freedoms. Politically, they successfully recognized the principle of
sovereignty of the nation and the establishment of a powerful parliament
(Majlis), limiting the power of the Shah through the constitution and modern
constitutional system.

This largely incomplete document of 51 articles, dealt with no other

constitutional matter than the establishment and the functioning of a
bicameral legislature. A single article at the end obligated the king to respect
and uphold the legislature. Consequently, a Complementary Annex of 107
articles was added in 1907.

The Revolt of 1890–92 over the concession of Iran’s tobacco

trade was the first political act, properly so called, in Iranian
history, and a prelude and rehearsal for the Constitutional

Revolution, just as the revolt of June 1963 was a rehearsal for
the Revolution of 1979. Both these revolts had the sympathy
of most of the people, and if they had persisted they would
have spread to the whole of the society, as in all such cases in
Iranian history. The Tobacco Revolt did not go any further
because the state backed down at various stages. The 1963
Revolt did not spread further because the state was strong
enough to suppress it quickly with an iron fist, and before the
less daring crowds could be encouraged to join the movement
(Katouzian 2011: 759).

In the area of human rights, the Supplementary to the Constitution offered

the concepts of equality and freedom, guaranteeing civil and secular political

rights in its provisions. It recognized the equality of all citizens, and

protected freedom of the press and association and some other basic rights.

Emerging out of the struggle of modernism and tradition, however, the

Constitution failed to institute the principle of separation of religion and

state. The persistence of the conservative Ulama, who demanded “Shari’a

constitutionalism”, resulted in the ratification of an article in the

Supplementary to the Constitution that foresaw a Council of clerics to ensure

that no laws passed in Majlis contradicted Shari'a laws. In addition, in

several articles, “religious criteria” were invoked as justifications for

restricting constitutional right. For example, Article 20 of the Supplementary

to the Constitution, guaranteeing freedom of the press, excludes heretical

books or materials harmful to Islam. Article 21 restricts freedom of

associations where this may provoke religious disorder. It was these

restrictions in the Constitution, in the first year of the Constitutional

Revolution, which caused some Ulama to believe in the compatibility of

constitutional rights and freedoms with the Shari'a. Shi’ism became the state

religion (Iran Constitution 1906: Article 1), and provided for the creation of

an ecclesiastical committee, which was delegated to ensure that no

legislation contradicted the norms set down by Islam (Iran Constitution

1906: Article 2)

All individuals, including Christians, Jews, and Zoroastrians were

recognized as citizens and given equal rights before the law (Iran

Supplementary Constitution 1907: Article 8). The authority and the

legitimacy of the king was bestowed or vested by the will of the people (Iran

Constitution 1906: Article 35). Further protection was offered to individual

private ownership (Iran Constitution 1906: Articles 15-17). Nevertheless, the

secular Pahlavi Shahs did not observe article 2 and other religious criteria;

nor did they respect the fundamental human rights and freedoms guaranteed

in constitutional provisions. In practice, the Pahlavi regime left “horrendous

human rights records,” (Mayer 1999: 5)


In the Post-Revolutionary Islamic Republic of Iran, the provisional

government prepared the draft text of the new constitution and submitted it

to the Assembly of Experts, consisted of people’s representatives, for

ratification. The draft text was based on both Islamic principles and secular

models have also borrowed from Western constitutions. The rule of the

faqih (jurist) have been was introduced in Iran. It assumed that Iran’s politics

is based on homogenous Islamic society. Homa Omid observes:

The assumption that the society of Muslims would be a

homogeneous, quasi–tribal, hierarchical, respectful and

obedient to the laws of God, as interpreted by the Faqih,

proved fallacious (Omid 1994: 63).

But it is interpreted differently by Iranian scholar and expert Said Amir


Not surprisingly, it produced a type of constitution I have

called “ideological” a category that also includes the Egyptian

Constitution of 1971. Its Islamic ideology was the basis of its

revolutionary counter-constitutionalism. What is more

interesting from our point of view is that it created, in the

form of the Islamic Republic of Iran, an Islamic juristocracy

or rule by jurists in the literal sense of the term ( Arjomand

2012: 204).

In the new situation the secular people and the intelligentsia were

regrouping and were securing support among some of the religious classes.

The Mujahedineh Khalq, Fadayaneh Khalq and the Tudeh Party got

influences among the Armed Forces (Omid 1994: 63). Ervand Abrahamian

traced out the clear picture of the Revolution: people converged in to the

revolution from the all section of the society, particularly the new social

mobilization of the industrialization created capacity in to the people, as well

as the middle class government servants also actively came forward in to the

revolution, one section of the intelligentsia group labored behind the

movement; Abrahamian explained that:

The salaried middle class numbered more than 700000, some
9 percent of the working population. It included 304,000 civil
servants in the ever expanding ministries; some 200000
teachers and school administers; and in excess of 60,000
managers, engineers, and professionals. The total exceeded
one million, including college students and other aspiring
members of the class. In the past, the term of the salaried
class, the term had become more differentiated and
specifically associated with intellectuals-writers, journalists,
artists, and professors. The intelligentsia continued to be the
bearers of intelligentsia rowshanfekr had been synonymous
with the salaried middle class. But with the rapid expansion of
nationalism and socialism.

Constitutionalization of the Islamic countries in the region of West Asia and

North Africa region has seen the prominent tendency of the western educated
elites demanding western modernized constitutions. Islamic Republic of Iran
and Egypt followed the Islamic stream of legal system but both countries are

traditionally practicing different traditions such as the Sunni system of
Islamic law and a Shi’ia system of Islamic law .

In Egypt, the Sunni school that applies is generally the

Hanafi School but there is also occasionally reference to the
Shafii School of law. In Iran, the Twelver (Ithna Ashari)
School of Shia law applies. In each country, the legal system
is complex being drawn from many sources but, apart from
Islamic law; the main legal system is part of the civil law
family having adopted this form in the nineteenth century.
Most law is codified including parts of Islamic law (Edge
2009: 821).

The Constitution stipulates three independent branches of government, the

executive, the legislative, and the judiciary (Iranian Constitution 1979:
Article 59). The President is responsible for the implementation of the
Constitution (Iranian Constitution 1979: Article 113) while the Council of
the Guardians is responsible for its adherence with the Constitution and the
ordinances of Islam. Ministers are appointed by the President, subject to vote
of confidence by the Consultative Assembly (Constitution of Iran 1979:
Article 133), which has the right to examine and investigate any public
matter (Constitution of Iran 1979: Article 76).

Provision is made for locally elected self governing councils at various

levels, including provinces, districts, cities and towns (Constitution of Iran
1979: Article 100). Although locally elected councils were foreseen in both
1906-7 and 1979 Constitutions, they did not begin to function for the first

time before 1999. All the people of Iran, whatever their ethnicity or tribal
grouping, enjoy equal constitutional rights (Constitution of Iran 1979: Article
19). The rights of non-Muslims are safeguarded in the following terms: “The
government of the Islamic Republic of Iran and all Muslims are duty-bound
to treat non-Muslims in conformity with ethical norms and the principles of
Islamic justice and equity and to respect their human rights” (Constitution of
Iran 1979: Article 14). “Zoroastrian, Jewish, and Christian Iranians are the
only recognized religious minorities, who, within the limits of the law, are
free to perform their religious rites and ceremonies, and to act according to
their own canon in matters of personal affairs and religious
education”(Constitution of Iran 1979: Article 13).

The Guardian Council (shure-e negahban) is the jurists’ experts in Shariah

and “Twelvers Ithna Ashari” legal system and Guardian Council is
responsible to authoritatively interpret the Constitution of Iran. Islamic
Republic of Iran’s Constitution Article 93 reads: “Without the Guardianship
Council, the Assembly has no legal validity as such, except for the approval
of the representative, credentials and the election of the six jurists belonging
to the Guardianship Council” (Iranian Constitution 1979). Article 94 says:

All legislation passed by the Assembly must be sent to the

Guardianship Council for examination. The Guardianship
Council in a maximum period of 10 days must ensure that the
contents of the legislation does not contravene Islamic
percepts and the principles of the Constitution. If there is any
contravention and if not, the legislation shall be enforceable
(Iranian Constitution 1979).

The Guardian Council members can be attend the parliament sessions,
sometimes they are invited to attend the sessions in the emergency bills.
Constitutional provision Article: 97 reads:

Members of the Guardianship Council are at liberty to attend

the sessions of the Assembly during the deliberations of the
members on various government bills for the purposes of
speeding up the affairs. But when an emergency bill is being
considered by the Assembly, members of the Guardianship
Council are obliged to attend the Assembly and express their
views on the bill in question (Iranian Constitution 1979).

Guardian Council has the responsibility to supervise the elections of the

President, the Islamic Assembly and referendums, it has said in the
constitutional Article 99.

Many historians have noted the prominence of the Ulama in major

movements of political protest since the nineteenth century, including the

tobacco protest movement of 1890-1891, the constitutional revolution of

1905-1911, the oil nationalization crisis of 1951-1953, the uprising ignited

by the arrest of Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini in June 1963, and the Islamic

Revolution of 1979. Abdol Mohammad Kazemi and Ali Rezai observed that:

“The extent to which the masses participated in this revolution was certainly

both unprecedented and unexpected, but more surprising was that these

masses found in Islam an expression of their frustrations and their hopes”

(Kazemi & Rezai 2003: 348). In the Post-Revolutionary Iran, through a

referendum it was determined to establish an Islamic constitution. The

document was a mixture of the Islamic shari’a principles as well as the

modern democratic elements. The first version of the Constitution of 1979

was amendmended in 1989. The idea of Vilayat-e faqih got a more

comprehensive treatment in the amended version.

Hirad Abtahi (2005) explained how a form of a theocratic rule was

established in Iran:

In the spring of 1979, after the collapse of the Imperial

Government of Iran, a referendum resulted in the abolition of

the 1906 monarchic constitution and the approval of the

Islamic Republic as a form of government, which in turn led

to the adoption of the constitution of the IRI (‘Constitution’).

Reflecting the politico-religious vision conceptualized under

the leadership of Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, the

Constitution was amended in July 1989. Beyond officially

renaming the country from Iran into the Islamic Republic of

Iran and stating that the Shiite Ithna Ashari twelver Ja’fari
school is the official religion of the country, the Constitution

makes the system of government of Iran a theocratic one

(Abtahi 2005: 637).

The idea of vilayat-e-faqih assumed a very significant role that religious

leaders can play in politics. Omid examined that the Revolution was

orchestrated by radicals and fundamentals; it was a temporary coalition that

fell apart almost as soon as Khomeini returned (Omid 1994: 63). Firoozeh

Papan-Martin( 2013) explained that the Islamic Revolution of Iran was the

entire aspirations of the Iranian nationality:

The concept of Islamic government, based on the governance

of the jurisprudent (velayat-e faqih), which was provided by

Imam Khomeini at the height of the repression and oppression

by the despotic regime, produced a clear and unifying goal

among Muslim people. It opened the way for authentic

Islamic doctrinal struggle, and further intensified the struggle

of the committed Muslim militants both inside and outside

Iran (Papan-Martin 2013: 159).

The Islamic tradition in Iran is Twelver Shi'ism, the form of Shi'ism

prominent religion in Iran-the Islamic Umma under the leadership in the

series of infallible imams, the twelfth imam, the Mahdi, disappeared himself

from this world in the ninth century A.D. Disappeared Imam called as
Hidden Imam will return in the fullness of time to establish the government

of truth and justice. Shi'ia jurists also held that during the absence of the

Hidden Imam, the vice-regency of the Imam and this mantle of leadership of

the community goes to the jurists, or mujtahids, themselves. Until Khomeini,

however, the jurists tended to treat the idea that the mujtahids were the true

leaders of the community largely as a theoretical claim rather than an actual

mandate to assume political power and to rule.

Khomeini was in Paris at the time of the fall of the Shah. He had few of his

clerical followers in Iran: Hojatoleslam Mohamad Javad Bahonar, Ayottolla

Mohammad Hosein Beheshti, Ayotollah Mohammad Reza Mahdavi-Kani,

Ayotollah Abdol Karim Musavi-Ardabili and Hijatoleslam Ali Akbar

Hashemi Rafsanjani. On his return on 31 January 1979 Khomeini appointed

them as a Revolutionary Council for governing the country. Initially the

council members included the secular members, but later it was reviewed

and they were excluded from the council and council became a homogenous

clergy wing.

Homa Omid observed that:

Qotbzadeh was in fact the man who accorded the title, Imam,

to Khomeini. Though normally used by the Sunnis to denote

religious leadership, ‘Imam’ for Shii’as represents notions of

purity and infallibility. These characteristics had enabled the

twelve Shii’a Imams to delineate the correct path for their

followers and to provide eternal political and spiritual

leadership. Since the occultation of the twelfth Imam no other

religious leader had used this title. But Khomeini, who saw

himself as the Shadow of God on earth, was all too happy to

adopt the title as his own (Omid 1994: 64).

With the constant increase in power of the conservative clerics, the Ulama

dominated Assembly of Experts, discarded the draft text on the assumption

that it was a secular one incompatible with requirements of the Islamic

Republic. The Assembly prepared and ratified the final text of the

constitution, which was approved in a referendum in December 1979.

Homa Omid (1994) explained on the mode of referendum:

Khomeini agreed to a national referendum provided it was

staged to endorse the Islamic Republic. Accordingly in the

referendum of 30 and 31 March, the people were not offered a

choice a choice between democracy and Islamic government.

What they had was the option of endorsing the replacement of

the monarchy by an Islamic Republic. They were asked ‘Do

you approve of an Islamic republic. In strict Islamic terms this

could be interpreted as demanding a consensus, ijma (Omid

1994: 65-66).

Ayatollah Khomeini claimed 98.2% majority in favour of his government

and instructed the provisional government to draw up an Islamic Constitution

(Constitution of Iran: Article 1). Mehran Tamadonfar (2001) explained that

the serious Islamization was supported by hard-line clerics but later the

clerics themselves divided into two groups, one conservatives and the other


Like the First Majlis of the Constitutional Era (1906-1907) the Assembly of

Experts experienced the same challenges over different articles of the new

Constitution concerning politics, economy, and fundamental rights and

liberties in the Islamic Republic. Once again, the particular challenge of the

Constitution was the nature of conflictual relationship between Western

concepts and institutions, on the one hand, and Islamic standards on the

other. This time, though, the conservatives were in the majority in the
Assembly, and they succeeded in introducing more religious criteria in the

Constitution. Two unique characteristics of the Constitution are: the principle

of vilayat-e -faqih (the guardianship of the jurisprudent) and the supremacy

and application of Shari'a laws in every public or private matter.

The system of governance based on the principle of vilayat-e faqih,

elaborated by the late Ayatollah Khomeini in the 1960s and reflected in the

1979 Constitution, is derived from the core belief that authority originates

from God, and ultimate sovereignty is affirmed in Him. Legitimate

government, therefore, represents God on earth, directly or indirectly.

According to the Ithna Ashari- Shi'ite school of Shari'a, after the Prophet
Muhammad, leadership of the Muslim ummah rests in the institution of the

imamat (the leadership of infallible Imams) which starts with AIi (the fourth
Caliph) and continues through his descendants. In the view of some Shi'ite

ulama, after the Greater Occultation of the Hidden Twelfth Imam beginning

in 837-839 AD, according to different narrations, the faqaha, or ulama,

represent the Hidden imam, and may establish a legitimate government on

earth on his behalf. The system of vilayat-e faqih presupposes the need for a

supreme guide in the general conduct of the state. The faqih is uniquely

qualified to provide such guidance to ensure the compliance of all laws with

Shari'a and to enforce the application of Shari'a laws in the country.

The Constitution of the Islamic Republic, too, vests sovereignty in God, not

in the people, and it recognizes the institution of vilayat-e faqih as the system
of governance to represent legitimately the sovereignty of God on earth.

According to articles 5 and 107 of the Constitution, the Assembly of Experts

on leadership composed of only the elected ulama by direct vote of people,

appoints one of the qualified faqaha as the leader of the country for an

unlimited period of time. The Assembly supervises his performance and

could constitutionally remove him anytime. In practice, this is difficult, for

the competency of candidates to run for the Assembly's election must be

approved by those members of the Guardian Council that are appointed by

the leader himself. Beyond these legal-technical obstacles, the role of the
leader as God's representative, and the common notion of complete

obedience to him make his legal and peaceful removal very difficult.

The leader, according to the Constitution is to train governance and all the
responsibilities arising therefrom. All three branches of government operate

under his supervision. He appoints the head of the judiciary branch, appoints

the jurist member of the Guardian Council to supervise the parliamentary

laws, and confirms the president-elects decree. Therefore, unlike Western

constitutions, the idea of three separate branches is “not to maintain a system

of checks and balances, but simply to facilitate management of affairs”. The

leader is also the supreme commander-in- chief of the armed forces with the

power to appoint and dismiss the commander of the armed forces.

Constitutionally, he enjoys many other powers over state affairs and in

practice; there is no limit to his power. He appoints his representatives in all

provinces, foundations, institutions, universities, and other organizations.

According to the interpretation of the Guardian Council, the institution of

vilayat-e faqih and the leader’s decrees and words are placed above the

Constitution and other laws. In sum, the leader unquestionably has the final

word in all social and political affairs of the country. The legitimacy of the

government, in general derives from the leader, and obedience to him equal

obedience to the Hidden Imam and God. It should also be mentioned that the

1989 Amendment to the Constitution, aiming at a more centralized political

system empowered him more than before. It also put three branches of the

government under his direct supervision.

Papan-Matin (2013) explains the problems attached with the entire nature of

the Islamic government:

The executive power has special significance in the execution

of laws and ordinances of Islam and in achieving just relations

in society. The executive power also plays a vital role toward

the ultimate goal of life and must usher in a new Islamic

society. Therefore, any complicated system that would delay

the achievement of such a goal or impede its attainment will

be rejected by Islam. Therefore, bureaucratic systems, which

are born out of autocratic governments, will be severely

rejected so that the executive system can function more

speedily and efficiently in the fulfillment of its administrative

duties (Papan-Martin 2013: 165).

A major principle and characteristic of the 1979 Constitution is the belief in

the supremacy of Shari'a over other types of constitutional laws, and, thus,

the necessity of applying Shari'a laws in every aspect of public and private

life. According to the Constitution, all branches of law should be based on

Shari'a, Article 4 reads: “All civil, penal, financial, economic, administrative,

Cultural, military, political laws and regulations, as well as any other laws or

regulations, should be based on Islamic criteria”.

Articles absolutely and generally, prevail over all of the Constitution, and
other laws and regulations also based on the criteria of Shariah. This article

provides that Shari'a constitutes the supreme law in Iran, and overrides the
constitutional provisions, and the Guardian Council has the power even to

declare these provisions, including those related to rights guarantees,

contrary to Shari'a and, hence, not enforceable. An-Na'im points out, this

would negate the very concept and essential functions of the constitution.

The supremacy of Shari'a over the constitutional and other laws has also

been emphasized in the Constitution.

It should be pointed out that the Guardian Council consists of twelve

members, six jurists to be selected by the leader, and six Muslim legal

experts to be elected by the Parliament from the names submitted to it by the

head of the Judiciary branch. The Council verifies all the rules and
regulations passed by the Parliament to make sure that they do not contradict

Shari'a. Secular Legislation and legal precedents are considering ipso facto

invalid so far as they contradict shari'a. The Council, which replaces the

committee of ulama provides in the 1907 Supplementary to the Constitution,

certainly has more power and greater scope for supervision.

This characteristic of the Constitution, too, separates the Iranian political

system from Western democracies, where the will of the majority of the

people, or their representatives, is the source of law, and where no law can
override the constitutional provisions`.

The legal system in Iran is entirely based on Islamic principles, and applies

Shari'a laws in civil and criminal codes. In other words, the civil and

criminal provisions, constitutional rights guarantees, legal protections and

safeguards, procedural law, judicial standards, punishments, and the

formation of legal courts are all based on Shari'a, all trials and hearings must

apply Shari'a laws substantively and procedurally. Article 167, furthermore,

notes that if a judge could not hold the appropriate law to apply in a specific

case, he is required to refer to Shari'a, and settle the case, which, at least in

criminal cases, is against the principle of legality of crime and punishment

for those Shari'a laws that are not codified in Iran's legal codes.

The constitution, meanwhile, provides major constitutional standards of

criminal justice and procedural safeguards for a fair trial and valid

determination of such as the principle of legality, the benefit of legal advice

guilt or innocence before and during the trial stage the prohibition of

arbitrary arrest and torture, the presumption of innocence until proven

guilty by a competent inviolability of property. The creation of the new

General Courts, however, had a negative impact on these safeguards. These

courts replace all the existing courts in different fields, and provide for the

abrogation of the function of the prosecutor. In other words, the judge acts as

investigator, jury, and judge are single phase study of a case.

The General Courts and the power a judge enjoys in this system, established
to expedite the legal process, definitely harm the rights of defendants and

basic fair trial safeguards, especially where the definitions and cases of
certain crimes requiring capital punishment such as muharibah (highway

robbery, resorting to arms in order to frighten people) and ifsad fi al-arz

(corruption on earth) are not clear and are left to the judge to decide. It

should be borne in mind that, according to Article 164 of the Constitution

and its interpretation, the head of the Judiciary Branch, appointed by the

leader, enjoys the power to appoint, remove, and change the position and

location of all judges. It is noteworthy, in passing, that the two above-

mentioned characteristics of Iran's constitutional system may contradict each

other. While the principles of the supremacy of Shari'a sets religious limits,

and requires the application of Shari'a laws in every issue and conduct, the

principle of the absolute guardianship of jurisprudent, as interpreted by

Ayatollah Khomeini, recognizes no limit when exercising its power to

safeguard the Islamic system of the country. According to Khomeini, the

preservation of the Islamic state is superior even to Shari'a's principal laws.

The leader may suspend or override any Shari'a law indefinitely if he deems

that it serves the Islamic system. In this regard, the 1989 Amendment to the

Constitution provides that the Council of the Expediency (maslahat) of the

System be formed by, and under the supervision of, the leader, and to

intervene in any dispute between the Parliament and the Guardian Council

over Shari'a laws and to prefer one side based on the expediencies of the


Although the principle of the absolute guardianship of jurisprudent,

especially with this interpretation of it, places greater restrictions on

fundamental human rights and liberties, its preference over Shari'a

secularizes the legal system, at least in practice and in most disputed areas

like human rights and hudud punishments.

Ayatollah Khomeini and his strong supporters had internally aware about the

division among the revolutionary forces from the beginning. Homa Omid

observed that:

Both Ayatollah Taleqani and Shariatmadari were of the view

that the religious establishment should only have a

consultative part in the running of the country. Khomeini

considered it necessary to have a collegial of Jurist consults to

act as a collective advising the Fiqih (Omid 1994: 69).

Theocracy was not accepted the whole nation of Iran; anti-Theocratic

Muslims formed a political party, the Islamic People’s Republican Party

(IRIP), the aim of this party was to secure pluralistic political system. IRIP

started from the holy city of Qom and they included public as well as clergy

elected to parliament. Homa Omid explained the critical voices of Islamic

intellectuals during the time of Khomeini:

Shariatmadari was the only outspoken critic of the new

constitution and the rule of the Fiqih amongst the Ulema. He

stood firm in denouncing the public executions of pregnant

women and the young and the very old as well as the practices

of public whipping, press censorship and purges of academics

and civil servants (Omid 1994: 69).

The democratic system of Iran is the amalgam or admixture of the Western

democratic elements, Sharia doctrines and the Islamic Shi’ia principles.

According to the Khomeini’s idea of the Islamic state will be led by

Guardian Council (GC). Gunes Murat Tezcur, narrating the constitutional

support and linkages of the Guardian Council, says:

The Guardian Council (GC) (shuray-e negahban) has the

power to review all legislation passed by the parliament,

authoritatively interprets the constitution (Article 98), and

supervises elections to the assembly of experts, the

presidency, and the parliament (Article 99). While the jurist

members of the GC are elected by the parliament from among

nominations by the head of the judiciary, the parliament does

not have any power over the Council. The head of the

judiciary is appointed by the faqih, who also chooses the

remaining six members of the GC. In practice, the GC only

reports to the faqih. The amendment of the constitution also

depends on the faqih, who may decide to take the proposed

amendment to a national referendum. The Islamic nature of

the government and the principle of the velayat-e faqih are

immutable (Tezcur 2007: 485-86).

Islamic Republic of Iran’s Constitutional principles are totally converged at

the controlling power entrusted to the Guardian Council. The tremendous

power and influential position of the clerical regime have been controlling

the political and religious activities. The Presidential position is not reserved

for the clergy but many Presidents of the Iran came from the clerical

background. Tezcur (2007) writes:

The popularly elected president is entrusted with almost all

executive functions, while the popularly elected parliament is

given the task of legislation. The president does not need to be

a religious figure (Article 115) and is responsible to the

people, the faqih, and the parliament (Tezcur 2007: 486).


The principle of the supremacy of Shari'a in the Constitution, which reflects

the theoretical stand of the Constitution on the question of law and legality,

has significant implications for human rights provisions as well. In other

words, the Constitution has imposed Islamic standards and qualifications on

the rights provisions, restricting their definition, scope, and application in

order to accommodate those rights and liberties within an Islamic frame

work. In fact,' similarly to the Islamic declarations on human rights schemes,

the Iranian Constitution employs the modem language and concepts of

human rights afforded in Western constitutions and international human

rights documents. However, it imparts its own content in conformity with

Shari'a requirements.

Many argue that by using Islamic criteria to circumscribe human rights, the

Iranian Constitution violates, as Shari'a does, basic human rights standards.

International human rights standards, intended to protect humanity and the

dignity of individuals, do not allow the violation of human rights based on

divine relation. Any claim concerning the entitlement of the Muslim

majority to implement Shari'a in an Islamic country could be considered only

after modem standards of basic human rights for minorities have been met.

The principle of majority rule, in fact, is “conditional upon complete and

effective protection of fundamental rights of not only the majority or

minorities, but also of all individual citizens.”

Any government should basically provide effective constitutional safeguards

to secure constitutionalism, according to which the constitutional law is the

only supreme law in the country and applicable to al1 citizens equally. By

accepting the supremacy of Shari'a law, Iran’s constitution contradicts the

principle of constitutionalism and, therefore, distances itself from democratic

governance. Resorting to Shari’a laws contradicts Iran’s adherence to

international human rights law. Although Iran continues to be a member of

the United Nations Organization, and has never nullified its ratification of
the International Bill of Human Rights consisting of the 1948 UDHR, the

1966 ICCPR, and the 1966 ICESCR it has often stressed that it is bound by

international human rights at the expense Shari'a laws. These statements

have been explicitly or implicitly reiterated by Iran's officials throughout the

post-revolutionary years. Therefore, it is not surprising that the Assembly of

Experts of the constitution in 1979 rejected the proposal of some human

rights movements that the Universal Declaration of Human Rights be

incorporated in the constitution. Besides, since the blurred Islamic human

rights standards and principles presented in the Constitution, to be reviewed

below, have never been defined, and the scope of these rights have not been

clarified, the government could end or restrict the will of rights and liberties

approved even by Shari’a. The vagueness of Islamic qualifications would

serve the government only to justify its conduct.

Article 20 of the Constitution clearly states that human rights are subordinate

to Islamic criteria it reads: “All citizens of the nation, whether men or

women equally protected by the law, and they enjoy human, political,

economic, and social and cultural right according to Islamic standards”

(Constitution of Iran 1979). This article, analyzed below, deliberately

excludes the equality of rights regardless of gender or religion. Because of

the phrase “and the like”, the article is not exclusive. However, based on

Shari'a qualifications, it certainly does not cover gender or religion.

While it appears to guarantee the equality of rights unconditionally, it should

be borne in mind that the supremacy of Article 4 (discussed above) overrides

all other provisions of the constitution. Therefore, the issue of equality of

rights protection before the law, too, is to be subordinated to Islamic criteria.

Other rights provisions in the Constitution are also subject to Islamic

restrictions. For example, Article 21 States that: “The government shall

guarantee the Article 24 reads: Rights of women in all areas according to

Islamic standards.” Articles 27,28, and 168, dealing with the right to

assembly, the right to choose a profession, and the definition of political

crimes, respectively, are other examples of rights provisions subject to

Shari’a limitations and requiring that rights guarantees meet the terms with

Shari’a standards.

The supremacy of Shari’a principles evidently covers all the laws other than

the constitution as well. The Civil and Criminal Codes, for example, in
articles dealing with human nights and the equality of rights before the law,

require the observance of Shari’a laws and apply Shari’a limitations

accordingly. Family law and personal law in the Civil Code and crimes and

punishments in the Criminal Code are subject to more restrictions.

It may be concluded that the structure and legitimacy of the political system

of the country, together with the principles of absolute guardianship of

jurisprudent and the supremacy of Shari’a laws have overshadowed the

rights guarantees and protections in the Constitution or elsewhere. The latter

are subordinated to Shari’a and subjected to its limitations and restrictions.

Rights provisions have been formulated in a secular legal framework, but

only to be carried out under Shari’a qualifications. This has resulted in a

denial of international human rights standards and deprived the people their
fundamental rights and liberties.

The unclearness of Shari’a qualifications, the lack of legal patterns and

guidelines, and the lack of a strong and independent judiciary system has led

to the assumption that Shari’a standards are, in practice, used only to justify

the government's conduct and restrictions upon rights for political

convenience. Article 8 of the Constitution also provides that, based on a

Qur'anic phrase, it is the duty of all citizens and the government in all aspects

of life “to enjoin the good and forbid the evil”. Apart from mixing the issues

of rights and duties, as it is the case in Shari’a, the article is another example

that the government and pressure groups acting independently have used

blurred qualifications to restrict human rights and freedoms.

This chapter has closely looked at human rights in Islam and in the Islamic

Republic of Iran. It mainly examined the various jurisprudential source

materials in Islam, particularly the Qur’an and Sunnah and independent

reasoning. Shariah became the cardinal basic elements for the Constitution in

the case of Iran. The Iranian Constitution declared that the provisions of the

Shariah will determine all legal matters of the country. This is also to be seen

in the general context of the debate between universalism and cultural

relativism in human rights.

In the subsequent chapters we will examine the human rights provisions and
violations in the Islamic Republic of Iran particularly regarding the rights of

women and religious minorities of Iran.


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