2015 Uk Qualifications
2015 Uk Qualifications
2015 Uk Qualifications
List of abbreviations 10
Baccalaureates/International Qualifications
AQA Baccalaureate 29
Cambridge International Examinations 44
Cambridge Pre-U Certificate (Principal Subject) 45
Cambridge Pre-U Certificate (Short Course) 45
Cambridge Pre-U Certificate Global Perspectives and Research (GPR) 45
Cambridge Pre-U Diploma 46
Cambridge Advanced International Certificate of Education (AICE) Diploma 46
Cambridge International GCE Advanced Subsidiary and Advanced level (AS and A level) 47
Cambridge International General Certificate of Secondary Education (Cambridge IGCSE)/Cambridge International
Certificate of Education (Cambridge ICE)/Cambridge GCE Ordinary level (Cambridge O level) 47
Cambridge International Diploma in Business 48
European Baccalaureate (EB) 65
International Baccalaureate (IB) 81
International Baccalaureate Diploma 81
International Baccalaureate Career-related Certificate 83
International Baccalaureate Middle Years Programme 84
International General Certificate of Secondary Education (IGCSE) 86
Welsh Baccalaureate Advanced Diploma 151
General Qualifications
Access to Higher Education Diploma 26
Advanced Extension Award (AEA) 28
Bedales Assessed Courses 30
Extended Project 67
Free-Standing Mathematics Qualifications (FSMQ) 67
General Certificate of Education Advanced level (GCE A level) 68
General Certificate of Education Advanced Subsidiary level (AS) 71
GCE Advanced Subsidiary/Advanced level in Applied Subjects (GCE AS/AS Double Award/A level/A level Double Award
in Applied Subjects) 73
General Certificate of Secondary Education (GCSE) 74
ICCE International Certificate of Christian Education 76
Malvern Literature Certificate 86
Sevenoaks School Certificate (SSC) 133
Trinity College London (TCL) 135
Trinity College London Awards in the Arts 135
Trinity College London Graded Examinations in Communication Skills (Grades 1 to 8) 135
Trinity College London Diploma in Dance Teaching and Learning (Children and Young People) 136
Trinity College London Associate and Licentiate Diplomas in Drama and Speech 136
Trinity College London Fellowship Diplomas in Drama and Speech 137
Trinity College London Graded Examinations in Individual Acting Skills/Acting in Pairs/Shakespeare (Individual)/
Musical Theatre (Individual)/Musical Theatre in Pairs/Performance Arts (Individual)/Performance Arts in Pairs 137
Trinity College London Diploma in Teaching in the Lifelong Learning Sector (Dance) 138
Trinity College London Associate and Licentiate Diploma in Music 138
Trinity College London Certificate for Music Educators 139
Trinity College London Fellowship Diploma in Music 139
Trinity College London Graded Examinations in Music Literacy/Theory 139
Trinity College London Graded Examinations in Music Performance 140
Trinity College London Graded Examinations in Performing Text 140
Trinity College London Award in Preparing to Teach in the Lifelong Learning Sector 141
Trinity College London Diploma in Professional Acting 141
Trinity College London National Diploma in Professional Dance (Classical Ballet or Contemporary Dance) 141
Trinity College London Diploma in Professional Acting/Dance/Music/Theatre Production Skills 142
Trinity College London Graded Examinations in Rock & Pop 142
Trinity College London Certificate in Safe and Effective Dance Practice 143
Trinity College London Graded Examinations in Speech and Drama 143
Trinity College London Diploma in Teaching English (ESOL) in the Lifelong Learning Sector 144
Trinity College London Certificate in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages 144
Trinity College London Licentiate Diploma in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages 145
Trinity College London Diploma in Teaching in the Lifelong Learning Sector (ESOL) 145
Trinity College London Fellowship Diploma in TESOL Education Studies (FTCL) 146
University of West London Qualifications/London College of Music Examinations (UWLQ/LCM) 146
UWLQ Associate of the London College of Music in Performance 147
UWLQ Associate of the London College of Music in Teaching 147
UWLQ Diploma of the London College of Music in Performance 147
UWLQ Diploma of the London College of Music in Teaching 148
UWLQ Fellowship of the London College of Music in Performance 148
UWLQ Graded Examinations in Drama 148
UWLQ Graded Examinations in Music Literacy 148
UWLQ Graded Examinations in Music Performance 148
UWLQ Graded Examinations in Speech 149
UWLQ Graded Examinations in Speech and Drama 149
UWLQ Licentiate of the London College of Music in Performance 149
UWLQ Licentiate of the London College of Music in Teaching 150
Vocational/Occupational Qualifications
ABC Qualifications 18
ABC Level 3 Award/Certificate in Advertising 18
ABC Level 3 Certificate in Anatomy, Physiology and Pathology for Complementary Therapies 18
ABC Level 3 Award/Diploma in Animation 18
ABC Level 3 Award/Certificate in Broadcasting 18
ABC Level 3 Certificate in Counselling Skills 19
ABC Level 3 Award/Certificate in Craft 19
ABC Level 3 Award/Certificate/Diploma in Fashion and Textiles 19
ABC Level 3 Award/Certificate in Fashion Retail 19
ABC Level 3 Diploma in Fashion Retail 20
ABC Level 3 Award/Diploma in Graphic Design 20
ABC Level 3 Award/Certificate in Journalism 20
ABC Level 3 Language qualifications 20
ABC Level 3 Award/Certificate/Diploma in Photography 21
ABC Level 3 Award/Certificate in Practical Animal Care Skills 21
ABC Level 3 Certificate in Practical Horticulture Skills 21
ABC Level 3 Award/Diploma in Spatial Design 22
ABC Level 3 Award/Diploma in Sustainable Energy 22
ABC Level 3 Diploma in Textile Design and Manufacture 22
ABC Level 3 Award/Certificate/Diploma in Visual Art 22
ABC Level 3 Award/Certificate in Web and Multimedia 23
ABC Level 3 Award/Certificate in Youth Work Practice 23
Advanced Level Apprenticeship 27
Ascentis 30
Ascentis Level 3 Award in Education and Training 30
Ascentis Level 3 Certificate in Supporting Learning 30
Ascentis Level 3 Certificate in Understanding Substance Misuse 30
The British Horse Society Qualifications 31
EQL Level 3 Diploma in BHS Horse Knowledge and Care (QCF) 31
EQL Level 3 Certificate in Horse Care (QCF) 31
EQL Level 3 Award in the Principles of Horse Care (QCF) 31
EQL Level 3 Diploma in BHS Riding Horses (QCF) 32
EQL Level 3 Certificate in BHS Preliminary Teaching of Horse Riding (QCF) 32
BHS NQF Qualifications 32
Council for Awards in Care, Health and Education (CACHE) 32
CACHE Level 3 Diploma for the Children and Young People’s Workforce (QCF) 32
CACHE Level 3 Extended Diploma for the Children and Young People’s Workforce (QCF) 33
CACHE Level 3 Diploma for Children’s Care, Learning and Development (Wales and Northern Ireland) (QCF) 34
CACHE Level 3 Extended Diploma for Children’s Care, Learning and Development (Wales and Northern Ireland) (QCF) 34
CACHE Level 3 Diploma for the Early Years Workforce (Early Years Educator) (QCF) 35
CACHE Level 3 Diploma in Early Years Education (Early Years Educator) (VRQ) 35
CACHE Level 3 Diploma in Playwork (NVQ)(QCF) 36
CACHE Level 5 Diploma in Playwork (QCF) 37
CACHE Level 3 Diploma in Specialist Support for Supporting Teaching and Learning in Schools (QCF) 37
CACHE Level 3 Certificate in Learning Support (QCF) 37
CACHE Level 3 Diploma in Health and Social Care (Adults) for England (QCF) 38
CACHE Level 3 Diploma in Health and Social Care (Adults) for Wales and Northern Ireland (QCF) 38
CACHE Level 3 Diploma in Health and Social Care (Children and Young People) for Wales and Northern Ireland (QCF) 39
CACHE Level 5 Diploma in Leadership for Health and Social Care and Children and Young People’s Services
(England) (QCF) 39
CACHE Level 5 Diploma in Leadership for Children’s Care, Learning and Development (Management) (Wales and
Northern Ireland) (QCF) 40
CACHE Level 4 Certificate in Leading the Internal Quality Assurance of Assessment Processes and Practice (QCF) 40
CACHE Level 3 Diploma in Healthcare Support Services (QCF) 40
CACHE Level 3 Diploma in Clinical Healthcare Support (QCF) 41
CACHE Level 3 Award, Certificate and Diploma in Childcare and Education 41
CACHE Level 3 Diploma in Home-Based Childcare 42
CACHE Level 3 Diploma in Pre-School Practice 43
CACHE Level 3 Certificate in Supporting Teaching and Learning in Schools 43
CACHE Level 3 Diploma in Support Work in Schools 44
CACHE Level 4 Certificate in Quality Standards in Children’s Management Services 44
CISI Level 3 Diploma in Finance, Risk and Investment 48
City & Guilds 49
City & Guilds Level 5 IVQ Advanced Technician Diploma 49
City & Guilds Level 4 Diploma 49
City & Guilds Level 3 IVQ Advanced Diploma 49
City & Guilds Level 3 IVQ Technician Diploma 50
City & Guilds Level 2 IVQ Diploma 50
City & Guilds Level 2 IVQ Technician Certificate 50
City & Guilds Level 1 IVQ Certificate 50
City & Guilds Full Technological Diploma 51
City & Guilds Higher Professional Diploma 51
Professional Recognition Awards (PRAs) 51
Award/Certificate/Extended Certificate/Diploma in Digital Applications for IT Users 51
Diploma in Foundation Studies (Art and Design) (NQF) 52
Diploma in Foundation Studies (Art and Design) (QCF) 53
EDI (Education Development International) 54
EDI Level 3 Award in Awareness of Dementia 54
EDI Level 3 Award in Awareness of End of Life Care 54
EDI Level 3 Certificate in Contact Centre Operations 54
EDI Level 3 Certificate in Customer Service 55
EDI Level 4 Certificate in Delivering Learning using a Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) 55
EDI Level 4 Diploma in Education Practice: ICT Advanced 55
EDI Level 4 Certificate in Education Principles and Practice 56
EDI Level 3 Award in Food Safety Supervision for Logistics 56
EDI Level 3 Certificate in Hospitality and Catering Principles (Professional Cookery) 56
EDI Level 3 Award in Hospitality Supervision and Leadership Principles 57
EDI Level 3 Certificate in ICT Systems and Principles 57
EDI Level 3 Award in IT User Skills 57
EDI Level 3 Certificate in IT User Skills 58
EDI Level 3 Diploma in IT User Skills 58
EDI Level 3 Diploma in IT User Skills (ITQ Apprentice) 58
EDI Level 5 Diploma in Management and Leadership 58
EDI Level 3 Certificate in Management Principles 59
EDI Level 3 Award in Nutrition for Healthier Food and Special Diets 59
EDI Level 3 Certificate in Personal Training 60
EDI Level 3 Award in Practical Supervision of Food Safety in Catering 60
EDI Level 3 Award in Preparing to Teach in the Lifelong Learning Sector 60
EDI Level 4 Award in Preparing to Teach in the Lifelong Learning Sector 60
EDI Level 3 Certificate in Preparing to Work in Adult Social Care 61
EDI Level 3 Certificate/Diploma in Principles of Bus and Coach Engineering and Maintenance (Mechanical/
Electrical/Body) 61
EDI Level 3 Certificate in Principles of the Creative and Cultural Sector 61
EDI Level 3 Certificate in Principles of Sales 62
EDI Level 3 Award in Principles of Supervising Customer Service Performance in the Hospitality, Leisure, Travel and
Tourism Sector 62
EDI Level 3 Certificate for Retail Knowledge 62
EDI Level 4 Certificate in Teaching Advanced ICT 63
EDI Level 4 Certificate in Teaching ICT Skills 63
EDI Level 3 Certificate in Teaching in the Lifelong Learning Sector 63
EDI Level 4 Certificate in Teaching in the Lifelong Learning Sector 64
EDI Level 3 Certificate in Transition to Playwork (from Early Years) 64
EDI Level 3 Certificate for Working in the Health Sector 64
Institute of Commercial Management (ICM) 77
ICM Certificate/Diploma/Advanced Diploma/Graduate Diploma/Postgraduate Diploma Programmes 77
ifs University College 78
ifs Level 3 Certificate in Financial Studies (QAN 501/0049/X) 78
ifs Level 3 Diploma in Financial Studies (QAN 501/0048/8) 78
ifs Level 3 Certificate in Financial Studies (QAN 600/8537/X) 79
ifs Level 3 Diploma in Financial Studies (QAN 600/8551/4) 80
National Vocational Qualification (NVQ) 87
NCC Education 87
NCC Education International Foundation Year (IFY) 87
NCC Education Level 3 Diploma in Business (QCF) 88
NCC Education Level 3 Diploma in Computing (QCF) 88
NCC Education Level 4 Diploma in Computing (QCF) 89
NCC Education Level 4 Diploma in Business Information Technology (QCF) 89
NCC Education Level 4 Diploma in Business (QCF) 90
NCC Education Level 5 Diploma in Computing (QCF) 90
NCC Education Level 5 Diploma in Business IT (QCF) 91
NCC Education Level 5 Diploma in Business (QCF) 91
Pre-Master’s in Business 92
Pre-Master’s in IT 92
NCC Education Level 7 Diploma in Business Management (QCF) 92
NCC Education Level 7 Diploma in Strategic Business IT (QCF) 93
NCFE Level 3 Certificate in Art and Design 94
NCFE Level 3 Certificate in Creative Craft 94
NCFE Level 3 Certificate in Interactive Media 94
NCFE Level 3 Diploma in Managing a Music Business Enterprise 94
NCFE Level 3 Certificate and Diploma in Photography 94
NCFE Level 3 Diploma in Radio 95
NCFE Level 3 NVQ Diploma in Business and Administration 95
NCFE Level 4 NVQ Diploma in Business and Administration 95
NCFE Level 3 NVQ Diploma in Customer Service 95
NCFE Level 4 NVQ Diploma in Customer Service 96
NCFE Level 3 NVQ Certificate in Management 96
NCFE Level 3 Certificate in Management 96
NCFE Level 3 Certificate in Principles of Business and Administration 96
NCFE Level 3 Award in Assessing Vocationally Related Achievement 96
NCFE Level 3 Certificate in Assessing Vocational Achievement 97
NCFE Level 4 Award in the Internal Quality Assurance of Assessment Processes and Practice 97
NCFE Level 4 Certificate in Leading the External Quality Assurance of Assessment Processes and Practice 97
NCFE Level 3 Award in Preparing to Teach in the Lifelong Learning Sector 97
NCFE Level 4 Award in Preparing to Teach in the Lifelong Learning Sector 98
NCFE Level 3 Diploma in Specialist Support for Teaching and Learning in Schools 98
NCFE Level 3 Certificate in Supporting Teaching and Learning in Schools 98
NCFE Level 3 Award in Supporting Teaching and Learning in Schools 98
NCFE Level 4 Award in Understanding the Internal Quality Assurance of Assessment Processes and Practice 99
NCFE Level 3 Award in Understanding the Principles and Practices of Assessment 99
NCFE Level 3 Diploma for the Children and Young People’s Workforce 99
NCFE Level 3 Diploma in Counselling Skills 99
NCFE Level 3 Award in Counselling Skills and Theory 100
NCFE Level 3 Award in Employment and Personal Learning Skills in Health 100
NCFE Level 3 Diploma in Health and Social Care (Adults) for England 100
NCFE Level 3 Certificate in Preparing to Work in Adult Social Care 100
NCFE Level 3 Certificate in the Principles of End of Life Care 101
NCFE Level 3 Certificate in Stroke Care Management 101
NCFE Level 3 Certificate in Understanding Palliative Care 101
NCFE Level 3 Certificate for Working in the Health Sector 101
NCFE Level 3 Award in Nutrition for Physical Activity 102
NCFE Level 3 Diploma for Outdoor Learning 102
NCFE Level 3 NVQ Diploma in Outdoor Programmes 102
NCFE Level 3 Certificate in Personal Training 102
NCFE Level 3 NVQ Diploma in Personal Training 103
NCFE Level 3 NVQ Certificate in Spectator Safety 103
NCFE Level 4 NVQ Diploma in Spectator Safety Management 103
NCFE Level 3 Award in Employability Skills 103
NCFE Level 3 Award in Job Search and Interview Skills 104
NCFE Level 3 Award in Learning to Learn for Higher Level Studies 104
NCFE Level 3 Award in Managing Diversity 104
NCFE Level 3 Certificate in Logistics Operations 104
NCFE Level 3 Certificate in Retail Knowledge 104
NCFE Level 3 Certificate in Retail Skills (Management) 105
NCFE Level 3 Diploma in Retail Skills (Management) 105
NCFE Level 3 Certificate in Retail Skills (Sales Professional) 105
NCFE Level 3 Diploma in Retail Skills (Sales Professional) 105
NCFE Level 3 Certificate in Retail Skills (Visual Merchandising) 106
NCFE Level 3 Diploma in Retail Skills (Visual Merchandising) 106
Oxford, Cambridge and RSA (OCR) Examinations 106
OCR Level 3 Cambridge Technical Certificate/Introductory Diploma/Subsidiary Diploma/Diploma/Extended
Diploma (QCF) 107
OCR National Certificate/Diploma/Extended Diploma 108
OCR Level 3 Diploma for the Children and Young People’s Workforce 109
OCR Award/Certificate/Diploma for Creative iMedia 110
OCR Certificate/Diploma for IT Professionals 111
OCR Level 3 Certificate in Mathematics for Engineering 112
OCR Preparing to Teach in the Lifelong Learning Sector (PTLLS) Award 112
OCR National Award and Certificate in Science 112
OCR Level 5 Certificate in Teaching Learners with Specific Learning Difficulties 113
OCR Certificate in Teaching in the Lifelong Learning Sector 114
Pearson (BTEC) 114
Pearson BTEC Level 1/Level 2 Firsts (NQF) 117
Pearson BTEC Short Courses (NQF) 117
Pearson BTEC Level 5 Higher National Certificate (NQF) 118
Pearson BTEC Level 5 Higher National Diploma (NQF) 119
Pearson BTEC Level 2 Certificate (QCF) 119
Pearson BTEC Level 2 Extended Certificate (QCF) 120
Pearson BTEC Level 2 Diploma (QCF) 121
Pearson BTEC Specialist Level 3 Award/Certificate/Diploma (QCF) 121
Pearson BTEC Level 3 Certificate (QCF) 122
Pearson BTEC Level 3 Subsidiary Diploma (QCF) 123
Pearson BTEC Level 3 90-Credit Diploma (QCF) 123
Pearson BTEC Level 3 Diploma (QCF) 124
Pearson BTEC Level 3 Extended Diploma (QCF) 125
Pearson BTEC Level 3 Nationals in Children’s Play Learning and Development (NQF) 126
Pearson BTEC Specialist courses Levels 1-3 (QCF) 127
Pearson WorkSkills Levels 1-3 (QCF) 127
Pearson BTEC Professional courses Levels 4-7 (QCF) 128
Pearson BTEC Level 4 HNC Diploma (QCF) 129
Pearson BTEC Level 5 HND Diploma (QCF) 129
Pearson LCCI 129
Pearson LCCI Level 3 Certificate in Accounting 129
Pearson LCCI Level 3 Certificate in Accounting (IAS) 130
Pearson LCCI Level 3 Certificate in Business Principles and Practice 130
Pearson LCCI Level 3 Award in Professional Ethics in Accounting and Finance 130
Pearson LCCI Level 3 Award in Computerised Accounting Skills 131
Pearson LCCI Level 3 Award in Understanding Financial Statements 131
Pearson LCCI Level 3 Award in Principles and Practice of Costing 132
Pearson LCCI Level 4 Award in Islamic Finance and Banking 132
Pearson LCCI Level 4 Award in Business Finance and Banking Operations 132
Pearson LCCI Level 4 Certificate in Applied Business Economics 133
Pearson LCCI Level 3 Award in Introduction to Business Planning and Strategy 133
Sports Leaders UK Level 3 Certificate in Higher Sports Leadership 134
Technical Certificate 134
Vocationally Related Qualifications (VRQs) 150
Ascentis Level 3 Certificate in Personal Development for Progression (formerly known as the Curriculum
Enrichment Programme) 152
ASDAN Level 3 Award and Certificate in Community Volunteering 152
ASDAN Level 3 Award and Certificate in Employability 152
ASDAN Award of Personal Effectiveness (ASDAN AoPE) 153
ASDAN Certificate of Personal Effectiveness (ASDAN CoPE) 153
ASDAN Universities Award 154
Cambridge English Examinations 154
CSV Learning Together and Student Community Partnerships 154
The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award 155
Engineering Education Scheme (England and Scotland) – (EES) 155
Qualifications and Credit Framework (QCF) English and Maths qualifications 155
Essential Skills (Northern Ireland) 156
Essential Skills Wales 156
Functional Skills 157
Key Skills 157
Industrial Careers Foundation 158
Trident Trust ‘Skills for Life’ Programme 158
The Outward Bound Trust Classic Award 158
Ordinary level (GCE O level) 160
Alternative Ordinary level (AO level) 160
Advanced level (GCE A level) 161
Advanced Supplementary (GCE AS) 162
Special Papers (SPs) 163
Certificate of Secondary Education (CSE) 163
Joint 16+ Examinations 163
Certificate of Extended Education (CEE) 163
Certificate of Extended Studies (CES) 164
Certificate of Further Studies (CFS) 164
Intermediate Certificates 164
Senior Certificate Examination 164
Diploma 164
Use of English 166
BTEC qualifications from 2002 166
Higher National Qualifications – Engineering 169
Access to HE Certificate 169
Progress File 169
Advanced General National Vocational Qualifications (Advanced GNVQ) 170
Sixth Term Examination Papers (STEP) 171
Part One General National Vocational Qualifications (Part One GNVQ) 172
Advanced Subsidiary Vocational Certificate of Education (ASVCE, three-unit VCE) 172
Advanced Vocational Certificate of Education (AVCE, six-unit AVCE) 173
Advanced Vocational Certificate of Education: Double Award (AVCE Double Award) 174
Diploma of Achievement 174
General National Vocational Qualifications (GNVQ) 174
Adult Literacy and Adult Numeracy 175
ASDAN Certificate in Career Planning 176
CACHE Level 3 Diploma in Childcare and Education 176
CACHE Level 3 Certificate in Children’s Care, Learning and Development 177
CACHE Level 3 NVQ in Children’s Care, Learning and Development 177
CACHE Level 4 NVQ in Children’s Care, Learning and Development 178
CACHE Level 3 Diploma in Early Years Care and Education (Welsh Medium) 178
CACHE Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care 179
CACHE Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care (Adults) 179
CACHE Level 3 Diploma in Playgroup Practice in Wales 179
CACHE Level 3 Diploma in Playwork 180
CACHE Level 3 NVQ in Playwork 180
CACHE Level 3 Certificate of Professional Development in Work with Children and Young People 181
CACHE Level 3 NVQ in Supporting Teaching and Learning in Schools 181
CACHE Level 3 Certificate for Teaching Assistants 181
City & Guilds Full Technological Certificate 182
Senior Awards 182
ifs Certificate in Financial Services Practice 182
NCSC National Christian Schools’ Certificate 183
OCR Asset Languages 183
OCR Certificate for Young Enterprise 184
Qualifications in Scotland
Introduction 191
The Scottish Credit and Qualifications Framework 191
Awarding and Accrediting Body – Scottish Qualifications Authority 192
Scottish Curriculum Reform 193
National 4 and 5 Courses 199
National 2 and 3 Courses 199
Intermediate 1 and Intermediate 2 200
Access 2 and Access 3 200
Core Skills 201
Standard Grades 202
Higher National Qualifications 202
Higher National Certificates (HNC) 202
Higher National Diplomas (HND) 203
Appendix A – Contact details 214
Appendix B – The UCAS Tariff 217
Appendix C – GCSE subject availability 218
Appendix D – Discontinued GCSE subjects (last examinations 2002) 222
Appendix E – GCE A level and AS subject availability 225
Appendix F – Advanced Extension Award subject availability 229
Appendix G – AVCE/ASVCE/AVCE Double Award subject availability 230
Appendix H – Additional Admissions Tests 231
Appendix I – English language proficiency 232
Appendix J – National Courses to Support Curriculum for Excellence (CfE) 234
Appendix K – National Courses Available in Scotland until 2015 (Intermediate to Advanced Higher level) 236
Appendix L – National Qualification Group Awards (Scotland) 238
List of abbreviations
List of abbreviations
HNC Higher National Certificate NOCN (formerly) National Open College Network
HND Higher National Diploma NQF National Qualifications Framework
HPAT Health Professions Admission Test NRA National Record of Achievement
IAD Advanced Diploma in Computer Studies NTO National Training Organisation (now replaced by Sector
IAS International Accounting Standards Skills Council)
NUCCAT Northern Universities Consortium for Credit Accumulation
IB International Baccalaureate and Transfer
IBCC International Baccalaureate Careers-related Certificate NUS National Union of Students
IBDP International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme NVQ National Vocational Qualification
IBMYP International Baccalaureate Middle Years Programme O Ordinary level (no longer current)
IBO International Baccalaureate Organisation OCEAC Oxford and Cambridge Examinations and Assessment
ICAAE International Curriculum and Assessment Agency Council (no longer current)
Examinations OCN Open College Network
ICCE International Certificate of Christian Education OCR Oxford, Cambridge and RSA examinations
ICCS International Certificate in Computer Studies OCSEB Oxford and Cambridge Schools Examination Board
ICF Industrial Careers Foundation (no longer current)
ICM Institute of Commercial Management Ofqual Office of the Qualifications and Examinations Regulator
ICT Information and Communication Technology OIB Option Internationale du Baccalauréat
IDCS International Diploma in Computer Studies ONC Ordinary National Certificate
IELTS International English Language Testing Certificate OND Ordinary National Diploma
IFPS International Foundation Programme – Scotland OU Open University
IFS ifs School of Finance PD Professional Development
IGCSE International General Certificate of Secondary Education PDA Professional Development Award
IT Information Technology PDP Professional Development Planning
ITO Industry Training Organisation PFIG Progress File Implementation Group
IVA Integrated Vocational Assessment QA Quality Assurance
IWA Institute of Welsh Affairs QAA Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education
JAC Joint Advisory Committee QAN Qualification Accreditation Number
QCDA Qualifications and Curriculum Development Agency
JACQA Joint Advisory Committee for Qualifications Approval
(no longer current)
JCG Joint Curriculum Group QCF Qualifications and Credit Framework
JCQ Joint Council for Qualifications QIA Quality Improvement Agency
JMB Joint Matriculation Board (no longer current) RET Record of Education and Training (no longer current)
KS Key Stage RITS Regulatory IT System (The Register of Regulated Qualifications)
LCCI London Chamber of Commerce and Industry International SACCA Scottish Advisory Committee on Credit and Access
LCGI Licentiate of City and Guilds Institute SBA Scenario-Based Assignment
LCM London College of Music (no longer current) SBS School Based Syllabus
LCMM London College of Music and Media SCAA School Curriculum and Assessment Authority (no longer
LEAG London East Anglian Group (no longer current) current)
LMC Learning Materials for Change SCAVA Standing Conference of Authorised Validating Agencies
LNAT National Admissions Test for Law SCE Scottish Certificate of Education (no longer current)
LSC Learning and Skills Council SCOP Standing Conference of Principals (now GuildHE)
LSN Learning and Skills Network (no longer current) SCOTBEC Scottish Business Education Council (no longer current)
LTSN Learning and Teaching Support Network SCOTCAT Scottish Credit Accumulation and Transfer
MCGI Member of City and Guilds Institute SCOTEC Scottish Technical Educational Council (no longer current)
MEG Midlands Examining Group (no longer current) SCOTVEC Scottish Vocational Education Council (no longer current)
MFL Modern Foreign Language SCQF Scottish Credit and Qualifications Framework
MML Modern and Medieval Languages Test SE Scottish Enterprise
MSAT Medical School Admissions Test SEB Scottish Examination Board (no longer current)
NAS National Apprenticeship Service SEC Secondary Examinations Council (no longer current)
NC National Certificate Southern England Consortium for Credit Accumulation and
NCEE National Council for Educational Excellence
SEED Scottish Executive Education Department
NCSC National Christian Schools’ Certificate
SEETLD Scottish Executive Enterprise, Transport and Lifelong Learning
NCSCB National Christian Schools’ Certificate Board Department
NCVQ National Council for Vocational Qualifications (no longer SEFIC Spoken English for Industry and Commerce
SEG Southern Examining Group (no longer current)
ND National Diploma
SFA Skills Funding Agency
NDAQ National Database of Accredited Qualifications (replaced by
the Register of Regulated Qualifications) SFEFC Scottish Further Education Funding Council
NDTEF National Design and Technology Education Foundation SGA Scottish Group Award
NEA Northern Examining Association (no longer current) SHEFC Scottish Higher Education Funding Council
NEAB Northern Examinations and Assessment Board (no longer SIFP Scottish International Foundation Programme (no longer
current) current)
NIACE National Institute of Adult Continuing Education SL Standard Level
NICATS Northern Ireland Credit Accumulation and Transfer System SLS School Leaders Scotland
Northern Ireland Council for the Curriculum (no longer SP Special Paper (no longer current)
current) SPA Scottish Progression Award
NICCEA Northern Ireland Council for the Curriculum, Examinations SPA Supporting Professionalism in Admissions
and Assessment (often abbreviated to CCEA) SQA Scottish Qualifications Authority
NISEAC Northern Ireland Schools Examinations and Assessment SQC Scottish Qualifications Certificate
Council (no longer current)
SSAScot Sector Skills Alliance Scotland
NISEC Northern Ireland Schools Examinations Council (no longer
current) SSC Sector Skills Council
NNEB National Nursery Examination Board (no longer current) STEP Sixth Term Examination Paper
List of abbreviations
Qualifications in
England, Wales and
Northern Ireland
Welcome to the UCAS UK Qualifications Guide 2015. Further subjects will be revised for first teaching in 2016
and 2017.
The qualifications landscape is currently undergoing
significant reform. Administrations throughout the UK are Science Practical
reviewing and reforming the qualifications offered in schools From 2015 revised A levels will be taught in Biology,
and colleges, as well as reviewing vocational qualifications Chemistry and Physics. Ofqual will require the separate
and apprenticeship frameworks. Qualifications are also reporting of performance in practical assessments in these
being increasingly used for school accountability measures, subjects.
which also continue to undergo significant reform.
The overall grade will be determined by written
These reforms will present challenges for admissions tutors examinations. The written exam will include assessment
and admissions teams as they develop their understanding on the theory and application of practical experimentation
of the new qualifications and decide if, and how, to adjust and this will account for at least 15% of the total marks
their admissions policies and practice to maintain fair available in the exam.
and transparent admissions. For several years students
are likely to be seeking admission with combinations of As part of the A level programme a learner will have to
old and new qualifications. The historical evidence base carry out a minimum of 12 practical activities. The written
on which admissions policies are based may need to be exam will include questions in the context of these and
re-evaluated. other practical activities.
The qualifications landscape is made even more complex Students will receive two grades for science qualifications:
as we see greater divergence in the qualifications offered one for written exams (A*-U) and one for using practical
in England, Wales and Northern Ireland following the skills (Pass/Fail).
ending of the joint regulation of GCSEs and A levels For At the time of publication, this change is due to take place
example, from 2015 we will begin to see structurally in England only.
different A level qualifications delivered in England,
Wales and Northern Ireland. We will also see significantly GCSEs
different GCSE qualifications taught throughout the UK In England, new GCSEs in English language, English
with different grading scales and standards. literature and mathematics are being introduced from
September 2015. The following subjects are being
Below is a summary of the current policy direction in reformed for first teaching from September 2016:
relation to A levels and GCSEs. A more detailed and
wide-ranging summary of qualifications reform can Ancient languages Geography
be found on the UCAS website. These web pages Art and design History
cover A levels, and GCSEs across the UK, vocational Citizenship studies Modern foreign languages
qualifications, apprenticeships, Scottish Highers and Computer science Music
Advanced Highers, and the Access to HE Diploma, and Dance Physical education
also include a detailed timeline showing when revised Design and technology Religious studies
qualifications are first taught and when they reach HE. Drama Science
Revised GCSEs in England will be graded 1-9 (as opposed
UCAS will continue to update you on qualifications reform to A*-G). The new grades will not directly align to the
and support schools, advisers and HEPs through the current grades but it is expected that grade 4 will
provision of further high quality qualifications information. correspond to the current grade C.
Vocational qualifications (VQs)
A levels VQ reforms are ongoing. The Department for Education
From September 2015, A levels in England are becoming (DfE) is committed to ensuring parity of esteem between
two-year linear qualifications with more synoptic VQs and more academic qualifications, so more rigorous
assessment and terminal examinations in the final assessment will be introduced from September 2016,
summer. The AS will be decoupled from the full A level and with more external assessment, for example BTECs
become a standalone qualification that can be co-taught and OCR Nationals will include synoptic and external
in most cases. Resit opportunities are now limited and assessment. The DfE has announced lists of Applied
January assessment opportunities ceased in 2013. General qualifications and Tech Level qualifications, which
have been endorsed by HE and employers respectively.
Ofqual has confirmed that revised versions of the following
Only these qualifications will count towards secondary Key
subjects will be first taught from September 2015:
Stage 4 performance measures.
Art and design
A list of qualifications which will count in the 2015 Key Stage
4 performance tables can be found on the DfE website
Computer science
at www.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/
English: English language, English literature,
English language and literature WALES
History A levels
Psychology From September 2015, new A levels are being
Sciences: biology, chemistry, physics implemented, following the Welsh Government’s
Sociology acceptance of the recommendations of the Review of
14-19 Qualifications in Wales.
From 2016, “Wales only” specifications will be introduced Details of Curriculum for Excellence can be found on
for the following subjects. page 193.
Art and design
Chemistry UCAS recognises the importance of HEPs having reliable
Design and technology and up-to-date information about qualifications, especially
Drama at a time of significant reform. Following the conclusion
Geography of the Qualifications Information Review (QIR), UCAS
History established the New Qualifications Information Service
Modern foreign languages: French, German, Spanish (NQIS) project to deliver the recommendations of the QIR,
Music namely that HE admissions staff want better information
PE about qualifications to help inform decision making, a
Physics standard means of broadly comparing qualifications and
Religious studies. better guidance about the use of qualifications and the
UCAS Tariff within HE admissions.
Welsh Baccalaureate
The next few years will see three variations of the Welsh The aims of the NQIS project were to deliver the following:
Baccalaureate Advanced level taught in Wales: g
a new Tariff/points system to support management
2014 will see the final awarding of the Welsh information requirements and, if desired, admissions
Baccalaureate with a pass/fail grading system.
provision of better, more detailed information about
priority qualifications on the UCAS website.
One of the initial recommendations of the Review
of Qualifications for 14 to 19 year olds in Wales The NQIS project has developed a new Tariff to provide
recommended that the current Welsh Baccalaureate a simpler and more transparent means of allocating
be graded, therefore 2015 (2013 first teaching) will see points to a wider range of qualifications, based on a
the first awarding of the graded Welsh Baccalaureate consistent application of a size by grade calculation. The
Advanced level. The qualification will be graded A*–C. new Tariff will be used for applications submitted for the
2017 admissions cycle onwards (i.e. for students making
The Review of Qualifications for 14 to 19 year olds in applications from September 2016 for full-time courses
Wales also recommended a revised and more rigorous starting from September 2017), with information and
Welsh Baccalaureate be developed for first teaching in guidance materials becoming available from autumn
2015 (first award 2017). 2014. New Tariff points for 2017 admissions will be
published in September 2014.
The new Welsh Baccalaureate Advanced level Core will
seek to develop a number of different skills, such as The NQIS project has also developed Qualification
literacy, numeracy, personal effectiveness, critical thinking Information Profiles (QIPs). The aim of the profiles is to
and problem solving through the completion of four provide objective information which HEPs can use to
challenges: make informed decisions about the admission of students.
The profiles use a common format to provide a detailed
The Individual Project Challenge overview of qualifications, enabling HE admissions staff
Global Citizenship Challenge to compare profiles of less familiar international and EU
Enterprise and Employability Challenge qualifications (published separately) with these more
Community Challenge. familiar benchmarks. QIPs are available for selected UK
NORTHERN IRELAND benchmark qualifications, Access to HE programmes and
Apprenticeship frameworks on the UCAS website at
A levels
New A levels will be delivered in Northern Ireland from 2016.
A levels in Northern Ireland are retaining an AS component
with an examination at the end of each year. CCEA is UCAS would welcome any feedback on the qualifications
currently reviewing the contribution that the AS grade makes guide. Any comments or questions should be sent to
to the full A level and an announcement is expected in the quals@ucas.ac.uk.
near future. Resit opportunities are now limited and January
assessment opportunities ceased in 2014.
The Qualifications and Credit Framework (QCF)
The Qualifications and Credit Framework allows learners’ IDENTIFYING QCF QUALIFICATIONS
achievement to be recognised and recorded as they Every unit and qualification has a credit value and a
progress. It allows credit to be awarded for units (small level. One credit represents 10 notional hours of learning,
steps of learning), and for the credits to be combined to showing how much time a learner working at the level of
allow for the award of a qualification. The flexibility of the unit would on average take to complete the unit or
the system allows learners to accumulate units and to qualification. Levels indicate difficulty and vary from entry
work towards the achievement of the qualification most (1) to level 8.
relevant for them.
The size of a qualification is indicated by use of one of the
Ofqual, together with its partner regulators in Wales following terms in its title:
(Welsh Government) and Northern Ireland (CCEA), is g
Award (1 to 12 credits)
responsible for regulation of the QCF. In Wales, the QCF g
Certificate (13 to 36 credits)
forms part of the Credit and Qualifications Framework for g
Diploma (37 credits or more).
Wales (CQFW). The framework is regulated to secure the
validity and reliability of the award of qualifications within Awards, certificates and diplomas can exist at any of the
it and give confidence in the range of achievements across levels and the level is included in the qualification title. The
learners, subject areas and qualification types. title of a QCF qualification follows a standard format of
DETAILS OF THE QCF the level, size and a description of the content, e.g. Level 3
Units are the building blocks of all QCF qualifications. Certificate in Mechanical Engineering Technology.
The development of units within the QCF is explicitly (Note – where there are a range of qualifications from the
separated from the development of rules of combination, same awarding organisation within the award, certificate
the accreditation of qualifications and the subsequent or diploma band covering the same content and title these
assessment of units and award of credits and will be identified by the use of “subsidiary” and “extended”,
qualifications. The qualifications system has eight main e.g. subsidiary diploma, diploma, extended diploma).
Developing units Ofqual and other qualification regulators recognise
Placing units in the unit databank organisations that meet the regulatory requirements.
Developing qualifications Ofqual also monitors the performance of recognised
Accrediting qualifications organisations and the quality of the units and
Offering units and qualifications to learners qualifications they develop.
Assessing achievement
Awarding credits A list of all qualifications that have been referenced to the
Awarding qualifications. QCF can be found at http://register.ofqual.gov.uk/ and this
includes their unit content as well as qualification and unit
QCF UNITS credit values.
Ofqual maintains a unit databank. Recognised awarding
organisations can place units in the unit databank without RELATIONSHIP TO THE NATIONAL QUALIFICATIONS
further intervention from Ofqual. Once units are in the FRAMEWORK (NQF) AND (FHEQ) FRAMEWORK FOR HIGHER
databank, they may be used to build qualifications.
England currently has two qualifications frameworks that
Awarding organisations use rules of combination to
non-HE qualifications may be referenced to: the QCF and
group units together and develop qualifications. At this
the NQF. The levels of the NQF and QCF use the same
point the units included in the qualification are made
descriptors and have been referenced together.
available to learners and the qualification is offered for
use. The awarding organisation is responsible for carrying The Framework for Higher Education Qualifications
out assessments of units and awarding credits and (FHEQ) describes the achievement represented by
qualifications. higher education qualifications. The framework applies
to degrees, diplomas, certificates and other academic
awards granted by a higher education provider with
degree-awarding powers. The NQF and QCF Levels 4-8 and
the FHEQ are referenced at the same levels although the
size of qualifications varies.
The Qualifications and Credit Framework (QCF)
The following diagram shows how the framework levels relate to each other along with examples of qualifications at
various levels.
A *-
N a ti o
n al
1 fic
Ce om
A w i fi
e wo
rk/ Q ual
higher education
Certificate of
F HE Q - Fr
ifications a
1 -
- 3
nd C
s cr
ed r
ed 7+
ti o n
ees &
its ew
u nd
8 e ve
f hig
r deg
Ma te
eg ate at
ree s
s& io
fi c a
tio ns
GCSE grades are changing for courses commencing from
September 2015. They will be replaced by grades 1–9
(9 is the highest). Lettered grades are being retained in
Wales and Northern Ireland.
Ofqual, 2014. Licensed under the Open Government Licence.
Qualifications currently offered ABC Level 3 Award/Diploma in
ABC Level 3 Award/Certificate in BACKGROUND:
Qualifications currently offered
Qualifications currently offered
Qualifications currently offered
Qualifications currently offered
Qualifications currently offered
Qualifications currently offered
Communication skills.
Use of practical fingering.
Qualifications currently offered
The entire assessment process takes place under the ASSESSMENT METHOD:
supervision of MEAC which: Teaching Skills, Viva Voce, Written Submission, Quick
Study and (LRSM only) Case Study Portfolio and Video of
g ratifies the appointment and dismissal of examiners Teaching Practice.
g ratifies the appointment of examiner trainers and
g monitors all aspects of syllabus creation and Exams are held throughout the year.
development GRADING SYSTEM:
g monitors all examining activity. Distinction, Pass or fail. Detailed criteria outlining the
various levels of achievement and attainment descriptions
Complaints concerning the conduct of an exam or about
are included in the syllabus.
the result must in all cases be addressed to the Quality
Assurance Manager for Grades. QUALITY ASSURANCE:
MEAC oversees all matters relating to diplomas. As well as
ratifying procedures and monitoring decisions taken by its
The syllabus structure from Prep Test to Grade 8 provides a
committees, MEAC advises on standards and considers all
carefully graded scheme which covers all levels. Each grade
matters of quality assurance.
builds progressively on the skills of the previous level to
provide a logical framework for progress.
Skills are assessed consistently across all the grades with Diploma in Music Direction
assessment components unchanged whilst demands of
repertoire, technique, knowledge, ability and independence Licentiate in Music Direction
of thought increase. ABRSM’s exams offer a framework
for progressive musical training against periodic, unbiased Fellowship in Music Direction
ABRSM’s exams are listed as entry qualifications in the DipABRSM, LRSM and FRSM
music department prospectuses of many universities (eg
Durham, Bristol, Edinburgh and Birmingham), colleges of QCF LEVELS:
higher education and conservatoires. In addition, they are DipABRSM – Level 4
used to illustrate the standards required for entry to youth LRSM – Level 6
orchestras, choirs and other similar bodies. FRSM – Level 7
Diploma in the Principles of The Music Direction diplomas are available for directors of
instrumental groups or choirs. Live and written components
Instrumental/Vocal Teaching demonstrate command of directing technique in rehearsal
and performance, understanding of the repertoire and
Licentiate in Instrumental/ knowledge of the instruments and voices within the
Vocal Teaching
Fellowship in Music Education DipABRSM – ABRSM Grade 8 Practical or a permitted
DipABRSM, LRSM and FRSM LRSM – DipABRSM (Music Direction) or a permitted
DipABRSM – Level 4 FRSM – LRSM (Music Direction) or a permitted
LRSM – Level 6 substitution.
FRSM – Level 7
BACKGROUND: DipABRSM and LRSM – Rehearsal and Performance (with
The Instrumental/Vocal Teaching Diplomas are designed programme notes), Viva Voce and Arrangement.
for candidates who are intending to take up, or have
already embarked upon, the teaching of an instrument or FRSM – Rehearsal and Performance, Written Submission,
instruments. At each level, skills as an instrumental teacher Viva Voce and Arrangement.
Qualifications currently offered
Exams are held throughout the year.
Access to Higher Education
Distinction, Pass or fail. Detailed criteria outlining the QUALIFICATION ABBREVIATION:
various levels of achievement and attainment descriptions Access to HE Diploma
are included in the syllabus.
QUALITY ASSURANCE: The Access to HE Diploma stands outside the NQF
MEAC oversees all matters relating to diplomas. As well as and QCF. It is included as a Level 3 qualification in the
ratifying procedures and monitoring decisions taken by its document ‘Qualifications can cross boundaries’ and is
committees, MEAC advises on standards and considers all recognised by other qualification regulators as Level 3
matters of quality assurance. equivalent for funding purposes.
Diploma in Music Performance The Access to Higher Education Diploma replaced the
Access to HE certificate in 2008/9. All Access to HE courses
Licentiate in Music Performance now lead to the award of the Access to HE Diploma.
Applicants who started an Access to HE course prior to
Fellowship in Music Performance 2008-09 may offer the Access to HE certificate.
QUALIFICATION ABBREVIATION: The first Access to HE courses were introduced in the late
DipABRSM, LRSM and FRSM 1970s to provide a route into HE for mature students. A
national framework for course recognition, now managed
by the Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education
DipABRSM – Level 4
(QAA), has been in place since 1989. The QAA Recognition
LRSM – Level 6
FRSM – Level 7 Scheme for Access to Higher Education (the Recognition
Scheme) describes the regulatory and quality assurance
BACKGROUND: arrangements for Access to HE courses, which are
The Music Performance diplomas are designed to reflect managed at provider level by Access Validating Agencies
candidates’ day-to-day experience as performers, whether (AVAs). Full details of the Recognition Scheme are
amateur or professional. As well as demonstrating skills as available at www.accesstohe.ac.uk.
a soloist, from LRSM there is the opportunity to specialise
in one of three roles: orchestral musician, chamber AVAs act as the awarding bodies for the Access to HE
ensemble member or keyboard accompanist. Diploma and develop and validate Diplomas and courses
through partnership arrangements with HE and FE
Subjects: piano, harpsichord, organ, violin, viola, cello, institutions. There are currently 13 AVAs in England and
double bass, guitar, harp, recorder, flute, oboe, clarinet, Wales, which are licensed and regulated by QAA. Contact
bassoon, saxophone, horn, trumpet, cornet in B flat, details for AVAs are given at www.accesstohe.ac.uk
flugelhorn, E flat horn, trombone, baritone, euphonium,
tuba, percussion, singing. All recognised Access to HE Diplomas are listed on the
Access courses database, which can be accessed from the
Access to HE website at www.accesstohe.ac.uk
DipABRSM – ABRSM Grade 8 Practical in the instrument
presented or a permitted substitution. QAA published a new specification for the Diploma
in September 2013 to ensure that the qualification
LRSM – DipABRSM (Music Performance) in the instrument
continues to meet the needs both of the adults taking it
presented or a permitted substitution.
and the HE providers to which those adults progress. All
FRSM – LRSM (Music Performance) in the instrument Diplomas offered from September 2014 will comply with
presented or a permitted substitution. this specification. Students taking these Diplomas will be
applying for entry to higher education for the 2015-16
academic year. Full details of the new specification are
DipABRSM and LRSM – Instrumental/vocal recital (with
available from the publications page at
programme notes), Viva Voce and Quick Study.
FRSM – Instrumental/vocal recital, Written Submission, PREREQUISITES:
Viva Voce and Quick Study. Access to HE courses are intended primarily for students
EXAM TIMING: who have few, if any, formal qualifications. Some Access
Exams are held throughout the year. to HE courses may require Level 2 achievement (including
GCSE achievement) or completion of a Pre-Access
programme, but any specific prerequisites for individual
Distinction, Pass or fail. Detailed criteria outlining the courses are determined at provider level.
various levels of achievement and attainment descriptions
are included in the syllabus. NUMBER OF UNITS/STRUCTURE:
The Access to HE Diploma is a credit-based qualification
which requires the achievement of 60 credits. To comply
MEAC oversees all matters relating to diplomas. As well as with the 2013 specification, 45 credits must be derived
ratifying procedures and monitoring decisions taken by its from Level 3 units which are graded and concerned with
committees, MEAC advises on standards and considers all academic subject content; the remaining 15 credits are
matters of quality assurance. derived from ungraded units at Level 2 or Level 3 (the
Qualifications currently offered
choice of level being determined by the requirements of all Access to HE Diplomas, the number of grades achieved
the associated progression route). A course designed to by students taking different Diplomas also varies. The total
lead to the achievement of the Access to HE Diploma number of grades therefore reflects the structure of the
has a unitised structure and provides a planned, coherent particular Diploma structure and is not a reflection of the
programme of study in a defined subject area. Access to student’s standard of performance. Successful students
HE Diplomas can be developed in any subject approved by are issued with an Access to HE Diploma certificate and
a validation panel, in order to respond to student demand transcript of achievement. These transcripts record the set
and HE progression opportunities. of named units achieved by a student, together with the
credit value of each unit and the grade achieved. Grades
For each separately validated Access to HE Diploma, are not aggregated or averaged. There is no overall grade
the required 60 credits are derived from a selection of for the Diploma.
units from a specified set of units, combined in the ways
permitted by the associated rules of combination, as A set of seven generic grade descriptors, specified by QAA,
approved at an AVA validation panel. Typically, Diplomas identifies types of performance that are relevant to study
include units in several academic subjects relevant to the in HE. The descriptors provide the common definitions
particular Diploma, supported by units in academic or and a standard reference point for grading decisions on
study skills and other core subjects. Units used in Access to all Access to HE Diplomas. The award of a pass grade
HE Diplomas may vary in size (credit value) and the total confirms that all the learning outcomes of the unit have
number in different Diplomas may therefore also vary. been achieved; there are separate sets of statements which
However, the total volume of 60 credits is the same for all identify the standard of performance required for the
Access to HE Diplomas. achievement of merit and distinction grades. Full details of
the grading scheme and guidance for HE admissions staff
Titles of Access to HE Diplomas indicate the subject of study about expressing entry requirements and making offers is
in a standard format, for example, Access to HE Diploma available at is available at www.accesstohe.ac.uk.
(Nursing) or Access to HE Diploma (Business Studies).
Access to HE Diplomas may also provide preparation for QUALITY ASSURANCE:
HE progression in a number of different areas, for example, The quality assurance of Access to HE is managed at
Access to HE (Humanities) or Access to HE (Combined course level by the AVAs, with requirements specified in
Arts and Humanities). There is no prescribed or limited QAA’s Recognition Scheme. AVAs’ procedures and practices
set of titles, and details of the curriculum for Access to HE are monitored and reviewed by QAA.
Diplomas are determined through the development process PROGRESSION/ARTICULATION:
and approved as part of validation. Achievement of the The Access to HE qualification has national recognition
Diploma is recognised by certificates issued by AVAs. These and may be offered for entry to any UK HE undergraduate
carry the specific award title and include the QAA Access programme.
to HE logo, accompanied by the words ‘recognised by the
Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education’.
ASSESSMENT METHOD: Advanced Level Apprenticeship
QAA requires assessment methods on Access to HE NQF/QCF LEVEL:
courses to provide a range of assessment experiences Advanced Level Apprenticeships (note: Intermediate Level
which are appropriate to the subject and for a preparation Apprenticeships and Higher Apprenticeships are also
for HE study in the named progression route. Student available)
achievement for the award of the Access to HE Diploma
is verified through a system of internal and external BACKGROUND:
moderation, which is overseen and regulated by the AVA, Advanced Level apprentices work towards work-based
according to requirements made by QAA. learning qualifications such as NVQ Level 3, Key Skills and,
in most cases, a relevant knowledge based certificate
EXAMINATION TIMING: such as a BTEC. To start this programme, apprentices
Determined by the provider at local level. should ideally have five GCSEs (grade C or above) or have
DATE OF RESULT PUBLICATION: completed an Intermediate Level Apprenticeship.
Determined by the AVA. Results are normally available
Apprenticeships are increasingly recognised as the gold
from AVAs by the end of the first week in August. AVAs
standard for work-based training. Over 220,000 employer
are now participating in UCAS’ Awarding Body Linkage
workplaces employed an apprentice in 2012-13 covering
system. Pass/fail results will be disseminated to higher
an extensive range of skill levels and occupations.
education providers through this mechanism from the
2015 entry cycle. Apprenticeships are key to the strategy to raise the age of
GRADING SYSTEM: participation in education or training for all young people
There is a common system for grading the Access to to 18 from 2015, with high-quality vocational training
HE Diploma, which was introduced in 2009-10 (applicants clearly recognised as a mainstream route for young people.
who achieved an Access to HE course prior to 2010 may Government is reforming apprenticeships to make them
present an ungraded qualification). The system will be more rigorous and responsive to the needs of small
based on unit grading. From the implementation of the and large employers. Trailblazers are leading the way in
2013 specification in September 2014, only Level 3 units implementing the new apprenticeships. The Trailblazers
concerned with academic subject content will be graded will pave the way for full implementation of the reforms
and this will always be for a total value of 45 credits. The during 2015-16 and 2016-17 with the aim that all new
grades available are pass, merit or distinction. Because the apprenticeship starts from 2017-18 will be on the new
size of units and therefore the number is not the same for programme.
Qualifications currently offered
Dependent upon NVQ and other qualifications in the DATE OF FIRST AWARD:
Advanced Apprenticeship framework. All advanced 2002
apprentices pursue a competence element (which can be
either a National Vocational Qualification or a qualification
A candidate did not have to enter for the relevant
accredited in the QCF) at a minimum of Level 3, Key Skills
awarding organisation’s corresponding GCE A level.
at a level set by each sector, and additional elements
However, AEAs were aimed at the top 10% of students
including technical certificates, defined by employers as
nationally in each subject. Teachers should have been
required in their sectors (e.g. underpinning knowledge and
confident that candidates who were entered for AEAs were
understanding as defined by relevant vocational education
likely to obtain grade A at A level in the subject concerned.
qualifications). The technical certificate is often in the form
of a BTEC or similar qualification, and is usually taken by NUMBER OF UNITS/STRUCTURE:
the apprentice on a day-release basis. One unit.
See NVQ. Most technical certificates may be assessed by AEAs were 100% externally assessed. There was a single
examination. national examination available in each subject.
Pass/Fail of each element of the Advanced Apprenticeship June
framework: NVQ, Key Skills, technical certificate.
QUALITY ASSURANCE: August (the same time as GCE A level results).
Awarding organisation/Ofsted.
PROGRESSION/ARTICULATION: Assessment materials and mark schemes led to awards on
Progression to FE and HE, including foundation degrees. a two-point scale: Distinction and Merit, Distinction being
the higher. Candidates who did not reach the minimum
standard for Merit were recorded as ungraded.
Qualifications currently offered
AEAs are included in the UCAS Tariff – the points for AEAs hands-on allowing students to develop skills and
are over and above those gained from the A level grade. personal qualities such as self-reflection, initiative,
team work, commitment etc. Students must record and
Grade UCAS Tariff points
reflect on their enrichment participation and submit
Distinction 40
Merit 20
this work to AQA for verification.
For more information about the UCAS Tariff please see GCE A and AS levels – as per specifications.
Appendix B.
EPQ – as per specification (internally assessed and
externally moderated).
All the quality assurance procedures that apply to GCE
A level and AS examinations also apply to AEAs and are Enrichment activities – centres’ schemes are quality
covered in the same Code of Practice. assured by AQA. Students’ enrichment outcomes are
internally marked and externally verified. See AQA
Bacc Enrichment Guide on the AQA website for further
AEAs may be taken into account for entry to HE,
particularly for high-demand courses.
Available each summer series.
AEAs are based on GCE A level subject criteria where they
exist rather than on individual specifications. DATE OF RESULT PUBLICATION:
Qualifications currently offered
Qualifications currently offered
Qualifications currently offered
EQL Level 3 Diploma in BHS Riding CACHE offers qualifications from Entry Level to Level 5.
Information on some of CACHE’s Level 3, 4 and 5
Horses (QCF) qualifications is listed in this publication. Further
information on the full range of qualifications is available
on the CACHE website www.cache.org.uk or by contacting
Level 3 CACHE’s head office as listed in Appendix A.
Holders will have demonstrated their ability to ride a
variety of horses under a variety of circumstances on the
CACHE Level 3 Diploma for the
flat up to “Novice Dressage” level and over a course of Children and Young People’s
show jumps up to 1m/3’3” and a cross country course
up to 90cm. They will have shown they are tactful yet
Workforce (QCF)
effective riders showing a balanced seat, a feel for their QCF LEVEL:
horses and have an appreciation for any weakness, to the Level 3
level required as outlined in the examination syllabus.
GRADING SYSTEM: This qualification has been developed to guide and assess
Pass/Fail development of knowledge and skills relating to early years
and childcare, social care and the learning development
and support services workforces. This qualification confirms
EQL Level 3 Certificate in BHS competence in these areas where appropriate and serves
as the required qualification (for all new practitioners) for
Preliminary Teaching of Horse registration and regulatory requirements in the childcare
Riding (QCF) sector.
Level 3 2010
Holders will have demonstrated their ability to apply
the basic principles of teaching and will have shown PREREQUISITIES:
that they are able to improve their pupil’s horsemanship There are no formal entry requirements for this qualification
using a progressive plan. They will have shown that they but learners will need to be at least 16 years of age.
understand the safety procedures and principles in the NUMBER OF UNITS/STRUCTURE:
organisation of a lesson and have the ability to give a Learners must gain a minimum of 65 credits to achieve
class lesson on the flat or over fences, and a lunge or lead the diploma. To do this they must achieve 27 credits from
rein lesson. The coach will be able to plan, deliver and mandatory Group A. Learners must select one mandatory
evaluate the coaching session. They will have discussed pathway from Groups C, D or E.
and answered questions on various topics to the level as
outlined in the examination syllabus. Learners selecting Group C (Early Learning and Childcare)
must achieve 22 credits.
Pass/Fail Learners selecting Group D (Social Care) must achieve
Holders of the Level 3 Certificate in Preliminary Teaching 13 credits.
of Horse Riding may convert this qualification to the UKCC
Endorsed EQL Level 2 Certificate in Coaching (Equine). Learners selecting Group E (Learning, Development and
Support Services) must achieve 13 credits.
BHS NQF qualifications The remaing credits must be achieved from Group F.
The following BHS NQF qualifications are no longer Coursework, portfolio of evidence and practical
offered. They were each allocated 35 UCAS Tariff points
for a Pass:
g Certificate in BHS Stage 3 Riding Pass
g Certificate in BHS Stage 3 Horse Knowledge and Care
g BHS Level 3 Preliminary Teacher’s Certificate (Equine QUALITY ASSURANCE:
Coach). Customer Quality Advisers check a sample of assessment
plans, assessor feedback to learners and a sample of
For more information about the UCAS Tariff, please see marked and internally verified assignments. They may also
Appendix B. talk to a number of learners.
Council for Awards in Care, Health Learners can also progress to the CACHE Level 3 Extended
Diploma for the Children and Young People’s Workforce
and Education (QCF) and the CACHE Level 5 Diploma in Leadership for
The Council for Awards in Care, Health and Education Health and Social Care and Children and Young People’s
(CACHE) is an internationally recognised, specialist Services (England) (QCF).
awarding organisation for Early Years, Health and Social
Care, Education, Playwork and Children’s Services.
Qualifications currently offered
Dependent on the pathway chosen, learners can also All units are assessed in line with the Skills for Care and
progress to the following job roles. Development Assessment Strategy.
g Pre-school worker GRADING SYSTEM:
g Pre-school managers A* – E
g Crèche assistants and managers Learners achieving the Level 3 Diploma for the Children
g Practitioner in a children’s/family centre and Young People’s Workforce (QCF) will receive a Pass
g Practitioner in day nurseries, nursery schools or grade. Learners achieving the Extended Units using
reception classes in primary schools the Assessment Tasks provided in this qualification will
g Nanny achieve a grade E. Learners completing the three Extended
g Children’s holiday representative Assessments can achieve a grade from A*-D.
g Residential childcare workers
g Youth workers The following UCAS Tariff points are allocated to this
g Learning mentors. qualification:
Grade UCAS Tariff points
Qualifications currently offered
Units must be assessed in line with the Skills for Care Stage 2: Learners must achieve Extended Diploma
and Development or LLUK Assessment Strategies. This is Mandatory Units – 65 credits, Extended Diploma Optional
dependent on the units taken by the learner. Units – 20 credits. On achievement of appropriate
mandatory and optional units, the qualification grade will
Stage 3: Learners must achieve the three Extended
Assessments. On achievement of all three Extended
Customer Quality Advisers check a sample of assessment
Assessment, the qualification grade will be grade A*-D.
plans, assessor feedback to learners and a sample of
marked and internally verified assignments. They may also ASSESSMENT METHOD:
talk to a number of learners. Level 3 Children’s Care, Learning and Development Units
will be internally assessed by coursework, portfolio of
evidence and practical demonstration/assignment.
Learners can progress to Foundation Degrees.
Level 3 Extended Diploma mandatory and optional units
Learners can also progress to the following job roles.
will be internally assessed using a range of methods which
g Pre-school worker include direct observation within the workplace, a portfolio
g Pre-school managers of evidence, written assignments. All Assessment and Tasks
g Crèche assistants and managers are set by CACHE.
g Practitioner in a children’s/family centre
g Practitioner in day nurseries, nursery schools or The Assessment Tasks set for the Extended Units are
reception classes in primary schools mandatory. The three Extended Assignments will need to
g Nanny be completed to achieve grades A*-D.
Children’s holiday representative
All units are assessed in line with the Skills for Care and
Youth workers
Development Assessment Strategy.
g Learning mentors
g Cylch Meithrin worker. GRADING SYSTEM:
A* – E
Qualifications currently offered
Learners achieving the Level 3 Diploma for Children’s DATE OF FIRST TEACHING:
Care, Learning and Development (Wales and Northern 2014
Ireland) (QCF) will receive a Pass grade. Learners achieving DATE OF FIRST AWARD:
the Extended Units using the Assessment Tasks provided 2015
in this qualification will achieve a grade E. Learners
completing the three Extended Assessments can achieve a PREREQUISITES:
grade from A*-D. CACHE does not set any formal entry requirements for this
qualification but learners will need to be at least 16 years
The following UCAS Tariff points are allocated to this of age. However GCSE English and maths at grade C or
qualification: above are an entry requirement for learners funded by the
Skills Funding Agency. GCSE English and maths at grade C
Grade UCAS Tariff points
or above are also a requirement alongside the Early Years
A* 420
Educator qualification to count in the staff-to-child ratios
A 340
B 290
at Level 3. It is not a requirement for CACHE registration or
C 240 certification.
E 80 Learners must gain a total of 61 credits to achieve this
qualification. To do this they must achieve 23 mandatory
For more information about the UCAS Tariff, please see units from Group A.
Appendix B.
The units have been structured around the following four
Quality Assurance is undertaken by CACHE’s Customer
Quality Advisers either during a site visit or via a remote g Theme 1: Health and well-being
monitoring activity and always includes the sampling of g Theme 2: Legislation, frameworks and professional
learner work. practice
g Theme 3: Play, development and learning for school
Centre Advisers check a sample of assessment plans, readiness
assessor feedback to learners and a sample of marked and g Theme 4: Professional development.
internally verified assignments. They may also talk to a
number of learners. ASSESSMENT METHOD:
All units will be internally assessed using a range of
PROGRESSION/ARTICULATION: methods. This could include direct observation within the
Learners can progress to higher education. workplace, a portfolio of evidence, written assignments or
a task set by CACHE.
The Level 3 Extended Diploma for Children’s Care, Learning
and Development (Wales and Northern Ireland) (QCF), GRADING SYSTEM:
learners can also progress to the following job roles. Pass/refer
g Pre-school worker QUALITY ASSURANCE:
g Pre-school managers Quality assurance is undertaken by CACHE’s Customer
g Crèche assistants and managers Quality Advisers either during a site visit or via a remote
g Practitioner in a children’s/family centre monitoring activity and always includes the sampling of
g Practitioner in day nurseries, nursery schools or learner work.
reception classes in primary schools
Centre Advisers check a sample of assessment plans,
assessor feedback to learners and a sample of marked and
Qualifications currently offered
Qualifications currently offered
Qualifications currently offered
CACHE Level 3 Diploma in Health young people’s services. It has six pathways – three for
those working with adults and three for those working with
and Social Care (Children and children and young people – and covers a wide range of
Young People) for Wales and topics including:
QCF LEVEL: All units must be assessed in line with the Skills for Care
Level 5 and Development Assessment Strategy.
Qualifications currently offered
Qualifications currently offered
Qualifications currently offered
Those learners taking the Diploma must achieve unit 9 to DATE OF FIRST TEACHING:
achieve the qualification. This unit involves assessment of 2005
skills in the workplace using a competence-based approach. DATE OF FIRST AWARD:
Qualifications currently offered
Qualifications currently offered
Qualifications currently offered
Qualifications currently offered
of study. Each part, Global Perspectives and the Research are given a maximum of 24 marks, Global Perspectives
report, contributes 50% towards the final mark. and the Research Report (GPR) a maximum of 12 each,
or 24 in total. The scores for all four elements are then
GRADING SYSTEM: aggregated to create a single score out of 96 for the
Grading Cambridge Pre-U Cambridge Pre-U Diploma as a whole.
Band GPR Grade UCAS Tariff points
Distinction D1 To be confirmed Contribution to each element to the diploma score:
D2 140
D3 126 Grade Subject GPR
Merit M1 112 D1 24 24
M2 98 D2 22 22
M3 84 D3 20 20
Pass P1 70 M1 18 18
P2 56 M2 16 16
P3 42 M3 14 14
P1 12 12
The first-year course, Cambridge Pre-U Global Perspectives, P2 10 10
is also available at Cambridge International AS Level. P3 8 8
Qualifications currently offered
AS and A levels and may be accepted at grades A* – E in 2 stage and is taken in over 4,000 schools in over
lieu of the UK GCE A and AS level on a subject for subject 140 countries worldwide, including more than 1,500
and grade for grade basis. The A* grade is not awarded at schools in the UK. It is a linear qualification which provides
AS level. an international curriculum for 14-16 year olds, and is
equivalent in standard to the UK GCSE and the Cambridge
Cambridge International A levels are linear in structure; O Level. It also provides a strong foundation for higher-level
however, students can choose from a range of assessment courses such as Cambridge International AS and A levels
options: they can take all papers of the Cambridge and Cambridge Pre-U. Cambridge IGCSE is assessed on an
International A level course in the same examination eight-point scale of grades: A* – G, with A* being highest; it
session, usually at the end of the second year of study may be considered acceptable at grades A*, A, B or C in lieu
or take a ‘staged’ assessment route – that is, take the of the UK GCSE on a subject for subject basis.
Cambridge International AS level in Year 1 and complete
the Cambridge International A level in Year 2. 21 Cambridge IGCSE syllabuses have been approved
by Ofqual and are eligible for funding for teaching in
Students can also take the Cambridge International state schools in England and Northern Ireland. A full
AS level only. The syllabus content for Cambridge list of Qfqual-approved syllabuses is available on the
International AS level is half of the Cambridge Cambridge website. When a Cambridge IGCSE is approved
International A level programme. Students who take by Ofqual, it appears on the Register of Regulated
Cambridge International AS level first and then want Qualifications as a Cambridge International Level 1/Level
to retake it, must generally retake the whole of the 2 Certificate. This is the official title for all Cambridge
Cambridge International AS level. IGCSEs approved by Ofqual. With a few exceptions, the
Cambridge International AS and A level examination content of the Cambridge International Level 1/Level 2
sessions occur twice a year, in June and November, with Certificate is identical to the Cambridge IGCSE. Cambridge
results issued in August and January respectively. Cambridge International Level 1/Level 2 Certificates are assessed in
International AS and A Level final certificates are entitled the same way as Cambridge IGCSEs, using an eight-point
‘General Certificate of Education’ and include a list of the scale of grades: A*-G, with A* being highest.
subjects and grades achieved by the Cambridge student. Cambridge IGCSE English as a First Language and
Cambridge International Examinations has launched a Cambridge IGCSE English as a Second Language
new Cambridge International AS and A level in Global qualifications may satisfy the English language proficiency
Perspectives & Research (GPR)(Syllabus code 9239), a requirements of many universities in the UK and other
skills-based qualification to complement the existing suite anglophone countries.
of A levels. Previously available as Global Perspectives at If a student passes seven Cambridge IGCSE or Cambridge
AS level only, students can now study Global Perspectives International Level1/Level2 Certificate examinations
& Research (GPR) as a full A level, with the second year from five different IGCSE subject groups, including two
focusing on the Cambridge Research Report. The first different languages, they will qualify for the Cambridge
examination for the AS level will be in June 2015 with the International Certificate of Education (ICE). Cambridge
first A level examination scheduled for June 2016. GPR ICE is awarded at Distinction, Merit and Pass.
teaches students the ability to undertake independent
and self-directed learning and to think laterally, critically Cambridge O Level is an internationally recognised
and creatively through the tackling of global issues (Global qualification equivalent to the UK GCSE and may be
Perspectives), as well as encouraging focused personal considered acceptable at grades A*, A, B or C in lieu of the
exploration and increased depth of study (Research UK GCSE on a subject for subject basis. Passing grades
Report). Further details can be found on the CIE website at Cambridge O level are A* – E, with A* being highest.
at Cambridge-international-as-and-a-level-global- Cambridge O levels are also part of the Cambridge
perspectives-and-research-9239/ Secondary 2 stage and are typically for 14-16 year olds.
They continue to be taken in approximately 70 countries
around the world.
Qualifications currently offered
Cambridge International Diploma Candidates will need to demonstrate that they can
manipulate and interpret economic and financial data and
in Business evaluate risk and uncertainty in decision making.
Investment, Decision Making, Accounting and Governance
The Cambridge International Diploma in Business This unit requires candidates to demonstrate a thorough
(formerly Cambridge Skills and Career Award) assesses understanding of the structure of a company and the
the practical application of career-based knowledge implications of limited liability for risk appetite as well
across a range of business-focused areas. The Cambridge as the difference between assets, profit and cash flow.
International Diploma in Business at Advanced Level is They will be required to demonstrate that they can use
equivalent to A level, and the Cambridge International this knowledge to assess and compare different sets of
Diploma in Business at Standard Level is equivalent to accounts and to appraise investment proposals using
GCSE. The Cambridge International Diploma in Business payback and discounted cash flow techniques.
(Advanced Level) satisfies university matriculation
requirements in lieu of A level. Introduction to Securities & Investment
This unit provides an overview of all areas of investment
The Diploma is modular in structure, and to achieve a full and the role of financial services in the UK. Typically, the
Diploma at a given level, candidates need to pass both syllabus is taught over one academic year. This unit is
the compulsory core modules and the requisite number of assessed through a one-hour exam of 50 multiple-choice
optional modules. questions.
Qualifications currently offered
level. The opportunity to earn UCAS points and achieve ASSESSMENT METHOD:
a professional qualification will enhance applications to Written examinations: set and marked by City & Guilds
study at a higher level. Written/ practical assignments: set by City & Guilds,
marked by the centre, externally verified by City & Guilds
In addition, CISI qualifications are recognised within the
industry and achieving the Diploma will give students a GRADING SYSTEM:
distinct competitive advantage when looking for a job in Written examinations: Distinction, Merit, Pass
financial services. Practical assignments: Pass
City & Guilds Internal and external verification
City & Guilds offers qualifications at nine levels, as follows:
8 Fellowship (FCGI)
7 Membership (MCGI)/Postgraduate Diploma (Engineering)/Level 5
NVQ/SVQ City & Guilds Level 4 Diploma
6 Graduateship (GCGI)/Associateship (ACGI)/Graduate Diploma
(Engineering) NQF/QCF LEVEL:
5 Affiliateship (AfCGI)/Level 5 Vocational/IVQ Advanced Technician Level 4
Diploma/Full Technological Diploma (FTD)
4 Licentiateship (LCGI)/Level 4 Vocational/Higher Certificate/Higher
Level Study Skills
Candidates at this level develop a rigorous approach to the
3 Level 3 NVQ/SVQ/Vocational/IVQ Technician D iploma/IVQ acquisition of a broad knowledge base. They can employ
Advanced Diploma a range of specialised skills and are able to evaluate
2 Level 2 NVQ/SVQ/Vocational/IVQ Technician Certificate/IVQ information using it to plan and develop investigative
Diploma strategies. They have the skills and knowledge to
1 Level 1 NVQ/SVQ/Vocational/IVQ Certificate determine solutions to unpredictable problems.
Entry Entry Level Vocational
Skills Proficiency/Skills Foundation Available in a range of subjects.
City & Guilds has a portfolio of over 500 qualifications
Written examinations: set and marked by City & Guilds
covering 28 industry areas. City & Guilds qualifications
Practical assignments: set by City & Guilds, marked by the
are available at nine different levels, offering progression
centre, externally verified by City & Guilds
into employment, higher and professional education.
Several qualifications in the City & Guilds portfolio have GRADING SYSTEM:
been developed for use in the UK but are also delivered Written examinations: Distinction, Merit, Pass
internationally, while other qualifications have been Practical assignments: Pass
designed for a global audience. Qualifications listed in the
table above are examples of the most commonly used
Internal and external verification.
City & Guilds qualifications.
City & Guilds Level 5 IVQ Advanced
Technician Diploma City & Guilds Level 3 IVQ Advanced
Level 5
Level 3
Candidates at this level are able to apply skills and a
significant range of fundamental principles across a BACKGROUND:
wide and often unpredictable variety of contexts. They Candidates at this level have competence in a broad range
can take significant responsibility for the work of others of varied work activities performed in a wide variety of
and the allocation of substantial resources. They can act contexts, most of which are complex and non-routine.
with substantial autonomy and personal accountabilities They can take considerable responsibility and autonomy
typically include analysis and diagnosis, design, planning, and are able to undertake supervisory roles. This level
execution and evaluation. They have competence in represents an advance or specialisation within a given
managing and training others. Qualifications at this occupation beyond the usual accepted minimum standard
level are appropriate for people working as higher grade and can attract further formal industrial recognition.
technicians, professionals or managers.
Available in a range of subjects.
Available in a range of engineering and related subjects.
Written examinations: set and marked by City & Guilds
Practical assignments: set by City & Guilds, marked by the
centre, externally verified by City & Guilds
Qualifications currently offered
Qualifications currently offered
City & Guilds Full Technological The target audience is candidates in work or with access to
work placement who:
Diploma g require the vocational knowledge and skills within the
QUALIFICATION ABBREVIATION: qualifications to enable them to work effectively at a
FTD managerial level in their sector
g require a qualification which validates, confirms and
NQF/QCF LEVEL: consolidates their professional expertise
Level 5 g are seeking a progression route which will facilitate
BACKGROUND: entry to a related degree programme.
Candidates at this level are able to apply skills and a PREREQUISITES:
significant range of fundamental principles across a wide Level 3 qualification.
and often unpredictable variety of contexts. They can
take significant responsibility for the work of others and
allocation of substantial resources. They can act with Centre-devised assignments which are externally
moderated by City & Guilds.
substantial autonomy and personal accountabilities
typically include analysis and diagnosis, design, planning, GRADING SYSTEM:
execution and evaluation. They have competence in Distinction, Merit, Pass
managing and training others. Qualifications at this QUALITY ASSURANCE:
level are appropriate for people working as higher grade External moderation
technicians, professionals or managers.
The Full Technological Diploma is available for the Foundation degree/degree/employment
following qualifications:
g IVQs in Engineering (2565) Professional Recognition Awards
IVQs in Telecommunication Systems (2730)
Professional development
Working with others
City & Guilds Higher Professional g
Managing customer relationships.
Diploma Award/Certificate/Extended
Certificate/Diploma in Digital
Applications for IT Users
Equivalent to first year of a degree and available through CIDA
part-time or full-time delivery. ECIDA/CIDA+
Qualifications provide the opportunity for candidates to
select both higher level technical units and those focusing NQF LEVEL:
on management. Level 2
Qualifications currently offered
Qualifications currently offered
ABC: 8 units including at least one at Level 4
Diploma in Foundation Studies
Pearson: 9 units including two at Level 4 (Art and Design) (QCF)
WJEC: 3 units including one at Level 4
Note: individual awarding organisations’ titles are as
All FAD programmes are externally assessed. ABC and
ABC Awards: Level 3 Foundation Diploma in Art, Design
Pearson operate an external assessment model hosted
and Media (QCF)
through the confirmatory stage, WJEC operates through
the FMP (Final Major Project). Throughout the programme, Level 4 Foundation Diploma in Art, Design
a student’s progress is benchmarked through internal and Media (QCF)
assessment. Pearson: BTEC Level 3 Foundation Diploma in Art
and Design (QCF)
Summer term. BTEC Level 4 Foundation Diploma in Art
and Design (QCF)
UAL: Level 3 Foundation Diploma in Art and
Certificates can be released from mid-July. Design (QCF)
GRADING SYSTEM: Level 4 Foundation Diploma in Art and
Distinction, Merit and Pass Design (QCF)
Final stage only is graded in the ABC and Pearson WJEC: Level 3 Diploma in Foundation Studies Art
specifications. WJEC weights each unit at 25%, with and Design (QCF)
clear assessment strands and descriptors for each unit Level 4 Diploma in Foundation Studies Art
culminating in a final assessment, weighted 50%. and Design (QCF)
FAD has been allocated UCAS Tariff points as follows:. QUALIFICATION ABBREVIATION:
FAD (not used by WJEC)
Grade UCAS Tariff points
Distinction 285 QCF LEVEL:
Merit 225 Level 3 and Level 4
This diploma is designed as a successor to the NQF
For more information about the UCAS Tariff, please see qualification of the same name. Its main aim is to help
Appendix B. learners make informed decisions to facilitate progression
to higher education in the areas of art, design and media,
or into related employment. The diploma builds on learners’
ABC Awards
prior experience. It links skills already acquired with ideas
All Centres offering the qualification will receive an external
and challenges, extending learners’ critical independence
moderation visit, on a date of their choice, by an expert
and providing them with a full understanding of the career
external moderator. Centre staff will also be able to attend
opportunities in art, design and the media.
free annual standardisation events and conferences.
An annual Chief Examiner’s report will confirm national DATE OF FIRST TEACHING:
benchmarks and present other data and analysis. 2010
Pearson external examiners review the statements of 2011
intent eight weeks prior to the examination visit and
provide the centre with a feedback report. Examination
Learners must achieve a minimum of 120 credits. The
visits to review the final major projects take place by
number of units in the qualification varies between
negotiation with the centres.
awarding organisations, as indicated below. Learners take
WJEC mandatory units from group A, and optional units from
WJEC external assessment takes place in June each year. groups B1 and group B2. Group B2 consists of units at level
Moderator-examiner reports are returned to centres and 4. Units from one awarding organisation can be used to
the issues are carried forward to annual Boards of Study provide exemption for another awarding organisation’s
attended by all centres. qualification.
PROGRESSION/ARTICULATION: ABC Awards: Level 3 FAD: 120 credits required, including
Progression is largely into higher education and employment. a maximum of 12 credits at Level 4 from
optional units
ABC can offer a Certificate of Unit Credit to students who Level 4 FAD: 120 credits required, including
complete units 1 to 7. 44 at Level 3
Pearson: Level 3 FAD: 120 credits required, including
Pearson can offer a Certificate of Unit Credit for any of the
completed units 1 to 7. a maximum of 10 at Level 4
Level 4 FAD: 120 credits required, including
50 at Level 3
UAL: Level 3 FAD: 120 credits required, including
40 at Level 4
Level 4 FAD: 120 credits required, including
40 at Level 3
Qualifications currently offered
Degree-level study, or employment in the relevant sector. This qualification provides an opportunity to develop
understanding of different perspectives of death
and dying, aims and principles of end of life care,
EDI (Education Development communication factors in end of life care, and how to
access a range of support services in end of life care.
It is aimed at all learners in health and social care with an
Education Development International (EDI) has an
interest in end of life care and the impact on individuals.
extensive range of tests and qualifications that are
accredited by the UK regulatory bodies. EDI’s vision DATE OF FIRST TEACHING:
is to offer progressive assessments and qualifications 25 April 2012
throughout a learner’s academic life and on into their
professional career.
EDI was formed by the merger of Goal and LCCIEB NUMBER OF UNITS/STRUCTURE:
(London Chamber of Commerce and Industry To achieve the full Level 3 Award in Awareness of End of
Examinations Board) in December 2002. EDI also offers Life Care , learners must achieve a minimum of 21 credits.
a range of LCCI International Qualifications, specialising The learner must achieve all 15 credits from the mandatory
in Finance, English Language and Business Skills (see
units and a further six credits must be achieved from the
Appendix I for English language proficiency tests).
optional units.
For information about LCCI qualifications please see ASSESSMENT METHOD:
pages 129 to 133. Portfolio of evidence
EDI Level 3 Award in Awareness of Pass/Fail
The qualification offers the opportunity to develop
QCF LEVEL: knowledge around supporting individuals in end of life care
Level 3 and could add further knowledge to the contextualised
BACKGROUND: learning gained through the Health and Social Care
The qualification is aimed at those who are already Diploma.
working in care roles with individuals with dementia and
provides an opportunity to have their knowledge and There is opportunity to progress to Level 3 Certificate
skills recognised through the achievement of a nationally in Working in End of Life Care, Level 5 Certificate in
accredited qualification. It assesses learners’ competence, Leading and Managing Services to Support End of Life
ie their ability to competently perform a range of tasks and Significant Life Events and/or the Level 3 Diploma in
in areas of practice such as person-centred working, Health and Social Care.
communication and interaction, equality and diversity,
individuals’ rights and choices.
EDI Level 3 Certificate in Contact
1 September 2010 Centre Operations
None Level 3
To achieve the full Level 3 Certificate in Dementia Care, This Level 3 Certificate in Contact Centre Operations is a
learners must achieve a minimum of 21 credits. The flexible qualification aimed at individuals working within
learner must achieve all 15 credits from the mandatory contact centre environments.
units and a further six credits must be achieved from the
optional units. It has been designed to cater for a diverse range of job
roles and to reflect the depth of knowledge to work within
ASSESSMENT METHOD: the sector including: problem solving; improving customer
Portfolio of evidence and/or multiple choice tests. satisfaction; team leading; improving customer loyalty;
GRADING SYSTEM: gathering and analysing customer feedback; navigating
Pass/Fail software; processing complaints; maintaining reliable
customer service and communication technology.
Qualifications currently offered
Qualifications currently offered
Qualifications currently offered
Qualifications currently offered
This qualification is appropriate for those who wish to This qualification is appropriate for those who wish to
gain underpinning knowledge and understanding through gain underpinning knowledge and understanding through
off-the-job learning. off-the-job learning.
Qualifications currently offered
Qualifications currently offered
Qualifications currently offered
Qualifications currently offered
Qualifications currently offered
Qualifications currently offered
Qualifications currently offered
Qualifications currently offered
Candidates also receive a mark out of ten for each Final written and oral exams are jointly assessed by
individual subject. This is calculated as a weighted average teacher and external examiner.
of all the assessed components of the subject.
Complementary subjects cannot be offered in the final
No examinations can be retaken to improve marks. written or oral examinations; they contribute only to
internal assessment. At least two of the four orals are in
Final written and oral exams are jointly assessed by one of the candidate’s foreign languages. There are no
teacher and external examiner. individual subject pass certificates but individual subject
EXAMINATION TIMING: marks are calculated at all stages, and are indicated on the
June final Baccalaureate certificate. Students must pass each
year – if not they must repeat the year, and ultimately
DATE OF RESULT PUBLICATION: leave the school if they fail the same year twice. Students
July receive the Diploma, which is their formal record of
ASSESSMENT: achievement, and the marks for each subject at about the
The EB is a group diploma and candidates are awarded a same time in early July. The subject results are in simple
final overall mark expressed as a percentage and a mark tabular form.
out of ten for each individual subject. Candidates who
The average score across the European Schools is around
achieve an overall mark of 60% or above are awarded the
75%. it is extremely difficult to score 90% or more.
Baccalaureate. The final mark is the result of:
a) Internal assessment of all subjects studied during The European Schools are administered by a Board of
Year 7 (Year 13 in the UK) by means of: Governors which consists of representatives of the member
internal school examinations – 30%
states, and a representative of the European Commission.
continuous assessment – 20%.
The EB is administered and directly supervised by an
b) Five final written exams set by the Examining
external examining board appointed annually by the
Board, in the mother tongue, first foreign language,
Board of Governors. The examining board is chaired by
mathematics and two elective subjects – 35%.
a university professor and is composed of examiners
c) Three final oral exams set by the teacher and an external
from each of the European Union countries. These
examiner appointed by the examining board, in:
representatives must meet the requirements laid down in
mother tongue
a fourth compulsory or elective subject – 15%.
Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4 Column 5
(2 periods) (4 periods) (3 periods) (2 periods)
Economics Music ∫
Chemistry Politics
Biology Language V
Column 2 courses are compulsory unless chosen from column 3. Biology from column 2 is compulsory unless Biology, Physics or Chemistry is taken from column 3.
* Students may take these subjects only if they have taken them in Years 4 and 5.
^ Advanced mathematics may only be taken in conjunction with five-period mathematics.
∫ Not allowed if already chosen in column 3.
** Only allowed if corresponding science option is chosen from column 3.
For more information on pass rates, average scores and the university performance of EB students, please see the
Department for Education’s publication, ‘Information on the European Baccalaureate: www.gov.uk/government/
Qualifications currently offered
Qualifications currently offered
Qualifications currently offered
In order to achieve these aims, the following major In a small number of cases, GCE A level qualifications
changes were implemented in schools and colleges from have had fewer than six units. This applies to the
September 2000. small number of minority foreign languages in order
to guarantee continued provision of the qualifications
The GCE Advanced Subsidiary (AS) was introduced,
(new specifications for minority foreign languages were
Qualifications currently offered
A level standard.
UCAS Tariff points allocated to the GCE A level are as
GCE AS units focus on skills, knowledge and understanding follows:
developed during the first half of an advanced course
of study. The conceptually less demanding material Grade UCAS Tariff points
is assessed in AS units and the conceptually more A* 140
demanding material assessed in A2 units. Where subjects A 120
B 100
emphasise the development of skills rather than the
C 80
learning of specific content, the focus on particular skills
D 60
may differ in the AS and A2 units. In all subjects, there E 40
will usually be some differences between the types of
questions used in AS and A2 examinations. There may, UCAS Tariff points are allocated to the GCE A level with
for example, be a greater proportion of open-ended and additional AS as follows:
essay-style questions within A2 papers.
Grade UCAS Tariff points
There will be differences in the style of questions and A*A 200
examination papers between subjects, and, where it is AA 180
appropriate, between specifications in the same subject. AB 170
BB 150
Synoptic assessment was introduced as a requirement for BC 140
all modular GCE A levels to help ensure that the standard CC 120
of GCE A level continues to be maintained. Candidates are CD 110
examined on their ability to make connections between DD 90
DE 80
the different elements of the subject at the end of the full
EE 60
GCE A level. The synoptic element contributes at least 20%
of the overall assessment and appears in one or more of
UCAS Tariff points are allocated to the GCE A level Double
the A2 units. The nature of the synoptic assessment varies Award as follows:
according to the nature of the particular subject. The GCE
A level specifications permit a maximum of 30% internal Grade UCAS Tariff points
assessment. A*A* 280
A*A 260
There is a common examinations timetable across AB 220
awarding bodies, with examinations taking place mid-May BB 200
to end of June. BC 180
CC 160
August DD 120
DE 100
The exact timing of publication of GCE A level and AS EE 80
examination results is notified in an annual circular to UCAS
correspondents. Results from each awarding body are U indicates an unclassified performance, which is not
normally available in mid-August via the UCAS Awarding certificated.
Body Linkage (ABL) process, which provides them to HEPs
several working days before the official publication date, The final result of the A level is based on the sum
on the understanding that the results will not be revealed of individual unit results. A2 units are graded using
directly or indirectly to the candidates themselves. The judgements about what might be reasonably expected of
efficient operation of this service depends upon UCAS being all students at the end of the course.
able to match information on the UCAS application about An A* is awarded to candidates who have achieved an
the applicant with the records of the awarding body or A grade overall in their A level, and 90% of the maximum
bodies concerned. marks on the Uniform Mark Scale (UMS) at A2. Candidates
GRADING SYSTEM: who achieve an A can have higher UMS marks than
Graded on a scale of A* – E. those who achieve an A*, where better performance is
concentrated in the AS units (see example below):
Note: A new grade of A* was introduced for A level in Candidate AS Unit 1 AS Unit 2 A2 Unit 3 A2 Unit 4 Total UMS Grade
2008. 1 90 85 95 92 362 A*
2 100 100 95 83 378 A
GCE A level and AS qualifications are allocated UCAS Tariff
For more information on UMS marks, please refer to the
If a student is taking the GCE AS and then proceeding to Ofqual website at www.ofqual.gov.uk.
take the full GCE A level in the same subject, the AS point The standards of the revised GCE A levels are the same as
score will be subsumed into the A level point score. those of the previous qualifications.
Qualifications currently offered
Qualifications currently offered
The AS will continue to contribute to the overall A level The majority of AS qualifications are assessed by means of
in Wales and Northern Ireland. For more information externally assessed written papers and internally assessed
on reforms to qualifications in Northern Ireland, please coursework/practicals of normally up to 30%.
see page 189 of this guide and CCEA’s website at www.
There is a common examinations timetable across
For more information about reforms to qualifications awarding bodies, with examinations taking place in June.
in Wales, please see page 188 of this guide and
www.qualificationswales.org AS/A levels in applied subjects were introduced for first
teaching in 2005 to replace VCEs. The first awards of the
DATE OF FIRST TEACHING: applied AS qualifications were in summer 2006.
DATE OF FIRST AWARD: Results from each awarding body are normally available in
2001 mid-August.
Although there had not previously been a formal Graded on a scale of A–E.
requirement that a candidate must have taken a subject at
GCSE before attempting the same subject at GCE A level, GCE A level and AS qualifications are allocated UCAS Tariff
recommended prior learning has been a feature of new points.
GCE specifications from September 2000.
If a student is taking the GCE AS and then proceeding to
NUMBER OF UNITS/STRUCTURE: take the full GCE A level in the same subject, the AS point
From 2000-2007 most GCE A level qualifications were score will be subsumed into the A level point score.
based on six units of approximately equal size: the first
three of these units constituted the GCE AS qualification, Double counting of qualifications in the same subject area
representing the first half of the full A level. In a small is not permitted. The points score will be derived from the
number of cases, GCE A level qualifications had fewer highest grade achieved.
than six units. This applies to the small number of minority
foreign languages in order to guarantee continued There is no limit to the total points achievement from GCE
provision of the qualifications (new specifications for or any other qualifications.
minority foreign languages were introduced in More detailed information about the UCAS Tariff is given
September 1999).
in Appendix B.
These are:
UCAS Tariff points allocated to the AS level are as follows:
AQA: Bengali, Modern Hebrew, Panjabi, Polish.
Pearson Edexcel: Arabic, Chinese, Japanese, Modern Greek. Grade UCAS Tariff points
OCR: Biblical Hebrew, Dutch, Gujarati, Persian, Portuguese, A 60 Highest grade awarded
Turkish. B 50
C 40
The following four-unit awards have since been added: D 30
E 20
From 2005:
OCR: Critical thinking UCAS Tariff points are allocated to the AS Double Award
From 2006: as follows:
AQA: Critical thinking Grade UCAS Tariff points
Pearson Edexcel: Art & design, design & technology, AA 120
religious studies AB 110
OCR: Accounting, law BB 100
WJEC: Psychology, world development, sociology BC 90
CC 80
Revised AS criteria have been incorporated into new CD 70
specifications first taught in 2008. All AS have become DD 60
two-unit awards, with the exception of biology, chemistry, DE 50
electronics, environmental science, geology, mathematics, EE 40
music, physics, the languages listed above and AS in
applied subjects. U indicates an unclassified performance which is not
GCE AS units focus on skills, knowledge and understanding
Examiners grade the AS by judging the performance that
developed during the first half of an advanced course
of study. The conceptually less demanding material might reasonably be expected of advanced level students
is assessed in AS units and the conceptually more halfway through the course, unlike the former Advanced
demanding material assessed in A2 units. Where subjects Supplementary examination in which judgements were
emphasise the development of skills rather than the made about performance that might be expected at the
learning of specific content, the focus on particular skills end of the full A level.
may differ in the AS and A2 units. There is no synoptic
assessment in the GCE AS.
Qualifications currently offered
The AS grade is based on students’ attainments in the two GCE Advanced Subsidiary/
AS units; for those who go on to complete the full
A level, their grade will be based on attainment in the two Advanced level in Applied Subjects
AS and two A2 units combined. For candidates who sit QUALIFICATION ABBREVIATION:
all assessment units of A level at the end of the course, AS, AS Double Award, A level, A level Double Award
grades will be awarded for the AS and the full A level.
All GCE AS level examinations are subject to quality
assurance procedures. The regulators (Ofqual, CCEA and A levels in applied subjects are qualifications that enable
Welsh Government) are responsible for keeping under students to develop skills, knowledge and understanding
review all aspects of school examinations and assessments. in the area they are studying and prepare them for both
They have published, in conjunction with the awarding the world of work and for progression to higher education.
bodies, the GCSE, GCSE in vocational subjects, GCE, VCE They have replaced the Advanced Vocational Certificate of
and GNVQ Code of Practice 2002/3 which: Education that used to be informally known as ‘Vocational
A levels’ or AVCEs. They have a structure that is similar to
g lays down detailed procedures to promote accuracy,
the GCE AS/A2 model and were available for first teaching
fairness, quality and consistency across all awarding
in 2005/6 academic year. At the same time, the formal
distinction between GCEs and the old AVCEs has been
represents an enhanced measure of national
dropped and both applied and academic qualifications
Students not obtaining the full AS in Use of mathematics A level and A level double award – 2007
qualification will gain credit for each of the FSMQs NUMBER OF UNITS/STRUCTURE:
successfully completed. Applied AS/A levels were introduced in September 2005.
The awards consist of a mixture of mandatory and
The AS in Use of mathematics acts as a full proxy optional units. Within individual sector areas, there may be
qualification for the award of Level 3 of the Key Skill of alternative models of how the award may be constructed,
Application of Number. providing a measure of controlled flexibility. In the VCEs,
the mandatory units were common to all specifications.
However, with the applied A levels, criteria were developed
to inform the development by the awarding bodies of
their own mandatory units. The A levels may be taken over
Qualifications currently offered
one or two years. (The first A2 awards were not available There is no limit to the total points achievement from GCE
until 2007 and so any students studying a one-year A level or any other qualifications.
programme in 2005/6 would have taken the old VCE).
More detailed information about the UCAS Tariff is given
From summer 2008, a new award was available to reward in Appendix B.
achievement of candidates who have achieved nine units
in an AS/A level in an applied subject. The title of the GCE A levels and AS applied subjects are allocated UCAS
award is: Tariff points as follows:
Advanced GCE with Advanced Subsidiary (Additional) in Grade UCAS Tariff points
[subject] – 9 units (six AS and three A2). AS A level
A* n/a 140
It is not expected that many candidates will receive this A 60 120
award. It has been created to reward candidates who B 50 100
for some reason were unable to complete the full double C 40 80
award A level. D 30 60
The four awards (outlined earlier) all draw from the same
AS A level
pool of units and use the same assessment arrangements: Double Double
a combination of externally assessed written papers Award Award
(usually one-third) and internally assessed coursework/ A*A* n/a 280
portfolio (usually two-thirds). A*A n/a 260
AA 120 240
The broad aim of the redesign of vocational qualifications AB 110 220
at advanced level was to give the qualifications the BB 100 200
same AS/A2 structure and A – E grading system as the BC 90 180
GCE AS/A levels. CC 80 160
CD 70 140
The qualifications are unit based. Each unit clearly sets out DD 60 120
the learning which students must cover in order to provide DE 50 100
the assessment evidence. Assessment criteria are used to EE 40 80
assess the students’ ability to apply their skills, knowledge
and understanding in a vocational context. The assessment The final grade is calculated using a points-based system.
criteria are written for each unit, and the units are written Separate points are available for each unit, and these
for, and addressed directly to, the students themselves. are aggregated to determine an overall grade for the
The exact nature of external assessment varies depending qualification. These points should not be confused with
on the subject area, level (ie AS or A2) and unit content. those used on the UCAS Tariff (see above).
Evidence for assessors on the use of the criteria is given in U indicates an unclassified performance, which is not
a section of the units entitled ‘Essential Information for certificated.
Teachers’ which suggests teaching strategies and
resources, and includes Key Skills signposting. QUALITY ASSURANCE:
For internal assessment, a moderation system designed to
EXAMINATION TIMING: ensure that entry grades are in line with national standards
June. has replaced the external verification system. Normally at
DATE OF RESULT PUBLICATION: least a third of the overall assessment is externally set and
August. marked by the awarding bodies.
GRADING SYSTEM: A subject listing of GCE A/AS levels in applied subjects is
Note: A new grade of A* was introduced for A level in 2008. given in Appendix G.
AS level is reported on a five-grade scale from A – E where PROGRESSION/ARTICULATION:
A is the highest. The awards have been designed to promote flexibility in
the post-16 curriculum allowing students to incorporate
A level is reported on a six-grade scale from A* – E where them into their programmes and in particular to combine
A* is the highest. them with other GCE AS and A2s.
AS double award is reported on the following grading
scale: AA, AB, BB, BC, CC, CD, DD, DE, EE, EU
A level double award is reported on the following grading General Certificate of Secondary
scale: A*A*, A*A, AA, AB, BB, BC, CC, CD, DD, DE, EE, EU
GCE A level and AS qualifications are allocated UCAS Tariff
If a student is taking the GCE AS and then proceeding to NQF LEVEL:
take the full GCE A level in the same subject, the AS point Levels 1, 2
score will be subsumed into the A level point score.
Double counting of qualifications in the same subject area The General Certificate of Secondary Education (GCSE)
is not permitted. The points score will be derived from the is a qualification which is normally taken in schools at
highest grade achieved. approximately age 16. It was created by the merging of
Qualifications currently offered
Qualifications currently offered
The changes to GCSEs which took effect in England from the three-tier system from September 2006; first awards
September 2012 are not required in Wales. Candidates were in summer 2008.
in Wales may continue to follow both linear and modular
specifications. Although not a Welsh Government A number of GCSE titles are untiered.
requirement, marks for accurate spelling, punctuation and
grammar will also be awarded in key subjects in Wales as
in England. ICCE International Certificate of
In the Northern Ireland, following public consultation,
Christian Education
the Education Minister decided schools would be free QUALIFICATION ABBREVIATION:
to choose between the linear and unitised modes of ICCE
assessment. For unitised GCSEs, there will continue to be
only one resit opportunity for each unit. There will also BACKGROUND:
be a small number of additional marks (5%) available in The ICCE provides qualifications for pupils who use the
English literature, geography, history and religious studies Accelerated Christian Education (ACE) programme in
for Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar (SPaG). independent faith-based schools and homeschools. ICCE
Advanced Certificate is accepted by many universities for
EXAMINATION TIMING: undergraduate entry. A UK NARIC assessment in 2011
GCSEs are taken in the summer, normally from mid-May carried out in both school and homeschool environments
to the end of June, in November and in winter/spring. stated that the General Certificate can be considered
From 2014 GCSE examinations will only be available in the comparable to Cambridge International Examinations
summer examination series, except for GCSEs in English, O levels and the Advanced Certificate can be considered
English language and mathematics for which there will also comparable to CIE A levels.
be an assessment opportunity in November (for students
who were at least 16 on the preceding 31 August). In Since September 2004, the ICCE has replaced the National
Northern Ireland there will be assessment opportunities in Christian Schools’ Certificate (NCSC). The curriculum
January and the summer for GCSE candidates. content and standard have been enhanced by coursework
at the four highest levels.
In Wales, assessment opportunities continue to be
available in January as well as in the summer. DATE OF FIRST AWARD:
GCSE results are normally available in late August, NUMBER OF UNITS/STRUCTURE:
one week later than A level/AS results. HEPs can make ICCE Foundation = 7.5 credits
conditional offers to students incorporating a GCSE ICCE Vocational = 16 credits
requirement in addition to A level/AS. The process of ICCE General = 16 credits plus coursework
confirming the offer is likely to be delayed pending the ICCE Intermediate = 23 credits plus coursework
issue of the GCSE results. ICCE Advanced = 29 credits plus coursework
ICCE Advanced Plus = 34 credits plus coursework
A* – C are the levels of attainment normally required ASSESSMENT METHOD:
for entry to HE (level 2 in the NQF). The A* grade was By unit tests, essays and practical science projects, all
introduced from 1994 to reflect a level of performance externally moderated (80% internal, 20% external).
above grade A, and to reward outstanding achievement.
Grades D – G are lower levels of attainment (level 1 in
Throughout the year.
the NQF). U represents unclassified, ie judged to be of
insufficient standard to be recorded. DATE OF RESULT PUBLICATION:
Throughout the year.
GCSE Double Awards are equivalent to two GCSEs in size,
and result in the award of full grades, A*A* – GG, with U GRADING SYSTEM:
for unclassified. A* 100%–98%
A 97.99%–96%
B 95.99%–92%
GCSEs are accredited, monitored and scrutinised by Ofqual.
C 91.99%–88%
Since December 2000, all GCSE examinations have been D 87.99%–84%
governed by the joint regulators’ GCSE, GCE, GNVQ and E 83.99%–80%
AEA Code of Practice. Fail below 80%
Qualifications currently offered
Qualifications currently offered
All ICM programmes are multi-subject and candidates are NUMBER OF UNITS/STRUCTURE:
required to undertake formal, externally set and marked Three units:
examinations in all subjects within any programme. Unit 1: Why money matters
Alternatively, candidates may be able to study single Unit 2: Risk and reward in personal finance
subjects. Unit 3: Making personal financial judgements
Examination grades are as follows. Electronic and paper-based examination
A 70% and above Unit 1: Why money matters
B 60% to 69% Tested electronically or by paper-based examination. The
C 50% to 59%
exam consists of fifty multiple-choice questions in a one-
D 40% to 49%
hour examination. The examination score contributes 25%
F 39% and under
to the overall qualification score.
QUALITY ASSURANCE: Unit 2: Risk and reward in personal finance
In order to maintain global standards, examination papers Tested electronically or by paper-based examination.
for all standard ICM programmes are set by the Institute’s The examination consists of two sections. Section A:
Examiners and all candidates’ work is returned to ICM for five multiple-choice questions. Section B: six case studies
marking, assessment and moderation and the issue of of five questions each in a one-hour examination.
results and certificates. Many major ICM qualifications are The examination score contributes 35% to the overall
recognised by Ofqual. qualification score.
NUMBER OF UNITS/STRUCTURE: Unit 3: Making personal financial judgements
A standard full-time Advanced Diploma course Tested by a written examination. The examination
(incorporating the Certificate and Diploma stages) consists consists of one question from a choice of two in a one-
of 12 units equivalent to 240 credits. hour 30 minute examination. The questions are based
PROGRESSION/ARTICULATION on case studies with a number of short answer questions.
On successful completion of ICM Certificates/Diplomas/ The examination score contributes 40% to the overall
Advanced Diplomas, students may progress to further qualification score.
professional qualifications or to appropriate levels of EXAMINATION TIMING:
honours degree courses. An ICM Graduate Diploma may On demand for electronic examinations. Unit 3 assessment
allow access to postgraduate study such as Masters degree is offered three times a year.
Unit 1 and 2 results are available via the web within
ifs University College 72 hours of receipt of the examination papers. Unit 3
results should be available within one calendar month of
ifs University College is the university for financial the examination date.
education. It is a registered charity, incorporated by Royal
Charter, and a recognised awarding body by Ofqual. GRADING SYSTEM:
Students can study with ifs University College throughout Graded A – E and U for ungraded. CeFS has been allocated
their career from GCSE equivalent right up to Master’s level. the following UCAS Tariff points:
Grade UCAS Tariff points
Qualifications currently offered
Qualifications currently offered
Electronic and paper-based examination.
ifs Level 3 Diploma in Financial
Studies (QAN 600/8551/4)
Unit 1: Financial Capability for the Immediate and Short
Tested electronically or by paper-based examination. DipFS
The assessment consists of two components. Part A – QCF LEVEL:
thirty-five multiple-choice questions in a forty-five minute Level 3
examination. This component of the examination is worth
thirty-five marks. Part B – pre-release case study requiring BACKGROUND:
essay responses to five questions. This component is worth The ifs Level 3 Diploma in Financial Studies (DipFS)
sixty marks and will be a one hour and forty-five minute consists of the ifs Level 3 Certificate in Financial Studies
examination. Part B will also assess spelling, punctuation (CeFS) units and two additional units. The additional
and grammar. This component is worth five marks, bringing units apply learners’ knowledge to the broader financial
the total marks for Part B to sixty-five. environment: the financial planning element introduced
in the CeFS units becomes more dynamic and flexible,
Unit 2: Financial Capability for the Medium and Long Term. as the learners become more aware of the (financial)
Tested electronically or by paper-based examination. environment within which they live and the importance of
The assessment consists of two components. Part A – financial sustainability.
thirty-five multiple-choice questions in a forty-five minute
examination. This component of the examination is worth DATE OF FIRST TEACHING:
thirty-five marks. Part B – pre-release case study requiring 2013
essay responses to five questions. This component is worth DATE OF FIRST AWARD:
sixty marks and will be a one hour and forty-five minute 2015
examination. Part B will also assess spelling, punctuation
and grammar. This component is worth five marks, bringing NUMBER OF UNITS/STRUCTURE:
the total marks for Part B to sixty-five. Four units:
Unit 1: Financial Capability for the Immediate and Short
Examinations for each unit will take place at the end Unit 2: Financial Capability for the Medium and Long Term
of study of the respective unit. Part A examinations will Unit 3: Sustainability of an Individual’s Finances
be held during a one week period at a set time. Part B Unit 4: Sustainability of the Financial Services System
examinations will be held on one day during the week
following the Part A examinations. ASSESSMENT METHOD:
Electronic and paper-based examination.
The results for Part A of Unit 1 and 2 results available via Unit 1: Financial Capability for the Immediate and
the web within 72 hours of receipt of the examination Short Term
papers. Part B results should be available within one The assessment consists of three components. Part A –
calendar month of the examination date. thirty-five multiple-choice questions in a forty-five minute
examination. This component of the examination is worth
GRADING SYSTEM: thirty-five marks. Part B – pre-release case study requiring
Graded A* – E essay responses to five questions. This component is worth
The ifs Level 3 Certificate in Financial Studies has been sixty marks and will be a one hour and forty-five minute
allocated UCAS Tariff points as follows: examination. Part B will also assess spelling, punctuation
and grammar. This component is worth five marks,
Grade UCAS Tariff points bringing the total marks for Part B to sixty-five.
A* 70
A 60 Unit 2: Financial Capability for the Medium and Long Term
B 50 The assessment consists of three components. Part A –
C 40 thirty-five multiple-choice questions in a forty-five minute
D 30 examination. This component of the examination is worth
E 20 thirty-five marks. Part B – pre-release case study requiring
essay responses to five questions. This component is worth
For more information on the UCAS Tariff, please see sixty marks and will be a one hour and forty-five minute
Appendix B. examination. Part B will also assess spelling, punctuation
PROGRESSION/ARTICULATION: and grammar. This component is worth five marks,
CeFS provides underpinning knowledge for, and a pathway bringing the total marks for Part B to sixty-five.
into, study for other ifs qualifications including the Level 3 Unit 3: Sustainability of an Individual’s Finances
Diploma in Financial Studies and the ifs higher education The assessment consists of three components. Part
degree programmes. CeFS also aids entry into other higher A – thirty-five multiple-choice questions in a one hour
education programmes and provides a good basis from examination. This component of the examination is worth
which to pursue a career in the financial services industry. thirty five marks. Part B – pre-release case study requiring
essay responses to five questions. This component is worth
sixty marks and will be a two hour examination. Part B
will also assess spelling, punctuation and grammar. This
component is worth five marks, bringing the total marks for
Part B to sixty-five.
Qualifications currently offered
Qualifications currently offered
Qualifications currently offered
(g) overall, there are no more than three grades 3 or below The IB Diploma Programme has been allocated the
(h) at least 12 points have been gained on HL subjects following UCAS Tariff points:
(candidates who register for four HL subjects must
gain at least 16 points at HL) Grade UCAS Tariff points
(i) at least nine points have been gained on SL subjects 45 720
44 698
(candidates who register for two SL subjects must gain
43 676
at least six points at SL)
42 654
(j) the candidate has not been found guilty of
41 632
malpractice by the IB organisation 40 611
The Diploma will be awarded to a candidate whose total 39 589
38 567
score is 28 points or above, provided all the following
37 545
requirements have been met:
36 523
(a) numeric grades have been awarded in all six subjects 35 501
registered for the diploma 34 479
33 457
(b) all CAS requirements have been met
32 435
(c) grades A (highest) to E (lowest) have been awarded for
31 413
both theory of knowledge and an extended essay, with
30 392
a grade of at least D in one of them 29 370
(d) there is no grade 1 in any subject 28 348
(e) there is no more than one grade 2 at HL 27 326
(f) there are no more than two grades 2 at SL 26 304
(g) overall, there are no more than three grades 3 or below 25 282
(h) at least 11 points have been gained on HL subjects 24 260
(candidates who register for four HL subjects must
gain at least 14 points at HL) For more information on the UCAS Tariff, please see
(i) at least eight points have been gained on SL subjects Appendix B.
(candidates who register for two SL subjects must gain
at least five points at SL) International Baccalaureate (IB) courses*
(j) the candidate has not been found guilty of Higher Level Standard Level Core requirements**
malpractice by the IB organisation Grade Tariff points Grade Tariff points Grade Tariff points
7 130 7 70 3 120
A maximum of three examination sessions is allowed in 6 110 6 59 2 80
which to satisfy the requirements for the award of the IB 5 80 5 43 1 40
Diploma. 4 50 4 27 0 10
3 20 3 11
Award of International *Points for IB courses come into effect for entry into higher
Baccalaureate Courses education from 2010 onwards.
**Students who register for an IB Diploma but do not
A candidate who is not registered for the full Diploma may
successfully complete all elements can achieve UCAS
register for examination in one or more subjects.
Tariff points from their achievement in individual courses
Such a candidate is classified as a Diploma Programme and the core requirements of the Diploma curriculum.
(DP) course student and receives a certificate recording the Certificates in extended essay and theory of knowledge
result(s) obtained in each subject. Candidates who have have now been individually accredited by IBO and have
registered for the full Diploma, but who have not fulfilled been allocated Tariff points in their own right. These are
all the requirements for the award, will receive a certificate awarded when the certificates are taken individually.
indicating the results obtained in individual DP courses. A
For more information on the UCAS Tariff, please see
Diploma candidate who wishes to register for more than
Appendix B.
the six subjects required for the Diploma may register for
one or more additional subjects at HL.
The IB Diploma Programme is recognised by Ofqual as an International Baccalaureate
accredited qualification. The IB is recognised by UK HEPs Career-related Certificate
as fulfilling the minimum matriculation requirements for
entry. The IB recommends that institutions make offers QUALIFICATION ABBREVIATION:
to applicants based on a total points acquisition by the IBCC
candidate. Offers to IB students that are expressed in
terms of gaining the Diploma and with specific grades,
Level 3
usually in HL subjects, should not be made by equating
IB grades to GCE A level grades. No formal equivalence BACKGROUND:
exercise has been conducted on IB higher level courses and The IBCC (International Baccalaureate Career-related
A levels, therefore, it is not possible to make comparisons Certificate) is an IB programme designed to be taken over
on the basis of any external evidence. This approach also two years, and to complement career-related/vocational
does not take account of, and give credit to, the breadth of courses. It is the school’s responsibility to determine
study required in the IB Diploma Programme. the appropriate career-related/vocational course that
is linked to the IBCC, and should be determined by the
Qualifications currently offered
local context and aligned with student needs, whether DATE OF RESULT PUBLICATION:
they are used to support further studies or to assist direct Early July and early January.
employment opportunities. The IB is not responsible GRADING SYSTEM:
for the choice and administration of the career-related/ Each Diploma course is graded 1-7 (see the information
vocational course offered to students; however, schools on IB Diploma Courses above). The recommendation for
need to ensure that the course is recognised by local, the award of the final grade in each subject is normally
national or international authorities, and that it is usually the responsibility of the Chief Examiner. A grade will not
taken over a two year period. normally be awarded to a candidate in any subject for
The IBCC: which any of the required assessment components have
not been completed.
g provides flexibility to allow for local differences
g is relevant and creative The Reflective Project is marked out of 30 and graded A-E.
g sets appropriate and achievable attainment All assessment components for the IBCC core must be
requirements completed in order to qualify for the award of the IBCC.
g encourages significant school and student input in the
curriculum and assessment The Career-related Certificate of the International
g provides breadth and balance Baccalaureate and the statement of results will be issued
subject to satisfactory completion of the following
requirements by a student.
May 2009
g A level 3 or above in two Diploma courses.
A level D or above in the Reflective Project.
The IBCC is a framework that consists of three key
Qualifications currently offered
The MYP provides a framework of concepts, skills, the culmination of a detailed self-study process. The IB
objectives and assessment criteria in eight subject standards and practices provide the framework towards
groups and a pedagogy aimed at engaging students authorisation and programme evaluation.
in disciplinary understanding by exposure to authentic
connections, as well as developing their awareness of the
Teachers assess students’ work with guidance from IB
relationships between disciplines.
according to prescribed, published criteria which state final
The MYP is guided by the following three fundamental levels of achievement in each discipline for the final year
concepts, rooted in the IB mission statement: of the programme. All schools must assess their students
communication, intercultural awareness and holistic with the published assessment criteria in the final year.
learning. The IB also provides recommended interim assessment
criteria based on the objectives for each of the subject
The ’areas of interaction’ are at the core of the programme, groups for years 1 and 3 of the five-year programme.
providing the contexts for curriculum planning and an Schools can opt for the MYP certificate, accompanied by a
opportunity for teachers’ and students’ interaction with record of achievement issued by the IB. These are formal
authentic situations. Students develop an understanding of documents limited to schools that offer the last year
each through contribution in all subjects. They are grouped of the programme and elect to have their own student
as: approaches to learning, community and service, health assessment validated by IB through a rigorous and quality
and social education, environments and human ingenuity. assured process of external moderation.
These pervade and recur throughout the five years of the
MYP, through the eight subject groups, and also through The IB will issue an MYP certificate to each student who
interdisciplinary teaching and projects, whole-school satisfies the following conditions. The student must:
activities and the MYP personal project. The areas of
be registered, and have gained at least a grade 2 in at
interaction are not directly assessed nor awarded individual
g Mathematics – course includes the five branches GENERAL GRADE DESCRIPTORS:
of mathematics: number, algebra, geometry and Grade 1 – Minimal achievement in terms of the objectives.
trigonometry, probability and statistics, and discrete
mathematics Grade 2 – Very limited achievement against all the
g Physical Education – course includes health and fitness, objectives. The student has difficulty in understanding the
individual and team sports required knowledge and skills and is unable to apply them
g Sciences – biology, chemistry, physics fully in normal situations, even with support.
Technology – computer and design technology.
Grade 3 – Limited achievement against most of the
MYP authorisation and programme evaluation of schools: objectives, or clear difficulties in some areas. The student
all schools undergo an authorisation visit, following demonstrates a limited understanding of the required
a minimum of one year as a candidate school. Four knowledge and skills and is only able to apply them fully in
years after authorisation and then every five years, the normal situations with support.
school receives a programme evaluation visit, which is
Qualifications currently offered
Grade 4 – A good general understanding of the required further their study by taking GCE AS and A levels or other
knowledge and skills, and the ability to apply them equivalent qualifications such as Pearson BTECs or the
effectively in normal situations. There is occasional International Baccalaureate.
evidence of the skills of analysis, synthesis and evaluation.
Grade 5 – A consistent and thorough understanding of The International GCSE is graded A*-G, and is considered
the required knowledge and skills, and the ability to apply to be comparable to GCSE on a subject for subject basis.
them in a variety of situations. The student generally
shows evidence of analysis, synthesis and evaluation where
appropriate and occasionally demonstrates originality and Malvern Literature Certificate
Grade 6 – A consistent and thorough understanding MLC
of the required knowledge and skills, and the ability to BACKGROUND:
apply them in a wide variety of situations. Consistent This is Malvern College’s own English literature GCSE
evidence of analysis, synthesis and evaluation is shown equivalent that was developed in response to frustrations
where appropriate. The student generally demonstrates with the existing qualifications. The aims were to offer its
originality and insight. students a broader literary experience in preparation for
Grade 7 – A consistent and thorough understanding of both A level and IB literature courses and to allow greater
the required knowledge and skills, and the ability to apply freedom to choose from a wider range of literature. This
them almost faultlessly in a wide variety of situations. was done whilst retaining a core of conventional literary
Consistent evidence of analysis, synthesis and evaluation study that would be expected to be at the heart of any
is shown where appropriate. The student consistently literature GCSE. We continue to require that all students
demonstrates originality and insight and always produces complete English Language IGCSE.
work of high quality. DATE OF FIRST TEACHING:
September 2009
International General Certificate DATE OF FIRST AWARD:
of Secondary Education (IGCSE)/ August 2011
Qualifications currently offered
Qualifications currently offered
The programme covers English language, study skills, DATE OF FIRST TEACHING:
mathematical technique, culture studies and introduces 2009
students to the world of business IT. NUMBER OF UNITS/STRUCTURE:
PREREQUISITES: The programme consists of five compulsory modules as
Students must have successfully completed secondary follows: Study and Communication Skills, Mathematical
education in an appropriate range of subjects and Techniques, IT Skills, Introduction to Business, Introduction
have a valid score of 4.5 or above in the International to Accounting and Economics. Students must pass all five
English Language Testing System (IELTS), or the required compulsory modules to be awarded the qualification.
minimum result in the Standard English Language ASSESSMENT METHODS:
Placement Test (SEPT). Assessed by assignment and examination.
2005 December, March, June, September
The programme consists of the following six compulsory Pass, Merit or Distinction
modules: Developing English Language Skills, Advanced
English Language Skills, English for Academic Purposes, PROGRESSION/ARTICULATION:
Study Skills, Culture Studies, Foundation Mathematics. A Successful graduates will be eligible for entry onto the
further two modules are chosen from the following four NCC Education Level 4 Diploma in Business or Business IT
electives: Introduction to Computing, Introduction to programmes.
Programming, Introduction to Business, Introduction to
Accounting and Economics.
NCC Education Level 3 Diploma in
Students must pass all eight modules to be awarded the
qualification. Computing (QCF)
Assessed by assignment and examination. L3DS
Qualifications currently offered
NCC Education Level 4 Diploma in Alternatively students can apply to one of the universities
which accept NCC Education graduates onto the second
Computing (QCF) year of their degree programmes.
NCC Education Level 4 Diploma in
Level 4
Business Information Technology
A one-year, classroom-based academic programme, which QUALIFICATION ABBREVIATION:
equips students with fundamental skills and knowledge L4DBIT
in computing. Upon completion of the programme
students will be competent in the development, testing
and maintenance of software and database systems. The Level 4
programme is aimed at students seeking undergraduate BACKGROUND:
entry onto the NCC Education International Degree A one-year, classroom-based academic programme, which
Journey in computing or those wishing to progress to study provides students with a comprehensive understanding
at universities with which NCC Education has articulation of computing, communication and business skills. Upon
agreements. Alternatively, the programme helps those completion of the programme students will be able to
who are looking to improve their career prospects or gain demonstrate a clear understanding of computing systems.
employment within the IT sector. Students will also gain a solid foundation and breadth of
knowledge in business.
On entry students must have one of the following: The programme is aimed at students seeking
g NCC Education International Foundation Year (IFY) undergraduate entry onto the NCC Education
or Level 3 Diploma in Computer Studies (L3DCS) International Degree Journey in Business IT or those
qualification wishing to progress to study at universities with which NCC
g A local or international qualification deemed to be of Education has articulation agreements. Alternatively, the
a similar level to the IFY or L3DCS programmes. These programme helps those who are looking to improve their
shall be agreed in advance with NCC Education career prospects or gain employment within the IT sector.
g At least one A level pass or 80 points on the UCAS PREREQUISITES
Tariff for relevant qualifications On entry students must have one of the following.
g Mature students need to demonstrate over two years’
relevant work experience and also hold an O level/ g NCC Education International Foundation Year (IFY),
GCSE English and mathematics or equivalent. Level 3 Diploma in Computer Studies (L3DCS) or
Level 3 Diploma in Business (L3DB) qualification
Applicants who are not NCC Education graduates or whose g A local or international qualification deemed to be of
first language is not English need to obtain a valid score of a similar level to the IFY, L3DCS or L3DB programme.
5.5 or above in the International English Language Testing These shall be agreed in advance with NCC Education
System (IELTS) examination or equivalent. g At least one A level pass or 80 points on the UCAS
Tariff for relevant qualifications
g Mature students need to demonstrate over two years’
relevant work experience and also hold an O level/
NUMBER OF UNITS/STRUCTURE: GCSE English and mathematics or equivalent.
The programme consists of a total of eight core modules:
skills for Computing, Computer Networks, Computer Applicants who are not NCC Education graduates, or whose
Systems, Designing and Developing a Website, Databases, first language is not English, will need to obtain a valid
Designing and Developing Object-oriented Computer score of 5.5 or above in the International English Language
Programmes, Software Development Techniques, Office Testing System (IELTS) examination or equivalent
Solutions Development. Students must pass all eight DATE OF FIRST TEACHING:
modules to be awarded the qualification. 2011
Assessed by assignment and examination. The programme consists of a total of eight core modules:
EXAMINATION TIMING: Skills for Computing, Computer Networks, Computer
March, June, September, December Systems, Designing and Developing a Website, Databases,
eBusiness, Essentials of Management, Understanding
GRADING SYSTEM: Business Organisations.
Pass, Merit or Distinction
Students must pass all eight modules to be awarded the
Upon successful completion, students can use the
qualification to secure employment in the IT sector, ASSESSMENT METHODS:
or continue their studies on to the Level 5 Diploma in Assessed by assignment and examination.
December, March, June, September
Qualifications currently offered
Qualifications currently offered
Qualifications currently offered
Pass, Merit or Distinction
Pre-Master’s in IT
The qualification allows entry to either NCC Education’s PMIT
final year top-up programme in Business (further entry BACKGROUND:
requirements may apply). This programme is designed to enable students to quickly
bridge the gap between their existing qualifications and a
Students can apply to the final year of a degree
master’s programme. Students will upgrade their English
programme at one of the universities which accept NCC
language ability to a level suitable for master’s entrance,
Education graduates onto the third year of their degree
while also being introduced to studying IT subjects through
the medium of English.
Pre-Master’s in Business If applicants hold a non-honours degree or Chinese Da
Zhuan (or equivalent) in a relevant subject, they can
QUALIFICATION ABBREVIATION: enter the Pre Master’s in IT directly. Applicants who hold
PMB a full honours degree can take a shorter version of the
programme: Master’s Preparation in IT.
This programme is designed to enable students to quickly Students must also have a minimum English language
bridge the gap between their existing qualifications and a level of IELTS 5.0 (or equivalent). Applications holding
master’s programme. Students will upgrade their English higher IELTS scores may also be eligible for exemptions
language ability to a level suitable for master’s entrance, from programme modules, meaning they can complete
while also being introduced to studying business subjects the programme more quickly.
through the medium of English. DATE OF FIRST TEACHING:
If applicants hold a non-honours degree or Chinese Da NUMBER OF UNITS/STRUCTURE:
Zhuan (or equivalent) in a relevant subject, they can enter Pre-Master’s in IT: English Language Level 4, English
the Pre-Master’s in Business directly. Applicants who hold Language Level 5, English for Academic Purposes 1 and
a full honours degree can take a shorter version of the 2, Developing Study Skills for Postgraduate Learning,
programme: Master’s Preparation in Business. Databases, Object-Oriented Modelling, Strategic Business
Students must also have a minimum English language
level of IELTS 5.0 (or equivalent). Applicants holding higher Master’s Preparation in IT: English Language Level 4,
IELTS scores may also be eligible for exemptions from English Language Level 5, English for Academic Purposes
programme modules, meaning they can complete the 1 and 2, Developing Study Skills for Postgraduate Learning
programme more quickly. and one of the three IT modules.
2010 Assessed by assignment and examination.
Pass, Merit or Distinction (Percentage marks available for
Pre-Master’s in Business: English Language Level 4, English each module).
Language Level 5, English for Academic Purposes 1 and 2,
Developing Study Skills for Postgraduate Learning, Finance PROGRESSION/ARTICULATION:
and Accounting, Global Marketing Strategies and Strategic Students can continue their NCC Education Postgraduate
Business Management. Degree Journey with the Level 7 Postgraduate Diploma in
Strategic Business IT.
Master’s Preparation in Business: English Language Level
4, English Language Level 5, English for Academic Purposes Alternatively students can apply to one of the universities
which accept NCC Education Pre- Master’s in Business
1 and 2, Developing Study Skills for Postgraduate Learning
graduates onto their master’s degree programmes.
and one of the three business modules.
Assessed by assignment and examination. NCC Education Level 7 Diploma in
EXAMINATION TIMING: Business Management (QCF)
December, March, June, September
Pass, Merit or Distinction (percentage marks available for
each module).
Level 7
Students can continue their NCC Education Postgraduate The Level 7 Diploma in Business Management is designed
Degree Journey with the Level 7 Diploma in Business to develop a student’s career in management. The
Management. programme covers a wide range of contemporary issues
Alternatively students can apply to one of the universities and develops the critical, analytical and technical skills
needed for senior management positions. The programme
which accept NCC Education Pre- Master’s in Business
will also develop the academic skills required for further
graduates onto their master’s degree programmes.
study at master’s level.
Qualifications currently offered
On entry students must have one of the following: On entry students must have one of the following:
g An honours degree from a UK university (minimum 2:2) g UK bachelor’s degree with honours (or equivalent) in
in any subject, or equivalent award from a non-UK Information Technology, Computer Science, or related
university subject
g Three years’ work experience at a managerial level with g UK bachelor’s degree with honours in a non-IT-related
significant responsibility for resources (staff, financial, subject (or equivalent) and three+ years of work
physical etc or a combination of these). Prospective experience in an IT environment, with significant
students must be able to demonstrate that these technical or managerial responsibility
responsibilities were significant and that they had a g Five+ years of work experience in an IT environment,
high level of autonomy. A decision on entry to the with significant technical or managerial responsibility
programme through a work experience route will be
and the ability to demonstrate suitability for academic
made by NCC Education.
study, by personal or telephone interview with the
All applicants who do not hold a degree-level qualification course co-ordinator at your Accredited Partner Centre.
wholly taught and examined in English must also hold an
All applicants who do not hold a degree-level qualification
IELTS score of at least 6.5 (or equivalent).
wholly taught and examined in English must also hold an
DATE OF FIRST TEACHING: IELTS score of at least 6.5 (or equivalent).
The programme consists of eight core modules as
follows: Information and Knowledge Management,
The programme consists of four core modules as follows:
International Marketing Strategy, Management, Control
Research in Information Technology, Enterprise Software
and Accountability for Financial Resources, Managing
and Business Infrastructure, Strategic Information Systems
People in Organisations, Research Methods, Study Skills
Analysis and Project Management. Students must pass all
for Postgraduate Learning, Strategic Management and
four modules to be awarded the qualification.
Strategic Operations Management. Students must pass all
modules to be awarded the qualification. ASSESSMENT METHODS:
Assessed by assignment and examination.
Assessed by assignment and examination. EXAMINATION TIMING:
December, March, June, September
December, June GRADING SYSTEM:
Pass, Merit or Distinction
Pass, Merit or Distinction PROGRESSION/ARTICULATION:
NCC Education also works in conjunction with a number of
UK universities, to deliver MSc programmes for PgDSBIT
NCC Education also works in conjunction with a number of
UK universities, to deliver MBA and MSc programmes for
PgDBM graduates.
NCC Education Level 7 Diploma in NCFE designs, develops and certificates diverse nationally
Strategic Business IT (QCF) recognised qualifications which have benefitted over one
million learners across the UK in the past 10 years.
L7PgDSBIT NCFE offers a wide portfolio of qualifications including
Apprenticeships, qualifications which support Study
QCF LEVEL: Programmes and Traineeships, fundable qualifications for
Level 7 adult learners, high quality distance learning models and
BACKGROUND: VCerts for schools.
The Level 7 Postgraduate Diploma in Strategic Business
NCFE offers qualifications from Entry Level to Levels 1-5 in
IT is designed for IT and computing graduates or
the following sector areas:
practitioners who with to further develop their career. The
programme covers a wide range of contemporary issues g Arts, media and publishing
and develops the critical, analytical and technical skills g Business, administration and law
needed for senior positions in the IT industry. The course g Education and training
also develops the academic skills required for further study g Engineering and manufacturing technologies
at master’s level. g Information and communication technology
g Health, public services and care
g Leisure, travel and tourism
g Preparation for life and work
g Retail and commercial enterprise.
Qualifications currently offered
Qualifications currently offered
Qualifications currently offered
Qualifications currently offered
Qualifications currently offered
Level 3 NCFE Level 3 Award in Supporting
BACKGROUND: Teaching and Learning in Schools
This qualification is for those members of the school
workforce who directly support teaching and learning QCF LEVEL:
of pupils in schools in an area that requires specialist Level 3
knowledge and skills. This is a competence-based BACKGROUND:
qualification so there is a requirement for assessment in a This is a knowledge-based qualification; it can be taken
real work environment. by candidates not yet employed in a school, as well as
DATE OF FIRST TEACHING: providing initial training/induction for those new in post.
Qualifications currently offered
Practices of Assessment
NCFE Level 3 Diploma in
Level 3 Counselling Skills
This qualification is intended for those who wish to Level 3
gain an understanding of the principles and practices
of assessment without any requirement to practise as
This qualification provides learners with a more in-depth
knowledge of the use of counselling skills in everyday life
DATE OF FIRST TEACHING: and work, and the approaches that underpin the use of
2010 these skills.
Learners are required to successfully complete one 2011
mandatory unit.
ASSESSMENT METHOD AND QUALITY ASSURANCE: Learners are required to successfully complete five
Internally assessed and externally moderated portfolio. mandatory units.
Pass mark for portfolio is 100%. Portfolio norm referenced.
Qualification is not graded.
Qualifications currently offered
Qualifications currently offered
Qualifications currently offered
Qualifications currently offered
Qualifications currently offered
Qualifications currently offered
Qualifications currently offered
Qualifications currently offered
Qualifications currently offered
The OCR Level 3 National Certificate is a six-unit g achieve a minimum Pass grade for all four mandatory
qualification offering learners the opportunity to gain core units
skills and knowledge relevant to a particular sector. OCR g complete 14 optional units and achieve at least 12 of
Level 3 National Certificates are typically delivered over a these. A maximum of six non-specialist units may be
one-year programme of study. chosen
g achieve a minimum of 18 points for all units
The OCR Level 3 National Diploma is a 12-unit qualification completed (see Compensation).
offering learners the opportunity to specialise, if they wish, in
specific areas through the choice of optional pathway units. The structure of the OCR Level 3 National Extended
OCR Level 3 National Diplomas may be delivered over a one- Diploma has been designed to provide breadth of
or two-year programme. knowledge, understanding and skills across a sector. This
ensures that successful candidates will have achieved a
The OCR Level 3 National Extended Diploma is an suitable mix of units across optional units to adequately
18-unit qualification designed to promote breadth and prepare them for employment or further study within
add enrichment to the learning experience. It demands the sector. Due to the broad areas of knowledge and
breadth of knowledge and skills ensuring learners have a skills required to achieve this qualification, no specialist
comprehensive understanding of the sector. OCR Level 3 endorsement is applicable.
National Extended Diplomas are typically delivered over a
two-year programme of study. Compensation
Candidates must complete the required number of units.
OCR Nationals are suitable for 16-19-year-olds or more
However, compensation is available for candidates who
mature learners considering a career change or return
might fail one or two optional units but achieve Distinction
to work, or those wishing to find a vocational route into
or Merit grades for some other units.
further study.
Each unit is based on approximately 60 guided learning
Business, Health, Social Care and Early Years and Sport hours.
from 2003. Art and Design, Media, Public Services and ASSESSMENT METHOD:
Travel and Tourism from 2004. ICT from 2008 All units are internally assessed and externally moderated
by OCR. Internal assessment involves candidates producing
OCR level 3 National Certificate (six units) (360 guided a portfolio of evidence showing that they can meet all the
assessment objectives.
learning hours).
Portfolios of work must be produced independently. They
To be awarded the OCR Level 3 National Certificate,
will need to be made available, together with witness
candidates must achieve a minimum Pass grade for:
statements and any other supporting documentation, to
g Four mandatory units the OCR visiting moderator when required. Centres are
g Two optional units. able to enter candidates’ work for external moderation at
any time during the year.
The OCR Level 3 National Certificate contains a career
planning unit and a work experience unit. Only one of these DATE OF RESULT PUBLICATION:
units may count towards achievement of the full certificate. Certification is on demand.
Qualifications currently offered
Qualifications currently offered
Qualifications currently offered
OCR Certificate/Diploma for An endorsement will appear on the full award certificate as
follows: OCR Level 3 Certificate for IT Professionals
IT Professionals (ICT Systems Support).
NQF LEVEL: Diploma
Level 3 To achieve the OCR Level 3 Diploma for IT Professionals,
BACKGROUND: candidates must achieve eight units: mandatory Unit
The OCR Level 3 Certificate/Diploma for IT Professionals 1 and Unit 3, Unit 29 and five optional units from the
has been designed to provide accreditation for the full remaining units.
breadth of essential knowledge, understanding and
skills that would be needed by a competent employee A specialist endorsement of Software Development is
engaged in the process of supporting ICT systems or available to candidates taking this qualification if they
software development. It is a VRQ designed to develop achieve mandatory Unit 1 and Unit 29 and any six of the
knowledge, understanding and skills in the full range optional units from the Software Development specialist
of functions involved in system support and software pathway, Units 30 to 45.
creation including service delivery, planning and control,
An endorsement will appear on the full award certificate
the installation of networks and operating systems, the
installation and maintenance of applications, the testing as follows: OCR Level 3 Diploma for IT Professionals
of systems, design of software and testing of software (Software Development).
and the production of customer support materials. The A specialist endorsement of ICT Systems Support is
qualification provides opportunities for learners to follow a available to candidates taking this qualification if they
generic pathway or to study towards system and network
achieve mandatory Unit 1, and Unit 3, Unit 8 and any
management along the ICT Systems Support endorsed
five of the optional units from the ICT Systems Support
pathway or for learners to specialise in one or more specific
specialist pathway, units 2 to 28.
programming languages along the Software Development
endorsed pathway. All pathways provide the opportunity An endorsement will appear on the full award certificate
for learners to take units that are vendor specific. as follows: OCR Level 3 Diploma for IT Professionals
However, each unit represents a worthwhile achievement
PREREQUISITES: in its own right and certification is also available at unit
There are no formal entry requirements for this qualification. level. Candidates have the option of achieving either
It is aimed at those who already possess basic knowledge the full qualification or one or more individual units,
and understanding of ICT systems or software and who depending upon their own learning needs or employment
wish to extend their knowledge and skills. It is suitable for situation.
those who are already employed in professional roles in
the IT industry and who wish to develop further knowledge There is no requirement for candidates to work towards the
and skills to support and/or extend their work activities. units in any particular order and tutors/trainers may tailor
The qualification will also meet the needs of those who are learning programmes to meet individual needs. Individual
studying in preparation for roles that will involve system units may be achieved and certificated separately. Centres
support or software development activities. may incorporate individual units into a range of different
NUMBER OF UNITS/STRUCTURE: learning programmes as appropriate to the needs of their
The qualification contains 45 units. candidates and their programmes of study.
The combination of Unit 34: Creating software Thirty units are offered in partnership with vendors,
components – Fundamentals of Java and Unit 44: including Microsoft, Cisco and CompTIA.
Introduction to Java, is not allowed. ASSESSMENT METHOD:
Certificate Combination of internally assessed and externally
To achieve the OCR level 3 Certificate for IT Professionals moderated assessments, externally set and assessed
the candidate must achieve a total of six units: mandatory assignment and electronic tests set by vendors.
Unit 1 and Unit 3, Unit 29 and three optional units from GRADING:
the remaining units. The OCR Level 3 Certificate and Diploma for IT
A specialist endorsement of Software Development is Professionals have been allocated the following UCAS
available to candidates taking this qualification if they Tariff points:
achieve mandatory Unit 1 and Unit 29 and any four of the
OCR Level 3 Certificate for IT Professionals
optional units from the Software Development specialist
Grade UCAS Tariff points
pathway, Units 30 to 45. Pass 80
An endorsement will appear on the full award certificate
as follows: OCR Level 3 Certificate for IT Professionals OCR Level 3 Diploma for IT Professionals
Grade UCAS Tariff points
(Software Development).
Pass 100
A specialist endorsement of ICT Systems Support is
available to candidates taking this qualification if they For more information about the UCAS Tariff, please see
achieve mandatory.Unit 1, and Unit 3, Unit 8 and any Appendix B.
three of the optional units from the ICT Systems Support
specialist pathway, Units 2 to 28.
Qualifications currently offered
higher education
conditions using electronic tests produced by either
progress into employment, e.g. into engineering at
Microsoft, Cisco and CompTIA.
technician level.
Level 4 NVQ for IT Professionals.
OCR Preparing to Teach in the
OCR Level 3 Certificate in Lifelong Learning Sector (PTLLS)
Mathematics for Engineering Award
Levels 3 and 4
Level 3
The OCR levels 3 and 4 Preparing to Teach in the Lifelong
The OCR Level 3 Certificate in Mathematics for Learning Sector (PTLLS) awards have been developed in
Engineering is suitable for learners wishing to gain a Level collaboration with the Learning and Skills Improvement
3 qualification to support further study in FE and HE in the Service (LSIS) and provide a basic minimum standard for
engineering sector, or for learners who wish to gain a Level all those entering the teaching profession. It prepares
3 qualification to support further study in FE and HE in any learners for teaching in a wide range of contexts.
other sector or subject area.
The awards are available at two levels to reflect different
The target group is likely to include individuals who are entry levels of future teachers, tutors and trainers.
studying for employment in the engineering sector at Learners have to achieve a total of 12 credits for the full
technician level. qualification and assessment will involve observation of
DATE OF FIRST TEACHING: practice or micro teaching sessions.
The awards are appropriate for those who wish to start
PREREQUISITES: a career in teaching or training and help the learner to
It is advisable that anyone embarking upon this course understand their own role, responsibilities and boundaries in
should previously have studied GCSE Mathematics at relation to teaching and understand appropriate teaching
higher tier or equivalent and/or be fully familiar with such and learning approaches in their specialist area. In addition,
mathematical content. learners will be able to demonstrate session planning skills,
NUMBER OF UNITS/STRUCTURE: understand how to deliver inclusive sessions which motivate
Candidates must complete the two components of the learners and understand the use of different assessment
single unit in the same examination series. methods and the need for record keeping.
Qualifications currently offered
In addition to offering thorough coverage of the Key g qualification specifications which define requirements
Stage 4 Programme of Study for Science, learners have the and provide additional guidance
opportunity to explore specialist areas such as the science g centre approval process that ensures centres meet
of construction, science in sport, and food science. specified quality criteria
g external moderation of internally assessed units to
The units are practically based and can be certificated ensure national standards are maintained
individually or combined to gain a full qualification; g training events for centres
thus individual units can be offered alongside other g moderator training, standardisation and monitoring/
programmes of learning and learners have the option of feedback.
achieving as many or as few units as are appropriate for
their needs.
Progression options available to candidates who have
Both the Award and the Certificate contribute to the gained these qualifications are:
Level 2 National Performance Threshold (40% and 80% g enter employment at an operative/practitioner/
respectively) and are alternatives to GCSE Science for trainee level and undertake further job related training
inclusion in school performance tables. e.g. an Apprenticeship or occupational qualification
DATE OF FIRST TEACHING: appropriate to their job role
September 2008 g undertake additional Level 2 and/or Level 3
qualifications part-time or full-time in further education.
OCR level 2 National Award (3 units)
(180 Guided Learning Hours) OCR Level 5 Certificate in Teaching
To be awarded the OCR Level 2 National Award,
candidates must achieve a minimum Pass grade for: Learners with Specific Learning
g two mandatory units
g one optional unit. QCF LEVEL:
Level 5.
Each unit is of equal size and is based on approximately
60 guided learning hours. BACKGROUND:
The OCR Level 5 Certificate in Teaching Learners
OCR level 2 National Certificate (6 units)
with Dyslexia/Specific Learning Difficulties has been
(360 Guided Learning Hours)
developed to recognise candidates’ skills, knowledge and
To be awarded the OCR level 2 National Certificate,
understanding of the Special Educational Needs sector
candidates must achieve a minimum Pass grade for:
and their ability to deliver effective teaching sessions
g four mandatory units to learners with specific learning difficulties (dyslexia)
g two optional units. affecting literacy and numeracy.
The OCR level 2 National Certificate contains a career Whilst recognising that learners with dyslexia may
planning unit and a work experience unit. Only one of experience a variety of difficulties in addition to the
these units may count towards achievement of the full acquisition of fluent, age-appropriate word-level skills,
certificate. educators working with this group should know how to
address intransigent difficulties with learning to read and
Each unit is of equal size and is based on approximately spell single words as well as problems arising at later stages
60 Guided Learning Hours. of literacy development and with other aspects of learning.
ASSESSMENT METHOD: This qualification is designed primarily to provide a route
All units are internally assessed and externally moderated for continued professional development for teachers
by OCR. Internal assessment involves candidates producing working with learners with specific learning difficulties in
a portfolio of evidence showing that they can meet literacy and numeracy acquisition. These difficulties may
all the assessment objectives. Portfolios of work must also affect communication
be produced independently. They are made available, and interaction.
together with witness statements and any other supporting
The qualification would be appropriate for teachers
documentation, to the OCR visiting moderator when
and other professionals working within one phase of
required. Centres are able to enter candidates’ work for
educational provision – primary, secondary or adult
external moderation at any time during the year.
(post-16) – who support learners experiencing significant
DATE OF RESULT PUBLICATION: difficulties with the acquisition and development of literacy
Certification is on demand. and (basic) numeracy skills.
The units that make up these qualifications are graded 2011
Pass, Merit or Distinction and, depending on a candidate’s
achievements at unit level, an overall grade of Pass, Merit This qualification is designed primarily for qualified and
or Distinction is allocated to each full qualification. practising teachers and other professionals who hold
recognised professional qualifications. Although OCR
promotes open access to all qualifications, in practice,
Qualifications currently offered
candidates who do not have a professional background new teachers who are involved in teaching in the Lifelong
in providing learning support may find it difficult to access Learning Sector.
opportunities to generate the full range of evidence
required to achieve the full qualification. Candidates Learners have to achieve a total of 36 credits for the full
should possess an appropriate level of learning support qualification. They must demonstrate at least 30 hours
experience and should have unrestricted access to of practice and assessment will involve observation of
appropriate teaching and assessment practice. practice. There must be a minimum of three observations
totalling a minimum of three hours.
It is anticipated that candidates will have a high level of
skill and be working at or above the equivalent of Level 3 DATE OF FIRST TEACHING:
in the following Key Skill areas: Application of number, September 2012
Communication, Improving own learning, IT, Problem PREREQUISITES:
solving and Working with others. There are no formal entry requirements for this qualification.
NUMBER OF UNITS/STRUCTURE: However, learners will need to have followed programmes
Unit 1: Understanding special educational needs policy of study at level 3 (or above) and have relevant and
and context in relation to dyslexia/specific learning appropriate experience or qualifications in the subject/
difficulties; Unit 2: Assessing the needs of individuals with vocational area that they are teaching.
dyslexia/specific learning difficulties; Unit 3: Planning
and teaching learning programmes for individuals with
dyslexia/specific learning difficulties; Unit 4: Evaluation PEARSON (BTEC)
of teaching and learning programmes for individuals
with dyslexia/specific learning difficulties. Learners must BTEC qualifications were certificated by BTEC (Business and
complete all units to achieve the full qualification. Technician Education Council) from 1984, then by Edexcel
from 1996. Since 2003 Edexcel has been part of Pearson.
All units are locally assessed, internally verified by the Prior to 2002 BTEC qualifications were on BTEC’s own
centre and externally verified by OCR. framework. The subsequent frameworks were set up and
controlled by the regulator. Originally the regulator was
NCVQ (the National Council for Vocational Qualifications),
Assessment of all units, which reflect the practices of NVQ
then it was QCA (the Qualifications and Curriculum
assessment, is centre-based. The assessment decisions are
Authority), and currently it is Ofqual (the Office of
externally verified by OCR.
Qualifications and Examinations Regulation).
Candidates must demonstrate that they have achieved
The first framework to be set up by the regulator was the
all of the performance criteria and knowledge and
NQF. An additional framework, the QCF was introduced
understanding requirements of the units in the way
specified in the evidence requirements. Portfolios in 2009, primarily for vocational qualifications. Pearson
presented for assessment must include all of the evidence re-developed some BTECs so that they were QCF-compliant
specified by OCR. for delivery from 2010. New sizes of qualification within
the suites were introduced to increase flexibility. These
PROGRESSION/ARTICULATION: developments enabled BTECs to be used as components
OCR Level 7 Certificate and/or Diploma in Assessing within Diplomas, Apprenticeships and Foundation Learning
and Teaching Learners with Dyslexia/Specific Learning provision and therefore to continue to be eligible for public
Difficulties, OCR Level 4 Certificates in Teaching in the funding. The broader range of sizes of BTECs at Level 3
Lifelong Learning Sector. facilitates them being taken by students alongside AS and A
OCR Certificate in Teaching in the The timetable for the revision of the accreditation of
the various suites of BTEC qualifications on the relevant
Lifelong Learning Sector frameworks is as follows:
Levels 3 and 4
2002 NQF (version 1)
BACKGROUND: 2006 NQF (version 2)
The OCR Levels 3 and 4 Certificates in Teaching in 2010 QCF
the Lifelong Learning Sector have been developed in 2012 NQF (BTEC Firsts Next Generation)
collaboration with the Learning and Skills Improvement
Service (LSIS) and are aimed at those in an associate
teacher role. 2002 NQF (version 1)
2007 NQF (version 2)
An associate teacher is someone who will teach 2010 QCF
predominantly from packs or pre-prepared materials, and
therefore has fewer responsibilities in the design of a
curriculum and materials generally when compared with a 2003 NQF
full teacher role. They might teach or tutor on a one-to-one 2010 QCF
basis and will normally be delivering on a programme BTEC SPECIALIST AND PROFESSIONAL QUALIFICATIONS
confined to a particular level, subject or type of learner. They (PREVIOUSLY BTEC SHORT COURSE QUALIFICATIONS)
might also be a teacher who only delivers short courses. 2002 NQF (version 1)
The OCR Levels 3 and 4 Certificates in Teaching in the 2006-7 NQF (version 2)
Lifelong Learning Sector are part of the initial teaching 2007 QCF and NQF
qualifications which have been developed for existing and 2009 QCF
Qualifications currently offered
The following table summarises the qualifications, past and present, accredited to the various frameworks at all levels.
Level 4 C (Certificate)
BTEC Level 4 HNC Diplomas (QCF)
BTEC HNCs (NQF and Customised)
BTEC Level 4 Professional Diplomas, Certificates
and Awards (QCF)
BTEC Professional Diplomas, Certificates and
Awards (NQF and Customised)
BTEC Professional Development Certificates
Qualifications currently offered
The QCF has strict rules on titling and so the names of each size of qualification had to be changed when they were
accredited to the new framework. The following table matches the old with the new titles for the level 3 BTEC Nationals:
Pearson Level 3 BTEC National Award Pearson BTEC Level 3 Subsidiary Diploma 1 x A level
Pearson Level 3 BTEC National Certificate Pearson BTEC Level 3 Diploma 2 x A levels
Pearson Level 3 BTEC National Diploma Pearson BTEC Level 3 Extended Diploma 3 x A levels
One title, namely the BTEC Nationals in Children’s Play, Learning and Development, was accredited to the NQF for first
teaching in 2012 and first awards in 2014, including the two additional sizes equivalent to 0.5 and 1.5 A levels. This means
that two sets of titling convention are currently in use.
The following table matches the old with the new titles for the Level 2 BTEC Firsts:
AWARDS 2013)
New BTEC First qualifications were introduced in 2012 to meet new DfE requirements. There are four sizes of these
qualifications equivalent in size to 1, 2 3 and 4 GCSEs.
It should be noted the QCF titling regulations do not allow the inclusion of the words ‘First’ or ‘National’ in the actual titles of
the qualifications but the suites are still referred to as BTEC Firsts and BTEC Nationals.
The Edexcel website (www.edexcel.com) and the Register of Regulated Qualifications (http://register.ofqual.gov.uk) give full
details of BTEC qualifications.
Qualifications currently offered
Qualifications currently offered
Qualifications currently offered
HEPs often specify the number of H2 units and/or the Mature learners may present a more varied profile of
number of Merit or Distinction unit grades (sometimes achievement that is likely to include extensive work
specifying these) when framing their offers for degree experience (paid and/or unpaid) and/or achievement of a
programmes etc. range of professional qualifications in their work sector.
Independent assessment via external examiners. HNDs consist of 16 units, all of which have to be achieved
at Pass or above.
Into Level 5 or 6 qualifications, such as degrees and/or H1 and H2 are notional level indicators, which show the
professional body qualifications, often allowing exemption relative intellectual demand, complexity, depth of study
from the first year and/or second year of a degree or a and learner autonomy. In all versions of HNDs and HNCs
specified part of a professional qualification. at least 50% of the units must be at H2 level. H2 level
places the emphasis, for example, on the application and
evaluation of contrasting ideas, principles, theories and
Pearson BTEC Level 5 Higher practices, greater specialisation in the field of study, and
an increasing independence in systematic enquiry and
National Diploma (NQF) analysis. H2 units are, generally speaking, studied in the
QUALIFICATION ABBREVIATION: final year, building on prior knowledge or H1 units.
NQF LEVEL: Assessment instruments are constructed by centres.
Level 5 Assessment instruments should collectively ensure
coverage of all assessment criteria within each unit and
BACKGROUND: should provide opportunities for the evidencing of all the
BTEC HNDs are currently designed to equip students grade descriptors. It is advised that assessment criteria and
with the knowledge, understanding and skills required contextualised grade descriptors are clearly indicated on
for success in current and future employment or for each assessment instrument to provide a focus for learners
progression to an undergraduate degree, NVQs and/or (for transparency and to ensure that feedback is specific
professional body qualifications. These vocationally-related to the criteria) and to assist with internal standardisation
qualifications will enable students to meet changing processes. Tasks/activities should enable learners to
circumstances, whether these arise from a shift in their produce evidence that relates directly to the assessment
own sphere of employment, promotion to supervisory or criteria and grade descriptors.
management roles or from general changes in business/
professional practices, technological advances or the work All units are internally assessed.
environment. The BTEC HND provides a wider breadth of GRADING SYSTEM:
study than the BTEC HNC. Each unit is graded Pass, Merit or Distinction using grading
Many major professional bodies recognise Pearson’s descriptors provided for the Higher Nationals. All NQF
BTEC qualifications for exemption from professional BTEC Higher National qualifications are graded pass or fail.
examinations and/or entry to full corporate membership. HEPs often specify the number of H2 units and/or the
In some professions, the Pearson BTEC qualification is number of Merit or Distinction unit grades (sometimes
the main route to professional qualifications. Because specifying these) when framing their offers for degree
employers and professional bodies are heavily involved programmes etc.
in the design of Pearson’s BTEC qualifications, they are
recognised in industry and commerce. Some programmes QUALITY ASSURANCE:
have been approved to run in-company at training centres Independent assessment via external examiners.
to meet particular company needs. PROGRESSION/ARTICULATION:
DATE OF FIRST TEACHING: Into Level 5 or 6 qualifications, such as degrees and/or
The BTEC NQF HNDs were first introduced in 2003 professional body qualifications, often allowing exemption
from the first year and/or second year of a degree or a
DATE OF FIRST AWARD: specified part of a professional qualification.
Learners should have a profile of qualifications and/or Pearson BTEC Level 2 Certificate
experience that shows an ability to progress to a level (QCF)
5 qualification. For learners who have recently been in
education, the entry profile is likely to include one of the QCF LEVEL:
following: Level 2
g a BTEC National Certificate or Diploma BACKGROUND:
g an AVCE/Advanced GNVQ in an appropriate vocational The new Pearson BTEC Level 2 Certificates are designed to
area provide specialist work-related qualifications in a range of
g a GCE Advanced level profile that demonstrates strong sectors. They give learners the knowledge, understanding
performance in a relevant subject or an adequate and skills that they need to prepare for employment
performance in more than one GCE subject. This profile or for education progression. They also provide career
is likely to be supported by GCSE grades at A* – C development opportunities for those already in work.
g other related level 3 qualifications DATE OF FIRST TEACHING:
g an Access to Higher Education Certificate awarded by 2010
an approved further education institution
g related work experience.
Qualifications currently offered
Qualifications currently offered
Qualifications currently offered
Each qualification will have an overall grade awarded at Verification is undertaken using a range of methods,
Pass, Merit, or Distinction and carry UCAS Tariff points for including visits and remote sampling. Sampling of
entry to higher education as shown below. students’ work is undertaken for all programmes.
Grade UCAS Tariff points Apprenticeships, employment, further learning.
Group A Group B Group C
Distinction 20 30 40
Merit 13 20 26 Pearson BTEC Level 3 Certificate
Pass 7 10 13
Grade UCAS Tariff points QCF LEVEL:
Group A Group B Group C Group D Level 3
Distinction 40 60 80 100
Merit 26 40 52 65
Pass 13 20 26 35 The Pearson BTEC Level 3 Certificates are designed to
provide highly specialist work-related qualifications in
EXTENDED CERTIFICATE a range of vocational sectors. They give learners the
Grade UCAS Tariff points knowledge, understanding and skills that they need
Distinction 60 to prepare for employment. They also provide career
Merit 40 development opportunities for those already in work,
Pass 20
and through articulation to higher education, degree and
DIPLOMA professional development programmes provide progression
Grade UCAS Tariff points opportunities within the same cognate or related areas of
Group A Group B Group C study within universities and other institutions.
Distinction 80 100 120
Merit 52 65 80
Pass 26 35 40
For details of the subjects covered by each group please 2011
visit www.ucas.com/how-it-all-works/explore-your-options/
Specified mandatory units and a choice of optional units
For more information about the UCAS Tariff, please see to total 30 credits.
QUALITY ASSURANCE: All units are internally assessed and externally verified.
External verification and National Standards quality
The assessment is criterion-referenced, based on the
assurance is undertaken as follows:
achievement of specified outcomes.
g Guidance and unit specification
To promote consistency, the awarding body issues GRADING SYSTEM:
standards for programme/unit outcome, content, Each unit is assessed and graded at Distinction, Merit or
assessment and guidance on teaching and learning Pass. The qualification will have an overall grade awarded
methods, programme design and assessment. at Distinction*, Distinction, Merit or Pass, as below.
The Pearson BTEC Level 3 Certificate has been allocated
Qualifications currently offered
g External verification The Pearson BTEC Level 3 Subsidiary Diploma has been
The awarding body appoints an external verifier to allocated UCAS Tariff points as follows:
every sector programme which it approves. These are
Grade UCAS Tariff points
experienced practitioners, normally with occupational
D* 140
competence, from education and industry who are
D 120
carefully selected and suitably qualified. They have a M 80
responsibility for ensuring that: P 40
g centres assess student performance using
strategies that are valid and reliable For more information about the UCAS Tariff, please see
g national standards of the qualifications are Appendix B.
g the consistency of the qualifications nationally is QUALITY ASSURANCE:
monitored using national comparisons. External verification and National Standards quality
assurance is undertaken as follows:
Before any awards are issued, an external verifier must
Guidance and unit specification
confirm that national standards are being applied
Qualifications currently offered
Qualifications currently offered
The Pearson BTEC Level 3 Diploma has been allocated career development opportunities for those already in work,
UCAS Tariff points as follows: and through articulation to higher education, degree and
professional development programmes provide progression
Grade UCAS Tariff points opportunities within the same cognate or related areas of
D*D* 280
study within universities and other institutions.
D*D 260
DM 200 2010
MM 160
PP 80 2011
For more information about the UCAS Tariff, please see Specified mandatory units and a choice of optional units
Appendix B. to total 180 credits.
External verification and National Standards quality All units are internally assessed and externally verified.
assurance is undertaken as follows:
g Guidance and unit specification The assessment is criterion-referenced, based on the
To promote consistency, the awarding body issues achievement of specified outcomes.
standards for programme/unit outcome, content,
assessment and guidance on teaching and learning
methods, programme design and assessment. Each unit is assessed and graded at Distinction, Merit or
g Approval Pass. The qualification will have one of ten overall grades
Any centre (college, university, school or company) awarded, as below.
wishing to offer the qualification has to gain approval The Pearson BTEC Level 3 Extended Diploma has been
for that qualification by demonstrating that specified allocated UCAS Tariff points as follows:
resources and quality criteria are met, both for the
centre and the qualification. Grade UCAS Tariff points
g External verification D*D*D* 420
The awarding body appoints an external verifier to D*D*D 400
every sector programme which it approves. These are D*DD 380
experienced practitioners, normally with occupational DDD 360
competence, from education and industry who are DDM 320
carefully selected and suitably qualified. They have a DMM 280
responsibility for ensuring that: MMM 240
centres assess student performance using
g MMP 200
strategies that are valid and reliable MPP 160
national standards of the qualifications are
PPP 120
the consistency of the qualifications nationally is
For more information about the UCAS Tariff, please see
monitored using national comparisons. Appendix B.
Before any awards are issued, an external verifier must QUALITY ASSURANCE:
confirm that national standards are being applied External verification and National Standards quality
consistently and certification is valid. assurance is undertaken as follows:
g Guidance and unit specification
Verification is undertaken using a range of methods, To promote consistency, the awarding body issues
including visits and remote sampling. Sampling of standards for programme/unit outcome, content,
students’ work is undertaken for all programmes. assessment and guidance on teaching and learning
PROGRESSION/ARTICULATION: methods, programme design and assessment.
The qualifications have been developed to provide g Approval
learners with a preparation for employment, to provide Any centre (college, university, school or company)
career development opportunities for those already in wishing to offer the qualification has to gain approval
work and to enable progression and continuation of for that qualification by demonstrating that specified
study in the vocational area (to any associated Level 4 resources and quality criteria are met, both for the
or 5 vocationally-related qualification, including degrees, centre and the qualification.
or to a Level 3 or 4 vocationally-related qualification or
g External verification
occupational competence qualification such as an NVQ). The awarding body appoints an external verifier to
every sector programme which it approves. These are
experienced practitioners, normally with occupational
Pearson BTEC Level 3 Extended competence, from education and industry who are
carefully selected and suitably qualified. They have a
Diploma (QCF) responsibility for ensuring that:
centres assess student performance using
BACKGROUND: maintained
These QCF BTEC Level 3 Extended Diplomas replace the the consistency of the qualifications nationally is
Level 3 BTEC National Diplomas which were accredited monitored using national comparisons.
on the NQF. They are designed to provide highly specialist Before any awards are issued, an external verifier must
work-related qualifications in a range of vocational sectors. confirm that national standards are being applied
They give learners the knowledge, understanding and skills consistently and certification is valid.
that they need to prepare for employment. They also provide
Qualifications currently offered
DATE OF FIRST AWARD: g the consistency of the qualifications nationally is
2014 (revised version for EYE 2016) monitored using national comparisons.
BTEC Level 3 National 180 1 x mandatory 120 GLH 1 mandatory (60 GLH)
Subsidiary Award
BTEC Level 3 National Award 360 1 x mandatory 120 GLH 4 mandatory units (2 x 60 GLH,
2 x 30 GLH) plus 1 optional unit
(60 GLH)
BTEC Level 3 National 540 1 x mandatory 120 GLH 5 mandatory units (3 x 60 GLH, 50 hours
Subsidiary Certificate 2 x 30 GLH) plus 3 optional units
(60 GLH)
BTEC Level 3 National 720 1 x mandatory 120 GLH 11 mandatory units (9 x 60 GLH, 750 hours
Certificate 2 x 30 GLH)
BTEC Level 3 National 1080 1 x mandatory 120 GLH 12 mandatory units plus 750 hours
Diploma optional units to the value of
300 GLH
Qualifications currently offered
Qualifications currently offered
Pearson BTEC Professional courses Before any awards are issued, standards verification
must confirm that national standards are being applied
Levels 4-7 (QCF) consistently and certification is valid.
QCF LEVEL: Verification is undertaken using a range of methods,
Levels 4-7 including visits and remote sampling. Sampling of
BACKGROUND: students’ work is undertaken for all programmes.
The BTEC Professional course framework is flexible, PROGRESSION/ARTICULATION:
supporting and enabling a range of different progression The qualifications have been developed to provide
purposes. The framework was designed to: learners with a preparation for employment, to provide
g support lifelong learning and achievement career development opportunities for those already in
g provide access to qualification pathways work and to enable progression and continuation of
g provide the means of approving programmes that study in the vocational area (to any associated Level 4
assess knowledge, understanding and skills development or 5 vocationally-related qualification, including degrees,
or to a Level 3 or 4 vocationally-related qualification or
occupational competence qualification such as an NVQ).
Qualifications currently offered
Qualifications currently offered
Qualifications currently offered
Qualifications currently offered
Qualifications currently offered
Successful learners may go on to achieve the LCCI Level 4 The course is undertaken in Year 10 and Year 11 by all
Diploma in Accounting and Finance. Sevenoaks students.
The Sevenoaks School Certificate in English Literature
Pearson LCCI Level 3 Award in is taught alongside IGCSE English Language. In the
Introduction to Business Planning Michaelmas term of Year 10, students study a modern
play, engage in creative writing and study world literature
and Strategy short stories, delivering formal oral presentations on
the latter; they also have an introduction to critical
essay writing skills. In the Lent term, the focus is on
Level 3
comparative poetry, and students also undertake unseen
BACKGROUND: poetry analysis. In the summer term, a Shakespeare text
The Level 3 Award in Introduction to Business Strategy and is studied; there is further unseen analysis and creative
Planning introduces and develops candidates’ knowledge writing, and students begin looking at a substantial
and understanding of the key models and frameworks pre-1914 text. In Year 11, pupils complete the pre-1914
used in strategy development and planning, and how text, finalise their written coursework folders, and prepare
these may be applied in given situations. It is suitable for the final examinations, which comprise one closed-text
for people who wish to develop a general understanding paper on a modern novel and a second paper assessing
of strategic planning in order to broaden their career unseen poetry analysis skills.
Qualifications currently offered
Qualifications currently offered
Trinity College London A Pass in Arts Award, Gold Level, is allocated 35 UCAS
Tariff points.
Trinity College is an international exam board, providing
For more information about the UCAS Tariff, please see
recognised qualifications in a range of subjects, including
Appendix B.
English language, communication skills, music and drama.
Trinity has been delivering external exams since 1877 and QUALITY ASSURANCE:
assesses over 600,000 candidates a year and operates in Internal assessments are externally moderated by Trinity.
more than 60 countries around the world. External moderation is conducted by trained Trinity
moderators who are standardised annually.
Exams are internationally recognised as providing robust
evidence of proficiency, and focus on assessing the skills
people need to perform and communicate successfully Trinity College London Graded
in real life. They are recognised by Ofqual and other
education authorities in countries around the world. Examinations in Communication
Skills (Grades 1 to 8)
Trinity College London Awards in QCF LEVEL:
Grades 1–3 = Level 1, Grades 4–5 = Level 2,
the Arts Grades 6–8 = Level 3
Explore = Entry 3, Bronze = Level 1, Silver = Level 2, Trinity Guildhall graded examinations in communication
Gold = Level 3 skills are designed to allow candidates to develop and
BACKGROUND: refine expertise in different registers of communication
The Arts Award recognises and celebrates young people’s through spoken English. These examinations assess a
development through the arts. Its objectives are to: candidate’s ability to engage with analytical and critical
concepts, to persuade, to negotiate, to summarise and to
g encourage young people to enjoy and take part in the communicate information, ideas and opinions in a variety
arts, now and throughout their lives of contexts.
g promote achievement in the arts among young people
g provide opportunities for collaborative work and
leadership that will promote young people’s broader
personal development DATE OF FIRST AWARD:
g encourage young people to work independently, 1918
helping them to prepare for further education and
None, but the syllabus is cumulative and entry assumes
help young people find progression routes in the arts
mastery of the previous grade.
Qualifications currently offered
Qualifications currently offered
Distinction, Pass, Below Pass. Outcome statements and
Trinity College London Graded
criteria describing the various levels of achievement required Examinations in Individual
for each attainment band are included in the syllabuses.
Acting Skills/Acting in Pairs/
Marks are analysed at Trinity’s head office before results
Shakespeare (Individual)/Musical
are confirmed by issue of a Certificate. A significant Theatre (Individual)/Musical
proportion of written examinations are double marked
and some performance examinations are recorded for
Theatre in Pairs/Performance Arts
the purpose of monitoring. Examiners are standardised (Individual)/Performance Arts in
annually and observed regularly by a senior examiner.
Trinity College London Fellowship Grades 1–3 = Level 1, Grades 4–5 = Level 2,
Diplomas in Drama and Speech Grades 6–8 = Level 3
Trinity’s graded examinations in drama are designed to
encourage candidates from all countries and cultures to
QCF LEVEL: engage with as wide a variety of performance activities
Level 7 and materials as possible while developing their skills
within an integrated framework of assessment.
Available in: They offer candidates opportunities to demonstrate
g FTCL Diploma in Performing (Speech and Drama) performance skills appropriate to their individual
FTCL Diploma in Performing (Musical Theatre) interests and aspirations. Graded examinations in drama
g FTCL Diploma in Performing (Performance Arts) are available as individual, pair and group assessments
g FTCL Diploma in Directing (Speech and Drama) (group option is not accredited by Ofqual) in acting,
g FTCL Diploma in Directing (Musical Theatre) Shakespeare, musical theatre, performance arts and
g FTCL Diploma in Directing (Performance Arts) world dramatists.
g FTCL Diploma in Education Studies (Speech and Drama) DATE OF FIRST TEACHING:
g FTCL Diploma in Education Studies (Musical Theatre) 1918
g FTCL Diploma in Education Studies (Performance Arts)
g FTCL Diploma in Education Studies (Communication
Skills) 1918
g FTCL Diploma in Education Studies (Applied Drama). PREREQUISITES:
None, but the syllabus is cumulative and entry assumes
1918 mastery of the previous grade.
Qualifications currently offered
Qualifications currently offered
Trinity College London Certificate They are available in the following subjects:
Detailed information can be obtained from Trinity College FTCL Music Education also requires at least two years’ full
(see Appendix A for contact details). time teaching experience, or four years’ part time.
DATE OF FIRST TEACHING: Dissertation topics for FMusTCL and FTCL Music Education
2014 must be approved prior to entry.
DATE OF FIRST AWARD: Minimum age for FTCL Music Education is 21.
PREREQUISITES: Trinity qualifications are unitised.
NUMBER OF UNITS/STRUCTURE: 100% external assessment conducted by Trinity examiners.
Six units as under the following headings:
g understanding how children and young people learn Examinations are available all year round.
g planning, facilitating and evaluating their learning
Results are confirmed by issue of a certificate.
g reflective practice and professional development
g promoting children and young people’s positive GRADING SYSTEM:
behaviour Approved, Not Approved. Outcome statements and criteria
g equality, diversity and inclusion describing the level of achievement required are included
g safeguarding. in the syllabus.
Internal assessment validated by external Trinity assessors. Marks are analysed at Trinity’s head office before results
EXAMINATION TIMING: are confirmed by issue of a certificate.
Internally assessed by centres through a portfolio of Performance examinations are recorded and all FTCL
evidence, so no exam or single assessment point. performances are listened to in full by a senior examiner.
A proportion of written examinations are double marked.
Results are confirmed by issue of a certificate.
GRADING SYSTEM: Examiners are standardised annually and observed
Pass or Below Pass. regularly by a senior examiner.
Centres must be validated before they can run the CME Trinity College London Graded
and are subject to regular inspections. Assessments made
by centres are sampled by Trinity using a risk based scale –
Examinations in Music
higher risk centres will have more assessments sampled, up Literacy/Theory
to 100% if necessary.
Grades 1–3 = Level 1, Grades 4–5 = Level 2,
Grades 6–8 = Level 3
Trinity College London Fellowship BACKGROUND:
Diploma in Music Graded examinations in theory of music aim to provide
a solid foundation in music literacy: the conventions of
Western music notation, melody, rhythm and harmony.
FTCL/FMusTCL At the higher levels, these qualifications also assess basic
QCF LEVEL: knowledge of musical history, form and instrumental
Level 7 capabilities (e.g. range).
These diplomas demand higher level skills, including public 1877
concert standard performance, planning, development and DATE OF FIRST AWARD:
promotional abilities, and critical reflection. 1877
Qualifications currently offered
Qualifications currently offered
DATE OF RESULT PUBLICATION: and professional skills that an actor needs in order to
Results are confirmed by issue of a certificate. prepare for a varied and high-level performing career.
GRADING SYSTEM: Coursework will include acting in both live and recorded
Distinction, Merit, Pass, Below Pass. Outcome statements media, voice, movement, integrated studies and
and criteria describing the various levels of achievement professional development. Candidates need to audition
required for each attainment band are included in the successfully for a course that has been validated to provide
syllabuses. the Diploma by Trinity College London. Each validated
course has its own unique identity and will provide the
QUALITY ASSURANCE: Diploma within its own curriculum.
Marks entered onto report forms are analysed at Trinity’s
head office before results are confirmed by issue of a The Level 5 Diploma in Professional Acting provides the
certificate. successful candidate with 150 credits at Level 5.
Examiners are standardised annually and are observed DATE OF FIRST TEACHING:
regularly by a senior examiner. A proportion of 1999
examinations is recorded for the purpose of monitoring. PREREQUISITES:
Selection by audition.
Qualifications currently offered
Qualifications currently offered
Qualifications currently offered
Qualifications currently offered
Trinity College London Licentiate g all claimed ESOL teaching experience must have
occurred within the five years prior to the interview for
Diploma in Teaching English to the course.
Speakers of Other Languages g the candidate must have had no more than one year’s
break from ESOL teaching immediately prior to the
LTCL Dip TESOL g a minimum of 75% of claimed teaching experience
must be with classes. 25% may have been with one-
to-one learners. Candidates with recent experience
Level 7
predominantly of one-to-one teaching, not exceeding
BACKGROUND: 25% of total teaching experience claimed, are advised
The LTCL Diploma TESOL is designed to encourage the that the examinations involve the teaching of classes
acquisition and development of professional knowledge and that they must therefore refresh or develop their
and expertise, as well as the refinement of practical full-class teaching skills before attempting the course.
teaching skills. The aims of the Diploma are as follows:
g to enhance teachers’ knowledge of contextual issues This qualification comprises four units.
concerning the teaching of English to speakers of other ASSESSMENT METHOD:
languages Units 1 and 3 are externally assessed by Trinity. Units 2
g to refine and extend their ability to employ a variety of and 4 are internally assessed and externally moderated by
practical skills Trinity.
g to develop their knowledge and skills to a point where
they become effective practitioners in a range of EXAMINATION TIMING:
known and unpredicted TESOL teaching situations Ongoing assessment during course – external assessment
without supervision conducted by Trinity according to each unit.
g to recognise and confirm their achievements in the DATE OF RESULT PUBLICATION:
above areas Varies depending on approach to study.
g to extend their motivation and inform their strategies
for continuing professional development GRADING SYSTEM:
g to contribute to the development internationally of Distinction, Merit, Pass, Below Pass. Outcome statements
TESOL as a mature, qualified and regulated profession and criteria describing the level of achievement required
and act as a benchmark for employers and others with are included in the syllabus.
concern for the quality of TESOL. QUALITY ASSURANCE:
DATE OF FIRST TEACHING: Internal assessments are externally moderated by Trinity.
External assessment is conducted by trained Trinity
DATE OF FIRST AWARD: examiners who are standardised annually.
Candidates for the LTCL Diploma TESOL examinations
Trinity College London Diploma in
Teaching in the Lifelong Learning
Qualifications currently offered
Qualifications currently offered
LCM Examinations caters for candidates of all levels: UWLQ Associate of the London
from introductory ‘Steps’ examinations for beginners,
through eight grades, to professional diplomas. Diplomas College of Music in Teaching
are available for both performers and teachers, and are QUALIFICATION ABBREVIATION:
offered at four levels: Diploma of the London College ALCM (TD)
of Music (DipLCM), Associate of the London College of
Music (ALCM), Licentiate of the London College of Music QCF LEVEL:
(LLCM) and Fellow of the London College of Music (FLCM). Level 5 (music subjects only)
Diploma holders are entitled to append the appropriate BACKGROUND:
letters after their names. Subjects: piano, pipe organ, electronic keyboard, electronic
The grades range from Level 1 to Level 3 of the QCF, and organ, flute, clarinet, oboe, bassoon, recorder, classical
are assessed against strict criteria at three levels: Pass, saxophone, French horn, trumpet, cornet, flugelhorn,
Merit and Distinction. The DipLCM is pitched at HE level trombone, tuba, violin, viola, cello, double bass, classical
1, the ALCM at HE level 2, the LLCM at HE level 3, and the guitar, electric guitar, percussion, singing, Irish traditional
FLCM at HE level M. music, Scottish traditional music, speech and drama, music
LCM’s graded examinations, and diplomas in music
performance and teaching, are accredited by Ofqual.
Music Subjects: depends on option chosen.
Accredited qualifications at Grade 6–8 offered by LCM Drama and communication subjects: Grade 8.
Examinations attract UCAS Tariff points. ASSESSMENT METHOD:
Practical examination and written submission (all external).
Qualifications currently offered
Qualifications currently offered
Subjects: piano, jazz piano, electronic keyboard, electronic
UWLQ Graded Examinations in
organ, flute, clarinet, oboe, bassoon, recorder, classical Speech and Drama
saxophone, jazz flute, jazz clarinet, jazz saxophone, French
horn, trumpet, cornet, flugelhorn, trombone, tuba, jazz QCF LEVEL:
trumpet, jazz trombone, violin, viola, cello, double bass, Grades 1–3 = Level 1
classical guitar, electric guitar, bass guitar, acoustic guitar, Grades 4–5 = Level 2
rock guitar, drum kit, tuned percussion, timpani, singing, Grades 6–8 = Level 3
popular music vocals, Irish traditional music, Scottish ASSESSMENT METHOD:
traditional music, church music. Practical examination (all external)
Practical examination (all external). Examinations are held throughout the year.
Examinations are held throughout the year. Pass (65%), Merit (75%), Distinction (85%)
UWLQ graded examinations in Speech and Drama have
Pass (65%), Merit (75%), Distinction (85%)
been allocated UCAS Tariff points for grades 6–8 as
UWLQ graded examinations in Music Performance have follows:
been allocated UCAS Tariff points for grades 6–8 as follows: Grade UCAS Tariff points
Grade UCAS Tariff points Grade 8 (Distinction) 65
Grade 8 (Distinction) 75 Grade 8 (Merit) 60
Grade 8 (Merit) 70 Grade 8 (Pass) 45
Grade 8 (Pass) 55 Grade 7 (Distinction) 55
Grade 7 (Distinction) 60 Grade 7 (Merit) 50
Grade 7 (Merit) 55 Grade 7 (Pass) 35
Grade 7 (Pass) 40 Grade 6 (Distinction) 40
Grade 6 (Distinction) 45 Grade 6 (Merit) 35
Grade 6 (Merit) 40 Grade 6 (Pass) 20
Grade 6 (Pass) 25
For more information about the UCAS Tariff, please see
For more information about the UCAS Tariff, please see Appendix B.
Appendix B.
Qualifications currently offered
Qualifications currently offered
These qualifications provide opportunities for learners who Development of skills at Level 3 support entry to HE. The
demonstrate these skills at Level 3 to be well placed to units are valuable for providing skills, knowledge and
progress towards HE and a range of sector qualifications, understanding for personal development and more effective
as well as employment. The units are valuable for performance within HE, and within and outside employment.
providing skills, knowledge and understanding for personal
development and more effective performance within HE,
and within and outside employment. ASDAN Certificate of Personal
Effectiveness ASDAN CoPE
For more information about the UCAS Tariff, please see Grade UCAS Tariff points
Appendix B. Pass 70
QUALITY ASSURANCE: For more information about the UCAS Tariff, please see
Assessment against AoPE standards, demonstrated and Appendix B.
evidenced through the completion of a range of activities
within different contexts.
report for a local charity or community organisation. In the The Scheme provides a scheme launch, a university
process they not only draw on their theoretical learning, residential workshop and a celebration and assessment day
but also put into practice a range of skills, including problem (CAD). During the project phase seminars are delivered on
solving, communication, use of information technology project management, problem solving, team work, career
and, where appropriate, teamwork. pathways, presentation and communication skills.
Both schemes provide the opportunity for students to Full and rigorous assessment of the team project is carried
acquire key skills and certification or accreditation through out at the CAD where teams display their projects, present
learning in the community. to a panel of assessors and face in-depth questioning
at their display stands. All members of the team receive
certificates of participation and detailed information
The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award regarding their achievements compared to regional and
BACKGROUND: national averages.
The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award is a programme of
personal development for all young people between the
ages of 14 and 24. Undertaken on a voluntary basis, Qualifications and Credit
the DofE offers personalised levels of challenge and Framework (QCF) English and
achievement through a balanced programme of activity
which includes four sections: Volunteering, Skills, Physical maths qualifications
and Expedition. At Gold level participants complete an QCF LEVELS:
additional fifth residential section. Entry Level, Level 1, Level 2.
A DofE Programme complements and enriches academic BACKGROUND:
studies offering an internationally recognised accreditation These qualifications were introduced from September
of achievement. At a wider level, it assists young people 2012 and replaced the Adult Basic Literacy and Numeracy
in developing and showing evidence of the personal qualifications. There were designed as stepping stone
qualities and skills which will contribute to their success in qualifications to Functional Skills and/or GCSEs in English
HE through: and maths. They are unit-based and credit-bearing
g taking responsibility for their own learning and qualifications and are intended to be mapped against
development the Adult Literacy and Numeracy Standards. At Level 2
g developing transferable skills such as teamwork, some of the qualifications will also be mapped against
leadership, communication, decision making, working Functional Skills.
to targets and deadlines They range in size from one-credit Awards to Certificates
adding breadth and depth to their formal studies,
at 13 credits or more. Within the QCF one credit tends
ASSESSMENT METHOD: Since 2005, the ICF no longer directly delivers conferences,
The Key Skills in application of number, communication but works to promote activity in schools and colleges by
and ICT are assessed by a test (multiple-choice tests providing advice and intellectual capital. It also supports
at Levels 1 and 2 and short answer/extended response events being organised by Challenge Training Partners and
tests at Levels 3 and 4) and a portfolio of evidence (but other similar organisations.
see information above on candidates in the Welsh and
Northern Irish education systems). The Key Skills in working The aims of the ICF are to excite students to the challenge
with others, problem solving and improving own learning of a career in management, and to increase understanding
and performance are often referred to as the wider Key between business and education. Its primary role is
Skills and are only assessed on a portfolio basis. promoting conferences to allow students to develop and
practice their skills within a teamwork situation.
Varies according to level and awarding body. At present, the ICF is prepared to produce a Summary
of Skills Achievement indicating the skills that have been
demonstrated by each student delegate on every course it
Varies according to level and awarding body.
helps to arrange. It has also had experience of producing
GRADING SYSTEM: evidence that will lead, under suitable moderation, to an
The three main Key Skills of application of number, assessment of the standard of level achieved.
communication, and IT carried UCAS Tariff points for
entry to HE from 2000-2010. The three wider Key Skills of
improving own learning and performance, problem solving, Trident Trust ‘Skills for Life’
and working with others carried UCAS Tariff points from
2007-2010. Tariff points for all six Key Skills were as shown
in the following table: The Trident Trust ‘Skills for Life’ Programme provides three
Grade UCAS Tariff points experiential, integrated elements for young people aged
Level 4 30 14-19 – Personal Challenge, Community Involvement,
Level 3 20 and Work Experience. The programme can be used in its
Level 2 10 entirety or as individual modules. Individual certificates
can be awarded for each element and the Trident Gold
UCAS Tariff points are not allocated to Level 2 Key Skills certificate is presented to students who successfully
unless they are part of a Level 3 composite qualification. complete all three parts.
This does not affect the points awarded to Levels 3 and 4 In order to receive certification, the student will have
Key Skills. developed a portfolio of evidence which details the
For more information about the UCAS Tariff, please see skills, competences and personal qualities that have
Appendix B. been learned or improved as a consequence of their
involvement in the activities. In addition, the student
QUALITY ASSURANCE: will have developed a personal action plan, recorded
Externally set and marked test and internally assessed and their activities, reviewed their progress and assessed the
externally moderated portfolio. outcomes for them personally.
There is no specific qualification route. Key Skills are
transferable skills most commonly needed for success in The Outward Bound Trust
education and training in general, and a range of activities Classic Award
at work. Institutions of higher education are making
explicit use of Key Skills, GCSEs and Functional Skills within BACKGROUND:
their undergraduate and postgraduate programmes, and The Classic Award is the original Outward Bound®
in initiatives such as the Higher Apprenticeships. experience for young people between the ages of 15 and
19. A 22-day immersion programme, young people will
take part in adventurous and challenging experiences in
Industrial Careers Foundation unique locations to build self-confidence, develop essential
QUALIFICATION ABBREVIATION: team and leadership skills and create real and practical
ICF experiences to reflect upon and learn from, helping to
support the transition into higher education. The Award
BACKGROUND: can also be used to fulfil Gold Duke of Edinburgh Award
Over many years, the ICF organised bespoke conferences, expedition requirements.
courses and events for schools and colleges to individual
requirements. The purpose of all events was to provide The Outward Bound Trust is an educational charity and
opportunities for student delegates to practise and the UK’s leading provider of bursary assisted outdoor
hone their managing (key) skills in the close company of learning and personal development for young people.
motivated adult advisers from business. In the process, the Starting in the UK in 1941, Outward Bound now exists in
students were therefore encouraged to improve their own 33 countries and is internationally recognised as helping
abilities. young people realise their potential through learning in the
Phased Out Qualifications
Phased Out Qualifications
Phased Out Qualifications
Joint Matriculation Board To 1962 Results given as grades on a scale running from 95 to 0 by increments of 5.
London January 1960 and earlier Marks given
1960–63 1: 75% or better; 2: 70–74%; 3: 60–69%; 4: 50–59%; 6: 40–49%;
7+8: 30–39% allowed Ordinary; 9: fail
Oxford To 1962 Results given as grades on a scale running from 90 to 0 by increments of 5.
Welsh Joint Education Committee To 1962 Results given as grades: A: 75% or better; B: 60–74%; C: 50–59%; D: 40–49%.
Autumn 1963–winter 1986/7 (Durham from 1961) GCE A LEVEL POINTS SCORE SYSTEM
The GCE boards worked within a grading scheme originally In the early 1960s, UCCA devised a points score system
laid down by the Secondary Schools Examinations Council to help with the presentation of statistics; this was initially
and subsequently confirmed by the Schools Council. This based on a score of 1–5 (grade A = 5). In 1989, the system
scheme set out the distribution of grades which might be was amended by doubling the A level scores to take into
expected in subjects with large and average entries, the account the new Advanced Supplementary qualifications.
approximate proportions of the total entry allocated to This system was subsequently administered by UCAS and
each grade in such circumstances being as follows. became recognised as follows.
Grade A B C D E
Approximate % of entry Advanced Grade
Points 10 8 6 4 2
10 A
15 B
10 C
15 D
20 E
Advanced Supplementary
20 O Allowed Ordinary The GCE AS examinations were introduced in England
10 F Fail and Wales in 1987, and in Northern Ireland in 1988, to
encourage breadth in the post-16 curriculum. In particular,
The suggested percentages were for the guidance of they were intended to encourage students specialising in
boards, and actual percentages differed from subject to one discipline (for example, art/humanities) to broaden their
subject, depending on the calibre of the entry. knowledge of other areas of the curriculum (for example,
science/mathematics). The first certificates were issued in
The boards attempted to maintain continuity of standards 1989 for England and Wales and 1990 for Northern Ireland.
from one year to the next in each subject and also general
comparability of demands between subjects. In a grading The GCE AS was of the same academic standard as GCE
system of this kind, the central grades covered relatively A level. It was intended to represent no more than half
narrow mark ranges because they fell in the area where the study time of A level with an upper limit of 20% for
candidates were most closely bunched. This applied in coursework in most cases.
particular to grade C, which covered only a very narrow GCE AS subjects were often studied in tandem with
spread of marks. GCE A level subjects in schools or colleges of FE. In
theory, candidates could take GCE A level and AS in any
Candidates who failed by a narrow margin might be
combination, and the former CVCP endorsed the concept
given an ‘allowed Ordinary’ grade (O) which indicated a
of a programme consisting of two A levels and two AS
performance equivalent to at least grade C at GCE O level. qualifications. In practice, the majority of applicants who
From summer 1987 took GCE AS offered a single AS qualification in association
In 1985, the Secondary Examinations Council recommended with three GCE A levels.
a reform of the A level grading system, designed partly From September 2000, the GCE Advanced Supplementary
to resolve the problem of the narrow mark range defining was replaced by the new GCE Advanced Subsidiary
grade C. In April 1986, the Department of Education and (also with the abbreviation AS); in summer 2001 both
Science announced that, with effect from the summer qualifications were available for award. The Advanced
1987 examinations, a new A level grading system would be Supplementary is no longer available.
adopted as follows.
The GCSE and GCE A level/AS Code of Practice applied
A Highest grade awarded equally to both GCE A level and AS examinations. The
B establishment of subject cores common to both GCE
C A level and AS improved the relationship between those
D examinations. A number of GCE AS syllabuses were
E Lowest pass grade awarded modular, and the principles and practical arrangements
N Certificate to indicate the candidate’s performance fell short
were effectively as for modular GCE A levels. As with
of the standard required for grade E by a narrow margin.
GCE A levels, the same standards and subject cores applied
U Uncertificated
for modular GCE AS syllabuses as for syllabuses with
end-of-course assessment.
Phased Out Qualifications
GCE AS examinations were offered by all the GCE
Certificate of Secondary Education
awarding bodies in England, Wales and Northern Ireland. The CSE examination was offered from 1965t to1987. In
TIMING OF EXAMINATIONS June 1988, the GCSE replaced CSE and GCE O levels. The
GCE AS examinations were held in the summer (May/June). modes of examining for the CSE varied according to the
Modular AS examinations were usually held in the same degree of involvement on the part of the candidate’s
sessions as modular A level. school. The principal forms were:
g Mode 1 – examinations designed by the examining
The grading system for GCE AS was the same as for board on syllabuses set and published by the board
A level. The same standards applied to GCE AS as to GCE g Mode 2 – examinations designed by the examining
A level examinations. board on syllabuses devised by individual schools or
groups of schools
ACCEPTABILITY FOR ENTRY TO HIGHER EDUCATION g Mode 3 – both syllabuses and examinations created by
HEPs have accepted two GCE AS subjects in place of an schools under boards’ guidance and approval.
unspecified third GCE A level subject for entry to most
courses. For the purposes of entry to HE, one GCE AS As Modes 2 and 3 syllabuses were drawn up by individual
qualification was equivalent to half an A level and was schools or groups of schools, examinations on these
treated as such when calculating points scores. AS grades syllabuses were normally available only to pupils in the
were therefore scored as follows in the former UCAS points particular schools or groups of schools.
score system.
The three modes were not mutually exclusive; many
Grade A B C D E school-based examinations incorporated board-based
Points 5 4 3 2 1 components and vice versa. All combinations were subject
to moderation by the boards.
While there is no formal points score in the new UCAS
Many universities accepted CSE grade 1 as equivalent to
Tariff for GCE Advanced Supplementary, HEPs may wish to
grade C or above at O level or GCSE.
attribute the same Tariff points scores as for the equivalent
grade in the new GCE Advanced Subsidiary. It should be
noted that both types of AS qualification represent half the
value of the relevant full GCE A level qualification.
Joint 16+ examinations
Some applicants may indicate on their application forms
Special Papers that they took joint 16+ examinations. This indicates
that the applicants took part in examinations conducted
SPs were additional examinations which could be taken in by consortia of GCE boards and CSE boards. These
conjunction with, and at the same time as, the GCE examinations had their origins in the feasibility studies
A level examination in the same subject. Some awarding which led the Schools Council in 1976 to a form of
bodies offered SPs as stand-alone examinations that did examination similar to GCSE. In 1980, the Government
not require a link to related GCE A level subjects. For some proposed the GCSE as a single system of examining at 16+.
GCE A level subjects, there was no corresponding SP. The
questions were designed to test the level of knowledge and Applicants who took the joint 16+ examinations of various
understanding of candidates deemed to be more able. GCE/CSE consortia will have received two certificates unless
ungraded, one showing their results in terms of O level
SPs were offered by AQA, OCR, and WJEC. grades (A – E), the other in terms of CSE grades (1–5).
Grades achieved in such 16+ examinations were directly
SP results were graded as follows. equivalent to the corresponding GCE and CSE grades.
1 Distinction – an outstanding performance There is no formal correspondence between CSE grades
2 Merit – a good performance 2–5 and GCE O level grades D and E.
U Unclassified – if the candidate did not reach the standard
required for grade 2, or failed to qualify by not passing
GCE A level in the same subject Certificate of Extended Education
The CEE was an official pilot examination recommended
It was possible for the candidate to pass an A level subject
by the Schools Council in 1976. It was primarily for
but to be unclassified in the SP.
students who had obtained CSE grades 2–4 and who were
Admissions tutors have sometimes taken into account the staying on for one year in the sixth form but who had no
results of SPs, but it has not been normal practice to include immediate intention of seeking admission to HE. It was
them within conditional offers. SP results were reported to discontinued in 1991.
HE in association with the relevant GCE A level results.
Although the Department of Education and Science’s
Following the introduction of AEAs in association with approval for the CEE was extended to 1985, and to 1986
revised GCE A levels from summer 2002, SPs have been only for two-year course candidates, the consortium for
phased out. the CEE continued to offer CEE examinations until 1990.
Since the experimental examinations began in 1972, the
CEE had in some areas been taken by students from the
whole of the ability range and not just from the original
target group.
Phased Out Qualifications
There were five grades, of which grade I was the highest examination in separate subjects at O and A levels. The
and grade V the lowest. CEE grades I, II and III, obtained grading system of the Senior Certificate Examination was
by candidates who took the CEE examinations conducted by marks (total 400) as follows.
by a consortium of GCE and CSE boards, were certified by
Ordinary level 160+ marks – Pass
those boards as being equivalent to at least grade C in the 240+ marks – Pass with Credit
former GCE O level examination. Advanced level 160+ marks – Pass
280+ marks – Pass with Distinction
Certificate of Extended Studies Between 1965 and 1969, the Northern Ireland General
Certificate of Education (GCE) examinations were
The CES was a post-GCSE examination offered by AQA conducted by the Ministry of Education.
(NEAB) in 1994-8. The subjects involved were biology,
chemistry, English, french, history, mathematics, physics From 1970 until 1984, the GCE Board, a statutory body
and religious studies. Syllabuses are suitable for students under the Education and Libraries (Northern Ireland)
who have attained GCSE grades C or D. In 1999 and 2000 Order, conducted the examinations. As a result of a
only, French was offered. CES was withdrawn after 2000. further legislative change in 1984, NISEC conducted the
examinations until 1989.
Each syllabus was free-standing, and required
approximately 90 hours’ teaching time. It could be Between 1990 and 1993, the examinations were
completed in one year or spread over two years. It conducted by NISEAC. Since 1994, this task has been
could be taken in combination with other courses, for undertaken by NICCEA (often expressed as CCEA).
example, GCSE, A level/AS, GNVQ. Successful candidates
were awarded Distinction, Merit or Pass Certificates. The
Distinction was awarded to candidates who provided work Diploma
above that normally expected at GCSE. The course bridged NQF LEVELS:
the gap between GCSE and GCE A level. Foundation Diploma – Level 1
Higher Diploma – Level 2
Progression Diploma – Level 3
Certificate of Further Studies Advanced Diploma – Level 3
AQA (formerly AEB) introduced a series of examinations The Diploma was taught in schools and colleges between
for the CFS in 1991. Syllabuses are offered for one year in 2008 and 2014.
10 different subjects. The CFS is designed primarily for
students who attained grade D or E at GCSE, but is also Following the Wolf review and regulatory changes to place
suitable for Access students in England, Wales and the Diploma on the same terms as other qualifications,
Northern Ireland and others for whom GCE A level or AS awarding organisations decided that they would not offer
examinations are inappropriate. Students could enter for the full Diploma from September 2012. Since then, the
any number of CFS subjects. The CFS in English, French main components of the Diploma have been available as
and German for Business was offered for the last time in qualifications in their own right, until their certification end
summer 2002. date.
The assessment pattern for each subject consists Some schools and colleges have continued to offer the
of coursework and one written paper. Results were individual components of the Diploma, e.g. Principal
announced officially as two percentage marks rounded to Learning, albeit no longer under the Diploma brand.
the nearest 5%. The Board underwrites a mark of 60% or
better for coursework, and 50% or better for written papers The final date for Diploma certification was 31 August
as representing a standard of attainment equivalent to 2014. The Diploma qualification has now been withdrawn,
grade C in GCSE. although some of the qualifications that made up the
Diploma are still available.
Intermediate Certificates Diplomas were applied qualifications which combined both
academic and vocational studies across a range of industry
OCR offered a range of former UODLE Certificates in sectors, through work-related learning. They were first
Travel and Tourism, Leisure Studies, Nutrition and Food, taught in 2008 – with all 14 subjects or Lines of Learning
and Education and Care of Under-Fives. The Certificates available from 2010. 14-19 Diplomas were designed to
were designed to be taught in one year as an additional, provide progression routes into both employment and HE.
vocationally related course between GCSE and GCE A level.
The Certificates were offered for last examination by OCR Diplomas were designed to promote diversity, opportunity
in 2000. and inclusion by offering credible, industry-relevant applied
learning, alongside general learning, with real opportunities
OCR has provided the three Additional Mathematics
to practise skills.
syllabuses inherited from UCLES and OCSEB, based on the
former AO Additional Mathematics. These certificates were The Diploma subjects/Lines of Learning were: Business
offered for the last time in June 2002. Administration and Finance; Construction and the
Built Environment; Creative and Media; Engineering;
Environment and Land Based Studies; Hair and Beauty
Senior Certificate Examination Studies; Hospitality; IT; Manufacturing and Product
Development; Public Services; Retail Services; Society,
The Ministry of Education Senior Certificate Examination Health and Development; Sports and Active Leisure; and,
was conducted by the Ministry between 1925 and 1965, Travel and Tourism.
when the group certificate was superseded by the GCE
Phased Out Qualifications
Generic learning
e produce a presentation on the completed project in
- Functional skills
an appropriate medium and designed for a specific
- Personal learning and thinking skills (PLTS)
- Work experience
- Project (extended project at Level 3) ADDITIONAL AND SPECIALIST LEARNING (ASL)
Additional and specialist learning (ASL) (not Additional and specialist learning gave students the
Progression Diploma). opportunity to deepen or broaden their learning by
choosing qualifications that complemented the principal
learning. For example, by taking a mathematics
Some principal learning qualifications are still available.
qualification within the engineering Diploma, a student
They are all specific to the Line of Learning, for example
learning programme could lead to a degree-level course in
Creative and Media. The Line of Learning had a number of
units covering different aspects and carried a mandatory
50% applied learning requirement. Students selected ASL qualifications at the same level
Principal learning qualifications are consistent in size for as the Diploma they were taking, or one higher, e.g. the
each Diploma at a given level – 240 Guided Learning Foundation Diploma could have had ASL at Level 1 or 2.
Hours (GLH) at Level 1, 420 GLH at Level 2 and 540 GLH Lists of approved ASL qualifications for each subject/Line
at Level 3. They are assessed by a mixture of internal and of Learning were published in the ASL catalogue.
external assessment. DIPLOMA LEVELS
GENERIC LEARNING Diplomas were available at Levels 1, 2 and 3.
Generic learning was common across all Diploma Lines of
The Foundation Diploma (Level 1) was at the level of GCSE
Learning. It included a core of skills required by employers
grades D-G and approximately the size of five GCSEs.
and HE – personal, learning and thinking skills, functional
skills in English, mathematics and ICT, as well as work The Higher Diploma (Level 2) attainment was at the level
experience and a project. of GCSE grades A*-C and approximately the size of seven
The PLTS framework included skills which required students
The Advanced Diploma (Level 3) attainment was
to be: independent enquirers; creative thinkers; reflective
equivalent to three and a half A levels and included
learners; team workers; self-managers; and effective
Principal learning, generic learning (which included
personal learning and thinking skills (PLTS) and functional
Students developed and applied these skills through skills), a project, work experience and a choice of additional
principal learning. and specialist learning (ASL).
FUNCTIONAL SKILLS The Progression Diploma (Level 3) was a smaller Level 3
Functional skills qualifications continue to be available. They qualification, equivalent in size to two and a half A levels.
allow students to develop their ability to apply their English, It included the principal learning and generic learning
maths and ICT skills in situations relevant to work and life. sections of the Advanced Diploma, but excluded additional
and specialist learning.
Diploma specifications required students to achieve the
functional skills qualification in English, mathematics and ASSESSMENT METHOD:
ICT at Level 1 for the Level 1 Diploma, and at Level 2 for Principal learning unit assessment – mix of course work
the Level 2 Diploma. The achievement of the Diploma at assessment, portfolio and written examination
Level 3 required achievement of Level 2 functional skills,
although this could be done alongside, or prior to, the Functional skills – task-based controlled assessment
Level 3 Diploma. Project – internal with external verification – see
WORK EXPERIENCE section above
Diploma students had to undertake a minimum of 10 days’
Additional and Specialist Learning – depended on the
work experience, preferably in the relevant sector.
qualification(s) taken.
Most Diplomas were awarded in August at the time the
The project theme usually related to the principal learning majority of students received the results of the component
and enabled the student to explore a topic of interest in qualifications that make up the Diploma. The last
greater depth or breadth. certification date for the Diploma was 31 August 2014.
At Level 3, the Extended Project specifications required GRADING SYSTEM:
students to: The Diploma was graded. To achieve the overall Diploma
qualification, students needed to achieve all components
a select either individually or as part of a group, a
of the Diploma, including functional skills and additional
sector-relevant topic/area of interest for an in-depth
and specialist learning (except for Progression Diploma).
study, which provides opportunities to develop skills,
knowledge and understanding, and negotiate with The Diploma grade was derived from the total points score
their mentor the scoping of that project. of Principal learning and the project. All other components
b identify and draft objectives for their project and were required for aggregation of a Diploma, but did not
provide a rationale for their choice. determine the grade.
Phased Out Qualifications
The grading of the Diploma was reported in the following For learners on programmes of study before September
way: 2000, qualifications included skills achievement, which was
recorded on students’ certification as BTEC Common Skills.
Foundation Diploma: A*, A, B or ungraded (U)
Higher Diploma: A*, A, B, C or ungraded (U) Learners on BTEC First and National programmes from
Advanced Diploma: A*, A, B, C, D, E or ungraded (U) September 2000 no longer followed the BTEC Common
The UCAS Tariff points for the Principal and Generic Skills within their programmes. They were encouraged to
Learning of the Advanced Diploma are as follows: take the Key Skills qualifications which were separately
Grade UCAS Tariff points
A* 350
A 300 BTEC qualifications from 2002
B 250
C 200
D 150 Edexcel Level 2 BTEC
E 100
Firsts (NQF)
The UCAS Tariff points for Principal Learning are as
Level 2
Grade UCAS Tariff points
A* 210
A 180 The Edexcel Level 2 BTEC Firsts were designed to provide
B 150 specialist work-related qualifications in a range of sectors.
C 120 They were unit-based qualifications that focused on
D 90 particular aspects of employment within a vocational
E 60 sector. The Level 2 BTEC Firsts offered qualifications
that could extend the study and provide vocational
For more information about the UCAS Tariff, please see emphasis for learners following a GCSE or Applied GCSE
Appendix B. (Double Award) route or a combination of both in their
main programme of study. Equally the Edexcel Level 2
The total score for the Advanced Diploma was obtained BTEC Firsts offered focused qualifications for learners,
by adding the score for Additional and Specialist Learning particularly more mature learners, wishing to follow a
(ASL) to the score for Principal Learning and the Extended shorter programme of study that directly related to their
Project (Progression Diploma). The points for ASL work experience, or to an aspect of employment that they
depended upon the Tariff for the qualification concerned. wish to move into in due course.
There were key aspects within the Edexcel Level 2 BTEC
The regulatory framework for the Diploma was
First Qualifications.
underpinned by supporting arrangements for the
operation of the Diploma, including Ofqual agreed g The qualifications all had a specialist focus
procedures for awarding and grading. g All units were internally assessed and verified
g The BTEC First Certificates had the equivalence on
the School and College Achievement and Attainment
Use of English Tables to two GCSEs (A* – C)
g There was an overall qualification grade for
OCSEB offered the Use of English paper until 1989. From certification
1990 until 1995, it was offered by UCLES. Use of English g Some of the qualifications were approved as
was an examination outside the structure of GCSE and GCE. Technical Certificates.
BTEC qualifications prior to 2002
September 2002 DATE OF FIRST AWARD:
BTEC First, National and Higher NUMBER OF UNITS/STRUCTURE:
National Certificates and Diplomas Certificate – Three 60 GLH (guided learning hours)
units, including mandatory and specialist units, with a
BTEC First, National and Higher National qualifications qualification size of 180 GLH.
included two types of vocational unit: Diploma – Six 60-GLH (guided learning hours) units,
including mandatory core units with the remainder being
g core units, which specified the knowledge, skills and
specialist units, with a qualification size of 360 GLH.
understanding required for qualifications in the subject
g option units, which provided the knowledge, skills and All units were internally assessed and externally verified.
understanding in more specialised areas, offering
The assessment was criterion-referenced, based on the
progression opportunities.
achievement of specified outcomes.
Phased Out Qualifications
Phased Out Qualifications
Verification was undertaken using a range of methods, Grade UCAS Tariff points
including visits and remote sampling. Sampling of DD 240
DM 200
students’ work was undertaken for all programmes.
MM 160
The qualifications were developed to provide learners PP 80
with a preparation for employment, to provide career
development opportunities for those already in work For more information about the UCAS Tariff, please see
and to enable progression and continuation of study Appendix B.
in the vocational area (to any associated Level 4 or 5
vocationally-related qualification, including degrees, or
See Edexcel Level 3 BTEC National Award (page 167).
to a Level 3 or 4 vocationally-related qualification or
occupational competence qualification such as an NVQ). PROGRESSION/ARTICULATION:
See Edexcel Level 3 BTEC National Award (page 167).
Phased Out Qualifications
MMP 200
with the words ‘Access to Higher Education
MPP 160
recognised by the Quality Assurance Agency for
PPP 120
Higher Education’
1992-1997: certificate logo: red triangle with
For more information about the UCAS Tariff, please see the words ‘recognised by the Higher Education
Appendix B. Quality Council’
QUALITY ASSURANCE: pre-1992: Access to HE certificates awarded
See Edexcel Level 3 BTEC National Award (page 167). through local arrangements.
PROGRESSION/ARTICULATION: The awarding bodies for the Access to HE qualification
See Edexcel Level 3 BTEC National Award (page 167). are known as ‘Access Validating Agencies’ (AVAs) and
were known as ‘Authorised Validating Agencies’ until
2008. There have been a large number of name changes
Higher National Qualifications – and mergers among AVAs since the Access Recognition
Scheme was first established in 1989. Details of current
Engineering and former AVAs are available on the Access to HE website
Before September 1999, Engineering National Certificate at www.accesstohe.ac.uk/HowCourses/AboutAVAs/Pages/
programmes had a unit value of 10.0, of which the default.aspx.
equivalent of at least 3.0 units were at NIII level. National
Diploma programmes had a minimum unit value of 16.0,
of which the equivalent of at least 6.0 were at NIII. Where
Progress File
an Edexcel unit is classified simply as N, it will for this ENGLAND
purpose be considered to be equally weighted between Progress File – a set of interactive materials designed to
NII and NIII. Engineering HNC programmes had a unit support learners’ goal-setting, learning and study skills,
value of 10.0, of which 8.0 had to be at H level. HND progress monitoring and recording of achievements – has
programmes had a minimum unit value of 16.0, of which been used by many schools and colleges since becoming
12.0 were at H level. NIII units used in Higher National nationally available in April 2002. These materials, supplied
programmes were designated at H/N level. free of charge by the Department for Education & Skills,
addressed a range of 14-19 and Skills White Paper policy
objectives – for the development of independent learners,
Access to HE Certificate able to manage their own development and to make
successful transitions between age phases, institutions and
The Access to HE Certificate was an undifferentiated award into work.
which was phased out between 2007 and 2009. It has
been replaced by the Access to HE Diploma, which has The DfES ceased to make Progress File materials available
both a common system of grading and a standard credit in April 2006 as the principles and processes that underpin
requirement. During the phasing-in period, Access to HE Progress File are now well-established and have been
Diplomas were awarded according to the standard credit adopted in an increasing range of other products and
requirement but the award remained ungraded. The Access services. Users are encouraged to continue applying those
to HE Certificate had neither a standard system for grading principles and processes to their own circumstances,
nor common credit requirements: the use of credit; specific making use of other tools and solutions as appropriate. To
credit requirements, and any system of grading used for the help in this transition, the DfES waived all copyright in its
Access to HE certificate were determined by local agreement. Progress File materials – so that they can be copied and
adapted for local use.
The outline below shows the qualification awarded to
students who registered on an Access to HE course for The Centre for Recording Achievement, has provided the
the first time and completed that course in the year(s) following additional information.
given. Students who completed recognised Access to HE
courses in earlier years; or who started courses prior to the “Progress File can help individuals record both academic
academic year in which the award was made (ie they were and non-academic achievements and select those most
studying part-time or took a break in their studies which relevant to their needs. The activities of reviewing and
ran across two or more years) may have been awarded an target setting are central to Progress File, which also
provides detailed guidance for users to help develop these
Phased Out Qualifications
Phased Out Qualifications
The following table provides an equivalence with general Differentiation rested on the other, more significant
qualifications: assessment process. Advanced GNVQ students completed
activities, projects and assignments as well as taking part
Advanced 12 units 2 GCE A levels
in traditional lessons. As a result of this work, they put
6 units 1 GCE A level
together a portfolio of evidence, demonstrating that they
had met all the requirements of the GNVQ programme
Advanced GNVQ students could opt to do additional at the necessary standard. Key Skills were often achieved
studies alongside their GNVQ, either to broaden their through these activities, although separate teaching of Key
general education to or deepen their understanding of the Skills occurred where necessary.
particular vocational area they were studying. Key Skills
were a requirement of the The external assessment of the Single Award took two
pre-2000 GNVQs. forms: tests, and external moderation of the student’s
portfolio. The tests consisted of short-answer papers
Students could choose to take as additional studies: of one to two hours’ duration, marked by the awarding
g more vocational units (from either the same or another bodies’ examiners.
GNVQ subject area). Students received a separate EXAMINATION TIMING:
results slip and certificate for individual GNVQ units January/June
g additional Key Skills units (Improving Learning and
Performance, Working with Others and Problem
Solving) March/August
g separate foreign language units GRADING SYSTEM:
g one or more GCE A level Distinction/Merit/Pass
g one or more GCE Advanced Supplementary or
Subsidiary When the portfolio of evidence had been completed and
g other additional studies, e.g. BTEC qualifications, the unit tests passed, the student gained an overall Pass in
NOCN units, NVQ units, various certificates. the qualification. To achieve a higher overall grade (Merit
or Distinction), a student had to have strong evidence of
The Advanced GNVQ (Single Award) was also available as learning skills (planning, information seeking, handling
a pilot from September 1998, and was primarily aimed at and evaluation and use of language) and high quality
post-16 students. It was designed to be equivalent to one outcomes, as well as satisfying all the requirements of the
A level. Students had the option of taking this qualification 12 vocational units and the three mandatory Key Skills at
over one or two years. It gave a basis in a vocational area the appropriate level.
with the possibility of a certain amount of specialisation
via optional units.
The Advanced GNVQ (Full Award) was also available as a
The Single Award was a six-unit GNVQ at advanced level pilot using an interim structure and assessments.
only, covering the following vocational areas:
The pilot GNVQ included an interim unit structure, external
g Art and design short-answer tests, a new system for determining the
g Business overall grade to be awarded and new moderation of
g Health and social care students’ coursework.
g Information technology.
The aim of external moderation was to confirm that the
The Single Award was based on the same revised model as assessment decisions made by centres conformed to
the Advanced GNVQ (Full Award)(pilot). national standards. The standards moderation process
replaced the previous system of external verification.
Although the achievement of the Single Award led to
a qualification in its own right, it could also be used as
progression towards a Full Award.
The Advanced GNVQ (Full Award) was made up of 12 units,
See also GNVQ and Part One GNVQ.
plus Key Skills, as follows:
eight mandatory vocational units
Sixth Term Examination Papers
Phased Out Qualifications
mathematics papers. They are all based on the mathematics DATE OF RESULT PUBLICATION:
Advanced GCE Common Core. STEP is currently used by March/August
some Cambridge Colleges and by other HEPs. GRADING SYSTEM:
DATE OF LAST AWARD: Distinction/Merit/Pass
2002 (except for Mathematics) VARIANTS:
NUMBER OF UNITS/STRUCTURE: See also GNVQs and GCSEs in vocational subjects.
Mathematics I
Mathematics II
Mathematics III Advanced Subsidiary Vocational
Candidates take one or two of these papers. Certificate of Education
External assessment ASVCE (also known as the three-unit VCE)
Part One General National The ASVCE was designed to promote breadth and
add enrichment to students’ learning programmes,
Vocational Qualifications encouraging them to mix and match AVCE qualifications
QUALIFICATION ABBREVIATION: with other qualifications, or to pursue vocational
Part One GNVQ study part-time, possibly in conjunction with part-time
employment. Students would normally complete this
NQF LEVEL: award in one year, but it may have been taken over a
Level 1 = Foundation, Level 2 = Intermediate longer period.
The ASVCE was referred to as ‘Advanced Subsidiary (AS)’.
Part One GNVQs became new GCSE qualifications in
However, while it was the same size as the GCE AS, it was
vocational subjects (Double Award) from 2002.
not ‘subsidiary’ in nature. Its units were assessed at full
Part One GNVQs have been available nationally since AVCE standard and there was no requirement to teach
September 1999 in seven vocational areas and are broadly them in a particular order.
equivalent to two GCSEs. They are also available post-16. DATE OF FIRST TEACHING:
The last normal certification date was summer 2003, 2000
the last resit opportunity being January 2004. These DATE OF FIRST AWARD:
qualifications have been replaced by GCSEs in vocational 2001
September 1999
January 2004
NUMBER OF UNITS/STRUCTURE: The AVCE, ASVCE and AVCE Double Award all drew from
Three units the same pool of units and used the same assessment
ASSESSMENT METHOD: arrangements: a combination of externally assessed
An assessment regime consisting of a graded test per unit, written papers (usually 30%) and internally assessed
plus portfolio evidence. coursework/portfolio (usually 70%).
Phased Out Qualifications
Phased Out Qualifications
g a minimum of six and a maximum of eight compulsory GNVQs are available at two levels and the following table
units provides an equivalence with qualifications in the general
g a maximum of six optional units. category.
Phased Out Qualifications
Phased Out Qualifications
Phased Out Qualifications
All CACHE approved Centres are required, in accordance
Unit 2 was assessed through an MCQ test marked by with regulatory requirements, to complete internal quality
CACHE. assurance. This is a process of auditing the assessment
judgments made by assessors about learners’ knowledge
Units 1 and 3–5 were assessed through unit assignments and competence to ensure that any judgment made is valid,
provided by CACHE and internally marked and moderated. fair and authentic.
GRADING SYSTEM: CACHE has a robust approval system that ensures the
MCQ Test: Pass/Refer Centre has the correct resources to undertake delivery
Unit Asignments: A-E of the qualifications at all levels, and that there are
Overall: A-E procedures implemented that maintain the integrity of the
qualifications delivered, in line with CACHE requirements
and sector skills councils. It includes:
Customer Quality Advisers checked a sample of
assessment plans, assessor feedback to learners and a g the checking of assessor and internal quality assuror
sample of marked and internally verified assignments. competency to deliver the qualification, ie that they are
occupationally competent and knowledgeable to deliver
the qualification area and level, in accordance with
The CCCLD-L3 provided the underpinning knowledge
regulatory requirements
and skills for the NVQ Level 3 in Children’s Care, Learning
reviewing Centre documents in relation to the internal
and Development. Therefore, if the award was achieved
Phased Out Qualifications
Phased Out Qualifications
Phased Out Qualifications
MCQ Test: Pass/Refer
Three mandatory units of 60 hours. Unit 2-5: A-E
Overall: A-E
Each unit could stand alone, be individually assessed and
separately certificated.
Customer Quality Advisers checked a sample of marked
ASSESSMENT METHOD: and internally verified assignments.
Unit assignments: Unit 1 was externally assessed by
CACHE. All other units were marked and internally
This diploma enabled learners to progress towards a
moderated within the centres.
Foundation Degree in Playwork or BA Honours in Playwork.
CACHE Level 3 NVQ in Playwork
The assignment for one unit for every candidate was QUALIFICATION ABBREVIATION:
externally marked by CACHE and standardised using NVQP-L3
common grading criteria. The grade boundaries were
set at award meetings attended by the Chief Examiner NQF LEVEL:
and the Principal Examiners for the award. Scripts from Level 3
previous years were kept to ensure standards were BACKGROUND:
maintained year-on-year. This qualification was aimed at playworkers who were
Customer Quality Advisers checked a sample of supervising other members of staff within playwork settings.
assessment plans, assessor feedback to learners and a DATE OF FIRST TEACHING:
sample of marked and internally verified assignments. 2008
Most learners went on to become playgroup assistant 2009
supervisors or managers. Candidates also progressed to
higher level qualifications as appropriate, for example a DATE OF LAST AWARD:
Foundation Degree. 2014
Learners were at least 16 years old with either a Level 2
CACHE Level 3 Diploma in Playwork playwork qualification or significant experience in a playwork
NQF LEVEL: Learners had to complete all 5 units from Group A plus four
Level 3 units from Group B.
The aims of the DP-L3 were to explore different techniques Portfolio of evidence
of observation as well as extend the candidate’s theoretical GRADING SYSTEM:
skills enabling them to manage play settings. Pass/refer
2006 See CACHE Level 3 NVQ in Children’s Care, Learning and
DATE OF FIRST AWARD: Development (page 177).
Phased Out Qualifications
On completing this qualification, learners could work in roles The award assisted those who were experienced/qualified
such as: in the area to specialise and/or progress/transfer into
g Playworker related/regulatory areas or higher levels of education or
g Worker in a holiday club training.
g Playwork development officer
Adventure centre supervisor
CACHE Level 3 NVQ in Supporting
g Hospital playworker
g Manager of any playwork provisions. Teaching and Learning in Schools
Learners could also progress to a Foundation Degree. QUALIFICATION ABBREVIATION:
Phased Out Qualifications
Licentiateship (LCGI)
The assignment for one unit for every candidate was
At the level comparable to HNC or the first level of a degree
externally marked by CACHE and standardised using
programme, and at a supervisory management level.
common grading criteria. The grade boundaries are set
at an award meeting attended by the Chief Examiner
and the Principal Examiners for the award. Scripts from
previous years were kept to ensure standards were ifs Certificate in Financial
maintained year-on-year. Services Practice
Customer Quality Advisers checked a sample of CFSP
assessment plans, assessor feedback to learners and a
sample of marked and internally verified assignments. NQF LEVEL:
Level 3
Most learners sought employment in the schools’ workforce BACKGROUND:
but some progressed to a relevant foundation degree. The Certificate in Financial Services Practice (CFSP) was
designed to:
g improve students’ knowledge of the financial
City & Guilds Full Technological services industry
develop financial literacy and business awareness
are relevant to, the individual’s organisation and the certificates has changed (see separate ICCE entry). NCSC
financial services industry in general qualifications remain valid in the UK.
g engender an awareness of the need for, and the value
of, effective customer service in the financial services
sector. 1994
Finance (CEBF/DEBF).
Further information about ifs qualifications is available NQF LEVEL:
from ifs University College. Entry Level, Level 1, Level 2, Level 3
NCSC National Christian Schools’ OCR Asset Languages was an assessment scheme
designed to support the Department for Education’s
Certificate National Languages Strategy by providing recognition of
QUALIFICATION ABBREVIATION: language proficiency. Attainment was measured against
NCSC the Languages Ladder, which is a multi-stage learning
programme that uses ‘can do’ statements to describe the
BACKGROUND: typical behaviour of language learners at each stage. The
The NCSC provides qualifications for pupils who use the scheme is designed as a measure of proficiency and thus is
Accelerated Christian Education (ACE) programme. A not associated with any particular programme of study. The
relatively small number of pupils gain these qualifications qualifications provided candidates with the opportunity to
annually, mainly from small independent faith-based demonstrate competence in one or more of the four skills
schools. A growing number of pupils educated at home (listening, speaking, reading, writing) and were available in
have opted for the NCSC Certificate programme. the following languages: Arabic, Bengali, Chinese (Mandarin
NCSC Level 3 is recognised by many universities for and Cantonese), Cornish, French, German, Modern Greek,
undergraduate entry. Gujarati, Hindi, Irish, Italian, Japanese, Panjabi, Polish,
Portuguese, Russian, Somali, Spanish, Swedish, Tamil,
Since September 2004, the NCSC has been replaced by
Turkish, Urdu, Welsh and Yoruba.
the International Certificate of Christian Education (ICCE).
The curriculum content and standard have been enhanced DATE OF FIRST TEACHING:
by the addition of coursework The designation of 2004 (Entry Level, Levels 1 and 2)
2005 (Level 3)
Phased Out Qualifications
Other Entry Routes to Higher Education
Accreditation of Prior Learning (APL) If both sets of actions are successfully implemented, it is
then possible for individual learners to negotiate the ‘terms
APL is the overall term widely used for the recognition and conditions’ that will enable them to study for the rest
of, and award of, academic credit on the basis of of the award against which their prior learning has already
demonstrated learning that has occurred at some time been recognised.
in the past. This learning may have come about as the
Some HEPs offer taught or online modules to facilitate the
result of a course, or self-directed study, or as the result of
APL process described above.
experience either at work or in leisure pursuits. It is used in
FE, adult education and HE for the purpose of: Learners wishing to take advantage of APL may do so on
the basis of many forms of learning:
g entry into a course or programme
g advanced standing on a course or programme g Experiential learning acquired in paid work
g credit against some of the outcomes of a course or g Experiential learning acquired in unpaid or voluntary
programme that will count towards an award. work
g Experiential learning acquired from leisure activities
Prior learning capable of assessment and accreditation g Uncertificated learning from self-directed study
may take the form of: g Certificated learning from abroad
g uncertificated or experiential learning (APEL or g Certificated learning from other UK educational
Accreditation of Prior Experiential Learning) institutions
g certificated learning (which is the form of prior learning g Certificated work-based learning.
most usually identified as APL, and also called APCL,
Within the sphere of further and adult education, learners
or Accreditation of Prior Certificated Learning. It can
may use their prior learning for:
also be termed RPL, or Recognition of Prior, or Previous,
Learning). g entry into vocational programmes
g entry with advanced standing onto some longer
The main underpinning principle of APL is that credit is
courses (for example, direct entry into the second year
given for evidence of learning, not for experience alone.
of HE programmes delivered in an FE college, such as a
The resulting credit is notionally of the same value within
foundation degree, HND, etc)
an award as that gained through a taught programme. g credit towards academic, vocational, occupational and
Arrangements for APL will vary from institution to
competence-based qualifications
institution. Full details of the process will be found within g entry into Access to Higher Education provision.
institutions’ own guidelines, regulations and quality
assurance frameworks. Within HE, prior learning may be used, upon assessment by
the receiving institution, for:
Learners wishing to use APL to access HE will need to:
g entry into the institution
identify a potential programme/award
direct entry into a second or subsequent year of a
stipulated by the institution g advanced standing with credit towards a target award
provide evidence of that learning – either in writing or
(for example, the award of credit against specified
g have people available who can advise candidates in
Credit is a tool for assessing and expressing learning
the process of identifying prior learning and submitting
achievement and equivalence. It plays an important role in
rewarding the incremental progress of learners, facilitating
g provide assessors who can quantify the demonstrated
student transfer and recognising prior learning, and it
learning within the context of the programme/award
contributes to the definition of academic standards. The
that the candidate is seeking to access
QAA document ‘Academic Credit in Higher Education in
g satisfy itself that the evidence offered by the applicant
England’, written to accompany the Burgess proposals for
is sufficient, authentic, current and valid in relation to
a national credit framework in England, should be used
the relevant learning outcomes, taking into account
as a reference for further understanding of the definitions
the level and volume of credit sought.
and issues discussed here. The fundamental principle
is that credit is awarded only for evidence of learning
The Final Report of the Burgess Group on credit in England (2006) achievement. Two parameters are used to reflect the
proposed that, “by the start of the academic year 2009/10, English HEPs
should have credit-rated their main provision and thereafter include the
learning achievement: credit value and credit level.
credit value in a published description of each of the programmes they
Other Entry Routes to Higher Education
Other Entry Routes to Higher Education
The Department of Education and Skills (DfES) is g To deliver a skilled workforce with high quality
contributing to the Welsh Government’s vision of better opportunities for all learners contributing to the
public services. creation of growth and jobs
g To support individuals, families and communities
The independent Review of Qualifications for 14-19 year to improve wellbeing by reducing inequality and
olds in Wales reported in November 2012. The Welsh increasing participation
Government accepted the review’s recommendations and g To see the Welsh language thrive in Wales.
is implementing these, as described below.
Following the Review of Qualifications in Wales, significant
Qualifications reform will deliver a new qualifications changes will be made to some qualifications for teaching
system for Wales, with a renewed emphasis on rigour, from September 2015. These will include a revised, more
quality assurance and confidence in the system and the rigorous Welsh Baccalaureate, new GCSEs in English
qualifications available in Wales. A new organisation, language and Welsh first language, two new GCSEs in
Qualifications Wales, will be established in 2015. It will mathematics, a revised suite of skills qualifications, with
bring more visible independence to regulation and quality Essential Skills Wales and Wider Key Skills no longer being
assurance and will simplify and strengthen confidence in used pre-16, and stronger regulation to ensure that
the qualifications system. vocational qualifications have relevance and value and are
OBJECTIVES rigorously assessed.
DfES leads the education and training system in Wales
A levels in Wales will have the same content as those
in its duty to improve outcomes for children, young
available in England and Northern Ireland, so far as is
people and learners of all ages and businesses so that all
possible. However, there will be some variation between
can reach their potential. Within DfES the Qualifications
A levels available in Wales and in other parts of the UK.
and Learning Division provides expert advice to Welsh
For example, AS and A levels will continue as coupled
Ministers on General, Vocational and Skills qualifications
qualifications in Wales, with the AS counting towards the
(except those within Higher Education) and discharges
final A level. This reflects support for the AS expressed by
the statutory responsibilities of Welsh Ministers in relation
stakeholders, including HEPs. For reformed AS and A levels
to the regulation of those qualifications in Wales. As
in Wales, however, the contribution of the AS towards the
part of this the Division is responsible for the approval
full A level will be reduced from the current 50% to 40%.
of qualifications for use with learners in Wales aged 14
or over, excluding higher education. Details of approved The Welsh Government will be working to ensure that
qualifications are available from the Database of Approved qualifications available in Wales are of a standard which
Qualifications in Wales (DAQW). More information on the are at least comparable with the rest of the UK and the
DAQW can be found at: www.daqw.org.uk/. best in the world.
PRIORITIES More information on qualifications in Wales can be found
The Department’s key objectives are as follows: at www.qualificationswales.org
g To raise the standards of education and training
provision, attainment and infrastructure across Wales
so that everyone can reach their potential
Northern Ireland
GCSES AND A LEVELS IN NORTHERN IRELAND GCSEs may be offered in either linear or modular format,
with modular assessments being available in both January
In 2012, the Minister for Education in Northern
and June each year. Given the proposed changes to
Ireland commissioned the Council for the Curriculum,
GCSE grading structure in England, at the time of writing,
Examinations and Assessment (CCEA) to undertake a
discussions are ongoing about the grading structure that
fundamental review of GCSEs and A levels in Northern
will apply to the revised CCEA GCSE specifications that
Ireland. The review commenced in October 2012 and
are scheduled to be introduced from first teaching from
CCEA presented its final report to the Minister in June
September 2017.
2013. Following a public consultation, the Minister
accepted the 49 recommendations in the report. CCEA A level specifications will be introduced for first
teaching from September 2016. The AS/A2 link will
Subsequently, the Minister confirmed that he was content
be retained and the specifications may be offered in
to allow the qualifications market in Northern Ireland to
either linear or modular format. At the time of writing,
remain open. This provides schools with a high level of
discussions are ongoing as to how practical work should be
flexibility in deciding the qualifications that can be offered
assessed within A level science specifications.
to pupils and means that they may offer GCSEs and/or
A levels from any of the Joint Council of Qualifications
(JCQ) awarding organisations. There is currently (as of
July 2014) only one exception to the open market in NI.
Only GCSE English language specifications which include
speaking and listening assessment as part of the overall
grade will be accepted in schools here. The Department
of Education will continue to keep matters of this nature
under review whilst the review of A level specifications (by
first teaching in September 2016) and GCSE specifications
(by first teaching in September 2017) is ongoing.
in Scotland
GUIDE FOR ADMISSIONS STAFF The general topics covered are as follows.
This section is intended to give admissions tutors and
other staff with responsibility for admissions to higher g The Scottish Credit and Qualifications Framework
education providers (HEPs) an overview of Scottish g Awarding and accrediting body – Scottish
qualifications, particularly those that may be presented to Qualifications Authority
them by applicants. This overview includes the National g Scottish curriculum reform
Qualifications (introduced in Scotland from 1999) and g Current and lapsing Scottish National qualifications
phased out predecessor qualifications. g Phased out qualifications
g Certificates and other supporting evidence likely to be
This section also provides a background to entry to offered by applicants
higher education (HE) in Scotland, including relevant g Apprenticeships
information on the Scottish education system and recent g Routes into Higher Education in Scotland
developments. Of particular importance is the Scottish
Credit and Qualifications Framework (SCQF).
The Scottish Credit and Qualifications Framework and acquire new skills. In some circumstances, all or most
(SCQF) was created by bringing together all mainstream of the study undertaken in a year will be at one level and
Scottish qualifications into a single unified framework – progression will be from level to level.
HE qualifications, including HNCs and HNDs, National
Qualifications, such as Highers and Advanced Highers, and All qualifications awarded by Scottish degree-awarding
SVQs. Increasingly, provision other than that offered by institutions and those awarded or accredited by the
HEPs and SQA is being brought into the framework. The Scottish Qualifications Authority (SQA) have been (or
framework has 12 levels covering a range of qualifications are intended to be) credited and levelled to the SCQF.
Smaller components of qualifications (such as SQA units
from National 1 to HE Doctorate. The aims and benefits of
or university modules) are also allocated SCQF credit
the SCQF include:
and levels. Larger qualifications that are made up of a
g increasing understanding of the qualifications system number of components (for example, group awards and
g showing the relationship of qualifications to one degrees) are allocated a final or exit level, but will often be
another composed of components at a number of different levels.
assisting learners to plan their progress from one
SCQF credit points are used to quantify learning, to show
qualification towards another qualification The SCQF works on the basis that each point is awarded
g helping employers plan training for employees for every notional 10 hours of learning (notional learning
g establishing links with other framework developments hours (NLH)), which includes both programmed and
across the UK and also to the European Qualifications independent study. Each qualification in the framework
Framework (EQF) to facilitate cross-border credit transfer has been allocated a number of general SCQF points,
or the portability of qualifications across boundaries. based on the total credit value of the component parts
The SCQF is a lifelong learning framework, which of the qualification. (SCQF points should not be confused
incorporates (or can incorporate) all general educational, with UCAS Tariff points, which may be used by some HEPs
vocational and HE provision. The underlying principle of when making offers – see Appendix B.)
the SCQF is that learning, defined by learning outcomes SCQF credit points and levels are used in programme
that have been or could be assessed and externally design, setting entrance requirements and as a basis
quality-assured, should be able to be credit-rated. Building for credit transfer. This approach facilitates broad
on this principle, the SCQF provides the context in Scotland comparability of achievement and should make it easier
through which the transfer of appropriate specific and for HEPs to award specific credit for direct entry to the
general credit can take place within and between HEPs programme or for entry into the later stages of first or
and between FE colleges and HEPs. subsequent years.
Increased demand at each level is set by factors such as The SCQF was developed and established jointly by the
complexity and depth of knowledge, links to associated organisations in Scotland that have prime responsibility
academic, vocational or professional practice, and degree for qualifications: QAA, Universities Scotland, SQA and the
of autonomy exercised by the learner. SCQF levels are Scottish Government. These Development Partners were
not directly related to years of study. In fact, in many joined by the Association of Scotland’s Colleges (now
programmes, students are likely to undertake courses at known as Colleges Scotland) in 2006.
different levels in the framework and, in the course of a
lifetime of learning, individuals may move from a higher Contact information for the SCQF is given in Appendix A.
to a lower level qualification as they take on new learning Admissions tutors will find up-to-date information on the
SCQF at www.scqf.org.uk
The Scottish Credit and Qualifications Framework
11 Masters* SVQ 5 11
10 Honours Degree* 10
9 Ordinary Degree* Development 9
Awards SVQ 4
8 Higher National Diploma 8
The SCQF is intended to show the relative size and level of and all types of qualification and is not designed to take
qualifications in the Scottish education and training system account of grades or allow points to be aggregated across
in a way that allows a wide range of users to understand levels. For a more detailed interactive version of the SCQF
the system better, and to track progression routes through table, including implementation timelines for Curriculum
the system. It is also intended to provide a nationally for Excellence, use the following link: www.sqa.org.uk/
agreed basis upon which credit and exemption (including readyreckoner
advanced standing) can be negotiated. It covers all levels
SQA is a Non-Departmental Public Body which was Qualifications introduced in 1999 were benchmarked
formed on 1 April 1997 and replaced both the Scottish against predecessor qualifications (for example, Higher
Examination Board (SEB) and the Scottish Vocational against SCE Higher, Advanced Higher against CSYS) to
Education Council (SCOTVEC). It is now the single body ensure standards were vigorously maintained. Please see
responsible for Scottish qualifications, apart from degrees page 208 for information on historic changes to SQA
and professional qualifications. It is also responsible for qualifications.
the accreditation of SVQs, other qualifications based on
National Occupational Standards and qualifications which SQA regularly consults its centres and stakeholders
may be specified by Industry Regulatory Bodies such as (including HE) on aspects of its qualifications system and
the Security Industry; for providing advice as required to development, and will continue to liaise closely with other
the Scottish Government on Scottish qualifications, and on bodies, on general education and vocational education
the education, training and assessment that contribute to and training issues relating to mutual recognition and
qualifications. parity of esteem for qualifications across the UK.
SQA qualifications are designed to increase participation SQA has a customer contact centre to deal with enquiries
rates at all levels of post-S2 (second year, corresponding from tutors and potential applicants about new and old
to Year 9 in England) education, including HE, and to qualifications and how they relate to one another. Contact
encourage lifelong learning. With the introduction of the details can be found in Appendix A.
Curriculum for Excellence education reforms (see below),
this has changed to education from post-S3. The National
National 4 and National 5 have a similar purpose to, but
have replaced, Standard Grade General and Credit, and
will replace Intermediate 1 and 2 respectively once dual
About Curriculum for Excellence running of Intermediate 1 and 2 and National 4 and
5 qualifications stops after 2014-15. Foundation level
(CfE) Standard Grade will be replaced by National 3. Access 1
and Access 2 qualifications are being replaced by National
Curriculum for Excellence (CfE) is the new 3-18 curriculum
1 and National 2 qualifications after a period of dual
which has been adopted by all publicly-funded schools
running ending in 2014-15.
in Scotland. It aims to make learning more relevant
to the modern world and give young people the skills, The new National 1 to National 5 qualifications were
knowledge and understanding they need to succeed in introduced for the 2013-14 academic year. The new Higher
learning, life and work. It is transforming education by qualifications were introduced for the 2014-15 academic
providing a coherent, flexible and enriched curriculum for year and the new Advanced Higher qualifications will be
all young people aged three to 18 and includes a review introduced for the 2015-16 academic year.
of other aspects of Scotland’s education system, including
qualifications, assessment and learning and teaching Revisions have been made to the existing Higher and
approaches. This will help prepare young people to take Advanced Higher qualifications to reflect the values,
their place in a modern society and economy. purposes and principles of CfE. The existing and new Higher
will dual run during 2014-15.
SQA is a partner organisation involved in developing the
Curriculum for Excellence programme. The other partners The Scottish Baccalaureates in Sciences and Languages
are the Scottish Government and Education Scotland were introduced in August 2009 and the Scottish
(formed by a merger of Her Majesty’s Inspectorate of Baccalaureates in Social Sciences and Expressive Arts were
Education (HMIe) and Learning and Teaching Scotland introduced in August 2012. These qualifications have the
(LTS)). Maximising the opportunities that CfE provides aim of encouraging more pupils to study these subjects in
requires a joined up approach across a range of sectors upper secondary school and assist young people in their
and bodies, and there has been much partnership working transition to tertiary education and employment. They
with the HE sector, along with others such as the teaching are especially aimed at high-achieving pupils and provide
unions, local authorities and employers. learners with a value added dimension to S6 study, through
an Interdisciplinary Project at the same level as Advanced
Universities have been, and continue to be, key partners Higher (SCQF Level 7).
in the development of CfE. As CfE is implemented, it is
crucial that universities reflect on the implications and
benefits for their own activities and practices. This includes Development of literacy and numeracy skills is the
both learning and teaching strategies and admission and responsibility of all teachers and other practitioners who
recruitment policies. The aim is to ensure young people can support young people’s learning, regardless of where the
experience a smooth transition from schools and colleges young person is learning or the subject is being taught.
to universities, building on prior learning and preparing for Literacy and Numeracy units have been developed at SCQF
future learning. Levels 3, 4 and 5, using the Skills for Learning, Skills for Life
and Skills for Work framework, which can be accessed at
More specifically, learners will be applying to universities www.sqa.org.uk/sqa/63101.html
with enhanced skills for learning and new qualifications
from 2015 onwards. Flexibility in the way in which These units will be available for all learners to use in any
young people obtain qualifications is a key part of the relevant context.
personalisation and choice agenda within CfE and as a The Literacy unit is part of the English and Gàidhlig courses
result young people may have a much greater range of at National 3 and National 4. Work in English (National
pathways to obtaining qualifications than is currently the 5) and other courses may be used to contribute to the
case, e.g. Highers achieved over separate diets in S4 and Literacy unit at National 5. The Numeracy unit will form a
S5, or S5 and S6, or across all three years, or, for others, mandatory part of the new Lifeskills Mathematics courses
undertaking a programme of learning which bypasses lower at National 3, National 4 and National 5. The Numeracy
level qualifications – but not the learning and teaching unit will form a mandatory part of the Mathematics course
involved in them – and studying Highers over an extended at National 4.
period from some point in S4 onwards.
Scottish Curriculum Reform
To ensure that each qualification is of the highest The last year for Standard Grade presentation was 2012-13
quality, the process has been designed to be transparent, with the final certification having taken place in August
allowing for extensive consultation, while maintaining 2013.
standards. This work is being undertaken to ensure that the
qualifications support the development of the required skills The new National Qualifications (Nationals 1–5) have been
among Scotland’s learners. implemented in centres in time for those who started S1
in August 2010. SQA and Education Scotland will continue
Work on the new qualifications started in 2006. Since then to support schools and colleges towards and through the
there has been engagement with partners, stakeholders different stages of implementation.
and the teaching profession on the policy, design and
development of the new qualifications. In 2013–14, the new National 2, National 3, National 4
and National 5 qualifications ran in schools and colleges
SQA has hosted meetings, seminars and workshops alongside the current Access 2, Access 3, Intermediate 1
with stakeholders to discuss issues such as assessment, and Intermediate 2. The new qualifications were available
curriculum planning, quality assurance and continuing for those in S4, while S5 and S6 students completed their
professional development. education with the existing qualifications.
SQA has also set up specific groups to take forward the In 2014–15, the new National 2, National 3, National 4,
development of the new and revised qualifications. National 5 and Higher qualifications were run in schools
and colleges alongside Access 2, Access 3, Intermediate 1,
Curriculum Area Review Groups (CARGs) provide advice and Intermediate 2 and the existing Higher. The new
guidance in each curriculum area. Each group is made up qualifications were available for those in S4 and S5, while
of nominated representatives from partner organisations, S6 students will complete their education with the existing
stakeholders, including HEPs, teaching associations and qualifications.
parent groups.
In 2015–16, the new National 2, National 3, National 4,
Qualifications Design Teams (QDTs) work on the design National 5, Higher and Advanced Higher will be available.
of qualifications within individual subjects such as physics, Dual running with the existing and current Higher and
history, English, music, etc. They are made up of nominated Intermediate 1 and 2 will cease. The new Advanced Higher
subject experts from schools, colleges and HEPs. qualifications will not be dual run.
Subject Working Groups (SWGs) carry out specific pieces of
work as designated by the QDTs. Teachers, college lecturers
and academics from HEPs are involved in these groups. More information
More information on published final documents can be For more information about Curriculum for Excellence,
found at www.sqa.org.uk/sqa/58115.html including the supporting documentation, development
schedule and timetable for implementation, please see:
Delivering the new qualifications SQA also has a sign-up facility –MyAlerts– which provides
email notification when new content on CfE is added to the
Whilst the new qualifications are being implemented, there
site: www.sqa.org.uk/sqa/58116.html
is currently a two-year transition period in 2013-14 and
2014-15 while the current qualifications are phased out. For information on the year-by-year changes to Scottish
This is to allow the final year group studying Intermediate1 qualifications resulting from CfE, please also refer to
and/or Intermediate 2 to progress to the current Higher www.sqa.org.uk/readyreckoner
without disruption to their learning.
This section covers the National Qualifications introduced and certification system, subjects traditionally regarded
since 1999 and all other relevant SQA qualifications. The as academic or general education and those perceived
information in this section is complemented by information to be more vocational and work-related. These National
published on the SQA website. You can also contact the Qualifications are based on National Courses and National
SQA customer contact centre (see Appendix A). Units. National Courses, for example, Highers and
Advanced Highers, are normally made up of three National
Units plus an external assessment. National Certificates,
introduced in 2007, may be made up of National Courses,
National Qualifications introduced National Units and Core Skills, which fit together to make
in 1999 a balanced and coherent programme of study. As part of a
phased programme, these new qualifications replaced SCE
The system of National Qualifications introduced in 1999 Highers, CSYS, GSVQs and some other group awards.
brought together into a single curriculum, assessment
Existing (and lapsing) Scottish National Qualifications
LEVELS AND STANDARDS Intermediate 2 and Standard Grades from 2010 when SQA
National Qualifications are designed to let candidates study stopped reporting results in courses below Higher. The Tariff
at the level that offers the appropriate challenge. There points used since 2010 entry onwards are listed with the
are seven levels – National 1 to National 5, Higher and more detailed information for these qualifications provided
Advanced Higher – although not all subjects are available below.
at the full range of levels. During 2013-14 and 2014-15,
Access 1 to 3 and Intermediate 1 and 2 will be dual run
with the new National qualifications, when they will lapse.
While unlikely, some candidates may take a combination of National Courses (SCQF Levels 4
National 4 and 5 along with Intermediate 1 and 2 during to 7)
National Courses are made up of National Units, usually
The seven levels offer all candidates increased opportunities in a group of three units per course, plus an added value
for progression. Nationals are normally completed by assessment. Each unit at Levels 4 to 6 is normally made
candidates during S4. However, with the introduction up of 60 notional learning hours (NLH); at Level 7, each
of Curriculum for Excellence (CfE), candidates may unit is normally made up of 80 NLH. There is no external
take Nationals in later school years, depending on their assessment in the National or Higher Skills for Work
particular learner journey. Courses. At Levels 4 to 6 the number of units will vary if 30
or 120 NLH units are used in a course (sometimes units
The level of demand involved in National Qualifications
are reduced or increased in size, if appropriate, for the
has been benchmarked against that of a range of
purpose of the unit or National Course). At Levels 4 to 6 an
predecessor qualifications, including Standard Grades additional time allocation of 60 NLH is provided to allow
and Intermediates. SQA maintains an archive of marked students to integrate learning across the course. At Levels
candidate assessment material, which is used to monitor 5 to 7 it also enables them to prepare for the external
the stability of standards over time. SQA also applies a assessment. Thus the NLH for each course at SCQF Levels
system of national ratings, which monitors performance 4-6 is 240 hours, giving them a credit value of 24 SCQF
between subjects and ensures that all subjects at the same credit points. Courses at SCQF Level 7 (Advanced Higher)
level are comparable in terms of demand. are longer, reflecting the fact that SCQF Level 7 is the
starting point for higher education in Scotland. Therefore,
For National Courses with grades at Advanced Higher,
courses at SCQF Level 7 are 320 NLH and 32 SCQF credit
Higher and National 5, there are four grades of award:
points. The units of a course are related to the learning
A, B, C and D. These grades also apply to Intermediate 1
requirements of a coherent programme of study in a given
and 2. Full information about the award scales for National
subject area. Courses are SCQF credit-rated and, at SCQF
Courses at all levels, including Highers and Advanced
Levels 6 and 7, allocated UCAS Tariff points.
Highers, is outlined below.
The external assessment is usually an examination, but in
FOR NATIONAL COURSES WITH GRADES several of the existing courses, and almost all of the new
All external assessments for graded National Courses take courses, this is supplemented by either an assignment, case
place in May-June and lead to certification in early August. study, performance, portfolio, practical activity, project or
There are also a number of externally assessed, project- sometimes a combination of these. The purpose of the
based National Courses that are available for completion at external assessment is to test that knowledge and skills
times other than the summer and lead to certification on a learned have been retained and can be integrated and
contextualised by the candidate. The external assessment
quarterly basis. Most candidates for project-based courses
also helps to assure end users of the qualifications that
are likely to be from FE colleges.
standards are being rigorously maintained.
WITHOUT GRADES Grade Band Range of Standardised Marks
There is a small group of National Courses without grades A 1 85–100
A 2 70–84
that are made up of internally assessed Units and which
B 3 65–69
have no external assessment. These are the Skills for Work
B 4 60–64
Courses. Although most candidate results for these courses C 5 55–59
will continue to be reported in August along with results C 6 50–54
for National Courses with grades, they can be reported in D 7 45–49
any month of the year, depending on when the candidate – 8 40–44 fail
completes the course. These courses are subject to external – 9 Fewer than 40 fail
verification by SQA.
SQA issues the results of summer examinations for National g Grades A, B, C, D reported to candidates
Courses at Higher, Advanced Higher and the Scottish g Band reported to the centre only.
Baccalaureate’s Interdisciplinary Project in early August.
The exact timing of the issue of results is notified in an Note: The grade bands are for SQA administrative purposes
annual circular to UCAS correspondents. only and SQA strongly advocates against the use of grade
bands in offer making. In terms of Appeals, candidates can
UCAS TARIFF POINT SCORES only have them considered between grades, not bands.
Since 2002 entry, graded National Courses at Advanced
Higher, Higher and Intermediate 2 levels along with Note
Standard Grade Credit level and Core Skills have been part Grade D was implemented from August 2004. Prior to
of the UCAS Tariff although UCAS withdrew the Tariff for this date, candidates who obtained Band 7 in a National
Existing (and lapsing) Scottish National Qualifications
Course external assessment were awarded a grade A in the the National Assessment Bank for the pre-CfE qualifications
corresponding National Course at the lower level, provided to assist them with this work and ensure that national
they had successfully completed the units of the course. standards are applied to all unit assessments. Unit internal
assessments are also subject to a new and rigorous external
Scottish HEPs normally frame their conditional offers in verification process by SQA. Candidates are awarded a ‘pass’
terms of numbers and grades of passes in Higher Courses. in a unit when they have achieved all of the unit outcomes.
Highers have historically been taken at the end of a National Courses consist of units (usually three) which are
student’s fifth year (S5) of secondary education, often internally assessed but not graded. The National Units do
with more taken at the end of the sixth year (S6). With the
not contribute to the National Course grade, but must be
advent of Curriculum for Excellence, it is expected that it is
passed in order for candidates to achieve the Course.
less likely that there will be a standard pattern of provision,
and candidates may take different learner pathways
presenting for National 4 and 5, Higher and Advanced
Higher, at different stages. In S6, Highers may be taken: Advanced Highers
g as a resit (N.B. There is no winter re-sit diet in Scotland) Advanced Highers have been revised in the context of
g where candidates are completing a Higher within a Curriculum for Excellence. The new Advanced Higher
two-year programme of learning (as a single sitting)
qualifications will be available from 2015-16. The new
where candidates are progressing from National 5 in
Advanced Higher qualification will not be dual run. For more
fifth year
information on Curriculum for Excellence, please visit
g where candidates are building on the range of Higher
subjects they completed in fifth year.
Since the abolition of “Age and Stage” regulations in AH
Scotland in 2005, some candidates may take some Higher
Courses in S4 and S5 or as a two-year Higher (one sitting) SCQF LEVEL:
in S4-S5. With CfE, various patterns of provision – including Level 7
bypassing National 5 qualifications – may become more
common among some candidates. Years 12 and 13 in
32 credit points (320 NLH)
England correspond to the fifth (S5) and sixth years (S6) in
Scotland. (S6 in Scotland is only one year.) BACKGROUND:
See section on National Qualifications introduced in 1999.
Advanced Highers have normally been taken at the end
of the sixth year of secondary education. The number DATE OF FIRST TEACHING:
of Advanced Highers that students can achieve or the 2000
availability of the Scottish Baccalaureate to which they DATE OF FIRST AWARD:
may contribute may be affected by a school’s timetabling 2001
policy, and by the extent to which students decide to
broaden their knowledge and skills by taking National 5 or PREREQUISITES:
Higher Courses, or indeed, group awards such as National Advanced Highers are National Courses normally taken at
Certificates or National Progression Awards (NPAs). the end of a student’s sixth year of secondary education.
Many candidates will have studied the subject at Higher
For entry to HE, National 4 and 5 (and Intermediate 1 but a few applicants may have bypassed Higher and
and 2) Courses should be treated as equivalent to the moved directly to Advanced Higher. In some cases
old Standard Grade General and Credit respectively and Advanced Highers may be taken in fifth year instead of
therefore acceptable as backup to Highers in the main
Higher. Advanced Highers can also be taken by adults
subjects and as contributory to providing evidence of
in an FE college. However, with the implementation of
curriculum breadth. For those who bypass National 4 and
Curriculum for Excellence, it is expected that schools will
National 5 qualifications as part of two-year programmes
follow varied patterns of provision, enabling candidates
of learning culminating in Highers sat in a single diet at
to take Advanced Highers across S4-S6, depending on the
the end of that period, they will still experience curriculum
learner journey that they are undertaking.
breadth by undertaking the learning and teaching in these
qualifications, but will forego the summative assessment. NUMBER OF UNITS/STRUCTURE:
Normally, three 80-NLH National Units, plus an external
assessment. The number of units will vary if 40- or 160-
NLH units are used in the course. An additional 80-NLH is
National Units (available at SCQF allocated to allow students to integrate learning across the
Levels 1 to 7) course and to prepare for the external assessment.
National Units, which subsumed National Certificate Units
and Short Courses, are usually 60 NLH in length at SCQF The units that comprise the course are internally assessed
Levels 1 to 6, though some are fractions, for example, and externally verified. The external assessment usually
30 NLH, or multiples, for example, 120 NLH thereof. At includes two or more Course (external) assessment
SCQF Level 7, National Units are 80 NLHs or fractions or components. End of year question papers (exams) continue
multiples thereof. to be used in most Advanced Highers, but most also have
an additional Course assessment, such as an assignment,
National Units are internally assessed by teachers project, portfolio, performance, case study or practical as
and lecturers, who can draw on materials from SQA’s appropriate to the subject. This is the case with both the
Assessment Support Packs for the new qualifications and existing and new Advanced Highers.
Existing (and lapsing) Scottish National Qualifications
Existing (and lapsing) Scottish National Qualifications
same subject area will not be permitted. The points score Scottish Baccalaureate in Languages – 2009
will be derived from the highest grades achieved in the Scottish Baccalaureate in Science – 2009
highest level of the course. Scottish Baccalaureate in Expressive Arts – 2012
Scottish Baccalaureate in Social Sciences – 2012
For more information about the UCAS Tariff, please see
Scottish Baccalaureate in Languages – 2010
Scottish Baccalaureate in Science – 2010
Subject to SQA’s system of quality assurance. See Guide to
Scottish Baccalaureate in Expressive Arts – 2013
Assessment, which is available on SQA’s website at
Scottish Baccalaureate in Social Sciences – 2013
Highers are used for a variety of purposes, including entry Entry to the Scottish Baccalaureate is at the discretion
to higher education. Scottish HEPs normally frame their of the centre. However, the Baccalaureate is intended
conditional and unconditional offers in terms of numbers for candidates who, in fifth and sixth years of secondary
and grades of Higher passes. Many students will have education, are working at Higher and Advanced Higher
passed four, five or, in exceptional cases, six or more Highers level in two different, eligible subjects, together with English
by the end of fifth year and may well have obtained the (or ESOL or Gàidhlig) or mathematics.
required grades for entry to a Scottish HEP or college, NUMBER OF UNITS/STRUCTURE:
where they may be made unconditional offers based on Scottish Baccalaureate in Languages requires two
their Higher grades achieved in S5, while they are in S6.
different eligible modern or classical Language Courses, at
Most stay on at school for a further year to undertake
least one of which must be at Advanced Higher level. One
some combination of Advanced Higher and/or additional
of the courses taken must be English (or ESOL or Gàidhlig*)
Highers and/or free-standing National Units. More recently,
some schools – in partnership with FE colleges – offer HNC and this may be at Higher or Advanced Higher level.
awards alongside Highers, which are taken over S5-S6. Scottish Baccalaureate in Science requires two different
The number of Highers that students can achieve may be eligible science courses, at least one of which must be at
affected by a school’s timetabling policy. Advanced Higher level. One of the courses taken must be
mathematics (Higher or Advanced Higher level) or applied
mathematics (Advanced Higher level).
Scottish Baccalaureate Scottish Baccalaureate in Expressive Arts requires
The Scottish Baccalaureates in Expressive Arts, Languages, three different eligible courses, two of which must be
Science and Social Sciences consist of a coherent group at Advanced Higher level and one at Higher level. One
of current Higher and Advanced Higher qualifications in of these courses must be English (or ESOL or Gàidhlig*)
relevant subjects. or mathematics (or applied mathematics) at Higher or
Advanced Higher level.
Scot Bacc Scottish Baccalaureate in Social Sciences requires
three different eligible courses, two of which must be
at Advanced Higher level and one at Higher level. One
Level 7
of these courses must be English (or ESOL or Gàidhlig*)
SCQF CREDIT VALUE: or mathematics (or applied mathematics) at Higher or
104 credit points (1040 NLH) Advanced Higher level.
BACKGROUND: *Learners who have Gàidhlig as their first language may
The Scottish Baccalaureate has been designed to provide count both English and Gàidhlig.
a challenging and rewarding experience for learners in fifth
and sixth year of secondary education who are able to The mandatory components of the Scottish Baccalaureate
cope with the demands of study at Higher and Advanced are:
Higher level.
Interdisciplinary Advanced Higher SCQF Level 7 (16 SCQF credits)
The Scottish Baccalaureate is made up of one Higher, Project Unit
Two courses Advanced Higher SCQF Level 7 (64 SCQF credits)
two Advanced Highers and the Interdisciplinary Project
One course Higher SCQF Level 6 (24 SCQF credits)
(IP), which is the same level as Advanced Higher. The
Interdisciplinary Project is the defining feature of the
Scottish Baccalaureate, bringing added value to the The Interdisciplinary Project is graded A, B or C and is
Scottish Baccalaureate as a whole. allocated UCAS Tariff points as follows:
Key features of the Interdisciplinary Project: A 65
B 55
g Application or extension of subject knowledge in a C 45
relevant context
g Focus on generic and cognitive skills development The Interdisciplinary Project is allocated UCAS Tariff
g Opportunity to access different learning environments points rather than the Scottish Baccalaureate, as the other
g Learner negotiation of context will be important and components of the Scottish Baccalaureate already receive
should be related to areas of interest and/or future Tariff points. However, the Scottish Baccalaureate is graded
career aspiration. as a “Distinction” or “Pass” based on achievements in all of
the components.
Existing (and lapsing) Scottish National Qualifications
Existing (and lapsing) Scottish National Qualifications
Existing (and lapsing) Scottish National Qualifications
SCQF LEVEL: the particular award. However, SGAs finished in July 2010.
Access 2 – Level 2 National Certificates have replaced SGAs – see section
Access 3 – Level 3 below on National Qualification Group Awards.
BACKGROUND: Core Skills are recorded on the Scottish Qualifications
See section on National Qualifications introduced in 1999. Certificate (SQC) as a profile if they are embedded within
DATE OF FIRST TEACHING: other qualifications. If they are dedicated Core Skills units
1999 then they will appear in the list of qualifications achieved
and the Core Skills profile.
There is no age restriction on the use of Access 2 and 3 DATE OF FIRST AWARD:
Courses but they are normally taken by candidates in S3 2000
NUMBER OF UNITS/STRUCTURE: Core Skills are embedded in some National Courses and are
Normally three National Units each of 60 NLH. The number also offered as discrete National Units.
of units will vary if 30-NLH units are used in the course. ASSESSMENT METHOD:
ASSESSMENT METHOD: Embedded within National and Higher National courses
The units that comprise the course are internally assessed which means successful completion of one qualification
and externally verified. can automatically update a candidate’s Core Skills Profile
to reflect the highest level of Core Skill achieved to date.
Achievement can also be through internal assessment of
Mainly August, but can be issued in any month of the year. the units which are externally verified by SQA. Assessment is
GRADING SYSTEM: criterion referenced against specific standards.
Ungraded. Achievement is certified as a ‘Pass’. EXAMINATION TIMING:
QUALITY ASSURANCE: Discrete Core Skills units are not subject to external
Subject to SQA’s system of quality assurance. See Guide to assessment.
Assessment, which is available on SQA’s website at www. DATE OF RESULTS PUBLICATION:
sqa.org.uk/files_ccc/25GuideToAssessment.pdf Profile appears on the Scottish Qualification Certificate
PROGRESSION/ARTICULATION: (SQC), which is normally issued in August for candidates
Access 2 and 3 Courses will be used for a variety of taking National Courses. For other candidates, group award
purposes, including progression to National Courses at the results are issued weekly.
same levels and at higher levels. GRADING SYSTEM:
Curriculum for Excellence will see the Access 2 and 3 Core Skills are not graded, but the SCQF level at which they
courses being replaced by National 2 and National 3 have been achieved is shown as a profile on the SQC. Core
courses. In 2014-15, the current Access 2 and Access 3 Skills achieved through discrete units are included in the
will be dual run in centres alongside the new National unit achievement of the SQC.
2 and National 3 courses. For more information on UCAS TARIFF POINTS
Curriculum for Excellence please visit www.sqa.org.uk/ UCAS Tariff points have been allocated to Core Skills as
curriculumforexcellence follows:
Level UCAS Tariff points
Higher (SCQF Level 6) 20
Core Skills Intermediate (SCQF Level 5) 10
Existing (and lapsing) Scottish National Qualifications
During 2013-14 SQA has been developing work for its DATE OF FIRST AWARD:
HN Enhancement Pilot, which has developed a range of 1925
support materials and resources to help support smoother PREREQUISITES:
articulation from the HNC to year 2 and HND to year 3 of Entry is at the discretion of the centre. However, applicants
Bachelor’s degrees. This has taken the form of alternative straight from school are normally expected to have a range
approaches to assessment, the development of higher of National Qualifications, including some at SCQF Level
education skills and maths for engineers. This has been 6, e.g. Highers. Non-school leavers will enter with a variety
a partnership development with colleges and universities of qualifications and/or experience. Many candidates may
in the following subject areas: Social Sciences, Business, undertake their HNC as employer-funded training through
Computing and Engineering. day or block release, or through distance learning.
HNCs developed under the 1988 design rules comprise
Higher National Certificates (HNC) 12 SQA credits (these preceded the SCQF). SQA credits
were based on a notional 80 hours of teaching and
learning, including independent study. Prior to modernising
all HNCs, five subject areas were reviewed using pilot design
SCQF LEVEL: rules. These HNCs were validated with 15 SQA credits,
Level 7 two of which were Integrated Assessments. Between
2003-2008, all HNCs were revised using the 2003 design
principles and the SCQF and these comprise 96 SCQF credit
96 credit points (960 NLH)
points, eight SCQF credit points of which is a graded unit
However, many candidates take 120 credit points at SCQF Level 7. In the current HNCs, Core Skills may be
(1200 NLH worth of relevant units) for the purpose of signposted and/or embedded.
improving articulation to second year of Bachelor’s degree ASSESSMENT METHOD:
programmes. HNCs are internally assessed and externally verified.
HNCs are HE group awards covering broad occupational Flexible, but full-time college students normally complete
areas and are offered by colleges and some HEPs. HNCs in June.
1923 Flexible, but full-time college students normally receive
Existing (and lapsing) Scottish National Qualifications
results in August. Group award results are also issued including independent study. Prior to modernising all
weekly. Group Award results are reported to UCAS along HNDs, a few were developed under pilot rules. These were
with the annual diet of results, but only the achievement comprised of 30 SQA credits, four of which were Integrated
of the Group Award is reported as a “Pass”. SQA plans to Assessments. All HNDs have been revised using the 2003
report the result of graded units to UCAS in the future. design principles and the SCQF and these are comprised of
240 SCQF credit points. 24 credits of these graded units –
one worth eight SCQF credit points at SCQF Level 7 plus 16
HNC Group Awards developed under the 1988 design rules
SCQF credits at SCQF Level 8 (the 16 credits can comprise
comprise Units which are awarded at Pass or Merit. HNCs
one large graded unit or two single equally sized graded
developed under the pilot design rules contain two SQA
units). In the revised HNDs, Core Skills may be signposted
credits of Integrated Assessments, which are Graded A, B
and/or embedded. It should be noted that a double credit
or C. HNCs developed under the 2003 design principles
graded unit will only be certificated with a single grade.
contain one graded unit worth eight SCQF credits at SCQF
Where three graded unit grades are considered by a HEP
level 7, which will be graded A, B or C. It should be noted
for offer-making, the 16 SCQF credit graded unit should be
that in rare circumstances some applicants who present the
taken as a ‘duplicate grade’, i.e. ‘AA’ instead of simply ‘A’ for
current HNCs may offer a mix of old units (graded Pass or
the purpose of clarification and equity.
Merit) and current (ungraded) HN units.
HNDs are internally assessed and externally verified.
Subject to SQA’s system of quality assurance. See Guide to
Assessment, which is available on SQA’s website at EXAMINATION TIMING:
www.sqa.org.uk/files_ccc/25GuideToAssessment.pdf Flexible, but full-time college students normally complete
HNDs in June.
HNCs are designed and validated at SCQF Level 7. As DATE OF RESULT PUBLICATION:
such, students may progress to HNDs, degree courses or Flexible, but full-time college students normally receive
employment. HEPs make their own decisions on the specific results in July. Group award results are also issued weekly.
credit to be granted and many articulation agreements Group Award results are reported to UCAS along with the
exist between FE colleges and HEPs. Direct entry to year annual diet of results, but only the achievement of the
two of a degree programme is possible at some universities. Group Award is reported as a “Pass”. SQA plans to report
the result of graded units to UCAS in the future.
Higher National Diplomas (HND) HND Group Awards developed under the 1988 design rules
comprise units which are awarded at Pass or Merit. HNCs
QUALIFICATION ABBREVIATION: developed under the pilot design rules contain four credits
HND of Integrated Assessments, which are graded A, B or C.
SCQF LEVEL: HNDs developed under the 2003 design principles contain
Level 8 graded units – one worth eight SCQF credit points at SCQF
Level 7 plus 16 SCQF credits at SCQF Level 8 (the 16 credits
SCQF CREDIT VALUE: can comprise one double credit graded unit or two single
240 credit points (2400 NLH) credit graded units) each of which will be graded A, B,
BACKGROUND: or C. It should be noted that in rare circumstances some
HNDs are advanced HE group awards covering broad applicants who present the current HNCs may offer a mix
occupational areas and are offered by colleges and some of old units (graded Pass or Merit) and current (ungraded)
HEPs. HN units.
1958 Subject to SQA’s system of quality assurance. See Guide to
Assessment, which is available on SQA’s website at
HNDs are designed and validated at SCQF Level 8. As such,
Entry is at the discretion of the centre. However, applicants students may progress to degree courses or employment.
from school are normally expected to have a range of HEPs make their own decisions on the specific credit to be
National Qualifications, including some at SCQF Level 6, granted and many articulation agreements exist between
e.g. Highers. Non-school leavers will enter with a variety of FE colleges and HEPs. Direct entry to year three of a degree
qualifications and/or experience. programme is possible at some universities.
HNDs developed under the 1988 design rules comprise 30
SQA credits (these preceded the SCQF). SQA credits were
based on a notional 80 hours of teaching and learning,
Other Scottish qualifications
Flexible National Qualification Group
National Qualification Group Awards (NQGAs) is the term
GRADING SYSTEM: which encompasses two types of non-advanced Group
Ungraded. Achievement is certificated as a ‘Pass’. Awards – small, flexible National Progression Awards
QUALITY ASSURANCE: (NPAs) and larger, fixed-credit National Certificates (NCs).
Subject to SQA’s system of quality assurance. See Guide to Both NPAs and NCs provide those preparing for work with
Assessment, which is available on SQA’s website at opportunities to develop skills sought after by employers.
Please see the Awards page on SQA’s website at: www.
sqa.org.uk/sqa/41280.html for details on progression from QUALIFICATION ABBREVIATION:
individual Awards. NC
Level is dependent on the component units of the award,
National Certificate Group Awards but National Certificates are available at SCQF Levels 2-6.
Level is dependent on the component parts of the award SCQF Level 2 and 3 – 54 credit points (minimum) (540 NLH)
SCQF Level 4, 5 and 6 – 72 credit points (minimum)
National Certificate Group Awards were validated by SQA (720 NLH)
and were the forerunner to the newer National Certificates,
which were developed and validated using the SCQF level
descriptors. This qualification was designed to provide
national recognition for specified groupings of Units which
form coherent programmes of study.
Other Scottish Qualifications
Other Scottish Qualifications
The PDA Modernisation Project (January 2007 until
Scottish Progression Awards (SPA)
December 2010) involved revising all existing PDAs SPAs have been gradually replaced by National Progression
according to the new design principles. Awards (NPAs) and National Certificates (NCs). Only one
Professional Development Awards (PDAs) are developed SPA, Rural Skills at SCQF Level 5, remains.
in partnership with key stakeholders and designed to QUALIFICATION ABBREVIATION:
ensure that they are more flexible in terms of size, delivery SPA
and assessment. They maintain a fitness for purpose that
attends to the needs of rapidly evolving industrial practice
and employer and employee skills needs. They are delivered Normally, levels 3–8. SCQF level is subject to the level of
in Scotland’s colleges, by private education and training the units which comprise the SPA.
providers (ETPs), in some higher education providers (HEPs) BACKGROUND:
and can also be delivered by employers with SQA approval Designed to provide the underpinning knowledge and
status. PDAs are also available at SCQF Level 9 and above, enable progression to Scottish Vocational Qualifications
to offer industry high-level CPD for current and prospective (SVQ).
staff; specialised enskilling for graduates; and alternative
– work-related/based – higher education progression for
successful HND and Modern Apprenticeship (SVQ level First introduced in session 1998/9.
4) candidates. Smaller PDAs can sometimes be found PREREQUISITES:
embedded in other Group Awards, such as HNC/HNDs, or Entry is at the discretion of the centre.
can be large enough to embed an HNC within it.
DATE OF FIRST TEACHING: The number of Units in a SPA is subject to the specific
First introduced in session 1997/8. qualification. SPAs can comprise a group of SVQ units,
a group of National or Higher National Units, or a
Entry is at the discretion of the centre. combination of these. Assessment is subject to units that
comprise the qualification.
PDAs comprise a coherent group of Higher National Units,
SVQ Units or National Units or a combination of these. Subject to the requirements of the component parts of the
The design principles for PDAs determine that they will be: SPA.
available at SCQF Levels 6–12
Assessment is flexible to meet candidate needs.
Other Scottish Qualifications
Phased Out Qualifications
As part of a phased programme, National Qualifications (the analogue of key skills in the rest of the UK). GSVQ
have replaced SCE Highers, Certificate of Sixth Year candidates were also required to pass an integrated
Studies (CSYS), General Scottish Vocational Qualifications assessment, which was used to distinguish two levels of
(GSVQs), Scottish Group Awards (SGAs) and other achievement: Pass and Merit.
Units and groupings of Units and modules. A number
of applicants will only offer the National Qualifications,
while others – most likely mature applicants – will offer National Certificate Modules
some combination of old and new qualifications. A useful
explanatory summary of historic changes to Scottish National Certificate Modules were replaced by, or
secondary qualifications is available at www.scqf.org.uk converted into, National Units.
(select ‘Resources’ and then ‘Old vs New’). National Certificate Modules were introduced in 1984/5
when non-advanced vocational qualifications in Scotland
were modularised. Modules were offered in schools,
Certificate of Sixth Year Studies colleges, community education and training centres.
(CSYS) Candidates were assessed against outcomes and
performance criteria to ensure national standards, and
The final sitting of examinations for the CSYS was summer all centres were subject to external moderation and other
2001, except for CSYS English, which was summer 2002. quality assurance requirements.
CSYS was intended to encourage pupils who had Some modular programmes count towards the general
obtained a Higher pass in a subject in fifth year to pursue entrance requirements of some HEPs. In particular,
independent study in selected areas of that subject in sixth certain groups of modules are recognised as alternatives
year. However, the uptake of CSYS was limited. In most to Standard Grades and Highers and these recognised
subjects, there was a fairly wide range of options, and groupings are detailed in Recognised Groupings of National
candidates were required to work on individual projects Certificate Modules, published by SQA.
and lines of enquiry.
National Certificate Modules were used by the three
There were five grades: A, B, C, D and E, which were
Scottish Wider Access Programme (SWAP) consortia
broadly comparable to the same grades at GCE A level.
Some pupils with four or five good Highers studied up to to build access programmes tailored to meet the
three CSYS subjects in sixth year, with many combining admissions requirements of HE. Some institutions also
CSYS and additional Highers. had agreements with local schools and colleges which
recognised particular groupings of modules for entry to
Grade (previously known as Ranking) Band specified HNC, HND and degree programmes.
A 1
B 2
C 3 Scottish Group Awards (SGA)
D 4
E 5 SGAs were replaced by National Progression Awards (NPAs)
No award 6 and National Certificates and have not been available since
July 2010.
SGAs were introduced in 1999 and were made up of
Grades A, B, C (pass grades) were reported to both centres National Courses, National Units and Core Skills, which
and candidates. fitted together to make a balanced and coherent
programme of study, normally lasting a year for full-time
students and longer for part-time students. Untitled or
General Scottish Vocational general SGAs were available at all levels.
Qualifications (GSVQ) At Int 2 and Higher, named SGAs (e.g. Arts, Sciences,
Business, Technology) were also available.
GSVQs were replaced by Scottish Groups Awards (SGAs).
SGAs began to replace GSVQs from the start of session There was a minimum credit and Core Skills requirement
1999/2000 with no further certification of GSVQs after for all named and general SGAs. SGAs at Advanced Higher
30 September 2004. required 20 SQA unit credits (pre-SCQF), plus Core Skills
profile at specified levels; SGAs at Higher required 20 SQA
GSVQs were broadly based group awards leading to unit credits, plus Core Skills profile at specified levels; SGAs
employment and to FE and HE. Level 3 awards (pre-SCQF, at Int 1 and Int 2 required 16 SQA unit credits, plus Core
but comparable to SCQF Level 6) were designed to help Skills profile at specified levels.
enable progression to HE and were of particular interest to
admissions tutors. SGAs were designed to provide progression to FE and
HE and employment. Higher and Advanced Higher SGAs
These group awards were made up of specified numbers would have been of particular interest to admissions tutors
of mandatory and optional National Units (previously as they demonstrated that candidates had achieved
National Certificate Modules), with the balance between success over a coherent programme of subjects and in the
mandatory and optional varying according to the
five Core Skills.
award area. The mandatory element included core skills
Phased Out Qualifications
g Grades A, B, C (pass grades) and D were reported to
the candidates
g The Band was reported to the centre.
Certificates and other supporting evidence likely to be offered
by applicants
Certificates and other supporting evidence likely to be offered by applicants
Routes into Higher Education in Scotland
INTRODUCTION achieve the required entry qualifications for HE. Pupils will,
This section describes the main routes into HE in Scotland in theory, now have much more flexibility as to how to
and related topics, including credit accumulation and reach the four or five Highers HEPs still require for entry.
transfer using the SCQF. Variations will depend in part on the ability of the pupil
APPLICANTS FROM SCHOOLS and in part on the school curriculum policy.
The new curriculum arrangements are now being phased Some applicants are expected to bypass National 5s
in. 2014-15 is a transition year in that whilst most totally (or take one or two only), and study for Highers
applicants will present with the ‘new’ Higher, some may still over S4 and S5 (4th and 5th years). Some, especially
present with a mixture of Intermediate 2 and National 5 in the early stages of the curriculum change, will
qualifications. HEPs have adapted their admissions policies follow the more ‘traditional’ course of seven to nine
to recognise the new curriculum offers and the policies are National 5/Intermediate 2 qualifications and then take
all found on their websites. Highers in S5 and/or S6 (6th year). Patterns of how
Most applicants from schools will offer some combination students will take qualifications is expected to develop in
of Highers, Advanced Highers and Scottish Baccalaureates. the next few years.
Generally, pupils enter HE at age 18 after six years of MATURE APPLICANTS AND APPLICANTS FROM FURTHER
secondary education, but a significant minority enter at EDUCATION COLLEGES
17 after only five years in secondary school. Pupils who HEPs in Scotland recognise the importance and value
remain at school for a sixth year may undertake some of making their provision more accessible in a wide
combination of Advanced Highers and additional Highers, variety of ways, and have welcomed mature applicants
National 5s and/or free-standing National Units. and applicants from FE colleges with a wide range of
qualifications. FE colleges contribute significantly to the
The entrance requirements of Scottish HEPs will still provision of HE in Scotland, with a range of HNC and HND
be generally formulated in terms of passes in Highers. programmes from which many progress to degrees in the
HEPs do give recognition to Advanced Higher, but the HE sector.
recognition given to individual qualifications is decided by
individual HEPs and will vary depending on the course or Mature candidates and applicants from colleges are
faculty to which entry is sought. likely to offer a mixture of old and new Highers, SGAs,
National Units, National Certificate Modules, HNCs, HNDs
Standard grades have now been discontinued. and SVQs. Traditionally, certain groupings of National
Intermediate 2s will continue until 2014-2015. Most Certificate Modules have been recognised as an alternative
candidates, however, will now take the replacement to Standard Grades and Highers for the purposes of entry
qualification, National 5, from 2013-2014. to certain courses at Scottish HEPs. Detailed information
With the introduction of the new curriculum there is is available from SQA. Contact information is given in
much more flexibility on how students will progress to Appendix A.
Routes into Higher Education in Scotland
Scottish Access to Higher Education informal learning opportunities can be used as access
courses for Community Learning and Development-
Programmes, Courses and Pathways endorsed qualifications. For further details, contact
Communities Scotland. Community Learning work-based
Over the years, access programmes have played an routes into HE are also available. For further details,
important role in increasing participation in HE in Scotland. contact Youth Link Scotland. Contact information for
In the past, the majority of Scottish Access Programmes Communities Scotland and Youth Link Scotland is given in
were run under the auspices of the Scottish Wider Appendix A.
Access Programme (SWAP) and continuing education
departments in Scottish HEPs. In recent years, a wider
range of institutions, including community education and Summer Schools
voluntary organisations, have become involved in provision
to create additional pathways to HE. Lifelong learning, A number of Scottish HEPs operate special entry Summer
social inclusion and increased participation in HE are Schools in order to support greater participation in HE
Scottish Goverment priorities. Additional pathways to HE and to assist access for disadvantaged students generally.
have been and are continuing to be developed. Special partnership arrangements between institutions
and education authorities seek to encourage applications
from young people who have the potential to succeed
Scottish Wider Access Programme in HE. Some Scottish HEPs have also established Science
(SWAP) Enhancement Summer Schools to widen access to Science
and Engineering to able students with non-standard
SWAP Access programmes are designed specifically for entrance qualifications. Information about Summer
adults seeking to progress to higher education. They Schools may be obtained direct from the institutions.
are one-year programmes developed using National
Qualification units which allow entry to a number of
degree courses. Students can undertake programmes Credit Accumulation and Transfer
in Humanities including Primary Education, Science and
Technology, Nursing, Health and Medical Studies. The SCQF is the national credit and qualifications
framework in Scotland. The SCQF builds on and replaces
SWAP students who successfully complete their SCOTCAT.
programmes are guaranteed progression to an HNC, HND
or degree course. SWAP Access Programmes are delivered
mainly in colleges and are recognised by the receiving International Foundation
higher education institutions through local consortium
Programme – Scotland (IFPS)
(Prior to September 2003 known as the Scottish
A directory of all SWAP programmes and progression
International Programme (SIP)).
routes is available from partner HEPs. Further information
on all the SWAP programmes and progression routes The programme is an established and recognised course
can be obtained from members of the SWAP consortia – for overseas students hoping to enter Scotland’s unique
SWAP: West and SWAP: East. Contact information is given system of higher education.
in Appendix A.
The purpose of the Foundation Programme is to enable
overseas students to obtain the grades needed to enter
Access Courses Run by Higher their chosen courses, by way of the Scottish Qualifications
Authority’s qualifications and Foundation examinations.
Education Providers
Prospective university students sit SQA Highers and the
A wide variety of access courses are run by individual Foundation English examination during the Academic
HEPs and there is rapid development in this area. For Summer Programme.
example, there are programmes which offer a bridge to
degree-level study for adults whose earlier education has Students who do not achieve all the required Higher
been disrupted or adversely affected. In addition, some grades have the opportunity to take the Foundation
credit-bearing part-time/short courses offered by HEPs can examinations. These examinations are accepted by the
be used as a route into HE. Summer Schools (see below) Scottish institutions of higher education as the equivalent
provide access for both school-leavers and mature students of Highers, and give Foundation students a second
whose formal qualifications are not a true reflection of opportunity to achieve the necessary grades. Foundation
their potential. Successful completion in some cases may students can enter higher education with a combination of
guarantee a place at the HEP. For details of courses, Higher and Foundation results.
contact the admissions office at the institution concerned.
The opportunity to upgrade Higher grade results through
the Foundation examinations is a special feature of
Community Education, Voluntary the Foundation Programme, and is available only to
Programme students. In effect, it allows Programme
Organisation Routes students to resit their examinations in the same year as
they attempt Highers.
Some HEPs and FE colleges have links with informal
community-based learning organisations. Many of the
Appendix A – Contact Details
Appendix A – Contact Details
Appendix B – The UCAS Tariff
Advanced level
Appendix C – GCSE Subject Availability
Details about individual specifications are available from the relevant awarding bodies.
Appendix C – GCSE Subject Availability
Appendix C – GCSE Subject Availability
Appendix C – GCSE Subject Availability
Appendix D – Discontinued GCSE Subjects (Last Examinations 2002)
The following are the subjects for which the General Certificate of Secondary Education (GCSE) examinations were available
for examination until 2002.
A GCSE Combined Subject Syllabus consists of two related constituent subjects, which provide the basis for a single award
GCSE. Some awarding bodies offered more than one syllabus in certain subjects.
Qualification Title Notes Awarding Body
Accounting WJEC
Additional Mathematics CCEA
Agriculture & Horticulture AQA
Arabic Edexcel
Art AQA Edexcel OCR WJEC
Art: Unendorsed AQA
Art: Ceramics Edexcel
Art: Craft Studies Edexcel
Art: Critical & Historical Studies Edexcel
Art: Drawing & Painting AQA Edexcel OCR WJEC
Art: Graphics AQA Edexcel OCR WJEC
Art: Photography AQA Edexcel OCR WJEC
Art: Printmaking Edexcel
Art: Sculpture Edexcel
Art: Textiles AQA Edexcel OCR WJEC
Art: Three Dimensional Design AQA Edexcel OCR WJEC
Astronomy Edexcel
Bengali AQA
Biblical Hebrew Edexcel
Business Studies In association with NDTEF Edexcel OCR
Business Studies & Economics Nuffield – BP Edexcel
Communication Studies AQA
Critical Studies in Art & Design Edexcel
Design & Technology AQA OCR
Design & Technology: Automotive Studies OCR
Design & Technology: Electronic Products Edexcel
Design & Technology: Food Technology WJEC
Design & Technology: Graphic Products WJEC
Design & Technology: Resistant Materials Technology WJEC
Design & Technology: Systems & Control Technology WJEC
Design & Technology: Textiles Technology WJEC
Drama & Theatre Arts AQA
Economics Edexcel WJEC
English (+ grade for Speaking and Listening) AQA CCEA Edexcel OCR WJEC
English English Post-16 AQA Edexcel
Environmental Studies AQA
Geography Syllabuses A & B AQA Edexcel
Geography Syllabus B Joint Syllabus (Avery Hill) OCR WJEC
Geography Syllabus C (Bristol Project) OCR
German Modular CCEA Edexcel OCR WJEC
Greek (Classical) AQA OCR WJEC
Health Studies OCR
History Syllabus A AQA Edexcel WJEC
History Syllabus B AQA WJEC
History Syllabus C AQA Edexcel WJEC
History Syllabus E (Themes of British & World History) Edexcel
Home Economics CCEA
Home Economics: Consumer Studies AQA
Home Economics: Textiles OCR
Information Studies Edexcel OCR
Information Systems CCEA
Information Technology AQA Edexcel OCR WJEC
Keyboarding Applications WJEC
Latin Syllabus B (School Classics Project) OCR
Mathematics Syllabuses A & B AQA CCEA Edexcel OCR WJEC
Mathematics MEI OCR
Mathematics Modular AQA
Mathematics SMP 11-16 OCR
Mathematics SMP Graduated Assessment OCR
Music Edexcel
Nautical Studies AQA
Appendix D – Discontinued GCSE Subjects (Last Examinations 2002)
Appendix D – Discontinued GCSE Subjects (Last Examinations 2002)
Appendix E – GCE A level/AS subject availability
For full and up-to-date details of the subject availability for GCE Advanced Subsidiary and Advanced level qualifications visit the Register of Regulated
Qualifications on the Ofqual website at http://register.ofqual.gov.uk.
Appendix E – GCE A level/AS subject availability
Appendix E – GCE A level/AS subject availability
Appendix E – GCE A level/AS subject availability
Appendix F – Advanced Extension Award Subject Availability
First examined in June 2002, the Advanced Extension Award was introduced to challenge high achieving learners and to
differentiate between the top ten percent of students nationally. Following the changes made to GCE A levels in 2008,
specifically the introduction of the A* grade and ‘stretch and challenge’, it was decided AEAs were no longer required. They
were therefore withdrawn after the June 2009 examinations.
The exception to this is the Mathematics AEA offered by Pearson Edexcel, which will continue to be available until at least
August 2015.
The following is a list of the Advanced Extension Awards that were previously available for entry to HE. A single awarding
organisation offered the relevant examination on behalf of all the awarding organisations. Candidates did not have to enter
for the corresponding A level with that awarding organisation.
Subject Awarding Body
Biology and Biology (Human) AQA
Business OCR
Chemistry AQA
Critical Thinking OCR
Economics AQA
English OCR
French OCR
Geography WJEC
German CCEA
History Edexcel
Irish CCEA
Latin OCR
Mathematics Pearson Edexcel
Physics CCEA
Psychology AQA
Religious Studies Edexcel
Spanish Edexcel
Welsh WJEC
Welsh Second Language WJEC
Appendix G – AVCE/ASVCE/AVCE Double Award Subject Availability
The following is a list of the Advanced Vocational Certificate of Education (AVCE) qualifications which were available for
first teaching from September 2000 (six- and 12-unit awards). First awarded in 2001 for the six-unit AVCE and in 2002 for
the 12-unit AVCE, AVCEs have been replaced by A levels and AS in applied subjects for first teaching from September 2005.
Final teaching of two-year AVCE qualifications began September 2004, and one-year AVCE qualifications began September
2005. Last resits for AVCE qualifications were held in January 2007.
Title ASVCE AVCE AVCE Double Award
Art & Design 8 4 4
Business 4 4 4
Construction & the Built Environment 8 4 4
Engineering 4 4 4
Health & Social Care 4 4 4
Hospitality & Catering 8 4 4
Information & Communication Technology 4 4 4
Leisure & Recreation 8 4 4
Manufacturing 8 4 4
Media: Communication & Production 8 4 4
Performing Arts 8 4 4
Retail & Distributive Services 8 4 8
Science 8 4 4
Travel & Tourism 8 4 4
Appendix H – Additional Admissions Tests
Appendix I – English language proficiency
In the case of a candidate whose mother tongue is CERTIFICATE IN ESOL SKILLS FOR LIFE
other than English, the following may be acceptable as Offered by Ascentis, Cambridge English, City and Guilds,
evidence of proficiency in English. See also the UK Visa Pearson Edexcel, Education Development International plc,
and Immigration website (www.gov.uk/government/ English Speaking Board, Learning Resource Network, NOCN
organisations/uk-visas-and-immigration) for information and Trinity College London. The levels are set to equivalent
on English language requirements for applicants who NQF levels.
require a visa.
For more information visit the individual awarding
g AcCEPT Proficiency is the Ascentis Anglia ESOL
International Proficiency level assessment designed for
non-native English speakers requiring English for higher City & Guilds International ESOL (IESOL) and International
education. It is managed by Ascentis and Anglia Spoken ESOL (ISESOL) qualifications are available
Examinations at six levels and have been mapped to levels of the
g For information on the mapping of the qualification to Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR).
the CEFR (Common European Framework of Reference), The qualifications are accepted by the UK Visas and
please see www.anglia.org/institutions/CEFR. Immigration (UKVI), part of the Home Office, as meeting
the minimum English language requirements for UK visa
BRITISH INSTITUTES CERTIFICATES applications, including tier 4 applications.
g British Institutes examinations test the following
competences in the English language: reading, free – Preliminary: CEFR A1
writing, listening, speaking and use of English at every – Access: CEFR A2
level set out in the CEFR – Achiever: CEFR B1
g Universities may accept the following certificates for – Communicator: CEFR B2
entry: – Expert: CEFR C1
ESOL B2 Vantage
– Mastery: CEFR C2
ESOL C1 Effective Proficiency
ESOL C2 Mastery.
c For more information visit www.cityandguildsenglish.com
For further information visit www.britishinstitutes.org. EDUCATION DEVELOPMENT INTERNATIONAL (EDI)
Cambridge English exams are accepted by almost all UK
g EDI Entry 1 Certificate in ESOL International
universities and colleges as proof of English language skills. (JETSET Level 2)
They are also accepted by the UK Border Agency for Tier
g EDI Entry 2 Certificate in ESOL International
4 student visas. They can be taken in over 2,800 centres in (JETSET Level 3)
over 130 countries. To find your nearest centre visit: g EDI Entry 3 Certificate in ESOL International
www.cambridgeenglish.org/centres. (JETSET Level 4)
g EDI Level 1 Certificate in ESOL International
Various tests are offered: (JETSET Level 5)
g Cambridge English: Advanced, commonly known as the g EDI Level 2 Certificate in ESOL International
Certificate in Advanced English – CAE (NQF Level 2) (JETSET Level 6)
(See UCAS Tariff) g EDI Level 3 Certificate in ESOL International
g Cambridge English: Proficiency, commonly known as (JETSET Level 7).
the Certificate of Proficiency in English – CPE (NQF
Level 3) (see UCAS Tariff) For more information visit www.ediplc.com
g Cambridge English: First, commonly known as the First
Certificate in English – FCE (NQF Level 1)
ESB Entry Level Certificate in EFL Entry 1 (ESOL)
Cambridge English: Business Certificates Higher,
Appendix I – English language proficiency
Appendix J – National Courses to support Curriculum for Excellence (CfE)
The new qualifications Nationals and Highers are being introduced in Scotland between 2013 and 2015. They replace the
Access, Standard Grade, Intermediate and Higher qualifications. Subjects available in the new Nationals 4 and 5 and Highers
are listed below.
Title National 4 National 5 Higher
Accounting Y Y
Administration and IT Y Y Y
Art and Design Y Y Y
Automotive Skills Y
Biology Y Y Y
Building Services Engineering Y
Business Y
Business Management Y Y
Cantonese Y Y Y
Care Y Y Y
Chemistry Y Y Y
Childcare and Development Y
Classical Studies Y Y Y
Computing Science Y Y Y
Construction Crafts Y Y
Creative Digital Media Y
Creative Industries Y
Cruinn-eolas (Geography) Y Y Y
Dance Y Y
Design and Manufacture Y Y Y
Drama Y Y Y
Eachdraidh (History) Y Y Y
Early Education and Childcare Y Y
Economics Y Y
Energy Y
Engineering Science Y Y Y
Engineering Skills Y Y
English Y Y Y
Environmental Science Y Y Y
Fashion and Textile Technology Y Y Y
Financial Services Y
Food and Drink Manufacturing Industry Y
French Y Y Y
Gaelic (Learners) Y Y Y
Gàidhlig Y Y Y
Geography Y Y Y
German Y Y Y
Graphic Communication Y Y Y
Hairdressing Y Y
Health and Food Technology Y Y Y
Health Sector Y Y
History Y Y Y
Hospitality Y Y
Hospitality: Practical Cake Craft Y
Hospitality: Practical Cookery Y Y
Human Biology Y
Italian Y Y Y
Laboratory Science Y
Latin Y Y Y
Lifeskills Mathematics Y Y
Mandarin (Simplified) Y Y Y
Mandarin (Traditional) Y Y Y
Maritime Skills Y
Matamataig (Mathematics) Y Y Y
Matamataig Fad-bheatha (Lifeskills Mathematics) Y Y
Mathematics Y Y Y
Media Y Y Y
Modern Studies Y Y Y
Music Y Y Y
Music Technology Y Y Y
Nuadh-Eolas (Modern Studies) Y Y Y
People and Society Y
Philosophy Y Y
Appendix J – National Courses to support Curriculum for Excellence (CfE)
Appendix K – National Courses available in Scotland until 2015
(Intermediate to Advanced Higher Level)
This is a list of National Courses available until 2015. The last examinations date for these courses will be 2015. For more
information on National Courses, see www.sqa.org.uk
Title Intermediate 1 Intermediate 2 Higher Advanced Higher
Accounting 4 4 4 4
Administration 4 4 4 8
Applied Mathematics: Mechanics 8 8 8 4
Applied Mathematics: Statistics 8 8 8 4
Applied Practical Electronics 4 8 8 8
Architectural Technology 8 8 4 8
Art and Design 4 4 4 8
Art and Design: Design 8 8 8 4
Art and Design: Expressive 8 8 8 4
Beauty 8 8 4 8
Biology 4 4 4 4
Biology (Revised) 8 8 4 4
Biotechnology 8 4 4 8
Building Construction 8 8 4 8
Business Management 4 4 4 4
Cantonese 4 4 4 4
Care 4 4 4 8
Care Issues for Society: Child Care 8 4 8 8
Care Issues for Society: Older People 8 4 8 8
Care Practice 8 8 4 8
Chemistry 4 4 4 4
Chemistry (Revised) 8 8 4 4
Classical Greek 4 4 4 4
Classical Studies 4 4 4 4
Computing 8 4 4 4
Computing Studies 4 8 8 8
Creative Cake Production 8 4 8 8
Dance Practice 8 8 4 8
Drama 4 4 4 4
Early Education and Childcare 8 8 4 8
Economics 8 4 4 4
Electrical Installations Fundamentals 8 4 8 8
Electronic and Electrical Fundamentals 8 4 8 8
Engineering Craft Skills 4 4 8 8
English 4 4 4 4
English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) 8 4 4 8
Fabrication and Welding Engineering 8 8 4 8
French 4 4 4 4
Gaelic (Learners) 4 4 4 4
Gàidhlig 4 4 4 4
Geography 4 4 4 4
Geology 4 4 4 8
German 4 4 4 4
Graphic Communication 4 4 4 4
Health and Safety in Care Settings 8 4 8 8
Health and Social Care 8 8 4 8
History 4 4 4 4
Home Economics – Fashion and Textile Technology 4 4 4 8
Home Economics – Health and Food Technology 4 4 4 4
Home Economics – Lifestyle and Consumer Technology 4 4 4 8
Hospitality – General Operations 8 4 8 8
Hospitality – Practical Cookery 4 4 8 8
Hospitality – Professional Cookery 8 4 4 8
Human Biology 8 8 4 8
Human Biology (Revised) 8 8 4 8
Information Systems 8 4 4 4
Italian 4 4 4 4
Latin 4 4 4 4
Managing Environmental Resources 4 4 4 8
Mandarin (simplified) 4 4 4 4
Mandarin (traditional) 4 4 4 4
Mathematics: Maths 1, 2 and 3 4 4 4 4
Mathematics: Maths 1, 2 and Applications 4 4 8 8
Appendix K – National Courses available in Scotland until 2015 (Intermediate to Advanced Higher Level)
Appendix L – National Qualification Group Awards (Scotland)
National Qualification Group Awards (NQGA) is the term which encompasses National Certificates (NCs) and National
Progression Awards (NPAs).
Appendix L – National Qualification Group Awards (Scotland)
Appendix L – National Qualification Group Awards (Scotland)
Appendix L – National Qualification Group Awards (Scotland)
Appendix L – National Qualification Group Awards (Scotland)
Appendix L – National Qualification Group Awards (Scotland)
Qualifications currently offered
Qualifications currently offered
Qualifications currently offered
Qualifications currently offered
Qualifications currently offered
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